DataLife Engine - by SoftNews Media Group
Copyright (c) 2004-2021 SoftNews Media Group
This code is protected by copyright
File: templates.class.php
Use: Templates class
if( !defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
header ( 'Location: ../../' );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
class dle_template {
public $dir = '';
public $template = null;
public $copy_template = null;
public $desktop = true;
public $smartphone = false;
public $tablet = false;
public $android = false;
public $ios = false;
public $data = array ();
public $block_data = array ();
public $user_data = array ();
public $user_block_data = array ();
public $user_loaded = false;
public $result = array ('info' => '', 'vote' => '', 'speedbar' => '', 'content' => '' );
public $allow_php_include = true;
public $include_mode = 'tpl';
public $category_tree = false;
public $news_mode = false;
public $is_custom = false;
public $if_array = array ();
public $template_parse_time = 0;
function __construct(){
$this->dir = ROOT_DIR . '/templates/';
$mobile_detect = new Mobile_Detect;
if ( $mobile_detect->isMobile() ) {
$this->smartphone = true;
$this->desktop = false;
if ( $mobile_detect->isTablet() ) {
$this->smartphone = false;
$this->desktop = false;
$this->tablet = true;
if( $mobile_detect->isiOS() ){
$this->ios = true;
if( $mobile_detect->isAndroidOS() ){
$this->android = true;
function set($name, $var) {
if( is_array( $var ) ) {
if( count( $var ) ) {
foreach ( $var as $key => $key_var ) {
$this->set( $key, $key_var );
$var = str_replace(array("{", "["),array("_{_", "_[_"), $var);
$this->data[$name] = $var;
function set_block($name, $var) {
if( is_array( $var ) ) {
if( count( $var ) ) {
foreach ( $var as $key => $key_var ) {
$this->set_block( $key, $key_var );
$var = str_replace(array("{", "["),array("_{_", "_[_"), $var);
$this->block_data[$name] = $var;
function load_template($tpl_name) {
global $PHP_SELF, $category_id, $cat_info, $page_header_info, $config;
$time_before = $this->get_real_time();
if( !$this->user_loaded ) {
$tpl_name = str_replace(chr(0), '', (string)$tpl_name);
$file_path = cleanpath(dirname($tpl_name));
$url = parse_url ( $tpl_name );
$tpl_name = pathinfo($url['path']);
$tpl_name = totranslit($tpl_name['basename']);
$type = explode( ".", $tpl_name );
$type = strtolower( end( $type ) );
if ($type != "tpl") {
$this->template = "Not Allowed Template Name: " .str_replace(ROOT_DIR, '', $this->dir)."/".$tpl_name ;
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
return "";
if ($file_path AND $file_path != ".") $tpl_name = $file_path."/".$tpl_name;
if( stripos ( $tpl_name, ".php" ) !== false ) {
$this->template = "Not Allowed Template Name: " .str_replace(ROOT_DIR, '', $this->dir)."/".$tpl_name ;
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
return "";
if( $tpl_name == '' || !file_exists( $this->dir . "/" . $tpl_name ) ) {
$this->template = "Template not found: " .str_replace(ROOT_DIR, '', $this->dir)."/".$tpl_name ;
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
return "";
$this->template = file_get_contents( $this->dir . "/" . $tpl_name );
if (strpos ( $this->template, "{*" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace("'\\{\\*(.*?)\\*\\}'si", '', $this->template);
if (stripos ( $this->template, "page-title" ) !== false OR stripos( $this->template, "page-description" ) !== false) {
if( !isset($page_header_info['title']) ) $page_header_info['title'] = "";
if( !isset($page_header_info['description']) ) $page_header_info['description'] = "";
$this->template = str_ireplace( array('{page-title}', '{page-description}'), array($page_header_info['title'], $page_header_info['description']), $this->template );
if( $page_header_info['title'] ) {
$this->template = preg_replace( "'\\[not-page-title\\](.*?)\\[/not-page-title\\]'is", "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "[page-title]", "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "[/page-title]", "", $this->template );
} else {
$this->template = preg_replace( "'\\[page-title\\](.*?)\\[/page-title\\]'is", "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "[not-page-title]", "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "[/not-page-title]", "", $this->template );
if( $page_header_info['description'] ) {
$this->template = preg_replace( "'\\[not-page-description\\](.*?)\\[/not-page-description\\]'is", "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "[page-description]", "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "[/page-description]", "", $this->template );
} else {
$this->template = preg_replace( "'\\[page-description\\](.*?)\\[/page-description\\]'is", "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "[not-page-description]", "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "[/not-page-description]", "", $this->template );
$this->template = $this->check_module($this->template);
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[group=" ) !== false OR stripos ( $this->template, "[not-group=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = $this->check_group($this->template);
if( defined( 'NEWS_ID' ) AND !$this->is_custom) $this->template = str_ireplace( "{news-id}", NEWS_ID, $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "{cloudstag}" ) !== false) {
if( defined( 'CLOUDSTAG' ) AND !$this->is_custom) $this->template = str_ireplace( "{cloudstag}", CLOUDSTAG, $this->template );
else $this->template = str_ireplace( "{cloudstag}", '', $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[page-count=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(page-count)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/page-count\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_page'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[not-page-count=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-page-count)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-page-count\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_page'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[tags=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(tags)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/tags\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tag'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[not-tags=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-tags)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-tags\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tag'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[news=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(news)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/news\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tag'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[not-news=" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-news)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-news\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tag'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[smartphone]" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(smartphone)\\](.*?)\\[/smartphone\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[not-smartphone]" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-smartphone)\\](.*?)\\[/not-smartphone\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[tablet]" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(tablet)\\](.*?)\\[/tablet\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[not-tablet]" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-tablet)\\](.*?)\\[/not-tablet\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[desktop]" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(desktop)\\](.*?)\\[/desktop\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "[not-desktop]" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-desktop)\\](.*?)\\[/not-desktop\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "android]" ) !== false) {
if($this->android) {
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[android]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[/android]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = preg_replace( "#\[not-android\](.+?)\[/not-android\]#is", "", $this->template );
} else {
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[not-android]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[/not-android]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = preg_replace( "#\[android\](.+?)\[/android\]#is", "", $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "ios]" ) !== false ) {
if($this->ios) {
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[ios]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[/ios]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = preg_replace( "#\[not-ios\](.+?)\[/not-ios\]#is", "", $this->template );
} else {
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[not-ios]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[/not-ios]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = preg_replace( "#\[ios\](.+?)\[/ios\]#is", "", $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "category-" ) !== false) {
$cat_id = intval($category_id);
if( $cat_id ) {
$this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-id}", $cat_id, $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-title}", $cat_info[$cat_id]['name'], $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-description}", $cat_info[$cat_id]['fulldescr'], $this->template );
if ( !$this->is_custom AND !$this->news_mode ) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) $this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-url}", $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $cat_id ) . "/", $this->template );
else $this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-url}", "$PHP_SELF?do=cat&category={$cat_info[$cat_id]['alt_name']}", $this->template );
if( $cat_info[$cat_id]['icon'] ) {
$this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-icon}", $cat_info[$cat_id]['icon'], $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[category-icon]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[/category-icon]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = preg_replace( "#\[not-category-icon\](.+?)\[/not-category-icon\]#is", "", $this->template );
} else {
$this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-icon}", '{THEME}/dleimages/no_icon.gif', $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[not-category-icon]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( '[/not-category-icon]', "", $this->template );
$this->template = preg_replace( "#\[category-icon\](.+?)\[/category-icon\]#is", "", $this->template );
} else {
$this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-id}", '', $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-title}", '', $this->template );
$this->template = str_ireplace( "{category-description}", '', $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "{catmenu" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\{catmenu(.*?)\\}#is", array( &$this, 'build_cat_menu'), $this->template );
if (stripos ( $this->template, "{catnewscount" ) !== false) {
$this->template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\{catnewscount id=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#i", array( &$this, 'catnewscount'), $this->template );
if( stripos( $this->template, "{include file=" ) !== false ) {
$this->include_mode = 'tpl';
$this->template = preg_replace_callback( "#\\{include file=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#i", array( &$this, 'load_file'), $this->template );
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
$this->template_parse_time += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before;
return true;
function load_file( $matches=array() ) {
global $db, $is_logged, $member_id, $cat_info, $config, $user_group, $category_id, $_TIME, $lang, $smartphone_detected, $dle_module;
$name = $matches[1];
$name = str_replace( chr(0), "", $name );
$name = str_replace( '..', '', $name );
$name = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', $name);
$url = @parse_url ($name);
$type = explode( ".", $url['path'] );
$type = strtolower( end( $type ) );
if ($type == "tpl") {
return $this->sub_load_template( $name );
if ($this->include_mode == "php") {
if ( !$this->allow_php_include ) return;
if ($type != "php") return "To connect permitted only files with the extension: .tpl or .php";
$file_path = ROOT_DIR."/".cleanpath(dirname($url['path']));
$url['path'] = clearfilepath( trim($url['path']) , array ("php") );
if (substr ( $file_path, - 1, 1 ) == '/') $file_path = substr ( $file_path, 0, - 1 );
$file_name = pathinfo($url['path']);
$file_name = $file_name['basename'];
$antivirus = new antivirus();
if ( stristr ( php_uname( "s" ) , "windows" ) === false )
$chmod_value = @decoct(@fileperms($file_path)) % 1000;
return "Include files from root directory is denied";
if(in_array("./" . $url['path'], $antivirus->good_files))
return "Include standart DLE files is denied";
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "uploads" ) !== false )
return "Include files from directory /uploads/ is denied";
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "templates" ) !== false )
return "Include files from directory /templates/ is denied";
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "engine/data" ) !== false )
return "Include files from directory /engine/data/ is denied";
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "engine/cache" ) !== false )
return "Include files from directory /engine/cache/ is denied";
if ( stristr ( dirname ($url['path']) , "engine/inc" ) !== false )
return "Include files from directory /engine/inc/ is denied";
if ($chmod_value == 777 ) return "File {$url['path']} is in the folder, which is available to write (CHMOD 777). For security purposes the connection files from these folders is impossible. Change the permissions on the folder that it had no rights to the write.";
if ( !file_exists(DLEPlugins::Check($file_path."/".$file_name)) ) return "File {$url['path']} not found.";
$url['query'] = str_ireplace(array("file_path","file_name", "dle_login_hash", "_GET","_FILES","_POST","_REQUEST","_SERVER","_COOKIE","_SESSION") ,"Filtered", $url['query'] );
if( substr_count ($this->template, "{include file=") < substr_count ($this->copy_template, "{include file=")) return "Filtered";
if ( isset($url['query']) AND $url['query'] ) {
$module_params = array();
parse_str( $url['query'], $module_params );
extract($module_params, EXTR_SKIP);
$tpl = new dle_template();
$tpl->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;
include (DLEPlugins::Check($file_path."/".$file_name));
return ob_get_clean();
return $matches[0];
function sub_load_template( $tpl_name ) {
global $PHP_SELF, $category_id, $cat_info, $page_header_info, $config;
$tpl_name = str_replace(chr(0), '', (string)$tpl_name);
$file_path = cleanpath(dirname($tpl_name));
if (strpos($tpl_name, '/templates/') === 0) $file_path = '/'.$file_path;
$url = @parse_url($tpl_name);
$tpl_name = pathinfo($url['path']);
$tpl_name = totranslit($tpl_name['basename']);
$type = explode( ".", $tpl_name );
$type = strtolower( end( $type ) );
if ($file_path AND $file_path != ".") $tpl_name = $file_path."/".$tpl_name;
if ($type != "tpl") {
return "Not Allowed Template Name: ". $tpl_name;
if (strpos($tpl_name, '/templates/') === 0) {
$tpl_name = str_replace('/templates/','',$tpl_name);
$templatefile = ROOT_DIR . '/templates/'.$tpl_name;
} else $templatefile = $this->dir . "/" . $tpl_name;
if( $tpl_name == '' || !file_exists( $templatefile ) ) {
$templatefile = str_replace(ROOT_DIR,'',$templatefile);
return "Template not found: " . $templatefile;
if( stripos ( $templatefile, ".php" ) !== false ) return "Not Allowed Template Name: ". $tpl_name;
$template = file_get_contents( $templatefile );
if (strpos ( $template, "{*" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace("'\\{\\*(.*?)\\*\\}'si", '', $template);
if (stripos ( $template, "page-title" ) !== false OR stripos( $template, "page-description" ) !== false) {
$template = str_ireplace( array('{page-title}', '{page-description}'), array($page_header_info['title'], $page_header_info['description']), $template );
if( $page_header_info['title'] ) {
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[not-page-title\\](.*?)\\[/not-page-title\\]'is", "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "[page-title]", "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "[/page-title]", "", $template );
} else {
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[page-title\\](.*?)\\[/page-title\\]'is", "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "[not-page-title]", "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "[/not-page-title]", "", $template );
if( $page_header_info['description'] ) {
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[not-page-description\\](.*?)\\[/not-page-description\\]'is", "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "[page-description]", "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "[/page-description]", "", $template );
} else {
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[page-description\\](.*?)\\[/page-description\\]'is", "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "[not-page-description]", "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "[/not-page-description]", "", $template );
$template = $this->check_module($template);
if (stripos ( $template, "[group=" ) !== false OR stripos ( $template, "[not-group=" ) !== false ) {
$template = $this->check_group($template);
if( defined( 'NEWS_ID' ) AND !$this->is_custom) $template = str_ireplace( "{news-id}", NEWS_ID, $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "{cloudstag}" ) !== false) {
if( defined( 'CLOUDSTAG' ) AND !$this->is_custom) $template = str_ireplace( "{cloudstag}", CLOUDSTAG, $template );
else $template = str_ireplace( "{cloudstag}", '', $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[page-count=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(page-count)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/page-count\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_page'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[not-page-count=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-page-count)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-page-count\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_page'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[tags=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(tags)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/tags\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tag'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[not-tags=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-tags)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-tags\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tag'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[news=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(news)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/news\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tag'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[not-news=" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-news)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-news\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_tag'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[smartphone]" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(smartphone)\\](.*?)\\[/smartphone\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[not-smartphone]" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-smartphone)\\](.*?)\\[/not-smartphone\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[tablet]" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(tablet)\\](.*?)\\[/tablet\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[not-tablet]" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-tablet)\\](.*?)\\[/not-tablet\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[desktop]" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(desktop)\\](.*?)\\[/desktop\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "[not-desktop]" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-desktop)\\](.*?)\\[/not-desktop\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_device'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "android]" ) !== false) {
if($this->android) {
$template = str_ireplace( '[android]', "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( '[/android]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[not-android\](.+?)\[/not-android\]#is", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_ireplace( '[not-android]', "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( '[/not-android]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[android\](.+?)\[/android\]#is", "", $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "ios]" ) !== false) {
if($this->ios) {
$template = str_ireplace( '[ios]', "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( '[/ios]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[not-ios\](.+?)\[/not-ios\]#is", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_ireplace( '[not-ios]', "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( '[/not-ios]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[ios\](.+?)\[/ios\]#is", "", $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "category-" ) !== false) {
$cat_id = intval($category_id);
if( $cat_id ) {
$template = str_ireplace( "{category-id}", $cat_id, $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "{category-title}", $cat_info[$cat_id]['name'], $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "{category-description}", $cat_info[$cat_id]['fulldescr'], $template );
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) $template = str_ireplace( "{category-url}", $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $cat_id ) . "/", $template );
else $template = str_ireplace( "{category-url}", "$PHP_SELF?do=cat&category={$cat_info[$cat_id]['alt_name']}", $template );
if( $cat_info[$cat_id]['icon'] ) {
$template = str_ireplace( "{category-icon}", $cat_info[$cat_id]['icon'], $template );
$template = str_ireplace( '[category-icon]', "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( '[/category-icon]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[not-category-icon\](.+?)\[/not-category-icon\]#is", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_ireplace( "{category-icon}", '{THEME}/dleimages/no_icon.gif', $template );
$template = str_ireplace( '[not-category-icon]', "", $template );
$template = str_ireplace( '[/not-category-icon]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[category-icon\](.+?)\[/category-icon\]#is", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_ireplace( "{category-id}", '', $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "{category-title}", '', $template );
$template = str_ireplace( "{category-description}", '', $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "{catnewscount" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\{catnewscount id=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#i", array( &$this, 'catnewscount'), $template );
if (stripos ( $template, "{catmenu" ) !== false) {
$template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\{catmenu(.*?)\\}#is", array( &$this, 'build_cat_menu'), $template );
return $template;
function check_module($matches) {
global $dle_module;
$regex = '/\[(aviable|available|not-aviable|not-available)=(.*?)\]((?>(?R)|.)*?)\[\/\1\]/is';
if (is_array($matches)) {
$aviable = $matches[2];
$block = $matches[3];
if ($matches[1] == "aviable" OR $matches[1] == "available") $action = true; else $action = false;
$aviable = explode( '|', $aviable );
if( $action ) {
if( ! (in_array( $dle_module, $aviable )) and ($aviable[0] != "global") ) $matches = '';
else $matches = $block;
} else {
if( (in_array( $dle_module, $aviable )) ) $matches = '';
else $matches = $block;
return preg_replace_callback($regex, array( &$this, 'check_module'), $matches);
function check_group( $matches ) {
global $member_id;
$regex = '/\[(group|not-group)=(.*?)\]((?>(?R)|.)*?)\[\/\1\]/is';
if (is_array($matches)) {
$groups = $matches[2];
$block = $matches[3];
if ($matches[1] == "group") $action = true; else $action = false;
$groups = explode( ',', $groups );
if( $action ) {
if( ! in_array( $member_id['user_group'], $groups ) ) $matches = ''; else $matches = $block;
} else {
if( in_array( $member_id['user_group'], $groups ) ) $matches = ''; else $matches = $block;
return preg_replace_callback($regex, array( &$this, 'check_group'), $matches);
function check_device( $matches=array() ) {
$block = $matches[2];
$device = $this->desktop;
if ($matches[1] == "smartphone" OR $matches[1] == "tablet" OR $matches[1] == "desktop") $action = true; else $action = false;
if ($matches[1] == "smartphone" OR $matches[1] == "not-smartphone") $device = $this->smartphone;
if ($matches[1] == "tablet" OR $matches[1] == "not-tablet") $device = $this->tablet;
if( $action ) {
if( !$device ) return "";
} else {
if( $device ) return "";
return $block;
function declination( $matches=array() ) {
$matches[1] = strip_tags($matches[1] );
$matches[1] = str_replace(' ', '', $matches[1] );
$matches[1] = intval($matches[1]);
$words = explode('|', trim($matches[2]));
$parts_word = array();
switch ( count($words) ) {
case 1:
$parts_word[0] = $words[0];
$parts_word[1] = $words[0];
$parts_word[2] = $words[0];
case 2:
$parts_word[0] = $words[0];
$parts_word[1] = $words[0].$words[1];
$parts_word[2] = $words[0].$words[1];
case 3:
$parts_word[0] = $words[0];
$parts_word[1] = $words[0].$words[1];
$parts_word[2] = $words[0].$words[2];
case 4:
$parts_word[0] = $words[0].$words[1];
$parts_word[1] = $words[0].$words[2];
$parts_word[2] = $words[0].$words[3];
$word = $matches[1]%10==1&&$matches[1]%100!=11?$parts_word[0]:($matches[1]%10>=2&&$matches[1]%10<=4&&($matches[1]%100<10||$matches[1]%100>=20)?$parts_word[1]:$parts_word[2]);
return $word;
function check_page( $matches=array() ) {
$pages = $matches[2];
$block = $matches[3];
if ($matches[1] == "page-count") $action = true; else $action = false;
$pages = explode( ',', $pages );
$page = intval($_GET['cstart']);
if ( $page < 1 ) $page = 1;
if( $action ) {
if( !$this->_in_rangearray( $page, $pages ) ) return "";
} else {
if( $this->_in_rangearray( $page, $pages ) ) return "";
return $block;
function check_tag( $matches=array() ) {
global $config;
$params = $matches[2];
$block = $matches[3];
if ($matches[1] == "tags" OR $matches[1] == "news") $action = true; else $action = false;
if ($matches[1] == "tags" OR $matches[1] == "not-tags") $tag = "tags";
if ($matches[1] == "news" OR $matches[1] == "not-news") $tag = "news";
$props = "";
$params = trim($params);
if ( $tag == "news" ) {
if( defined( 'NEWS_ID' ) ) $props = NEWS_ID;
$params = explode( ',', $params);
if( $action ) {
if( !$this->_in_rangearray( $props, $params ) ) return "";
} else {
if( $this->_in_rangearray( $props, $params ) ) return "";
return $block;
} elseif ( $tag == "tags" ) {
if( defined( 'CLOUDSTAG' ) ) {
if( function_exists('mb_strtolower') ) {
$params = mb_strtolower($params, $config['charset']);
$props = trim(mb_strtolower(CLOUDSTAG, $config['charset']));
} else {
$params = strtolower($params);
$props = trim(strtolower(CLOUDSTAG));
$params = explode( ',', $params);
if( $action ) {
if( !in_array( $props, $params ) ) return "";
} else {
if( in_array( $props, $params ) ) return "";
return $block;
} else return "";
function _in_rangearray($findvalue, $findarray) {
$findvalue = trim($findvalue);
foreach ($findarray as $value) {
$value = trim($value);
if( $value == $findvalue ) {
return true;
} elseif( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) {
list($min, $max) = explode('-', $value);
$findvalue = intval($findvalue);
$min = intval($min);
$max = intval($max);
if( $findvalue >= $min && $findvalue <= $max ) {
return true;
return false;
function catnewscount( $matches=array() ) {
global $cat_info;
$id = intval($matches[1]);
return intval($cat_info[$id]['newscount']);
function build_tree( $data ) {
$tree = array();
foreach ($data as $id=>&$node) {
if ($node['parentid'] == 0) {
$tree[$id] = &$node;
} else {
if (!isset($data[$node['parentid']]['children'])) $data[$node['parentid']]['children'] = array();
$data[$node['parentid']]['children'][$id] = &$node;
return $tree;
function recursive_array_search($needle, $haystack, $subcat = true, &$item = false) {
if(!$item) $item = array();
foreach($haystack as $key => $value) {
if(in_array($key, $needle)) {
if( $subcat === "only" ) {
if(is_array( $value['children'] )) {
foreach($value['children'] as $value2) {
$item[$value2['id']] = $value2;
} else $item[$key] = $value;
if(!$subcat AND is_array( $value['children'] ) ) {
$this->recursive_array_search($needle, $value['children'], $subcat, $item);
} elseif (is_array( $value['children'] ) ) {
$this->recursive_array_search($needle, $value['children'], $subcat, $item);
return $item;
function build_cat_menu( $matches=array() ) {
global $cat_info, $config;
if(!count($cat_info)) return "";
if( !is_array($this->category_tree) ) {
$this->category_tree = $this->build_tree($cat_info);
if(!count($this->category_tree)) return "";
$param_str = trim($matches[1]);
$allow_cache = $config['allow_cache'];
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
$catlist = $this->category_tree;
$cache_id = md5($param_str);
if( $config['category_newscount'] ) $cache_prefix = "news"; else $cache_prefix = "catmenu";
if( preg_match( "#cache=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
if( $match[1] == "yes" ) $config['allow_cache'] = 1;
$content = dle_cache( $cache_prefix, $cache_id, true );
if( $content !== false ) {
$config['allow_cache'] = $allow_cache;
return $content;
} else {
if( preg_match( "#subcat=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = trim($match[1]);
if($match[1] == "yes") $subcat = true; else $subcat = false;
if($match[1] == "only") $subcat = "only";
} else $subcat = true;
if( preg_match( "#id=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$temp_array = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) $temp_array[] = get_mass_cats($value);
else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
$temp_array = implode(',', $temp_array);
$catlist= $this->recursive_array_search( explode(',', $temp_array), $catlist, $subcat);
if(!count($catlist)) return "";
if( preg_match( "#template=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$template_name = trim($match[1]);
} else $template_name = "categorymenu";
$template = $this->sub_load_template( $template_name . '.tpl' );
$template = str_replace( "[root]", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[/root]", "", $template );
if( preg_match( "'\\[sub-prefix\\](.+?)\\[/sub-prefix\\]'si", $template, $match ) ) {
$prefix = trim($match[1]);
$template = str_replace( $match[0], "", $template );
if( preg_match( "'\\[sub-suffix\\](.+?)\\[/sub-suffix\\]'si", $template, $match ) ) {
$suffix = trim($match[1]);
$template = str_replace( $match[0], "", $template );
if($config['allow_cache']) {
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[active\\](.+?)\\[/active\\]'si", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[not-active]", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[/not-active]", "", $template );
if( preg_match( "'\\[item\\](.+?)\\[/item\\]'si", $template, $match ) ) {
$item = trim($match[1]);
$template = str_replace( $match[0], "{items}", $template );
$template = str_replace( "{items}", $this->compile_menu($catlist, $prefix, $item, $suffix, false, 0), $template );
create_cache( $cache_prefix, $template, $cache_id, true);
$config['allow_cache'] = $allow_cache;
return $template;
function compile_menu( $nodes, $prefix, $item_template, $suffix, $sublevelmarker = false ) {
global $member_id, $user_group;
$item = "";
$allow_list = explode ( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats'] );
$not_allow_cats = explode ( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['not_allow_cats'] );
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if( !$node['id'] ) continue;
if ($allow_list[0] != "all") {
if (!$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_short'] AND !in_array( $node['id'], $allow_list )) continue;
if ($not_allow_cats[0] != "") {
if (!$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_short'] AND in_array( $node['id'], $not_allow_cats )) continue;
$item .= $this->compile_item($node, $item_template);
if (isset($node['children'])) {
if ( stripos ( $item_template, "{sub-item}" ) !== false ) {
$item = str_replace( "{sub-item}", $this->compile_menu($node['children'], $prefix, $item_template, $suffix, true), $item );
} else {
$item .= $this->compile_menu($node['children'], $prefix, $item_template, $suffix, true);
if( $sublevelmarker ) {
$item = $prefix.$item.$suffix;
return $item;
function compile_item( $row, $template) {
global $config, $category_id;
$category = intval($category_id);
$template = str_replace( "{id}", $row['id'], $template );
$template = str_replace( "{name}", $row['name'], $template );
$template = str_replace( "{description}", $row['fulldescr'], $template );
if( $row['fulldescr'] ) {
$template = str_replace( '[description]', "", $template );
$template = str_replace( '[/description]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[not-description\](.+?)\[/not-description\]#is", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_replace( '[not-description]', "", $template );
$template = str_replace( '[/not-description]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[description\](.+?)\[/description\]#is", "", $template );
if( $row['icon'] ) {
$template = str_replace( "{icon}", $row['icon'], $template );
$template = str_replace( '[category-icon]', "", $template );
$template = str_replace( '[/category-icon]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[not-category-icon\](.+?)\[/not-category-icon\]#is", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_replace( "{icon}", "{THEME}/dleimages/no_icon.gif", $template );
$template = str_replace( '[not-category-icon]', "", $template );
$template = str_replace( '[/not-category-icon]', "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "#\[category-icon\](.+?)\[/category-icon\]#is", "", $template );
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) {
$template = str_replace( "{url}", $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $row['id'] ) . "/" , $template );
} else {
$template = str_replace( "{url}", $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?do=cat&category=".$row['alt_name'] , $template );
$row['newscount'] = isset($row['newscount']) ? intval($row['newscount']) : 0;
$template = str_replace( "{news-count}", $row['newscount'], $template );
if($category == $row['id']) {
$template = str_replace( "[active]", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[/active]", "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[not-active\\](.+?)\\[/not-active\\]'si", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_replace( "[not-active]", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[/not-active]", "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[active\\](.+?)\\[/active\\]'si", "", $template );
if(!isset($row['children'])) {
$template = str_replace( "{sub-item}", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[not-parent]", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[/not-parent]", "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[isparent\\](.+?)\\[/isparent\\]'si", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_replace( "[isparent]", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[/isparent]", "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[not-parent\\](.+?)\\[/not-parent\\]'si", "", $template );
if($row['parentid']) {
$template = str_replace( "[is-children]", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[/is-children]", "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[not-children\\](.+?)\\[/not-children\\]'si", "", $template );
} else {
$template = str_replace( "[not-children]", "", $template );
$template = str_replace( "[/not-children]", "", $template );
$template = preg_replace( "'\\[is-children\\](.+?)\\[/is-children\\]'si", "", $template );
return $template;
function _clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->if_array = array();
$this->copy_template = $this->template;
function clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->copy_template = null;
$this->template = null;
function global_clear() {
$this->data = array ();
$this->block_data = array ();
$this->result = array ();
$this->copy_template = null;
$this->template = null;
function compile($tpl, $compile_if = false, $compile_user_data = true) {
$time_before = $this->get_real_time();
$find = $find_preg = $replace = $replace_preg = array();
if( count( $this->block_data ) ) {
foreach ( $this->block_data as $key_find => $key_replace ) {
$find_preg[] = $key_find;
$replace_preg[] = $key_replace;
if( $compile_user_data ) {
foreach ( $this->user_block_data as $key_find => $key_replace ) {
$find_preg[] = $key_find;
$replace_preg[] = $key_replace;
$this->copy_template = preg_replace( $find_preg, $replace_preg, $this->copy_template );
foreach ( $this->data as $key_find => $key_replace ) {
$find[] = $key_find;
$replace[] = $key_replace;
if( $compile_user_data ) {
foreach ( $this->user_data as $key_find => $key_replace ) {
$find[] = $key_find;
$replace[] = $key_replace;
$find[] = "{category-url}";
$replace[] = '';
$this->copy_template = str_ireplace( $find, $replace, $this->copy_template );
if (stripos ( $this->copy_template, "[declination=" ) !== false) {
$this->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[declination=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[/declination\\]#is", array( &$this, 'declination'), $this->copy_template );
if( stripos( $this->copy_template, "{customcomments" ) !== false ) {
$this->copy_template = preg_replace_callback( "#\\{customcomments(.+?)\\}#i", "custom_comments", $this->copy_template );
if( stripos( $this->copy_template, "{custom" ) !== false ) {
$this->copy_template = preg_replace_callback( "#\\{custom(.+?)\\}#i", "custom_print", $this->copy_template );
if( stripos( $this->copy_template, "{include file=" ) !== false ) {
$this->include_mode = 'php';
$this->copy_template = preg_replace_callback( "#\\{include file=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#i", array( &$this, 'load_file'), $this->copy_template );
if( stripos( $this->copy_template, "[xfvalue_" ) !== false ) {
$this->copy_template = preg_replace("#\[xfvalue_(.+?)]#i", '', $this->copy_template);
if( $compile_if AND stripos( $this->copy_template, "[if" ) !== false){
$this->copy_template = $this->if_check($this->copy_template);
$this->copy_template = str_replace(array("_{_", "_[_"), array("{", "["), $this->copy_template);
if( isset( $this->result[$tpl] ) ) $this->result[$tpl] .= $this->copy_template;
else $this->result[$tpl] = $this->copy_template;
$this->template_parse_time += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before;
function buld_user_data() {
global $PHP_SELF, $member_id, $config, $user_group, $lang, $_IP;
$this->user_data['{ip}'] = $_IP;
if( isset($member_id['user_group']) AND $member_id['user_group'] != 5 ) {
if ( count(explode("@", $member_id['foto'])) == 2 ) {
$this->user_data['{foto}'] = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5(trim($member_id['foto'])) . '?s=' . intval($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['max_foto']);
} else {
if( $member_id['foto'] ) {
if (strpos($member_id['foto'], "//") === 0) $avatar = "http:".$member_id['foto']; else $avatar = $member_id['foto'];
$avatar = @parse_url ( $avatar );
if( $avatar['host'] ) {
$this->user_data['{foto}'] = $member_id['foto'];
} else $this->user_data['{foto}'] = $config['http_home_url'] . "uploads/fotos/" . $member_id['foto'] ;
} else $this->user_data['{foto}'] = "{THEME}/dleimages/noavatar.png" ;
$this->user_data['{profile-login}'] = stripslashes( $member_id['name'] );
if( $member_id['fullname'] ) {
$this->user_data['[fullname]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/fullname]'] = "";
$this->user_data['{fullname}'] = stripslashes( $member_id['fullname'] );
$this->user_block_data["'\\[not-fullname\\](.*?)\\[/not-fullname\\]'si"] = "";
} else {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[fullname\\](.*?)\\[/fullname\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['{fullname}'] = "";
$this->user_data['[not-fullname]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/not-fullname]'] = "";
if( $member_id['land'] ) {
$this->user_data['[land]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/land]'] = "";
$this->user_data['{land}'] = stripslashes( $member_id['land'] );
$this->user_block_data["'\\[not-land\\](.*?)\\[/not-land\\]'si"] = "";
} else {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[land\\](.*?)\\[/land\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['{land}'] = "";
$this->user_data['[not-land]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/not-land]'] = "";
$this->user_data['{mail}'] = stripslashes( $member_id['email'] );
$this->user_data['{group}'] = $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['group_prefix'].$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['group_name'].$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['group_suffix'];
$this->user_data['{registration}'] = langdate( "j F Y H:i", $member_id['reg_date'] );
$this->user_data['{lastdate}'] = langdate( "j F Y H:i", $member_id['lastdate'] );
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['icon'] ) $this->user_data['{group-icon}'] = "<img src=\"" . $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['icon'] . "\" alt=\"\">";
else $this->user_data['{group-icon}'] = "";
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['time_limit'] ) {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[time_limit\\](.*?)\\[/time_limit\\]'si"] = "\\1";
if( $member_id['time_limit'] ) {
$this->user_data['{time_limit}'] = langdate( "j F Y H:i", $member_id['time_limit'] );
} else {
$this->user_data['{time_limit}'] = $lang['no_limit'];
} else {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[time_limit\\](.*?)\\[/time_limit\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['{time_limit}'] = "";
if( $member_id['comm_num'] ) {
$this->user_data['[comm-num]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/comm-num]'] = "";
$this->user_data['{comm-num}'] = number_format($member_id['comm_num'], 0, ',', ' ');
$this->user_data['{comments}'] = "{$PHP_SELF}?do=lastcomments&userid=" . $member_id['user_id'];
$this->user_block_data["'\\[not-comm-num\\](.*?)\\[/not-comm-num\\]'si"] = "";
} else {
$this->user_data['{comments}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{comm-num}'] = 0;
$this->user_data['[not-comm-num]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/not-comm-num]'] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[comm-num\\](.*?)\\[/comm-num\\]'si"] = "";
if( $member_id['news_num'] ) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) {
$this->user_data['{news}'] = $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $member_id['name'] ) . "/news/";
$this->user_data['{rss}'] = $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $member_id['name'] ) . "/rss.xml";
} else {
$this->user_data['{news}'] = $PHP_SELF . "?subaction=allnews&user=" . urlencode( $member_id['name'] );
$this->user_data['{rss}'] = $PHP_SELF . "?mod=rss&subaction=allnews&user=" . urlencode( $member_id['name'] );
$this->user_data['{news-num}'] = number_format($member_id['news_num'], 0, ',', ' ');
$this->user_data['[news-num]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/news-num]'] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[not-news-num\\](.*?)\\[/not-news-num\\]'si"] = "";
} else {
$this->user_data['{news}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{rss}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{news-num}'] = 0;
$this->user_data['[not-news-num]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/not-news-num]'] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[news-num\\](.*?)\\[/news-num\\]'si"] = "";
if ( $member_id['xfields'] ) {
$xfields = xfieldsload( true );
$xfieldsdata = xfieldsdataload( $member_id['xfields'] );
foreach ( $xfields as $value ) {
$preg_safe_name = preg_quote( $value[0], "'" );
if( !isset($xfieldsdata[$value[0]]) ) $xfieldsdata[$value[0]] = "";
if( empty( $xfieldsdata[$value[0]] ) ) {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[profile_xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\](.*?)\\[/profile_xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'is"] = "";
$this->user_data["[profile_xfnotgiven_{$value[0]}]"] = "";
$this->user_data["[/profile_xfnotgiven_{$value[0]}]"] = "";
} else {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[profile_xfnotgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\](.*?)\\[/profile_xfnotgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'is"] = "";
$this->user_data["[profile_xfgiven_{$value[0]}]"] = "";
$this->user_data["[/profile_xfgiven_{$value[0]}]"] = "";
$this->user_data["[profile_xfvalue_{$value[0]}]"] = stripslashes( $xfieldsdata[$value[0]] );
} else {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[profile_xfgiven_(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/profile_xfgiven_(.*?)\\]'is"] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[profile_xfvalue_(.*?)\\]'i"] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[profile_xfnotgiven_(.*?)\\]'is"] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[/profile_xfnotgiven_(.*?)\\]'is"] = "";
$this->user_data['{new-pm}'] = $member_id['pm_unread'];
$this->user_data['{all-pm}'] = $member_id['pm_all'];
if( $member_id['pm_unread'] ) {
$this->user_data['[new-pm]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/new-pm]'] = "";
} else {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[new-pm\\](.*?)\\[/new-pm\\]'si"] = "";
if ($member_id['favorites']) {
$this->user_data['{favorite-count}'] = count(explode("," ,$member_id['favorites']));
} else $this->user_data['{favorite-count}'] = 0;
if ( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_admin'] ) {
$this->user_data['[admin-link]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/admin-link]'] = "";
$this->user_data['{admin-link}'] = $config['http_home_url'] . $config['admin_path'] . "?mod=main";
} else {
$this->user_data['{admin-link}'] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[admin-link\\](.*?)\\[/admin-link\\]'si"] = "";
if ($config['allow_alt_url']) {
$this->user_data['{profile-link}'] = $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode ( $member_id['name'] ) . "/";
} else {
$this->user_data['{profile-link}'] = $PHP_SELF . "?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode ( $member_id['name'] );
} else {
$this->user_block_data["'\\[new-pm\\](.*?)\\[/new-pm\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['{profile-link}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{admin-link}'] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[admin-link\\](.*?)\\[/admin-link\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['{favorite-count}'] = 0;
$this->user_data['{new-pm}'] = '';
$this->user_data['{all-pm}'] = '';
$this->user_block_data["'\\[profile_xfgiven_(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/profile_xfgiven_(.*?)\\]'is"] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[profile_xfvalue_(.*?)\\]'i"] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[profile_xfnotgiven_(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/profile_xfnotgiven_(.*?)\\]'is"] = "";
$this->user_data['{news}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{rss}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{news-num}'] = 0;
$this->user_data['[not-news-num]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/not-news-num]'] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[not-news-num\\](.*?)\\[/not-news-num\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[comm-num\\](.*?)\\[/comm-num\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['[not-comm-num]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/not-comm-num]'] = "";
$this->user_data['{comments}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{comm-num}'] = 0;
$this->user_block_data["'\\[time_limit\\](.*?)\\[/time_limit\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['{time_limit}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{group-icon}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{registration}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{registration}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{group}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{mail}'] = "";
$this->user_data['{land}'] = "";
$this->user_data['[not-land]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/not-land]'] = "";
$this->user_block_data["'\\[land\\](.*?)\\[/land\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['{profile-login}'] = '';
$this->user_block_data["'\\[fullname\\](.*?)\\[/fullname\\]'si"] = "";
$this->user_data['{fullname}'] = "";
$this->user_data['[not-fullname]'] = "";
$this->user_data['[/not-fullname]'] = "";
$this->user_data['{foto}'] = "{THEME}/dleimages/noavatar.png";
$this->user_data['{mail}'] = "";
$this->user_loaded = true;
function if_check($matches){
global $config, $row;
if( count($this->if_array) ) $row = $this->if_array;
$regex = '/\[if (.+?)\]((?>(?R)|.)*?)\[\/if\]/is';
if (is_array($matches)) {
$matches[1] = trim(dle_strtolower($matches[1], $config['charset']));
$find_type = true;
$match_count = 0;
if(stripos($matches[1], " or ")) {
$find_type = false;
$if_array = explode(" or ", $matches[1]);
} else $if_array = explode(" and ", $matches[1]);
foreach ($if_array as $if_str) {
$if_str = trim($if_str);
preg_match("#^(.+?)(!~|~|!=|=|>=|<=|<|>)\s*['\"]?(.*?)['\"]?$#is", $if_str, $m);
$field = trim($m[1]);
$operator = trim($m[2]);
$value = trim($m[3]);
$field = explode("xfield_",$field);
if(isset($field[1]) AND $field[1]) $fieldvalue = $row['xfields_array'][$field[1]];
elseif( $field[0]=='date' OR $field[0]=='editdate' OR $field[0]=='lastdate' OR $field[0]=='reg_date') {
$fieldvalue = strtotime( date( "Y-m-d H:i", $row[$field[0]]) );
if( strtotime($value) !== false ) {
$value = strtotime($value);
} elseif( $field[0]=='tags' AND is_array($row[$field[0]]) ) {
$fieldvalue = array();
foreach ( $row[$field[0]] as $temp_value ) {
$fieldvalue[] = trim(dle_strtolower($temp_value, $config['charset']));
} elseif( $field[0]=='category' ) {
$fieldvalue = $row['cats'];
} else $fieldvalue = $row[$field[0]];
if( !is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
$fieldvalue = trim(dle_strtolower($fieldvalue, $config['charset']));
switch( $operator ){
case ">":
if( is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
$found_match = false;
foreach ( $fieldvalue as $temp_value ) {
$temp_value = floatval($temp_value);
$value = floatval($value);
if($temp_value > $value) {
$found_match = true;
if( $found_match ) $match_count ++;
} else {
$fieldvalue = floatval($fieldvalue);
$value = floatval($value);
if($fieldvalue > $value) $match_count ++;
case "<":
if( is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
$found_match = false;
foreach ( $fieldvalue as $temp_value ) {
$temp_value = floatval($temp_value);
$value = floatval($value);
if($temp_value < $value) {
$found_match = true;
if( $found_match ) $match_count ++;
} else {
$fieldvalue = floatval($fieldvalue);
$value = floatval($value);
if($fieldvalue < $value) $match_count ++;
case ">=":
if( is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
$found_match = false;
foreach ( $fieldvalue as $temp_value ) {
$temp_value = floatval($temp_value);
$value = floatval($value);
if($temp_value >= $value) {
$found_match = true;
if( $found_match ) $match_count ++;
} else {
$fieldvalue = floatval($fieldvalue);
$value = floatval($value);
if($fieldvalue >= $value) $match_count ++;
case "<=":
if( is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
$found_match = false;
foreach ( $fieldvalue as $temp_value ) {
$temp_value = floatval($temp_value);
$value = floatval($value);
if($temp_value <= $value) {
$found_match = true;
if( $found_match ) $match_count ++;
} else {
$fieldvalue = floatval($fieldvalue);
$value = floatval($value);
if($fieldvalue <= $value) $match_count ++;
case "!=":
if( is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
if ( !in_array($value, $fieldvalue)) {
$match_count ++;
} else {
if($fieldvalue != $value) $match_count ++;
case "~":
if( is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
foreach ( $fieldvalue as $temp_value ) {
if(dle_strpos($temp_value,$value,$config['charset'])!==false) {
$match_count ++;
} else {
if(dle_strpos($fieldvalue,$value,$config['charset'])!==false) $match_count ++;
case "!~":
if( is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
$found_count = 0;
foreach ( $fieldvalue as $temp_value ) {
if(dle_strpos($temp_value,$value,$config['charset'])===false) {
$found_count ++;
if( $found_count == count($fieldvalue) ) $match_count ++;
} else {
if(dle_strpos($fieldvalue,$value,$config['charset'])===false) $match_count ++;
if( is_array($fieldvalue) ) {
if ( in_array($value, $fieldvalue)) {
$match_count ++;
} else {
if($fieldvalue == $value) $match_count ++;
if($match_count AND $match_count == count($if_array) AND $find_type) {
$matches = $matches[2];
} elseif ($match_count AND !$find_type) {
$matches = $matches[2];
} else $matches = '';
return preg_replace_callback($regex, array( &$this, 'if_check'), $matches);
function get_real_time() {
list ( $seconds, $microSeconds ) = explode( ' ', microtime() );
return (( float ) $seconds + ( float ) $microSeconds);