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 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Backend
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {

 * dcNotices -- Backend notices handling facilities
class dcAdminNotices
/** @var dcCore dcCore instance */
public static $core;

    private static
$N_TYPES = [
// id → CSS class
'success' => 'success',
'warning' => 'warning-msg',
'error'   => 'error',
'message' => 'message',
'static'  => 'static-msg', ];

    private static
$error_displayed = false;

     * Gets the HTML code of notices.
     * @return     string  The notices.
public static function getNotices()
$res = '';

// return error messages if any
if (self::$core->error->flag() && !self::$error_displayed) {

# --BEHAVIOR-- adminPageNotificationError
$notice_error = self::$core->callBehavior('adminPageNotificationError', self::$core, self::$core->error);

            if (isset(
$notice_error) && !empty($notice_error)) {
$res .= $notice_error;
            } else {
$res .= '<div class="error" role="alert"><p>' .
'<strong>' . (count(self::$core->error->getErrors()) > 1 ? __('Errors:') : __('Error:')) . '</strong>' .
'</p>' . self::$core->error->toHTML() . '</div>';
self::$error_displayed = true;
        } else {
self::$error_displayed = false;

// return notices if any

        // Should retrieve static notices first, then others
$step = 2;
        do {
            if (
$step == 2) {
// Static notifications
$params = [
'notice_type' => 'static',
            } else {
// Normal notifications
$params = [
'sql' => "AND notice_type != 'static'",
$counter = self::$core->notices->getNotices($params, true);
            if (
$counter) {
$lines = self::$core->notices->getNotices($params);
                while (
$lines->fetch()) {
                    if (isset(
self::$N_TYPES[$lines->notice_type])) {
$class = self::$N_TYPES[$lines->notice_type];
                    } else {
$class = $lines->notice_type;
$notification = [
'type'   => $lines->notice_type,
'class'  => $class,
'ts'     => $lines->notice_ts,
'text'   => $lines->notice_msg,
'format' => $lines->notice_format,
                    if (
$lines->notice_options !== null) {
$notifications = array_merge($notification, @json_decode($lines->notice_options, true));
# --BEHAVIOR-- adminPageNotification
$notice = self::$core->callBehavior('adminPageNotification', self::$core, $notification);

$res .= (isset($notice) && !empty($notice) ? $notice : self::getNotification($notification));
        } while (--

// Delete returned notices
self::$core->notices->delNotices(null, true);


     * Adds a notice.
     * @param      string  $type     The type
     * @param      string  $message  The message
     * @param      array   $options  The options
public static function addNotice($type, $message, $options = [])
$cur = self::$core->con->openCursor(self::$core->prefix . self::$core->notices->getTable());

$now = function ($core) {
dt::setTZ($core->auth->getInfo('user_tz')); // Set user TZ
$dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
dt::setTZ('UTC');                           // Back to default TZ

return $dt;

$cur->notice_type    = $type;
$cur->notice_ts      = isset($options['ts']) && $options['ts'] ? $options['ts'] : $now(self::$core);
$cur->notice_msg     = $message;
$cur->notice_options = json_encode($options);

        if (isset(
$options['divtag']) && $options['divtag']) {
$cur->notice_format = 'html';
        if (isset(
$options['format']) && $options['format']) {
$cur->notice_format = $options['format'];


     * Adds a success notice.
     * @param      string  $message  The message
     * @param      array   $options  The options
public static function addSuccessNotice($message, $options = [])
self::addNotice('success', $message, $options);

     * Adds a warning notice.
     * @param      string  $message  The message
     * @param      array   $options  The options
public static function addWarningNotice($message, $options = [])
self::addNotice('warning', $message, $options);

     * Adds an error notice.
     * @param      string  $message  The message
     * @param      array   $options  The options
public static function addErrorNotice($message, $options = [])
self::addNotice('error', $message, $options);

     * Gets the notification.
     * @param      array  $n      The notification
     * @return     string  The notification.
private static function getNotification($n)
$tag = (isset($n['format']) && $n['format'] === 'html') ? 'div' : 'p';
$ts  = '';
        if (!isset(
$n['with_ts']) || ($n['with_ts'] == true)) {
$ts = '<span class="notice-ts">' .
'<time datetime="' . dt::iso8601(strtotime($n['ts']), self::$core->auth->getInfo('user_tz')) . '">' .
dt::dt2str(__('%H:%M:%S'), $n['ts'], self::$core->auth->getInfo('user_tz')) .
'</time>' .
'</span> ';
$res = '<' . $tag . ' class="' . $n['class'] . '" role="alert">' . $ts . $n['text'] . '</' . $tag . '>';


/*  */

     * Direct messages, usually immediately displayed
     * @param      string  $msg        The message
     * @param      bool    $timestamp  With the timestamp
     * @param      bool    $div        Inside a div (else in a p)
     * @param      bool    $echo       Display the message?
     * @param      string  $class      The class of block (div/p)
     * @return     string
public static function message($msg, $timestamp = true, $div = false, $echo = true, $class = 'message')
$res = '';
        if (
$msg != '') {
$ts = '';
            if (
$timestamp) {
$ts = '<span class="notice-ts">' .
'<time datetime="' . dt::iso8601(time(), self::$core->auth->getInfo('user_tz')) . '">' .
dt::str(__('%H:%M:%S'), null, self::$core->auth->getInfo('user_tz')) .
'</time>' .
'</span> ';
$res = ($div ? '<div class="' . $class . '">' : '') . '<p' . ($div ? '' : ' class="' . $class . '"') . '>' .
$ts . $msg .
'</p>' . ($div ? '</div>' : '');
            if (
$echo) {


     * Display a success message
     * @param      string  $msg        The message
     * @param      bool    $timestamp  With the timestamp
     * @param      bool    $div        Inside a div (else in a p)
     * @param      bool    $echo       Display the message?
     * @return     string
public static function success($msg, $timestamp = true, $div = false, $echo = true)
self::message($msg, $timestamp, $div, $echo, 'success');

     * Display a warning message
     * @param      string  $msg        The message
     * @param      bool    $timestamp  With the timestamp
     * @param      bool    $div        Inside a div (else in a p)
     * @param      bool    $echo       Display the message?
     * @return     string
public static function warning($msg, $timestamp = true, $div = false, $echo = true)
self::message($msg, $timestamp, $div, $echo, 'warning-msg');
 * Store current dcCore instance
dcAdminNotices::$core = $GLOBALS['core'];