| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| https://phpfusion.com/
| Filename: photo.php
| Author: Robert Gaudyn (Wooya)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
require_once __DIR__.'/../../maincore.php';
if (!defined('GALLERY_EXISTS')) {
require_once INCLUDES."infusions_include.php";
include INFUSIONS."gallery/functions.php";
$gallery_settings = get_settings("gallery");
* Converts Hex to RGB
* @param string $hex
* @return array
function convert_color($hex) {
global $locale;
$hex = str_replace("#", "", $hex);
if (preg_match('/^[[:xdigit:]]+$/', $hex)) {
if (strlen($hex) === 3) {
$hex = $hex[0].$hex[0].$hex[1].$hex[1].$hex[2].$hex[2];
$red = $green = $blue = 0;
sscanf($hex, '%2x%2x%2x', $red, $green, $blue);
$color['success'] = TRUE;
$color['r'] = $red;
$color['g'] = $green;
$color['b'] = $blue;
} else {
$color['success'] = FALSE;
$color['error'] = $locale['global_900'];
return $color;
function RGBtoArray($rgb) {
if (stristr($rgb, "rgb(")) {
$rgb_value = explode(",", $rgb);
if (count($rgb_value) == 3) {
return [
"r" => $rgb_value[0],
"g" => $rgb_value[1],
"b" => $rgb_value[2],
} else {
return "bad rgb value. it does not contain 3 comma delimiter";
} else {
return "value is not accepted";
if (isset($_GET['photo_id']) && isnum($_GET['photo_id'])) {
$result = dbquery("SELECT
ta.album_id, ta.album_title, ta.album_description, ta.album_access, tp.photo_title,
tp.photo_filename, tp.photo_thumb2
WHERE photo_id=".$_GET['photo_id']." GROUP BY tp.photo_id
$data = dbarray($result);
$image = '';
if (checkgroup($data['album_access'])) {
$photo_path = return_photo_paths($data);
$parts = pathinfo($photo_path['photo_filename']);
$wm_file1 = $parts['filename']."_w1.".$parts['extension'];
$wm_file2 = $parts['filename']."_w2.".$parts['extension'];
if (!isset($_GET['full'])) {
$wm_file = file_exists(IMAGES_G.'album_'.$data['album_id'].'/'.$data['photo_filename']) ? IMAGES_G.'album_'.$data['album_id'].'/'.$wm_file1 : IMAGES_G.$wm_file1; //w1 - full
} else {
$wm_file = file_exists(IMAGES_G.'album_'.$data['album_id'].'/'.$data['photo_filename']) ? IMAGES_G.'album_'.$data['album_id'].'/'.$wm_file2 : IMAGES_G.$wm_file2; //w2 - normal
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$img = $photo_path['photo_filename'];
$cop = BASEDIR.$gallery_settings['photo_watermark_image'];
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($img, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if (in_array($ext, ['jpeg', 'jpg'])) {
$image = ImageCreateFromJPEG($img);
} else {
if ($ext === 'png') {
$image = ImageCreateFromPNG($img);
} else {
if ($ext === 'gif') {
$image = ImageCreateFromGIF($img);
$sizeX = ImagesX($image);
$sizeY = ImagesY($image);
$image_tmp = ImageCreateTrueColor($sizeX, $sizeY);
$ica = ImageColorAllocate($image_tmp, 255, 255, 255);
ImageFill($image_tmp, 0, 0, $ica);
if (fusion_get_settings("thumb_compression") == "gd2") {
ImageCopyResampled($image_tmp, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sizeX, $sizeY, $sizeX, $sizeY);
} else {
ImageCopyResized($image_tmp, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sizeX, $sizeY, $sizeX, $sizeY);
$tmp = IMAGES_G.md5(time().$img).'.tmp';
ImageJPEG($image_tmp, $tmp);
$image = ImageCreateFromJPEG($tmp);
$image2 = FALSE;
if ((file_exists($cop) && strtolower(pathinfo($cop, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) === 'png') && !empty($gallery_settings['photo_watermark'])) {
$image_dim_x = ImagesX($image);
$image_dim_y = ImagesY($image);
$copyright = ImageCreateFromPNG($cop);
$copyright_dim_x = ImagesX($copyright);
$copyright_dim_y = ImagesY($copyright);
$where_x = $image_dim_x - $copyright_dim_x - 5;
$where_y = $image_dim_y - $copyright_dim_y - 5;
ImageCopy($image, $copyright, $where_x, $where_y, 0, 0, $copyright_dim_x, $copyright_dim_y);
$thumb_w = 0;
$thumb_h = 0;
if (!isset($_GET['full'])) {
if ($image_dim_x > $gallery_settings['photo_w'] || $image_dim_y > $gallery_settings['photo_h']) {
if ($image_dim_x < $image_dim_y) {
$thumb_w = round(($image_dim_x * $gallery_settings['photo_h']) / $image_dim_y);
$thumb_h = $gallery_settings['photo_h'];
} else if ($image_dim_x > $image_dim_y) {
$thumb_w = $gallery_settings['photo_w'];
$thumb_h = round(($image_dim_y * $gallery_settings['photo_w']) / $image_dim_x);
} else {
$thumb_w = $gallery_settings['photo_w'];
$thumb_h = $gallery_settings['photo_h'];
} else {
$thumb_w = $image_dim_x;
$thumb_h = $image_dim_y;
$image2 = ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_w, $thumb_h);
if (fusion_get_settings("thumb_compression") == "gd2") {
ImageCopyResampled($image2, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $image_dim_x, $image_dim_y);
} else {
ImageCopyResized($image2, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $image_dim_x, $image_dim_y);
if ($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_text']) {
$enc = ["&", """, "'", "\", """, "'", "<", ">"];
$dec = ["&", "\"", "'", "\\", '\"', "\'", "<", ">"];
// drop the function and use a rgb output.
$black = ImageColorAllocate((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), 0, 0, 0);
// lets just do a rgb value instead of converting.
// bugged
//@todo: drop function and scan image brightness to go for either black or white.
$colors1 = convert_color($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_text_color1']);
$colors2 = convert_color($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_text_color2']);
$colors3 = convert_color($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_text_color3']);
$color1 = ImageColorAllocate((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $colors1['r'], $colors1['g'], $colors1['b']);
$color2 = ImageColorAllocate((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $colors2['r'], $colors2['g'], $colors2['b']);
$color3 = ImageColorAllocate((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $colors3['r'], $colors3['g'], $colors3['b']);
//move text y
$mty1 = (!empty($thumb_h) ? $thumb_h : $image_dim_y) - ($thumb_h ? 40 : 50) - 25;
$mty2 = (!empty($thumb_h) ? $thumb_h : $image_dim_y) - ($thumb_h ? 25 : 35) - 20;
$mty3 = (!empty($thumb_h) ? $thumb_h : $image_dim_y) - ($thumb_h ? 15 : 20) - 15;
$album_title = str_replace("\r", "", $data['album_title']);
$album_title = str_replace("\n", "", $album_title);
$album_title = preg_replace("[\[(.*?)\]]", "", $album_title);
$album_title = preg_replace("<\<(.*?)\>>", "", $album_title);
$album_title = trimlink($album_title, 75);
$album_title = str_replace($enc, $dec, $album_title);
$album_description = str_replace("\r", "", $data['album_description']);
$album_description = str_replace("\n", "", $album_description);
$album_description = preg_replace("[\[(.*?)\]]", "", $album_description);
$album_description = preg_replace("<\<(.*?)\>>", "", $album_description);
$album_description = trimlink($album_description, 75);
$album_description = str_replace($enc, $dec, $album_description);
$photo_title = str_replace("\r", "", $data['photo_title']);
$photo_title = str_replace("\n", "", $photo_title);
$photo_title = preg_replace("[\[(.*?)\]]", "", $photo_title);
$photo_title = preg_replace("<\<(.*?)\>>", "", $photo_title);
$photo_title = trimlink($photo_title, 75);
$photo_title = str_replace($enc, $dec, $photo_title);
$album_title_font_size = !isset($_GET['full']) ? 3 : 5;
$album_descr_font_size = !isset($_GET['full']) ? 1 : 3;
$photo_title_font_size = !isset($_GET['full']) ? 1 : 3;
$fontfile = dirname(__FILE__).'/font/NotoSansRegular.ttf';
//album title
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty1 - 1, $black, $fontfile, $album_title);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty1 + 1, $black, $fontfile, $album_title);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 9, $mty1, $black, $fontfile, $album_title);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 11, $mty1, $black, $fontfile, $album_title);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty1, $color1, $fontfile, $album_title);
//album info
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_descr_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty2 - 1, $black, $fontfile, $album_description);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_descr_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty2 + 1, $black, $fontfile, $album_description);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_descr_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 9, $mty2, $black, $fontfile, $album_description);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_descr_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 11, $mty2, $black, $fontfile, $album_description);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $album_descr_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty2, $color2, $fontfile, $album_description);
//photo name
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $photo_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty3 - 1, $black, $fontfile, $photo_title);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $photo_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty3 + 1, $black, $fontfile, $photo_title);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $photo_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 9, $mty3, $black, $fontfile, $photo_title);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $photo_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 11, $mty3, $black, $fontfile, $photo_title);
imagettftext((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $photo_title_font_size + 10, 0, 10 + 10, $mty3, $color3, $fontfile, $photo_title);
//create image
if ($gallery_settings['photo_watermark_save']) {
ImageJPEG((!empty($image2) ? $image2 : $image), $wm_file);
ImageJPEG((isset($image2) && $image2 ? $image2 : $image));
ImageDestroy((isset($image2) && $image2 ? $image2 : $image));
if (isset($copyright) && is_resource($copyright)) {
} else {
} else {