DataLife Engine - by SoftNews Media Group
Copyright (c) 2004-2021 SoftNews Media Group
This code is protected by copyright
File: upload.class.php
Use: upload files on server
if( !defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
header ( 'Location: ../../' );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
class UploadFileViaFTP {
private $path_file = "";
private $file_name = "";
public $error_code = false;
public $force_replace = false;
function saveFile($path, $filename, $prefix=true, $force_prefix = false) {
if( !@file_exists( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/files/" . $this->path_file . $filename ) ){
return false;
return $this->path_file . $filename;
function getFileName() {
global $config;
$ftpurl = trim( htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( $_POST['ftpurl'] ), ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset'] ) );
$ftpurl = str_replace(chr(0), '', $ftpurl);
$ftpurl = str_replace( "\\", "/", $ftpurl );
$url = @parse_url ( $ftpurl );
$file_path = @dirname ($this->clear_url_dir($url['path']));
$file_name = @pathinfo($url['path']);
$this->file_name = $file_name['basename'];
if ($file_path AND $file_path != ".") $this->path_file = $file_path."/";
return $this->file_name;
function clear_url_dir($var) {
if ( is_array($var) ) return "";
$var = str_replace(chr(0), '', $var);
$var = str_ireplace( ".php", "", $var );
$var = str_ireplace( ".php", ".ppp", $var );
$var = str_ireplace( ".phtm", ".pppp", $var );
$var = trim( strip_tags( $var ) );
$var = str_replace( "\\", "/", $var );
$var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9\/\_\-]+/mi", "", $var );
$var = preg_replace( '#[\/]+#i', '/', $var );
return $var;
function getFileSize() {
return @filesize( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/files/" . $this->path_file . $this->file_name );
function getErrorCode() {
return false;
function getImage() {
return ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/files/" . $this->path_file . $this->file_name;
class UploadFileViaURL {
private $from = "";
public $error_code = false;
public $force_replace = false;
function saveFile($path, $filename, $auto_prefix = true, $force_prefix = false) {
$file_prefix = "";
if ( ($auto_prefix AND DLEFiles::FileExists( $path.$filename ) ) OR $force_prefix ) {
$file_prefix = time()."_";
$filename = totranslit( $file_prefix.$filename );
if( !DLEFiles::$error ) {
$stream = @fopen( $this->from , 'r');
if (is_resource($stream)) {
DLEFiles::WriteStream( $path.$filename, $stream);
} else {
DLEFiles::$error = 'PHP Error: Unable to open the stream with uploaded file';
return false;
if (is_resource($stream)) {
if( DLEFiles::$error ) return false;
} else return false;
return $filename;
function getFileName() {
global $config;
$imageurl = trim( strip_tags( $_POST['imageurl'] ) );
$imageurl = str_replace(chr(0), '', $imageurl);
$imageurl = str_replace( "\\", "/", $imageurl );
$url = @parse_url ( $imageurl );
if (!array_key_exists('host', $url)) {
return '';
if($url['scheme'] != 'http' AND $url['scheme'] != 'https') {
return '';
if($url['host'] == 'localhost' OR $url['host'] == '') {
return '';
if( stripos ( $url['host'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) !== false ) {
return '';
if( stripos( $imageurl, ".php" ) !== false ) return '';
if( stripos( $imageurl, ".phtm" ) !== false ) return '';
$this->from = $imageurl;
$imageurl = explode( "/", $imageurl );
$imageurl = end( $imageurl );
return $imageurl;
function getFileSize() {
$url = @parse_url( $this->from );
if ( $url ) {
if($url['scheme'] == "https" ) $port = 443; else $port = 80;
$fp = @fsockopen( $url['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if ($fp) {
fputs($fp,"HEAD {$url['path']} HTTP/1.0\nHOST: {$url['host']}\n\n");
while(!feof($fp)) $x.=fgets($fp,128);
if ( preg_match("#Content-Length: ([0-9]+)#i",$x,$size) ) {
return intval($size[1]);
} else {
return strlen(@file_get_contents($this->from));
return 0;
function getImage() {
return $this->from;
function getErrorCode() {
return false;
class UploadFileViaForm {
public $error_code = false;
public $force_replace = false;
function saveFile($path, $filename, $auto_prefix = true, $force_prefix = false) {
$file_prefix = "";
if ( ($auto_prefix AND DLEFiles::FileExists( $path.$filename ) ) OR $force_prefix ) {
$file_prefix = time()."_";
$filename = totranslit( $file_prefix.$filename );
if( !DLEFiles::$error ) {
$stream = @fopen( $_FILES['qqfile']['tmp_name'] , 'r');
if (is_resource($stream)) {
DLEFiles::WriteStream( $path.$filename, $stream);
} else {
DLEFiles::$error = 'PHP Error: Unable to open the stream with uploaded file';
return false;
if (is_resource($stream)) {
if( DLEFiles::$error ) return false;
} else return false;
return $filename;
function getFileName() {
$path_parts = @pathinfo($_FILES['qqfile']['name']);
return $path_parts['basename'];
function getFileSize() {
return $_FILES['qqfile']['size'];
function getImage() {
return array( 'tmp_name' => $_FILES['qqfile']['tmp_name'], 'name' => $this->getFileName() );
function getErrorCode() {
$error_code = $_FILES['qqfile']['error'];
if ($error_code !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
switch ($error_code) {
$error_code = 'PHP Error: The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; break;
$error_code = 'PHP Error: The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; break;
$error_code = 'PHP Error: The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; break;
$error_code = 'PHP Error: No file was uploaded'; break;
$error_code = 'PHP Error: Missing a PHP temporary folder'; break;
$error_code = 'PHP Error: Failed to write file to disk'; break;
$error_code = 'PHP Error: File upload stopped by extension'; break;
$error_code = 'Unknown upload error'; break;
} else return false;
return $error_code;
class FileUploader {
private $allowed_extensions = array ("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "webp", "bmp");
private $allowed_video = array ("mp4", "mp3", "m4v", "m4a", "mov", "webm", "m3u8" );
private $allowed_files = array();
private $area = "";
private $author = "";
private $news_id = "";
private $t_size = "";
private $t_seite = 0;
private $make_thumb = true;
private $m_size = "";
private $m_seite = 0;
private $make_medium = false;
private $make_watermark = true;
private $upload_path = "posts/";
function __construct($area, $news_id, $author, $t_size, $t_seite, $make_thumb = true, $make_watermark = true, $m_size = 0, $m_seite = 0, $make_medium = false){
global $config, $db, $member_id, $user_group;
$this->area = totranslit($area);
if ( $this->area == "adminupload" ) {
if (!isset($_FILES['qqfile']) OR $member_id['user_group'] != 1) die( "Hacking attempt!" );
if( isset($_REQUEST['userdir']) AND $_REQUEST['userdir']) $userdir = cleanpath( $_REQUEST['userdir'] ). "/"; else $userdir = "";
if( isset($_REQUEST['subdir']) AND $_REQUEST['subdir']) $subdir = cleanpath( $_REQUEST['subdir'] ). "/"; else $subdir = "";
$this->upload_path = $userdir.$subdir;
} else {
$this->allowed_files = explode( ',', strtolower( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['files_type'] ) );
$this->author = $db->safesql( $author );
$this->news_id = intval($news_id);
$this->t_size = $t_size;
$this->t_seite = $t_seite;
$this->make_thumb = $make_thumb;
$this->m_size = $m_size;
$this->m_seite = $m_seite;
$this->make_medium = $make_medium;
$this->make_watermark = $make_watermark;
$ftp_upload_flag = false;
if (isset($_FILES['qqfile'])) {
$this->file = new UploadFileViaForm();
} elseif ( isset($_POST['imageurl']) AND $_POST['imageurl'] ) {
$this->file = new UploadFileViaURL();
} elseif ( $member_id['user_group'] == 1 AND isset($_POST['ftpurl']) AND $_POST['ftpurl'] ) {
$this->file = new UploadFileViaFTP();
$ftp_upload_flag = true;
} else {
$this->file = false;
if ($ftp_upload_flag OR $this->area == "adminupload" )
define( 'FOLDER_PREFIX', "" );
define( 'FOLDER_PREFIX', date( "Y-m" )."/" );
private function check_filename ( $filename ) {
$filename = (string)$filename;
if( !$filename ) return false;
$filename = str_replace(chr(0), '', $filename);
$filename = str_replace( "\\", "/", $filename );
$filename = preg_replace( '#[.]+#i', '.', $filename );
$filename = str_replace( "/", "", $filename );
$filename = str_ireplace( "php", "", $filename );
$filename_arr = explode( ".", $filename );
if(count($filename_arr) < 2) {
return false;
$type = totranslit( end( $filename_arr ) );
if(!$type) return false;
$curr_key = key( $filename_arr );
unset( $filename_arr[$curr_key] );
$filename = totranslit( implode( "_", $filename_arr ) );
if( !$filename ) {
$filename = time() + rand( 1, 100 );
$filename = $filename . "." . $type;
$filename = preg_replace( '#[.]+#i', '.', $filename );
if( stripos ( $filename, ".php" ) !== false ) return false;
if( stripos ( $filename, ".phtm" ) !== false ) return false;
if( stripos ( $filename, ".shtm" ) !== false ) return false;
if( stripos ( $filename, ".htaccess" ) !== false ) return false;
if( stripos ( $filename, ".cgi" ) !== false ) return false;
if( stripos ( $filename, ".htm" ) !== false ) return false;
if( stripos ( $filename, ".ini" ) !== false ) return false;
if( stripos ( $filename, "." ) === 0 ) return false;
if( stripos ( $filename, "." ) === false ) return false;
if( strlen( $filename ) > 200 ) {
return false;
return $filename;
private function msg_error($message, $code = 500) {
return json_encode(array('error' => $message ), JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES );
function FileUpload(){
global $config, $db, $lang, $member_id, $user_group;
$_IP = get_ip();
$added_time = time();
$xfvalue = "";
$driver = intval($config['file_driver']);
if (substr ( $config['remote_url'], - 1, 1 ) != '/') $config['remote_url'] .= '/';
if( $driver AND stripos($config['remote_url'], "https://" ) !== 0 AND stripos($config['remote_url'], "http://" ) !== 0 AND stripos($config['remote_url'], "//" ) !== 0 ) {
return $this->msg_error( $lang['upload_error_8'] );
if (!$this->file){
return $this->msg_error( $lang['upload_error_3'] );
$filename = $this->check_filename( $this->file->getFileName() );
if (!$filename){
return $this->msg_error( $lang['upload_error_4'] );
$filename_arr = explode( ".", $filename );
$type = end( $filename_arr );
if (!$type){
return $this->msg_error( $lang['upload_error_4'] );
$error_code = $this->file->getErrorCode();
if ( $error_code ){
return $this->msg_error( $error_code );
$size = $this->file->getFileSize();
if (!$size) {
return $this->msg_error( $lang['upload_error_5'] );
if( $config['files_allow'] AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_file_upload'] AND in_array($type, $this->allowed_files ) ) {
if( intval( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['max_file_size'] ) AND $size > ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['max_file_size'] * 1024) ) {
return $this->msg_error( $lang['files_too_big'] );
if( $this->area != "template" AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['max_files'] ) {
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_files WHERE author = '{$this->author}' AND news_id = '{$this->news_id}'" );
$count_files = $row['count'];
if ($count_files AND $count_files >= $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['max_files'] ) return $this->msg_error( $lang['error_max_files'] );
$this->upload_path = "files/";
if ( !$config['files_remote'] ) $driver = 0;
DLEFiles::init( $driver, $config['local_on_fail'] );
$uploaded_filename = $this->file->saveFile($this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX, $filename, false, true);
if ( DLEFiles::$error ){
return $this->msg_error( DLEFiles::$error );
if ( !$uploaded_filename ){
return $this->msg_error( $lang['images_uperr_3'] );
$added_time = time();
$size = DLEFiles::Size( $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename );
if ( $driver AND !DLEFiles::$remote_error ) {
$http_url = $config['remote_url'];
$md5 = md5( $size );
} else {
$http_url = $config['http_home_url'] . "uploads/";
$md5 = md5_file( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/files/" . FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename );
$driver = 0;
if ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_admin']) $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_admin_logs (name, date, ip, action, extras) values ('".$db->safesql($member_id['name'])."', '{$added_time}', '{$_IP}', '36', '{$uploaded_filename}')" );
if( in_array( $type, $this->allowed_video ) ) {
if( $type == "mp3" ) {
$file_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "engine/skins/images/mp3_file.png";
$file_play = "audio";
} else {
$file_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "engine/skins/images/video_file.png";
$file_play = "video";
$data_url = $http_url . "files/" . FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename;
} else { $file_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "engine/skins/images/all_file.png"; $data_url = "#"; $file_play = ""; };
if( $this->area == "template" ) {
$db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_static_files (static_id, author, date, name, onserver, size, checksum, driver) values ('{$this->news_id}', '{$this->author}', '{$added_time}', '{$filename}', '". FOLDER_PREFIX ."{$uploaded_filename}', '{$size}', '{$md5}', '{$driver}')" );
$id = $db->insert_id();
$del_name = 'static_files';
} else {
$db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_files (news_id, name, onserver, author, date, size, checksum, driver) values ('{$this->news_id}', '{$filename}', '". FOLDER_PREFIX ."{$uploaded_filename}', '{$this->author}', '{$added_time}', '{$size}', '{$md5}', '{$driver}')" );
$id = $db->insert_id();
$del_name = "files";
$size = formatsize($size);
$return_box = <<<HTML
<div class="file-preview-card" data-type="file" data-area="{$del_name}" data-deleteid="{$id}" data-url="{$data_url}" data-path="{$id}:{$filename}" data-play="{$file_play}">
<div class="active-ribbon"><span><i class="mediaupload-icon mediaupload-icon-ok"></i></span></div>
<div class="file-content">
<img src="{$file_link}" class="file-preview-image">
<div class="file-footer">
<div class="file-footer-caption">
<div class="file-caption-info">{$filename}</div>
<div class="file-size-info">({$size})</div>
<div class="file-footer-bottom">
<div class="file-delete"><a class="file-delete-link" href="#"><i class="mediaupload-icon mediaupload-icon-trash"></i></a></div>
if( $this->area == "xfieldsfile" ) {
$return_box = " <button class=\"qq-upload-button btn btn-sm bg-danger btn-raised\" onclick=\"xffiledelete('".$_REQUEST['xfname']."','".$id."');return false;\">{$lang['xfield_xfid']}</button>";
$xfvalue = "[attachment={$id}:{$filename}]";
} elseif ( in_array( $type, $this->allowed_extensions ) AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_image_upload'] ) {
$tinypng_error = false;
$min_size_upload = true;
if( $this->area == "comments" AND !$config['comments_remote'] ) $driver = 0;
elseif ( $this->area == "template" AND !$config['static_remote'] ) $driver = 0;
elseif ( $this->area == "adminupload" AND isset($_REQUEST['local_driver']) AND $_REQUEST['local_driver']) $driver = 0;
elseif ( !$config['image_remote'] ) $driver = 0;
DLEFiles::init( $driver, $config['local_on_fail'] );
if( intval( $config['max_up_size'] ) AND $size > ($config['max_up_size'] * 1024) ) {
return $this->msg_error( $lang['images_big'] );
if( $this->area != "template" AND $this->area != "adminupload" AND $this->area != "comments" AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['max_images'] ) {
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT images FROM " . PREFIX . "_images WHERE author = '{$this->author}' AND news_id = '{$this->news_id}'" );
if ($row['images']) $count_images = count(explode( "|||", $row['images'] )); else $count_images = false;
if( $count_images AND $count_images >= $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['max_images'] ) return $this->msg_error( $lang['error_max_images'] );
if( $this->area == "comments" AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['up_count_image'] ) {
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments_files WHERE c_id = '{$this->news_id}' AND author = '{$this->author}'" );
if( $row['count'] >= $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['up_count_image'] ) return $this->msg_error( $lang['error_max_images'] );
if( $this->area == "adminupload" AND DLEFiles::FileExists( $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . $filename ) ) {
return $this->msg_error( $lang['images_uperr_4'] );
if( $this->area == "adminupload" ){
$min_size_upload = false;
$image = new thumbnail( $this->file->getImage(), true, $min_size_upload );
if ( $image->error ){
return $this->msg_error( $image->error );
if( $config['max_up_side'] ) $image->size_auto( $config['max_up_side'], $config['o_seite'] );
if( $this->make_watermark ) $image->insert_watermark( $config['max_watermark'] );
if( $member_id['user_group'] != 1 OR $image->re_save ) {
$uploaded_filename = $image->save($this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . $filename, true );
} else {
$uploaded_filename = $this->file->saveFile($this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX, $filename, true);
if ( $image->error ){
return $this->msg_error( $image->error );
if ( DLEFiles::$error ){
return $this->msg_error( DLEFiles::$error );
if ( !$uploaded_filename ){
return $this->msg_error( $lang['images_uperr_3'] );
$dimension = $image->width."x".$image->height;
$size = formatsize( DLEFiles::Size( $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename ) );
$thumb_data = 0;
$added_time = time();
if( $this->make_thumb ) {
if( $image->size_auto( $this->t_size, $this->t_seite ) ) {
if( $this->make_watermark ) $image->insert_watermark( $config['max_watermark'] );
$image->save( $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . "thumbs/" . $uploaded_filename, false );
$thumb_data = 1;
if ( $image->error ){
return $this->msg_error( $image->error );
$medium_data = 0;
if( $this->make_medium ) {
if( $image->size_auto( $this->m_size, $this->m_seite ) ) {
if( $this->make_watermark ) $image->insert_watermark( $config['max_watermark'] );
$image->save( $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . "medium/" . $uploaded_filename, false );
$medium_data = 1;
if ( $image->error ){
return $this->msg_error( $image->error );
if( $image->tinypng_error ) $tinypng_error = $image->tinypng_error;
if ( $driver AND !DLEFiles::$remote_error ) {
$http_url = $config['remote_url'];
$insert_image = $http_url . $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename;
} else {
$http_url = $config['http_home_url'] . "uploads/";
$insert_image = FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename;
$driver = 0;
$insert_image .= "|{$thumb_data}|{$medium_data}|{$dimension}|{$size}";
if( $this->area != "template" AND $this->area != "adminupload" AND $this->area != "comments") {
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_images WHERE news_id = '{$this->news_id}' AND author = '{$this->author}'" );
if( !$row['count'] ) {
$db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_images (images, author, news_id, date) values ('{$insert_image}', '{$this->author}', '{$this->news_id}', '{$added_time}')" );
} else {
$update_images = true;
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT images FROM " . PREFIX . "_images WHERE news_id = '{$this->news_id}' AND author = '{$this->author}'" );
$listimages = array ();
$update_images = true;
if( $row['images'] ) {
$listimages = explode( "|||", $row['images'] );
foreach ( $listimages as $file_image ) {
$file_image = get_uploaded_image_info( $file_image );
if( $file_image->path == FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename ) $update_images = false;
if( $update_images ) {
$listimages[] = $insert_image;
$listimages = implode( "|||", $listimages );
$db->query( "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_images SET images='{$listimages}' WHERE news_id = '{$this->news_id}' AND author = '{$this->author}'" );
if( $this->area == "template" ) {
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT id FROM " . PREFIX . "_static_files WHERE static_id = '{$this->news_id}' AND name LIKE '%" .FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename . "%'" );
if( isset($row['id']) AND $row['id']) {
$id = $row['id'];
} else {
$db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_static_files (static_id, author, date, name, driver) values ('{$this->news_id}', '{$this->author}', '{$added_time}', '{$insert_image}', '{$driver}')" );
$id = $db->insert_id();
if( $this->area == "comments" ) {
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT id FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments_files WHERE c_id = '{$this->news_id}' AND name LIKE '%" .FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename . "%'" );
if( isset($row['id']) AND $row['id']) {
$id = $row['id'];
} else {
$db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_comments_files (c_id, author, date, name, driver) values ('{$this->news_id}', '{$this->author}', '{$added_time}', '{$insert_image}', '{$driver}')" );
$id = $db->insert_id();
if ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_admin']) $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . USERPREFIX . "_admin_logs (name, date, ip, action, extras) values ('".$db->safesql($member_id['name'])."', '{$added_time}', '{$_IP}', '36', '{$uploaded_filename}')" );
$img_url = $data_url = $link = $flink = $http_url . $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename;
$image_path = FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename;
if( $medium_data ) {
$img_url = $http_url . $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . "medium/" . $uploaded_filename;
$medium_data = "yes";
$tm_url = $img_url;
} else $medium_data = "no";
if( $thumb_data ) {
$img_url = $http_url . $this->upload_path . FOLDER_PREFIX . "thumbs/" . $uploaded_filename;
$thumb_data = "yes";
$th_url = $img_url;
} else $thumb_data = "no";
if($medium_data == "yes" ) $link = $tm_url;
elseif( $thumb_data == "yes" ) $link = $th_url;
else $flink = false;
if( $this->area == "comments" OR $this->area == "template") {
if( $this->area == "comments" ) {
$del_name = 'comments_files';
} else $del_name = 'static_files';
$return_box = <<<HTML
<div class="file-preview-card" data-type="image" data-area="{$del_name}" data-deleteid="{$id}" data-url="{$data_url}" data-path="{$image_path}" data-thumb="{$thumb_data}" data-medium="{$medium_data}">
<div class="active-ribbon"><span><i class="mediaupload-icon mediaupload-icon-ok"></i></span></div>
<div class="file-content">
<img src="{$img_url}" class="file-preview-image">
<div class="file-footer">
<div class="file-footer-caption">
<div class="file-caption-info">{$filename}</div>
<div class="file-size-info">{$dimension} ({$size})</div>
<div class="file-footer-bottom">
<div class="file-preview"><a onclick="return hs.expand(this); return false;" href="{$data_url}"><i class="mediaupload-icon mediaupload-icon-zoom"></i></a></div>
<div class="file-delete"><a class="file-delete-link" href="#"><i class="mediaupload-icon mediaupload-icon-trash"></i></a></div>
} elseif( $this->area == "xfieldsimage" OR $this->area == "xfieldsimagegalery" ) {
$xfvalue = $insert_image;
$xf_id = md5($xfvalue);
if( $this->area == "xfieldsimage" ) {
$del_name = "xfimagedelete('".$_REQUEST['xfname']."','".FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename."');return false;";
} else $del_name = "xfimagegalerydelete_".md5($_REQUEST['xfname'])."('".$_REQUEST['xfname']."','".FOLDER_PREFIX . $uploaded_filename."', '".$xf_id."');return false;";
$return_box = "<div id=\"xf_{$xf_id}\" data-id=\"{$xfvalue}\" data-alt=\"\" class=\"uploadedfile\"><div class=\"info\">{$filename}</div><div class=\"uploadimage\"><img style=\"width:auto;height:auto;max-width:100px;max-height:90px;\" src=\"" . $img_url . "\" /></div><div class=\"info\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"xfaddalt('".$xf_id."', '".$_REQUEST['xfname']."');return false;\">{$lang['xf_img_descr']}</a><br><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"{$del_name}\">{$lang['xfield_xfid']}</a></div></div>";
} else {
$return_box = <<<HTML
<div class="file-preview-card" data-type="image" data-area="images" data-deleteid="{$image_path}" data-url="{$data_url}" data-path="{$image_pathh}" data-thumb="{$thumb_data}" data-medium="{$medium_data}">
<div class="active-ribbon"><span><i class="mediaupload-icon mediaupload-icon-ok"></i></span></div>
<div class="file-content">
<img src="{$img_url}" class="file-preview-image">
<div class="file-footer">
<div class="file-footer-caption">
<div class="file-caption-info">{$filename}</div>
<div class="file-size-info">{$dimension} ({$size})</div>
<div class="file-footer-bottom">
<div class="file-preview"><a onclick="return hs.expand(this); return false;" href="{$data_url}"><i class="mediaupload-icon mediaupload-icon-zoom"></i></a></div>
<div class="file-delete"><a class="file-delete-link" href="#"><i class="mediaupload-icon mediaupload-icon-trash"></i></a></div>
} else return $this->msg_error( $lang['images_uperr_2'] );
$return_array = array (
'success' => true,
'returnbox' => $return_box,
'uploaded_filename' => $uploaded_filename,
'xfvalue' => $xfvalue,
'link' => $link,
'flink' => $flink,
'remote_error' => DLEFiles::$remote_error,
'tinypng_error' => $tinypng_error
return json_encode($return_array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES );