* This file implements the XML-RPC handler, to be called by remote clients.
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package xmlsrv
// use xmlrpc_debugmsg() to add debug messages to responses or logIO() to
// log them to a local file (preferred).
* Initialize everything:
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
die('XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.');
// Disable Cookies
$_COOKIE = array();
// Initialize config:
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php';
* @global boolean Is this an API request?
$is_api_request = true;
// Initialize main functions:
require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php';
if( CANUSEXMLRPC !== TRUE || ! $Settings->get('general_xmlrpc') )
{ // We cannot use XML-RPC: send an error response ( "17 Internal server error" ).
$errMessage = CANUSEXMLRPC !== TRUE
? ( 'Cannot use XML-RPC. Probably the server is missing the XML extension. Error: '.CANUSEXMLRPC )
: 'XML-RPC services are disabled on this system.';
$errResponse = new xmlrpcresp( 0, 17, $errMessage );
die( $errResponse->serialize() );
// We can't display standard error messages. We must return XMLRPC responses.
$DB->halt_on_error = false;
$DB->show_errors = false;
$post_default_title = ''; // posts submitted via the xmlrpc interface get that title
* Array defining the available Remote Procedure Calls:
$xmlrpc_procs = array();
// Load APIs:
include_once $inc_path.'xmlrpc/apis/_blogger.api.php';
include_once $inc_path.'xmlrpc/apis/_b2.api.php';
include_once $inc_path.'xmlrpc/apis/_metaweblog.api.php';
include_once $inc_path.'xmlrpc/apis/_mt.api.php';
include_once $inc_path.'xmlrpc/apis/_wordpress.api.php';
include_once $inc_path.'xmlrpc/apis/_antispam.api.php';
// fp> xmlrpc.php should actually only load the function/api/plugin to execute once it has been identified
// fp> maybe it would make sense to register xmlrpc apis/functions in a DB table (before making plugins)
// fp> it would probably make sense to have *all* xmlrpc methods implemented as plugins (maybe 1 plugin per API; it should be possible to add a single func to an API with an additional plugin)
load_funcs('xmlrpc/model/_xmlrpcs.funcs.php'); // This will add generic remote calls
// Set up the XML-RPC server:
$s = new xmlrpc_server( $xmlrpc_procs, false );
// Use the request encoding for the response:
$s->response_charset_encoding = 'auto';