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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/XF/Install/_templates/upgrade_start.php
('XF\Install\App', false) || die('Invalid');

$templater->setTitle('Upgrade system');

<?php if ($errors) { ?>
   <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--error">
        The following errors occurred while verifying that your server can run XenForo:
            <?php foreach ($errors AS $error) { ?>
               <li><?php echo $error; ?></li>
            <?php } ?>
        Please correct these errors and try again.
<?php } else { ?>
   <?php if ($fileErrors) { ?>
       <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--error">
            There are at least <?php echo count($fileErrors); ?> file(s) that do not appear to have the expected contents.
            Reupload the XenForo files and refresh this page.
            Only continue if you are sure all files have been uploaded properly.
    <?php } else if (!$hasHashes) { ?>
       <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--error">
            One or more files appears to be missing. Please reupload the XenForo files and refresh this page.
            Only continue if you are sure all files have been uploaded properly.
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ($warnings) { ?>
       <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--warning">
            The following warnings were detected when verifying that your server can run XenForo:
                <?php foreach ($warnings AS $warning) { ?>
                   <li><?php echo $warning; ?></li>
                <?php } ?>
            These will not prevent you from using XenForo, but they should be resolved if possible to ensure optimal functioning.
            However, you may still continue with the upgrade.
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ($addOnConflicts) { ?>
       <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--warning">
            Known conflicts with the following third-party add-ons have been detected:
                <?php foreach ($addOnConflicts AS $conflict) { ?>
                   <li><?php echo $conflict; ?></li>
                <?php } ?>
            Conflicts will be resolved during the upgrade process by renaming affected database tables and columns.
            If you do not intend to use the add-ons after upgrading, you may prefer to restore the XenForo files from
            your previous version and uninstall the conflicting add-ons. The add-on authors may have more specific
            recommendations for resolving these conflicts.
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (!$needsConfigMigration && $isSignificantUpgrade) { ?>
       <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--important">
            <?php if ($currentVersion < 2000010) { ?>
               Upgrading to <?php echo \XF::$version ?> is a significant upgrade. No add-ons and customizations made for XenForo 1.x
                will be compatible. New versions of add-ons will need to be installed if available. Style customizations
                will need to be redone. Any previous template customizations will not be maintained after the upgrade.<br />
                <br />
                We strongly recommend you <strong>make a backup</strong> before continuing. This
                backup must include both the database and all XenForo-related files. Once you upgrade, the only way to
                revert to the previous version will be to restore a backup.
            <?php } else { ?>
               Upgrading to <?php echo \XF::$version ?> is a significant upgrade. Existing add-ons and customizations may no longer be compatible
                with the new version. We strongly recommend you <strong>make a backup</strong> before continuing. This
                backup must include both the database and all XenForo-related files. Once you upgrade, the only way to
                revert to the previous version will be to restore a backup.<br />
                <br />
                After upgrading, it is important that you check for updated versions of add-ons, styles, or other customizations as they may
                not longer be compatible. Incompatible add-ons and customizations may cause errors or break core features!
            <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (!$needsConfigMigration && $isCliRecommended) { ?>
       <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--important">
            Your XenForo installation is large. You may wish to upgrade via the command line.
            Simply run this command from within the root XenForo directory and follow the on-screen instructions:
            <pre style="margin: 1em 2em">php cmd.php xf:upgrade</pre>
            You can continue with the browser-based upgrade, but large queries may cause browser timeouts
            that will force you to reload the page.
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ($needsConfigMigration) { ?>
       <form action="index.php?upgrade/migrate-config" method="post" class="block">
            <div class="block-container">
                <div class="block-body block-row">
                    We have detected a XenForo 1.x configuration file and before we can upgrade, this must be migrated.
                    Please click the button below to begin this process.
                <div class="block-footer">
                    <button accesskey="s" class="button button--primary button--icon button--icon--save">Migrate config</button>
            <?php echo $templater->fnCsrfInput($templater, $null); ?>
    <?php } else { ?>
       <form action="index.php?upgrade/run" method="post" class="block">
            <div class="block-container">
                <div class="block-body block-row">
                    Click the button below to begin the upgrade to <b><?php echo \XF::$version; ?></b>.
                <div class="block-footer">
                    <button accesskey="s" class="button button--primary">Begin upgrade</button>
            <?php echo $templater->fnCsrfInput($templater, $null); ?>
    <?php } ?>
} ?>