DataLife Engine - by SoftNews Media Group
Copyright (c) 2004-2021 SoftNews Media Group
This code is protected by copyright
File: quote.php
Use: comments quote
if(!defined('DATALIFEENGINE')) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
header ( 'Location: ../../' );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
if ( !$config['allow_registration'] ) {
$dle_login_hash = sha1( SECURE_AUTH_KEY . $_IP );
if( $_REQUEST['user_hash'] == "" OR $_REQUEST['user_hash'] != $dle_login_hash ) {
die ("error");
$id = intval( $_GET['id'] );
$area = $_GET['area'];
if(!$id) die( "error" );
if( $config['allow_comments_wysiwyg'] > 0) {
$allowed_tags = array ('div[align|style|class]', 'span[style|class]', 'p[align|style|class]', 'br', 'strong', 'em', 'ul', 'li', 'ol', 'b', 'u', 'i', 's', 'hr' );
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_url'] ) $allowed_tags[] = 'a[href|target|style|class|title]';
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_image'] ) $allowed_tags[] = 'img[style|class|src|alt|width|height]';
$parse = new ParseFilter( $allowed_tags );
$parse->wysiwyg = true;
} else {
$parse = new ParseFilter();
$parse->safe_mode = true;
$parse->remove_html = false;
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT post_id, autor, text FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE id = '{$id}'" );
if (!$row['text']) die( "error" );
$row_news = $db->super_query( "SELECT allow_comm, approve, access FROM " . PREFIX . "_post LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_post_extras ON (" . PREFIX . "_post.id=" . PREFIX . "_post_extras.news_id) WHERE id='{$row['post_id']}'" );
$options = news_permission( $row_news['access'] );
if( (!$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_addc'] and $options[$member_id['user_group']] != 2) or $options[$member_id['user_group']] == 1 ) die( "error" );
if( !$row_news['allow_comm'] OR !$row_news['approve'] ) {
die( "error" );
if( $config['allow_comments_wysiwyg'] < 1 ) {
$text = $parse->decodeBBCodes( $row['text'], false );
$text = str_replace( ":", ":", $text );
$text = str_replace( "[", "[", $text );
$text = str_replace( "]", "]", $text );
$text = str_replace( "{", "{", $text );
$text = str_replace( "'", "'", $text );
$text = "[quote={$row['autor']}]{$text}[/quote]";
} else {
$parse->wysiwyg = true;
$text = $parse->decodeBBCodes( $row['text'], TRUE, $config['allow_comments_wysiwyg'] );
$text = preg_replace('/<p[^>]*>/', '', $text);
$text = str_replace("</p>", "<br>", $text);
$text = preg_replace('/<div[^>]*>/', '', $text);
$text = str_replace("</div>", "<br>", $text);
$text = str_replace( "\r", "", $text );
$text = str_replace( "\n", "", $text );
$count_start = substr_count ($text, "[quote");
$count_end = substr_count ($text, "[/quote]");
if ($count_start AND $count_start == $count_end) {
$text = str_ireplace( "[quote]", "<div class=\"quote\">", $text );
$text = preg_replace( "#\[quote=(.*?)\]#i", "<div class=\"title_quote\">{$lang['i_quote']} \\1</div><div class=\"quote\">", $text );
$text = str_ireplace( "[/quote]", "</div>", $text );
$text = trim($text);
$text = "<div class=\"quote_block noncontenteditable\"><div class=\"title_quote\">{$lang['i_quote']} {$row['autor']}</div><div class=\"quote\"><div class=\"quote_body contenteditable\">{$text}</div></div></div>";
if (stripos ( $text, "[hide" ) !== false ) {
$text = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[hide(.*?)\](.+?)\[/hide\]#is",
function ($matches) use ($member_id, $user_group, $lang) {
$matches[1] = str_replace(array("=", " "), "", $matches[1]);
$matches[2] = $matches[2];
if( $matches[1] ) {
$groups = explode( ',', $matches[1] );
if( in_array( $member_id['user_group'], $groups ) OR $member_id['user_group'] == "1") {
return $matches[0];
} else return "";
} else {
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_hide'] ) return $matches[0]; else return "";
}, $text );
echo $text;