* @version $Id$
* @package Elxis
* @subpackage Module Articles
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2021 Elxis CMS (https://www.elxis.org). All rights reserved.
* @license Elxis Public License ( https://www.elxis.org/elxis-public-license.html )
* @author Elxis Team ( https://www.elxis.org )
* @description Elxis CMS is free software. Read the license for copyright notices and details
defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed');
if (!class_exists('modArticles', false)) {
class modArticles {
private $source = 0;
private $catid = 0;
private $subcats = 0;
private $catids = array();
private $artids = array();
private $order = 0;
private $days = 10;
private $limit = 5;
private $layout = 1;//1: 1column, 2: left-right
private $short = 1;
private $short_columns = 1;
private $short_imp = 0;
private $short_sub = 1;
private $short_cat = 0;
private $short_date = 0;
private $short_text = 0;
private $short_more = 0;
private $short_img = 8;
private $short_caption = 0;
private $links_sub = 0;
private $links_cat = 0;
private $links_date = 0;
private $links_img = 0;
private $links_columns = 1;
private $errormsg = '';
private $lng = 'en';
private $translate = false;
private $relkey = '';
public function __construct($params) {
$this->lng = eFactory::getURI()->getUriLang();
if (eFactory::getElxis()->getConfig('MULTILINGUISM') == 1) {
if ($this->lng != '') { $this->translate = true; }
private function getParams($params) {
$this->limit = (int)$params->get('limit', 5);
if ($this->limit < 1) { $this->limit = 5; }
$this->source = (int)$params->get('source', 0);
if ($this->source == 1) {
$this->catid = (int)$params->get('catid', 0);
$this->subcats = (int)$params->get('subcats', 0);
if ($this->catid < 1) { $this->errormsg = 'No category selected for the articles!'; }
} else if ($this->source == 2) {
$catstr = trim($params->get('catids', ''));
$catids = explode(',', $catstr);
if ($catids) {
foreach ($catids as $catid) {
$catid = (int)$catid;
if ($catid > 0) { $this->catids[] = $catid; }
if (count($this->catids) == 0) { $this->errormsg = 'No categories selected for the articles!'; }
} else if ($this->source == 4) {
$artstr = trim($params->get('artids', ''));
$artids = explode(',', $artstr);
if ($artids) {
foreach ($artids as $artid) {
$artid = (int)$artid;
if ($artid > 0) { $this->artids[] = $artid; }
$n = count($this->artids);
if ($n == 0) {
$this->errormsg = 'No categories selected for the articles!';
} else {
if ($n > $this->limit) { $this->limit = $n; }
$this->order = (int)$params->get('order', 0);
if ($this->order == 2) {
$this->days = (int)$params->get('days', 10);
if ($this->days < 1) { $this->days = 10; }
$this->layout = (int)$params->get('layout', 1);
if ($this->layout != 2) { $this->layout = 1; }
$this->relkey = trim($params->get('relkey', ''));
$this->short = (int)$params->get('short', 1);
if ($this->short > $this->limit) { $this->short = $this->limit; }
$this->short_columns = (int)$params->get('short_columns', 1);
$this->short_imp = (int)$params->get('short_imp', 0);
$this->short_sub = (int)$params->get('short_sub', 1);
$this->short_cat = (int)$params->get('short_cat', 0);
$this->short_date = (int)$params->get('short_date', 0);
$this->short_text = (int)$params->get('short_text', 0);
$this->short_more = (int)$params->get('short_more', 0);
$this->short_caption = (int)$params->get('short_caption', 0);
$this->short_img = (int)$params->get('short_img', 8);
//backwards compatibility
if ($this->short_img == 6) { $this->short_img = 1; }
if ($this->short_img == 7) { $this->short_img = 2; }
$this->links_sub = (int)$params->get('links_sub', 0);
$this->links_cat = (int)$params->get('links_cat', 0);
$this->links_date = (int)$params->get('links_date', 0);
$this->links_img = (int)$params->get('links_img', 0);
//backwards compatibility
if ($this->links_img == 3) { $this->links_img = 1; }
if ($this->links_img == 4) { $this->links_img = 2; }
$this->links_columns = (int)$params->get('links_columns', 1);
if ($this->source == 3) {
$this->short_cat = 0;
$this->links_cat = 0;
private function showError($msg) {
echo '<div class="elx5_error">'.$msg."</div>\n";
public function run() {
if ($this->errormsg != '') {
$rows = $this->getArticles();
if (!$rows) { return; }
$total = count($rows);
$short = $this->short;
if ($short > $total) { $short = $total; }
$numlinks = $total - $short;
if (($short == 0) || ($numlinks == 0)) { $this->layout = 1; }
if ($this->layout == 2) {
echo '<div class="elx5_2colwrap">'."\n";
echo '<div class="elx5_2colbox">'."\n";
$this->showShort($rows, $short);
echo "</div>\n";
echo '<div class="elx5_2colbox">'."\n";
$this->showLinks($rows, $short, $numlinks);
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} else {
$this->showShort($rows, $short);
$this->showLinks($rows, $short, $numlinks);
private function showLinks($articles, $skip, $numlinks) {
$eLang = eFactory::getLang();
$elxis = eFactory::getElxis();
$eFiles = eFactory::getFiles();
switch ($this->links_img) {
case 1: $figaddon = ' elx5_content_imageboxtl'; $boxaddon = ' elx5_artboxtl'; break;
case 2: $figaddon = ' elx5_content_imageboxtr'; $boxaddon = ' elx5_artboxtr'; break;
case 0: default: $figaddon = ''; $boxaddon = ''; break;
$i = 0;
$b = 0;
$c = 0;
$buffer = array();
foreach ($articles as $id => $article) {
if ($i < $skip) { $i++; continue; }
if ($c >= $numlinks) { break; }
if ($this->source != 3) {
$link = $elxis->makeURL($article->seolink.$article->seotitle.'.html');
} else {
$link = $elxis->makeURL($article->seotitle.'.html');
$imgbox = '';
if ($this->links_img > 0) {
if ((trim($article->image) == '') || !file_exists(ELXIS_PATH.'/'.$article->image)) {
$alt = (trim($article->caption) != '') ? $article->caption : $article->title;
$imgbox = '<figure class="elx5_content_imagebox'.$figaddon.'">'."\n";
$imgbox .= '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$article->title.'">';
$imgbox .= '<img src="'.$elxis->secureBase().'/templates/system/images/nopicture_article.jpg" alt="'.$alt.'" />';
$imgbox .= "</a>\n";
$imgbox .= "</figure>\n";
} else {
$imgfile = $elxis->secureBase().'/'.$article->image;
$file_info = $eFiles->getNameExtension($article->image);
if (file_exists(ELXIS_PATH.'/'.$file_info['name'].'_thumb.'.$file_info['extension'])) {
$imgfile = $elxis->secureBase().'/'.$file_info['name'].'_thumb.'.$file_info['extension'];
$alt = (trim($article->caption) != '') ? $article->caption : $article->title;
$imgbox = '<figure class="elx5_content_imagebox'.$figaddon.'">'."\n";
$imgbox .= '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$article->title.'"><img src="'.$imgfile.'" alt="'.$alt.'" /></a>'."\n";
$imgbox .= "</figure>\n";
$buffer[$b] = $imgbox;
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_artbox_inner">'."\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<h3><a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$article->title.'">'.$article->title.'</a></h3>'."\n";
if ($this->links_date == 1) {
$txt = '<time datetime="'.$article->created.'">'.$this->friendlyDate($article->created).'</time>';
if (($this->links_cat == 1) && ($article->catid > 0)) {
$link2 = $elxis->makeURL($article->seolink);
$txt .= ' '.$eLang->get('IN').' <a href="'.$link2.'" title="'.$article->cattitle.'">'.$article->cattitle."</a>\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_dateauthor">'.$txt.'</div>'."\n";
} elseif (($this->links_cat == 1) && ($article->catid > 0)) {
$link2 = $elxis->makeURL($article->seolink);
$txt = $eLang->get('IN').' <a href="'.$link2.'" title="'.$article->cattitle.'">'.$article->cattitle."</a>\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_dateauthor">'.$txt.'</div>'."\n";
if ($this->links_sub == 1) {
if (trim($article->subtitle) != '') { $buffer[$b] .= '<p class="elx5_content_subtitle">'.$article->subtitle."</p>\n"; }
if ($imgbox != '') { $buffer[$b] .= '<div class="clear"></div>'."\n"; }
$buffer[$b] .= "</div>\n";//elx5_artbox_inner
if (!$buffer) { return; }
if ($this->links_columns > 1) {
echo '<div class="elx5_'.$this->links_columns.'colwrap">'."\n";
foreach ($buffer as $txt) {
echo '<div class="elx5_'.$this->links_columns.'colbox elx5_artbox'.$boxaddon.'">'."\n";
echo $txt;
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} else {
foreach ($buffer as $txt) {
echo '<div class="elx5_artbox'.$boxaddon.'">'."\n";
echo $txt;
echo "</div>\n";
private function showShort($articles, $num) {
$eLang = eFactory::getLang();
$elxis = eFactory::getElxis();
$eFiles = eFactory::getFiles();
$eDate = eFactory::getDate();
switch ($this->short_img) {
case 1: $figaddon = ' elx5_content_imageboxtl'; $boxaddon = ' elx5_artboxtl'; break;
case 2: $figaddon = ' elx5_content_imageboxtr'; $boxaddon = ' elx5_artboxtr'; break;
case 3: $figaddon = ' elx5_content_imageboxlt'; $boxaddon = ' elx5_artboxlt'; break;
case 4: $figaddon = ' elx5_content_imageboxml'; $boxaddon = ' elx5_artboxml'; break;
case 5: $figaddon = ' elx5_content_imageboxmr'; $boxaddon = ' elx5_artboxmr'; break;
case 8: $figaddon = ' elx5_content_imageboxlt'; $boxaddon = ' elx5_artboxvt'; break;
case 0: default: $figaddon = ''; $boxaddon = ''; break;
$i = 0;
$b = 0;
$buffer = array();
foreach ($articles as $id => $article) {
if ($i >= $num) { break; }
if ($this->source != 3) {
$link = $elxis->makeURL($article->seolink.$article->seotitle.'.html');
} else {
$link = $elxis->makeURL($article->seotitle.'.html');
$imgbox = '';
if ($this->short_img > 0) {
if ((trim($article->image) == '') || !file_exists(ELXIS_PATH.'/'.$article->image)) {
$alt = (trim($article->caption) != '') ? $article->caption : $article->title;
$imgbox = '<figure class="elx5_content_imagebox'.$figaddon.'">'."\n";
$imgbox .= '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$article->title.'">';
$imgbox .= '<img src="'.$elxis->secureBase().'/templates/system/images/nopicture_article.jpg" alt="'.$alt.'" />';
$imgbox .= "</a>\n";
if (($this->short_caption == 1) && (trim($article->caption) != '')) { $imgbox .= '<figcaption>'.$article->caption."</figcaption>\n"; }
$imgbox .= "</figure>\n";
} else {
$imgfile = $elxis->secureBase().'/'.$article->image;
if ($this->short_img != 8) {
$file_info = $eFiles->getNameExtension($article->image);
if (file_exists(ELXIS_PATH.'/'.$file_info['name'].'_medium.'.$file_info['extension'])) {
$imgfile = $elxis->secureBase().'/'.$file_info['name'].'_medium.'.$file_info['extension'];
$alt = (trim($article->caption) != '') ? $article->caption : $article->title;
$imgbox = '<figure class="elx5_content_imagebox'.$figaddon.'">'."\n";
$imgbox .= '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$article->title.'"><img src="'.$imgfile.'" alt="'.$alt.'" /></a>'."\n";
if (($this->short_caption == 1) && (trim($article->caption) != '')) { $imgbox .= '<figcaption>'.$article->caption."</figcaption>\n"; }
$imgbox .= "</figure>\n";
$buffer[$b] = '';
if ($this->short_img != 3) { $buffer[$b] .= $imgbox; }
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_artbox_inner">'."\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<h3><a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$article->title.'">'.$article->title.'</a></h3>'."\n";
if ($this->short_date == 1) {
$txt = '<time datetime="'.$article->created.'">'.$this->friendlyDate($article->created).'</time>';
if (($this->short_cat == 1) && ($article->catid > 0)) {
$link2 = $elxis->makeURL($article->seolink);
$txt .= ' '.$eLang->get('IN').' <a href="'.$link2.'" title="'.$article->cattitle.'">'.$article->cattitle."</a>\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_dateauthor">'.$txt.'</div>'."\n";
} elseif (($this->short_cat == 1) && ($article->catid > 0)) {
$link2 = $elxis->makeURL($article->seolink);
$txt = $eLang->get('IN').' <a href="'.$link2.'" title="'.$article->cattitle.'">'.$article->cattitle."</a>\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_dateauthor">'.$txt.'</div>'."\n";
$buffer[$b] .= "</div>\n";
if ($this->short_img == 3) { $buffer[$b] .= $imgbox; }
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_artbox_inner">'."\n";
if ($this->short_sub == 1) {
if (trim($article->subtitle) != '') { $buffer[$b] .= '<p class="elx5_content_subtitle">'.$article->subtitle."</p>\n"; }
if ($this->short_text > 0) {
$article->introtext = $this->removePlugins($article->introtext);
if ($this->short_text < 1000) {
$txt = strip_tags($article->introtext);
$len = eUTF::strlen($txt);
if ($len > $this->short_text) {
$limit = $this->short_text - 3;
$txt = eUTF::substr($txt, 0, $limit).'...';
} else {
$txt = $article->introtext;
if ($this->short_more) {
$txt .= ' <a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$article->title.'">'.$eLang->get('MORE')."</a>\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<p>'.$txt."</p>\n";
} else if ($this->short_more) {
$buffer[$b] .= '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$article->title.'">'.$eLang->get('MORE')."</a>\n";
if ($this->short_date == 2) {
$txt = '<time datetime="'.$article->created.'">'.$this->friendlyDate($article->created).'</time>';
if (($this->short_cat == 2) && ($article->catid > 0)) {
$link2 = $elxis->makeURL($article->seolink);
$txt .= ' '.$eLang->get('IN').' <a href="'.$link2.'" title="'.$article->cattitle.'">'.$article->cattitle."</a>\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_dateauthor">'.$txt.'</div>'."\n";
} elseif (($this->short_cat == 2) && ($article->catid > 0)) {
$link2 = $elxis->makeURL($article->seolink);
$txt = $eLang->get('IN').' <a href="'.$link2.'" title="'.$article->cattitle.'">'.$article->cattitle."</a>\n";
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="elx5_dateauthor">'.$txt.'</div>'."\n";
if (($this->short_img != 3) && ($this->short_img != 8)) {
$buffer[$b] .= '<div class="clear"></div>'."\n";
$buffer[$b] .= "</div>\n";//elx5_artbox_inner
if (!$buffer) { return; }
if ($this->short_columns > 1) {
echo '<div class="elx5_'.$this->short_columns.'colwrap">'."\n";
foreach ($buffer as $txt) {
echo '<div class="elx5_'.$this->short_columns.'colbox elx5_artbox'.$boxaddon.'">'."\n";
echo $txt;
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
} else {
foreach ($buffer as $txt) {
echo '<div class="elx5_artbox'.$boxaddon.'">'."\n";
echo $txt;
echo "</div>\n";
/* Use this method instead of elxisPlugin::removePlugins() in order not to initiate class in pages were we don't need it */
private function removePlugins($text) {
$cregex = '#<code>(.*?)</code>#';
$regex = '#{[^}]*}(?:.+?{\/[^}]*})?#';
$eregex = '~href="#elink:(.*?)"~';
$newtext = preg_replace($cregex, '', $text);
$newtext = preg_replace($regex, '', $newtext);
$newtext = preg_replace($eregex, 'href="javascript:void(null);"', $newtext);
return $newtext;
private function friendlyDate($date) {
$eLang = eFactory::getLang();
$today = gmdate('Y-m-d');
if (strpos($date, $today) === 0) {
$dt = eFactory::getDate()->formatDate($date, '%H:%M');
return $eLang->get('TODAY').' '.$dt;
} else {
$ts = time() - 86400;
$yesterday = gmdate('Y-m-d', $ts);
if (strpos($date, $yesterday) === 0) {
$dt = eFactory::getDate()->formatDate($date, '%H:%M');
return $eLang->get('YESTERDAY').' '.$dt;
} else {
return eFactory::getDate()->formatDate($date, $eLang->get('DATE_FORMAT_4'));
private function getArticles() {
$db = eFactory::getDB();
$elxis = eFactory::getElxis();
$lowlev = $elxis->acl()->getLowLevel();
$exactlev = $elxis->acl()->getExactLevel();
$binds = array();
$sql = "SELECT a.id, a.catid, a.title, a.seotitle, a.subtitle, a.introtext, a.image, a.caption, a.created";
if ($this->source != 3) { $sql .= ", c.title AS cattitle, c.seolink"; }
$sql .= "\n FROM ".$db->quoteId('#__content')." a";
if ($this->source != 3) {
$sql .= "\n LEFT JOIN ".$db->quoteId('#__categories')." c ON c.catid=a.catid";
$sql .= "\n WHERE a.published = 1";
if (($this->short_imp == 1) && ($this->short > 0)) {
$sql .= ' AND a.important = :imp'; //bind will be set after prepare
if ($this->relkey != '') {
$sql .= ' AND a.relkey = :rlk';
$binds[] = array(':rlk', $this->relkey, PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($this->source != 3) {
if (($this->source == 0) || ($this->source == 4)) {
$sql .= " AND ((c.published = 1) OR (a.catid = 0))";
} else {
$sql .= " AND c.published = 1";
if ($this->source == 1) {
if ($this->subcats == 1) {
$sql .= "\n AND ((c.catid = :ctg) OR (c.parent_id = :ctg))";
$binds[] = array(':ctg', $this->catid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} else {
$sql .= "\n AND c.catid = :ctg";
$binds[] = array(':ctg', $this->catid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} else if ($this->source == 2) {
$sql .= "\n AND a.catid IN (".implode(",", $this->catids).")";
} else if ($this->source == 3) {
$sql .= "\n AND a.catid = :ctg";
$binds[] = array(':ctg', 0, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} else if ($this->source == 4) {
if (count($this->artids) == 1) {
$sql .= "\n AND a.id = :xart";
$binds[] = array(':xart', $this->artids[0], PDO::PARAM_INT);
} else {
$v = implode(',', $this->artids);
$sql .= "\n AND a.id IN (".$v.")";
$sql .= " AND ((a.alevel <= :lowlevel) OR (a.alevel = :exactlevel))";
$binds[] = array(':lowlevel', $lowlev, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$binds[] = array(':exactlevel', $exactlev, PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($this->source == 4) {
if (count($this->artids) > 1) {
$sql .= "\n ORDER BY FIELD(a.id,".implode(',', $this->artids).")";//Mysql only
} else {
if ($this->order == 1) {
$sql .= "\n ORDER BY a.hits DESC";
} else if ($this->order == 2) {
$ts = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d') - $this->days, gmdate('Y'));
$date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts);
$sql .= " AND a.created > :crdate";
$binds[] = array(':crdate', $date, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$sql .= "\n ORDER BY a.hits DESC";
} else {
$sql .= "\n ORDER BY a.created DESC";
if (($this->short_imp == 1) && ($this->short > 0)) { //first get the important as short
$stmt = $db->prepareLimit($sql, 0, $this->short);
foreach ($binds as $bind) {
$stmt->bindParam($bind[0], $bind[1], $bind[2]);
$imp = 1;
$stmt->bindParam(':imp', $imp, PDO::PARAM_INT);
} else {
$stmt = $db->prepareLimit($sql, 0, $this->limit);
foreach ($binds as $bind) {
$stmt->bindParam($bind[0], $bind[1], $bind[2]);
$firstrows = $stmt->fetchAllAssoc('id', PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$secondrows = false;
if (($this->short_imp == 1) && ($this->short > 0)) {
$n = $firstrows ? count($firstrows) : 0;
$this->short = $n;//set short number to those found as important. The rest (limit - short) will be displayed as links
$rest = $this->limit - $n;
if ($rest > 0) {
$stmt = $db->prepareLimit($sql, 0, $rest);
foreach ($binds as $bind) {
$stmt->bindParam($bind[0], $bind[1], $bind[2]);
$imp = 0;//not important articles only
$stmt->bindParam(':imp', $imp, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$secondrows = $stmt->fetchAllAssoc('id', PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$rows = array();
if ($firstrows) { $rows = $firstrows; }
if ($secondrows) {
foreach ($secondrows as $id => $row) { $rows[$id] = $row; }
if ($rows && ($this->translate === true)) {
$rows = $this->translateArticles($rows);
return $rows;
private function translateArticles($rows) {
$db = eFactory::getDB();
$ids = array();
$catids = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$ids[] = $row->id;
if ($row->catid > 0) { $catids[] = $row->catid; }
if (($this->source != 3) && ($catids)) { $catids = array_unique($catids); }
$sql = "SELECT ".$db->quoteId('elid').", ".$db->quoteId('element').", ".$db->quoteId('translation')
."\n FROM ".$db->quoteId('#__translations')
."\n WHERE ".$db->quoteId('category')."=".$db->quote('com_content')." AND ".$db->quoteId('language')." = :lng"
."\n AND ((".$db->quoteId('element')." = ".$db->quote('title').") OR (".$db->quoteId('element')." = ".$db->quote('subtitle').")"
."\n OR (".$db->quoteId('element')." = ".$db->quote('introtext').") OR (".$db->quoteId('element')." = ".$db->quote('caption')."))"
."\n AND ".$db->quoteId('elid')." IN (".implode(", ", $ids).")";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':lng', $this->lng, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$translations = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($translations) {
foreach ($translations as $trans) {
$id = (int)$trans['elid'];
$element = $trans['element'];
if (!isset($rows[$id])) { continue; }
switch($element) {
case 'title': $rows[$id]->title = $trans['translation']; break;
case 'subtitle': $rows[$id]->subtitle = $trans['translation']; break;
case 'introtext': $rows[$id]->introtext = $trans['translation']; break;
case 'caption': $rows[$id]->caption = $trans['translation']; break;
default: break;
if (($this->source != 3) && ($catids)) {
if ((($this->short > 0) && ($this->short_cat > 0)) || ($this->links_cat > 0)) {
$sql = "SELECT ".$db->quoteId('elid').", ".$db->quoteId('translation')." FROM ".$db->quoteId('#__translations')
."\n WHERE ".$db->quoteId('category')."=".$db->quote('com_content')." AND ".$db->quoteId('language')." = :lng"
."\n AND ".$db->quoteId('element')." = ".$db->quote('category_title')." AND ".$db->quoteId('elid')." IN (".implode(", ", $catids).")";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindParam(':lng', $this->lng, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$translations = $stmt->fetchAllAssoc('elid', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($translations) {
foreach ($rows as $id => $row) {
if (($row->catid > 0) && isset($translations[ $row->catid ])) {
$rows[$id]->cattitle = $translations[ $row->catid ]['translation'];
return $rows;
$elxmodarts = new modArticles($params);