* This is sent to ((Admins)) to notify them that a new ((User)) account has been activated.
* For more info about email skins, see: http://b2evolution.net/man/themes-templates-skins/email-skins/
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
// ---------------------------- EMAIL HEADER INCLUDED HERE ----------------------------
emailskin_include( '_email_header.inc.html.php', $params );
// ------------------------------- END OF EMAIL HEADER --------------------------------
global $Settings, $UserSettings, $admin_url;
// Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
'subscribed_User' => NULL,
'newsletters' => array(),
'usertags' => '', // new user tags being set as part of the new subscription
'subscribed_by_admin' => '' // Login of admin which subscribed the user
), $params );
$subscribed_User = $params['subscribed_User'];
echo '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'>';
if( empty( $params['subscribed_by_admin'] ) )
{ // Current user unsubscribed:
echo T_('A user subscribed to one of your list/s').':';
{ // Admin unsubscribed user:
printf( T_('A user was subscribed to your list/s by %s').':', get_user_colored_login_link( $params['subscribed_by_admin'], array( 'use_style' => true, 'protocol' => 'http:', 'login_text' => 'name' ) ) );
echo '</p>'."\n";
// List of newsletters the user subscribed to:
if( $params['newsletters'] )
echo '<ol>'."\n";
foreach( $params['newsletters'] as $newsletter )
echo '<li>'.$newsletter->get( 'name' ).'</li>'."\n";
echo '</ol>'."\n";
// List of user tags applied:
if( $params['usertags'] )
$tags = explode( ',', $params['usertags'] );
echo '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'>';
echo T_('User tags set as part of new subscription').':'."\n";
foreach( $tags as $tag )
echo '<span'.emailskin_style( '.label+.label-default' ).'>'.$tag.'</span>'."\n";
echo '</p>'."\n";
echo '<table'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table' ).'>'."\n";
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'./* TRANS: noun */ T_('Login').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$subscribed_User->get_colored_login( array( 'mask' => '$avatar$ $login$', 'protocol' => 'http:' ) ).'</td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Email').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$subscribed_User->email.'</td></tr>'."\n";
$fullname = $subscribed_User->get( 'fullname' );
if( $fullname != '' )
{ // Full name is defined
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Full name').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$fullname.'</td></tr>'."\n";
if( $subscribed_User->reg_ctry_ID > 0 )
{ // Country field is defined
load_class( 'regional/model/_country.class.php', 'Country' );
$CountryCache = & get_CountryCache();
$reg_Country = $CountryCache->get_by_ID( $subscribed_User->reg_ctry_ID );
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Registration Country').': </th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$reg_Country->get_name().'</td></tr>'."\n";
$user_domain = $UserSettings->get( 'user_registered_from_domain', $subscribed_User->ID );
if( ! empty( $user_domain ) )
{ // Get user domain status if domain field is defined:
$user_ip_address = int2ip( $UserSettings->get( 'created_fromIPv4', $subscribed_User->ID ) );
load_funcs( 'sessions/model/_hitlog.funcs.php' );
$DomainCache = & get_DomainCache();
$Domain = & get_Domain_by_subdomain( $user_domain );
$dom_status_titles = stats_dom_status_titles();
$dom_status = $dom_status_titles[ $Domain ? $Domain->get( 'status' ) : 'unknown' ];
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Registration Domain').': </th>'.
'<td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$user_domain.' ('.$dom_status.')'.
( ! empty( $user_ip_address ) ? ' '.get_link_tag( $admin_url.'?ctrl=antispam&action=whois&query='.$user_ip_address, 'WHOIS', 'div.buttons a+a.btn-default+a.btn-sm' ) : '' ).
if( $subscribed_User->ctry_ID > 0 )
{ // Country field is defined
load_class( 'regional/model/_country.class.php', 'Country' );
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Profile Country').': </th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$subscribed_User->get_country_name().'</td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).' colspan=2> </td></tr>'."\n";
$initial_sess_ID = $UserSettings->get( 'initial_sess_ID', $subscribed_User->ID );
if( ! empty( $initial_sess_ID ) )
{ // Initial session ID:
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Session ID').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.get_link_tag( $admin_url.'?ctrl=stats&tab=hits&blog=0&sess_ID='.$initial_sess_ID, $initial_sess_ID, '.a' ).'</td></tr>'."\n";
$initial_blog_ID = $UserSettings->get( 'initial_blog_ID', $subscribed_User->ID );
if( !empty( $initial_blog_ID ) )
{ // Hit info
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Initial referer').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.get_link_tag( $UserSettings->get( 'initial_referer', $subscribed_User->ID ), '', '.a' ).'</td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Initial page').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.T_('Collection')." ".$UserSettings->get( 'initial_blog_ID', $subscribed_User->ID )." - ".get_link_tag( $UserSettings->get( 'initial_URI', $subscribed_User->ID ), '', '.a', 60 ).'</td></tr>'."\n";
if( $subscribed_User->gender == 'M' )
{ // Gender is Male
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('I am').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.T_('A man').'</td></tr>'."\n";
else if( $subscribed_User->gender == 'F' )
{ // Gender is Female
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('I am').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.T_('A woman').'</td></tr>'."\n";
if( in_array( 'locale', get_registration_template_required_fields() ) && $subscribed_User->locale != '' )
{ // Locale field is defined
global $locales;
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Locale').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$locales[$subscribed_User->locale]['name'].'</td></tr>'."\n";
$registration_trigger_url = $UserSettings->get( 'registration_trigger_url', $subscribed_User->ID );
if( !empty( $registration_trigger_url ) )
{ // Trigger page
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Registration Trigger Page').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.get_link_tag( $registration_trigger_url, '', '.a' ).'</td></tr>'."\n";
if( !empty( $subscribed_User->source ) )
{ // Source is defined
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Registration Source').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$subscribed_User->source.'</td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).' colspan=2> </td></tr>'."\n";
if( ! empty( $subscribed_User->level ) )
{ // User level:
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Assigned Level').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$subscribed_User->level.'</td></tr>'."\n";
if( $user_Group = & $subscribed_User->get_Group() )
{ // User group:
echo '<tr><th'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table th' ).'>'.T_('Assigned Group').':</th><td'.emailskin_style( 'table.email_table td' ).'>'.$user_Group->get_name().'</td></tr>'."\n";
echo '</table>'."\n";
// User's pictures:
echo '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'>'.T_('The current profile pictures for this account are:').'</p>'."\n";
$user_pictures = '';
$user_avatars = $subscribed_User->get_avatar_Links( false );
foreach( $user_avatars as $user_Link )
$user_pictures .= $user_Link->get_tag( array(
'before_image' => '',
'before_image_legend' => '',
'after_image_legend' => '',
'after_image' => ' ',
'image_size' => 'crop-top-80x80'
) );
echo empty( $user_pictures ) ? '<p'.emailskin_style( '.p' ).'><b>'.T_('No pictures.').'</b></p>' : $user_pictures;
// Buttons:
echo '<div'.emailskin_style( 'div.buttons' ).'>'."\n";
echo get_link_tag( $admin_url.'?ctrl=user&user_tab=profile&user_ID='.$subscribed_User->ID, T_('Edit User'), 'div.buttons a+a.btn-primary' )."\n";
echo "</div>\n";
// Footer vars:
$params['unsubscribe_text'] = T_( 'If you don\'t want to receive any more notification when a user subscribes to one of your lists, click here:' )
.' <a href="'.get_htsrv_url().'quick_unsubscribe.php?type=list_new_subscriber&user_ID=$user_ID$&key=$unsubscribe_key$"'.emailskin_style( '.a' ).'>'
.T_('instant unsubscribe').'</a>.';
// ---------------------------- EMAIL FOOTER INCLUDED HERE ----------------------------
emailskin_include( '_email_footer.inc.html.php', $params );
// ------------------------------- END OF EMAIL FOOTER --------------------------------