= {
/* for play, pause, stop elements */
Play: "Reprodución",
Pause: "Pausar reprodución",
Stop: "Detener la reprodución",
/* for volume+mute elements */
Volume: "Cambiar volumen a $0 de $1",
Mute: "Silenciar",
UnMute: "Activar sonido",
/* for fullscreen/smallscreen element */
Fullscreen: "Pantalla completa",
Smallscreen: "Pantalla normal",
/* for playback rate element */
PlaybackRate_title: "Cambiar velocidad",
PlaybackRate_inner: "1x",
PlaybackRate_to: "Cambiar velocidad a: $0",
/* for subtitle element */
Subtitle_title: "Cambiar subtítulos",
Subtitle_inner: "CC",
Subtitle_set: "Apagar",
Subtitle_off: "Apagar subtítulos",
Subtitle_to: "Cambiar subtítulos: $0",
/* for sources element */
Sources_title: "Cambiar calidad ",
Sources_inner: "SD",
Sources_to: "Cambiar calidad a: $0",
/* for embed element */
EmbedInfo: "<<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">embed<\/span>>",
EmbedVideo: "<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Embed-Code<\/span> copiar este video",
EmbedVideoTitle: "Copiar Embed-Code de este video",
EmbedURL: "Copiar <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Página-URL<\/span>",
EmbedURLTitle: "Copiar URL de la página",
EmbedCodeTxt: "Copiar la información arriba.",
/* for LeanBack Player informations element and window */
Info_title: "Mostrar la información del Player",
Info_menu_about: "Sobre",
Info_menu_shortcuts: "Shortcuts",
Info_content_default_player: "<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><a href=\"$0\" onclick=\"; return false;\">LeanBack Player<\/a><\/span>: Versión $1",
Info_content_default_exts: "<br\/><br\/><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">extensión activados<\/span> ",
Info_content_version: "Versión $0",
Info_content_exts_url_visit: "Visitar página del programador",
/* for about button on informations window */
About_headline: "Información general",
/* for shortcut button and content on informations window */
Shortcuts_headline: "Visión general de las Shortcuts",
Shortcuts_content: {
"info": "Mostrar o ocultar información sobre LeanBack Player <button class=\"keys\">i<\/button>",
"play_pause_stop": "Reprodución <button class=\"keys\">Space<\/button>, Pausar reprodución <button class=\"keys\">Space<\/button>, Detener reprodución <button class=\"keys\">s<\/button>",
"volume": "Aumentar volumen <button class=\"keys\">↓<\/button>, Bajar volumen <button class=\"keys\">↑<\/button>",
"mute": "Activar sonido <button class=\"keys\">LEFT CTRL<\/button> + <button class=\"keys\">↓<\/button>, Silenciar <button class=\"keys\">LEFT CTRL<\/button> + <button class=\"keys\">↑<\/button>; directamente <button class=\"keys\">m<\/button>",
"jump_short": "Atras <button class=\"keys\">←<\/button> o adelantar <button class=\"keys\">→<\/button> en secundos",
"jump": "Atras <button class=\"keys\">LEFT CTRL<\/button> + <button class=\"keys\">←<\/button> o adelantar <button class=\"keys\">LEFT CTRL<\/button> + <button class=\"keys\">→<\/button> en por ciento",
"home_end": "Volver al comienzo <button class=\"keys\">Pos 1<\/button> o <button class=\"keys\">Inicio<\/button>, saltar al final<button class=\"keys\">Fin<\/button>",
"media_switch": "Elegir entre elemtos de HTML5 Media <button class=\"keys\">SHIFT<\/button> + <button class=\"keys\">n<\/button>"
Shortcuts_content_video: {
"fullscreen": "Pantalla completa del browser o pantalla completa del monitor <button class=\"keys\">f<\/button>",
"subs": "Mostrar y/o ocultar subtítulos <button class=\"keys\">v<\/button>",
"subs_switch": "Elegir subtítulos <button class=\"keys\">LEFT CTRL<\/button> + <button class=\"keys\">v<\/button>"
Shortcuts_content_audio: {
/* for default close button */
Btn_close: "Cerrar"