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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for wrapping member listings and their
 * profiles.
 * This template is used when viewing a list of users. It can be a general
 * list for viewing all users with the URL of "" or when
 * viewing a set of users who share a specific value for a profile such
 * as "".
 * Available variables:
 * - $content: User account profiles iterated through profile-listing.tpl.php.
 * - $current_field: The named field being browsed. Provided here for context.
 *   The above example would result in "last_name". An alternate template name
 *   is also based on this, e.g., "profile-wrapper-last_name.tpl.php".
 * @see template_preprocess_profile_wrapper()
<div id="profile">
  <?php print $content; ?>