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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/locale/English/admin/main.php
// Admin Links
$locale['200'] = "[SITENAME] Admin Panel";
$locale['200a'] = "Admin Panel";
$locale['ac00'] = "Admin Home";
$locale['ac01'] = "Content Admin";
$locale['ac02'] = "User Admin";
$locale['ac03'] = "System Admin";
$locale['ac04'] = "Settings";
$locale['ac05'] = "Infusions";
$locale['ac10'] = "Admin Dashboard";
$locale['202'] = "User Profile Configuration";

// Pre-defined sections
$locale['AC'] = "Article Categories";
$locale['A'] = "Articles";
$locale['BLOG'] = "Blog";
$locale['BLC'] = "Blog Categories";
$locale['CP'] = "Custom Pages";
$locale['DC'] = "Download Categories";
$locale['D'] = "Downloads";
$locale['FQ'] = "FAQs";
$locale['F'] = "Forums";
$locale['IM'] = "Images";
$locale['I'] = "Infusions";
$locale['IP'] = "Infusion Panels";
$locale['M'] = "Members";
$locale['MI'] = "Migration Tool";
$locale['N'] = "News";
$locale['P'] = "Panels";
$locale['PH'] = "Gallery";
$locale['B'] = "Blacklist";
$locale['C'] = "Comments";
$locale['DB'] = "Database Backup";
$locale['PI'] = "Server Info";
$locale['PO'] = "Polls";
$locale['SL'] = "Site Links";
$locale['SU'] = "Submissions";
$locale['U'] = "Upgrade";
$locale['UG'] = "User Groups";
$locale['UP'] = "Users Profile";
$locale['WC'] = "Web Link Categories";
$locale['W'] = "Web Links";
$locale['S1'] = "Main";
$locale['S2'] = "Time and Date";
$locale['S3'] = "Theme Settings";
$locale['S4'] = "Registration";
$locale['S6'] = "Miscellaneous";
$locale['S7'] = "Private Messages";
$locale['NC'] = "News Categories";
$locale['BB'] = "BB Codes";
$locale['SM'] = "Smileys";
$locale['UF'] = "User Fields";
$locale['FR'] = "Forum Ranks";
$locale['S8'] = "News";
$locale['S9'] = "User Management";
$locale['S11'] = "Downloads";
$locale['S10'] = "Items per Page";
$locale['SB'] = "Banners";
$locale['S12'] = "Security";
$locale['APWR'] = "Admin Password Reset";
$locale['ERRO'] = "Error Log";
$locale['AD'] = "Administrators";
$locale['UL'] = "User log";
$locale['MAIL'] = "Email templates";
$locale['PL'] = "Permalinks";
$locale['ROB'] = "robots.txt";
$locale['TS'] = "Theme Manager";
$locale['S13'] = "Settings Blog";
$locale['LANG'] = "Language Settings";
$locale['FM'] = "Fusion File Manager";

// Site Information
$locale['250'] = "Dashboard - Site Overview";
$locale['251'] = "Registered Members";
$locale['252'] = "Unactivated Members";
$locale['253'] = "Security Banned Members";
$locale['254'] = "Submissions";
$locale['254a'] = "There are no submissions now.";
$locale['254b'] = "There are no ratings now.";
$locale['254c'] = "There are no comments now.";
$locale['255'] = "View More";
$locale['256'] = "Threads";
$locale['257'] = "Comments";
$locale['258'] = "Overview";
$locale['259'] = "Posts";
$locale['260'] = "Users";
$locale['261'] = "Photos";
$locale['262'] = "Active Members";
$locale['263'] = "Canceled Members";
$locale['264'] = "Inactive members";
$locale['265'] = "Forum";
$locale['266'] = "User Log";
$locale['267'] = "robots.txt";
$locale['268'] = "Downloads";
$locale['269'] = "News";
$locale['269b'] = "Blog";
$locale['270'] = "Articles";
$locale['271'] = "Weblinks";
$locale['272'] = "Gallery";
$locale['272a'] = "Custom Pages";
$locale['273'] = "commented on";
$locale['273a'] = "rated on";
$locale['273b'] = "made submissions to";
$locale['274'] = "Manage Comments";
$locale['275'] = "Edit Comments";
$locale['276'] = "Delete Comments";
$locale['277'] = "Latest Comments";
$locale['278'] = "Latest Ratings";
$locale['279'] = "Latest Submissions";
$locale['280'] = "Administration Control Panel";
$locale['281'] = "Please Enter Your Admin Password";
$locale['282'] = "Switch Language";
$locale['283'] = "Infusions";
$locale['284'] = "There are no infusions installed";
$locale['285'] = "Manage Infusions";
$locale['286'] = "Review Submission";

$locale['290'] = "There is an autosave of this post that is more recent than the version below.";
$locale['291'] = "View the autosave";
$locale['292'] = "Saved Revisions";
$locale['293'] = "Fill to Autosave";

$locale['search_msg_100'] = 'Failed system validation';
$locale['search_msg_101'] = 'Failed system security measures';
$locale['search_msg_102'] = 'Pages failed to load';
$locale['search_msg_103'] = 'Search string is too short';
$locale['search_msg_104'] = 'There are no results found';

$locale['deprecated_section'] = 'This section is deprecated. We no longer recommend it and plan to remove it soon.';
$locale['new_update_avalaible'] = "A new PHPFusion v%s update is available!";
$locale['infusions_updates_avalaible'] = "Updates for infusions are available.";
$locale['update_now'] = "Update now";
$locale['unactivated_users'] = "There are several unactivated users in the database. [LINK]Click here[/LINK] to view them and activate.";