"ALLOWED_FILE_TYPE": "Only following files are allowed : ",
"AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED": "您没有被授权使用文件管理器。",
"DIRECTORY_NOT_EXIST": "目录%s不存在。",
"DISALLOWED_FILE_TYPE": "Following files are not allowed : ",
"ERROR_CREATING_ZIP": "Error creating Zip archive",
"ERROR_OPENING_FILE": "Error opening file.",
"ERROR_RENAMING_DIRECTORY": "发生错误当重新命名的目录%s到%s。",
"ERROR_RENAMING_FILE": "发生错误当重新命名的文件%s到%s。",
"ERROR_REPLACING_FILE": "Please, provide a file having the following extension :",
"ERROR_SAVING_FILE": "Error saving file.",
"ERROR_UPLOADING_FILE": "Error uploading file.",
"ERROR_WRITING_PERM": "You don't have write permissions on that file.",
"FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS": "The file '%s' already exists.",
"FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "文件%s不存在。",
"INVALID_ACTION": "无效的action.",
"INVALID_FILE_TYPE": "File type is not allowed.",
"INVALID_FILE_UPLOAD": "无效的文件上传。",
"INVALID_VAR": "无效变量 %s.",
"MODE_ERROR": "模式错误.",
"NOT_ALLOWED": "You are not allowed to process this action",
"NOT_ALLOWED_SYSTEM": "System permissions do not allow you to perform this action",
"UPLOAD_IMAGES_ONLY": "请上传只有图像,不支持其他文件。",
"browse": "Browse...",
"bytes": " bytes",
"cancel": "取消",
"close": "Close",
"confirmation_delete": "你确定要删除这个文件吗?",
"copied": "URL copied !",
"copy_to_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"could_not_retrieve_folder": "无法取得文件夹的内容。",
"create_folder": "创建文件夹",
"created": "创建",
"current_folder": "当前文件夹: ",
"default_foldername": "我的文件夹",
"del": "删除",
"dimensions": "尺寸",
"download": "下载",
"dz_dictDefaultMessage": "Drop files here to upload",
"dz_dictFallbackMessage": "Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.",
"dz_dictInvalidFileType": "You can't upload files of this type.",
"dz_dictMaxFilesExceeded": "Only %s simultaneous uploads are allowed.",
"edit": "Edit file",
"fck_select_integration": "'选择'功能只用于集成FCKeditor的。",
"file_size_limit": "The file size limit is : ",
"file_too_big": "The file is too big.",
"gb": "gb",
"gotoroot": "根文件夹",
"grid_view": "切换到网格视图.",
"help_move": "The use of '../' is forbidden. You can access root folder by using '/'.",
"items": "items",
"kb": "kb",
"list_view": "切换到列表视图.",
"loading_data": "Transferring data ...",
"mb": "mb",
"modified": "修改",
"move": "Move to ...",
"name": "名称",
"new_filename": "输入一个文件的新名称",
"new_folder": "新建文件夹",
"no": "否",
"no_foldername": "没有提供文件夹的名称。",
"parentfolder": "父文件夹",
"prompt_foldername": "请输入新文件夹的名称",
"quit_editor": "Quit editor",
"rename": "重命名",
"replace": "Replace file",
"save": "Save",
"search": "Search",
"search_reset": "Reset",
"select": "选择",
"select_from_left": "从左侧选择一个条目。",
"size": "大小",
"successful_added_file": "新文件添加成功。",
"successful_added_folder": "新建文件夹添加成功。",
"successful_delete": "删除成功。",
"successful_edit": "Content update successful.",
"successful_moved": "Move successful.",
"successful_rename": "重命名成功。",
"successful_replace": "File replacement successful.",
"support_fm": "Filemanager is a free software, please support !",
"upload": "上传",
"version": "version",
"yes": "是",
"resize": "调整",
"width": "宽度",
"height": "高度"