* @brief Support Requests
* @author <a href='https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
* @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license https://www.invisioncommunity.com/legal/standards/
* @package Invision Community
* @subpackage Nexus
* @since 09 Apr 2014
namespace IPS\nexus\modules\admin\support;
/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
* Support Requests
class _requests extends \IPS\Dispatcher\Controller
* Execute
* @return void
public function execute()
\IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'support.css', 'nexus', 'admin' ) );
if ( \IPS\Theme::i()->settings['responsive'] )
\IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'support_responsive.css', 'nexus', 'admin' ) );
\IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'admin_support.js', 'nexus', 'admin' ) );
\IPS\Dispatcher::i()->checkAcpPermission( 'requests_manage' );
* Manage
* @return void
protected function manage()
/* Can we access anything? */
if ( !count( \IPS\nexus\Support\Department::departmentsWithPermission() ) )
if ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'nexus', 'support', 'departments_manage' ) )
\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'err_no_departments_with_perm1', '1X261/1', 403, '' );
\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'err_no_departments_with_perm2', '1X261/2', 403, '' );
/* Permissions */
$where = array();
$where[] = array( "( dpt_staff='*' OR " . \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet( 'dpt_staff', \IPS\nexus\Support\Department::staffDepartmentPerms() ) . ')' );
/* Get my stream */
$stream = NULL;
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_stream'] ) or isset( \IPS\Request::i()->stream ) or isset( \IPS\Request::i()->member ) )
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->member ) )
$customer = \IPS\nexus\Customer::load( \IPS\Request::i()->member );
$stream = \IPS\nexus\Support\Stream::customer( $customer );
$stream->temporary = TRUE;
$stream->owner = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id;
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'support_stream', $stream->id, \IPS\DateTime::create()->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y') ), FALSE );
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'nexus_support_streams', array( 'stream_owner=? AND stream_temporary=1 AND stream_id<>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $stream->id ) );
catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e )
\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'node_error', '2X261/4', 404, '' );
$streamId = isset( \IPS\Request::i()->stream ) ? \IPS\Request::i()->stream : \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_stream'];
$stream = \IPS\nexus\Support\Stream::load( $streamId );
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->stream ) )
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'support_stream', $streamId, \IPS\DateTime::create()->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y') ), FALSE );
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'nexus_support_streams', array( 'stream_owner=? AND stream_temporary=1 AND stream_id<>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $streamId ) );
catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e ) { }
$stream = $stream ?: \IPS\nexus\Support\Stream::load('open');
/* Are we grouping by department? */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->groupByDepartment ) )
if ( \IPS\Request::i()->groupByDepartment )
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'support_dpt_group', 1, \IPS\DateTime::create()->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y') ), FALSE );
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'support_dpt_group', 0, \IPS\DateTime::create()->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y') ), FALSE );
$groupByDepartment = ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_dpt_group'] ) and \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_dpt_group'] );
/* What's our order? */
if ( \IPS\Request::i()->sortBy )
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'support_sort', \IPS\Request::i()->sortBy, \IPS\DateTime::create()->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y') ), FALSE );
if ( \IPS\Request::i()->sortDir )
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'support_order', \IPS\Request::i()->sortDir, \IPS\DateTime::create()->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y') ), FALSE );
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->honorSeverities ) )
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'support_honor_severities', \IPS\Request::i()->honorSeverities, \IPS\DateTime::create()->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y') ), FALSE );
$order = array();
if ( $groupByDepartment )
$order[] = 'nexus_support_staff_dpt_order.dpt_position';
$order[] = 'nexus_support_departments.dpt_position'; // This is to prevent an issue if two departments have the same position (which may be the case if new departments have been created since the user set their preferred order)
$honorSeverities = ( !isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_honor_severities'] ) or \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_honor_severities'] );
if ( $honorSeverities )
$order[] = 'sev_position ASC';
$sortBy = ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_sort'] ) and in_array( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_sort'], array( 'r_started', 'r_last_new_reply', 'r_last_reply', 'r_last_staff_reply' ) ) ) ? \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_sort'] : 'r_last_new_reply';
$sortDir = ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_order'] ) and in_array( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_order'], array( 'ASC', 'DESC' ) ) ) ? \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['support_order'] : 'ASC';
$order[] = $sortBy . ' ' . $sortDir;
$order = implode( ', ', $order );
/* Get the results and pagination */
$perPage = 25;
$count = $stream->count( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() );
$numberOfPages = ceil( $count / $perPage );
$page = ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->page ) and \IPS\Request::i()->page <= $numberOfPages ) ? intval( \IPS\Request::i()->page ) : 1;
$results = $stream->results( \IPS\Member::loggedIn(), $order, $page, $perPage );
$pagination = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'core', 'global' )->pagination( \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests'), $numberOfPages, $page, $perPage );
/* Are any of those tracked/participated in? */
$supportRequestsInView = array_keys( iterator_to_array( $results ) );
$tracked = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( array( 'request_id', 'notify' ), 'nexus_support_tracker', array( array( 'member_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ), array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'request_id', $supportRequestsInView ) ) ) )->setKeyField( 'request_id' )->setValueField( 'notify' ) );
$participatedIn = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'DISTINCT reply_request', 'nexus_support_replies', array( array( 'reply_member=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ), array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'reply_request', $supportRequestsInView ) ) ) ) );
/* Filter form */
$form = \IPS\nexus\Support\Stream::load('open')->form( $stream, \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests') );
if ( $values = $form->values() )
if ( $values['stream'] == 'custom' )
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'nexus_support_streams', array( 'stream_owner=? AND stream_temporary=1', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) );
$stream = \IPS\nexus\Support\Stream::createFromForm( $values );
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&stream=') . $stream->id );
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'support_stream', $values['stream'], \IPS\DateTime::create()->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y') ), FALSE );
$form = $form->customTemplate( array( call_user_func_array( array( \IPS\Theme::i(), 'getTemplate' ), array( 'support' ) ), 'filterForm' ) );
/* Display */
if ( \IPS\Request::i()->isAjax() )
\IPS\Output::i()->json( array(
'form' => $form,
'results' => \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'support' )->requestsTable( $results, $pagination, $groupByDepartment, $sortBy, $sortDir, $tracked, $participatedIn, $honorSeverities )
) );
\IPS\Output::i()->title = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('menu__nexus_support_requests');
\IPS\Output::i()->output .= \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'support' )->requests( $form, $stream, $results, $pagination, $groupByDepartment, $sortBy, $sortDir, $tracked, $participatedIn, $honorSeverities );
/* Create Button */
if( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'nexus', 'support', 'requests_create' ) )
$createUrl = \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&do=create&_new=1');
\IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['actions']['create'] = array(
'icon' => 'plus',
'title' => 'add',
'link' => $createUrl,
/* Settings */
\IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['actions']['my_preferences'] = array(
'icon' => 'cog',
'title' => 'my_preferences',
'link' => \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&do=preferences'),
/* History Button */
\IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['actions']['history'] = array(
'icon' => 'clock-o',
'title' => 'my_history',
'link' => \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&do=history'),
* Filter form
* @return \IPS\Helpers\Form
protected function filters()
\IPS\Output::i()->title = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('menu__nexus_support_requests');
\IPS\Output::i()->output = \IPS\nexus\Support\Stream::load('open')->form( NULL, \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests') )->customTemplate( array( call_user_func_array( array( \IPS\Theme::i(), 'getTemplate' ), array( 'support' ) ), 'filterForm' ) );
* Save a temporary stream
* @return void
protected function saveStream()
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->stream_title ) )
\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'nexus_support_streams', array(
'stream_title' => \IPS\Request::i()->stream_title,
'stream_temporary' => 0
), array( 'stream_owner=? AND stream_temporary=1', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) );
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests' ) );
$form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form;
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'stream_title', '', TRUE ) );
\IPS\Output::i()->output = $form;
* Edit a saved stream
* @return void
protected function editStream()
$stream = \IPS\nexus\Support\Stream::load( \IPS\Request::i()->id );
if ( $stream->temporary or $stream->owner != \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id )
throw new \OutOfRangeException;
catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e )
\IPS\Output::i()->error( 'node_error', '2X261/3', 404, '' );
$form = $stream->form( $stream, \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&do=editStream&id=' . $stream->id ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'stream_title', $stream->title, TRUE ) );
$form->addButton( 'delete', 'submit', NULL, 'ipsButton ipsButton_light', array( 'name' => 'deleteButton', 'value' => 1 ) );
if ( $values = $form->values() )
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->deleteButton ) and \IPS\Request::i()->deleteButton )
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests' ) );
$stream->title = $values['stream_title'];
$stream->updateFromForm( $values );
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&stream=' . $stream->id ) );
\IPS\Output::i()->output = $form->customTemplate( array( call_user_func_array( array( \IPS\Theme::i(), 'getTemplate' ), array( 'support' ) ), 'filterForm' ) );
* Multimod
* @return void
protected function multimod()
$notices = array();
/* Tracking? */
if ( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction === 'track_off' )
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'nexus_support_tracker', array( array( 'member_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ), array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'request_id', array_keys( \IPS\Request::i()->multimod ) ) ) ) );
elseif ( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction === 'track_on' or \IPS\Request::i()->modaction === 'track_notify' )
foreach ( array_keys( \IPS\Request::i()->multimod ) as $requestId )
\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'nexus_support_tracker', array(
'member_id' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id,
'request_id' => $requestId,
'notify' => \IPS\Request::i()->modaction === 'track_notify'
), TRUE );
/* Everything else requires a loop... */
foreach ( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'nexus_support_requests', \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'r_id', array_keys( \IPS\Request::i()->multimod ) ) ), 'IPS\nexus\Support\Request' ) as $request )
if ( $request->canView() )
/* Set status */
if ( mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction, 0, 7 ) === 'status_' )
/* Set it */
$status = \IPS\nexus\Support\Status::load( mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction, 7 ) );
$oldStatus = $request->status;
$request->status = $status;
/* Assign it if we have to */
if ( $status->assign )
if ( $request->staff and $request->staff->member_id != \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id )
$notices[] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'you_have_stolen_request_multimod', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $request->id, $request->staff->name ) ) );
$request->staff = \IPS\Member::loggedIn();
/* Or set the previous status was "Working", release our assigning */
elseif ( $oldStatus->assign and $request->staff )
$request->staff = NULL;
/* Save and Log */
if ( $status->log )
$request->log( 'status', $oldStatus, $status );
/* Set severity */
elseif ( mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction, 0, 9 ) === 'severity_' )
$new = \IPS\nexus\Support\Severity::load( mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction, 9 ) );
$request->log( 'severity', $request->severity, $new );
$request->severity = $new;
/* Set department */
elseif ( mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction, 0, 11 ) === 'department_' )
$new = \IPS\nexus\Support\Department::load( mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction, 11 ) );
$request->log( 'department', $request->department, $new );
$request->department = $new;
/* Assign */
elseif ( mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction, 0, 6 ) === 'staff_' )
$staff = mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction, 6 );
$new = $staff ? \IPS\Member::load( $staff ) : NULL;
$request->log( 'staff', $request->staff, $new );
$request->staff = $new;
/* Delete? */
elseif ( \IPS\Request::i()->modaction === 'delete' and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'nexus', 'support', 'requests_delete' ) )
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests' ), implode( ', ', $notices ) );
* My Preferences
* @return void
protected function preferences()
$types = array( 'support_notify_new' => 'n', 'support_notify_replies' => 'r', 'support_notify_assign' => 'a' );
$existing = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'nexus_support_notify', array( 'staff_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) )->setKeyField('type')->setValueField('departments') );
$myDepartments = array();
foreach ( \IPS\nexus\Support\Department::roots( NULL, NULL, array( "dpt_staff='*' OR " . \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet( 'dpt_staff', \IPS\nexus\Support\Department::staffDepartmentPerms() ) ) ) as $dpt )
$myDepartments[ $dpt->id ] = $dpt->_title;
$form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form;
$preferences = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'nexus_support_staff_preferences', array( 'staff_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) )->first();
catch ( \UnderflowException $e )
$preferences = NULL;
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Editor( 'nexus_default_support_content', $preferences ? $preferences['content'] : NULL, FALSE, array( 'app' => 'nexus', 'key' => 'Support', 'autoSaveKey' => 'default_content', 'tags' => array(
'{customer_first_name}' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('customer_first_name'),
'{customer_last_name}' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('customer_first_name'),
'{customer_full_name}' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('customer_full_name'),
'{department_name}' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('department_name'),
'{department_email}' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('department_email'),
) ) ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'nexus_default_support_action', $preferences ? $preferences['action'] : '', FALSE, array( 'options' => array(
'' => 'reply_remember_last',
'first' => 'reply_and_go_to_first',
'stay' => 'reply_and_stay',
'next' => 'reply_and_go_to_next',
'list' => 'reply_and_go_to_list',
) ) ) );
$_myDepartments = iterator_to_array( \IPS\nexus\Support\Department::departmentsWithPermission() );
$myOrder = array();
foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( array( 'department_id' ), 'nexus_support_staff_dpt_order', array( 'staff_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ), 'dpt_position ASC' ) as $departmentId )
if ( array_key_exists( $departmentId, $_myDepartments ) )
$myOrder[ $departmentId ] = $_myDepartments[ $departmentId ]->_title;
foreach( $_myDepartments as $department )
if ( !array_key_exists( $department->id, $myOrder ) )
$myOrder[ $department->id ] = $department->_title;
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Sort( 'nexus_group_departments_order', $myOrder, FALSE ) );
$form->addMessage( 'support_notify_blurb' );
foreach ( $types as $k => $t )
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( $k, isset( $existing[ $t ] ) ? ( $existing[ $t ] === '*' ? 0 : explode( ',', $existing[ $t ] ) ) : NULL, FALSE, array( 'options' => $myDepartments, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'unlimited' => 0, 'unlimitedLang' => 'all', 'noDefault' => TRUE ) ) );
if ( $values = $form->values() )
\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'nexus_support_staff_preferences', array(
'staff_id' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id,
'content' => $values['nexus_default_support_content'],
'action' => $values['nexus_default_support_action'],
), TRUE );
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'nexus_support_staff_dpt_order', array( 'staff_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) );
$i = 1;
foreach ( $values['nexus_group_departments_order'] as $k => $v )
\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'nexus_support_staff_dpt_order', array(
'staff_id' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id,
'department_id' => $k,
'dpt_position' => $i++,
) );
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'nexus_support_notify', array( 'staff_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) );
foreach ( $types as $k => $t )
if ( $values[ $k ] === 0 or count( $values[ $k ] ) )
\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'nexus_support_notify', array(
'staff_id' => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id,
'type' => $t,
'departments' => ( $values[ $k ] === 0 ) ? '*' : implode( ',', $values[ $k ] )
) );
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal("app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests") );
\IPS\Output::i()->title = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('my_preferences');
\IPS\Output::i()->output = $form;
* Create
* @return void
protected function create()
/* Init */
\IPS\Dispatcher::i()->checkAcpPermission( 'requests_create' );
$steps = array();
$url = \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&do=create');
$initialData = NULL;
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->member ) )
$initialData = array( 'member' => \IPS\Request::i()->member );
$url = $url->setQueryString( 'member', \IPS\Request::i()->member );
/* Owner */
if ( !isset( \IPS\Request::i()->member ) )
$steps['request_owner'] = function( $data ) use ( $url )
$form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form( 'owner', 'continue', $url->setQueryString( '_step', 'request_owner' ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'request_owner_type', isset( $data['email'] ) ? 'email' : 'member', TRUE, array(
'options' => array( 'member' => 'request_owner_member', 'email' => 'request_owner_email' ),
'toggles' => array( 'member' => array( 'request_owner_member' ), 'email' => array( 'request_owner_email' ) )
) ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Member( 'request_owner_member', isset( $data['member'] ) ? \IPS\Member::load( $data['member'] ) : ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->member ) ? \IPS\Member::load( \IPS\Request::i()->member ) : NULL ), FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'request_owner_member' ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Email( 'request_owner_email', isset( $data['email'] ) ? $data['email'] : NULL, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'request_owner_email' ) );
if ( $values = $form->values() )
if ( $values['request_owner_type'] === 'member' )
if ( !$values['request_owner_member'] )
$form->error = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('request_owner_req');
return (string) $form;
$data['member'] = $values['request_owner_member']->member_id;
if ( !$values['request_owner_email'] )
$form->error = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('request_owner_req');
return (string) $form;
$member = \IPS\Member::load( $values['request_owner_email'], 'email' );
if ( $member->member_id )
$data['member'] = $member->member_id;
$data['email'] = $values['request_owner_email'];
return $data;
return (string) $form;
/* Stock Actions */
$stockActions = \IPS\nexus\Support\StockAction::roots();
if ( count( $stockActions ) )
$steps['stock_action'] = function( $data ) use ( $stockActions, $url )
$options = array( 0 => 'none' );
foreach ( $stockActions as $action )
$options[ $action->id ] = $action->_title;
$form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form( 'stock_action', 'continue', $url->setQueryString( '_step', 'stock_action' ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'stock_action', isset( $data['stock_action'] ) ? $data['stock_action'] : 0, FALSE, array(
'options' => $options
) ) );
if ( $values = $form->values() )
$data['stock_action'] = $values['stock_action'];
return $data;
return (string) $form;
/* Request Details */
$steps['request_details'] = function( $data ) use ( $stockActions, $url )
if ( !isset( $data['member'] ) AND isset( \IPS\Request::i()->member ) )
$data['member'] = \IPS\Request::i()->member;
$stockAction = NULL;
if ( isset( $data['stock_action'] ) and isset( $stockActions[ $data['stock_action'] ] ) )
$stockAction = $stockActions[ $data['stock_action'] ];
$form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form( 'request_details', 'continue', $url->setQueryString( '_step', 'request_details' ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'support_title', isset( $data['title'] ) ? $data['title'] : NULL, TRUE ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Node( 'support_department', isset( $data['department'] ) ? $data['department'] : ( $stockAction ? $stockAction->department : NULL ), TRUE, array( 'class' => 'IPS\nexus\Support\Department' ) ) );
if ( isset( $data['member'] ) )
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Node( 'support_purchase', isset( $data['purchase'] ) ? $data['purchase'] : 0, FALSE, array( 'class' => 'IPS\nexus\Purchase', 'forceOwner' => \IPS\Member::load( $data['member'] ), 'zeroVal' => 'none' ) ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Node( 'r_status', isset( $data['status'] ) ? $data['status'] : ( $stockAction ? $stockAction->status : \IPS\nexus\Support\Status::load( TRUE, 'status_default_staff' ) ), TRUE, array( 'class' => 'IPS\nexus\Support\Status' ) ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Node( 'support_severity', isset( $data['severity'] ) ? $data['severity'] : \IPS\nexus\Support\Severity::load( TRUE, 'sev_default' ), TRUE, array( 'class' => 'IPS\nexus\Support\Severity' ) ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'r_staff', isset( $data['staff'] ) ? $data['staff'] : 0, FALSE, array( 'parse' => 'normal', 'options' => array( 0 => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('unassigned') ) + \IPS\nexus\Support\Request::staff() ) ) );
if ( $values = $form->values() )
$data['title'] = $values['support_title'];
$data['department'] = $values['support_department']->id;
if ( isset( $values['support_purchase'] ) and $values['support_purchase'] )
$data['purchase'] = $values['support_purchase']->id;
$data['status'] = $values['r_status']->id;
$data['severity'] = $values['support_severity']->id;
$data['staff'] = $values['r_staff'];
return $data;
return (string) $form;
/* Custom Fields */
$customFields = \IPS\nexus\Support\CustomField::roots();
if ( count( $customFields ) )
$steps['custom_support_fields'] = function( $data ) use ( $url )
$customFields = \IPS\nexus\Support\CustomField::roots( NULL, NULL, array( "sf_departments='*' OR " . \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet( 'sf_departments', array( $data['department'] ) ) ) );
if ( count( $customFields ) )
$form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form( 'custom_fields', 'continue', $url->setQueryString( '_step', 'custom_support_fields' ) );
foreach ( $customFields as $field )
$form->add( $field->buildHelper( isset( $data['custom_fields']["nexus_cfield_{$field->id}"] ) ? $data['custom_fields']["nexus_cfield_{$field->id}"] : NULL ) );
if ( $values = $form->values() )
$data['custom_fields'] = $values;
return $data;
return (string) $form;
return $data;
/* Your Message */
$steps['your_message'] = function( $data ) use ( $stockActions, $url )
$stockAction = NULL;
if ( isset( $data['stock_action'] ) and isset( $stockActions[ $data['stock_action'] ] ) )
$stockAction = $stockActions[ $data['stock_action'] ];
$department = \IPS\nexus\Support\Department::load( $data['department'] );
$owner = isset( $data['member'] ) ? \IPS\nexus\Customer::load( $data['member'] ) : NULL;
$defaultContent = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'content', 'nexus_support_staff_preferences', array( 'staff_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) )->first();
$defaultContent = str_replace(
array( '{customer_first_name}', '{customer_last_name}', '{customer_full_name}', '{department_name}', '{department_email}' ),
$owner ? $owner->cm_first_name : '',
$owner ? $owner->cm_last_name : '',
$owner ? $owner->cm_name : $data['email'],
catch ( \UnderflowException $e )
$defaultContent = NULL;
$form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form( 'your_message', 'save', $url->setQueryString( '_step', 'your_message' ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'support_email_customer', TRUE, TRUE, array( 'togglesOn' => array( 'support_create_to', 'support_create_cc', 'support_create_bcc' ) ) ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Email( 'to', isset( $data['member'] ) ? \IPS\Member::load( $data['member'] )->email : $data['email'], NULL, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'support_create_to' ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'cc', array(), FALSE, array( 'autocomplete' => array( 'unique' => TRUE, 'forceLower' => TRUE ) ), array( 'IPS\nexus\Support\Request', '_validateEmail' ), NULL, NULL, 'support_create_cc' ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'bcc', array(), FALSE, array( 'autocomplete' => array( 'unique' => TRUE, 'forceLower' => TRUE ) ), array( 'IPS\nexus\Support\Request', '_validateEmail' ), NULL, NULL, 'support_create_bcc' ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Editor( 'message', $stockAction ? $stockAction->message : $defaultContent, TRUE, array( 'app' => 'nexus', 'key' => 'Support', 'autoSaveKey' => "new-req-message", 'defaultIfNoAutoSave' => TRUE ) ) );
if ( $values = $form->values() )
$request = new \IPS\nexus\Support\Request;
$request->started = time();
$request->title = $data['title'];
if ( isset( $data['member'] ) )
$request->member = $data['member'];
$request->email = $data['email'];
$request->department = $department;
if ( isset( $data['purchase'] ) and $data['purchase'] )
$request->purchase = \IPS\nexus\Purchase::load( $data['purchase'] );
$request->status = \IPS\nexus\Support\Status::load( $data['status'] );
$request->severity = \IPS\nexus\Support\Severity::load( $data['severity'] );
if ( isset( $data['staff'] ) and $data['staff'] )
$request->staff = \IPS\Member::load( $data['staff'] );
if ( isset( $data['custom_fields'] ) )
$cfields = array();
$customFieldObjects = \IPS\nexus\Support\CustomField::roots();
foreach ( $data['custom_fields'] as $k => $v )
if ( mb_substr( $k, 0, 13 ) === 'nexus_cfield_' )
$k = mb_substr( $k, 13 );
$class = $customFieldObjects[ $k ]->buildHelper();
$cfields[ $k ] = $class::stringValue( $v );
$request->cfields = $cfields;
$notify = $request->notify;
foreach ( $values['cc'] as $cc )
foreach ( $notify as $n )
if ( $n['value'] === $cc )
continue 2;
$notify[] = array( 'type' => 'e', 'value' => $cc );
foreach ( $values['bcc'] as $cc )
foreach ( $notify as $k => $n )
if ( $n['value'] === $cc )
if ( $n['bcc'] )
unset( $notify[ $k ]['bcc'] );
continue 2;
$notify[] = array( 'type' => 'e', 'value' => $cc, 'bcc' => 1 );
$request->notify = $notify;
$request->last_reply = time();
$request->last_new_reply = time();
$request->last_staff_reply = time();
$request->last_reply_by = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id;
$request->replies = 1;
$reply = new \IPS\nexus\Support\Reply;
$reply->request = $request->id;
$reply->member = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id;
$reply->type = $reply::REPLY_STAFF;
$reply->post = $values['message'];
$reply->date = time();
$reply->cc = implode( ',', $values['cc'] );
$reply->ip_address = \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress();
$reply->bcc = implode( ',', $values['bcc'] );
\IPS\File::claimAttachments( 'new-req-message', $request->id, $reply->id );
$request->processAfterCreate( $reply, $data );
if ( $values['support_email_customer'] )
$reply->sendCustomerNotifications( $values['to'], $values['cc'], $values['bcc'] );
$url = NULL;
if ( isset( $data['ref'] ) and isset( $data['transaction'] ) )
$transaction = \IPS\nexus\Transaction::load( $data['transaction'] );
$extra = $transaction->extra;
$extra['sr'] = $transaction->id;
$transaction->extra = $extra;
switch ( $data['ref'] )
case 'v':
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( $transaction->acpUrl() );
case 'i':
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( $transaction->invoice->acpUrl() );
case 'c':
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( $transaction->member->acpUrl() );
case 't':
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=payments&controller=transactions') );
catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e ) { }
if ( !$url )
$url = $request->canView() ? $request->acpUrl() : \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests');
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( $url, 'request_created' );
return $form;
/* Display */
\IPS\Output::i()->title = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('create_support_request');
\IPS\Output::i()->output = new \IPS\Helpers\Wizard( $steps, $url, TRUE, $initialData );
* View History
* @return void
protected function history()
/* Jump to the right date */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->date_jump ) )
$timezone = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone ? new \DateTimeZone( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->timezone ) : NULL;
catch ( \Exception $e )
$timezone = NULL;
$date = new \IPS\DateTime( \IPS\Helpers\Form\Date::_convertDateFormat( \IPS\Request::i()->date_jump ), $timezone );
\IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&do=history&date=' . $date->getTimestamp() ) );
/* Get our dates */
$date = isset( \IPS\Request::i()->date ) ? \IPS\DateTime::ts( \IPS\Request::i()->date ) : \IPS\DateTime::ts( time() )->setTime( 0, 0, 0 );
$tomorrow = clone $date;
$tomorrow = $tomorrow->add( new \DateInterval('P1D') );
$yesterday = clone $date;
$yesterday = $yesterday->sub( new \DateInterval('P1D') );
/* What page are we on? */
$page = isset( \IPS\Request::i()->page ) ? intval( \IPS\Request::i()->page ) : 1;
$perPage = 25;
/* Get our replies */
$replyWhere = array(
array( 'reply_member=? AND reply_date>? AND reply_date<?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $date->getTimestamp(), $tomorrow->getTimestamp() ),
array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'r_department', array_keys( iterator_to_array( \IPS\nexus\Support\Department::departmentsWithPermission( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() ) ) ) ) )
$replies = new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator(
\IPS\Db::i()->select( 'nexus_support_replies.*, nexus_support_ratings.*', 'nexus_support_replies',
'reply_id DESC',
array( ( $page - 1 ) * $perPage, $perPage ),
->join( 'nexus_support_requests', 'r_id=reply_request' )
->join( 'nexus_support_departments', 'dpt_id=r_department' )
->join( 'nexus_support_ratings', 'reply_id=rating_reply' )
, 'IPS\nexus\Support\Reply'
/* Work out pagination */
$count = $replies->count( TRUE );
$numberOfPages = ceil( $count / $perPage );
$pagination = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'core', 'global' )->pagination( \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=nexus&module=support&controller=requests&do=history&date=' . $date->getTimestamp() ), $numberOfPages, $page, $perPage );
/* Any tracked? */
$supportRequestsInView = array();
$first = NULL;
$last = NULL;
foreach ( $replies as $reply )
if ( $first === NULL )
$first = $reply;
$supportRequestsInView[] = $reply->request;
$last = $reply;
$tracked = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( array( 'request_id', 'notify' ), 'nexus_support_tracker', array( array( 'member_id=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ), array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'request_id', $supportRequestsInView ) ) ) )->setKeyField( 'request_id' )->setValueField( 'notify' ) );
/* Add in actions */
if ( $last )
$logWhere = array( array( 'rlog_member=? AND rlog_date>=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $last->date ) );
$firstOnNextPage = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'reply_date', 'nexus_support_replies', array_merge( $replyWhere, array( array( 'reply_date>?', $first->date ) ) ), 'reply_date ASC', 1 )->join( 'nexus_support_requests', 'r_id=reply_request' )->join( 'nexus_support_departments', 'dpt_id=r_department' )->first();
$logWhere[] = array( 'rlog_date<?', $firstOnNextPage );
catch ( \UnderflowException $e )
$logWhere[] = array( 'rlog_date<?', $tomorrow->getTimestamp() );
$logWhere = array( array( 'rlog_member=? AND rlog_date>? AND rlog_date<?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $date->getTimestamp(), $tomorrow->getTimestamp() ) );
$iterator = new \IPS\Patterns\UnionIterator( 'desc' );
$iterator->attachIterator( $replies, 'date' );
$iterator->attachIterator( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'nexus_support_request_log', $logWhere, 'rlog_date DESC' ), 'IPS\nexus\Support\Log' ), 'date' );
/* Make a 30 day chart */
$data = array();
$workingDate = \IPS\DateTime::ts( time() - ( 86400 * 29 ) )->setTime( 0, 0, 0 );
$thirtyDaysAgo = $workingDate->getTimestamp();
for ( $i = 0; $i < 30; $i++ )
$data[ $workingDate->format( 'Y-n-j' ) ] = 0;
$workingDate->add( new \DateInterval('P1D') );
$chart = new \IPS\Helpers\Chart;
$chart->addHeader( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('date'), 'date' );
$chart->addHeader( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('staff_reply_count'), 'number' );
foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( "COUNT(*) AS count, DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( reply_date ), '%Y-%c-%e' ) AS time", 'nexus_support_replies', array( 'reply_member=? AND reply_type=? AND reply_date>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, \IPS\nexus\Support\Reply::REPLY_STAFF, $thirtyDaysAgo ), NULL, NULL, 'time' ) as $row )
$data[ $row['time'] ] = $row['count'];
foreach ( $data as $dateString => $count )
$datetime = new \IPS\DateTime;
$exploded = explode( '-', $dateString );
$datetime->setDate( (float) $exploded[0], $exploded[1], $exploded[2] );
$datetime->setTime( 0, 0, 0 );
$chart->addRow( array( $datetime, $count ) );
$chart = $chart->render( 'SteppedAreaChart', array(
'backgroundColor' => '#fff',
'areaOpacity' => 0.4,
'chartArea' => array( 'width' => '97%', 'height' => '81%' ),
'colors' => array( '#10967e' ),
'fontSize' => 10,
'height' => 150,
'lineWidth' => 1,
'vAxis' => array( 'gridlines' => array( 'color' => '#f0f0f0', 'count' => 4 ), 'maxValue' => max( $data ), 'textPosition' => 'none' ),
'hAxis' => array( 'gridlines' => array( 'color' => '#f5f5f5' ) ),
'legend' => array( 'position' => 'none' )
) );
/* Stats */
$sixtyDaysAgo = ( $thirtyDaysAgo - ( 86400 * 30 ) );
$resolvedStatuses = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'status_id', 'nexus_support_statuses', 'status_is_locked=1' ) );
$stats = array();
$stats['totalRepliesThis'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'nexus_support_replies', array( 'reply_member=? AND reply_type=? AND reply_date>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, \IPS\nexus\Support\Reply::REPLY_STAFF, $thirtyDaysAgo ) )->first();
$stats['totalRepliesPrev'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'nexus_support_replies', array( 'reply_member=? AND reply_type=? AND reply_date>? AND reply_date<?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, \IPS\nexus\Support\Reply::REPLY_STAFF, $sixtyDaysAgo, $thirtyDaysAgo ) )->first();
$stats['customersHelpedThis'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT( DISTINCT IF( nexus_support_requests.r_member, nexus_support_requests.r_member, nexus_support_requests.r_email ) )', 'nexus_support_replies', array( 'reply_member=? AND reply_type=? AND reply_date>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, \IPS\nexus\Support\Reply::REPLY_STAFF, $thirtyDaysAgo ) )->join( 'nexus_support_requests', 'reply_request=r_id' )->first();
$stats['customersHelpedPrev'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT( DISTINCT IF( nexus_support_requests.r_member, nexus_support_requests.r_member, nexus_support_requests.r_email ) )', 'nexus_support_replies', array( 'reply_member=? AND reply_type=? AND reply_date>? AND reply_date<?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, \IPS\nexus\Support\Reply::REPLY_STAFF, $sixtyDaysAgo, $thirtyDaysAgo ) )->join( 'nexus_support_requests', 'reply_request=r_id' )->first();
$stats['issuesResolvedThis'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'nexus_support_requests', array( 'reply_member=? AND r_last_staff_reply>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $thirtyDaysAgo ) )->join( 'nexus_support_replies', 'reply_date=r_last_staff_reply' )->first();
$stats['issuesResolvedPrev'] = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'nexus_support_requests', array( 'reply_member=? AND r_last_staff_reply>? AND r_last_staff_reply<?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $sixtyDaysAgo, $thirtyDaysAgo ) )->join( 'nexus_support_replies', 'reply_date=r_last_staff_reply' )->first();
$stats['averageRatingThis'] = round( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'AVG(rating_rating)', 'nexus_support_ratings', array( 'rating_staff=? AND rating_date>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $thirtyDaysAgo ) )->first(), 1 );
$stats['averageRatingPrev'] = round( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'AVG(rating_rating)', 'nexus_support_ratings', array( 'rating_staff=? AND rating_date>? AND rating_date<?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $sixtyDaysAgo, $thirtyDaysAgo ) )->first(), 1 );
/* Display */
\IPS\Output::i()->title = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('my_history');
\IPS\Output::i()->output = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate('support')->myHistory( $date, $tomorrow, $yesterday, $iterator, $pagination, $tracked, $chart, $stats );