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 * @class text
 * @brief Text utilities
 * @package Clearbricks
 * @subpackage Common
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
class text
     * Check email address
     * Returns true if $email is a valid email address.
     * @param string    $email    Email string
     * @return boolean
public static function isEmail(string $email): bool
        return (
filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false);

     * Accents replacement
     * Replaces some occidental accentuated characters by their ASCII
     * representation.
     * @param    string    $str        String to deaccent
     * @return    string
public static function deaccent(string $str): string
$pattern['A']  = '\x{00C0}-\x{00C5}';
$pattern['AE'] = '\x{00C6}';
$pattern['C']  = '\x{00C7}';
$pattern['D']  = '\x{00D0}';
$pattern['E']  = '\x{00C8}-\x{00CB}';
$pattern['I']  = '\x{00CC}-\x{00CF}';
$pattern['N']  = '\x{00D1}';
$pattern['O']  = '\x{00D2}-\x{00D6}\x{00D8}';
$pattern['OE'] = '\x{0152}';
$pattern['S']  = '\x{0160}';
$pattern['U']  = '\x{00D9}-\x{00DC}';
$pattern['Y']  = '\x{00DD}';
$pattern['Z']  = '\x{017D}';

$pattern['a']  = '\x{00E0}-\x{00E5}';
$pattern['ae'] = '\x{00E6}';
$pattern['c']  = '\x{00E7}';
$pattern['d']  = '\x{00F0}';
$pattern['e']  = '\x{00E8}-\x{00EB}';
$pattern['i']  = '\x{00EC}-\x{00EF}';
$pattern['n']  = '\x{00F1}';
$pattern['o']  = '\x{00F2}-\x{00F6}\x{00F8}';
$pattern['oe'] = '\x{0153}';
$pattern['s']  = '\x{0161}';
$pattern['u']  = '\x{00F9}-\x{00FC}';
$pattern['y']  = '\x{00FD}\x{00FF}';
$pattern['z']  = '\x{017E}';

$pattern['ss'] = '\x{00DF}';

        foreach (
$pattern as $r => $p) {
$str = preg_replace('/[' . $p . ']/u', $r, $str);


     * String to URL
     * Transforms a string to a proper URL.
     * @param string    $str            String to transform
     * @param boolean    $with_slashes    Keep slashes in URL
     * @return string
public static function str2URL(string $str, bool $with_slashes = true): string
$str = self::deaccent($str);
$str = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_\s\'\:\/[\]-]/', '', $str);

self::tidyURL($str, $with_slashes);

     * URL cleanup
     * @param string    $str            URL to tidy
     * @param boolean    $keep_slashes    Keep slashes in URL
     * @param boolean    $keep_spaces    Keep spaces in URL
     * @return string
public static function tidyURL(string $str, bool $keep_slashes = true, bool $keep_spaces = false): string
$str = strip_tags($str);
$str = str_replace(['?', '&', '#', '=', '+', '<', '>', '"', '%'], '', $str);
$str = str_replace("'", ' ', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/[\s]+/u', ' ', trim($str));

        if (!
$keep_slashes) {
$str = str_replace('/', '-', $str);

        if (!
$keep_spaces) {
$str = str_replace(' ', '-', $str);

$str = preg_replace('/[-]+/', '-', $str);

# Remove path changes in URL
$str = preg_replace('%^/%', '', $str);
$str = preg_replace('%\.+/%', '', $str);


     * Cut string
     * Returns a cuted string on spaced at given length $l.
     * @param    string    $str        String to cut
     * @param    integer    $l        Length to keep
     * @return    string
public static function cutString(string $str, int $l): string
$s = preg_split('/([\s]+)/u', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

$res = '';
$L   = 0;

        if (
mb_strlen($s[0]) >= $l) {
mb_substr($s[0], 0, $l);

        foreach (
$s as $v) {
$L = $L + mb_strlen($v);

            if (
$L > $l) {
$res .= $v;


     * Split words
     * Returns an array of words from a given string.
     * @param string    $str        Words to split
     * @return array
public static function splitWords(string $str): array
$non_word = '\x{0000}-\x{002F}\x{003A}-\x{0040}\x{005b}-\x{0060}\x{007B}-\x{007E}\x{00A0}-\x{00BF}\s';
        if (
preg_match_all('/([^' . $non_word . ']{3,})/msu', html::clean($str), $match)) {
            foreach (
$match[1] as $i => $v) {
$match[1][$i] = mb_strtolower($v);


        return [];

     * Encoding detection
     * Returns the encoding (in lowercase) of given $str.
     * @param string    $str        String
     * @return string
public static function detectEncoding(string $str): string
$str . ' ',
'UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-2,ISO-8859-3,' .
'ISO-8859-4,ISO-8859-5,ISO-8859-6,ISO-8859-7,ISO-8859-8,' .

     * UTF8 conversions
     * Returns an UTF-8 converted string. If $encoding is not specified, the
     * function will try to detect encoding.
     * @param string    $str        String to convert
     * @param string    $encoding    Optionnal "from" encoding
     * @return string
public static function toUTF8(string $str, ?string $encoding = null): string
        if (!
$encoding) {
$encoding = self::detectEncoding($str);

        if (
$encoding != 'utf-8') {
$str = iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8', $str);


     * Find bad UTF8 tokens
     * Locates the first bad byte in a UTF-8 string returning it's
     * byte index in the string
     * PCRE Pattern to locate bad bytes in a UTF-8 string
     * Comes from W3 FAQ: Multilingual Forms
     * Note: modified to include full ASCII range including control chars
     * @copyright Harry Fuecks ( <a href="">GNU LGPL 2.1</a>)
     * @param string    $str        String to search
     * @return integer|false
public static function utf8badFind(string $str)
$UTF8_BAD = '([\x00-\x7F]' . # ASCII (including control chars)
'|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]' . # non-overlong 2-byte
'|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]' . # excluding overlongs
'|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}' . # straight 3-byte
'|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]' . # excluding surrogates
'|\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}' . # planes 1-3
'|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}' . # planes 4-15
'|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}' . # plane 16
'|(.{1}))'; # invalid byte
$pos     = 0;
$badList = [];

        while (
preg_match('/' . $UTF8_BAD . '/S', $str, $matches)) {
$bytes = strlen($matches[0]);
            if (isset(
$matches[2])) {
$pos += $bytes;
$str = substr($str, $bytes);


     * UTF8 cleanup
     * Replaces non utf8 bytes in $str by $repl.
     * @copyright Harry Fuecks ( <a href="">GNU LGPL 2.1</a>)
     * @param string    $str        String to clean
     * @param string    $repl    Replacement string
     * @return string
public static function cleanUTF8(string $str, string $repl = '?'): string
        while ((
$bad_index = self::utf8badFind($str)) !== false) {
$str = substr_replace($str, $repl, $bad_index, 1);


     * BOM removal
     * Removes BOM from the begining of a string if present.
     * @param string    $str        String to clean
     * @return string
public static function removeBOM(string $str): string
        if (
substr_count($str, '')) {
str_replace('', '', $str);


     * Quoted printable conversion
     * Encodes given str to quoted printable
     * @param string    $str        String to encode
     * @return string
public static function QPEncode(string $str): string
$res = '';

        foreach (
preg_split("/\r?\n/msu", $str) as $line) {
$l = '';
preg_match_all('/./', $line, $m);

            foreach (
$m[0] as $c) {
$a = ord($c);

                if (
$a < 32 || $a == 61 || $a > 126) {
$c = sprintf('=%02X', $a);

$l .= $c;

$res .= $l . "\r\n";
