DataLife Engine - by SoftNews Media Group
Copyright (c) 2004-2021 SoftNews Media Group
This code is protected by copyright
File: thumb.class.php
Use: Thumbnail class
use Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic as Image;
if( !defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
header ( 'Location: ../../' );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
class thumbnail {
public $width;
public $height;
public $quality = 90;
public $re_save = false;
public $format = '';
private $file = '';
private $diver = 'gd';
private $backup = '';
private $image;
private $watermarkimage;
private $watermark = false;
public $tinypng = false;
public $tinypng_method = false;
public $tinypng_resize = false;
public $tinypng_error = false;
public $tinypng_width = 0;
public $tinypng_height = 0;
public $error = false;
function __construct( $file, $backup = false, $min_uploads = false) {
global $lang, $config;
if( is_array($file) ) {
$this->file = $file['tmp_name'];
$file_parts = pathinfo($file['name']);
} else {
$this->file = $file;
$file_parts = pathinfo($file);
$this->backup = $backup;
$this->quality = $config['jpeg_quality'];
try {
if($config['image_driver'] != "2") {
if(extension_loaded('imagick') && class_exists('Imagick')) {
$this->diver = 'imagick';
if ( ! \Imagick::queryFormats('WEBP') AND function_exists('imagewebp') AND $config['image_driver'] != "1" ) {
$this->diver = 'gd';
Image::configure(array('driver' => $this->diver));
$this->image = Image::make($this->file)->orientate();
if( $this->backup ) {
} catch(Exception $e) {
$message = $e->getMessage();
if( stripos($message, "Unsupported image type" ) !== false OR stripos($message, "Unable to read image" ) !== false ) $message = $lang['file_not_image'];
$this->error( $message );
return false;
$this->width = $this->image->width();
$this->height = $this->image->height();
$mime = $this->image->mime();
switch ($mime) {
case 'image/png':
case 'image/x-png':
$this->format = "png";
case 'image/gif':
$this->format = "gif";
case 'image/webp':
case 'image/x-webp':
$this->format = "webp";
$this->format = "jpg";
$file_parts['extension'] = isset($file_parts['extension']) ? $file_parts['extension'] : '';
if($file_parts['extension'] != $this->format) {
$this->re_save = true;
if( $config['force_webp'] AND $this->format != 'webp' ) {
$this->re_save = true;
$this->format = "webp";
if( intval( $config['min_up_side'] ) AND $min_uploads) {
$min_size = explode ("x", $config['min_up_side']);
$allowed = true;
if ( count($min_size) == 2 ) {
$min_size[0] = intval($min_size[0]);
$min_size[1] = intval($min_size[1]);
if( $this->width < $min_size[0] OR $this->height < $min_size[1] ) {
$allowed = false;
} else {
$min_size[0] = intval($min_size[0]);
if( $this->width < $min_size[0] OR $this->height < $min_size[0] ) {
$allowed = false;
if( !$allowed ) {
$lang['upload_error_7'] = str_ireplace("{minsize}", $config['min_up_side'], $lang['upload_error_7']);
$this->error( $lang['upload_error_7'] );
return false;
if( $config['image_tinypng'] AND $config['tinypng_key'] AND ($this->format == "png" OR $this->format == "jpg" OR $this->format == "webp") ) {
try {
\Tinify\setKey( $config['tinypng_key'] );
$this->tinypng = true;
$this->tinypng_method = false;
$this->tinypng_resize = $config['tinypng_resize'];
$this->re_save = true;
} catch(\Tinify\Exception $e) {
$this->tinypng = false;
$this->tinypng_error = $e->getMessage();
function size_auto($size = 100, $site = 0) {
if( $this->error ) return false;
$size = explode ("x", $size);
if ( count($size) == 2 ) {
$size[0] = intval($size[0]);
$size[1] = intval($size[1]);
if ( $size[0] < 10 ) return false;
if ( $size[1] < 10 ) return false;
return $this->crop( $size[0], $size[1] );
} else {
$size[0] = intval($size[0]);
if ( $size[0] < 10 ) return false;
return $this->scale( $size[0], $site);
function crop($nw, $nh) {
if( $this->error ) return false;
if( $this->width <= $nw AND $this->height <= $nh ) {
return false;
if( $this->tinypng AND $this->tinypng_resize ) {
$this->tinypng_method = "cover";
$this->tinypng_width = $nw;
$this->tinypng_height = $nh;
try {
$this->image->fit($nw, $nh, function ($constraint) {
$this->re_save = true;
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
$this->width = $this->image->width();
$this->height = $this->image->height();
return true;
function scale($size = 100, $site = 0) {
if( $this->error ) return false;
$site = intval( $site );
if( $this->width <= $size AND $this->height <= $size ) {
return false;
switch ($site) {
case "1" :
if( $this->width <= $size ) {
return false;
} else {
try {
$this->image->widen($size, function ($constraint) {
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
case "2" :
if( $this->height <= $size ) {
return false;
} else {
try {
$this->image->heighten($size, function ($constraint) {
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
default :
if( $this->width >= $this->height ) {
try {
$this->image->resize($size, null, function ($constraint) {
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
} else {
try {
$this->image->resize(null, $size, function ($constraint) {
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
$this->width = $this->image->width();
$this->height = $this->image->height();
$this->re_save = true;
return true;
function insert_watermark( $min_image ) {
global $config, $lang;
if( $this->error ) return false;
$margin = 10;
$min_image = intval($min_image);
$watermark_image_light = 'watermark_light.png';
$watermark_image_dark = 'watermark_dark.png';
if($config['watermark_seite'] == 1) {
$position = 'top-left';
} elseif($config['watermark_seite'] == 2) {
$position = 'top-right';
} elseif($config['watermark_seite'] == 3) {
$position = 'bottom-left';
} elseif($config['watermark_seite'] == 4) {
$position = 'bottom-right';
} else {
$position = 'center';
$margin = 0;
if( !$this->watermark ) {
if( !$config['watermark_type'] ) {
list ( $temp_x, $temp_y ) = getimagesize( ROOT_DIR . '/templates/' . $config['skin'] . '/dleimages/'. $watermark_image_dark );
} else { $temp_x = 100; $temp_y = 50; }
$temp_img = Image::make( $this->file );
$temp_img->resizeCanvas($temp_x, $temp_y, $position);
$temp_img->resize(1, 1);
$rgb = $temp_img->pickColor(0, 0);
$max = min( $rgb );
$min = max( $rgb );
$lightness = ( double ) (($max + $min) / 510.0);
$watermark_image = ($lightness < 0.5) ? $watermark_image_light : $watermark_image_dark;
$watermark_color = ($lightness < 0.5) ? $config['watermark_color_light'] : $config['watermark_color_dark'];
if( !$config['watermark_type'] ) {
try {
$this->watermarkimage = Image::make( ROOT_DIR . '/templates/' . $config['skin'] . '/dleimages/'. $watermark_image );
} catch(Exception $e) {
$lang['images_uperr_5'] = str_ireplace('{file}', '/templates/' . $config['skin'] . '/dleimages/'. $watermark_image, $lang['images_uperr_5']);
$this->error( $lang['images_uperr_5'] );
return false;
} else {
try {
$this->watermarkimage = Image::canvas(800, 50);
$this->watermarkimage->text($config['watermark_text'], 2, 2, function($font) use ($watermark_color) {
global $config;
$font->file(ENGINE_DIR . '/skins/fonts/verdana.ttf');
$font->size( intval($config['watermark_font']) );
if($this->diver == 'gd') {
$cropped = imagecropauto($this->watermarkimage->getCore(), IMG_CROP_SIDES);
$this->watermarkimage = Image::make( $cropped );
} else {
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $lang['images_uperr_6'] );
return false;
try {
$config['watermark_rotate'] = intval($config['watermark_rotate']);
$config['watermark_opacity'] = intval($config['watermark_opacity']);
if($config['watermark_opacity'] < 0 OR $config['watermark_opacity'] > 100 ) {
$config['watermark_opacity'] = 100;
if( $config['watermark_rotate'] ) {
if( $config['watermark_opacity'] != 100 ) {
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $lang['images_uperr_6'] );
return false;
$this->watermark = true;
$watermark_width = $this->watermarkimage->width() + $margin;
$watermark_height =$this->watermarkimage->height() + $margin;
if( $this->width < $min_image OR $this->height < $min_image OR $this->width < $watermark_width OR $this->height < $watermark_height ) {
return false;
try {
$this->image->insert($this->watermarkimage, $position, $margin, $margin);
$this->re_save = true;
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
return true;
function save($save = "", $autoprefix = false) {
if( $this->error ) return false;
$file_parts = pathinfo($save);
if( isset( $file_parts['dirname'] ) AND $file_parts['dirname'] ) {
$save_path = $file_parts['dirname'].'/';
} else $save_path = '';
if( isset( $file_parts['filename'] ) AND $file_parts['filename'] ) {
$file_name = $file_parts['filename'].'.'.$this->format;
} else $file_name = time().'.'.$this->format;
if( $autoprefix ) {
if( DLEFiles::FileExists( $save_path.$file_name ) ) {
$file_name = time()."_".$file_name;
try {
$imagesource = $this->image->encode($this->format, $this->quality);
if( $this->backup ) {
$this->width = $this->image->width();
$this->height = $this->image->height();
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
if( $this->tinypng ) {
$imagesource = $this->tinypng_compress( $imagesource );
if( !DLEFiles::Save( $save_path.$file_name, $imagesource ) ) {
$this->error( DLEFiles::$error );
return false;
return $file_name;
function tinypng_compress( $imagesource ) {
if( $this->error ) return false;
try {
if( $this->tinypng_method ) {
if( stripos($this->file, "https://" ) === 0 OR stripos($this->file, "http://" ) === 0 ) {
$source = \Tinify\fromUrl( $this->file );
} else {
$source = \Tinify\fromFile( $this->file );
$options = array("method" => $this->tinypng_method);
if( $this->tinypng_width ) $options['width'] = $this->tinypng_width;
if( $this->tinypng_height ) $options['height'] = $this->tinypng_height;
$resized = $source->resize($options);
$tinypng_buffer = $resized->toBuffer();
} else {
$source = \Tinify\fromBuffer( $imagesource );
$tinypng_buffer = $source->toBuffer();
return $tinypng_buffer;
} catch(\Tinify\Exception $e) {
$this->tinypng = false;
$this->tinypng_error = $e->getMessage();
return $imagesource;
function error( $text ) {
$this->error = (string)$text;