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 * Defines the root directory of the Drupal installation.
define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());

 * @file
 * Administrative page for handling updates from one Drupal version to another.
 * Point your browser to "" and follow the
 * instructions.
 * If you are not logged in using either the site maintenance account or an
 * account with the "Administer software updates" permission, you will need to
 * modify the access check statement inside your settings.php file. After
 * finishing the upgrade, be sure to open settings.php again, and change it
 * back to its original state!

 * Global flag indicating that update.php is being run.
 * When this flag is set, various operations do not take place, such as invoking
 * hook_init() and hook_exit(), css/js preprocessing, and translation.
define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'update');

 * Renders a form with a list of available database updates.
function update_selection_page() {
drupal_set_title('Drupal database update');
$elements = drupal_get_form('update_script_selection_form');
$output = drupal_render($elements);



 * Form constructor for the list of available database module updates.
function update_script_selection_form($form, &$form_state) {
$count = 0;
$incompatible_count = 0;
$form['start'] = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
'#collapsible' => TRUE,

// Ensure system.module's updates appear first.
$form['start']['system'] = array();

$updates = update_get_update_list();
$starting_updates = array();
$incompatible_updates_exist = FALSE;
  foreach (
$updates as $module => $update) {
    if (!isset(
$update['start'])) {
$form['start'][$module] = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => $module . ' module',
'#markup'  => $update['warning'],
'#prefix' => '<div class="messages warning">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
$incompatible_updates_exist = TRUE;
    if (!empty(
$update['pending'])) {
$starting_updates[$module] = $update['start'];
$form['start'][$module] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => $update['start'],
$form['start'][$module . '_updates'] = array(
'#theme' => 'item_list',
'#items' => $update['pending'],
'#title' => $module . ' module',
    if (isset(
$update['pending'])) {
$count = $count + count($update['pending']);

// Find and label any incompatible updates.
foreach (update_resolve_dependencies($starting_updates) as $function => $data) {
    if (!
$data['allowed']) {
$incompatible_updates_exist = TRUE;
$module_update_key = $data['module'] . '_updates';
      if (isset(
$form['start'][$module_update_key]['#items'][$data['number']])) {
$text = $data['missing_dependencies'] ? 'This update will been skipped due to the following missing dependencies: <em>' . implode(', ', $data['missing_dependencies']) . '</em>' : "This update will be skipped due to an error in the module's code.";
$form['start'][$module_update_key]['#items'][$data['number']] .= '<div class="warning">' . $text . '</div>';
// Move the module containing this update to the top of the list.
$form['start'] = array($module_update_key => $form['start'][$module_update_key]) + $form['start'];

// Warn the user if any updates were incompatible.
if ($incompatible_updates_exist) {
drupal_set_message('Some of the pending updates cannot be applied because their dependencies were not met.', 'warning');

  if (empty(
$count)) {
drupal_set_message(t('No pending updates.'));
$form['links'] = array(
'#markup' => theme('item_list', array('items' => update_helpful_links())),

// No updates to run, so caches won't get flushed later.  Clear them now.
  else {
$form['help'] = array(
'#markup' => '<p>The version of Drupal you are updating from has been automatically detected.</p>',
'#weight' => -5,
    if (
$incompatible_count) {
$form['start']['#title'] = format_plural(
'1 pending update (@number_applied to be applied, @number_incompatible skipped)',
'@count pending updates (@number_applied to be applied, @number_incompatible skipped)',
'@number_applied' => $count - $incompatible_count, '@number_incompatible' => $incompatible_count)
    else {
$form['start']['#title'] = format_plural($count, '1 pending update', '@count pending updates');
$form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
$form['actions']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'Apply pending updates',

 * Provides links to the homepage and administration pages.
function update_helpful_links() {
$links[] = '<a href="' . base_path() . '">Front page</a>';
  if (
user_access('access administration pages')) {
$links[] = '<a href="' . base_path() . '?q=admin">Administration pages</a>';

 * Displays results of the update script with any accompanying errors.
function update_results_page() {
drupal_set_title('Drupal database update');
$links = update_helpful_links();

// Report end result.
if (module_exists('dblog') && user_access('access site reports')) {
$log_message = ' All errors have been <a href="' . base_path() . '?q=admin/reports/dblog">logged</a>.';
  else {
$log_message = ' All errors have been logged.';

  if (
$_SESSION['update_success']) {
$output = '<p>Updates were attempted. If you see no failures below, you may proceed happily back to your <a href="' . base_path() . '">site</a>. Otherwise, you may need to update your database manually.' . $log_message . '</p>';
  else {
$updates_remaining = reset($_SESSION['updates_remaining']);
$module, $version) = array_pop($updates_remaining);
$output = '<p class="error">The update process was aborted prematurely while running <strong>update #' . $version . ' in ' . $module . '.module</strong>.' . $log_message;
    if (
module_exists('dblog')) {
$output .= ' You may need to check the <code>watchdog</code> database table manually.';
$output .= '</p>';

  if (!empty(
$GLOBALS['update_free_access'])) {
$output .= "<p><strong>Reminder: don't forget to set the <code>\$update_free_access</code> value in your <code>settings.php</code> file back to <code>FALSE</code>.</strong></p>";

$output .= theme('item_list', array('items' => $links));

// Output a list of queries executed.
if (!empty($_SESSION['update_results'])) {
$all_messages = '';
    foreach (
$_SESSION['update_results'] as $module => $updates) {
      if (
$module != '#abort') {
$module_has_message = FALSE;
$query_messages = '';
        foreach (
$updates as $number => $queries) {
$messages = array();
          foreach (
$queries as $query) {
// If there is no message for this update, don't show anything.
if (empty($query['query'])) {

            if (
$query['success']) {
$messages[] = '<li class="success">' . $query['query'] . '</li>';
            else {
$messages[] = '<li class="failure"><strong>Failed:</strong> ' . $query['query'] . '</li>';

          if (
$messages) {
$module_has_message = TRUE;
$query_messages .= '<h4>Update #' . $number . "</h4>\n";
$query_messages .= '<ul>' . implode("\n", $messages) . "</ul>\n";

// If there were any messages in the queries then prefix them with the
        // module name and add it to the global message list.
if ($module_has_message) {
$all_messages .= '<h3>' . $module . " module</h3>\n" . $query_messages;
    if (
$all_messages) {
$output .= '<div id="update-results"><h2>The following updates returned messages</h2>';
$output .= $all_messages;
$output .= '</div>';


 * Provides an overview of the Drupal database update.
 * This page provides cautionary suggestions that should happen before
 * proceeding with the update to ensure data integrity.
 * @return
 *   Rendered HTML form.
function update_info_page() {
// Change query-strings on css/js files to enforce reload for all users.
// Flush the cache of all data for the update status module.
if (db_table_exists('cache_update')) {
cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_update', TRUE);

drupal_set_title('Drupal database update');
$token = drupal_get_token('update');
$output = '<p>Use this utility to update your database whenever a new release of Drupal or a module is installed.</p><p>For more detailed information, see the <a href="">upgrading handbook</a>. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.</p>';
$output .= "<ol>\n";
$output .= "<li><strong>Back up your database</strong>. This process will change your database values and in case of emergency you may need to revert to a backup.</li>\n";
$output .= "<li><strong>Back up your code</strong>. Hint: when backing up module code, do not leave that backup in the 'modules' or 'sites/*/modules' directories as this may confuse Drupal's auto-discovery mechanism.</li>\n";
$output .= '<li>Put your site into <a href="' . base_path() . '?q=admin/config/development/maintenance">maintenance mode</a>.</li>' . "\n";
$output .= "<li>Install your new files in the appropriate location, as described in the handbook.</li>\n";
$output .= "</ol>\n";
$output .= "<p>When you have performed the steps above, you may proceed.</p>\n";
$form_action = check_url(drupal_current_script_url(array('op' => 'selection', 'token' => $token)));
$output .= '<form method="post" action="' . $form_action . '"><p><input type="submit" value="Continue" class="form-submit" /></p></form>';
$output .= "\n";

 * Renders a 403 access denied page for update.php.
 * @return
 *   Rendered HTML warning with 403 status.
function update_access_denied_page() {
drupal_add_http_header('Status', '403 Forbidden');
watchdog('access denied', 'update.php', NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
drupal_set_title('Access denied');
'<p>Access denied. You are not authorized to access this page. Log in using either an account with the <em>administer software updates</em> permission or the site maintenance account (the account you created during installation). If you cannot log in, you will have to edit <code>settings.php</code> to bypass this access check. To do this:</p>
 <li>With a text editor find the settings.php file on your system. From the main Drupal directory that you installed all the files into, go to <code>sites/your_site_name</code> if such directory exists, or else to <code>sites/default</code> which applies otherwise.</li>
 <li>There is a line inside your settings.php file that says <code>$update_free_access = FALSE;</code>. Change it to <code>$update_free_access = TRUE;</code>.</li>
 <li>As soon as the update.php script is done, you must change the settings.php file back to its original form with <code>$update_free_access = FALSE;</code>.</li>
 <li>To avoid having this problem in the future, remember to log in to your website using either an account with the <em>administer software updates</em> permission or the site maintenance account (the account you created during installation) before you backup your database at the beginning of the update process.</li>

 * Determines if the current user is allowed to run update.php.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if the current user should be granted access, or FALSE otherwise.
function update_access_allowed() {
$update_free_access, $user;

// Allow the global variable in settings.php to override the access check.
if (!empty($update_free_access)) {
// Calls to user_access() might fail during the Drupal 6 to 7 update process,
  // so we fall back on requiring that the user be logged in as user #1.
try {
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'user') . '/user.module';
user_access('administer software updates');
  catch (
Exception $e) {
    return (
$user->uid == 1);

 * Adds the update task list to the current page.
function update_task_list($active = NULL) {
// Default list of tasks.
$tasks = array(
'requirements' => 'Verify requirements',
'info' => 'Overview',
'select' => 'Review updates',
'run' => 'Run updates',
'finished' => 'Review log',

drupal_add_region_content('sidebar_first', theme('task_list', array('items' => $tasks, 'active' => $active)));

 * Returns and stores extra requirements that apply during the update process.
function update_extra_requirements($requirements = NULL) {
$extra_requirements = array();
  if (isset(
$requirements)) {
$extra_requirements += $requirements;

 * Checks update requirements and reports errors and (optionally) warnings.
 * @param $skip_warnings
 *   (optional) If set to TRUE, requirement warnings will be ignored, and a
 *   report will only be issued if there are requirement errors. Defaults to
 *   FALSE.
function update_check_requirements($skip_warnings = FALSE) {
// Check requirements of all loaded modules.
$requirements = module_invoke_all('requirements', 'update');
$requirements += update_extra_requirements();
$severity = drupal_requirements_severity($requirements);

// If there are errors, always display them. If there are only warnings, skip
  // them if the caller has indicated they should be skipped.
if ($severity == REQUIREMENT_ERROR || ($severity == REQUIREMENT_WARNING && !$skip_warnings)) {
drupal_set_title('Requirements problem');
$status_report = theme('status_report', array('requirements' => $requirements));
$status_report .= 'Check the error messages and <a href="' . check_url(drupal_requirements_url($severity)) . '">try again</a>.';
theme('update_page', array('content' => $status_report));

// Some unavoidable errors happen because the database is not yet up-to-date.
// Our custom error handler is not yet installed, so we just suppress them.
ini_set('display_errors', FALSE);

// We prepare a minimal bootstrap for the update requirements check to avoid
// reaching the PHP memory limit.
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';

// Temporarily disable configurable timezones so the upgrade process uses the
// site-wide timezone. This prevents a PHP notice during session initlization
// and before offsets have been converted in user_update_7002().
$configurable_timezones = variable_get('configurable_timezones', 1);
$conf['configurable_timezones'] = 0;

// Determine if the current user has access to run update.php.

// Reset configurable timezones.
$conf['configurable_timezones'] = $configurable_timezones;

// Only allow the requirements check to proceed if the current user has access
// to run updates (since it may expose sensitive information about the site's
// configuration).
$op = isset($_REQUEST['op']) ? $_REQUEST['op'] : '';
if (empty(
$op) && update_access_allowed()) {
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/modules/system/system.install';

// Load module basics.
include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
$module_list['system']['filename'] = 'modules/system/system.module';
module_list(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, $module_list);
drupal_load('module', 'system');

// Reset the module_implements() cache so that any new hook implementations
  // in updated code are picked up.
module_implements('', FALSE, TRUE);

// Set up $language, since the installer components require it.

// Set up theme system for the maintenance page.

// Check the update requirements for Drupal. Only report on errors at this
  // stage, since the real requirements check happens further down.

// Redirect to the update information page if all requirements were met.

// update_fix_d7_requirements() needs to run before bootstrapping beyond path.
// So bootstrap to DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_LANGUAGE then include

DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';


// Now proceed with a full bootstrap.


// Turn error reporting back on. From now on, only fatal errors (which are
// not passed through the error handler) will cause a message to be printed.
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);

// Only proceed with updates if the user is allowed to run them.
if (update_access_allowed()) {

DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';


// Check the update requirements for all modules. If there are warnings, but
  // no errors, skip reporting them if the user has provided a URL parameter
  // acknowledging the warnings and indicating a desire to continue anyway. See
  // drupal_requirements_url().
$skip_warnings = !empty($_GET['continue']);

$op = isset($_REQUEST['op']) ? $_REQUEST['op'] : '';
  switch (
$op) {
// update.php ops.

case 'selection':
      if (isset(
$_GET['token']) && drupal_valid_token($_GET['token'], 'update')) {
$output = update_selection_page();

'Apply pending updates':
      if (isset(
$_GET['token']) && drupal_valid_token($_GET['token'], 'update')) {
// Generate absolute URLs for the batch processing (using $base_root),
        // since the batch API will pass them to url() which does not handle
        // update.php correctly by default.
$batch_url = $base_root . drupal_current_script_url();
$redirect_url = $base_root . drupal_current_script_url(array('op' => 'results'));
update_batch($_POST['start'], $redirect_url, $batch_url);

$output = update_info_page();

$output = update_results_page();

// Regular batch ops : defer to batch processing API.
$output = _batch_page();
else {
$output = update_access_denied_page();
if (isset(
$output) && $output) {
// Explicitly start a session so that the update.php token will be accepted.
// We defer the display of messages until all updates are done.
$progress_page = ($batch = batch_get()) && isset($batch['running']);
theme('update_page', array('content' => $output, 'show_messages' => !$progress_page));