<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<app key="core" version="103021">
<word key="__app_core" js="0">System</word>
<word key="__ipbmafia__nulling_null_alert" js="0">This distribution is Nulled! You can't use this function.</word><!-- Custom alert about Null -->
<word key="__indefart_personal_conversation" js="0">a personal conversation</word>
<word key="__indefart_personal_conversation_message" js="0">a message in a personal conversation</word>
<word key="__indefart_report" js="0">a report</word>
<word key="__indefart_report_comment" js="0">a comment on a report</word>
<word key="__indefart_status_reply" js="0">a reply to a status update</word>
<word key="__indefart_member_status" js="0">a status update</word>
<word key="__defart_personal_conversation" js="0">personal conversation</word>
<word key="__defart_personal_conversation_message" js="0">message in a personal conversation</word>
<word key="__defart_report" js="0">report</word>
<word key="__defart_report_comment" js="0">comment on a report</word>
<word key="__defart_status_reply" js="0">reply to a status update</word>
<word key="__defart_member_status" js="0">status update</word>
<word key="__defart_comment" js="0">comment</word>
<word key="title_with_page_number" js="0">%s - Page %d</word>
<word key="embed_comment_on" js="0">%s posted a comment</word>
<word key="embed_posted_item" js="0">%s posted an item in %s</word>
<word key="embed_reply_to" js="0">Reply to %s</word>
<word key="embed_review_of" js="0">%s posted a review</word>
<word key="nexus_package_item_pl" js="0">Products</word>
<word key="menu__core_applications_menu" js="0">Menu Manager</word>
<word key="add_menu_item" js="0">Create Menu Item</word>
<word key="add_menu_item_short" js="0">Add Item</word>
<word key="add_menu_sep" js="0">Add Menu Separator</word>
<word key="add_menu_sep_short" js="0">Add Separator</word>
<word key="edit_menu_item" js="0">Edit this item</word>
<word key="edit_item_title" js="0">Edit Menu Item</word>
<word key="add_item_title" js="0">Add New Menu Item</word>
<word key="menu_manager_list" js="0">This dropdown menu is currently empty.</word>
<word key="menu_manager_live_preview" js="0">Live Preview</word>
<word key="menu_manager_preview_theme" js="0">Preview using theme</word>
<word key="menu_manager_back_to" js="0">Back to %s</word>
<word key="menu_manager_main_menu" js="0">Main Menu</word>
<word key="menu_manager_dropdown_for" js="0">Dropdown menu for "%s"</word>
<word key="menu_manager_dropdown_edit" js="0">Edit dropdown menu for this item</word>
<word key="menu_manager_dropdown_delete" js="0">Remove this item</word>
<word key="menu_manager_extension" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="menu_custom_item" js="0">External Link</word>
<word key="menu_custom_item_link" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="menu_custom_item_url" js="0">URL</word>
<word key="menu_custom_item_target_blank" js="0">Open link in new window?</word>
<word key="menu_manager_publish" js="0">Publish this menu</word>
<word key="menu_manager_publish_desc" js="0">Publish your menu once you've finished making changes</word>
<word key="menu_manager_published" js="0">Published menu</word>
<word key="menu_manager_reverted" js="0">The default menu configuration has been restored</word>
<word key="menu_manager_revert" js="0">Restore Default Configuration</word>
<word key="acplog__menu_published" js="0">Edited Navigation Menu</word>
<word key="menu_manager_feature_disabled" js="0">This feature is disabled and so a menu item for it will never show.</word>
<word key="menu_manager_access_type" js="0">Permissions</word>
<word key="menu_manager_access_type_inherit" js="0">Show this item to users who can access its content.</word>
<word key="menu_manager_access_type_override" js="0">I want to choose which groups can see this item.</word>
<word key="menu_manager_access_type_override_desc" js="0">If you choose a group which cannot access the item's content, they will still be able to view the menu item.</word>
<word key="menu_manager_access" js="0">Who can see this item?</word>
<word key="menu_custom_menu" js="0">Drop-down Menu</word>
<word key="menu_custom_menu_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="menu_item_1" js="0">Browse</word>
<word key="menu_item_2" js="0">Activity</word>
<word key="save_menu_item" js="0">Save Menu Item</word>
<word key="menu_manager_preview_note" js="0">Note: excess menu items in your navigation may be automatically collapsed into a 'More' sub menu in order to fit on the user's screen</word>
<word key="menu_item_type" js="0">Menu Item Type</word>
<word key="menu_configuration" js="0">Configuration</word>
<word key="r__menu_manage" js="0">Can manage menu items?</word>
<word key="r__menu_add" js="0">Can create menu items?</word>
<word key="r__menu_edit" js="0">Can edit menu items?</word>
<word key="r__menu_delete" js="0">Can delete menu items?</word>
<word key="r__menu" js="0">Menu</word>
<word key="apply_filters" js="0">Apply Filters</word>
<word key="module__core_discover" js="0">Content Discovery</word>
<word key="module__core_activity" js="0">Content Discovery</word>
<word key="module__core_discovery" js="0">Content Discovery</word>
<word key="your_activity_streams" js="0">My Activity Streams</word>
<word key="your_activity_streams_acp" js="0">My Activity Streams Menu</word>
<word key="activity_streams" js="0">Activity Streams</word>
<word key="activity_stream_single" js="0">Activity Stream Item</word>
<word key="menu_stream_id" js="0">Stream</word>
<word key="menu_title_type" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="menu_title_type_stream" js="0">Use the stream's title</word>
<word key="menu_title_type_custom" js="0">Use a custom title</word>
<word key="menu_stream_title" js="0">Custom title</word>
<word key="streams" js="0">Streams</word>
<word key="menu__core_discovery_streams" js="0">Streams</word>
<word key="r__streams" js="0">Streams</word>
<word key="r__streams_manage" js="0">Can manage streams?</word>
<word key="stream_filter_options" js="0">More options for %s</word>
<word key="stream_filter_clubs" js="0">Club filters</word>
<word key="stream_remove" js="0">Remove this stream</word>
<word key="stream_form_title" js="0">Adjust stream preferences</word>
<word key="stream_all_content" js="0">All Content</word>
<word key="stream_save_changes" js="0">Save these changes?</word>
<word key="stream_save_dismiss" js="0">Don't Save</word>
<word key="stream_button_save" js="0">Save Changes</word>
<word key="stream_button_save_as_new" js="0">Save As New Stream</word>
<word key="stream_edit_title" js="0">Edit stream title</word>
<word key="stream_new_stream" js="0">Create Stream</word>
<word key="stream_button_update" js="0">Update Results</word>
<word key="stream_button_save_update" js="0"><![CDATA[Save & Update Results]]></word>
<word key="stream_button_cancel" js="0">Cancel</word>
<word key="stream_narrow_by_type" js="0">Narrow by content type</word>
<word key="stream_narrow_by_container" js="0">Narrow by</word>
<word key="stream_narrow_by_container_label" js="0">Narrow by %s</word>
<word key="stream_title" js="0">Stream Title</word>
<word key="stream_apply" js="0">Apply Changes</word>
<word key="stream_apply_tip" js="0">Closing this menu will also apply these changes</word>
<word key="stream_include_comments" js="0">Show me</word>
<word key="stream_include_comments_1" js="0">Content items, comments, and reviews</word>
<word key="stream_include_comments_0" js="0">Content items only</word>
<word key="stream_classes_type" js="0">Content Types</word>
<word key="stream_classes_type_all" js="0">All Content</word>
<word key="stream_classes_type_custom" js="0">I will choose which content to include</word>
<word key="stream_club_select" js="0">Club Filter</word>
<word key="stream_club_select_all" js="0">All Content</word>
<word key="stream_club_select_none" js="0">Exclude Content in Clubs</word>
<word key="stream_club_select_select" js="0">I will choose which Clubs to include</word>
<word key="stream_club_filter" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="stream_tags_type" js="0">Tags Filter</word>
<word key="stream_tags_all" js="0">Do not filter by tags</word>
<word key="stream_tags_custom" js="0">I will choose which tags to include</word>
<word key="stream_tags" js="0">Tags</word>
<word key="stream_tagged_with" js="0">Tagged with</word>
<word key="stream_classes" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="stream_ownership" js="0">Ownership</word>
<word key="stream_ownership_all" js="0">Everything</word>
<word key="stream_ownership_started" js="0">Content I started</word>
<word key="stream_ownership_postedin" js="0">Content I have posted in</word>
<word key="stream_ownership_custom" js="0">Content by specific members</word>
<word key="stream_custom_members" js="0">Authors</word>
<word key="stream_read" js="0">Read Status</word>
<word key="stream_read_all" js="0">Everything</word>
<word key="stream_read_unread" js="0">Content I haven't read</word>
<word key="stream_read_unread_desc" js="0">Unread content streams are only viewable with 'Items Only'</word>
<word key="stream_follow" js="0">Following</word>
<word key="stream_follow_all" js="0">Everything</word>
<word key="stream_follow_followed" js="0">Only content I follow</word>
<word key="stream_followed_types" js="0">Follow Filters</word>
<word key="stream_followed_types_areas" js="0">Content posted in areas I follow</word>
<word key="stream_followed_types_items" js="0">Content items I follow</word>
<word key="stream_followed_types_members" js="0">Content posted by members I follow</word>
<word key="stream_date_type" js="0">Time Period</word>
<word key="stream_date_type_all" js="0">Any time</word>
<word key="stream_date_type_last_visit" js="0">Since my last visit</word>
<word key="stream_date_type_relative" js="0">Specified number of days</word>
<word key="stream_date_type_custom" js="0">Specific date range</word>
<word key="stream_date_range" js="0">Date Range</word>
<word key="stream_date_relative_days" js="0">Date Range</word>
<word key="stream_date_relative_days_prefix" js="0">Within the last</word>
<word key="stream_sort" js="0">Sort</word>
<word key="stream_sort_newest" js="0">Newest activity first</word>
<word key="stream_sort_oldest" js="0">Oldest activity first</word>
<word key="stream_title_1" js="0">Unread Content</word>
<word key="stream_title_2" js="0">Content I Started</word>
<word key="stream_title_3" js="0">Content I Follow</word>
<word key="stream_title_4" js="0">Members I Follow</word>
<word key="stream_title_5" js="0">Content I Posted In</word>
<word key="stream_unread_links" js="0">Clicking Unread Items</word>
<word key="stream_unread_links_normal" js="0">Take me to the top of the page</word>
<word key="stream_unread_links_unread" js="0">Take me to the first unread comment</word>
<word key="stream_unread_links_normal_inline" js="0">Unread item links take me to the top of the page</word>
<word key="stream_unread_links_unread_inline" js="0">Unread item links take me to the first unread comment</word>
<word key="stream_unread_links_desc" js="0">When viewing an activity stream, clicking an item link can take the user to the first unread comment in that item.</word>
<word key="activity" js="0">Activity</word>
<word key="all_activity_stream_settings" js="0">Activity Stream Settings</word>
<word key="restore_default_streams" js="0">Restore Default Streams</word>
<word key="restore_default_streams_restored" js="0">Default streams restored</word>
<word key="all_activity_extra_stream" js="0">Show in All Activity</word>
<word key="all_activity_extra_table" js="0">Show in Table View</word>
<word key="all_activity_register" js="0">When a new member registers</word>
<word key="all_activity_follow_member" js="0">When a member follows another member</word>
<word key="all_activity_follow_content" js="0">When a member follows content</word>
<word key="all_activity_photo" js="0">When a member changes their profile photo</word>
<word key="all_activity_like" js="0">When a member likes something</word>
<word key="all_activity_react" js="0">When a member reacts to something</word>
<word key="all_activity_clubs" js="0">When a member creates a club</word>
<word key="activity_member_joined" js="0">%s joined the community</word>
<word key="activity_member_followed" js="0">%s started following %s</word>
<word key="activity_member_updated_photo" js="0">%s changed their profile photo</word>
<word key="activity_member_liked" js="0">%s liked %s: %s</word>
<word key="activity_member_reacted" js="0"><![CDATA[ <img src="<fileStore.core_Reaction>/%s" width='20' height='20' data-ipsTooltip title="%s"> %s reacted to %s: %s]]></word>
<word key="activity_club" js="0">%s created a club: %s</word>
<word key="stream_auto_updates" js="0">This stream auto-updates</word>
<word key="load_more_activity" js="0">Load more activity</word>
<word key="default_streams" js="0">Default Streams</word>
<word key="custom_streams" js="0">Custom Streams</word>
<word key="create_new_stream" js="0">Create New Stream</word>
<word key="steam_blurb_no_terms" js="0">Showing %s.</word>
<word key="steam_blurb_with_terms" js="0">Showing %s %s.</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_all" js="0">all content</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_in_containers" js="0">%s in %s</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_no_clubs" js="0">not in clubs</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_in_clubs" js="0">in %s</word>
<word key="icon_blurb_in_containers" js="0">%s in %s</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_i_started" js="0">I posted</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_i_posted_in" js="0">I posted in</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_by_followees" js="0">posted by a member I am following</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_by_members" js="0">posted by %s</word>
<word key="stream_includes_tags" js="0">tagged %s</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_unread" js="0">I have not read</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_following_containers" js="0">posted in areas I am following</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_following_items" js="0">I am following</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_following_members" js="0">posted by members I am following</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_since_last_visit" js="0">posted since my last visit</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_relative" js="0">posted in for the last %d days</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_date_between" js="0">posted between %s and %s</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_date_after" js="0">posted after %s</word>
<word key="stream_blurb_date_before" js="0">posted before %s</word>
<word key="stream_rss_title" js="0">%s - %s</word>
<word key="stream_edit_feed" js="0">Edit this stream</word>
<word key="stream_copy_feed" js="0">Add to my streams</word>
<word key="stream_edit_filters" js="0">Edit Stream Settings</word>
<word key="stream_rename" js="0">Rename</word>
<word key="stream_no_results" js="0">There are no results to show in this activity stream yet</word>
<word key="stream_sorting" js="0">Sorting</word>
<word key="stream_copy_title" js="0">This is a stream created by %s</word>
<word key="stream_copy_desc" js="0">Add it to your own streams for easy access in future, or to edit its filters.</word>
<word key="stream_share" js="0">Share</word>
<word key="share_stream_title" js="0">Share this stream</word>
<word key="stream_share_desc" js="0">Share this stream with others</word>
<word key="share_stream_info" js="0">Sharing this stream only shares the combination of filters you have selected. Other users will see results based on their individual permissions.</word>
<word key="stream_results_as" js="0">Results as</word>
<word key="stream_results_as_condensed" js="0">Condensed</word>
<word key="stream_results_as_expanded" js="0">Expanded</word>
<word key="stream_condensed" js="0">Display results in a compact one line per entry format</word>
<word key="stream_expanded" js="0">Display results with more detail including a content preview</word>
<word key="stream_this_is_default" js="0">This is your default stream. Click to unset as default.</word>
<word key="stream_this_isnt_default" js="0">Set as your default stream</word>
<word key="stream_default_remove" js="0">Remove my default stream</word>
<word key="stream_default_add" js="0">Make this my default stream</word>
<word key="stream_default" js="0">Default Stream</word>
<word key="stream_default_desc" js="0">Making a stream default places a link to the right of the top breadcrumb navigation. Users can override this choice.</word>
<word key="stream_no_permission" js="0">You do not have permission to view this stream</word>
<word key="activity_stream_rss" js="0">Enable RSS feeds</word>
<word key="stream_default_view" js="0">Default View</word>
<word key="stream_default_view_expanded" js="0">Expanded</word>
<word key="stream_default_view_condensed" js="0">Condensed</word>
<word key="menu__core_discovery_rss" js="0">RSS Feeds</word>
<word key="rss_exports" js="0">RSS Feeds</word>
<word key="r__rss_exports" js="0">RSS Feeds</word>
<word key="r__rss_export_manage" js="0">Can manage RSS Feeds?</word>
<word key="rss_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="rss_content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="rss_name" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="rss_desc" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="rss_count" js="0">Number of items</word>
<word key="rss_classes" js="0">Content to include</word>
<word key="rss_members" js="0">Content posted by</word>
<word key="rss_feed_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[RSS Feeds allow users to use an RSS Reader to see new content on your community. You can set up different RSS Feeds to cover different areas of your community. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=discovery&controller=streams}'>Activity Streams</a> automatically provide their own RSS Feed.]]></word>
<word key="rss_groups" js="0">Groups that can see this feed</word>
<word key="editor_attach_drag" js="0">Drag files here to attach, or</word>
<word key="editor_attach_choose_drag" js="0">choose files...</word>
<word key="editor_attach_choose_nodrag" js="0">Click to choose files</word>
<word key="editor_attach_other" js="0">Insert other media</word>
<word key="editor_insert_existing_file" js="0">Insert existing attachment</word>
<word key="editor_insert_existing_image" js="0">Insert existing image</word>
<word key="editor_insert_from_url" js="0">Insert image from URL</word>
<word key="editor_uploaded_files" js="0">Uploaded Files</word>
<word key="editor_uploaded_images" js="0">Uploaded Images</word>
<word key="editor_uploaded_videos" js="0">Uploaded Videos</word>
<word key="insert_into_post" js="0">Insert into post</word>
<word key="editor_attach_upload" js="0">Upload New Files</word>
<word key="editor_attach_url" js="0">From URL</word>
<word key="editor_attach_old" js="0">My Files</word>
<word key="form_upload_dad" js="0">Drag and drop your files here, or</word>
<word key="form_upload_dad_one" js="0">Drag and drop your file here, or</word>
<word key="form_upload_dad_mini" js="0">Or drag and drop your files here</word>
<word key="form_upload_dad_mini_one" js="0">Or drag and drop your file here</word>
<word key="form_upload_choose" js="0">Choose Files...</word>
<word key="form_upload_choose_one" js="0">Choose Single File...</word>
<word key="form_upload_accepted" js="0">Accepted file types</word>
<word key="form_upload_max" js="0">Max file size</word>
<word key="form_upload_total_max" js="0">Max total size</word>
<word key="form_upload_insert" js="0">Insert all into post editor</word>
<word key="form_upload_insert_one" js="0">Select this attachment for insertion</word>
<word key="form_upload_max_files" js="0">You may upload a maximum of {# [1:file][?:files]}</word>
<word key="editor_image_url_label" js="0">Enter image URL</word>
<word key="editor_image_url_link" js="0">Link the image to this URL</word>
<word key="editor_image_url_upload" js="0">Upload this image to My Media</word>
<word key="editor_image_url_blurb" js="0">When you enter a valid URL, we'll show a preview here.</word>
<word key="editor_image_upload_insert" js="0">Insert All Uploaded</word>
<word key="editor_image_upload_insert_selected" js="0">Insert Selected</word>
<word key="editor_clear_selection" js="0">Clear Selection</word>
<word key="editor_no_media" js="0">You do not have any existing attachments.</word>
<word key="editor_media_search" js="0">Search this media type</word>
<word key="editor_media_choose" js="0">Choose Media</word>
<word key="editor_media_url" js="0">From URL</word>
<word key="editor_media_placeholder" js="0">Enter media URL</word>
<word key="editor_media_insert" js="0">Insert into post</word>
<word key="editor_media_remove" js="0">Remove this attachment</word>
<word key="editor_media_supported" js="0">Supported services</word>
<word key="editor_media_supported_desc" js="0">We can automatically embed media from the following services for you. For other services, we will create a link to the URL instead.</word>
<word key="editor_link_url_label" js="0">e.g. http://www.example.com</word>
<word key="editor_link_text_label" js="0">Leave blank to use URL</word>
<word key="editor_link_text" js="0">Link text</word>
<word key="editor_link_remove" js="0">Remove Link</word>
<word key="editor_link_no_embed" js="0">Use plain link</word>
<word key="editor_attachment_location" js="0">Attachment Location</word>
<word key="embed_failure_message" js="0">The link could not be embedded because %s.</word>
<word key="embed_bad_image_dims" js="0">the image is not in a supported format</word>
<word key="embed_no_oembed_type" js="0">it is not in a supported format</word>
<word key="embed__fail_cant_acp" js="0">it is not permitted for this area</word>
<word key="embed__fail_404" js="0">there is no %s at that URL</word>
<word key="embed__fail_403" js="0">%s does not allow embedding of that %s</word>
<word key="embed__fail_500" js="0">an error occurred on %s</word>
<word key="embed__fail_1" js="0">image</word>
<word key="embed__fail_2" js="0">video</word>
<word key="embed__fail_3" js="0">status</word>
<word key="embed__fail_4" js="0">tweet</word>
<word key="embed__fail_5" js="0">link</word>
<word key="editor_used_global_space" js="0">You have used all of the attachment space you are allowed.</word>
<word key="editor_used_post_space" js="0">You have used all of the attachment space you are allowed per post.</word>
<word key="manage_attachments" js="0">Manage Attachments to free up space</word>
<word key="editorMedia_core_Attachment" js="0">Post Attachments</word>
<word key="insert_as_link" js="0">Insert as Link</word>
<word key="files_uploaded" js="0">%s uploaded</word>
<word key="images_uploaded" js="0">%s uploaded</word>
<word key="toggle_sidebar" js="0">Toggle sidebar</word>
<word key="editor_tags" js="0">Tags</word>
<word key="upload_progress_prefix" js="0">Upload progress</word>
<word key="uploaderr_total_size" js="0">You can only upload a total of %sMB.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_-600" js="0">The file must be smaller than {{max_file_size}}MB.</word>
<word key="upload_too_big" js="0">The file must be smaller than %sMB.</word>
<word key="upload_too_big_unspecific" js="0">The file is too big.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_-601" js="0">You must upload a {{allowed_extensions}} file.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_nomulti" js="0">You can only upload one file.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_SECURITY_EXCEPTION_RAISED" js="0">There was a problem processing the uploaded file. {{server_error_code}}</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_upload_error" js="0">There was a problem uploading the file.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_NO_FILE_UPLOADED" js="0">You did not select any file to upload.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_SERVER_CONFIGURATION" js="0">There was a problem processing the uploaded file. {{server_error_code}}</word>
<word key="upload_error_generic" js="0">There was a problem processing the uploaded file. (%s)</word>
<word key="ckeditor_theme_ips" js="0">Default Editor Theme</word>
<word key="ckeditor_theme_moono" js="0">Moono</word>
<word key="editor__core_Admin" js="0">Admin CP Settings</word>
<word key="editor__core_Contact" js="0">Contact Form</word>
<word key="editor__core_Members" js="0">Status Updates and Replies</word>
<word key="editor__core_Messaging" js="0">Personal Conversations</word>
<word key="editor__core_Modcp" js="0">Ban Messages and Warnings</word>
<word key="editor__core_Reports" js="0">Reports</word>
<word key="editor__core_ShareLinks" js="0">Share Links</word>
<word key="editor__core_Signatures" js="0">Signatures</word>
<word key="editor__core_Staffdirectory" js="0">Staff Directory</word>
<word key="editor__core_CustomField" js="0">Profile Fields</word>
<word key="editor__core_Announcement" js="0">Announcements</word>
<word key="editor__core_GuestSignupWidget" js="0">Guest Signup Widget</word>
<word key="editor__core_ProfileSteps" js="0">Profile Steps</word>
<word key="editor__core_ReviewResponses" js="0">Review Author Responses</word>
<word key="image_size" js="0">Size</word>
<word key="image_border" js="0">Border</word>
<word key="image_margin" js="0">Margin</word>
<word key="image_align" js="0">Alignment</word>
<word key="image_align_left" js="0">Left</word>
<word key="image_align_right" js="0">Right</word>
<word key="image_aspect" js="0">Keep original aspect ratio</word>
<word key="image_width_help" js="0">(width)</word>
<word key="image_height_help" js="0">(height)</word>
<word key="image_link" js="0">Link URL</word>
<word key="image_alt" js="0">Image Title</word>
<word key="image_alt_desc" js="0">Used in place of the image for accessibility</word>
<word key="editor_advanced_config" js="0">Advanced Configuration</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_classes" js="0">Allowed CSS classes</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_classes_desc" js="0">By default, all CSS classes apart from those used by particular features (like quotes and code boxes) are removed.</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_classes_warn" js="0">Sometimes CSS classes can allow content to be styled in a way that can trick users when they view a page where the class was used. You should only supply CSS classes when the effects are understood.</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_datacontrollers" js="0">Allowed javascript controllers</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_datacontrollers_desc" js="0">The "data-controller" attribute has special meaning and so by default, any value is removed.</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_datacontrollers_warn" js="0">Some javascript classes can allow functionality to be available within posted content that may not be desirable. You should only allow additional javascript controllers when you know what their effects are and are sure you want to allow that functionality in posted content.</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_formmsg" js="0">When a user submits a post, content that appears malicious is removed. For example, a malicious user might try to submit a post with content that looks like a log in form to trick other users, or content intended to break the layout of your community. These settings allow you to loosen the restrictions used if necessary.</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_iframe_bases" js="0">Allowed iframe bases</word>
<word key="editor_allowed_iframe_bases_desc" js="0">By default, most iframes are removed. If you want to add a button to allow users to embed iframes from other websites, you will need to specify the allowed bases here. Provide what should be at the front of the iframe source URL without the http:// or https:// prefix.</word>
<word key="editor_code_null" js="0">No Syntax Highlighting</word>
<word key="editor_code_clike" js="0">C</word>
<word key="editor_code_htmlmixed" js="0">HTML</word>
<word key="editor_code_css" js="0">CSS</word>
<word key="editor_code_javascript" js="0">JavaScript</word>
<word key="editor_code_xml" js="0">XML</word>
<word key="editor_code_php" js="0">PHP</word>
<word key="editor_code_sql" js="0">SQL</word>
<word key="editor_code_linenumbers" js="0">Line Numbers</word>
<word key="editor_pasted_with_formatting" js="0">Pasted as rich text</word>
<word key="editor_keep_formatting" js="0">Keep formatting</word>
<word key="editor_remove_formatting" js="0">Paste as plain text instead</word>
<word key="editor_restore_formatting" js="0">Restore formatting</word>
<word key="editor_keep_no_formatting" js="0">Keep no formatting</word>
<word key="editor_pasted_embed_link" js="0">Your link has been automatically embedded</word>
<word key="editor_too_many_emoticons" js="0">Only 75 emoji are allowed</word>
<word key="editor_cannot_paste_images" js="0">You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL.</word>
<word key="editor_remove_embed" js="0">Display as a link instead</word>
<word key="editor_keep_embed" js="0">Keep embedded content</word>
<word key="menu__core_editor_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="editor_settings" js="0">Editor Settings</word>
<word key="editor_settings_general" js="0">General</word>
<word key="editor_settings_advanced" js="0">Advanced</word>
<word key="editor_paste_behaviour" js="0">Paste Behavior</word>
<word key="editor_paste_behaviour_rich" js="0">Paste as rich text initially, but allow user to paste as plain text instead.</word>
<word key="editor_paste_behaviour_rich_desc" js="0">When rich text is pasted, a bar will appear at the bottom of the editor with a button to convert the pasted content to plain text. Users can also paste as plain text by using Ctrl + Shift + V in Google Chrome on Windows, or ⌥⇧⌘V in any browser on a Mac.</word>
<word key="editor_paste_behaviour_force" js="0">Always paste as plain text.</word>
<word key="editor_paste_behaviour_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Applies to both formatting (bold/italic, color, etc.) and schematic structure (links, headers, lists, etc.).<br>Users can remove formatting only from any text in the editor using the Remove Format button if it is <a href='{internal.app=core&module=editor&controller=toolbar}' target='_blank'>enabled in the toolbar</a>.]]></word>
<word key="editor_paragraph_padding" js="0">Return Key Behavior</word>
<word key="editor_paragraph_padding_on" js="0">Start new paragraph.</word>
<word key="editor_paragraph_padding_off" js="0">Go to next line.</word>
<word key="edit_no_perm_err" js="0">This content can no longer be edited. It may have been moved or deleted, or too much time may have passed since it was posted for it to be edited.</word>
<word key="editor_restored_autosave" js="0">Your previous content has been restored</word>
<word key="editor_keep_restored_contents" js="0">Keep restored contents</word>
<word key="clear_editor_contents" js="0">Clear editor</word>
<word key="edit_no_tags_defined" js="0">There are no tags available</word>
<word key="edit_no_tags_defined_admin" js="0">You are using closed system tagging but no tags have been set up</word>
<word key="uploaderr_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE" js="0">Please contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="uploaderr_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE_admin" js="0">The file could not be written to disk. The storage folder may not exist, or may not have the correct permissions to be written to.</word>
<word key="uploaderr_COULD_NOT_CREATE_FOLDER" js="0">Please contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="uploaderr_COULD_NOT_CREATE_FOLDER_admin" js="0">A folder for the file could not be created. The storage folder may not exist, or may not have the correct permissions to be written to.</word>
<word key="uploaderr_COULD_NOT_MOVE_FILE" js="0">Please contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="uploaderr_COULD_NOT_MOVE_FILE_admin" js="0">The file could not be moved to the storage folder. The storage folder may not exist, or may not have the correct permissions to be written to.</word>
<word key="uploaderr_unspecified" js="0">Please contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="member_number_anyvalue" js="0">Any value</word>
<word key="jump_to_content_desc" js="0">Go to main content on this page</word>
<word key="community_home" js="0">Community Home</word>
<word key="go_community_home" js="0">Go to the community homepage</word>
<word key="userbar_notifications" js="0">Notifications</word>
<word key="userbar_messages" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="userbar_reports" js="0">Reported Content</word>
<word key="offline_title_wrap" js="0">(Offline) %s</word>
<word key="home" js="0">Home</word>
<word key="sign_up" js="0">Sign Up</word>
<word key="sign_in" js="0">Existing user? Sign In</word>
<word key="sign_in_title" js="0">Go to the sign in page</word>
<word key="dont_have_an_account" js="0">Don't have an account?</word>
<word key="sign_in_short" js="0">Sign In</word>
<word key="sign_in_faster" js="0">Sign In Faster</word>
<word key="sign_in_connect" js="0">Sign in via one of these sites.</word>
<word key="create_menu" js="0">Create</word>
<word key="create_menu_title" js="0">Create new content</word>
<word key="inbox" js="0">Inbox</word>
<word key="go_to_inbox" js="0">Go to inbox</word>
<word key="reports" js="0">Reports</word>
<word key="edit_account_settings" js="0">Edit account settings</word>
<word key="settings_area" js="0">Settings Area</word>
<word key="other_settings" js="0">Other Settings</word>
<word key="menu_settings" js="0">Account Settings</word>
<word key="menu_settings_title" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="menu_content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="view_my_profile" js="0">Go to your profile</word>
<word key="view_user_profile" js="0">Go to %s's profile</word>
<word key="menu_profile" js="0">Profile</word>
<word key="go_to_messenger" js="0">View your personal messages</word>
<word key="menu_messages" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="menu_followed_content" js="0">Manage Followed Content</word>
<word key="menu_manage_ignore" js="0">Ignored Users</word>
<word key="menu_modcp" js="0">ModeratorCP</word>
<word key="menu_admincp" js="0">AdminCP</word>
<word key="privacy" js="0">Privacy Policy</word>
<word key="view_privacy_policy" js="0">View our Privacy Policy</word>
<word key="guidelines" js="0">Guidelines</word>
<word key="guidelines_set_to_none_admin" js="0">The guidelines type is set to 'None' in the AdminCP</word>
<word key="privacy_set_to_none_acp" js="0">The privacy policy type is set to 'None' in the AdminCP</word>
<word key="search_placeholder" js="0">Search...</word>
<word key="loc_logging_in" js="0">Logging in</word>
<word key="ignoring_content" js="0">You've chosen to ignore content by %s.</word>
<word key="ignoring_signatures" js="0">You've chosen to ignore signatures by %s.</word>
<word key="front_logged_in_as" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>as</strong>]]></word>
<word key="number_to_show" js="0">Number to show</word>
<word key="available_rss" js="0">Available RSS feeds</word>
<word key="something_went_wrong" js="0">Sorry, there is a problem</word>
<word key="error_page_code" js="0">Error code:</word>
<word key="requested_route_404" js="0">The page you requested does not exist</word>
<word key="mark_site_read" js="0">Mark all content on the site as read</word>
<word key="mark_site_read_button" js="0">Mark site read</word>
<word key="core_site_marked_as_read" js="0">Site marked as read</word>
<word key="browse" js="0">Browse</word>
<word key="new_content" js="0">New Content</word>
<word key="view_this" js="0"><![CDATA[More information about "%s"]]></word>
<word key="contact" js="0">Contact Us</word>
<word key="contact_admin" js="0">Contact Us</word>
<word key="contact_text" js="0">Your Message</word>
<word key="contact_name" js="0">Your Name</word>
<word key="contact_sent" js="0">Message Sent</word>
<word key="contact_sent_blurb" js="0">Thanks, your message has been sent to the administrators.</word>
<word key="member_post_count" js="0">{# [1:post][?:posts]}</word>
<word key="you" js="0">You</word>
<word key="cover_photo_button" js="0">Photo</word>
<word key="cover_photo" js="0">Photo</word>
<word key="cover_photo_add" js="0">Upload Photo</word>
<word key="cover_photo_remove" js="0">Remove Photo</word>
<word key="cover_photo_reposition" js="0">Reposition Photo</word>
<word key="see_all_count" js="0">See all %d</word>
<word key="err_password_length" js="0">Passwords must be at least 3 characters</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_pin" js="0">Pinned</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_unpin" js="0">Unpinned</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_lock" js="0">Locked</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_unlock" js="0">Unlocked</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_hide" js="0">Hidden</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_unhide" js="0">Unhidden</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_feature" js="0">Featured</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_unfeature" js="0">Unfeatured</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_restore" js="0">Restored</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_restoreAsHidden" js="0">Restored (Hidden)</word>
<word key="mod_error_invalid_action" js="0">There was an error performing this action</word>
<word key="mod_error_invalid_action_admin" js="0">The action you attempted to perform is not a valid action</word>
<word key="default" js="0">(Default)</word>
<word key="default_no_parenthesis" js="0">Default</word>
<word key="default_acp_no_parenthesis" js="0">AdminCP Default</word>
<word key="default_front_no_parenthesis" js="0">Frontend Default</word>
<word key="restriction_ends" js="0">This restriction will end on %s.</word>
<word key="this_is_a_popular_comment" js="0">This is a popular comment.</word>
<word key="and_x_more" js="0">(and {# [?:more]})</word>
<word key="hot_item" js="0">Hot!</word>
<word key="hot_item_desc" js="0">This has received a lot of posts recently</word>
<word key="no_rows_in_table" js="0">There's nothing here yet</word>
<word key="submit_first_row" js="0">Create the first</word>
<word key="submit" js="0">Submit</word>
<word key="required" js="0">Required</word>
<word key="joined" js="0">Joined</word>
<word key="other" js="0">Other</word>
<word key="author" js="0">Author</word>
<word key="read_more" js="0">Read more...</word>
<word key="no_content_to_show" js="0">No content to display</word>
<word key="category_tags" js="0">Tags</word>
<word key="category_settings" js="0">Category Settings</word>
<word key="moved_to" js="0"><![CDATA[Moved to <a href='%s'><strong>%s</strong></a>]]></word>
<word key="merged_to" js="0"><![CDATA[Merged with <a href='%s'><strong>%s</strong></a>]]></word>
<word key="images" js="0">Images</word>
<word key="files" js="0">Files</word>
<word key="embed_no_perm_title" js="0">No permission</word>
<word key="embed_no_perm_desc" js="0">Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it.</word>
<word key="embed_no_perm_desc_log_in" js="0"><![CDATA[Sorry, we can't show this content because you do not have permission to see it. You may be able to see it if you <a href='{internal.front.app=core&module=system&controller=login}'>sign in</a>.]]></word>
<word key="embed_unavailable_title" js="0">Unavailable</word>
<word key="embed_unavailable_desc" js="0">Sorry, this content is no longer available.</word>
<word key="read_more_about" js="0">Read more about %s</word>
<word key="unknown_date" js="0">Unknown date</word>
<word key="guest_name_shown" js="0">Guest %s</word>
<word key="mobile_menu_account" js="0">Account</word>
<word key="mobile_menu_more" js="0">More</word>
<word key="mobile_menu_sections" js="0">Sections</word>
<word key="mobile_menu_back" js="0">Back</word>
<word key="facebook_publish_exception" js="0">Unable to publish this item to your Facebook account</word>
<word key="facebook_publish_no_user" js="0">Unable to fetch your connected Facebook account. Please visit your Settings to re-connect your Facebook account with your site account</word>
<word key="twitter_publish_exception" js="0">Unable to publish this item to your Twitter account</word>
<word key="twitter_publish_no_user" js="0">Unable to fetch your connected Twitter account. Please visit your Settings to re-connect your Twitter account with your site account</word>
<word key="view_on_facebook" js="0">View on Facebook</word>
<word key="registration" js="0">Registration</word>
<word key="register_button" js="0">Create my Account</word>
<word key="reg_admin_mails" js="0">Send me news and updates</word>
<word key="reg_agreed_terms" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>I agree to the <a href='%s' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='Registration Terms'>Terms of Use</a></strong>]]></word>
<word key="reg_privacy_link" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong> and <a href='%s' %s>Privacy Policy</a></strong>]]></word>
<word key="reg_your_account" js="0">Your Account</word>
<word key="reg_confirmation" js="0">Confirmation</word>
<word key="reg_start_faster" js="0">Get started faster</word>
<word key="reg_connect" js="0">Connect via one of these sites.</word>
<word key="reg_basic_info" js="0">Basic Info</word>
<word key="reg_not_agreed_terms" js="0">You must agree to the terms.</word>
<word key="q_and_a_desc" js="0">This is a security check to prevent automated programs from creating accounts.</word>
<word key="q_and_a_incorrect" js="0">Your answer to the challenge question was not valid. Please try again.</word>
<word key="spam_denied_account" js="0">You are not permitted to register a user account with this site.</word>
<word key="reg_confirm_email" js="0">Please confirm your email</word>
<word key="reg_confirm_email_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[We sent an email to <strong>%s</strong>. It contains a link you need to click in order to confirm your account.]]></word>
<word key="reg_confirm_email_must" js="0">You will need to do this before you will be able to access our site as a registered member.</word>
<word key="reg_resend_email" js="0">Resend Confirmation Email</word>
<word key="reg_email_resent" js="0">Confirmation email resent</word>
<word key="reg_continue_as_guest" js="0">Continue As Guest</word>
<word key="reg_change_email" js="0">Change Email Address</word>
<word key="reg_cancel" js="0">Cancel Registration</word>
<word key="reg_cancel_confirm" js="0">Are you sure you would like to cancel your registration? This will remove your account from this community</word>
<word key="use_coppa" js="0">Use COPPA?</word>
<word key="minimum_age" js="0">Minimum age required to register</word>
<word key="minimum_age_desc" js="0">If any age is selected, then the registration form will not ask for the user's birthdate unless COPPA is in use.</word>
<word key="any_age" js="0">Any age</word>
<word key="register_denied_age" js="0">This community does not allow registration by users under the age of %s.</word>
<word key="use_coppa_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Will require children under the age of 13 to send parental consent via a faxed or mailed form before they can register. This is required if your site is based in the USA and is directed to children under 13. <a href='{external.coppa}' target='_blank'>More Information</a>. You will be required to create the account manually when the form is received.]]></word>
<word key="coppa_fax" js="0">Fax number to receive COPPA forms</word>
<word key="coppa_address" js="0">Mail address to receive COPPA forms</word>
<word key="age_requirements" js="0">Age Requirements</word>
<word key="coppa" js="0">Children's Online Privacy Protection Act</word>
<word key="coppa_title" js="0">Please select your birthday</word>
<word key="coppa_form" js="0">COPPA Consent Form</word>
<word key="coppa_form_child_name" js="0">Child's name:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_child_email" js="0">Child's email:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_name" js="0">Your name:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_relation" js="0">Relation to child:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_email" js="0">Email address:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_phone" js="0">Phone number:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_sig" js="0">Signature:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_date" js="0">Date:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_privacy" js="0">Privacy Policy</word>
<word key="coppa_form_mail" js="0">Please mail to:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_fax" js="0">fax to:</word>
<word key="coppa_form_intro" js="0"><![CDATA[<p>Dear parent/legal guardian,</p><p>In order to process the child's registration at %s, please complete this form and return it to us. The account password will be mailed to the child's email address given below.</p>]]></word>
<word key="coppa_form_disclaimer" js="0"><![CDATA[<p>I understand that I may consent to the collection of necessary information about my child without permitting the site to disclose such information to third parties. I understand that the profile information may be changed by entering a password and I understand that I may ask for this profile to be removed. I understand that I can contact the owner of this site at any time to determine what information about my child has been collected, to confirm how that information is used, and to request that the site no longer collect information about my child.</p>]]></word>
<word key="reg_awaiting_validation" js="0">Awaiting Validation</word>
<word key="reg_admin_validation" js="0">Awaiting Approval</word>
<word key="reg_complete_details" js="0">Complete Registration</word>
<word key="reg_admin_validation_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Your account needs to be approved before you can use the site as a registered member.<br>An email will be sent to %s when this is done.]]></word>
<word key="reg_canceled" js="0">Registration Canceled</word>
<word key="validate_no_record" js="0">This member is not awaiting validation</word>
<word key="validate_email_confirmation" js="0">Your email has been confirmed</word>
<word key="existing_user" js="0">Existing user?</word>
<word key="coppa_verify" js="0">Please enter your birthday.</word>
<word key="coppa_verification_only" js="0"><![CDATA[This is for verification only - we <strong>do not</strong> store your birthday.]]></word>
<word key="coppa_consent_required" js="0">Consent Required</word>
<word key="coppa_consent_required_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[In order to continue, we need authorization from a parent or legal guardian. <br>Please have them print and complete the form below and return it to us.]]></word>
<word key="coppa_print_form" js="0">Print consent form</word>
<word key="loc_registering" js="0">Registering</word>
<word key="reg_disabled" js="0">Registration is currently disabled</word>
<word key="reg_not_allowed_by_login" js="0"><![CDATA[You have not signed in before. Please <a href='{internal.front.app=core&module=system&controller=register.register}'>create an account</a> first.]]></word>
<word key="email_registration_validate" js="0">Thanks for registering. Click the button below to validate your account and get started.</word>
<word key="terms_of_use" js="0">Terms of Use</word>
<word key="reconfirm_terms_blurb" js="0">We have updated our terms of use. Please take a moment to review the new terms and confirm you agree.</word>
<word key="reconfirm_privacy_blurb" js="0">We have updated our privacy policy. Please take a moment to review the new policy and confirm you agree.</word>
<word key="reconfirm_terms_and_policy_blurb" js="0">We have updated our terms of use and privacy policy. Please take a moment to review the new policies and confirm you agree.</word>
<word key="reconfirm_checkbox" js="0">I agree</word>
<word key="validation_email_rate_limit" js="0">The email was sent to you %s. If you have not received it yet, please wait at least 15 minutes, and check your spam or junk folders. If you have still not received the email after 15 minutes, it can be sent again.</word>
<word key="reg_required_fields" js="0">Please complete all of the required fields</word>
<word key="reg_is_cancelled" js="0">You cancelled this registration. Cancelled registrations are removed daily.</word>
<word key="lost_password" js="0">Forgot Password</word>
<word key="request_password" js="0">Recover Password</word>
<word key="forgotten_password" js="0">Forgot your password?</word>
<word key="no_validation_key" js="0">You are not awaiting validation for a lost password request.</word>
<word key="lost_pass_confirm" js="0">Your password reset request was successful. We have sent you an email with further instructions to recover your account. Check your email within the next few minutes including any junk or spam folders.</word>
<word key="lost_pass_too_soon" js="0">You have recently submitted a password reset request. Check your email within the next few minutes including any junk or spam folders.</word>
<word key="reset_pass_instructions" js="0">Please enter your new password.</word>
<word key="password_reset" js="0">Password Reset</word>
<word key="lost_pass_no_email" js="0">We could not find a member account with that email address. Please try again with other information.</word>
<word key="lost_pass_not_possible" js="0">We cannot reset the password on your account. Please contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="offline" js="0">Offline</word>
<word key="offline_unavailable" js="0">%s is currently unavailable</word>
<word key="offline_message_title" js="0">Site Offline</word>
<word key="offline_message_desc" js="0">The community is currently offline and only accessible to those with permission.</word>
<word key="preview" js="0">Preview</word>
<word key="immediately" js="0">Immediately</word>
<word key="on" js="0">On</word>
<word key="comment_on_item" js="0">%s on</word>
<word key="_list_format_" js="0">a, b and c</word>
<word key="or_list_format" js="0">a, b or c</word>
<word key="ok" js="0">OK</word>
<word key="confirm" js="0">Confirm</word>
<word key="more" js="0">More</word>
<word key="in" js="0">in</word>
<word key="guest" js="0">Guest</word>
<word key="yes" js="0">Yes</word>
<word key="no" js="0">No</word>
<word key="and" js="0">and</word>
<word key="or" js="0">or</word>
<word key="customize" js="0">Customize</word>
<word key="unlimited" js="0">Unlimited</word>
<word key="add" js="0">Create New</word>
<word key="edit" js="0">Edit</word>
<word key="edit_title" js="0">Edit %s</word>
<word key="copy" js="0">Copy</word>
<word key="copy_noun" js="0">Copy</word>
<word key="copied" js="0">Copied</word>
<word key="copy_value" js="0">Copy Setting Value</word>
<word key="copy_value_to" js="0">Copy Value To</word>
<word key="copying" js="0">Copying...</word>
<word key="delete" js="0">Delete</word>
<word key="empty" js="0">Empty</word>
<word key="mass_manage_content" js="0">Move / Delete Content</word>
<word key="hide" js="0">Hide</word>
<word key="hide_reason" js="0">Reason for hiding</word>
<word key="unhide" js="0">Unhide</word>
<word key="hidden" js="0">Hidden</word>
<word key="unhidden" js="0">Unhidden</word>
<word key="hidden_blurb" js="0">Hidden by %s, %s - %s</word>
<word key="hidden_blurb_no_member" js="0">Hidden %s - %s</word>
<word key="deletion_blurb" js="0">Deleted by %s on %s - will be permanently removed on %s</word>
<word key="content_future_date_blurb" js="0">To be published: %s %s</word>
<word key="publish_now" js="0">Publish this now</word>
<word key="publish" js="0">Publish</word>
<word key="mod_confirm_publish" js="0">Published</word>
<word key="hidden_no_reason" js="0">No reason given</word>
<word key="unapproved" js="0">Unapproved</word>
<word key="pending_approval" js="0">Pending Approval</word>
<word key="pin" js="0">Pin</word>
<word key="unpin" js="0">Unpin</word>
<word key="pinned" js="0">Pinned</word>
<word key="read" js="0">Read</word>
<word key="unread" js="0">Unread</word>
<word key="feature" js="0">Feature</word>
<word key="unfeature" js="0">Unfeature</word>
<word key="featured" js="0">Featured</word>
<word key="open" js="0">Open</word>
<word key="split" js="0">Split</word>
<word key="split_to_new" js="0">Split into different %s</word>
<word key="merge_with" js="0">URL to merge with</word>
<word key="merge_with__desc" js="0">The title and URL for the %s you are viewing (%s) will be kept.</word>
<word key="merge_master" js="0">Keep the title and URL for</word>
<word key="merge_item" js="0">Merge %s</word>
<word key="cannot_merge_one_post" js="0">You must choose more than 1 item to merge</word>
<word key="lock" js="0">Lock</word>
<word key="move" js="0">Move</word>
<word key="move_item" js="0">Move %s</word>
<word key="move_to" js="0">Move To</word>
<word key="move_keep_link" js="0">Leave a link to the new location?</word>
<word key="move_send_to_item" js="0">Move and return to this %s</word>
<word key="move_send_to_container" js="0">Move and return to %s</word>
<word key="_move_keep_link_desc" js="0">Link will automatically be deleted after {# [1:day][?:days]}</word>
<word key="delete_thing" js="0">Delete %s</word>
<word key="delete_confirm" js="0">Are you sure you want to delete?</word>
<word key="revert_confirm" js="0">Are you sure you want to revert?</word>
<word key="email_revert_confirm" js="0">This will revert the email template back to its original default state. Any customizations to the template will be lost.</word>
<word key="delete_confirm_detail" js="0">Please confirm that you wish to delete the item. This action cannot be undone.</word>
<word key="uninstall" js="0">Uninstall</word>
<word key="install" js="0">Install</word>
<word key="install_new_plugin" js="0">Install New Plugin</word>
<word key="deleting" js="0">Deleting...</word>
<word key="cancel" js="0">Cancel</word>
<word key="revert" js="0">Revert</word>
<word key="reset" js="0">Reset</word>
<word key="reorder" js="0">Reorder</word>
<word key="save" js="0">Save</word>
<word key="save_and_reload" js="0">Save and Reload</word>
<word key="save_edit" js="0">Save Edit</word>
<word key="saved" js="0">Saved</word>
<word key="saving" js="0">Saving...</word>
<word key="select" js="0">Select</word>
<word key="continue" js="0">Continue</word>
<word key="upload" js="0">Upload</word>
<word key="uploads" js="0">Uploads</word>
<word key="logged_in_as" js="0">Signed in as %s</word>
<word key="sign_out" js="0">Sign Out</word>
<word key="switch_to_account" js="0">Switch back to %s</word>
<word key="site" js="0">Visit Site</word>
<word key="acp_version_number" js="0">v%s</word>
<word key="redirecting" js="0">Redirecting...</word>
<word key="redirecting_wait" js="0">Please wait while we transfer you...</word>
<word key="rebuilding" js="0">Rebuilding...</word>
<word key="filename" js="0">Filename</word>
<word key="deleted" js="0">Deleted</word>
<word key="cancelled" js="0">Canceled</word>
<word key="username" js="0">Display Name</word>
<word key="ips_member_name" js="0">Display Name</word>
<word key="email_address" js="0">Email Address</word>
<word key="ips_address_mail" js="0">Email Address</word>
<word key="username_or_email" js="0">Display Name or Email Address</word>
<word key="password" js="0">Password</word>
<word key="remember_me" js="0">Remember me</word>
<word key="remember_me_desc" js="0">Not recommended on shared computers</word>
<word key="signin_anonymous" js="0">Sign in anonymously</word>
<word key="signed_in_anoymously" js="0">Signed in anonymously</word>
<word key="password_confirm" js="0">Confirm Password</word>
<word key="change_password" js="0">Change password</word>
<word key="change_password_for" js="0">Change password for %s</word>
<word key="password_hidden" js="0">Hidden</word>
<word key="change_email" js="0">Change email</word>
<word key="login" js="0">Sign In</word>
<word key="login_admin" js="0">Admin Sign In</word>
<word key="type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="all" js="0">All</word>
<word key="none" js="0">None</word>
<word key="every" js="0">Every</word>
<word key="every_x_years" js="0">Every {!#[1:year][?:# years]}</word>
<word key="every_x_months" js="0">Every {!#[1:month][?:# months]}</word>
<word key="every_x_days" js="0">Every {!#[1:day][?:# days]}</word>
<word key="every_x_hours" js="0">Every {!#[1:hour][?:# hours]}</word>
<word key="every_x_minutes" js="0">Every {!#[1:minute][?:# minutes]}</word>
<word key="every_x_seconds" js="0">Every {!#[1:second][?:# seconds]}</word>
<word key="everyone" js="0">Everyone</word>
<word key="everywhere" js="0">Everywhere</word>
<word key="search" js="0">Search</word>
<word key="search_community" js="0">Search Community</word>
<word key="search_rebuild_is_running" js="0">The search index is currently processing. Current results may not be complete.</word>
<word key="stream_rebuild_is_running" js="0">The search index is currently processing. Activity stream results may not be complete.</word>
<word key="between" js="0">Between</word>
<word key="never" js="0">Never</word>
<word key="after" js="0">After</word>
<word key="for" js="0">For</word>
<word key="seconds" js="0">seconds</word>
<word key="minutes" js="0">minutes</word>
<word key="hours" js="0">hours</word>
<word key="days" js="0">days</word>
<word key="weeks" js="0">weeks</word>
<word key="months" js="0">months</word>
<word key="years" js="0">years</word>
<word key="f_seconds" js="0">{# [1:second][?:seconds]}</word>
<word key="f_minutes" js="0">{# [1:minute][?:minutes]}</word>
<word key="f_minutes_short" js="0">{# [1:min][?:min]}</word>
<word key="f_hours" js="0">{# [1:hour][?:hours]}</word>
<word key="f_hours_short" js="0">{# [1:hr][?:hr]}</word>
<word key="f_days" js="0">{# [1:day][?:days]}</word>
<word key="f_days_short" js="0">{# [1:dy][?:dy]}</word>
<word key="f_weeks" js="0">{# [1:week][?:weeks]}</word>
<word key="f_months" js="0">{# [1:month][?:months]}</word>
<word key="f_years" js="0">{# [1:year][?:years]}</word>
<word key="f_years_short" js="0">{# [1:yr][?:yr]}</word>
<word key="less_than_a_minute" js="0">Less than a minute</word>
<word key="always" js="0">Always</word>
<word key="forever" js="0">Forever</word>
<word key="permissions" js="0">Permissions</word>
<word key="personal_conversations" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="personal_conversation_message_pl" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="personal_conversation_message_pl_lc" js="0">messages</word>
<word key="status_updates" js="0">Status Updates</word>
<word key="status_update" js="0">Status Update</word>
<word key="status_submit_comment" js="0">Submit Reply</word>
<word key="notifications" js="0">Notifications</word>
<word key="unavailable" js="0">Unavailable</word>
<word key="tags" js="0">Tags</word>
<word key="find_tagged_content" js="0">Find other content tagged with '%s'</word>
<word key="tagged_with" js="0">Tagged with:</word>
<word key="remove_tag" js="0">Remove this tag</word>
<word key="add_tags" js="0">Add Tag</word>
<word key="tags_no_js" js="0">Separate each value with a comma.</word>
<word key="stack_add" js="0">Add another</word>
<word key="stack_no_js" js="0">One value per line.</word>
<word key="characters" js="0">Characters</word>
<word key="characters_lc" js="0">characters</word>
<word key="member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="deleted_member" js="0">Deleted Member</word>
<word key="group" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="primary_group" js="0">Primary Group</word>
<word key="secondary_groups" js="0">Secondary Groups</word>
<word key="photo" js="0">Photo</word>
<word key="timezone" js="0">Timezone</word>
<word key="language" js="0">Language</word>
<word key="acp_language" js="0">AdminCP Language</word>
<word key="language_none" js="0">- Automatically detect / Use default -</word>
<word key="skin" js="0">Theme</word>
<word key="acp_skin" js="0">AdminCP Theme</word>
<word key="skin_none" js="0">- Automatically detect / Use default -</word>
<word key="recount" js="0">Recount</word>
<word key="nodeselect_no_js" js="0">Confirm your selection.</word>
<word key="indefinitely" js="0">Indefinitely</word>
<word key="bday" js="0">Birthday</word>
<word key="invalid_bdate" js="0">Please enter a valid date</word>
<word key="bday_month_and_day_required" js="0">If a birthday is entered it must include at least the month and day.</word>
<word key="signature" js="0">Signature</word>
<word key="until" js="0">Until</word>
<word key="until_lc" js="0">until</word>
<word key="see_all" js="0">see all</word>
<word key="see_all_c" js="0">See All</word>
<word key="spam_flag" js="0">Flag as spammer</word>
<word key="spam_unflag" js="0">Unflag as spammer</word>
<word key="spam_flag_confirm" js="0">As per your settings this will %s. If you later remove the flag, this will not be reversed.</word>
<word key="spam_flag_confirm_disable" js="0">restrict the member from submitting any more content</word>
<word key="spam_flag_confirm_unapprove" js="0">hide content the member has submitted already</word>
<word key="spam_flag_confirm_delete" js="0">delete content the member has submitted already</word>
<word key="spam_flag_confirm_ban" js="0">ban the account from acessing community</word>
<word key="spam_flag_confirm_report" js="0">report the member's information back to the Invision Community Spam Defense to help the service learn</word>
<word key="spam_unflag_confirm" js="0">This will not reverse the actions taken when the member was flagged as a spammer. You will need to undo any restrictions manually.</word>
<word key="no_flag_spam_self" js="0">You cannot flag yourself, a moderator, or an administrator as a spammer</word>
<word key="view_username_history" js="0">View Display Name History</word>
<word key="clear_dname_history" js="0">Clear Display Name History</word>
<word key="dname_history_cleared" js="0">Display Name History Cleared</word>
<word key="dname_history" js="0">Display Name History</word>
<word key="membername_history" js="0">Display Name History</word>
<word key="members_dname_history" js="0">Display Name History from %s</word>
<word key="merge" js="0">Merge</word>
<word key="ban" js="0">Ban</word>
<word key="adjust_ban" js="0">Adjust Ban</word>
<word key="unban" js="0">Unban</word>
<word key="basic_settings" js="0">Basic Settings</word>
<word key="more_information" js="0">More information</word>
<word key="advanced_settings" js="0">Advanced Settings</word>
<word key="data_store" js="0">Data Storage</word>
<word key="r__datastore" js="0">Can manage caching settings?</word>
<word key="acplogs__datastore_updated" js="0">Caching configuration updated</word>
<word key="acplogs__datastore_settings_updated" js="0">Caching configuration updated</word>
<word key="cache_guest_page" js="0">Cache page output for guests</word>
<word key="cache_guest_page_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[When enabled, the entire page output will be cached so if more than one guest is viewing the site, each page only needs to be generated once which can significantly decrease the resource usage of your site if you have lots of guests online at the same time.<br>The longer you cache pages for, the less often the cache will need to be refreshed (so less resources will be used) but the longer it will take for your site to be updated with the latest content. When a cached page is being shown, view counters also won't be updated.<br>If your site rarely has many guests online at the same time, it may take more resources to store the cache than is saved by it and so it may be better to disable it.<br>If you have a caching method configured that will be used, otherwise the cache is stored in the database.]]></word>
<word key="widget_cache_ttl" js="0">Cache sidebar, header and footer blocks</word>
<word key="widget_cache_ttl_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[For many blocks, getting the data every time the block needs to be shown can be bad for performance. This setting allows you to only reload the block after a set period of time.<br>This means there will be a delay before the content of blocks is changed - for example, if you set this to 5 minutes, and you have a block showing the most recent topics, it may take up to 5 minutes for a new topic to show.]]></word>
<word key="acplogs__general_settings" js="0">Updated general settings</word>
<word key="from" js="0">From</word>
<word key="to" js="0">To</word>
<word key="subject" js="0">Subject</word>
<word key="message" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="ipb_reg_number" js="0">Invision Community License Key</word>
<word key="learn_more" js="0">Learn More</word>
<word key="help" js="0">Help</word>
<word key="permanently" js="0">Permanently</word>
<word key="guest_name" js="0">Your name</word>
<word key="captcha_field" js="0">Security Check</word>
<word key="completed" js="0">Completed</word>
<word key="address_line" js="0">Address Line</word>
<word key="city" js="0">City</word>
<word key="region" js="0">State/Region</word>
<word key="country" js="0">Country</word>
<word key="zip" js="0">ZIP/Postal Code</word>
<word key="unknown" js="0">Unknown</word>
<word key="ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="label" js="0"></word>
<word key="view" js="0">View</word>
<word key="perm__label" js="0"></word>
<word key="change" js="0">Change</word>
<word key="select_disabled" js="0">-Disabled-</word>
<word key="not_telling" js="0">Not Telling</word>
<word key="url" js="0">URL</word>
<word key="click_hold_edit" js="0">(Click and hold to edit title)</word>
<word key="click_hold_edit_alt" js="0">(Click and hold to edit)</word>
<word key="unlock" js="0">Unlock</word>
<word key="approve" js="0">Approve</word>
<word key="resend_validation_email" js="0">Resend Validation Email</word>
<word key="licensekey_error" js="0">Your license key was not accepted. Check that the key has been entered correctly or contact technical support for further assistance.</word>
<word key="licensekey_expired" js="0">Your license key has expired. Please visit the client area to renew. If you believe this message is in error, please contact technical support for assistance.</word>
<word key="gt" js="0">More than</word>
<word key="lt" js="0">Less than</word>
<word key="begins_with" js="0">Begins with</word>
<word key="exactly" js="0">Exactly</word>
<word key="contains" js="0">Contains</word>
<word key="any" js="0">Any</word>
<word key="any_value" js="0">Any value</word>
<word key="no_restriction" js="0">No restriction</word>
<word key="no_writes" js="0">You are not allowed to use this feature. Contact your system administrator for more information.</word>
<word key="quote" js="0">Quote</word>
<word key="spoiler" js="0">Spoiler</word>
<word key="multiquote" js="0">MultiQuote</word>
<word key="device_desktop" js="0">Desktop</word>
<word key="device_desktop_preview" js="0">View at approximate desktop size</word>
<word key="device_tablet" js="0">Tablet</word>
<word key="device_tablet_preview" js="0">View at approximate tablet size</word>
<word key="device_phone" js="0">Phone</word>
<word key="device_phone_preview" js="0">View at approximate phone size</word>
<word key="next" js="0">Next</word>
<word key="next_page" js="0">Next page</word>
<word key="prev" js="0">Prev</word>
<word key="prev_page" js="0">Previous page</word>
<word key="last_page" js="0">Last page</word>
<word key="first_page" js="0">First page</word>
<word key="pagination" js="0">Page %d of %d</word>
<word key="page_number" js="0">Page number</word>
<word key="go_to_page_x" js="0">Go to page %d</word>
<word key="no_value" js="0">No value</word>
<word key="settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="overview" js="0">Overview</word>
<word key="download" js="0">Download</word>
<word key="print" js="0">Print</word>
<word key="email" js="0">Email</word>
<word key="enabled" js="0">Enabled</word>
<word key="disabled" js="0">Disabled</word>
<word key="disable" js="0">Disable</word>
<word key="enable" js="0">Enable</word>
<word key="locked" js="0">Locked</word>
<word key="start" js="0">Start</word>
<word key="end" js="0">End</word>
<word key="unsubscribe" js="0">Unsubscribe here</word>
<word key="adjust_notification_prefs" js="0">Adjust your notification preferences</word>
<word key="adjust_digest_prefs" js="0">Adjust your digest preferences</word>
<word key="dashboard" js="0">Dashboard</word>
<word key="whats_new_link" js="0">What's New</word>
<word key="processing" js="0">Processing...</word>
<word key="step_finish" js="0">Finish</word>
<word key="sort_by" js="0">Sort By</word>
<word key="custom" js="0">Custom</word>
<word key="custom_sort" js="0">Custom Sort</word>
<word key="order_by" js="0">Order By</word>
<word key="filter_by" js="0">Filter By</word>
<word key="filter" js="0">Filter</word>
<word key="last_reply" js="0">Last Reply </word>
<word key="member_id" js="0">Member ID</word>
<word key="submit_reply" js="0">Submit Reply</word>
<word key="submit_comment" js="0">Submit Comment</word>
<word key="final_comment_content" js="0">Final Comment Content</word>
<word key="final_comment_content_desc" js="0">You may alter the final comment content that will be saved after merging.</word>
<word key="comment_value" js="0"></word>
<word key="_comment_placeholder" js="0">Add a comment...</word>
<word key="date_started" js="0">Posted %s</word>
<word key="comment_guest_name" js="0">Enter a display name</word>
<word key="commenting_as_guest" js="0"><![CDATA[You are commenting as a guest. If you have an account, please <a href='{internal.front.app=core&module=system&controller=login}'>sign in</a>.]]></word>
<word key="item_locked_can_comment" js="0">This content is locked, but your permissions allow you to add new comments.</word>
<word key="item_locked_can_review" js="0">This content is locked, but your permissions allow you to add new reviews.</word>
<word key="item_locked_cannot_comment" js="0">This content is now closed to further comments.</word>
<word key="item_locked_cannot_review" js="0">This content is now closed to further reviews.</word>
<word key="already_reviewed" js="0">Thank you for leaving a review.</word>
<word key="restricted_cannot_comment" js="0">You are currently restricted from posting content.</word>
<word key="restricted_cannot_comment_temp" js="0">You are currently restricted from posting content until %s.</word>
<word key="member_exceeded_posts_per_day" js="0">You have reached the maximum number of posts you can make per day.</word>
<word key="comment_awaiting_approval" js="0">This comment is awaiting approval by a moderator</word>
<word key="comment_find_header" js="0">%s commented in %s</word>
<word key="teaser_title_reg" js="0">Create an account or sign in to comment</word>
<word key="teaser_desc_reg" js="0">You need to be a member in order to leave a comment</word>
<word key="teaser_review_title_reg" js="0">Create an account or sign in to leave a review</word>
<word key="teaser_review_desc_reg" js="0">You need to be a member in order to leave a review</word>
<word key="teaser_title_noreg" js="0">Please sign in to comment</word>
<word key="teaser_desc_noreg" js="0">You will be able to leave a comment after signing in</word>
<word key="teaser_account" js="0">Create an account</word>
<word key="teaser_account_desc" js="0">Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy!</word>
<word key="teaser_account_button" js="0">Register a new account</word>
<word key="teaser_signin" js="0">Sign in</word>
<word key="teaser_signin_desc" js="0">Already have an account? Sign in here.</word>
<word key="teaser_signin_button" js="0">Sign In Now</word>
<word key="moderation_history" js="0">Moderation History</word>
<word key="queued_comments_badge" js="0">{# [1:queued comment][?:queued comments]}</word>
<word key="core_Modcp" js="0">Moderator CP</word>
<word key="member_deletion_keep_name" js="0">Posted content attribution</word>
<word key="keep_name" js="0">Continue to attribute to %s</word>
<word key="remove_name" js="0">Anonymize attribution</word>
<word key="remove_name_desc" js="0">This will show content attributed to Guest and remove any stored IP addresses</word>
<word key="member_deletion_keep_name_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can also <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=members&do=deleteContent&id=%s}'>hide or delete</a> their content.]]></word>
<word key="dismiss" js="0">Dismiss</word>
<word key="dismiss_lc" js="0">dismiss</word>
<word key="nothing_to_show" js="0">Nothing to show</word>
<word key="_date_yesterday_c" js="0">Yesterday at %s</word>
<word key="_date_yesterday" js="0">yesterday at %s</word>
<word key="_date_this_week_c" js="0">%s at %s</word>
<word key="_date_this_week" js="0">%s at %s</word>
<word key="_date_ago_c" js="0">%s ago</word>
<word key="_date_ago" js="0">%s ago</word>
<word key="_date_just_now_c" js="0">Just now</word>
<word key="_date_just_now" js="0">just now</word>
<word key="_date_day_and_month" js="0">{!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]} {0#}</word>
<word key="_date_this_year_short" js="0">{!1#[1:Jan][2:Feb][3:Mar][4:Apr][5:May][6:Jun][7:Jul][8:Aug][9:Sep][10:Oct][11:Nov][12:Dec]} {0#}</word>
<word key="_date_this_year_long" js="0">{!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]} {0#}</word>
<word key="_date_last_year_short" js="0">{!1#[1:Jan][2:Feb][3:Mar][4:Apr][5:May][6:Jun][7:Jul][8:Aug][9:Sep][10:Oct][11:Nov][12:Dec]} {0#}, %s</word>
<word key="_date_last_year_long" js="0">{!1#[1:January][2:February][3:March][4:April][5:May][6:June][7:July][8:August][9:September][10:October][11:November][12:December]} {0#}, %s</word>
<word key="_date_format_yyyy" js="0">YYYY</word>
<word key="_date_format_mm" js="0">MM</word>
<word key="_date_format_dd" js="0">DD</word>
<word key="_time_format_hhmm" js="0">HH:MM</word>
<word key="mark_as" js="0">Mark as</word>
<word key="byline" js="0">By %s, </word>
<word key="byline_itemprop" js="0">By %s, </word>
<word key="byline_nodate" js="0">By %s</word>
<word key="byline_nodate_itemprop" js="0">By %s</word>
<word key="and_x_others" js="0">and {# [1:other][?:others]}</word>
<word key="x_others" js="0">{# [1:other][?:others]}</word>
<word key="x_anonymous_members" js="0">{# anonymous [1:member][?:members]}</word>
<word key="date_replied" js="0">Posted %s</word>
<word key="edited" js="0">Edited</word>
<word key="edited_lc" js="0">edited</word>
<word key="date_edited" js="0">Edited %s by %s</word>
<word key="date_edited_reason" js="0">Edited %s by %s (%s)</word>
<word key="edit_history" js="0">see edit history</word>
<word key="edit_history_title" js="0">Edit History</word>
<word key="content_deleted" js="0">Content deleted</word>
<word key="revoke" js="0">Revoke</word>
<word key="new" js="0">New</word>
<word key="updated" js="0">Updated</word>
<word key="update" js="0">Update</word>
<word key="step_number" js="0">Step %d</word>
<word key="low" js="0">Low</word>
<word key="medium" js="0">Medium</word>
<word key="high" js="0">High</word>
<word key="selected" js="0">Selected</word>
<word key="online" js="0">Online</word>
<word key="restricted" js="0">Restricted</word>
<word key="unrestricted" js="0">Unrestricted</word>
<word key="level_number" js="0">Level %d</word>
<word key="expand" js="0">Expand</word>
<word key="collapse" js="0">Collapse</word>
<word key="ascending" js="0">Ascending (A-Z)</word>
<word key="descending" js="0">Descending (Z-A)</word>
<word key="add_ignore" js="0">Ignore User</word>
<word key="find_content" js="0">Find Content</word>
<word key="follow" js="0">Follow</word>
<word key="update_follow" js="0">Update preferences</word>
<word key="following_this" js="0">Following</word>
<word key="following_this_content" js="0">Change follow preferences</word>
<word key="follow_sign_in" js="0">Sign in to follow this</word>
<word key="followers" js="0">Followers</word>
<word key="x_followers" js="0">{# [1:Follower][?:Followers]}</word>
<word key="followers_tooltip" js="0">See who follows this</word>
<word key="follow_this_content" js="0">Follow this content</word>
<word key="follow_public" js="0">Let others see that I follow this</word>
<word key="follow_anonymous" js="0">Do not let others see that I follow this</word>
<word key="follow_public_member" js="0">Let others see that I follow %s</word>
<word key="follow_thing" js="0">Follow %s</word>
<word key="follow_member" js="0">Follow member</word>
<word key="following_member" js="0">Following member</word>
<word key="who_follows_this" js="0">Who follows this</word>
<word key="unfollow" js="0">Unfollow</word>
<word key="cant_follow_self" js="0">You cannot follow yourself</word>
<word key="cant_follow_member" js="0">You cannot follow this member</word>
<word key="pp_setting_moderate_followers" js="0">Allow others to follow me?</word>
<word key="remove_followers" js="0">Remove Followers</word>
<word key="followers_removed" js="0">Followers Removed</word>
<word key="remove_followers_confirm" js="0">Are you sure you want to remove all followers? This action cannot be undone.</word>
<word key="cant_remove_followers" js="0">You are not allowed to remove followers.</word>
<word key="cant_remove_followers_admin" js="0">You are not allowed to remove followers. This is a moderator permission that can be set up in the Admin Control Panel.</word>
<word key="date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="rss" js="0">RSS</word>
<word key="proceed" js="0">Proceed</word>
<word key="loading" js="0">Loading...</word>
<word key="select_nodes" js="0">Select...</word>
<word key="views" js="0">Views</word>
<word key="num_views" js="0">{!# [1:view][?:views]}</word>
<word key="num_views_with_number" js="0">{# [1:view][?:views]}</word>
<word key="submitted" js="0">Submitted</word>
<word key="information" js="0">Information</word>
<word key="go" js="0">Go</word>
<word key="content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="poll_num_votes" js="0">{# [1:member has voted][?:members have voted]}</word>
<word key="poll_close" js="0">Close Poll</word>
<word key="poll_open" js="0">Open Poll</word>
<word key="poll_status_opened" js="0">Poll Opened</word>
<word key="poll_status_closed" js="0">Poll Closed</word>
<word key="poll_status_opened_no_date" js="0">Poll opened, the automatic close date was removed</word>
<word key="poll_closed_for_votes" js="0">This poll is closed to new votes</word>
<word key="poll_auto_closed_on" js="0">Poll closed on %s at %s</word>
<word key="poll_auto_closes_on" js="0">Poll closes on %s at %s</word>
<word key="poll_close_date" js="0">Poll close date</word>
<word key="poll_dont_close" js="0">Don't close automatically</word>
<word key="poll_specify_close_time" js="0">Automatically close poll on specific date?</word>
<word key="votes" js="0">votes</word>
<word key="_split_type" js="0">Split into</word>
<word key="split_type_new" js="0">New %s</word>
<word key="split_type_existing" js="0">Existing %s</word>
<word key="_split_into_url" js="0">URL</word>
<word key="queries" js="0">Queries</word>
<word key="action" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="enable_messenger" js="0">Enable Messenger?</word>
<word key="more_options" js="0">More options...</word>
<word key="week" js="0">Week</word>
<word key="month" js="0">Month</word>
<word key="year" js="0">Year</word>
<word key="alltime" js="0">All Time</word>
<word key="item_followers" js="0">Who follows %s</word>
<word key="never_allow" js="0">Never Allow</word>
<word key="total_comments" js="0">Comments</word>
<word key="total_reviews" js="0">Reviews</word>
<word key="total_views" js="0">Total Views</word>
<word key="select_category" js="0">Select a Category</word>
<word key="more_page_options" js="0">More Options</word>
<word key="fewer_page_options" js="0">Fewer Options</word>
<word key="featured_replies" js="0">Featured Replies</word>
<word key="recommended_by" js="0">Recommended by %s</word>
<word key="go_to_this_comment" js="0">Go to this %s</word>
<word key="add_message" js="0">Add Message</word>
<word key="content_item_message" js="0">Message added by %s</word>
<word key="message_color" js="0">Message style</word>
<word key="message_type_none" js="0">No Background</word>
<word key="message_type_information" js="0">Informational</word>
<word key="message_type_general" js="0">General Purpose</word>
<word key="message_type_warning" js="0">Warning</word>
<word key="message_type_error" js="0">Important</word>
<word key="message_type_success" js="0">Positive</word>
<word key="user_agent_parsed" js="0">%s %s on %s</word>
<word key="board_error_title" js="0">Error</word>
<word key="error_title" js="0">Sorry, there is a problem</word>
<word key="401_error_title" js="0">Sorry, there is a problem</word>
<word key="403_error_title" js="0">Sorry, you do not have permission for that!</word>
<word key="404_error_title" js="0">Sorry, we could not find that!</word>
<word key="500_error_title" js="0">A configuration or server error has occurred</word>
<word key="page_doesnt_exist" js="0">That page does not exist.</word>
<word key="page_not_found" js="0">Page Not Found.</word>
<word key="no_module_permission" js="0">The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.</word>
<word key="no_module_permission_guest" js="0">The page you are trying to access is not available to guests, but may be available if you sign in.</word>
<word key="no_module_permission_admin" js="0"><![CDATA[The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. To configure who can access which areas of your site, go to Admin CP → System → Applications.]]></word>
<word key="generic_error" js="0">Something went wrong. Please try again.</word>
<word key="denied_oauth" js="0">You must allow sharing of your profile data in order to login using this service.</word>
<word key="tab_error" js="0">Something went wrong. Check the values provided on the marked tabs and try again.</word>
<word key="admin_csrf_error" js="0">The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information.</word>
<word key="generic_offline_message" js="0">The area you are attempting to access is currently offline. Please try again later.</word>
<word key="lang_not_exists" js="0">The requested language string does not exist.</word>
<word key="posts_per_day_error" js="0">You have reached your posting limits. Please wait 24 hours and try again.</word>
<word key="error_technical_details" js="0">Technical Details</word>
<word key="error_technical_details_desc" js="0">These details only show because you are logged in as an administrator.</word>
<word key="error_technical_details_logs" js="0"><![CDATA[You can view them again later in the <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=support&controller=systemLogs}'>System Logs section of the AdminCP</a>.]]></word>
<word key="error_technical_details_dev" js="0">These details always show in developer mode.</word>
<word key="faulty_plugin" js="0"><![CDATA[This error was probably caused by the plugin %s.<br>If the issue persists, <a href="%s" target="_blank">disable</a> it and contact the author for further assistance.]]></word>
<word key="faulty_app" js="0"><![CDATA[This error was probably caused by application %s.<br>If the issue persists, <a href="%s" target="_blank" >disable</a> it and contact the author for further assistance.]]></word>
<word key="no_attachment_permission" js="0">This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location.</word>
<word key="invalid_guestgroup_admin" js="0">Your setting for the guest group is invalid. Please review your conf_global.php file and ensure that the group id is correct.</word>
<word key="login_err_no_account" js="0">The %s you entered does not belong to any account. Make sure that it is typed correctly.</word>
<word key="login_err_bad_password" js="0">The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again (make sure your caps lock is off).</word>
<word key="login_bad_username_or_password" js="0">The username or password was incorrect. Please try again.</word>
<word key="login_err_locked_unlock" js="0">Your account has been locked. Try again in {# [1:minute][?:minutes]}.</word>
<word key="login_err_locked_nounlock" js="0">Your account has been locked. Try again later.</word>
<word key="sign_in_with_these" js="0">Or sign in with one of these services</word>
<word key="login_err_remote_validate" js="0"><![CDATA[You must validate your account at another site before you can log in successfully. Please <a href='%s' target='_blank'>click here</a> to validate your account.]]></word>
<word key="login_connect_generic_error" js="0">There was an error processing your login request at one of the sites in our network.</word>
<word key="invalid_login_as_user_key" js="0">Secure login key mismatch</word>
<word key="next_unread_not_found" js="0">There are no unread content items.</word>
<word key="login_as_user_login" js="0">Log in with your administrator account in order to continue.</word>
<word key="login_err_no_cookies" js="0">Your browser does not accept cookies which are required in order to log in.</word>
<word key="reauthenticate_password_blurb" js="0">To confirm this change, please re-enter your password:</word>
<word key="reauthenticate_password_blurb2" js="0">Re-enter your password:</word>
<word key="reauthenticate_alt_blurb" js="0">Or reauthenticate with one of these services:</word>
<word key="reauthenticate" js="0">Reauthenticate</word>
<word key="reauthenticate_button_blurb" js="0">To confirm this change, please re-authenticate:</word>
<word key="login_err_wrong_account" js="0">The account you reauthenticated with is not the account you are signed in with.</word>
<word key="need_more_info" js="0">Complete Your Profile</word>
<word key="need_more_info_text" js="0">We require just a few more details before we can proceed</word>
<word key="node_error" js="0">We could not locate the item you are trying to view.</word>
<word key="node_noperm_enable" js="0">You do not have permission to enable or disable that item.</word>
<word key="node_noperm_edit" js="0">You do not have permission to edit that item.</word>
<word key="node_noperm_delete" js="0">You do not have permission to delete that item.</word>
<word key="node_reorder_error" js="0">You selected the same position for more than 1 item.</word>
<word key="acplog__node_created" js="0">Created %s - %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_edited" js="0">Edited %s - %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_disabled" js="0">Disabled %s - %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_enabled" js="0">Enabled %s - %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_copied" js="0">Copied %s - %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_copied_c" js="0">Copied %s - %s and all children</word>
<word key="acplog__node_reorder" js="0">Reordered %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_deleted" js="0">Deleted %s - %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_deleted_c" js="0">Deleted %s - %s and all children</word>
<word key="acplog__node_deleted_m" js="0">Deleted %s - %s and moved children to %s</word>
<word key="node_error_no_perm" js="0">You do not have permission to view this content.</word>
<word key="node_mass_move_delete_if" js="0">For content that matches all of the following conditions...</word>
<word key="node_mass_move_delete_then" js="0">Move to / Delete</word>
<word key="node_mass_move_anyone" js="0">Anyone</word>
<word key="node_mass_move_any_time" js="0">Any time</word>
<word key="node_mass_move_either" js="0">Either</word>
<word key="node_move_comments" js="0">Number of comments is less than or equal to</word>
<word key="node_copy_children" js="0">Also copy children?</word>
<word key="node_move_children" js="0">Move child %s to</word>
<word key="node_delete_children" js="0">Delete children</word>
<word key="node_move_content" js="0">Move content to</word>
<word key="node_delete_content" js="0">Delete content</word>
<word key="node_move_author" js="0">Posted by</word>
<word key="node_move_date" js="0">Was posted on or before</word>
<word key="node_move_last_post" js="0">Last comment was on or before</word>
<word key="node_move_state" js="0">Locked/Unlocked</word>
<word key="node_move_pinned" js="0">Pinned/Not Pinned</word>
<word key="node_move_pinned_not_pinned" js="0">Not Pinned</word>
<word key="node_move_featured" js="0">Featured/Not Featured</word>
<word key="node_move_pinned_not_featured" js="0">Not Featured</word>
<word key="node_move_delete" js="0">You cannot move items into the item being deleted.</word>
<word key="node_move_invalid" js="0">You cannot move this item here.</word>
<word key="permissions_adjusted_node" js="0">Permissions adjusted for %s</word>
<word key="go_to_root" js="0">Go to root</word>
<word key="node_disable_row" js="0">Disable</word>
<word key="node_enable_row" js="0">Enable</word>
<word key="node_no_parent" js="0">No Parent</word>
<word key="node_delete_blurb" js="0">Moving/deleting is handled in the background and does not happen immediately. Until this process is complete, you will still see this listed in the AdminCP. You will be able to see the progress on the AdminCP Dashboard.</word>
<word key="node_mass_content_none" js="0">There is no content that can be moved or deleted.</word>
<word key="node_move_delete_queued" js="0">Moving/Deleting</word>
<word key="node_mass_content_form" js="0">Filters</word>
<word key="node_mass_content_confirm" js="0">Confirm</word>
<word key="node_mass_content_move_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Based on the filters you have chosen <strong>%s %s</strong> will be moved to %s.]]></word>
<word key="node_mass_content_delete_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Based on the filters you have chosen <strong>%s %s</strong> will be <strong>deleted</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="node_mass_content_blurb_2" js="0">This is handled in the background and does not happen immediately, however once the process has started. You will be able to see the progress on the AdminCP Dashboard.</word>
<word key="node_mass_content_moving" js="0">Started Moving Content</word>
<word key="node_mass_content_deleting" js="0">Started Deleting Content</word>
<word key="acplog__node_mass_move" js="0">Mass Moved %s content from %s to %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_mass_delete" js="0">Mass Deleted %s content From %s</word>
<word key="form_required" js="0">This field is required.</word>
<word key="form_minlength" js="0">The value must be at least {# [1:character][?:characters]} long.</word>
<word key="form_minlength_unspecific" js="0">The value is too short.</word>
<word key="form_maxlength" js="0">The value must be shorter than {# [1:character][?:characters]}.</word>
<word key="form_maxlength_unspecific" js="0">The value is too long.</word>
<word key="upload_error" js="0">There was an error processing the upload.</word>
<word key="form_number_bad" js="0">You must enter a numeric value.</word>
<word key="form_number_min" js="0">The value must be larger than %d.</word>
<word key="form_number_max" js="0">The value must be smaller than %d.</word>
<word key="no_results" js="0">There are no results to display.</word>
<word key="no_comments" js="0">There are no comments to display.</word>
<word key="no_reviews" js="0">There are no reviews to display.</word>
<word key="form_date_bad" js="0">That date is not in a recognised format.</word>
<word key="form_date_min" js="0">The date must be after %s.</word>
<word key="form_date_max" js="0">The date must be before %s.</word>
<word key="form_email_bad" js="0">That is not a valid email address.</word>
<word key="form_email_banned" js="0">You are not allowed to use that email address on this site.</word>
<word key="form_name_banned" js="0">You are not allowed to use that display name on this site.</word>
<word key="form_color_bad" js="0">That is not a valid color. Please enter a hex number.</word>
<word key="form_url_bad" js="0">That is not a valid URL.</word>
<word key="form_url_bad_protocol" js="0">That type of URL is not allowed.</word>
<word key="form_url_bad_mime" js="0">That type of file is not allowed.</word>
<word key="form_url_too_soon" js="0">Importing a file from a URL can only be done once every %s seconds. Please wait %s seconds and try again.</word>
<word key="form_url_error" js="0">The contents of the URL could not be obtained. Check that the URL is valid and publicly accessible.</word>
<word key="form_url_localhost" js="0">The URL must not be on %s.</word>
<word key="form_password_confirm" js="0">The passwords do not match.</word>
<word key="form_member_bad" js="0">There is no member with that display name.</word>
<word key="form_member_bad_multiple" js="0">There is no member with the display name %s.</word>
<word key="form_node_disabled" js="0">That option is not allowed.</word>
<word key="form_bad_value" js="0">That value is not allowed.</word>
<word key="form_multibyte_unicode" js="0">The value entered includes a character that is not allowed such as an Emoji.</word>
<word key="form_multibyte_unicode_admin" js="0"><![CDATA[The value entered includes a character that is not allowed such as an Emoji. To enable support for such characters, <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=support&controller=utf8mb4&_new=1}' target='_blank'>enable utf8mb4</a>.]]></word>
<word key="form_bad_captcha" js="0">You did not pass the security check. Please try again.</word>
<word key="unexpected_captcha" js="0">The CAPTCHA settings are invalid.</word>
<word key="unexpected_captcha_admin" js="0"><![CDATA[The CAPTCHA settings are invalid. <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=moderation&controller=spam&tab=captcha}'>Configure</a>]]></word>
<word key="form_items_min" js="0">You must provide at least {# [1:item][?:items]}</word>
<word key="form_items_max" js="0">You must provide less than {# [1:item][?:items]}</word>
<word key="form_tags_min" js="0">You must provide at least {# [1:tag][?:tags]}.</word>
<word key="form_tags_max" js="0">You must provide less than {# [1:tag][?:tags]}.</word>
<word key="form_tags_length_min" js="0">All values must be at least {# [1:character][?:characters]}.</word>
<word key="form_tags_length_max" js="0">All values must be shorter than {# [1:character][?:characters]} long.</word>
<word key="form_tags_not_allowed" js="0">The value %s is not allowed</word>
<word key="form_poll_no_questions" js="0">You must provide at least one question.</word>
<word key="form_poll_too_few_answers" js="0">Each question must have at least 2 choices.</word>
<word key="form_poll_too_many_answers" js="0">Each question can have no more than %s choices.</word>
<word key="form_poll_too_many_questions" js="0">You cannot have more than {# [1:question][?:questions]}.</word>
<word key="form_url_bad_item" js="0">That is not a valid %s URL.</word>
<word key="form_key_value_key" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="form_key_value_value" js="0">Value</word>
<word key="matrix_no_rows" js="0">There are no rows to show yet</word>
<word key="form_partial_address_req" js="0">You must provide a complete address.</word>
<word key="form_partial_address_opt" js="0">You must provide a complete address, or leave all fields blank.</word>
<word key="item_selector_added_to_container" js="0">in %s</word>
<word key="item_selector_added_on" js="0">added %s</word>
<word key="cannot_merge_with_self" js="0">You cannot merge content with itself.</word>
<word key="no_merge_permission" js="0">You do not have permission to moderate that %s.</word>
<word key="edit_tabs" js="0">Edit Tabs</word>
<word key="applications_and_modules" js="0">Applications</word>
<word key="check_for_updates" js="0">Check for Updates</word>
<word key="update_check_complete" js="0">Update Check Complete</word>
<word key="update_check_missing" js="0">Response is missing a required field</word>
<word key="developer_mode" js="0">Developer center</word>
<word key="admincp_menu" js="0">AdminCP Menu</word>
<word key="search_admincp" js="0">Search for settings, members, etc.</word>
<word key="admincp_home" js="0">Home</word>
<word key="jump_to_content" js="0">Jump to content</word>
<word key="not_mobile" js="0">Not mobile optimized</word>
<word key="not_mobile_desc" js="0">Sorry, this page is not optimized for use on mobile devices. Please use a tablet or desktop device to access it.</word>
<word key="search_prefix" js="0">Search: %s</word>
<word key="search_prefix_nofield" js="0">Search...</word>
<word key="xml_upload_invalid" js="0">The file uploaded is invalid</word>
<word key="keywords_restriction" js="0">Restriction</word>
<word key="keywords_language" js="0">Language Key</word>
<word key="keywords_keywords" js="0">Search Keywords</word>
<word key="acp_login" js="0">Invision Community 4</word>
<word key="acp_login_upgrade_warning" js="0">The files for version %s are present but the upgrade has not been completed.</word>
<word key="acp_login_ignore_warning" js="0">Continue to AdminCP</word>
<word key="search_results_in_nodes" js="0">The search result is a per-%s setting.</word>
<word key="progress_bar_percent_not_available" js="0">Progress not available</word>
<word key="acp_indev_on" js="0">This site is currently running in development mode</word>
<word key="acp_designersmode_on" js="0">This site is currently running with designers' mode enabled</word>
<word key="acp_indev_on_title" js="0">Development Mode</word>
<word key="acp_designersmode_on_title" js="0">Designers' Mode</word>
<word key="acp_indev_on_blurb" js="0">You currently have development mode (IN_DEV) enabled. This mode is designed to allow you to develop apps and plugins for Invision Community and is intended for advanced users.</word>
<word key="acp_designersmode_on_blurb" js="0">You currently have designers' mode enabled. This mode allows designers to create and edit themes for Invision Community in a development environment.</word>
<word key="acp_not_production_tho" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>You should never enable this mode on a production site.</strong>]]></word>
<word key="ips_suite_upgrade" js="0">Upgrade Invision Community</word>
<word key="ips_email_address" js="0">Invision Client Area Email Address</word>
<word key="ips_password" js="0">Invision Client Area Account Password</word>
<word key="download_upgrade_nothing" js="0">You are already running the latest version.</word>
<word key="download_upgrade_error" js="0">Manual action required</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_md5_fail" js="0">We extracted the latest update, but some of the files were not as expected. They may have been manually modified or not uploaded correctly.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_md5_fix" js="0">Fix and Continue</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_zip_fail" js="0">The update could not be downloaded.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_write_fail" js="0">The file permissions on your server do not allow for files to be written, so the update could not be automatically extracted.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_manual" js="0">Please download the update and upload the files to your server.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_manual_ftp" js="0">Your server does not have the FTP extension for PHP installed which is required to automatically apply the upgrade. Please download the update and upload the files to your server. If you would like to skip this step for future upgrades, contact your hosting provider to ask for PHP FTP extension to be enabled.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_fail_server" js="0">There was an error communicating with the update server. Please download the update and upload the files to your server, or contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_fail_client" js="0">There was an error downloading the files to your server. Please download the update and upload the files to your server, or contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_download" js="0">Download Update</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_download_full" js="0"><![CDATA[Alternatively, go to the client area to download full package →]]></word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_go_to_clientarea" js="0">Visit the client area to download</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_manual_footer" js="0">Once you have uploaded the files, click the button below to continue.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_mismatch_versions" js="0"><![CDATA[You are running version %s of the %s application, but version %s of Invision Community. In order to download an update, you need to be running the same version of all applications. If you are no longer using the %s application, you can uninstall it on the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=applications&controller=applications}'>Applications</a> page. Alternatively, to download the full package, visit the <a href='{external.client_area}' target='_blank'>client area</a>.]]></word>
<word key="upgrade_method" js="0">Upgrade Method</word>
<word key="r__upgrade" js="0">Upgrade</word>
<word key="r__upgrade_manage" js="0">Can upgrade Invision Community?</word>
<word key="upgrade_confirm_update" js="0">Confirm Upgrade</word>
<word key="upgrade_login" js="0">Sign In</word>
<word key="upgrade_ftp_details" js="0">FTP Details</word>
<word key="upgrade_extract_update" js="0"><![CDATA[Download & Extract Update]]></word>
<word key="upgrade_upgrade" js="0">Complete Upgrade</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_downloading" js="0">Downloading</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_processing" js="0">Processing</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_extracting" js="0">Extracting</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_upgradeTemplates" js="0">Updating Themes</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_ftp_instructions" js="0"><![CDATA[In order to upload the update, you must provide the FTP details for your server. If your server does not have FTP access, <a href='%s'>click here</a> to download the update manually.]]></word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_ftp_details" js="0">FTP Details</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_ftp_details_err" js="0">A connection was established, but an attempt to download a file failed. Check that the path you have provided is correct and points to where Invision Community is installed, and that the FTP user has permission to read and write files.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_ftp_details_no_match" js="0">A connection was established, but the conf_global.php file at the path provided does not match the conf_global.php for this community. Check that the path you have provided points to where Invision Community is installed.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_ftp_remember" js="0">Remember details?</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_ftp_remember_desc" js="0">The FTP details will be stored encrypted in the database so that you do not have to provide them for future updates.</word>
<word key="download_upgrade_initial_md5_fail_title" js="0">Modified Files</word>
<word key="download_upgrade_initial_md5_fail_explain" js="0">The following files have been modified. By continuing, the changes made will be lost.</word>
<word key="upgrade_complete" js="0">The upgrade is complete</word>
<word key="download_upgrade_initial_theme_conflicts_title" js="0">Incompatible {!#[1:Theme][?:Themes]}</word>
<word key="download_upgrade_initial_theme_conflicts_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[{!#[1:One][?:Some]} of your themes {!#[1:is][?:are]} not compatible with the version you are upgrading to because {!#[1:it includes][?:they include]} modifications to templates and/or CSS files which this version needs to update.<br><br><strong>If you obtained the affected {!#[1:theme][?:themes]} from a designer</strong> you should contact them to ask if a new version of the {!#[1:theme is][?:themes are]} available for this version. If there is, continue with the upgrade and then update the {!#[1:theme][?:themes]} after. If there is not an update available, you may want to remove {!#[1:that theme][?:those themes]} or wait until {!#[1:a new version is][?:new versions are]} available before proceeding.<br><br><strong>If you modified the affected {!#[1:theme][?:themes]} yourself</strong>, you can use the links below to review your customisations. If the customisations are no longer required, you can revert them, otherwise you will need to incorporate the changes made by the version you are upgrading to. For more details on the theme changes in this version, see the <a href='{external.themediff}' target='_blank'>Theme Differences Documentation</a>.]]></word>
<word key="download_upgrade_initial_theme_conflicts_tip" js="0"><![CDATA[Tip: When viewing a template or CSS file from one of the links above, select <strong>Show Default</strong> from the <i class='fa fa-cog'></i> dropdown to compare your customisations with the default for the current version.]]></word>
<word key="turn_offline" js="0">Turn offline</word>
<word key="turn_online" js="0">Turn online</word>
<word key="not_in_dev" js="0">You must be in developer mode to use this tool.</word>
<word key="dev_build" js="0">Build for release</word>
<word key="dev_built" js="0">Successfully built.</word>
<word key="dev_build_ckeditor_err" js="0"><![CDATA[There was an error building CKEditor - execute the following command at the command line to see details:<br>%s]]></word>
<word key="dev_build_ckeditor_exists_err" js="0">There was an error building CKEditor - please remove the directory %s</word>
<word key="dev_acpmenu" js="0">Admin CP Menu</word>
<word key="dev_acprestrictions" js="0">Admin CP Restrictions</word>
<word key="dev_extensions" js="0">Extensions</word>
<word key="dev_extensions_create" js="0">Create %s Extension</word>
<word key="dev_extensions_classname" js="0">Classname</word>
<word key="dev_schema" js="0">Database Schema</word>
<word key="dev_versions" js="0">Versions</word>
<word key="dev_hooks" js="0">Hooks</word>
<word key="dev_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="dev_settings_key" js="0">Setting Key</word>
<word key="dev_settings_default" js="0">Default Value</word>
<word key="dev_settings_report" js="0">Usage Reporting</word>
<word key="dev_settings_none" js="0">Exclude (API Keys, temporary storage, etc.)</word>
<word key="dev_settings_full" js="0">Send complete value (on-off switches, radio selects, timestamps, etc.)</word>
<word key="dev_settings_bool" js="0">Send bool indicating if has been changed (text input)</word>
<word key="dev_module_front" js="0">Modules - Front</word>
<word key="dev_module_admin" js="0">Modules - Admin</word>
<word key="dev_modules" js="0">Modules</word>
<word key="dev_widgets" js="0">Widgets</word>
<word key="dev_widget_key" js="0">Widget Key</word>
<word key="dev_widget_restrict_sidebar" js="0">Sidebar</word>
<word key="dev_widget_restrict_cms" js="0">Pages Application</word>
<word key="dev_widget_restrict" js="0">Can be used in</word>
<word key="dev_widget_area" js="0">Default Area</word>
<word key="dev_widget_default_area" js="0">Default Area</word>
<word key="dev_widget_default_area_desc" js="0">If specified, this widget will display automatically within your application when no page-specific widgets are configured. It is usually best to not specify this and let administrators configured their desired widgets manually.</word>
<word key="dev_widget_default_area_header" js="0">Header</word>
<word key="dev_widget_default_area_footer" js="0">Footer</word>
<word key="dev_widget_default_area_sidebar" js="0">Sidebar</word>
<word key="dev_widget_menu_style" js="0">Menu Style</word>
<word key="dev_widget_menu_style_menu" js="0">Pop-up menu</word>
<word key="dev_widget_menu_style_modal" js="0">Modal</word>
<word key="dev_widget_allow_reuse" js="0">Allow widget re-use?</word>
<word key="dev_widget_allow_reuse_desc" js="0">If the widget can be configured in different ways, users may want to use it more than once on a page. But if the widget always displays the same information, you should set this to no.</word>
<word key="dev_widget_key_err" js="0">A sidebar widget already exists with that key.</word>
<word key="dev_widget_key_err_alpha" js="0">The widget key must be alphanumeric and not contain underscores.</word>
<word key="dev_widget_class" js="0">Class</word>
<word key="dev_widget_nowhere" js="0">Nowhere</word>
<word key="dev_widget_embeddable" js="0">Embeddable by Pages app</word>
<word key="dev_widget_embeddable_desc" js="0">Determines if this widget can be embedded into a Pages custom block. This should be enabled for most widgets unless there is a particular reason to not allow it such as if the widget displays contextual information which won't be applicable on a custom page.</word>
<word key="widget_class_default" js="0">The contents of the widget will not be cached. Use this option if the contents might change on each page load.</word>
<word key="widget_class_PermissionCache" js="0">The contents of the widget will be cached per member permission configuration. Use this option if your widget can be cached and the contents depend on the permissions of the currently logged in user. Widget caches are cleared automatically after a set expiration time, but you may wish to add code to manually clear the cache when the content the widget shows is updated as well.</word>
<word key="widget_class_StaticCache" js="0">The contents of the widget will be cached. Use this option if your widget can be cached and the contents will be the same for every member. Widget caches are cleared automatically after a set expiration time, but you may wish to add code to manually clear the cache when the content the widget shows is updated as well.</word>
<word key="dev_widget_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="dev_could_not_write_data" js="0">In order to use this function, the /data directory of your application's directory and all its subdirectories, must exist and be writable.</word>
<word key="dev_could_not_write_schema_data" js="0">In order to use this function, the /data and /setup directories of your application's directory and all its subdirectories, must exist and be writable.</word>
<word key="dev_could_not_write_setup" js="0">In order to use this function, the /setup directory of your application's directory, and all its subdirectories, must exist and be writable.</word>
<word key="dev_could_not_write_controller" js="0">In order to use this function, the /modules directory of your application's directory, and all its subdirectories, must exist and be writable.</word>
<word key="database_conflict_message" js="0">Your local database does not match the application's schema.json file for the table.</word>
<word key="database_conflict_title" js="0">Conflicts</word>
<word key="database_conflict_schema" js="0">Application's schema.json file</word>
<word key="database_conflict_local" js="0">Local Database</word>
<word key="database_conflict_choose" js="0">Use This Schema</word>
<word key="database_tables" js="0">Database Tables</word>
<word key="database_table_create" js="0">Add Table</word>
<word key="database_table_new" js="0">Create New</word>
<word key="database_table_import" js="0">Import From Database</word>
<word key="database_table_import_table" js="0">Table to Import</word>
<word key="database_table_upload" js="0">Upload SQL File</word>
<word key="database_table_edit" js="0">Edit Table</word>
<word key="database_table_delete" js="0">Drop Table</word>
<word key="database_table_settings" js="0">Table Settings</word>
<word key="database_table_name" js="0">Table Name</word>
<word key="database_table_engine" js="0">Engine</word>
<word key="database_table_engine_fulltext" js="0">Tables which have fulltext indexes must use the MyISAM storage engine.</word>
<word key="database_table_engine_default" js="0">-Use MySQL Server Default-</word>
<word key="database_table_reporting" js="0">Usage Reporting</word>
<word key="database_table_reporting_none" js="0">Exclude</word>
<word key="database_table_reporting_count" js="0">Send count of all rows</word>
<word key="database_comment" js="0">Comment</word>
<word key="database_column_comment" js="0">Comment</word>
<word key="database_columns" js="0">Columns</word>
<word key="database_columns_add" js="0">Add Column</word>
<word key="database_columns_drop" js="0">Drop Column</word>
<word key="database_column_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="database_column_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="database_column_length" js="0">Length</word>
<word key="database_column_values" js="0">Values</word>
<word key="database_column_decimals" js="0">Decimals</word>
<word key="database_column_unsigned" js="0">Unsigned</word>
<word key="database_column_zerofill" js="0">Zerofill</word>
<word key="database_column_binary" js="0">Binary</word>
<word key="database_column_allow_null" js="0">Allow Null</word>
<word key="database_column_default" js="0">Default</word>
<word key="database_column_auto_increment" js="0">Auto Increment</word>
<word key="database_column_type_numeric" js="0">Numeric</word>
<word key="database_column_type_datetime" js="0">Date and Time</word>
<word key="database_column_type_string" js="0">String</word>
<word key="database_indexes" js="0">Indexes</word>
<word key="database_indexes_add" js="0">Add Index</word>
<word key="database_index_type" js="0">Index Type</word>
<word key="database_index_name" js="0">Index Name</word>
<word key="database_index_columns" js="0">Indexed Column(s)</word>
<word key="database_inserts" js="0">Default Inserts</word>
<word key="database_inserts_add" js="0">Add Row</word>
<word key="database_inserts_edit" js="0">Edit Row</word>
<word key="database_table_exists" js="0">That table already exists.</word>
<word key="database_default_column_comment" js="0">ID Number</word>
<word key="database_upload_too_many_queries" js="0">The file uploaded contains more than 1 SQL statement. You must upload a file with a single CREATE TABLE statement.</word>
<word key="database_upload_no_create" js="0">The file uploaded does not contain a CREATE TABLE statement.</word>
<word key="database_changes_info" js="0">Changes made will be added to the upgrade routine for the next version you build.</word>
<word key="database_newtable_info" js="0">A CREATE TABLE statement made will be added to the upgrade routine for the next version you build.</word>
<word key="database_renametable_info" js="0">If the table does not start with '%s', it will be renamed and a RENAME TABLE statement made will be added to the upgrade routine for the next version you build.</word>
<word key="database_droptable_info" js="0">The table will be dropped from your local database and a DROP TABLE statement made will be added to the upgrade routine for the next version you build.</word>
<word key="database_schema_needs_version" js="0">Before you can modify the database schema you need to create at least one version for the changes to be added to.</word>
<word key="database_schema_error" js="0"><![CDATA[There was an error executing the query necessary to change the table. Check you have not tried to add an attribute to a datatype that is not allowed (for example, checked the 'unsigned' checkbox for a text column).<br><br>Query: %s<br><br>Error: (%s) %s]]></word>
<word key="database_schema_member_columns" js="0">Don't forget if your database table stores member IDs to create a MemberSync extension to handle when members are merged or deleted.</word>
<word key="versions_add" js="0">Add Version</word>
<word key="versions_add_new" js="0">Create New Version</word>
<word key="versions_add_upload" js="0">Upload versions.xml file</word>
<word key="versions_upload_badxml" js="0">The file uploaded is not a valid versions.xml file.</word>
<word key="versions_human" js="0">Version</word>
<word key="versions_long" js="0">ID Number</word>
<word key="versions_long_exists" js="0">There is already a version with that ID Number.</word>
<word key="versions_long_too_low" js="0">You must select a long version number of 10000 or greater.</word>
<word key="versions_code" js="0">Create upgrade.php</word>
<word key="versions_install" js="0">Installation Routine</word>
<word key="versions_working" js="0">Version currently being developed</word>
<word key="versions_add_information" js="0">You do not need to add a version for the version you are currently working on; when you download the application you will be prompted to provide a version number and all the changes made since the last version was added will be compiled into that version. Only add versions for past releases when setting up a new application.</word>
<word key="file_created" js="0">File Created.</word>
<word key="versions_query" js="0">Add SQL Query</word>
<word key="versions_query_code" js="0">Code to execute query</word>
<word key="versions_query_code_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Must be a single PHP statement which calls the \IPS\Db class to execute a query. Only use this tool to run UPDATE, DELETE and similar queries; do not use this tool to run queries which modify the schema - instead edit the schema directly under that tab.<br>The query entered will be run against your local database if you are adding it to the latest version.]]></word>
<word key="versions_query_start" js="0">The code must be a call to an \IPS\Db method.</word>
<word key="versions_query_one" js="0">The code must be a single PHP statement.</word>
<word key="versions_query_format" js="0">The code does not match the expected format. The code must be a single PHP statement which calls the \IPS\Db class to execute a query.</word>
<word key="versions_query_phperror" js="0">There was a PHP error executing the statement.</word>
<word key="modules_add" js="0">Add Module</word>
<word key="modules_make_default" js="0">Make default controller</word>
<word key="modules_default" js="0">Default Controller</word>
<word key="modules_add_controller" js="0">Create Controller</word>
<word key="modules_controller_exists" js="0">A controller with that filename already exists.</word>
<word key="module_key" js="0">Module Key</word>
<word key="module_key_desc" js="0">A simple alphabetic key to identify the module. Please note that if the module key is edited then existing controllers will not have their namespaces automatically updated.</word>
<word key="module_protected" js="0">Protected?</word>
<word key="module_protected_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Protected modules cannot be disabled or restricted to certain member groups. In <strong>almost all</strong> cases modules should <strong>not be protected</strong> so that administrators can control permissions. The only exceptions are modules where disabling a groups access would present a problem (for example, the 'system' module in the core app always needs to be accessible as it contains the login and registration forms).]]></word>
<word key="module_default_controller" js="0">Default Controller</word>
<word key="module_key_bad" js="0">The key must contain only lower case letters with no numbers or symbols.</word>
<word key="module_key_exists" js="0">A module already exists with that key.</word>
<word key="module_perm__label" js="0"></word>
<word key="module_perm__view" js="0">Can access module?</word>
<word key="controllertype_blank" js="0">Blank</word>
<word key="controllertype_node" js="0">Node Controller</word>
<word key="model_name" js="0">Node Model</word>
<word key="controllertype_list" js="0">Table</word>
<word key="controller_rcreate" js="0">-Create restriction-</word>
<word key="acpmenu_add" js="0">Add Menu Item</word>
<word key="acpmenu_controller" js="0">Controller</word>
<word key="acpmenu_tab" js="0">Menu Tab</word>
<word key="acpmenu_doaction" js="0">Method</word>
<word key="acpmenu_restriction" js="0">ACP Restriction</word>
<word key="acpmenu_restriction_desc" js="0">If set, only administrators who have this restriction enabled will be able to see the item in the menu.</word>
<word key="acpmenu_norestriction" js="0">-No Restriction-</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_addgroup" js="0">Add Restriction Group</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_groupkey" js="0">Group Key</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_groupkey_desc" js="0">Specify the language string with key 'r__{key}'.</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_addrow" js="0">Add Restriction</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_rowkey" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_rowkey_desc" js="0">Specify the language string with key 'r__{key}'.</word>
<word key="database_show_schema" js="0">Show Schema</word>
<word key="dev_tasks" js="0">Tasks</word>
<word key="dev_task_key" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="dev_task_key_err" js="0">A task already exists with that key.</word>
<word key="dev_task_key_desc" js="0">Will be used as the php file name and class name. Please note that if the task key is edited then existing tasks will not have the class names automatically updated.</word>
<word key="dev_task_frequency" js="0">Frequency to run</word>
<word key="app_view_details" js="0">View details</word>
<word key="error_no_app" js="0">The app you were attempting to view could not be found</word>
<word key="app_details_title" js="0">Application Details</word>
<word key="app_details_details" js="0">Details</word>
<word key="app_details_plugins" js="0">Plugins</word>
<word key="app_details_upgrades" js="0">Upgrade History</word>
<word key="app_details_hooks" js="0">Hooks</word>
<word key="app_details_app_title" js="0">Application Title</word>
<word key="app_details_app_version" js="0">Current Version</word>
<word key="app_details_app_author" js="0">Author</word>
<word key="app_details_app_website" js="0">Author's Website</word>
<word key="app_details_app_installed" js="0">Installed</word>
<word key="app_details_app_updated" js="0">Last Upgraded</word>
<word key="app_version_string" js="0">%s (%s)</word>
<word key="app_disabled_groups" js="0">Allowed Access</word>
<word key="app_disabled_groups_desc" js="0">Selected groups will still be able to access the application</word>
<word key="app_disabled_message" js="0">Offline Message</word>
<word key="app_disabled_message_desc" js="0">This message will be shown to any users not in the allowed access groups</word>
<word key="app_directory" js="0">Application Directory</word>
<word key="app_title" js="0">Application Title</word>
<word key="app_author" js="0">Author Name</word>
<word key="app_enabled" js="0">Application Online</word>
<word key="app_enabled_desc" js="0">You can control which groups have access to the application by changing the permissions on the modules within the application.</word>
<word key="app_enabled_desc_no_writes" js="0">You are not allowed to change this setting, however, you can control which groups have access to the application by changing the permissions on the modules within the application. Contact your system administrator for more information.</word>
<word key="app_hide_tab" js="0">Show in navigation?</word>
<word key="app_hide_tab_desc" js="0">Users with permission will still be able to access the application by going directly to the URL.</word>
<word key="app_website" js="0">Author Website</word>
<word key="app_update_check" js="0">Update Check URL</word>
<word key="app_update_check_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[This URL will be called periodically to check for updates for this application. <a href='{external.devdocs-updateurl}' target='_blank'>More information</a>.]]></word>
<word key="app_protected" js="0">Protected Application</word>
<word key="app_protected_desc" js="0">Protected applications cannot be disabled or uninstalled</word>
<word key="acplog__app_edited" js="0">The '%s' application was edited</word>
<word key="acplog__app_added" js="0">The '%s' application was added</word>
<word key="acplog__application_updated" js="0">The '%s' application was upgraded to version %s</word>
<word key="acplog__application_installed" js="0">The '%s' application was installed</word>
<word key="acplog__application_uninstalled" js="0">The '%s' application was uninstalled</word>
<word key="app_error_key_used" js="0">The application directory you supplied is already in use</word>
<word key="app_error_invalid_version" js="0">Please enter a valid version number</word>
<word key="uninstall_application" js="0">If you uninstall an application, all data that the application has stored will be deleted.</word>
<word key="application_uninstalled" js="0">The %s application has been uninstalled</word>
<word key="uninstalled_applications" js="0">Applications not currently installed</word>
<word key="legacy_applications" js="0">Out of date applications</word>
<word key="new_version_available" js="0">Update Available!</word>
<word key="new_version_tip_date" js="0">Version %s was released on %s</word>
<word key="new_version_tip" js="0">Version %s is now available</word>
<word key="installing_application" js="0">Installing application...</word>
<word key="upgrading_application" js="0">Upgrading application...</word>
<word key="app_already_installed" js="0">The application you are attempting to install appears to be installed already. To reinstall the application you must first uninstall it.</word>
<word key="app_invalid_data" js="0">We could not parse the application.json file for this application because it is missing or corrupt. Please contact the author for an updated copy of this application.</word>
<word key="application_now_installed" js="0">The application is now installed and ready to use</word>
<word key="application_now_updated" js="0">The application is now updated and ready to use</word>
<word key="appinstall_databasechanges" js="0">Database changes applied</word>
<word key="appupdate_databasechanges" js="0">Database changes applied for version %s</word>
<word key="appinstall_basics" js="0">Application data imported</word>
<word key="appinstall_languages" js="0">Language strings imported</word>
<word key="appinstall_emails" js="0">Email templates imported</word>
<word key="appinstall_extensions" js="0">Extensions imported</word>
<word key="appinstall_skins" js="0">Theme templates imported</word>
<word key="appinstall_javascript" js="0">Javascript imported</word>
<word key="appinstall_finish" js="0">Finishing install</word>
<word key="download_application" js="0">Download application</word>
<word key="app_buildanddownload" js="0">Build and Download</word>
<word key="app_justdownload" js="0">Just Download</word>
<word key="app_dir_not_write" js="0">Your applications/ directory must be writable to create or install an application.</word>
<word key="plugin_dir_not_write" js="0">Your plugins/ directory must be writable to create or install a plugin or application.</word>
<word key="plugin_mkdir_perm" js="0">Your plugins/ directory is not writable - attempting to create the plugin directory failed.</word>
<word key="plugin_fpc_perm" js="0"><![CDATA[Your plugins/% directory is not writable. You may need to <a href='{external.file_folder_perms}' target='_blank'>adjust your file and directory permissions</a>.]]></word>
<word key="app_no_phar" js="0">In order to build your application for download you must ensure the Phar PHP extension is enabled, and the phar.readonly option in php.ini is set to 1.</word>
<word key="no_phar_extension" js="0"><![CDATA[Your server does not have the Phar PHP extension enabled which is required to upload applications. Contact your hosting provider or system administrator and ask them to enable the Phar PHP extension.<br><br>Alternatively, you can upload the application manually by extracting the tar file and uploading the directory to the <em>/applications</em> directory on your server, then refresh this page and an option to install the application will appear. The directory you upload will be a single directory which contains an Application.php file and several subdirectories. Make sure you do not upload any additional container which may be created by your extraction application.]]></word>
<word key="application_file" js="0">Application</word>
<word key="application_file_desc" js="0">Select the .tar application distribution you would like to install</word>
<word key="application_notvalid" js="0">The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it.</word>
<word key="add_app_version_ph" js="0">Version number</word>
<word key="add_app_versionl_ph" js="0">ID number</word>
<word key="app_versions" js="0">Application Version</word>
<word key="app_directory_desc" js="0">Letters and numbers only, starting with a letter.</word>
<word key="make_default_module" js="0">Make default module</word>
<word key="no_module_for_default" js="0">The module you attempted to set as the default could not be loaded.</word>
<word key="upload_new_version" js="0">Upload a new version</word>
<word key="no_app_to_update" js="0">We could not find the application you were attempting to update.</word>
<word key="app_specific_dir_nowrite" js="0">Your applications/%s/ directory must be writable to update this application.</word>
<word key="app_compile_js" js="0">Developer: Compile Javascript</word>
<word key="make_default_app" js="0">Set as default app</word>
<word key="new_default_app" js="0">Please select a new default application</word>
<word key="application_now_built" js="0">Application Built</word>
<word key="app_build" js="0">Developer: Build Application (XML, etc)</word>
<word key="build_all_apps" js="0">Build All</word>
<word key="invision" js="0">Invision</word>
<word key="developer_build_type" js="0">Type of Build</word>
<word key="developer_build_type_rebuild" js="0">Rebuild %s</word>
<word key="developer_build_new" js="0">Build New Version</word>
<word key="developer_build_download" js="0">Download Without Building</word>
<word key="app_no_upgrade_history" js="0">No upgrade history</word>
<word key="app_upload_designersmode" js="0"><![CDATA[Unable to upload a new version as Designers' Mode is enabled. <a href='%s'>Manage Designers' Mode</a>]]></word>
<word key="ext__AdvertisementLocations" js="0">Create additional locations for advertisements within the application.</word>
<word key="ext__Announcements" js="0">Provide control over where attachments should display within the application (for example: in which categories).</word>
<word key="ext__BBCode" js="0">Add a BBCode tag to the parsing engine.</word>
<word key="ext__Build" js="0">Run custom code when building the application.</word>
<word key="ext__BulkMail" js="0">Provide additional replacement tags within bulk mails.</word>
<word key="ext__MemberFilter" js="0">Provide ways of filtering members for bulk mail, etc.</word>
<word key="ext__CommunityEnhancements" js="0">Add third-party APIs and services to the Community Enhancements section of the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="ext__ContentRouter" js="0">Specify the content items used within the application.</word>
<word key="ext__CreateMenu" js="0">Add elements to the '+Create' menu which displays in the header of every page.</word>
<word key="ext__Dashboard" js="0">Add content to the AdminCP Dashboard.</word>
<word key="ext__EditorLocations" js="0">Specify the WYSIWYG editor locations used in the application.</word>
<word key="ext__EditorMedia" js="0">Add additional media sources to the 'Insert existing attachment' button on the editor.</word>
<word key="ext__FileStorage" js="0">Specify the types of files used by the application</word>
<word key="ext__FrontNavigation" js="0">Add tabs and menus to the global navigation bar.</word>
<word key="ext__GroupForm" js="0">Add group settings.</word>
<word key="ext__GroupLimits" js="0">Control how group settings should be handled for secondary groups.</word>
<word key="ext__IncomingEmail" js="0">Handle incoming emails.</word>
<word key="ext__IpAddresses" js="0">Specify areas where IP addresses are logged in the application.</word>
<word key="ext__LiveSearch" js="0">Add to the AdminCP live search feature.</word>
<word key="ext__MemberForm" js="0">Add settings to AdminCP Edit Member form.</word>
<word key="ext__MemberACPProfileTabs" js="0">Add a tab to the AdminCP member view.</word>
<word key="ext__MemberACPProfileBlocks" js="0">Add a block to the AdminCP member view.</word>
<word key="ext__MemberACPProfileContentTab" js="0">Add a tab to the Content Statistics block within the AdminCP member view.</word>
<word key="ext__MemberRestrictions" js="0"><![CDATA[Show content and add fields to the associated form for the Warnings & Restrictions block within the AdminCP member view.]]></word>
<word key="ext__MemberExportPersonalInformation" js="0">Add additional data to the personal information XML file.</word>
<word key="ext__MemberSync" js="0">Run code for when a member account is created, edited, merged or deleted.</word>
<word key="ext__ModCp" js="0">Add to the ModCP.</word>
<word key="ext__ModCpMemberManagement" js="0">Add filters to the ModCP member management page.</word>
<word key="ext__ModeratorPermissions" js="0">Add moderator permissions.</word>
<word key="ext__Notifications" js="0">Specify the types of notifications sent by the application.</word>
<word key="ext__OutputPlugins" js="0">Add template tags.</word>
<word key="ext__Permissions" js="0">Specify the nodes with permissions integration used within the application.</word>
<word key="ext__Profile" js="0">Add content to users' profiles.</word>
<word key="ext__Queue" js="0">Specify background queue tasks used by the application.</word>
<word key="ext__Sitemap" js="0">Add to the sitemap.</word>
<word key="ext__StreamItems" js="0">Add extra items to activity stream</word>
<word key="ext__Uninstall" js="0">Run code when an application is uninstalled.</word>
<word key="ext__DesignersMode" js="0">Run code when designers mode is enabled and disabled.</word>
<word key="ext__MFAArea" js="0">Define an area to be protected by muti-factor authentication.</word>
<word key="ext__MetaData" js="0">Add content meta data types</word>
<word key="ext__MemberHistory" js="0">Add data parsers for Member History display</word>
<word key="ext__ProfileSteps" js="0">Suggested steps to complete profiles</word>
<word key="ext__ContentModeratorPermissions" js="0">Add content moderator permissions.</word>
<word key="app_offline_to_groups" js="0">This application is offline and can only be accessed by %s.</word>
<word key="app_offline_to_all" js="0">This application is offline.</word>
<word key="app_force_disabled" js="0"><![CDATA[This application is out of date and cannot be enabled until it is upgraded. Please visit your <a href='{external.client_area}' target='_blank'>client center</a> to download the full Invision Community package.]]></word>
<word key="login_handlers" js="0">Methods</word>
<word key="login_handler" js="0">Handler</word>
<word key="login_details" js="0">Details</word>
<word key="login_method_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="login_handler_Internal" js="0">Standard</word>
<word key="login_handler_External" js="0">MySQL Database</word>
<word key="login_handler_Live" js="0">Microsoft</word>
<word key="login_handler_Ldap" js="0">LDAP</word>
<word key="login_handler_Facebook" js="0">Facebook</word>
<word key="login_handler_Twitter" js="0">Twitter</word>
<word key="login_handler_Convert" js="0">Converter</word>
<word key="login_handler_custom_oauth" js="0">Other OAuth 2.0</word>
<word key="login_app_help" js="0">Click here for instructions on how to set up %s login.</word>
<word key="login_auth_types" js="0">Authentication Type</word>
<word key="login_external_conn" js="0">Database Connection Details</word>
<word key="login_external_host" js="0">MySQL Host</word>
<word key="login_external_user" js="0">MySQL Username</word>
<word key="login_external_pass" js="0">MySQL Password</word>
<word key="login_external_database" js="0">MySQL Database Name</word>
<word key="login_external_port" js="0">Connection Port</word>
<word key="login_external_socket" js="0">Connection socket or named pipe</word>
<word key="login_external_schema" js="0">Database Schema Details</word>
<word key="login_external_table" js="0">Table</word>
<word key="login_external_table_desc" js="0">The name of the table in the database where member data is stored.</word>
<word key="login_external_id" js="0">ID column</word>
<word key="login_external_id_desc" js="0">The name of the column in the table specified above which contains unique identifiers for users, if one is available. Although this is optional, not providing a value can introduce security issues and unexpected behaviour when changing display names and email addresses.</word>
<word key="login_external_username" js="0">Username column</word>
<word key="login_external_username_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The name of the column in the table specified above which contains the usernames. This is not required if you set the Authentication Type to Email Address only, however, in that circumstance (or if the username <a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=profiles&tab=settings&searchResult=username_characters}'>is not allowed</a>), users will be prompted to provide a display name after signing in.]]></word>
<word key="login_external_username_err" js="0">If the Authentication Type includes username, this field is required.</word>
<word key="login_external_email" js="0">Email address column</word>
<word key="login_external_email_desc" js="0">The name of the column in the table specified above which contains the email addresses. This is not required if you set the Authentication Type to Username only, however, in that circumstance, users will be prompted to provide a email address after signing in.</word>
<word key="login_external_email_err" js="0">If the Authentication Type includes email, this field is required.</word>
<word key="login_external_password" js="0">Password column</word>
<word key="login_external_encryption" js="0">Password Encryption Type</word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_other" js="0">Other</word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_desc" js="0">The format that the password is stored in.</word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_plain" js="0">Plain text</word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_password_hash" js="0"><![CDATA[PHP's <code>password_hash()</code> function]]></word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_hash" js="0">Password Hash Code</word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_hash_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Should return a string with the hashed value of <code>$providedPassword</code>]]></word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_validate" js="0">Password Verification Code</word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_validate_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Should return <code>true</code> if <code>$providedPassword</code> is the correct password for the member in <code>$row</code>]]></word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_custom_row" js="0">An array containing the row from the database that matched the provided username or email address</word>
<word key="login_external_encryption_custom_password" js="0">The provided password</word>
<word key="login_external_extra" js="0">Additional clause</word>
<word key="login_external_extra_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If specified, when the query is made to retrieve a user, the additional clause specified here will be added to the end of the query (e.g. <code>active=1</code>).]]></word>
<word key="login_live_client" js="0">Application Id</word>
<word key="login_live_client_desc" js="0">Click the Help button above to find out how to obtain this information.</word>
<word key="login_live_secret" js="0">Password</word>
<word key="login_real_name" js="0">Display name to use when creating an account</word>
<word key="login_real_name_facebook" js="0">Facebook profile name</word>
<word key="login_real_name_linkedin" js="0">LinkedIn profile name</word>
<word key="login_real_name_google" js="0">Google account name</word>
<word key="login_real_name_microsoft" js="0">Microsoft account name</word>
<word key="login_real_name_disabled" js="0">Ask the user to provide a display name</word>
<word key="login_real_name_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=profiles&tab=settings&searchResult=username_characters}' target='_blank'>Allowed characters in display names</a> setting applies.]]></word>
<word key="no_access_cp" js="0">You do not have permission to access the Admin CP.</word>
<word key="cp_bad_ip" js="0"><![CDATA[Your IP address does not match this session. <a href='{external.disable_ip_check}' target='_blank'>Help</a>]]></word>
<word key="ip_override_warn" js="0"><![CDATA[This setting is currently being overridden for the AdminCP sessions because the <code>BYPASS_ACP_IP_CHECK</code> constant is enabled in your constants.php file. <a href='{external.disable_ip_check}' target='_blank'>More information</a>]]></word>
<word key="login_live" js="0">Sign in with Microsoft</word>
<word key="login_3p_bad" js="0">%s rejected the details provided. Please check the details you provided have been entered correctly and try again.</word>
<word key="login_facebook_app" js="0">App ID</word>
<word key="login_facebook_app_desc" js="0">Click the Help button above to find out how to obtain this information.</word>
<word key="login_facebook_secret" js="0">App Secret</word>
<word key="login_facebook" js="0">Sign in with Facebook</word>
<word key="login_facebook_allow_status_import" js="0">Allow Status Imports?</word>
<word key="login_facebook_allow_status_import_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If enabled, users will be able to import their status updates from Facebook into the community.<br>In order for this to work, you need to perform additional steps with Facebook. <a href='{external.login_facebook}' target='_blank'>More information</a>]]></word>
<word key="login_generic_allow_status_import" js="0">Allow Status Imports?</word>
<word key="login_ldap_err" js="0"><![CDATA[In order to use LDAP login, your server must have the <a href='{external.php_ldap}' target='_blank'>LDAP PHP extension</a> installed on your server.]]></word>
<word key="login_ldap_err_connect" js="0">The LDAP credentials supplied are not valid. Please check the LDAP configuration or contact the system administrator.</word>
<word key="ldap_header" js="0">LDAP Server Details</word>
<word key="ldap_directory" js="0">LDAP Directory Details</word>
<word key="ldap_server_protocol" js="0">Protocol Version</word>
<word key="ldap_server_host" js="0">Host</word>
<word key="ldap_server_host_desc" js="0">Hostname or, with OpenLDAP 2.x.x and later, a full LDAP URI of the form ldap://hostname:port or ldaps://hostname:port for SSL encryption.</word>
<word key="ldap_server_port" js="0">Port</word>
<word key="ldap_base_dn" js="0">Directory Base DN</word>
<word key="ldap_server_user" js="0">Bind RDN</word>
<word key="ldap_server_user_desc" js="0">If left empty, an anonymous bind is attempted.</word>
<word key="ldap_server_pass" js="0">Bind Password</word>
<word key="ldap_uid_field" js="0">ID Field</word>
<word key="ldap_uid_field_desc" js="0">The name of the field in the directory which contains unique identifiers for users.</word>
<word key="ldap_name_field" js="0">Display Name Field</word>
<word key="ldap_name_field_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The name of the field in the directory which contains display names. This is not required if you set the Authentication Type to Email Address only, however, in that circumstance (or if the username <a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=profiles&tab=settings&searchResult=username_characters}'>is not allowed</a>), users will be prompted to provide a display name after signing in.]]></word>
<word key="ldap_email_field" js="0">Email Address Field</word>
<word key="ldap_email_field_desc" js="0">The name of the field in the directory which contains the email addresses. This is not required if you set the Authentication Type to Username only, however, in that circumstance, users will be prompted to provide a email address after signing in.</word>
<word key="ldap_filter" js="0">Additional Filter</word>
<word key="ldap_opt_referrals" js="0">Automatically follow referrals?</word>
<word key="ldap_un_suffix" js="0">ID Suffix</word>
<word key="ldap_un_suffix_desc" js="0">Will be appended to submitted username.</word>
<word key="ldap_pw_required" js="0">Password Required?</word>
<word key="ldap_pw_required_desc" js="0">If disabled, anonymous binds will be attempted. This should only ever be disabled when the server can authenticate the user's identity in some other way.</word>
<word key="login_twitter" js="0">Sign in with Twitter</word>
<word key="oauth_consumer_key" js="0">Consumer Key</word>
<word key="oauth_consumer_secret" js="0">Consumer Secret</word>
<word key="login_twitter_name" js="0">Display name to use</word>
<word key="login_twitter_name_real" js="0">Twitter account name</word>
<word key="login_twitter_name_real_desc" js="0">e.g. Joe Bloggs</word>
<word key="login_twitter_name_screen" js="0">Twitter username</word>
<word key="login_twitter_name_screen_desc" js="0">e.g. joe_bloggs</word>
<word key="login_twitter_name_any" js="0">Prompt user to choose name</word>
<word key="login_twitter_name_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If the imported name <a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=profiles&tab=settings&searchResult=username_characters}'>is not allowed</a>, users will be prompted to provide a display name after signing in.]]></word>
<word key="login_handler_Google" js="0">Google</word>
<word key="login_google_id" js="0">Client ID</word>
<word key="login_google_id_desc" js="0">Click the Help button above to find out how to obtain this information.</word>
<word key="login_google_secret" js="0">Client Secret</word>
<word key="login_google" js="0">Sign in with Google</word>
<word key="login_handler_Linkedin" js="0">LinkedIn</word>
<word key="login_linkedin_key" js="0">Client ID</word>
<word key="login_linkedin_key_desc" js="0">Click the Help button above to find out how to obtain this information.</word>
<word key="login_linkedin_secret" js="0">Secret Key</word>
<word key="login_linkedin" js="0">Sign in with LinkedIn</word>
<word key="force_all_logout" js="0">Log Out All Users</word>
<word key="acplogs__logout_force" js="0">All users were logged out</word>
<word key="logged_out_force" js="0">All users were logged out</word>
<word key="login_settings" js="0">Login</word>
<word key="registration_settings" js="0">Registration</word>
<word key="login_acp" js="0">Allow Admin CP logins?</word>
<word key="login_acp_cannot_reauth" js="0">The user will not be prompted to re-enter their password. It is recommended you leave this disabled.</word>
<word key="login_acp_will_reauth" js="0">The user will be required to re-enter their password when logging into the AdminCP so it is safe to enable this option.</word>
<word key="login_register" js="0">When a user signs in for the first time</word>
<word key="login_register_enabled" js="0">Create an account</word>
<word key="login_register_enabled_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If necessary, the user will be prompted to provide a display name and email address. The <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=login&tab=registration&searchResult=reg_auth_type}' target='_blank'>validation method for new accounts</a> setting will apply unless the email address was provided by the login handler in which case it is considered to be validated.]]></word>
<word key="login_register_disabled" js="0">Reject the sign in</word>
<word key="login_register_disabled_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You may want to choose this option if you have <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=login&tab=registration&searchResult=allow_reg}' target='_blank'>disabled registrations</a> on your community or have age restrictions.]]></word>
<word key="login_register_desc" js="0">If the user has not signed in with this method before but there is already an account with the email address provided by the login handler, the user will be prompted to link the accounts as if they had done so from their Account Settings page, regardless of what this is set to.</word>
<word key="login_profile" js="0">Suggest for profile completion?</word>
<word key="acplogs__login_settings" js="0">Edited login settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__account_management_settings" js="0">Edited account management settings</word>
<word key="link_your_accounts" js="0">Link Your Accounts</word>
<word key="link_your_accounts_blurb" js="0">We found an existing account with the same email address as your %s account. Your accounts will be linked.</word>
<word key="link_your_accounts_error" js="0">Your account need to be linked before you can sign in with this method. Log into the front-end to complete this and then try again.</word>
<word key="login_handler_cannot_disable" js="0">This login cannot be removed because if it is you will not be able to log into the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="login_handler_cannot_disable_acp" js="0">This cannot be disabled because if it is you will not be able to log into the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Login" js="0">Login Method Icons</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_button_color" js="0">Login Button Color</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_button_icon" js="0">Logo</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_button_icon_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[For best results, use a simple white icon on a transparent background, where the image is square and at least 48 × 48px.]]></word>
<word key="oauth_custom_button_text" js="0">Login Button Text</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_button_text_invision_placeholder" js="0">Sign in with [Community Name]</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_button_text_custom_placeholder" js="0">Sign in with [Site Name]</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_grant_type" js="0">Grant Type</word>
<word key="oauth_scopes_to_request" js="0">Scopes to request</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_authentication_type" js="0">Client Authentication</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_authentication_type_header" js="0">HTTP Basic (Recommended)</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_authentication_type_post" js="0">Request Body</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_endpoint" js="0">Authorization Endpoint</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_endpoint_secure" js="0"><![CDATA[Authorization Endpoint for AdminCP & Reauthorizations]]></word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_endpoint_secure_desc" js="0">This endpoint will be used when logging into the AdminCP or when the user needs to reauthenticate (such as when linking accounts or changing certain settings). You can use this to pass an additional parameter to force the user to enter their password again if the server supports it.</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_endpoint_same" js="0">Use the same endpoint as normal logins</word>
<word key="authorization_endpoint_https" js="0">Must use https</word>
<word key="authorization_endpoint_fragment" js="0">Cannot include a fragment</word>
<word key="oauth_token_endpoint" js="0">Token Endpoint</word>
<word key="oauth_user_endpoint" js="0">User Information Endpoint</word>
<word key="oauth_user_endpoint_desc" js="0">Must return a JSON response containing at least a unique identifier for the user.</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_uid_field" js="0">User ID Parameter</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_uid_field_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The name of the parameter in the response from the User Information Endpoint which contains a unique identifier for the user. Use brackets to access arrays/objects e.g. <code>response[user_id]</code>]]></word>
<word key="oauth_custom_name_field" js="0">Display Name Parameter</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_name_field_desc" js="0">If available, the name of the parameter in the response from the User Information Endpoint which contains what should be used for the user's display name. If not specified, the user will be prompted to provide a display name the first time they log in.</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_email_field" js="0">Email Address Parameter</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_email_field_desc" js="0">If available, the name of the parameter in the response from the User Information Endpoint which contains the user's email address. If not specified, the user will be prompted to provide their email address the first time they log in.</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_photo_field" js="0">Profile Photo URL Parameter</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_photo_field_desc" js="0">If available, the name of the parameter in the response from the User Information Endpoint which contains a URL to the user's photo.</word>
<word key="oauth_implicit_no_js" js="0">Please enable JavaScript and refresh the page to continue.</word>
<word key="oauth_custom_auth_types" js="0">Label for username field</word>
<word key="login_method_basic_settings" js="0">Basic Settings</word>
<word key="login_handler_oauth_settings" js="0">Application Settings</word>
<word key="login_handler_oauth_ui" js="0">Appearance Settings</word>
<word key="login_handler_Facebook_info" js="0"><![CDATA[Follow the <a href='{external.login_facebook}' target='_blank'>Facebook Login</a> guide to obtain these details. The Redirect URI to use is <code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="login_handler_Google_info" js="0"><![CDATA[Follow the <a href='{external.login_google}' target='_blank'>Google Login</a> guide to obtain these details. The Redirect URI to use is <code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="login_handler_Linkedin_info" js="0"><![CDATA[Follow the <a href='{external.login_linkedin}' target='_blank'>LinkedIn Login</a> guide to obtain these details. The Redirect URL to use is <code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="login_handler_Live_info" js="0"><![CDATA[Follow the <a href='{external.login_live}' target='_blank'>Microsoft Login</a> guide to obtain these details. The Redirect URL to use is <code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="login_handler_Twitter_info" js="0"><![CDATA[Follow the <a href='{external.login_twitter}' target='_blank'>Twitter Login</a> guide to obtain these details. The Redirect URL to use is <code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="oauth_setup_error_generic" js="0"><![CDATA[The provider is not responding as expected. Check the application settings are correct and you have registered the correct Redirect URI.<br><code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="oauth_setup_error_secret" js="0">The application settings provided are not correct.</word>
<word key="oauth1_setup_error" js="0"><![CDATA[The provider is not responding as expected. Check the application settings are correct.<br><code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="account_management_settings" js="0">Account Management</word>
<word key="account_management_email_pass" js="0">Email and Password Changes</word>
<word key="account_management_email_pass_blurb" js="0">You will not need to change these settings unless your community primarily uses a login method which manages account data such as an external MySQL database or LDAP.</word>
<word key="allow_email_changes" js="0">Allow members to change their email address?</word>
<word key="allow_email_changes_normal" js="0">Yes (Recommended)</word>
<word key="allow_email_changes_normal_desc" js="0">Where enabled, the system will check the email address is available for each enabled login handler and sync the change to them.</word>
<word key="allow_email_changes_redirect" js="0">Redirect to an external site</word>
<word key="allow_email_changes_disabled" js="0">No</word>
<word key="allow_email_changes_desc" js="0">You may want to change this if your primary login method has restrictions on allowed email addresses. Note that administrators can always change a member's email address in the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="allow_email_changes_target" js="0">Change email URL</word>
<word key="allow_password_changes" js="0">Allow members to change their password?</word>
<word key="allow_password_changes_normal" js="0">Yes (Recommended)</word>
<word key="allow_password_changes_normal_desc" js="0">Where enabled, the change will be synced to each login handler.</word>
<word key="allow_password_changes_redirect" js="0">Redirect to an external site</word>
<word key="allow_password_changes_disabled" js="0">No</word>
<word key="allow_password_changes_desc" js="0">You may want to change this if your primary login method has restrictions on allowed passwords.</word>
<word key="allow_password_changes_target" js="0">Change password URL</word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password" js="0">Allow users to use the forgot password tool?</word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password_normal" js="0">Yes, and send reset email (Recommended)</word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password_normal_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The user will be sent an email with a link to reset their password. Where enabled, the new password will be synced to each login handler.<br>If the user provides an email address which has not been used to log in with before, but is in use in an external database, they will be redirected to the Forgot Password URL in that method's settings.]]></word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password_handler" js="0">Yes, but redirect to the login method the member has previously used</word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password_handler_desc" js="0">The user will be redirected to the Forgot Password URL for the method they have previously logged in with. For the standard login handler, a reset email will be sent as described above.</word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password_redirect" js="0">Redirect to an external site</word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password_disabled" js="0">No</word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password_target" js="0">Forgot Password URL</word>
<word key="allow_forgot_password_desc" js="0">You may want to change this if your primary login method has restrictions on allowed passwords. If the user has only ever logged in with a method which doesn't use passwords, using the forgot password tool will create a local password for them if the standard login handler is enabled.</word>
<word key="login_sync_email_changes" js="0">When local email address changes</word>
<word key="login_sync_email_changes_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[i.e. when the member changes their email in their Account Settings (<a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=login&tab=accountsettings&searchResult=allow_email_changes}' target='_blank'>if allowed</a>) or an administrator changes a member's email in the AdminCP.]]></word>
<word key="login_sync_password_changes" js="0">When local password changes</word>
<word key="login_sync_password_changes_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[i.e. when the member changes their password in their Account Settings (<a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=login&tab=accountsettings&searchResult=allow_password_changes}' target='_blank'>if allowed</a>), they use the forgot password tool, or an administrator changes a member's password in the AdminCP.]]></word>
<word key="login_sync_name_changes" js="0">When local display name changes</word>
<word key="login_sync_name_changes_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[i.e. when the member changes their display name in their Account Settings (<a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=group_username}' target='_blank'>if allowed</a>) or an administrator changes a member's display name in the AdminCP.]]></word>
<word key="login_sync_changes_yes" js="0">Sync with remote database</word>
<word key="login_sync_changes_no" js="0">Do nothing</word>
<word key="login_sync_password_changes_no" js="0">Do nothing</word>
<word key="login_sync_password_changes_no_desc" js="0">If this is the only login handler the member has used, the option to change their password will not show</word>
<word key="handler_forgot_password_url" js="0">Forgot Password URL</word>
<word key="handler_forgot_password_url_desc_normal" js="0">If a URL is provided, the user will be redirected to it if they enter an email address into the forgot password tool which is not in the local database but is recognised by the remote database.</word>
<word key="handler_forgot_password_url_desc_handler" js="0">If a URL is provided, the user will be redirected to it if they enter an email address which is recognised by the remote database.</word>
<word key="login_update_email_changes" js="0">When remote email address changes</word>
<word key="login_update_name_changes" js="0">When remote display name changes</word>
<word key="login_update_changes_yes" js="0">Update local database</word>
<word key="login_update_changes_optional" js="0">Allow the member to choose what happens</word>
<word key="login_update_changes_optional_desc" js="0">Members can set their preference in their Account Settings page.</word>
<word key="login_update_changes_no" js="0">Do nothing</word>
<word key="login_handler_InvisionCommunity" js="0">Another Invision Community</word>
<word key="login_handler_InvisionCommunity_info_title" js="0">Community Settings</word>
<word key="login_handler_InvisionCommunity_info" js="0"><![CDATA[On the other community, go to <strong>AdminCP → System → REST & OAuth</strong> and create an OAuth Client. For more information, see the <a href='{external.login_invision}' target='_blank'>Connect Two Invision Communities</a> guide.]]></word>
<word key="oauth_invision_grant_type" js="0">Login Method</word>
<word key="oauth_invision_grant_type_desc" js="0">Make sure you choose the same option as you did when setting up the other community.</word>
<word key="invision_grant_type_authorization_code" js="0">Button (Social Network Style)</word>
<word key="invision_grant_type_authorization_code_desc" js="0">The user will click a button which will redirect them to the other community where they will authorize the login, similar to when logging in using a social network.</word>
<word key="invision_grant_type_password" js="0"><![CDATA[Display Name or Email Address & Password]]></word>
<word key="invision_grant_type_password_desc" js="0">The user will enter the same credentials they use to log into the other community directly without being redirected.</word>
<word key="invision_grant_type_server_authorization_code" js="0">Button (Social Network Style)</word>
<word key="invision_grant_type_server_authorization_code_desc" js="0">The user will click a button which will redirect them to the this community where they will authorize the login, similar to when logging in using a social network.</word>
<word key="invision_grant_type_server_password" js="0"><![CDATA[Display Name or Email Address & Password]]></word>
<word key="invision_grant_type_server_password_desc" js="0">The user will enter the same credentials they use to log into this community directly without being redirected.</word>
<word key="oauth_invision_endpoint" js="0">Other Community URL</word>
<word key="oauth_invision_endpoint_internal" js="0">Enter the URL to the other community</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_endpoint" js="0">Wordpress Site URL</word>
<word key="login_handler_custom_oauth_info" js="0"><![CDATA[The Redirect URI to use is <code>{internal.interface.oauth/callback/}</code>]]></word>
<word key="login_handler_show_in_ucp" js="0">Show in Account Settings?</word>
<word key="login_handler_show_in_ucp_always" js="0">Always</word>
<word key="login_handler_show_in_ucp_always_desc" js="0">Members will be able to associate their account if they haven't already.</word>
<word key="login_handler_show_in_ucp_loggedin" js="0">Only if their accounts are already associated</word>
<word key="login_handler_show_in_ucp_disabled" js="0">Never</word>
<word key="login_handler_wordpress" js="0">Wordpress</word>
<word key="login_handler_wordpress_settings" js="0">Wordpress Settings</word>
<word key="login_handler_wordpress_oauth_info" js="0"><![CDATA[Follow the <a href='{external.login_wordpress}' target='_blank'>Wordpress Login</a> guide to obtain these details. The Authorized Redirect URI to use is <code>{internal.interface.oauth/callback/}</code>]]></word>
<word key="wordpress_url" js="0">Wordpress URL</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Enter these details into your Wordpress Dashboard. For more information, see the <a href='{external.login_wordpress}' target='_blank'>Wordpress Login</a> guide.]]></word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_app_settings" js="0">Application Settings</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_application" js="0">Select Application</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_application_val" js="0">Other</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_app_name" js="0">Custom App Name</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_scope" js="0">Scope</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_user_uri" js="0">Get User Info Endpoint</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_attribute_mapping" js="0">Attribute Mapping</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_map_email" js="0">Email</word>
<word key="oauth_wordpress_map_name" js="0">First name</word>
<word key="ipb_bruteforce_attempts" js="0">Lock accounts</word>
<word key="failed_logins" js="0">failed logins</word>
<word key="ipb_bruteforce_period" js="0">Reset failed login count</word>
<word key="ipb_bruteforce_unlock" js="0">Automatically unlock locked accounts when failed login count is reset?</word>
<word key="ipb_bruteforce_unlock_desc" js="0">If disabled, you will need to manually unlock locked accounts in the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="disable_anonymous" js="0">Allow anonymous logins?</word>
<word key="disable_anonymous_desc" js="0">Only applies for login methods where the user enters a username / email address and password.</word>
<word key="new_device_email" js="0">Send an email when a user logs in from a new device?</word>
<word key="members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="guests" js="0">Guests</word>
<word key="visitors" js="0">Visitors</word>
<word key="members_filter_banned" js="0">Banned</word>
<word key="members_filter_locked" js="0">Locked</word>
<word key="members_filter_spam" js="0">Spammers</word>
<word key="members_filter_validating" js="0">Validating</word>
<word key="members_filter_administrators" js="0">Administrators</word>
<word key="members_filtered_reserved" js="0">Reserved</word>
<word key="members_photo" js="0"></word>
<word key="members_name" js="0">Display Name</word>
<word key="members_name_changed_on" js="0">Display Name changed on %s from %s to %s</word>
<word key="members_email" js="0">Email Address</word>
<word key="members_joined" js="0">Joined</word>
<word key="members_connectedTo" js="0">Connected</word>
<word key="members_member_last_post" js="0">Last posted</word>
<word key="members_last_visit" js="0">Last visited</word>
<word key="members_last_activity" js="0">Last activity</word>
<word key="members_member_posts" js="0">Content count</word>
<word key="members_allow_admin_emails" js="0">Allow bulk emails?</word>
<word key="allow_admin_emails_any" js="0">Either yes or no</word>
<word key="member_search_unsub" js="0">Bulk Email Unsubscribe Members Found</word>
<word key="member_unsub_no_results" js="0">There are no members to unsubscribe.</word>
<word key="members_group_name" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="members_member_group_id" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="delete_group_move_to" js="0">Move members in this group to</word>
<word key="members_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="members_member_id" js="0">ID</word>
<word key="members_add" js="0">Create New Member</word>
<word key="member_add_confirmemail" js="0">Send confirmation email</word>
<word key="member_add_confirmemail_desc" js="0">Includes password.</word>
<word key="member_add_coppa_user" js="0">COPPA user?</word>
<word key="any_group" js="0">-Any Group-</word>
<word key="member_name_exists" js="0">That display name is in use by another member.</word>
<word key="member_name_exists_admin" js="0">That display name is in use in the %s login method.</word>
<word key="member_email_exists" js="0">That email address is in use by another member.</word>
<word key="member_email_exists_admin" js="0">That email address is in use in the %s login method.</word>
<word key="members_pass_change" js="0">Leave blank unless you want to change the password</word>
<word key="member__core_BasicInformation" js="0">Account Information</word>
<word key="member_basic_information" js="0">Basic Information</word>
<word key="member_counts" js="0">Counts</word>
<word key="member_title" js="0">Member Title</word>
<word key="member_warnings" js="0">Warning Points</word>
<word key="member__core_Profile" js="0">Profile</word>
<word key="pp_photo_type" js="0">Photo Type</word>
<word key="member_photo_upload" js="0">Upload Photo</word>
<word key="member_photo_url" js="0">Import from URL</word>
<word key="member_photo_gravatar" js="0">Use Gravatar</word>
<word key="member_photo_gravatar_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Gravatar is a service that allows users to use the same photo across the internet. Visit <a href='{external.gravatar}' target='_blank'>Gravatar</a> for more information.]]></word>
<word key="photo_gravatar_email" js="0">Gravatar Email</word>
<word key="photo_gravatar_email_desc" js="0">Leave blank to use the member's normal email address.</word>
<word key="photo_gravatar_email_public" js="0">Gravatar Email</word>
<word key="member_photo_sync" js="0">Sync with %s</word>
<word key="member_photo_none" js="0">No Photo</word>
<word key="member_photo_resize" js="0">Resize Photo</word>
<word key="member_photo_crop" js="0">Crop Photo</word>
<word key="member_photo_new" js="0">Upload New Photo</word>
<word key="member_photo_delete" js="0">Remove Photo</word>
<word key="member_preferences" js="0">Preferences</word>
<word key="member_preferences_content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="member_content_items" js="0">Content Items</word>
<word key="member_content_items_desc" js="0">If you adjust this, it will continue to increase as new content is made, but will not recalculate to the true value unless you choose to do so.</word>
<word key="member_content_items_recount" js="0">This will recalculate the number of content items the member has contributed to the site. This can be useful if you have manually adjusted the value.</word>
<word key="member_timezone_override" js="0">Set timezone automatically?</word>
<word key="member_reputation" js="0">Reputation Level</word>
<word key="member_reputation_from" js="0">Reputation from %s</word>
<word key="member_reputation_desc" js="0">If you adjust the number manually, it will continue to increase/decrease as other members give reputation, but will not recalculate to the true value unless you choose to do so.</word>
<word key="member_reputation_recount" js="0">This will recalculate the current reputation level for the member. This can be useful if you have manually adjusted the value.</word>
<word key="member__core_Notifications" js="0">Notifications</word>
<word key="member_notifications_label" js="0"></word>
<word key="member_notifications_inline" js="0">Notification List</word>
<word key="member_notifications_email" js="0">Email</word>
<word key="member__core_Preferences" js="0">Preferences</word>
<word key="member_preferences_system" js="0">System Preferences</word>
<word key="view_sigs" js="0">View signatures?</word>
<word key="view_sigs_desc" js="0">Show other people's signatures alongside their content</word>
<word key="signature_restrictions" js="0">Signature Restrictions</word>
<word key="allow_admin_mails" js="0">Send me news and information</word>
<word key="allow_admin_mails_desc" js="0">Enabling this option will add you to our mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time.</word>
<word key="member_preferences_profile" js="0">Profile Preferences</word>
<word key="pp_setting_count_visitors" js="0">Show last visitors on profile?</word>
<word key="member__core_Restrictions" js="0">Restrictions</word>
<word key="member_moderation" js="0">Moderation</word>
<word key="restrict_post" js="0">Restrict from posting?</word>
<word key="restrict_post_desc" js="0">Leave blank to not restrict posting.</word>
<word key="mod_posts" js="0">Require approval before content shows?</word>
<word key="mod_posts_desc" js="0">Leave blank to not require approval.</word>
<word key="member_restrictions" js="0">Restrictions</word>
<word key="bw_disable_tagging" js="0">Can use tags?</word>
<word key="bw_disable_prefixes" js="0">Can set tag prefixes?</word>
<word key="ratings" js="0">Ratings</word>
<word key="g_topic_rate_setting" js="0">Can give star ratings for content?</word>
<word key="g_topic_rate_change" js="0">Can change rating?</word>
<word key="bw_no_status_update" js="0">Can post status updates?</word>
<word key="members_disable_pm" js="0">Can send and receive messages?</word>
<word key="members_disable_pm_on" js="0">Yes</word>
<word key="members_disable_pm_member_disable" js="0">No, but member can re-enable.</word>
<word key="members_disable_pm_admin_disable" js="0">No, and member cannot re-enable.</word>
<word key="member_joined" js="0">Joined %s</word>
<word key="login_as_x" js="0">Sign in as %s</word>
<word key="member_account_actions" js="0">Account Actions</word>
<word key="member_delete_content" js="0">Hide/Delete All Content</word>
<word key="hide_or_delete_content" js="0">Hide or delete?</word>
<word key="hide_or_delete_content_desc" js="0">This is not done immediately but will be processed in batches.</word>
<word key="member_delete_guest_content" js="0">Delete Guest Content</word>
<word key="guest_name_to_delete" js="0">Guest Name</word>
<word key="guest_name_to_delete_desc" js="0">Note that one person may use several guest names and multiple people may use the same guest name. This tool will delete all posts by guests that have used the name provided. This is not done immediately but will be processed in batches.</word>
<word key="member_merge" js="0">Member to merge with</word>
<word key="member_merge_keep" js="0">Account to keep</word>
<word key="member_merge_keep_1" js="0">This account (%s)</word>
<word key="member_merge_keep_2" js="0">Other account</word>
<word key="member_merge_keep_desc" js="0">After merging, content will be reassigned to the chosen member and then the other will be deleted. This will be done gradually in the background and not immediately.</word>
<word key="member_ban_until" js="0">Ban until</word>
<word key="member_ban_group" js="0">Move to</word>
<word key="member_ban_ips" js="0">Ban IP Addresses</word>
<word key="acplog__members_created" js="0">Created member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited" js="0">Edited member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_prefs" js="0">Edited preferences for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_profile" js="0">Edited profile data for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_content" js="0">Edited content count for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_rep" js="0">Edited reputation level for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_password" js="0">Edited password for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_email" js="0">Edited email for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_name" js="0">Edited display name for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_groups" js="0">Edited groups for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_mfa" js="0">Edited two-factor authentication options for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_restrictions" js="0">Edited warnings / restrictions for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_photo" js="0">Edited profile photo for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_cover_photo" js="0">Edited cover photo for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_login" js="0">Edited social login syncing options for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_edited_login_unlink" js="0">Unlinked a social login option for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_disabled_autologin" js="0">Disabled automatic login for a device for member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_deleted" js="0">Deleted member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_merge" js="0">Merged members %s and %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_unlocked" js="0">Unlocked member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_approved" js="0">Approved member: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_deletecontent" js="0">Deleted member content: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__members_hidecontent" js="0">Hidden member content: %s</word>
<word key="pp_cover_photo" js="0">Cover Photo</word>
<word key="account_unlocked" js="0">Account Unlocked.</word>
<word key="account_flagged" js="0">Flagged as Spammer.</word>
<word key="account_unflagged" js="0">Removed Spammer Flag.</word>
<word key="account_approved" js="0">Account Approved.</word>
<word key="account_banned" js="0">Account Banned.</word>
<word key="validation_email_resent" js="0">Resent Validation Email.</word>
<word key="members_validating_user" js="0">Member has not yet responded to registration validation email.</word>
<word key="members_validating_admin" js="0">This member must be approved manually.</word>
<word key="members_validating_cancelled" js="0">This member cancelled their registration</word>
<word key="members_validating_email_chg" js="0">Member has not yet responded to email change validation email</word>
<word key="members_validating_spam" js="0">This member has been held for approval by the Spam Defense service.</word>
<word key="stats_registrations_title" js="0">New registrations by time period</word>
<word key="stats_new_registrations" js="0">Registrations</word>
<word key="menu__core_stats_registrationstats" js="0">Registrations</word>
<word key="stats_messages_title" js="0">Messages sent by time period</word>
<word key="menu__core_messengerstats_pmstats" js="0">Personal Conversations</word>
<word key="stats_onlineusers_title" js="0">Online users by time period</word>
<word key="acplog__statsonlineusers_settings" js="0">Adjusted online user statistics prune settings</word>
<word key="stats_online_users_prune" js="0">Prune logs</word>
<word key="acplog__statskeywords_settings" js="0">Adjusted keyword tracking settings</word>
<word key="previous_day_stats" js="0">Previous Day</word>
<word key="next_day_stats" js="0">Next Day</word>
<word key="member_recount_content_process" js="0">Member content will now be recalculated in the background.</word>
<word key="member_recount_rep_process" js="0">Member reputation will now be recalculated in the background.</word>
<word key="member_reset_where" js="0">Reset for</word>
<word key="members_reset_what" js="0">Reset</word>
<word key="member_reset_theme" js="0">Theme</word>
<word key="member_reset_lang" js="0">Language</word>
<word key="member_reset_theme_none" js="0">Default Theme</word>
<word key="member_reset_language_none" js="0">Default Language</word>
<word key="member_reset_theme_check" js="0">Reset</word>
<word key="member_reset_lang_check" js="0"></word>
<word key="member_theme_reset" js="0">Member theme preferences have been reset</word>
<word key="member_recount_members_check" js="0">Recount</word>
<word key="member_recount_last_reg_check" js="0">Reset</word>
<word key="member_recount_each_content_check" js="0"></word>
<word key="member_recount_most_online_check" js="0"></word>
<word key="member_recount_each_reputation_check" js="0"></word>
<word key="member_recount_each_content" js="0">Each member's content count</word>
<word key="member_recount_each_reputation" js="0">Each member's reputation</word>
<word key="member_search_results" js="0">Viewing Search Results.</word>
<word key="member_view_full_list" js="0">View Full List?</word>
<word key="acplog__members_loginas" js="0">Logged in as: %s</word>
<word key="editing_profile" js="0">Editing Profile: %s</word>
<word key="pruning_members" js="0">Pruning Members</word>
<word key="unsubscribing_members" js="0">Unsubscribing Members</word>
<word key="members_queued_for_pruning" js="0">Members queued for pruning</word>
<word key="members_queued_for_moving" js="0">Members queued for moving</word>
<word key="members_queued_for_unsub" js="0">Members queued for unsubscribing</word>
<word key="moving_members" js="0">Moving Members</word>
<word key="member_search_prune" js="0">Prune Members Found</word>
<word key="member_search_move" js="0">Move Members Found</word>
<word key="member_prune_no_results" js="0">No members would be pruned under the selected criteria, or your restrictions prevent you from pruning any members under this criteria.</word>
<word key="member_prune_confirm_msg" js="0">This action will remove {# [1:member][?:members]} from the community completely. Are you sure you wish to proceed? This action cannot be undone! It is recommended that you perform a backup of your database before running this tool, as a precautionary measure.</word>
<word key="member_move_no_results" js="0">No members would be moved under the selected criteria, or your restrictions prevent you from moving any members under this criteria.</word>
<word key="member_move_confirm_msg" js="0">This action will move {# [1:member][?:members]} to the group '%s.' Are you sure you wish to proceed?</word>
<word key="member_unsub_confirm_msg" js="0">This action will unsubscribe {# [1:member][?:members]} from receiving bulk emails. Are you sure you wish to proceed?</word>
<word key="member_prune_confirm" js="0">Confirm Prune</word>
<word key="member_move_confirm" js="0">Confirm Move</word>
<word key="member_move_admin_group" js="0">You do not currently have permission to move members to an administrator group.</word>
<word key="move_to_group" js="0">Move to Group</word>
<word key="move_to_group_desc" js="0">Please select the group to move these members to.</word>
<word key="merge_self_error" js="0">You cannot merge a member with themselves</word>
<word key="member_recount_members" js="0">Member Totals</word>
<word key="member_recount_lastreg" js="0">Last Registered Member</word>
<word key="member_recount_most_online" js="0">Most Online</word>
<word key="r__member_recount_content" js="0">Can recount member content item and reputation counts</word>
<word key="member_recount_title" js="0">Recount Content Items</word>
<word key="recount_all" js="0">Recount for all members</word>
<word key="members_posts" js="0">Content Count</word>
<word key="member_edit_promoted" js="0">Member saved and auto promoted to %s</word>
<word key="member_all_content" js="0">Delete all content</word>
<word key="member_delete_message" js="0"><![CDATA[Are you sure you want to <strong>permanently delete</strong> %s's account?]]></word>
<word key="member_delete_confirm" js="0">Are you sure you want to delete %s?</word>
<word key="member_delete_confirm_desc" js="0">This action cannot be undone. The member's account will be deleted immediately.</word>
<word key="reputation_remove_given" js="0">Remove Reputation Given</word>
<word key="reputation_remove_received" js="0">Remove Reputation Received</word>
<word key="profile_views" js="0">{# [1:profile view][?:profile views]}</word>
<word key="members_import" js="0">Import Member List</word>
<word key="import_upload_csv" js="0">Upload list</word>
<word key="import_select_cols" js="0">Select columns</word>
<word key="import_do_import" js="0">Import Members</word>
<word key="import_members_csv_file" js="0">Member List</word>
<word key="import_members_csv_file_desc" js="0">You must provide a .csv file with the members to import.</word>
<word key="import_members_csv_file_err" js="0">That is not a valid csv file.</word>
<word key="import_column" js="0">Column from csv file</word>
<word key="import_as" js="0">Import as</word>
<word key="import_date_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[Unless otherwise specified, dates can be in <a href='{external.date_formats}' target='_blank'>most formats</a>.]]></word>
<word key="do_not_import" js="0">- Do Not Import -</word>
<word key="import_basic_data" js="0">Basic Data</word>
<word key="import_group" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="import_group_id" js="0">Primary group as ID number</word>
<word key="import_group_name" js="0">Primary group as name</word>
<word key="import_group_name_lang" js="0">Primary group as %s name</word>
<word key="import_secondary_group_id" js="0">Secondary groups as comma-delimited ID numbers</word>
<word key="import_secondary_group_name" js="0">Secondary groups as comma-delimited names</word>
<word key="import_secondary_group_name_lang" js="0">Secondary groups as comma-delimited %s names</word>
<word key="import_passwords" js="0">Password</word>
<word key="import_password_plain" js="0">Password as plaintext</word>
<word key="import_password_blowfish_hash" js="0">Password as hash</word>
<word key="import_joined_date" js="0">Registration date</word>
<word key="import_last_visit_date" js="0">Last visit date</word>
<word key="import_birthday" js="0">Birthday (DD-MM-YYYY or DD-MM)</word>
<word key="import_allow_admin_mails" js="0">Opted in to mailing list?</word>
<word key="import_facebook_id" js="0">Facebook user ID</word>
<word key="import_twitter_id" js="0">Twitter user ID</word>
<word key="import_google_id" js="0">Google user ID</word>
<word key="import_live_id" js="0">Microsoft user ID</word>
<word key="import_linkedin_id" js="0">LinkedIn user ID</word>
<word key="import_theme_id" js="0">Chosen theme ID</word>
<word key="import_theme_name" js="0">Chosen theme name</word>
<word key="import_theme_name_lang" js="0">Chosen theme %s name</word>
<word key="import_language_id" js="0">Chosen language ID</word>
<word key="import_language_name" js="0">Chosen language name</word>
<word key="import_member_reputation" js="0">Reputation level</word>
<word key="import_member_warn_level" js="0">Warning points</word>
<word key="import_member_title" js="0">Member title</word>
<word key="import_members_import_settings" js="0">Import Settings</word>
<word key="import_members_fallback_group" js="0">Default Group</word>
<word key="import_members_fallback_group_desc" js="0">If the csv file does not contain group data, or the value for any member is invalid, this group will be used.</word>
<word key="import_members_send_confirmation" js="0">Send confirmation email?</word>
<word key="import_members_send_confirmation_desc" js="0">If the csv file does not contain passwords, it is recommended that you enable this as the password (which will be randomly generated) will be included in the email. Otherwise members will have to use the Forgot Password control tool they can log in.</word>
<word key="import_members_csv_details" js="0">CSV Details</word>
<word key="import_members_processing" js="0">Importing members...</word>
<word key="import_members_contains_header" js="0">First row is header?</word>
<word key="import_column_number" js="0">Column %d</word>
<word key="import_member_preferences" js="0">Preferences</word>
<word key="import_member_other" js="0">Other Details</word>
<word key="import_custom_fields" js="0">Custom Profile Fields</word>
<word key="import_member_no_name_or_email" js="0">The list to import must contain at least usernames or email addresses. Make sure you have selected the correct column for at least either of these.</word>
<word key="r__member_export" js="0">Can download member lists?</word>
<word key="members_export" js="0">Download Member List</word>
<word key="export_choose_data" js="0">Choose Data</word>
<word key="export_build_list" js="0">Build List</word>
<word key="export_download_file" js="0">Download</word>
<word key="export_columns_to_include" js="0">Data to include</word>
<word key="export_member_password_hash" js="0">Password as blowfish hash</word>
<word key="export_member_password_salt" js="0">Password salt</word>
<word key="export_members_processing" js="0">Building List...</word>
<word key="import_member_errors" js="0">The import is complete, but rows were skipped:</word>
<word key="import_name_exists" js="0">Display name %s is in use.</word>
<word key="import_email_exists" js="0">Email address %s is in use.</word>
<word key="import_member_id_exists" js="0">ID %s is in use.</word>
<word key="import_email_invalid" js="0">Email address %s is invalid.</word>
<word key="import_no_name" js="0">Row with blank username.</word>
<word key="import_no_email" js="0">Row with blank email address.</word>
<word key="member_export_security" js="0">This export includes potentially dangerous rows. Only continue if you are completely sure the data is not harmful.</word>
<word key="member_export_security_intro" js="0">Some members were not included in the export. When opening a csv file in some applications including Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc, cells which start with an equals, plus or minus symbol are treated in a special way, and specifically constructed data can cause unintentional and dangerous effects. Because of this, the following members, whose data might have been treated in this way, have been skipped:</word>
<word key="member_export_security_member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="member_export_security_column" js="0">Column</word>
<word key="member_export_security_value" js="0">Value</word>
<word key="member_export_security_footer" js="0"><![CDATA[If you have examined the data and are sure there is no risk, you can <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=members&do=export&_step=export_choose_data&includeInsecure=1}' data-confirm data-confirmSubMessage='This will generate a list which includes the potentially dangerous rows. Only continue if you are completely sure the data is not harmful.'>download a list including these rows anyway</a>.]]></word>
<word key="members_manage_error" js="0">There was an error processing this request, please try again.</word>
<word key="member_history" js="0">Member History</word>
<word key="member_history_member" js="0">%s's Member History</word>
<word key="attachment_quota" js="0">Used %s/%s</word>
<word key="attachment_quota_short" js="0">Used %s%% of attachment quota</word>
<word key="members_device" js="0">Device</word>
<word key="members_devices" js="0">Devices</word>
<word key="member_names_device" js="0">%s's %s</word>
<word key="member_names_devices" js="0">%s's Devices</word>
<word key="device_ips_from_member" js="0">%s's Logins</word>
<word key="device_ips_from_member_info" js="0"><![CDATA[This table shows all the IP Addresses that %s has used to log into this community while using this device. <a href="%s">See all IP Addresses %1$s has used on the community →</a>]]></word>
<word key="members_ips_info" js="0">This table shows all the IP Addresses that %s has used on the community. An IP Address represents a network, and so it is common for a member to have used several different IP Addresses. For example, if a member logs into the community at home, and then at work, you will see two IP Address records in this table. It is also common for IP Addresses to change, so even if the member has only ever visited the community from one location, you may see multiple IP Address records.</word>
<word key="geolocation_enable_service" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{internal.app=core&module=applications&controller=enhancements}' target='_blank'>Enable the GeoIP Service to estimate location</a>]]></word>
<word key="device_table_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="device_table_location" js="0">Estimated Location*</word>
<word key="device_table_last_seen" js="0">Last Login</word>
<word key="device_table_login_handler" js="0">Logged In With</word>
<word key="device_other_members" js="0">Use by Other Members</word>
<word key="device_other_members_info" js="0">This table shows other members who have also signed in with this device. This may indicate that all the accounts belong to the same person, but could also mean that different people share a computer, or it is a public computer. Note that users can avoid this detection by clearing the cookies in their web browser, or using their browser's privacy features, so these results may not be exhaustive.</word>
<word key="device_table_member_id" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="device_table_user_agent" js="0">Browser</word>
<word key="device_table_login_key" js="0">Automatic Login</word>
<word key="device_table_login_key_info" js="0">Automatic Login will happen if the user checked the Remember Me box when logging in within the last 3 months and has not logged out on that device since.</word>
<word key="device_table_login_key_ok" js="0">Enabled</word>
<word key="device_table_login_key_anonymous" js="0">Enabled, will be logged in anoymously</word>
<word key="device_table_login_key_expired" js="0">Expired</word>
<word key="device_table_login_key_no" js="0">Not Enabled</word>
<word key="device_automatic_login" js="0">Automatic Login Enabled</word>
<word key="device_table_other_members" js="0"></word>
<word key="device_used_other_members" js="0">This device has been used by other members</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_Logins" js="0">Device Logins</word>
<word key="device_info" js="0">Information</word>
<word key="ucp_devices" js="0">Recently Used Devices</word>
<word key="MFA_core_DeviceManagement" js="0">Managing Authorized Devices</word>
<word key="current_device" js="0">Current Device</word>
<word key="device_last_loggedin" js="0">Last logged in %s</word>
<word key="device_management_info" js="0">Devices that have been used to log into your account in the last 90 days.</word>
<word key="device_last_locations" js="0">Last Location Used</word>
<word key="device_last_logins" js="0">Last Logins</word>
<word key="device_handler_unknown" js="0">Unknown</word>
<word key="device_handler_unknown_desc" js="0">The user may have been automatically logged in after registering or using the forgot password tool</word>
<word key="new_device_email_intro" js="0">You just logged in from a device we haven't seen you use before.</word>
<word key="new_device_email_footer" js="0">If this was you, please ignore this email. Otherwise, you should secure your account immediately.</word>
<word key="new_device_email_action_1" js="0"><![CDATA[Review Activity & Secure Account]]></word>
<word key="new_device_email_action_2" js="0">Secure Account</word>
<word key="device_list_secure_account" js="0">See anything you don't recognise?</word>
<word key="secure_account" js="0">Secure Account</word>
<word key="secure_account_blurb" js="0">If you have noticed suspicious activity on your account, you can take the steps listed here to secure your account.</word>
<word key="secure_account_change_password" js="0">If someone else has been able to log into your account, they were able to guess or find out your password. Remember to choose a password which will be difficult to guess, and never use the same password on multiple sites. Changing your password will automatically log you out of all other devices.</word>
<word key="secure_account_mfa_setup" js="0">Setting up additional security on your account will protect key actions so that even if someone discovers your password, your account is still safe.</word>
<word key="secure_account_mfa_revise" js="0">To protect the security of your account, we may sometimes ask you to verify your identity. This is so that even if someone discovers your password, your account is still safe. You may want to review your account security settings.</word>
<word key="secure_account_login_title" js="0">Login Methods</word>
<word key="secure_account_login_info" js="0">You are able to log in with the following methods. If you have noticed a login you do not recognise from one of these, you should change your password on that site.</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_new_device" js="0">New Device Login</word>
<word key="disable_automatic_login" js="0">Disable Automatic Login</word>
<word key="follow_sec_recommend" js="0">Following the recommendations below will help to improve the security of your community.</word>
<word key="memberACPProfileTitle_core_Main" js="0">Member View</word>
<word key="edit_cover_photo" js="0">Edit Cover Photo</word>
<word key="edit_profile_photo" js="0">Edit Profile Photo</word>
<word key="edit_member_account" js="0">Edit Preferences</word>
<word key="edit_username" js="0">Edit Username</word>
<word key="edit_email_address" js="0">Edit Email Address</word>
<word key="account_actions" js="0">Account Actions</word>
<word key="account_banned_perm" js="0">Member has been permanently banned.</word>
<word key="account_banned_group" js="0">Member is in a group which does not have permission to access the community.</word>
<word key="account_banned_time" js="0">Member has been banned until %s</word>
<word key="account_flagged_as_spammer_title" js="0">Flagged as spammer</word>
<word key="account_flagged_as_spammer" js="0">This account has been flagged as a spammer by a staff member.</word>
<word key="account_locked_title" js="0">Account locked</word>
<word key="account_locked_logins" js="0">Account locked due to too many failed logins.</word>
<word key="account_locked_2fa" js="0">Account locked due to too many failed two-factor authentication attempts.</word>
<word key="edit_club" js="0">Edit Club</word>
<word key="edit_password" js="0">Edit Password</word>
<word key="set_password" js="0">Set Password</word>
<word key="active_account_integrations" js="0">Active Account Integrations</word>
<word key="devices_and_locations" js="0"><![CDATA[Devices & Locations]]></word>
<word key="devices_and_ips" js="0"><![CDATA[Devices & IP Addresses]]></word>
<word key="registration_ip" js="0">Registration IP</word>
<word key="last_used_ip" js="0">Last Used IP</word>
<word key="view_all_ip_addresses" js="0">View All IP Addresses</word>
<word key="member_ip_locations" js="0">Locations</word>
<word key="view_all_devices" js="0">View All Used Devices</word>
<word key="mfa_method_enabled" js="0">%s enabled</word>
<word key="no_mfa_methods_enabled" js="0">Two Factor Authentication not configured</word>
<word key="mfa_opted_out" js="0">Opted out</word>
<word key="messenger_quota_header" js="0">Messenger Quota</word>
<word key="quota_allowance" js="0">of %s allowance</word>
<word key="quota_allowance_unlimited" js="0">of unlimited allowance</word>
<word key="quota_allowance_disabled" js="0">This member is in a group that is not allowed to upload attachments.</word>
<word key="messenger_quota_disabled_self" js="0">This member has disabled their messenger.</word>
<word key="messenger_quota_disabled_admin" js="0">The messenger has been disabled for this member by an administrator.</word>
<word key="messenger_quota_disabled_group" js="0">This member is in a group that is not allowed to use the messenger.</word>
<word key="profile_data" js="0">Profile Data</word>
<word key="content_statistics" js="0">Content Statistics</word>
<word key="content_count_breakdown" js="0">Content Count Breakdown</word>
<word key="warnings_and_restrictions" js="0"><![CDATA[Warnings & Restrictions]]></word>
<word key="set_manually" js="0">Set Manually</word>
<word key="view_attachments" js="0">View Attachments</word>
<word key="no_oauth_apps" js="0">No OAuth Apps in use</word>
<word key="oauth_view_details" js="0">View Details</word>
<word key="club_ownership" js="0">Club Ownership</word>
<word key="admin_disable_messenger" js="0">Disable Messenger</word>
<word key="admin_disable_messenger_confirm" js="0">Should the member be able to re-enable the messenger in their settings?</word>
<word key="admin_enable_messenger" js="0">Enable Messenger</word>
<word key="member_restrictions__core_Content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="member_restrictions__core_Statuses" js="0">Status Updates</word>
<word key="member_restrictions__core_Tags" js="0">Tags</word>
<word key="restriction_no_tagging" js="0">Restricted from using tags</word>
<word key="restriction_no_prefixes" js="0">Restricted from using prefixes</word>
<word key="restriction_no_statuses" js="0">Restricted from posting status updates</word>
<word key="merge_with_another_account" js="0">Merge with another account</word>
<word key="member_has_active_subscription" js="0">Active Subscription</word>
<word key="member_has_active_subscription_desc" js="0">This member has an active purchase which has moved them into a different group</word>
<word key="all_recent_account_activity" js="0">All Recent Account Activity</word>
<word key="memberlog_app_core" js="0">Member Actions</word>
<word key="members_name_missing_as_reserved" js="0">No Name</word>
<word key="members_name_missing_add" js="0"><![CDATA[<em>No name</em>]]></word>
<word key="member_reserved_pending_deletion" js="0">This member will be automatically deleted in %s minutes</word>
<word key="members_name_missing_as_reserved_tt" js="0"><![CDATA[Recently created members without a name or email address that have never visited are automatically removed.<br>This may happen if they signed in with started registering with a social network and didn't complete the registration. If they log in soon, they will be prompted to provide the missing details and then be able to use the account normally, otherwise this account will be deleted soon.]]></word>
<word key="member_reserved_external_email" js="0">This member does not have an email address</word>
<word key="member_reserved_external_name" js="0">This member does not have a display name</word>
<word key="member_reserved_external_both" js="0">This member does not have a display name or email address</word>
<word key="members_name_missing_as_reserved_external" js="0">This may happen if the account was imported from a CSV file or created by the REST API without this information. When they log in, they will be prompted to provide the missing details and then be able to use the account normally.</word>
<word key="member_reserved_external" js="0">This member is missing a display name</word>
<word key="modlog__spammer_flagged" js="0">Flagged as spammer: %s</word>
<word key="modlog__spammer_unflagged" js="0">Unflagged as spammer: %s</word>
<word key="modlog__best_answer_set" js="0">Post #%s set as best answer</word>
<word key="modlog__best_answer_unset" js="0">Post #%s unset as best answer</word>
<word key="modlog__action_hide" js="0"><![CDATA[Hid a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_unhide" js="0"><![CDATA[Unhid a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_pin" js="0"><![CDATA[Pinned a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_unpin" js="0"><![CDATA[Unpinned a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_feature" js="0"><![CDATA[Featured a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_unfeature" js="0"><![CDATA[Unfeatured a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_lock" js="0"><![CDATA[Locked a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_unlock" js="0"><![CDATA[Unlocked a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_publish" js="0"><![CDATA[Published a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_changeauthor" js="0"><![CDATA[Changed the author of a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_delete" js="0">Deleted a %s: %s</word>
<word key="modlog__action_delete_perm" js="0">Permanently deleted a %s: %s</word>
<word key="modlog__action_restore" js="0">Restored a %s: %s</word>
<word key="modlog__action_restore_hidden" js="0">Restored a %s as hidden: %s</word>
<word key="modlog__action_move" js="0"><![CDATA[Moved a %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_massmove" js="0"><![CDATA[Moved all %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_split" js="0"><![CDATA[Split a %s to <a href='%s'>%s</a> from <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__comment_edit" js="0"><![CDATA[Edited <a href='%s'>a comment</a> in %s <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__comment_edit_title" js="0"><![CDATA[Renamed <a href='%s'>%s</a> from %s]]></word>
<word key="modlog__comment_delete" js="0"><![CDATA[Deleted a comment from %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_announceactive" js="0"><![CDATA[Made %s <a href='%s'>%s</a> active]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_announceinactive" js="0"><![CDATA[Made %s <a href='%s'>%s</a> inactive]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_merge" js="0"><![CDATA[Merged %s into <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_merge_comments" js="0"><![CDATA[Merged content into %s <a href='%s'>#%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__item_edit" js="0"><![CDATA[Edited %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__message_add" js="0"><![CDATA[Added a message: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__message_edit" js="0"><![CDATA[Edited a message: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__message_delete" js="0"><![CDATA[Deleted a message: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__featured_comment" js="0"><![CDATA[Recommended a comment: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__unfeatured_comment" js="0"><![CDATA[Removed a comment recommendation: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__reaction_delete" js="0"><![CDATA[Deleted a reaction by <a href='%s'>%s</a> from %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__comment_reaction_delete" js="0"><![CDATA[Deleted a reaction by <a href='%s'>%s</a> on a <a href='%s'>comment</a> in %s: <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__widget_configured" js="0">Adjusted %s block configuration for %s</word>
<word key="ip_address_bad" js="0">The IP Address is not valid.</word>
<word key="ip_data" js="0">IP Address Data</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_Registration" js="0">Registrations</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_Votes" js="0">Poll Votes</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_ModeratorLogs" js="0">Moderator Logs</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_AdminLogs" js="0">Admin Logs</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_Messages" js="0">Private Messages</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_AdminLoginLogs" js="0">Admin Login Logs</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_Dnames" js="0">Display Name Changes</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_MemberHistory" js="0">Member History</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_ErrorLogs" js="0">Error Logs</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_SpamLogs" js="0">Spam Defense Logs</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_Ratings" js="0">Ratings</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_Validations" js="0">Validating Members</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_Reports" js="0">Reports</word>
<word key="ipAddresses__core_ReportComments" js="0">Report Comments</word>
<word key="poll_member_id" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="poll_poll" js="0">Poll</word>
<word key="members_iptable_ip" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="members_iptable_count" js="0">Number of uses</word>
<word key="members_iptable_location" js="0">Estimated Location*</word>
<word key="members_iptable_first" js="0">First used</word>
<word key="members_iptable_last" js="0">Most recently used</word>
<word key="see_uses" js="0">See Uses</word>
<word key="ip_geolocation_info" js="0">Locations are approximate and may include nearby towns, especially on a mobile network. In some cases, the location may be unknown or not accurate, especially if the connection was made through a VPN.</word>
<word key="ip_address_info" js="0">Information associated with IP address</word>
<word key="ip_geolocation_hostname" js="0">The IP address resolves to %s</word>
<word key="ipaddress_table_header" js="0">IP Address Lookup</word>
<word key="memberip_table_header" js="0">Member Lookup</word>
<word key="ip_username" js="0">Display name</word>
<word key="ip_username_desc" js="0">Show all IP addresses used by a member</word>
<word key="ip_address_desc" js="0">You can use an asterisk (*) character as a wild card. For example, to look for all IP addresses that start with 127.0 you can search for 127.0.*</word>
<word key="ips_used_member" js="0">All IP addresses used by %s</word>
<word key="not_just_asterisk" js="0">You cannot submit only asterisks</word>
<word key="msg_author_id" js="0">Author</word>
<word key="msg_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="msg_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="poll_vote_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="poll_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="review_ip" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="comment_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="review_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="reply_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="status_author_ip" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="dname_member_id" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="rating_member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="rating_rated" js="0">Content rated</word>
<word key="rating_ip" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="rating_rating" js="0">Rating</word>
<word key="validate_type_newreg" js="0">New Registration</word>
<word key="validate_type_lostpass" js="0">Lost Password</word>
<word key="validate_type_emailchg" js="0">Email Change</word>
<word key="members_validatingType" js="0">Validation Type</word>
<word key="members_entry_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="report_report_by" js="0">Reported By</word>
<word key="report_report" js="0">Report</word>
<word key="report_date_reported" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="report_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="report_comment" js="0">report comment</word>
<word key="report_comment_by" js="0">Comment By</word>
<word key="report_comment_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="ip_addresses" js="0">IP Addresses</word>
<word key="report_message_comment" js="0">This comment is okay, but I want to tell a moderator about it</word>
<word key="report_message_item" js="0">This is okay, but I want to tell a moderator about it</word>
<word key="report_type" js="0">Why do you want to report this?</word>
<word key="report_type_byline" js="0">Reported as %s.</word>
<word key="report_type_byline_msg" js="0">Reported to show a moderator.</word>
<word key="notifications__core_Messenger" js="0">Messenger</word>
<word key="show_pm_popup" js="0">Show popup window when I receive a new personal message</word>
<word key="notification_preferences" js="0">Notification Preferences</word>
<word key="email_notifications_once" js="0">Only send one email notification for content I follow until I revisit the community</word>
<word key="enable_notification_sounds" js="0">Play a sound when I receive a notification</word>
<word key="notifications__new_private_message" js="0">I receive a message</word>
<word key="notifications__private_message_added" js="0">I am added to a conversation</word>
<word key="auto_track" js="0">Automatically follow content</word>
<word key="auto_track_comments" js="0">Automatically follow content I reply to</word>
<word key="auto_track_content" js="0">Automatically follow new content I post</word>
<word key="auto_track_type" js="0">Method to use for content I follow automatically</word>
<word key="auto_follow" js="0">Notify me of new comments</word>
<word key="notification_prefs" js="0">Notification preferences</word>
<word key="notifications__core_Content" js="0">General</word>
<word key="notifications__new_content" js="0">New content for things I follow</word>
<word key="notifications__new_comment" js="0">Someone comments on something I follow</word>
<word key="notifications__new_review" js="0">Someone reviews something I follow</word>
<word key="notifications__follower_content" js="0">Someone I am following makes a post</word>
<word key="notifications__quote" js="0">Someone quotes a comment or post I made</word>
<word key="notifications__mention" js="0">Someone mentions me in a post</word>
<word key="notifications__new_likes_rep" js="0">Someone gives reputation to something I posted</word>
<word key="notifications__new_likes_like" js="0">Someone 'likes' something I posted</word>
<word key="notifications__reply_your_status" js="0">My status is replied to</word>
<word key="notifications__reply_any_status" js="0">A status update I have replied to is replied to</word>
<word key="notifications__core_Profile" js="0">Profile</word>
<word key="notifications__profile_comment" js="0">Someone posts on my profile</word>
<word key="notifications__profile_reply" js="0">Someone replies to a status update I posted, is on my profile, or I have also replied to</word>
<word key="notifications__new_status" js="0">Someone I follow posts a new status.</word>
<word key="notifications__core_Moderation" js="0">Moderation</word>
<word key="notifications__report_center" js="0">A report is posted</word>
<word key="notifications__unapproved_content" js="0">New content is posted that requires approval</word>
<word key="notifications__warning" js="0">I receive a warning</word>
<word key="notifications__warning_mods" js="0">Another moderator issues a warning</word>
<word key="notifications__member_follow" js="0">Someone follows me</word>
<word key="acplog__notifications_edited" js="0">Edited notifications</word>
<word key="notification_options" js="0">Notification Settings</word>
<word key="notification_options_blurb" js="0">What would you like us to notify you about?</word>
<word key="notifications_rss_desc" js="0">%s's %s Notifications</word>
<word key="options" js="0">Options</word>
<word key="notification__new_content" js="0">%s posted %s in %s: %s</word>
<word key="notification__new_comment" js="0">{!#[?:%s commented on]} %s</word>
<word key="notification__new_review" js="0">{!#[?:%s posted a review on]} %s</word>
<word key="notification__new_mention" js="0">{!#[?:%s mentioned you in]} %s: %s</word>
<word key="notification__new_quote" js="0">{!#[?:%s quoted you in]} %s: %s</word>
<word key="notification__new_likes" js="0">{!#[?:%s liked]} %s</word>
<word key="notification__new_react" js="0">{!#[?:%s reacted to]} %s</word>
<word key="notification__new_rep" js="0">{!#[?:%s gave you reputation for]} %s</word>
<word key="notification__member_follow" js="0">%s is now following you</word>
<word key="notification__unapproved_content" js="0">%s has posted %s that requires approval: %s</word>
<word key="notification__new_content_bulk" js="0">%s has posted new %s in %s</word>
<word key="notification__unapproved_content_bulk" js="0">%s has posted new %s in %s that require approval</word>
<word key="notification__new_private_message" js="0">%s sent you a message</word>
<word key="notification__private_message_added" js="0">%s added you to a conversation</word>
<word key="notifications_none" js="0">You have no notifications</word>
<word key="email_spoiler_line" js="0">Visit site to read hidden text.</word>
<word key="email_video_line" js="0">Visit site to view video content.</word>
<word key="no_results_notifications" js="0">There are no notifications to display</word>
<word key="see_all_notifications" js="0">View all notifications</word>
<word key="notifications_anonymous" js="0">Somebody</word>
<word key="notifications_user_count_like" js="0">{!# [1:somebody][?:# people]}</word>
<word key="notifications_user_count_react" js="0">{!# [1:somebody][?:# people]}</word>
<word key="notifications__unapproved_club" js="0">A new club is created that requires approval</word>
<word key="notification__new_club_unapproved" js="0">%s has created a new club that requires approval: %s</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_error_log" js="0">An error has occurred</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_admin_reg" js="0">Account created at {setting="board_name"}</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_admin_spammer" js="0">Member flagged as spammer</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_contact_form" js="0">A user sent a message via the contact form</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_digest" js="0">Your {setting="board_name"} digest</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_email_change" js="0">Please confirm your email address change</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_lost_password_init" js="0">Action required to reset your password</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_mention" js="0"><![CDATA[You were mentioned in {$content->indefiniteArticle( $email->language )} by {$content->author()->name|raw}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_new_comment" js="0"><![CDATA[{$comment->item()->mapped("title")|raw}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_new_content" js="0"><![CDATA[{$content->mapped("title")|raw}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_new_content_bulk" js="0"><![CDATA[New {$email->language->addToStack( $contentClass::$title . "_pl" )} in {$container->_title}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_new_private_message" js="0"><![CDATA[{$message->author()->name|raw} has sent you a message]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_new_review" js="0"><![CDATA[{$comment->item()->mapped("title")|raw}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_profile_comment" js="0">New comment on your status feed</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_profile_reply" js="0">Reply to a comment on your status feed</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_new_status" js="0"><![CDATA[{$comment->author()->name|raw} has posted a new status]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_quote" js="0"><![CDATA[{$comment->author()->name|raw} quoted one of your posts]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_warning_mods" js="0">A member has been warned</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_registration_complete" js="0">Your registration is complete!</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_registration_notify" js="0"><![CDATA[{$member->name|raw} has registered]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_registration_validate" js="0">You must validate your account to continue</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_warning" js="0">You have received a warning from a moderator</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_new_likes" js="0"><![CDATA[Somebody liked {$comment->indefiniteArticle( $email->language )}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_new_react" js="0"><![CDATA[Somebody reacted to {$comment->indefiniteArticle( $email->language )}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_member_follow" js="0"><![CDATA[{$member->name|raw} is now following you]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_report_center" js="0"><![CDATA[{expression="\IPS\Member::load( $latestReport['report_by'] )->name" raw="true"} has reported something]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_automatic_moderation" js="0">Automatic moderation threshold reached</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_unapproved_content" js="0"><![CDATA[{$member->name|raw} has posted {$email->language->addToStack("__indefart_" . $content::$title )} requiring approval]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_unapproved_content_bulk" js="0"><![CDATA[{$member->name|raw} has posted new {$email->language->addToStack( $contentClass::$title . "_pl" )} requiring approval]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_upgrade" js="0">Version {$latestVersion} of Invision Community is now available</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_unrouted" js="0"><![CDATA[Re: {$incomingEmail->subject}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_unapproved_club" js="0"><![CDATA[{$club->owner->name|raw} has created a new club requiring approval: {$club->name|raw}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_private_message_added" js="0">You were added to a message</word>
<word key="follow_send_me" js="0">Send me:</word>
<word key="follow_type_none" js="0">Do not send me notifications</word>
<word key="follow_type_prefixed" js="0">Send me %s</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate" js="0">A notification when new content is posted</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate_prefixed" js="0">Send me a notification when new content is posted</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate_email" js="0">An email when new content is posted</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate_inline_email" js="0">A notification and an email when new content is posted</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate_none" js="0">You cannot use this option because you have not chosen how the notification should be sent.</word>
<word key="follow_type_no_config" js="0">You have not chosen how the notification should be sent.</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate_change" js="0">Change how the notification is sent</word>
<word key="follow_type_daily" js="0">One email per day with all new content from that day</word>
<word key="follow_type_weekly" js="0">One email per week with all new content from that week</word>
<word key="follow_type_daily_prefixed" js="0">Send me one email per day with all new content from that day</word>
<word key="follow_type_weekly_prefixed" js="0">Send me one email per week with all new content from that week</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate_member" js="0">You will receive a notification when %s posts new content.</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate_email_member" js="0">You will receive an email when %s posts new content.</word>
<word key="follow_type_immediate_inline_email_member" js="0">You will receive a notification and an email when %s posts new content.</word>
<word key="follow_type_daily_member" js="0">One email per day of content %s has posted</word>
<word key="follow_type_weekly_member" js="0">One email per week of content %s has posted</word>
<word key="follow_type_no_notification" js="0">Do not send me any notifications</word>
<word key="adjust_follow" js="0">Change Notification Type</word>
<word key="adjust_follow_privacy" js="0">Adjust Privacy</word>
<word key="follow_freq_immediate" js="0">Immediate notification</word>
<word key="follow_freq_daily" js="0">Daily notification</word>
<word key="follow_freq_weekly" js="0">Weekly notification</word>
<word key="follow_freq_none" js="0">No notifications</word>
<word key="follow_privacy_1" js="0">Followed anonymously</word>
<word key="follow_privacy_0" js="0">Followed publicly</word>
<word key="follow_is_anon" js="0">You follow this anonymously</word>
<word key="follow_when" js="0">When you followed this content</word>
<word key="follow_how" js="0">The type of notification you receive</word>
<word key="follow_change_preference" js="0">Change Preference</word>
<word key="groups" js="0">Groups</word>
<word key="g_title" js="0">Group Name</word>
<word key="acpgroups_word_custom" js="0">Group Name</word>
<word key="acpgroups_members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="groups_add" js="0">Create New Group</word>
<word key="g_prefixsuffix" js="0">Group Formatting</word>
<word key="g_promote_exclude" js="0">Enable Group Promotions</word>
<word key="g_promote_exclude_desc" js="0">If disabled, users in this group will not be promoted to other groups regardless of any configured group promotion rules</word>
<word key="use_html" js="0">Use HTML</word>
<word key="use_color" js="0">Use Color</word>
<word key="group__core_GroupSettings" js="0">Group Settings</word>
<word key="group__core_Content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="group__core_Social" js="0">Social</word>
<word key="g_icon" js="0">Group Icon</word>
<word key="group_details" js="0">Group Details</word>
<word key="group_privacy" js="0">Privacy Settings</word>
<word key="g_hide_online_list" js="0">Force anonymous logins?</word>
<word key="g_hide_online_list_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If you have <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=login&tab=settings&searchResult=disable_anonymous}' target='_blank'>allowed it</a>, users can normally choose when signing in if they want to be anonymous, meaning they will not show in the list of online users and their current online status will not shown in their profile. If this setting is enabled, that option is ignored and users in this group will always be signed in anonymously.]]></word>
<word key="group_allow_username_changes" js="0">Allow display name changes</word>
<word key="only_positive_values" js="0">You may only use positive numeric values</word>
<word key="days_since_joining" js="0">days since joining</word>
<word key="approved_posts_comments" js="0">approved items of content (posts, comments, etc.)</word>
<word key="can_change_username" js="0">Can change display name</word>
<word key="times_every" js="0">times every</word>
<word key="group_username" js="0">Display Name Changes</word>
<word key="group_access" js="0">Access</word>
<word key="g_view_board" js="0">Can access site?</word>
<word key="g_access_offline" js="0">Can access site when it is offline?</word>
<word key="group_profiles" js="0">Profiles</word>
<word key="g_mem_info" js="0">Can view profiles and list of members?</word>
<word key="g_edit_profile" js="0">Can edit profile information?</word>
<word key="g_dohtml" js="0">Can post HTML?</word>
<word key="g_dohtml_warning" js="0"><![CDATA[When enabled, users in this group will be able to post raw HTML (in areas of your site where it is also enabled). Allowing users to post HTML is extremely dangerous and malicious users can use the feature to damage your site. <strong>It is strongly recommended that this feature is not enabled at all</strong>, or only for trusted staff groups.]]></word>
<word key="g_bypass_badwords" js="0">Bypass word and link filters?</word>
<word key="gbw_hide_group" js="0">Allow filtering by this group?</word>
<word key="gbw_hide_group_desc" js="0">You may wish to turn this off if you do not wish the existence of this group to be known in areas which allow filtering by different groups such as the online users list. This is particularly useful for groups which are only used as secondary groups.</word>
<word key="gbw_no_status_update" js="0">Can post status updates?</word>
<word key="gbw_no_status_import" js="0">Can import status updates?</word>
<word key="gbw_no_status_import_desc" js="0">If you have enabled integration with Facebook and/or Twitter, users can import statuses from these services.</word>
<word key="gbw_allow_upload_bgimage" js="0">Can upload a cover photo?</word>
<word key="g_max_bgimg_upload" js="0">Maximum cover photo size?</word>
<word key="g_use_search" js="0">Can search?</word>
<word key="g_search_flood" js="0">Search flood control</word>
<word key="g_search_flood_desc" js="0">Searching can use a lot of server resources. You can use this option to restrict how often members in this group can search.</word>
<word key="can_be_ignored" js="0">Can be ignored?</word>
<word key="can_be_ignored_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Additional to this group setting, you can also disallow moderators to be ignored via the <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=staff&controller=moderators}'>moderator restrictions.</a>]]></word>
<word key="g_use_pm" js="0">Can use messenger?</word>
<word key="g_pm_perday" js="0">Conversations allowed to start per day</word>
<word key="g_pm_flood_mins" js="0">Conversations allowed to start per minute</word>
<word key="g_max_mass_pm" js="0">Maximum recipients per conversation</word>
<word key="g_max_messages" js="0">Conversation storage quota</word>
<word key="g_max_messages_desc" js="0">Maximum number of stored conversations a member can have in their messenger.</word>
<word key="g_can_msg_attach" js="0">Can upload attachments in messages?</word>
<word key="g_rep_max_positive" js="0">Maximum number of reactions allowed to give</word>
<word key="points_per_day" js="0">points per day</word>
<word key="gbw_view_reps" js="0">Can view who reacted?</word>
<word key="group_signatures" js="0">Signatures</word>
<word key="group_staff" js="0">Staff Access</word>
<word key="g_attach" js="0">Can upload attachments?</word>
<word key="g_attach_max" js="0">Total maximum storage</word>
<word key="g_attach_per_post" js="0">Maximum storage for each submission</word>
<word key="g_attach_per_post_suffix" js="0">kB per content item (post, comment, etc.)</word>
<word key="g_attach_per_post_desc" js="0">For example, if this is set to 1000 kB, a user can upload a single 1000 kB attachment, or two 500 kB attachments, to each post they make, provided they don't exceed their allowed total maximum attachment storage.</word>
<word key="gbw_delete_attachments" js="0">Can delete attachments?</word>
<word key="gbw_delete_attachments_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Attachments are automatically deleted if the content they are attached to is deleted or the attachment is removed from them.<br>When this option is enabled, users in this group will be able to delete attachments from the My Attachments page. When they do so, anywhere the attachment was used will then contain a broken image or link.]]></word>
<word key="polls" js="0">Polls</word>
<word key="g_post_polls" js="0">Can create polls?</word>
<word key="g_vote_polls" js="0">Can vote in polls?</word>
<word key="g_close_polls" js="0">Can close own polls?</word>
<word key="g_photo_max_vars_size" js="0">Maximum profile photo storage size</word>
<word key="g_photo_max_vars_none" js="0">Do not allow photo uploads</word>
<word key="g_photo_max_vars_wh" js="0">Maximum profile photo width/height</word>
<word key="g_use_signatures" js="0">Can use signatures?</word>
<word key="g_signature_limit" js="0">Can use signatures</word>
<word key="g_sig_max_images" js="0">Maximum number of images in signature</word>
<word key="g_sig_max_image_size" js="0">Maximum size of images in signature</word>
<word key="g_sig_max_image_size_desc" js="0">Per image</word>
<word key="g_sig_max_urls" js="0">Maximum number of links in signature</word>
<word key="g_sig_max_lines" js="0">Maximum lines of text in signature</word>
<word key="g_sig_max_lines_desc" js="0">This setting affects the number of new lines the user can create in a signature. A long line of text will automatically break (the point at which the text breaks depends on the width of the user's browser that is viewing the signature), and this is not affected by this setting.</word>
<word key="gbw_disable_tagging" js="0">Can use tags?</word>
<word key="gbw_disable_prefixes" js="0">Can use prefixes?</word>
<word key="group_editing" js="0">Editing</word>
<word key="g_edit_posts" js="0">Can edit own content?</word>
<word key="g_edit_posts_desc" js="0">The content must not be locked.</word>
<word key="g_edit_cutoff" js="0">Edit time restriction</word>
<word key="g_edit_cutoff_prefix" js="0">Can edit own content up to</word>
<word key="g_edit_cutoff_suffix" js="0">minutes after posting</word>
<word key="g_append_edit" js="0">Can edit silently?</word>
<word key="g_append_edit_desc" js="0">Normally a message will indicate if content has been edited. If enabled, members in this group will be able to hide this message. Staff members who have permission are always able to see the edit.</word>
<word key="comment_edit_reason" js="0">Reason for edit</word>
<word key="comment_log_edit" js="0">Show that the message has been edited</word>
<word key="comment_log_edit_desc" js="0">Staff may still be able to see this</word>
<word key="comment_edit_show_anyways" js="0">Only staff can see this message</word>
<word key="group_deleting" js="0">Deleting</word>
<word key="g_hide_own_posts" js="0">Can hide own content?</word>
<word key="g_hide_own_posts_desc" js="0">Hidden content is visible to staff but not regular users.</word>
<word key="g_delete_own_posts" js="0">Can delete own content?</word>
<word key="group_moderation" js="0">Moderation</word>
<word key="g_mod_preview" js="0">Require approval before content shows?</word>
<word key="g_mod_post_unit" js="0">Remove content moderation</word>
<word key="g_avoid_flood" js="0">Bypass flood control?</word>
<word key="g_avoid_flood_desc" js="0">Flood control prevents users from making two posts in quick succession.</word>
<word key="g_avoid_q" js="0">Bypass content moderation?</word>
<word key="g_avoid_q_desc" js="0">Some areas can be set for all content to be approved by a moderator before it becomes visible. If this setting is enabled, content posted by users in this group will bypass that restriction.</word>
<word key="group_content_limits" js="0">Posting Limits</word>
<word key="g_ppd_limit" js="0">Max items of content (posts, comments, etc.)</word>
<word key="per_day" js="0">per day</word>
<word key="g_ppd_unit" js="0">Remove posting limit</word>
<word key="acplog__groups_created" js="0">Created group: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__groups_edited" js="0">Edited group: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__groups_deleted" js="0">Deleted group: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__groups_copied" js="0">Copied group: %s</word>
<word key="gbw_pm_override_inbox_full" js="0">Override recipients' storage quota?</word>
<word key="gbw_pm_override_inbox_full_desc" js="0">If enabled, members in this group will be able to send messages to other members even if the recipient has reached their maximum number of stored messages.</word>
<word key="g_can_report" js="0">Can report content?</word>
<word key="g_lock_unlock_own" js="0">Can lock and unlock own content?</word>
<word key="cannot_delete_protected_group" js="0">You cannot remove the preset groups. You can only rename and edit their settings.</word>
<word key="gbw_post_highlight" js="0">Highlight replies</word>
<word key="gbw_post_highlight_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[When enabled, all replies by members of this group will show in a different color configurable in <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=customization&controller=themes}'>theme settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="group_viewing_title" js="0">Viewing</word>
<word key="g_upload_animated_photos" js="0">Allow animated profile photos?</word>
<word key="g_view_displaynamehistory" js="0">Can view Display Name History</word>
<word key="r__leaders" js="0">Staff Directory</word>
<word key="r__leaders_manage" js="0">Can view the staff directory overview?</word>
<word key="r__leaders_add" js="0">Can add staff to the public directory?</word>
<word key="r__leaders_edit" js="0">Can edit staff in the public directory?</word>
<word key="r__leaders_delete" js="0">Can remove staff in the public directory?</word>
<word key="menu__core_staff_directory" js="0">Staff Directory</word>
<word key="staff_directory" js="0">Staff Directory</word>
<word key="staff_group_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="staff_group_template" js="0">Layout</word>
<word key="staff_group_template_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{external.staffgrouptemplates}' target='_blank'>Create more layouts</a>]]></word>
<word key="leader_id_member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="leader_id_group" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="leader_use_custom_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="leader_custom_name" js="0">Custom Name</word>
<word key="leader_custom_name_default" js="0">Show the member's display name</word>
<word key="leader_custom_name_custom" js="0">I will enter a different name to show</word>
<word key="leader_use_custom_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="leader_custom_title" js="0">Custom Title</word>
<word key="leader_custom_title_default" js="0">Show the member's member title</word>
<word key="leader_custom_title_custom" js="0">I will enter a different title to show</word>
<word key="leader_custom_bio" js="0">Biography</word>
<word key="leader_edit_mine" js="0">Edit your information</word>
<word key="staff" js="0">Staff</word>
<word key="staff_add_group" js="0">Create Category</word>
<word key="staff_add_record" js="0">Add Member or Group</word>
<word key="leader_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="leader_type_member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="leader_type_member_desc" js="0">The member will be able to customise their name, title and biography in the directory</word>
<word key="leader_type_group" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="leader_type_group_desc" js="0">The entire group will be added and the directory will automatically update when members are added to or removed from the group, but members will not be able to customise their name, title and biography.</word>
<word key="leader_type_desc" js="0">If a member and the group that member is in are both in the same category, they will only display once.</word>
<word key="only_one_leader" js="0">You have already added this user or group to the staff directory</word>
<word key="ranks" js="0">Ranks</word>
<word key="member_ranks_word_custom" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="member_ranks_posts" js="0">Minimum Content Items</word>
<word key="member_ranks_posts_desc" js="0">The number of posts, comments, etc. the member has made on your community.</word>
<word key="member_ranks_pip_number" js="0">Use a number of pips: %s</word>
<word key="member_ranks_pip_icon" js="0">Use a custom image</word>
<word key="member_ranks_num_pips" js="0">Number of pips</word>
<word key="member_ranks_pips" js="0">Preview</word>
<word key="member_ranks_add" js="0">Add new rank</word>
<word key="member_use_icon" js="0">Image Type</word>
<word key="member_ranks_icon" js="0">Custom Image</word>
<word key="acplogs__rank_created" js="0">Created member rank for %s content items</word>
<word key="acplogs__rank_edited" js="0">Edited member rank for %s content items</word>
<word key="acplogs__rank_deleted" js="0">Deleted member rank for %s content items</word>
<word key="rankown_none" js="0">Members cannot set their own titles and will always use the ranks defined below.</word>
<word key="rankown_limit" js="0">Members can set their own title after {# content [1:item][?:items]}.</word>
<word key="rankown_always" js="0">The ranks defined below are used by default, but members can set their own titles.</word>
<word key="post_titlechange" js="0">Number of content items a member must have to set their own title</word>
<word key="r__bulkmail" js="0">Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="r__bulkmail_manage" js="0">Manage Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="r__bulkmail_add" js="0">Send New Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="r__bulkmail_edit" js="0">Edit Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="r__bulkmail_delete" js="0">Delete Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="manage_bulk_mail" js="0">Bulk Mail Management</word>
<word key="menu__core_bulkmail" js="0">Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="menu__core_bulkmail_bulkmail" js="0">Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="bulkmail_mail_subject" js="0">Subject</word>
<word key="bulkmail_mail_start" js="0">Sent On</word>
<word key="bulkmail_mail_sentto" js="0">Sent To</word>
<word key="bulkmail_mail_taken" js="0">Time Taken</word>
<word key="bulkmail_sentto_members" js="0">{# [1:member][?:members]}</word>
<word key="bulkmail_notstarted" js="0">Not started</word>
<word key="bulkmail_add" js="0">Create Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="bulk_mail_queue_running" js="0">Sending bulk mail '%s'</word>
<word key="resend" js="0">Resend</word>
<word key="continue_sending" js="0">Continue Sending</word>
<word key="acplog__bulkmail_deleted" js="0">Deleted bulk mail: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__bulkmail_cancelled" js="0">Canceled bulk mail: %s</word>
<word key="mail_configuration" js="0">Create Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="mail_subject" js="0">Mail Subject</word>
<word key="mail_body" js="0">Mail Body</word>
<word key="mail_body_desc" js="0">The default email template will contain 'Hi {member_name},' at the start of the email automatically. This will be shown on the preview.</word>
<word key="unsubscribed_users_mail" js="0">Be aware that banned users and users who have elected not to receive email from this site will not receive bulk mails that are sent, regardless of your configuration.</word>
<word key="bulkmail__main" js="0">Email Details</word>
<word key="bulkmail__filters" js="0">Member Filters</word>
<word key="bmf_members_groups" js="0">Groups</word>
<word key="all_groups" js="0">All Groups</word>
<word key="bmf_members_joined" js="0">Member joined</word>
<word key="bmf_members_last_visit" js="0">Member last visited</word>
<word key="mf_reputation" js="0">Reputation</word>
<word key="mf_content_count" js="0">Content Count</word>
<word key="mf_members_last_post" js="0">Member last posted</word>
<word key="mf_profile_linked" js="0">Linked</word>
<word key="mf_profile_unlinked" js="0">Not Linked</word>
<word key="mf_two_factor" js="0">Two Factor Authentication</word>
<word key="mf_two_factor_active" js="0">Enabled</word>
<word key="mf_two_factor_inactive" js="0">Disabled</word>
<word key="mf_leaderboard" js="0">Member Of The Day</word>
<word key="mf_leaderboard_active" js="0">Yes</word>
<word key="mf_leaderboard_inactive" js="0">No</word>
<word key="mf_name" js="0">Member Name</word>
<word key="mf_name_yes" js="0">Has a name</word>
<word key="mf_name_no" js="0">Does not have a name</word>
<word key="mf_name_no_desc" js="0">Members without a name are often imported or have not finished signing in via social log in methods</word>
<word key="mf_name_whatever" js="0">Either</word>
<word key="generic_bm_filters" js="0">General Filters</word>
<word key="bmtag_member_id" js="0">The member ID of the mail recipient</word>
<word key="bmtag_member_name" js="0">The display name of the mail recipient</word>
<word key="bmtag_member_profileurl" js="0">The profile URL of the recipient</word>
<word key="bmtag_member_joined" js="0">The join date of the mail recipient</word>
<word key="bmtag_member_last_visit" js="0">The date that the mail recipient last visited the site</word>
<word key="bmtag_reg_total" js="0">The total number of registered members</word>
<word key="bmtag_suite_name" js="0">The name of your site</word>
<word key="bmtag_suite_url" js="0">The URL to your site</word>
<word key="bmtag_busy_count" js="0">The most number of users online</word>
<word key="bmtag_busy_time" js="0">The time that the most number of members were online</word>
<word key="acplogs__bulkmail_edited" js="0">Edited bulk mail: %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__bulkmail_added" js="0">Added bulk mail: %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__bulkmail_sent" js="0">Sent or resent bulk mail: %s</word>
<word key="bulkmail_send_info" js="0">Please be aware that bulk emails are sent in batches. This bulk mail will not be sent to all recipients immediately upon proceeding.</word>
<word key="couldnt_find_bulkmail" js="0">We could not find the bulk mail to send.</word>
<word key="must_supply_bm_details" js="0">You must supply a subject and a body for the email</word>
<word key="no_members_to_send_to" js="0">Based on the filters supplied, this bulk mail will not be sent to any users.</word>
<word key="bm_send_preview" js="0">Bulk Mail Preview</word>
<word key="bm_send_overview" js="0">Details</word>
<word key="bm_send_recipients" js="0"><![CDATA[Recipients <span class='cBulkRecipient_count'>%s</span>]]></word>
<word key="bm_initiated" js="0">The bulk mail has been initiated</word>
<word key="phpmail_not_sent" js="0">The mail could not be sent</word>
<word key="bm_sent_succesfull" js="0">The bulk mail has been successfully sent.</word>
<word key="smtpmail_fsock_error" js="0">There was an error connecting to the SMTP server: %s (%s)</word>
<word key="smtpmail_fsock_error_initial" js="0">The SMTP server returned an unexpected response code: %s</word>
<word key="smtpmail_send_error" js="0">The SMTP server returned an unexpected response: %s</word>
<word key="smtpmail_tls_fail" js="0">The SMTP TLS handshake failed (STARTTLS)</word>
<word key="bulkmail_sent_sofar" js="0">The bulk mail '%s' sent to %s</word>
<word key="bm_users" js="0">{# [1:user][?:users]}</word>
<word key="no_write_email_debug" js="0">The email debug file could not be written to: %s</word>
<word key="no_path_email_debug" js="0">The specified email debug path does not exist: %s</word>
<word key="no_user_to_unsubscribe" js="0"><![CDATA[We could not find your account in order to unsubscribe you from emails. If you have recently altered your email or password, the unsubscribe link may have expired. You can alter your notifications settings from your <a href='{internal.front.app=core&module=system&controller=notifications&do=options}'>control panel</a>.]]></word>
<word key="unsubscribed" js="0">Successfully Unsubscribed</word>
<word key="unsubscribed_desc" js="0">You have been successfully unsubscribed from future mailings from this site. You will still receive user-initiated emails such as password reset requests, but will no longer receive administrator emails and notification emails from this site. You can change this preference at any time by visiting your user control panel and re-enabling the option to receive administrator emails.</word>
<word key="bmtag_member_posts" js="0">The number of posts for the mail recipient</word>
<word key="bmtag_total_posts" js="0">The total number of posts</word>
<word key="no_outgoing_address" js="0"><![CDATA[The bulk mailer cannot be used currently, because the community does not have an <a href='{internal.&app=core&module=settings&controller=email}'>outgoing email</a> set.]]></word>
<word key="bulkmail_processed_batch" js="0">Processed mail batch</word>
<word key="continue_editing" js="0">Continue Editing</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_Sendgrid" js="0">SendGrid</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_Sendgrid_desc" js="0">SendGrid allows you to send emails quickly and reliably, offloading the strain for your local server. You can also see useful reports about the emails you send on SendGrid's website.</word>
<word key="sendgrid_use_for" js="0">Use SendGrid For</word>
<word key="sendgrid_donot_use" js="0">Do not use SendGrid</word>
<word key="sendgrid_bulkmail_use" js="0">Bulk emails</word>
<word key="sendgrid_all_use" js="0">All emails</word>
<word key="sendgrid_api_key" js="0">SendGrid API Key</word>
<word key="sendgrid_enable_need_details" js="0">In order to enable SendGrid integration you must supply a SendGrid API key.</word>
<word key="sendgrid_bad_credentials" js="0">The API Key you supplied appears to be incorrect. Please check your API Key and try again.</word>
<word key="sendgrid_bad_scopes" js="0">The API Key is valid but does not have the required permissions. You must enable Full Access to the 'Mail Send' permission in the API key settings.</word>
<word key="sendgrid_ip_pool" js="0">IP Pool</word>
<word key="sendgrid_ip_pool_desc" js="0">If you have purchased any dedicated IP addresses to be used with your SendGrid account, enter the IP Pool name that should be used.</word>
<word key="sendgrid_ip_pool_none" js="0">Do not use a dedicated IP address</word>
<word key="sendgrid_click_tracking" js="0">Track opens and clicks?</word>
<word key="sendgrid_click_tracking_desc" js="0">If enabled, SendGrid will keep track of if emails are opened and if the recipient clicks on any links and allow you to view this information on their website.</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_Viglink" js="0">VigLink</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_Viglink_desc" js="0">Get paid for clicks from your site.</word>
<word key="viglink_enabled" js="0">VigLink Enabled</word>
<word key="viglink_api_key" js="0">API Key</word>
<word key="viglink_groups" js="0">Enabled for</word>
<word key="viglink_groups_desc" js="0">Users in these groups will have the links they click tracked through VigLink.</word>
<word key="viglink_norewrite" js="0">Bypass content by</word>
<word key="viglink_norewrite_desc" js="0">Content submitted by users in these groups will not be handled through VigLink.</word>
<word key="viglink_account_type" js="0">VigLink Account</word>
<word key="viglink_account_type_create" js="0">Create New Account</word>
<word key="viglink_account_existing" js="0">Use Existing Account</word>
<word key="viglink_api_key_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can get your API key from the <a href='{external.viglink_account}' target='_blank'>VigLink account settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="viglink_error" js="0">We could not connect with VigLink. Please try again later or contact technical support for assistance.</word>
<word key="unsubscribe_blurb" js="0">Prefer to stop receiving these emails?</word>
<word key="unsubscribe_blurb_follow" js="0">You are receiving this email because you are following the %s '%s'.</word>
<word key="unsubscribe_blurb_follow_member" js="0">You are receiving this email because you are following %s.</word>
<word key="email_also_interesting" js="0">You might also be interested in...</word>
<word key="email_greeting_member" js="0">Hi %s,</word>
<word key="email_privacy_policy" js="0">privacy policy</word>
<word key="email_change_notifications" js="0">change your notification settings</word>
<word key="email_change_notifications_plain" js="0">Change your notification settings:</word>
<word key="email_privacy_policy_plain" js="0">Privacy policy:</word>
<word key="email_flagged_as_spammer" js="0">The following member has been flagged as a spammer.</word>
<word key="email_view_other_profile" js="0">View %s's profile</word>
<word key="email_plz_change_password" js="0">We do not store this password anywhere, so keep this email for reference until you have signed in. You should change your password the first time that you sign in.</word>
<word key="email_go_to_site" js="0">Go to %s</word>
<word key="email_complete_email" js="0">To complete the change of email address for your account, we need to confirm you initiated it. If the address shown is correct, click the button to confirm it.</word>
<word key="email_complete_email_plain" js="0">To complete the change of email address for your account, we need to confirm you initiated it. If the address shown is correct, visit the address below to confirm it.</word>
<word key="email_new_email" js="0">New email address</word>
<word key="email_old_email" js="0">Old email address</word>
<word key="email_confirm_address" js="0">Confirm this address</word>
<word key="email_manual_instructions" js="0">Manual instructions</word>
<word key="email_validate_manual" js="0">If you cannot click the button above to validate your account, you may do so manually. Paste the following link into your web browser, and when prompted, enter the information below:</word>
<word key="email_key" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="email_reg_complete" js="0">Welcome to %s and thank you for joining. You can now sign in with the password you chose when signing up.</word>
<word key="email_lost_pass" js="0"><![CDATA[To reset your password we need you to verify that you initiated this action by clicking on the button below. If you did not request a password reset, <strong>do not</strong> click the button below. Ignore this email.]]></word>
<word key="email_lost_pass_plain" js="0">To reset your password we need you to verify that you initiated this action by visiting the link below. If you did not request a password reset, *do not* click the button below. Ignore this email.</word>
<word key="email_reset_password" js="0">Reset my password</word>
<word key="email_secure_account" js="0">Secure my account</word>
<word key="email_error_log" js="0">An error has been logged at %s.</word>
<word key="email_error_log_info" js="0">Further information on this error may be available by viewing the Error Log Viewer tool in your Admin Control Panel.</word>
<word key="email_error_code" js="0">Code</word>
<word key="email_error_error" js="0">Error</word>
<word key="email_error_app" js="0">Application</word>
<word key="email_error_user" js="0">Error triggered by</word>
<word key="email_error_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="email_error_date_app" js="0">%s in %s</word>
<word key="email_validate_link" js="0">Validate my Email address</word>
<word key="email_validate_link_short" js="0">Confirm email address</word>
<word key="email_contact_form" js="0">A user has sent a message using the Contact Us form.</word>
<word key="email_contact_said" js="0">%s ( %s ) said:</word>
<word key="email_said" js="0">%s said:</word>
<word key="email_replied" js="0">%s replied:</word>
<word key="email_posted_in" js="0">Posted in %s</word>
<word key="email_mentioned" js="0">You were mentioned by %s in %s, %s</word>
<word key="email_new_comment" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has posted a comment on %s,]]></word>
<word key="email_new_comment_guest" js="0">%s (Guest) has posted a comment on %s,</word>
<word key="email_new_comment_plain" js="0">%s has posted a comment on %s,</word>
<word key="email_new_review" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has posted a review on %s,]]></word>
<word key="email_new_review_guest" js="0">%s (Guest) has posted a review on %s,</word>
<word key="email_new_review_plain" js="0">%s has posted a review on %s,</word>
<word key="email_new_content" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has posted %s,]]></word>
<word key="email_new_content_guest" js="0">%s (Guest) has posted %s,</word>
<word key="email_new_content_plain" js="0">%s has posted %s,</word>
<word key="email_new_content_bulk" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has posted new %s,]]></word>
<word key="email_new_content_bulk_guest" js="0">%s (Guest) has posted new %s,</word>
<word key="email_new_content_bulk_plain" js="0">%s has posted new %s,</word>
<word key="email_new_content_unapproved" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has posted %s requiring approval,]]></word>
<word key="email_new_content_unapproved_guest" js="0">%s (Guest) has posted %s requiring approval,</word>
<word key="email_new_content_unapproved_plain" js="0">%s has posted %s requiring approval,</word>
<word key="email_new_content_unapproved_bulk" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has posted new %s requiring approval,]]></word>
<word key="email_new_content_unapproved_bulk_guest" js="0">%s (Guest) has posted new %s requiring approval,</word>
<word key="email_new_content_unapproved_bulk_plain" js="0">%s has posted new %s requiring approval,</word>
<word key="email_new_profile_comment" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has posted a message on your profile.]]></word>
<word key="email_new_profile_comment_plain" js="0">%s has posted a message on your profile.</word>
<word key="email_new_status" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has posted a new status update.]]></word>
<word key="email_new_status_plain" js="0">%s has posted a new status update.</word>
<word key="email_new_profile_reply" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has replied to a profile comment.]]></word>
<word key="email_new_profile_reply_plain" js="0">%s has replied to a profile comment.</word>
<word key="email_quoted_you" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> quoted one of your posts in %s.]]></word>
<word key="email_quoted_you_guest" js="0">%s (Guest) quoted one of your posts in %s.</word>
<word key="email_quoted_you_plain" js="0">%s quoted one of your posts in %s.</word>
<word key="email_content_reported" js="0"><![CDATA[%s reported %s titled <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="email_content_reported_plain" js="0">%s reported %s titled %s</word>
<word key="email_content_automatic_moderation" js="0"><![CDATA[Automatic moderation threshold reached for %s titled <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="email_content_automatic_moderation_plain" js="0">Automatic moderation threshold reached for %s titled %s</word>
<word key="email_new_likes" js="0">%s liked %s:</word>
<word key="email_new_reacted" js="0">%s reacted to %s:</word>
<word key="go_to_the_report" js="0">Go to the report</word>
<word key="privacy_policy_link" js="0">Click here to view our privacy policy</word>
<word key="email_admin_approval_msg" js="0">Before this member can post, an administrator will need to approve the account via the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="email_ignore_user_pm" js="0">Don't want %s to post messages on your profile? You can add them to your ignore list to prevent them.</word>
<word key="email_member_following" js="0">%s is now following you! They'll be notified when you post new content.</word>
<word key="email_member_following_tip" js="0"><![CDATA[You can prevent <em>all</em> members from following you by changing your preference on your profile page, under the Followers section.]]></word>
<word key="email_go_to_x_profile" js="0">Go to %s's profile</word>
<word key="email_go_to_your_profile" js="0">Go to your profile</word>
<word key="email_password_changed" js="0">This email confirms that you recently changed your password on %s. If you did not make this change, please respond to this email immediately to let us know.</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_password_changed" js="0">Password changed</word>
<word key="email_email_address_changed" js="0">This email confirms that you recently changed your email address on %s. If you did not make this change, please respond to this email immediately to let us know.</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_email_address_changed" js="0">Email address changed</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_account_locked" js="0">Your account has been locked for security reasons</word>
<word key="email_account_locked" js="0">We have detected %s failed log in attempts to your account from %s.</word>
<word key="email_account_locked_change_password" js="0">If this wasn't you, someone else may be trying to access your account. These log in attempts were unsuccessful and we have blocked the IP address from further attempts so no action is required. You may however want to change your password for greater security, especially if you use the same password on other websites.</word>
<word key="email_account_locked_safely_ignore" js="0">If this was you, you can safely ignore this email and you will be able to sign in again at %s.</word>
<word key="email_account_locked_no_unlock" js="0">If this was you an administrator will need to unlock your account before you can log in again.</word>
<word key="email_warned_comment" js="0">You have been warned by %s for a comment made in %s,</word>
<word key="email_warned_item" js="0">You have been warned by %s for %s,</word>
<word key="email_warned_other" js="0">You have been warned by %s</word>
<word key="email_mod_warned_other" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s'>%s</a> has been warned by %s]]></word>
<word key="email_mod_warned_comment_plain" js="0">%s has been warned by %s for a comment made in %s,</word>
<word key="email_mod_warned_item_plain" js="0">%s has been warned by %s for %s,</word>
<word key="email_mod_warned_other_plain" js="0">%s has been warned by %s</word>
<word key="email_warn_source" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="email_warn_reason" js="0">Reason</word>
<word key="email_warn_penalty" js="0">Penalty</word>
<word key="email_warn_note" js="0">Note</word>
<word key="email_warn_note_member" js="0">Note to member</word>
<word key="email_warn_note_moderator" js="0">Note to moderators</word>
<word key="email_warn_acknowledge" js="0">You must acknowledge this warning before you're able to post again.</word>
<word key="email_warn_acknowledge_button" js="0">Acknowledge this warning</word>
<word key="email_preview_content" js="0">Content goes here...</word>
<word key="go_to_this_post" js="0">Go to this post</word>
<word key="go_to_this_review" js="0">Go to this review</word>
<word key="go_to_this_user" js="0">Go to %s's profile</word>
<word key="go_to_this_x" js="0">Go to this %s</word>
<word key="email_url_to_message" js="0">URL to this message</word>
<word key="email_registration_notify" js="0">A new user has registered at %s.</word>
<word key="email_admin_reg" js="0">An administrator has created a new account for you at %s. Your account details are:</word>
<word key="admin_spammer" js="0">This is to let you know that the following member has been flagged as a spammer:</word>
<word key="errorlogs" js="0">Error Logs</word>
<word key="acplog__errorlog_settings" js="0">Edited error log prune settings</word>
<word key="errorlogssettings" js="0">Error Log Settings</word>
<word key="errorlogs_log_member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="errorlogs_log_error" js="0">Error Message</word>
<word key="errorlogs_log_error_code" js="0">Error Code</word>
<word key="errorlogs_log_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="errorlogs_log_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="errorlogs_log_request_uri" js="0">Error URL</word>
<word key="prune_log_error" js="0">Prune error logs</word>
<word key="r__error_prune" js="0">Can manage error log prune settings</word>
<word key="emailerrorlogs" js="0">Email Error Logs</word>
<word key="emailerrorlogs_mlog_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="emailerrorlogs_mlog_to" js="0">To</word>
<word key="emailerrorlogs_mlog_from" js="0">From:</word>
<word key="emailerrorlogs_mlog_subject" js="0">Subject</word>
<word key="emailerrorlogs_mlog_msg" js="0">Error</word>
<word key="emailerrorlogs_mlog_content" js="0">Email Body</word>
<word key="view_email_error_body" js="0">View email body</word>
<word key="resend_email_error" js="0">Resend email</word>
<word key="view_full_smtp_log" js="0"><![CDATA[View full log →]]></word>
<word key="acplog__emailerrorlog_settings" js="0">Edited email error log prune settings</word>
<word key="emailerrorlogssettings" js="0">Email Error Log Settings</word>
<word key="prune_emailerrorlogs" js="0">Prune logs</word>
<word key="emailerrorlog_logtitle" js="0">Full SMTP Communication Log</word>
<word key="prune_log_email_error" js="0">Prune email error logs</word>
<word key="acplogs" js="0">Administrator Logs</word>
<word key="acplogs_member_id" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="acplogs_action" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="acplogs_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="acplogs_ctime" js="0">Date/Time</word>
<word key="acplogs_module" js="0">Module</word>
<word key="acplogs_note" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="acplog__adminlog_settings" js="0">Edited Administrator Logs prune settings</word>
<word key="adminlogssettings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="prune_log_admin" js="0">Prune Administrator Logs</word>
<word key="emailerror_resent" js="0">The email has been successfully resent and removed from the log</word>
<word key="modlogs" js="0">Moderator Logs</word>
<word key="modlogs_member_id" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="modlogs_action" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="modlogs_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="modlogs_ctime" js="0">Date/Time</word>
<word key="modlogs_module" js="0">Module</word>
<word key="modlog__adminlog_settings" js="0">Edited Moderator Logs prune settings</word>
<word key="moderatorlogssettings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="prune_log_moderator" js="0">Prune Moderator Logs</word>
<word key="spamlogs" js="0">Spam Defense Logs</word>
<word key="spamlogs_log_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="spamlogs_log_code" js="0">Response</word>
<word key="spamlogs_log_msg" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="spamlogs_email_address" js="0">Email Address</word>
<word key="spamlogs_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="spamlogssettings" js="0">Spam Defense Log Settings</word>
<word key="acplog__spamlog_settings" js="0">Edited Spam Defense log prune settings</word>
<word key="prune_log_spam" js="0">Prune Spam Defense log</word>
<word key="spam_whitelist" js="0">Spam Defense Whitelist</word>
<word key="spam_whitelist_add" js="0">Add Whitelist Item</word>
<word key="spam_whitelist_domain" js="0">Email Domain</word>
<word key="spam_whitelist_ip" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="whitelist_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="whitelist_ip_content" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="whitelist_ip_content_desc" js="0">You can use the star character (*) as a wildcard</word>
<word key="whitelist_domain_content" js="0">Email Domain</word>
<word key="whitelist_domain_content_desc" js="0">You can use the star character (*) as a wildcard</word>
<word key="whitelist_reason" js="0">Reason for Whitelisting</word>
<word key="whitelist_reason_desc" js="0">e.g. Company VPN</word>
<word key="whitelist_date" js="0">Date Added</word>
<word key="spam_whitelist_ip_select" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="spam_whitelist_domain_select" js="0">Email Domain</word>
<word key="acplog__spam_whitelist_created" js="0">Spam Defense Whitelist entry created - %s: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__spam_whitelist_edited" js="0">Spam Defense Whitelist entry edited - %s: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__spam_whitelist_deleted" js="0">Spam Defense Whitelist entry deleted - %s: %s</word>
<word key="whitelist_domain_email_detected" js="0">The value entered appears to be an email address. This value should be the domain name i.e. mycompany.com</word>
<word key="whitelist_content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="sitemap_blurb" js="0">A Sitemap is an automatically generated list of pages used by search engines.</word>
<word key="sitemap_core_Profiles" js="0">Profiles</word>
<word key="sitemap_dont_include" js="0">Do not include</word>
<word key="sitemap_profiles_count" js="0">Number of profiles to include</word>
<word key="sitemap_profiles_count_desc" js="0">Enter 0 to not include profiles in the sitemap. You can use this setting to only include the latest registrations on your site.</word>
<word key="sitemap_profiles_priority" js="0">Profile priority</word>
<word key="sitemap_profiles_priority_desc" js="0">The priority value in a sitemap file indicates to search engines how important a page is compared to other pages on the site.</word>
<word key="sitemap_not_found" js="0">The requested sitemap could not be found</word>
<word key="module__core_sitemap" js="0">Sitemap</word>
<word key="sitemap_ping_google_fail" js="0">Failed to submit sitemap update request to Google</word>
<word key="sitemap_ping_google_success" js="0">Sitemap update request successfully submitted to Google</word>
<word key="sitemap_ping_bing_fail" js="0">Failed to submit sitemap update request to Bing</word>
<word key="sitemap_ping_bing_success" js="0">Sitemap update request successfully submitted to Bing</word>
<word key="sitemap_ping_already24" js="0">Sitemap URL has been submitted to search engines within the last 24 hours already (skipping)</word>
<word key="sitemap_log_built" js="0">Successfully built sitemap file: %s</word>
<word key="sitemap_configuration_info" js="0">Use recommended settings?</word>
<word key="sitemap_show_config" js="0">Change the default sitemap configuration</word>
<word key="sitemap_priority_generic" js="0">Priority</word>
<word key="sitemap_priority_container" js="0">Container priority</word>
<word key="sitemap_priority_generic_desc" js="0">The priority value in a sitemap file indicates to search engines how important a page is compared to other pages on the site.</word>
<word key="sitemap_number_generic" js="0">Number of items to include</word>
<word key="sitemap_do_not_include" js="0">Do not include</word>
<word key="sitemap_default_priority" js="0">Use Default Priority</word>
<word key="rebuild_sitemap" js="0">Rebuild Sitemap</word>
<word key="rebuild_sitemap_initialized" js="0">Background Task initialized</word>
<word key="sitemap_profiles_content_unlimited" js="0">Include all members</word>
<word key="sitemap_profiles_content" js="0">Content count</word>
<word key="sitemap_profiles_content_desc" js="0">The minimum number of content the member has authored before the profile is added to the sitemap.</word>
<word key="sitemap_profiles_content_suffix" js="0">or more</word>
<word key="meta_tags_blurb" js="0">Meta Tags</word>
<word key="seo_tab_metatags" js="0">Meta Tags</word>
<word key="seo_meta_add" js="0">Add Meta Tags</word>
<word key="seo_meta_manage" js="0">Edit Meta Tags</word>
<word key="metatag_url" js="0">Page Address</word>
<word key="metatag_url_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Copy and paste the page address these meta tags should be used on. You may use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard, so for example "profile/*" will display the meta tags on all profiles.<br>[Not sure what to use? <a href='{internal.front.app=core&module=system&controller=metatags}' target='_blank'>Click here to launch the live meta tag editor tool.</a>]]]></word>
<word key="metatag_title" js="0">Page Title</word>
<word key="metatag_title_desc" js="0">Page titles are generated automatically by Invision Community, however you may override the page title used for the page address you are modifying if needed.</word>
<word key="metatags_name" js="0">Meta Tag Name</word>
<word key="metatags_content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="metatag_live_editor" js="0">Launch Live Meta Tag Editor</word>
<word key="meta_editor_no_admin" js="0">Only logged in administrators have permission to edit meta tags</word>
<word key="meta_editor_no_acpperm" js="0">You do not have permission to access the meta tag editor</word>
<word key="live_meta_tag_editor" js="0">Live Meta Tag Editor</word>
<word key="end_metatags" js="0">Stop Editing</word>
<word key="what_is_a_metatag" js="0">Meta Tags are hidden pieces of information that some search engines read and make use of. For example, some search engine spiders read "keyword" meta tags to help determine keywords associated with the page. By default, certain common meta tags are set automatically, however you can override the default meta tags by specifying custom ones.</word>
<word key="metatags_page_title" js="0">Page Title</word>
<word key="meta_keywords" js="0">Keywords</word>
<word key="meta_description" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="meta_robots" js="0">Robots</word>
<word key="meta_other" js="0">Other</word>
<word key="add_another_meta_tag" js="0">Add another meta tag</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs" js="0">Admin CP Login Logs</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_admin_username" js="0">Display Name</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_admin_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_admin_time" js="0">Date/Time</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_admin_success" js="0">Status</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_view" js="0">View Details</word>
<word key="acplog__adminloginlog_settings" js="0">Edited Admin CP Login Logs prune settings</word>
<word key="prune_log_adminlogin" js="0">Prune Admin CP Login Logs</word>
<word key="adminloginlogssettings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_general" js="0">General</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_request" js="0">Request Details</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_successful" js="0">Successful</word>
<word key="adminloginlogs_unsuccessful" js="0">Unsuccessful</word>
<word key="error_log_level" js="0">Log errors</word>
<word key="error_log_level_prefix" js="0">Severity</word>
<word key="error_log_level_suffix" js="0">and above</word>
<word key="level_number_0" js="0">Do not Log</word>
<word key="level_number_1" js="0">Level 1</word>
<word key="level_number_1_desc" js="0">Happen in normal use, for example if the user does not fill in a form properly.</word>
<word key="level_number_2" js="0">Level 2</word>
<word key="level_number_2_desc" js="0">Happen when a page no longer exists or a user tries to access something they do not have permission for.</word>
<word key="level_number_3" js="0">Level 3</word>
<word key="level_number_3_desc" js="0">May be caused by a user, but do not happen in normal use, for example, if a user tries to edit content that does not exist.</word>
<word key="level_number_4" js="0">Level 4</word>
<word key="level_number_4_desc" js="0">Happen if your site is not set up properly and require your attention.</word>
<word key="level_number_5" js="0">Level 5</word>
<word key="level_number_5_desc" js="0">Only ever happen if there is a programatic error</word>
<word key="error_log_none" js="0">Do not log errors</word>
<word key="error_notify" js="0">Notify administrator?</word>
<word key="error_notify_level" js="0">Receive an email when an error occurs</word>
<word key="log_levels" js="0">Error Logging</word>
<word key="prunesettings" js="0">Prune Settings</word>
<word key="log_prune_task" js="0">{# [1:log was][?:logs were] pruned}</word>
<word key="menu__core_membersettings_ban" js="0">Ban Settings</word>
<word key="r__ban" js="0">Ban Settings</word>
<word key="r__ban_manage" js="0">Manage Ban Settings</word>
<word key="ban_filter_ip" js="0">IP Addresses</word>
<word key="ban_filter_email" js="0">Non-Registrable Email Addresses</word>
<word key="ban_filter_name" js="0">Non-Registrable Names</word>
<word key="ban_filter_ip_select" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="ban_filter_email_select" js="0">Non-Registrable Email Address</word>
<word key="ban_filter_name_select" js="0">Non-Registrable Name</word>
<word key="ban_filter_add" js="0">Add Ban Filter</word>
<word key="ban_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="ban_content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="ban_content_desc" js="0">You can use the star character (*) as a wildcard</word>
<word key="ban_reason" js="0">Reason</word>
<word key="ban_date" js="0">Added</word>
<word key="acplog__ban_created" js="0">Added ban filter - %s: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__ban_edited" js="0">Edited ban filter - %s: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__ban_deleted" js="0">Deleted ban filter - %s: %s</word>
<word key="profile_settings" js="0">Profile Settings</word>
<word key="profile_completion" js="0">Profile Completion</word>
<word key="acplog__profile_settings" js="0">Edited profile settings</word>
<word key="photos" js="0">Photos</word>
<word key="allow_gravatars" js="0">Enable Gravatar?</word>
<word key="allow_gravatars_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Gravatar is a service that allows users to use the same photo across the internet. Visit <a href='{external.gravatar}' target='_blank'>Gravatar</a> for more information.]]></word>
<word key="letter_photos" js="0">Default Profile Photos</word>
<word key="letterphoto_default" js="0">Use the theme's default profile photo</word>
<word key="letterphoto_default_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can upload a new default profile photo by <a href='{internal.app=core&module=customization&controller=themes}'>managing resources</a> for each theme.]]></word>
<word key="letterphoto_letters" js="0">Generate profile photos from first letter of the member's display name</word>
<word key="usernames" js="0">Display Names</word>
<word key="user_name_length" js="0">Allowed display name length</word>
<word key="user_name_length_too_low" js="0">You must specify a minimum length.</word>
<word key="user_name_length_too_high" js="0">The maximum length cannot be greater than 255.</word>
<word key="user_name_length_no_match" js="0">The minimum length must be less than the maximum length.</word>
<word key="username_characters" js="0">Allowed characters in display names</word>
<word key="username_characters_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Enter a-z for all alphabetic characters (lower case and upper case). Enter 0-9 for numbers<br>Example: To allow letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores, enter 'a-z0-9-_'.<br>Leave blank for no restrictions.]]></word>
<word key="signatures" js="0">Signatures</word>
<word key="signatures_enabled" js="0">Enable Signatures?</word>
<word key="signatures_disabled" js="0">You are not allowed to edit your signature.</word>
<word key="sig_max_imagesr" js="0">Maximum of {# [1:image][?:images]}</word>
<word key="sig_max_imagesr_none" js="0">Images are not allowed</word>
<word key="signature_pref_toggled" js="0">Signature preference toggled</word>
<word key="sig_max_imgsize" js="0">Images up to %s x %s pixels</word>
<word key="sig_max_urls" js="0">Maximum of {# [1:URL][?:URLs]}</word>
<word key="sig_max_lines" js="0">Maximum of {# [1:line][?:lines]}</word>
<word key="statuses_profile_comments" js="0">Status Updates</word>
<word key="profile_comments" js="0">Status Updates</word>
<word key="status_updates_disabled" js="0">Disabled</word>
<word key="status_updates_enabled_nomem" js="0">Disabled by default</word>
<word key="status_updates_enabled_nomem_desc" js="0">Users will be allowed to enable status updates for their account</word>
<word key="status_updates_enabled_mem" js="0">Enabled by default</word>
<word key="status_updates_enabled_mem_desc" js="0">Status updates will be enabled by default, but users will be able to disable them for their account</word>
<word key="profile_comment_approval" js="0">Status Updates must be approved?</word>
<word key="sig_num_lines_exceeded" js="0">Signature spans too many lines</word>
<word key="sig_num_images_exceeded" js="0">Too many Images</word>
<word key="sig_num_links_exceeded" js="0">Too many links</word>
<word key="sig_restrictions_exceeded" js="0">Your chosen signature does not meet the guidelines.</word>
<word key="sig_imagetoobig" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='%s' target='_blank'>This image</a> is larger than the maximum allowed dimensions of %s x %s.]]></word>
<word key="sig_imagenotretrievable" js="0">Unable to retrieve signature image dimensions for %s, please try another image.</word>
<word key="profile_settings_birthdays" js="0">Birthdays</word>
<word key="profile_birthday_type" js="0">Enable birthdays?</word>
<word key="profile_birthday_type_public" js="0">Show birthdays to all in user profiles.</word>
<word key="profile_birthday_type_private" js="0">Show birthdays only to admins and the member themselves.</word>
<word key="profile_birthday_type_none" js="0">Disable birthdays in user profiles.</word>
<word key="profile_birthday_display_private" js="0">Birthday information is not shared with other members</word>
<word key="profile_member_history" js="0">Member History</word>
<word key="prune_member_history" js="0">Prune Member History</word>
<word key="prune_member_history_desc" js="0">Enabling this setting will prune member history entries such as display name history, commerce customer history and other items</word>
<word key="profile_reputation" js="0">Community Reputation</word>
<word key="reputation_title" js="0">Reputation</word>
<word key="reputation" js="0">Reactions</word>
<word key="rep_reactions_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Reactions award <em>reputation points</em> to the author of the content. Each reaction can increase or decrease the author's reputation points total (or leave it unchanged).]]></word>
<word key="rep_settings_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[The reputation system enables users to earn <em>reputation points</em> when other users react to their content. A user's community-wide reputation total is shown next to their content and in their profile, and counts towards features such as the Popular Contributors block and Leaderboard ranking.]]></word>
<word key="rep_leaderboard_blurb" js="0">The leaderboard collates each day's top three posters (based on their received reputation), as well as top content based on the number of positive reactions.</word>
<word key="reputation_badge_tooltip" js="0">Member's total reputation</word>
<word key="reputation_badge_tooltip_period" js="0">Member's reputation this period</word>
<word key="reputation_levels" js="0">Reputation Levels</word>
<word key="rep_levels_blurb" js="0">In profiles, the member's total reputation will show along with a description from the levels specified here. For example, you might want it to show 'Popular' for someone who has received a certain number of reputation points.</word>
<word key="reputation_settings" js="0">Reputation Settings</word>
<word key="reputation_leaderboard" js="0">Leaderboard</word>
<word key="rep_word_custom" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="rep_level_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="rep_level_image" js="0">Badge</word>
<word key="rep_level_points" js="0">Points</word>
<word key="rep_level_points_pluralized" js="0">{!#[1:point][?:points]}</word>
<word key="reputation_enabled" js="0">Reputation enabled?</word>
<word key="reputation_point_types" js="0">Reactions System</word>
<word key="rep_system_like" js="0">Likes</word>
<word key="rep_system_both" js="0">Reputation: Positive and Negative</word>
<word key="rep_system_positive" js="0">Reputation: Allow positive only</word>
<word key="rep_system_negative" js="0">Reputation: Allow negative only</word>
<word key="reputation_protected_groups" js="0">Exclude these groups</word>
<word key="reputation_protected_groups_desc" js="0">Reactions will not be available for content posted by members in these groups.</word>
<word key="reputation_can_self_vote" js="0">Members can react to their own content?</word>
<word key="reputation_show_content" js="0">Show the number of reputation points content has received?</word>
<word key="reputation_show_content_desc" js="0">If disabled, the buttons to react will still display, but the current number of points will not be displayed.</word>
<word key="reputation_highlight" js="0">Highlight content with positive reputation</word>
<word key="reputation_highlight_prefix" js="0">Highlight content with at least</word>
<word key="reputation_highlight_suffix" js="0">positive reputation</word>
<word key="reputation_show_profile" js="0">Show each member's total reputation points on their profile?</word>
<word key="acplogs__rep_created" js="0">Created reputation level for %s points</word>
<word key="acplogs__rep_edited" js="0">Edited reputation level for %s points</word>
<word key="acplogs__rep_deleted" js="0">Deleted reputation level for %s points</word>
<word key="acplogs__rep_settings" js="0">Edited reputation settings</word>
<word key="like" js="0">Like this</word>
<word key="unlike" js="0">Unlike this</word>
<word key="like_blurb_just_you" js="0">You like this</word>
<word key="like_blurb_you_and_others" js="0">You</word>
<word key="like_blurb" js="0">%s {!#[1:likes][?:like]} this</word>
<word key="like_blurb_generic" js="0">{# [1:person][?:people]}</word>
<word key="like_blurb_you" js="0">You</word>
<word key="like_blurb_others" js="0">{# [1:other][?:others]}</word>
<word key="like_blurb_others_secondary" js="0">and {# [?:more]}...</word>
<word key="react_blurb_just_you" js="0">You reacted to this</word>
<word key="react_blurb_you_and_others" js="0">You</word>
<word key="react_blurb" js="0">%s {!# [?:reacted]} to this</word>
<word key="react_blurb_generic" js="0">{# [1:person][?:people]}</word>
<word key="react_blurb_you" js="0">You</word>
<word key="react_blurb_others" js="0">{# [1:other][?:others]}</word>
<word key="react_blurb_others_secondary" js="0">and {# [?:more]}...</word>
<word key="react_total" js="0">{# [1:reaction][?:reactions]}</word>
<word key="see_who_repped" js="0">See who gave reputation</word>
<word key="see_who_liked" js="0">See who liked this</word>
<word key="rep_log_title" js="0">Who gave reputation</word>
<word key="like_log_title" js="0">Who liked this</word>
<word key="rep_daily_exceeded" js="0">You are only allowed to give reputation %d times per day. You cannot give any more reputation today.</word>
<word key="rep_daily_exceeded_likes" js="0">You are only allowed to give %d likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today.</word>
<word key="cannot_rep_user" js="0">You are not allowed to give reputation to this user.</word>
<word key="cannot_view_reputation" js="0">You are not permitted to view the reputation of this user</word>
<word key="reputation_timezone" js="0">Leaderboard timezone</word>
<word key="reputation_timezone_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Each day, three members with the most reputation for the day are stored in a leaderboard. This timezone is used to calculate when the day begins and ends and should be where most of your community members are located.<br>After changing this setting, you may like to <a data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='Rebuild Leaderboard' href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=reputation&do=rebuildLeaderboard}'>rebuild the leaderboard</a> to ensure that the correct reputation counts are used for the day.]]></word>
<word key="reputation_leaderboard_rebuilding" js="0">A background task has been added to rebuild the leaderboard</word>
<word key="reputation_leaderboard_on" js="0">Enable leaderboard?</word>
<word key="reputation_leaderboard_on_desc" js="0">The leaderboard will show the users and content which have received the most reputation each day.</word>
<word key="reputation_show_days_won_trophy" js="0">Show a badge on the profile of the day's winner?</word>
<word key="reputation_show_days_won_trophy_desc" js="0">A member wins the day by having the most likes or best reputation for the day in the leaderboard timezone.</word>
<word key="reputation_leaderboard_default_tab" js="0">Default leaderboard tab</word>
<word key="reputation_max_members" js="0">Number to show when viewing a specific filter</word>
<word key="reputation_leaderboard_rebuild_desc" js="0">This will add a background task to rebuild the leaderboard daily winners using the leaderboard timezone to define the start and end of a day.</word>
<word key="reputation_leaderboard_rebuild_run_now" js="0">Rebuild</word>
<word key="reputation_leaderboard_rebuild_title" js="0">Rebuild leaderboard</word>
<word key="like_blurb_pluralized" js="0">{!#[1:like][?:likes]}</word>
<word key="see_who_reacted" js="0">See who reacted to this</word>
<word key="reactions" js="0">Reactions</word>
<word key="reaction_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="reaction_value" js="0">Reputation</word>
<word key="reaction_value_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Reactions adjust the content author's <em>reputation points</em>. A positive reaction adds a reputation point, a negative reaction subtracts a reputation point, and a neutral reaction leaves the reputation count unchanged.]]></word>
<word key="reaction_icon" js="0">Icon</word>
<word key="reaction_icon_desc" js="0">For best results, use a reaction icon that is at least 100x100 pixels and with a transparent background. Your icon should be square in order to maintain the correct aspect ratio when displayed.</word>
<word key="positive" js="0">Positive (+1)</word>
<word key="neutral" js="0">Neutral</word>
<word key="negative" js="0">Negative (-1)</word>
<word key="react" js="0">React</word>
<word key="unreact" js="0">Unreact</word>
<word key="reaction_remove" js="0">Remove your reaction</word>
<word key="see_who_reacted_x" js="0">See who reacted "%s"</word>
<word key="existing_reactions" js="0">Change or remove existing reactions?</word>
<word key="existing_reactions_desc" js="0">Selecting 'Change Reaction' here will adjust all existing reactions that used this type to the selected type.</word>
<word key="change_new_reaction" js="0">Change Reaction</word>
<word key="new_reaction" js="0">New Reaction</word>
<word key="reaction_count_display" js="0">Reaction Display</word>
<word key="individual_reactions" js="0">Show reactions individually</word>
<word key="overall_reaction_count" js="0">Overall reaction value</word>
<word key="reputation_top_members_overview" js="0">Categories to show in overview</word>
<word key="reputation_overview_max_members" js="0">Number to show per category in overview</word>
<word key="reputation_top_members_filters" js="0">Available Filters</word>
<word key="edit_who_reacted" js="0">Edit Reactions</word>
<word key="r__reactions" js="0">Reactions</word>
<word key="r__reactions_manage" js="0">Can manage reactions</word>
<word key="cannot_react" js="0">You cannot react on this</word>
<word key="leaderboard_excluded_groups" js="0">Exclude these groups</word>
<word key="leaderboard_excluded_groups_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Members in these groups will not be included in the leaderboard.<br>After changing this setting, you may like to <a data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='Rebuild Leaderboard' href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=reputation&do=rebuildLeaderboard}'>rebuild the leaderboard</a> to remove members of excluded groups from historical results.]]></word>
<word key="tags_enabled" js="0">Tagging Enabled?</word>
<word key="tags_enabled_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can control which members can use tags from <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups}'>Group Settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="tags_can_prefix" js="0">Prefixes Enabled?</word>
<word key="tags_can_prefix_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Prefixes are special tags which display in front of the title in the main content list (they display as a normal tag in search results and streams).<br>You can control which members can use prefixes from <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups}'>Group Settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="tags_open_system" js="0">Tagging Mode</word>
<word key="tags_open_system_open" js="0">Open: Users can use whatever tags they like</word>
<word key="tags_open_system_closed" js="0">Closed: Users must choose from a specified set of tags</word>
<word key="tags_predefined" js="0">Defined Tags</word>
<word key="tags_predefined__warning" js="0">The tag box will not show unless you enter pre-defined tags or add pre-defined tags in specific areas, such as forums and database categories.</word>
<word key="tags_predefined_desc" js="0">If using a closed system, users will have to choose from these tags. If using an open system, tags entered here will show as suggestions.</word>
<word key="tags_force_lower" js="0">Convert all tags to lowercase</word>
<word key="tags_min" js="0">Minimum tags per item</word>
<word key="tags_min_none" js="0">No minimum</word>
<word key="tags_min_req" js="0">Minimum tags required?</word>
<word key="tags_min_req_desc" js="0">If yes, the minimum number of tags must be provided. If no, then the minimum tags setting will only apply if the user provides at least one tag.</word>
<word key="tags_max" js="0">Maximum tags per item?</word>
<word key="tags_len_min" js="0">Minimum tag length</word>
<word key="tags_len_max" js="0">Maximum tag length</word>
<word key="tags_clean" js="0">Apply word filter to tags?</word>
<word key="acplogs__tag_settings" js="0">Edited tag settings</word>
<word key="tags_desc" js="0">Type tags separated by commas.</word>
<word key="tags_desc_min_max" js="0">Enter at least {# [1:tag][?:tags]}, and up to %d tags.</word>
<word key="tags_desc_min" js="0">Enter at least {# [1:tag][?:tags]}.</word>
<word key="tags_desc_max" js="0">Enter up to {# [1:tag][?:tags]}.</word>
<word key="tags_desc_len_min_max" js="0">Each tag should be between %d and %d characters long.</word>
<word key="tags_desc_len_min" js="0">Each tag should be at least {# [1:character][?:characters]} long.</word>
<word key="tags_desc_len_max" js="0">Each tag should be no longer than %d characters.</word>
<word key="use_first_tag_as_prefix" js="0">Use first tag as prefix</word>
<word key="prefix_noscript" js="0">Prefix: </word>
<word key="select_prefix" js="0"><![CDATA[<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_unbold'>Item prefix:</span> None]]></word>
<word key="set_prefix_to" js="0">Set prefix to</word>
<word key="no_prefix" js="0"><![CDATA[<em>No prefix</em>]]></word>
<word key="edit_tags" js="0">Edit Tags</word>
<word key="polls_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[You can control which groups can create polls and vote in the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups}'>Group Settings</a>. Individual areas where content can be posted may also have settings to control if polls can be created there.]]></word>
<word key="poll_creation" js="0">Creating Polls</word>
<word key="poll_voting" js="0">Voting</word>
<word key="max_poll_questions" js="0">Maximum questions per poll</word>
<word key="max_poll_choices" js="0">Maximum options per question</word>
<word key="allow_result_view" js="0">Users can view the results before voting?</word>
<word key="allow_result_view_desc" js="0">If disabled, users can still see the results but will forfeit their vote.</word>
<word key="allow_creator_vote" js="0">Users can vote in their own polls?</word>
<word key="ipb_poll_only" js="0">Enable poll-only content?</word>
<word key="ipb_poll_only_desc" js="0">If enabled, users will be able to create content with polls that cannot be replied to.</word>
<word key="poll_allow_public" js="0">Enable public polls?</word>
<word key="poll_allow_public_desc" js="0">In public polls, users can see who voted which option.</word>
<word key="poll_allow_vdelete" js="0">Users can change their vote?</word>
<word key="allow_poll_creation_after" js="0">Allow a poll to be added after an item has been created?</word>
<word key="startpoll_cutoff" js="0">Allow for</word>
<word key="view_voters" js="0">See who voted for this</word>
<word key="can_see_poll_voters" js="0">Can see poll votes?</word>
<word key="can_edit_poll_votes" js="0">Can edit poll votes?</word>
<word key="poll_title" js="0">Poll title</word>
<word key="make_votes_public" js="0">Make voter names public?</word>
<word key="poll_only_content" js="0">Poll-only content?</word>
<word key="add_poll_question" js="0">Add Question</word>
<word key="add_poll_question_title" js="0">Add another question to this poll</word>
<word key="multiple_choice" js="0">Multiple choice question?</word>
<word key="question_no" js="0">Question %d:</word>
<word key="show_results" js="0">Show Results</word>
<word key="save_vote" js="0">Submit Vote</word>
<word key="show_vote_options" js="0">Show Vote Options</word>
<word key="show_vote_options_desc" js="0">Show the voting form for this poll</word>
<word key="show_results_title" js="0">Show the results of this poll</word>
<word key="acplogs__poll_settings" js="0">Edited poll settings</word>
<word key="poll_guest" js="0"><![CDATA[Please <a href='%s'>sign in</a> or <a href='%s'>register</a> to vote in this poll.]]></word>
<word key="poll_no_js" js="0">Enable JavaScript to edit poll data.</word>
<word key="poll_is_public" js="0">This poll is public. Other members can see which options you voted for.</word>
<word key="no_permission_poll" js="0">You do not have permission to vote in this poll, or see the poll results.</word>
<word key="profile_fields" js="0">Profile Fields</word>
<word key="pfield_group_create" js="0">Create New Group</word>
<word key="pfield_group_title" js="0">Group Name</word>
<word key="pfield_settings" js="0">Field Settings</word>
<word key="pfield_permissions" js="0">Permissions</word>
<word key="pfield_displayoptions" js="0">Search and display options</word>
<word key="pf_title" js="0">Field Name</word>
<word key="pf_desc" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="pf_type" js="0">Field Type</word>
<word key="pf_type_Address" js="0">Address</word>
<word key="pf_type_Checkbox" js="0">Checkbox</word>
<word key="pf_type_CheckboxSet" js="0">Checkbox Set</word>
<word key="pf_type_Codemirror" js="0">Code</word>
<word key="pf_type_Color" js="0">Color</word>
<word key="pf_type_Date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="pf_type_Editor" js="0">Editor</word>
<word key="pf_type_Email" js="0">Email Address</word>
<word key="pf_type_Member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="pf_type_Number" js="0">Number</word>
<word key="pf_type_Password" js="0">Password</word>
<word key="pf_type_Poll" js="0">Poll</word>
<word key="pf_type_Radio" js="0">Radio</word>
<word key="pf_type_Rating" js="0">Rating</word>
<word key="pf_type_Select" js="0">Select box</word>
<word key="pf_type_Tel" js="0">Telephone Number</word>
<word key="pf_type_Text" js="0">Text</word>
<word key="pf_type_TextArea" js="0">Text Area</word>
<word key="pf_type_Upload" js="0">Upload</word>
<word key="pf_type_Url" js="0">URL</word>
<word key="pf_type_YesNo" js="0">Yes/No</word>
<word key="pf_max_input" js="0">Maximum Length</word>
<word key="pf_input_format" js="0">Regular Expression</word>
<word key="pf_input_format_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can provide a regular expression which will be run against the submitted value to check if it is valid. Email address and URL fields will check for valid values automatically.<br>In most cases this can be left blank.]]></word>
<word key="pf_content" js="0">Options</word>
<word key="pf_content_desc" js="0">Once defined the ordering of these values cannot be altered without affecting existing values.</word>
<word key="pf_multiple" js="0">Allow multiple values?</word>
<word key="pf_search_type" js="0">Search behavior</word>
<word key="pf_search_type_on_off" js="0">Search behavior</word>
<word key="pf_search_type_desc" js="0">How to fetch results when searching on this field.</word>
<word key="pf_search_type_loose" js="0">Fetch all results that contain the value being searched for</word>
<word key="pf_search_type_exact" js="0">Fetch only results which match the value being searched for exactly</word>
<word key="pf_search_type_none" js="0">Do not allow searching on this field</word>
<word key="pf_show_on_reg" js="0">Show on registration page?</word>
<word key="pf_not_null" js="0">Required?</word>
<word key="pf_member_edit" js="0">Member can edit value?</word>
<word key="pf_member_hide" js="0">Show publicly on member's profile?</word>
<word key="pf_member_hide_desc" js="0">If disabled, only the member and staff will be able to see the value, it will not show to other users.</word>
<word key="pf_admin_only" js="0">Member can see?</word>
<word key="pf_admin_only_desc" js="0">If disabled the value can only be seen and edited in the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="pf_format" js="0">Display format</word>
<word key="pf_format_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Will be displayed next to content the user submits. Leave blank to not show.<br>{title} is the title of the custom field, {content} is the user added content and {member_id} is the member's ID number.<br>Example: <strong>{title}:</strong> {content}]]></word>
<word key="pf_group_id" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="add_profile_field" js="0">Add profile field</word>
<word key="custom_field_change" js="0">Data currently stored in this field cannot be converted to this type. By changing the type, all data currently stored in this field will be lost.</word>
<word key="pf_allow_attachments" js="0">Allow attachments?</word>
<word key="acprestrictions" js="0">Administrators</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_add" js="0">Add Administrator</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_type" js="0">Type of restriction to add</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_type_desc" js="0">If a user is in more than one administrator group, they will have the best permissions from all administrator groups combined. If a user has individual member administrator permissions set up here, the member administrator permissions will override any group administrator permissions they would have otherwise inherited.</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_group" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_noself" js="0">You cannot manage the access on your own account.</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_row_perm_cache" js="0"></word>
<word key="acprestrictions_name" js="0">Administrator</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_row_updated" js="0">Last Updated</word>
<word key="acprestrictions_app" js="0">Grant access to %s?</word>
<word key="acplog__acpr_created" js="0">Made %s an administrator</word>
<word key="acplog__acpr_edited" js="0">Edited administrator permissions for %s</word>
<word key="acplog__acpr_deleted" js="0">Demoted %s from being an administrator</word>
<word key="admin_allperm_warning" js="0">This administrator currently has all permissions and will be given all new permissions if new applications are installed. If you adjust the settings below, you will need to set up permissions for new applications.</word>
<word key="deleted_group" js="0">Deleted Group</word>
<word key="module__core_messaging" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="module__core_search" js="0">Search</word>
<word key="module__core_profile" js="0">Profiles</word>
<word key="module__core_members" js="0">Profiles</word>
<word key="module__core_online" js="0">Online User List</word>
<word key="module__core_reports" js="0">Report Center</word>
<word key="module__core_staff" js="0">Staff Management</word>
<word key="module__core_staffdirectory" js="0">Staff Directory</word>
<word key="module__core_logs" js="0">Logs</word>
<word key="module__core_applications" js="0">Site Features</word>
<word key="module__core_system" js="0">System</word>
<word key="module__core_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="module__core_membersettings" js="0">Member Settings</word>
<word key="module__core_modcp" js="0">Moderator CP</word>
<word key="module__core_contact" js="0">Contact Us</word>
<word key="module__core_dashboard" js="0">Dashboard</word>
<word key="module__core_overview" js="0">Overview</word>
<word key="module__core_customization" js="0">Customization</word>
<word key="module__core_languages" js="0">Languages</word>
<word key="module__core_editor" js="0">Editor</word>
<word key="module__core_bulkmail" js="0">Bulk Mail</word>
<word key="module__core_livesearch" js="0">Live Search</word>
<word key="module__core_promotion" js="0">Promotion</word>
<word key="module__core_stats" js="0">Statisitics</word>
<word key="module__core_support" js="0">Support</word>
<word key="module__core_logsettings" js="0">Log Settings</word>
<word key="module__core_diagnostics" js="0">Diagnostics</word>
<word key="board_name" js="0">Site Name</word>
<word key="site_online" js="0">Site Online</word>
<word key="site_offline_message" js="0">Offline Message</word>
<word key="acplogs__registration_settings" js="0">Edited registration settings</word>
<word key="site_address" js="0">Physical Address</word>
<word key="site_address_desc" js="0">If provided, the physical address will be included on the privacy policy page and in the footer of emails sent by the site.</word>
<word key="copyright_line" js="0">Copyright Line</word>
<word key="copyright_line_desc" js="0">Optional text that will show by default in the site footer. Useful for general copyright info.</word>
<word key="copyright_line_placeholder" js="0"><![CDATA[e.g. Copyright © 2013 Site Name.]]></word>
<word key="upgrade_email" js="0">Upgrade Notifications</word>
<word key="upgrade_email_desc" js="0">An email will be sent to the specified email addresses when an update to Invision Community is available.</word>
<word key="diagnostics_reporting" js="0">Send diagnostic data?</word>
<word key="diagnostics_reporting_usage" js="0">Usage data</word>
<word key="diagnostics_reporting_usage_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Information your community including a list of features in use and basic statistics will be periodically reported.<br>This helps us understand how different features are used across different types of communities.]]></word>
<word key="diagnostics_reporting_diagnostics" js="0">Error reports</word>
<word key="diagnostics_reporting_diagnostics_desc" js="0">If an unexpected error occurs, a report will automatically be sent so our developers can look into any potential issues.</word>
<word key="diagnostics_reporting_desc" js="0">All reports are anonymous and contain no private information about your community or your users.</word>
<word key="task__usagereporting" js="0">Reports usage data to Invision.</word>
<word key="social_profile_type" js="0">Profile Type</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_facebook" js="0">Facebook</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_twitter" js="0">Twitter</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_youtube" js="0">Youtube</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_googleplus" js="0">Google+</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_deviantart" js="0">DeviantArt</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_etsy" js="0">Etsy</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_flickr" js="0">Flickr</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_foursquare" js="0">Foursquare</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_github" js="0">Github</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_instagram" js="0">Instagram</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_pinterest" js="0">Pinterest</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_linkedin" js="0">LinkedIn</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_slack" js="0">Slack</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_xing" js="0">Xing</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_weibo" js="0">Weibo</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_vk" js="0">VKontakte</word>
<word key="siteprofilelink_tumblr" js="0">Tumblr</word>
<word key="site_social_profiles" js="0">Social Profiles</word>
<word key="site_social_profiles_desc" js="0">Displays social media icons in the header or footer of your site, per your theme setting, linking to the entered social profile URLs.</word>
<word key="site_twitter_id" js="0">Website Twitter ID</word>
<word key="site_twitter_id_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The @username of the sites Twitter account for use with <a href='{external.twitter-card}' target='_blank'>Twitter Cards</a>.]]></word>
<word key="site_twitter_id_placeholder" js="0">@twitteruserid</word>
<word key="menutab__core_icon" js="0">cogs</word>
<word key="menutab__members_icon" js="0">user</word>
<word key="menutab__customization_icon" js="0">paint-brush</word>
<word key="menutab__support_icon" js="0">life-ring</word>
<word key="menutab__core" js="0">System</word>
<word key="menu__core_applications" js="0">Site Features</word>
<word key="menu__core_applications_applications" js="0">Applications</word>
<word key="menu__core_applications_developer" js="0">Developer Center</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_login" js="0"><![CDATA[Login & Registration]]></word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_tags" js="0">Tags</word>
<word key="menu__core_discovery" js="0">Content Discovery</word>
<word key="menu__core_discovery_search" js="0">Search</word>
<word key="menutab__members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="menu__core_members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="menu__core_members_members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="menu__core_members_groups" js="0">Groups</word>
<word key="menu__core_members_promotions" js="0">Group Promotions</word>
<word key="menu__core_membersettings" js="0">Member Settings</word>
<word key="menu__core_membersettings_reputation" js="0"><![CDATA[Reputation & Reactions]]></word>
<word key="menu__core_staff" js="0">Staff</word>
<word key="menu__core_staff_admin" js="0">Administrators</word>
<word key="menu__core_membersettings_profiles" js="0">Profiles</word>
<word key="menu__core_membersettings_profilecompletion" js="0">Profile Completion</word>
<word key="menu__core_membersettings_ranks" js="0">Ranks</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_email" js="0">Email Settings</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_general" js="0">General Configuration</word>
<word key="menu__core_applications_enhancements" js="0">Community Enhancements</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_licensekey" js="0">License Key</word>
<word key="menu__core_members_ip" js="0">IP Address Tools</word>
<word key="menu__core_membersettings_notifications" js="0">Notifications</word>
<word key="menu__core_staff_moderators" js="0">Moderators</word>
<word key="menu__core_editor" js="0">Editor</word>
<word key="menu__core_editor_toolbar" js="0">Toolbars</word>
<word key="editor_customization" js="0">Editor Customization</word>
<word key="menu__core_editor_emoticons" js="0">Emoji</word>
<word key="menu__core_overview_files" js="0">Files</word>
<word key="menu__core_editor_profanity" js="0">Word Filters</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_advanced" js="0">Advanced Configuration</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_terms" js="0"><![CDATA[Terms & Privacy Policy]]></word>
<word key="menu__core_overview_dashboard" js="0">Dashboard</word>
<word key="menu__core_membersettings_registration" js="0">Registration</word>
<word key="menu__core_logsettings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="menu__core_logsettings_settings" js="0">Logging Settings</word>
<word key="reorder_menu" js="0">Reorder</word>
<word key="save_reorder_menu" js="0">Save</word>
<word key="menu__core_stats" js="0">Users</word>
<word key="menu__core_logs" js="0">Logs</word>
<word key="menutab__community" js="0">Community</word>
<word key="menutab__community_icon" js="0">comments</word>
<word key="menutab__stats" js="0">Statistics</word>
<word key="menutab__stats_icon" js="0">line-chart</word>
<word key="menu__core_overview" js="0">Overview</word>
<word key="menu__core_members_registrationstats" js="0">Registration Statistics</word>
<word key="menu__core_members_pmstats" js="0">PM Statistics</word>
<word key="r__membervisits" js="0">Member Visits Statistics</word>
<word key="r__communityactivity" js="0">Community Activity Statistics</word>
<word key="r__membersactivity" js="0">Member Activity Statistics</word>
<word key="r__onlineusers" js="0">Online Users Statistics</word>
<word key="r__membervisits_manage" js="0">Can view statistics for member visits?</word>
<word key="r__communityactivity_manage" js="0">Can view statistics for community activity?</word>
<word key="r__membersactivity_manage" js="0">Can view statistics for member activity?</word>
<word key="r__onlineusers_manage" js="0">Can view statistics for online users?</word>
<word key="r__keywords" js="0">Keywords</word>
<word key="r__keywords_manage" js="0">Can manage keywords?</word>
<word key="r__reactionsstats_manage" js="0">Can view reaction statistics?</word>
<word key="menu__core_stats_membervisits" js="0">Member Visits</word>
<word key="menu__core_stats_onlineusers" js="0">Online Users</word>
<word key="menu__core_activitystats" js="0">Activity</word>
<word key="menu__core_messengerstats" js="0">Messenger</word>
<word key="menu__core_activitystats_communityactivity" js="0">Community Activity</word>
<word key="menu__core_activitystats_tags" js="0">Tag Usage</word>
<word key="r__tagsusage" js="0">Tag Usage</word>
<word key="r__tagsusage_manage" js="0">Can view statistics on tag usage?</word>
<word key="menu__core_stats_membersactivity" js="0">Member Activity</word>
<word key="member_activity_timeperiod" js="0">Member activity by time period</word>
<word key="member_activity_info" js="0">The total number of members who submitted new content, followed something, or reacted to something on the community in the specified time period.</word>
<word key="menu__core_activitystats_keywords" js="0">Keywords</word>
<word key="stats_keywords" js="0">Keywords</word>
<word key="stats_keywords_desc" js="0">Supply one or more keywords to track usage of</word>
<word key="stats_keywords_prune" js="0">Prune keyword usage logs</word>
<word key="keywordstats_value_4" js="0">Keyword</word>
<word key="keywordstats_extra_data" js="0">Used In</word>
<word key="keywordstats_time" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="keywordstats_author" js="0">Author</word>
<word key="manage_keywords" js="0">Manage Keyword Settings</word>
<word key="visit_date" js="0">Find members whose last visit was</word>
<word key="member_visits_results" js="0">{# [1:member][?:members]} last visited between %s and %s</word>
<word key="visits_name" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="visits_last_visit" js="0">Last Visit</word>
<word key="visits_email" js="0">Email Address</word>
<word key="visits_group_name" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="visits_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="keyword_usage_chart" js="0">Keyword usage by time period</word>
<word key="activity_date" js="0">Find members whose last content item, comment or review submission was</word>
<word key="member_activity_results" js="0">{# [1:member][?:members]} last posted between %s and %s</word>
<word key="activity_name" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="activity_member_last_post" js="0">Last Post</word>
<word key="activity_member_posts" js="0">Content Count</word>
<word key="activity_email" js="0">Email Address</word>
<word key="activity_group_name" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="activity_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="filter_stats_by_group" js="0">Filter by group?</word>
<word key="menu__core_stats_deviceusage" js="0">Device Usage</word>
<word key="r__deviceusage" js="0">Device Usage</word>
<word key="r__deviceusage_manage" js="0">Can view device usage statistics?</word>
<word key="acplog__statsdevices_settings" js="0">Adjusted device usage statistics prune settings</word>
<word key="stats_deviceusage_title" js="0">Visitors by device</word>
<word key="stats_devices_mobiles" js="0">Mobiles</word>
<word key="stats_devices_tablets" js="0">Tablets</word>
<word key="stats_devices_consoles" js="0">Game Consoles</word>
<word key="stats_devices_desktops" js="0">Desktops</word>
<word key="stats_device_usage_prune" js="0">Prune logs</word>
<word key="stats_reactions_by_type" js="0">Top Reactions</word>
<word key="stats_reactions_by_app" js="0">Reactions By Application</word>
<word key="stats_reactions_top_content" js="0">Top Content</word>
<word key="stats_reactions_top_givers" js="0">Top Givers</word>
<word key="stats_reactions_top_receivers" js="0">Top Receivers</word>
<word key="menu__core_activitystats_reactions" js="0">Reactions</word>
<word key="reactstats_type_id" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="reactstats_rep_date" js="0">Last Reaction</word>
<word key="reactstats_member_id" js="0">Last Reaction From</word>
<word key="reactstats_rating" js="0">Reaction Total</word>
<word key="reactstatsm_rep_date" js="0">Last Reaction</word>
<word key="reactstatsm_member_id" js="0">Reactions Given By</word>
<word key="reactstatsm_member_received" js="0">Reactions Received By</word>
<word key="reactstatsm_rating" js="0">Reputation</word>
<word key="r__settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="r__settings_manage" js="0">Can change settings?</word>
<word key="r__core_manage_apps" js="0">Manage Applications</word>
<word key="r__app_manage" js="0">Can manage applications</word>
<word key="r__app_delete" js="0">Can uninstall applications</word>
<word key="r__app_install" js="0">Can install applications</word>
<word key="r__module_manage" js="0">Can manage modules</word>
<word key="r__login" js="0"><![CDATA[Login & Registration]]></word>
<word key="r__login_manage" js="0">Can view and manage login methods</word>
<word key="r__login_access" js="0"><![CDATA[Can access Login & Registration page]]></word>
<word key="r__login_settings" js="0">Can manage login settings</word>
<word key="r__registration_settings" js="0">Can manage registration settings</word>
<word key="r__login_account_management" js="0">Can manage account management settings</word>
<word key="r__tags" js="0">Tags</word>
<word key="r__tags_manage" js="0">Can manage tag settings</word>
<word key="r__members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="r__groups" js="0">Groups</word>
<word key="r__promotions" js="0">Group Promotions</word>
<word key="r__promotions_manage" js="0">Can manage group promotion rules?</word>
<word key="r__groups_manage" js="0">Can view groups</word>
<word key="r__groups_add" js="0">Can create new groups</word>
<word key="r__groups_edit" js="0">Can edit existing groups</word>
<word key="r__groups_delete" js="0">Can delete groups</word>
<word key="r__members_reputation" js="0">Reputation</word>
<word key="r__ranks" js="0">Ranks</word>
<word key="r__ranks_manage" js="0">Can manage ranks</word>
<word key="r__reps_settings" js="0">Can manage reputation settings</word>
<word key="r__reps_manage" js="0">Can manage reputation levels</word>
<word key="r__reps_delete" js="0">Can delete reputation levels</word>
<word key="r__staff_admin" js="0">Administrators</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_manage" js="0">Can view administrators</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_add_member" js="0">Can add administrators</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_add_group" js="0">Can add administrator groups</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_edit_member" js="0">Can edit administrators</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_edit_group" js="0">Can edit administrator groups</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_delete_member" js="0">Can delete administrators</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_delete_group" js="0">Can delete administrator groups</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_adminlogs" js="0">Can view administrator logs</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_adminlogs_prune" js="0">Can adjust prune settings for administrator logs</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_moderatorlogs" js="0">Can view moderator logs</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_moderatorlogs_prune" js="0">Can adjust prune settings for moderator logs</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_acploginlogs" js="0">Can view Admin CP login logs</word>
<word key="r__restrictions_acploginlogs_prune" js="0">Can adjust prune settings for Admin CP login logs</word>
<word key="r__moderators" js="0">Moderators</word>
<word key="r__moderators_manage" js="0">Can view moderators</word>
<word key="r__moderators_add_member" js="0">Can add moderators</word>
<word key="r__moderators_add_group" js="0">Can add moderator groups</word>
<word key="r__moderators_edit_member" js="0">Can edit moderators</word>
<word key="r__moderators_edit_group" js="0">Can edit moderator groups</word>
<word key="r__moderators_delete_member" js="0">Can delete moderators</word>
<word key="r__moderators_delete_group" js="0">Can delete moderator groups</word>
<word key="r__profiles" js="0">Profiles</word>
<word key="r__profiles_manage" js="0">Can manage profile settings</word>
<word key="r__profilefields_manage" js="0">Can manage profile fields</word>
<word key="r__profilefields_add" js="0">Can add profile fields</word>
<word key="r__profilefields_edit" js="0">Can edit profile fields</word>
<word key="r__profilefields_delete" js="0">Can delete profile fields</word>
<word key="r__profilefieldgroups_add" js="0">Can add profile field groups</word>
<word key="r__profilefieldgroups_edit" js="0">Can edit profile field groups</word>
<word key="r__profilefieldgroups_delete" js="0">Can delete profile field groups</word>
<word key="r__member_add" js="0">Can create member accounts</word>
<word key="r__member_add_admin" js="0">Can create admin accounts</word>
<word key="r__member_edit" js="0">Can edit member accounts</word>
<word key="r__member_edit_admin" js="0">Can edit admin accounts</word>
<word key="r__member_delete" js="0">Can delete member accounts</word>
<word key="r__member_delete_admin" js="0">Can delete admin accounts</word>
<word key="r__member_login" js="0">Can sign in as members</word>
<word key="r__members_merge" js="0">Can merge members</word>
<word key="r__member_move_admin1" js="0">Can move admins into other groups</word>
<word key="r__member_move_admin2" js="0">Can move members into admin groups</word>
<word key="r__member_ban" js="0">Can ban/unban members</word>
<word key="r__member_ban_admin" js="0">Can ban admins</word>
<word key="r__member_photo" js="0">Can edit member photos</word>
<word key="r__member_photo_admin" js="0">Can edit admin photos</word>
<word key="r__membertools_validating" js="0">Can manage validating accounts</word>
<word key="r__membertools_locked" js="0">Can manage locked accounts</word>
<word key="r__membertools_delete" js="0">Can delete members' content</word>
<word key="r__membertools_ip" js="0">Can use Device and IP Address lookup tools</word>
<word key="r__membertools_reset" js="0">Can use recount and reset tools</word>
<word key="r__email" js="0">Email Settings</word>
<word key="r__email_manage" js="0">Can manage email settings</word>
<word key="r__email_incoming" js="0">Can manage incoming email settings</word>
<word key="r__email_test" js="0">Can use email test tool</word>
<word key="r__email_errorlog" js="0">Can view error log and resend failed emails</word>
<word key="r__email_errorlog_prune" js="0">Can adjust prune settings for email error log</word>
<word key="r__general" js="0">General Configuration</word>
<word key="r__general_manage" js="0">Can manage general configuration</word>
<word key="r__enhancements" js="0">Community Enhancements</word>
<word key="r__enhancements_manage" js="0">Can manage community enhancements</word>
<word key="r__licensekey" js="0">License Key</word>
<word key="r__licensekey_manage" js="0">Can view and manage license data</word>
<word key="r__spam" js="0">Spam Prevention</word>
<word key="r__spam_manage" js="0">Can manage spam prevention settings</word>
<word key="r__errorLogs" js="0">Error Logs</word>
<word key="r__error_manage" js="0">Can manage error logs</word>
<word key="r__adminlogin" js="0">Admin Login Logs</word>
<word key="r__adminlogin_manage" js="0">Can manage admin login logs</word>
<word key="r__warnings" js="0">Warnings</word>
<word key="r__warn_settings" js="0">Can manage Warning settings</word>
<word key="r__reasons_view" js="0">Can view Warn Reasons</word>
<word key="r__reasons_add" js="0">Can add Warn Reasons</word>
<word key="r__reasons_edit" js="0">Can edit Warn Reasons</word>
<word key="r__reasons_delete" js="0">Can delete Warn Reasons</word>
<word key="r__actions_view" js="0">Can view Warn Actions</word>
<word key="r__actions_add" js="0">Can add Warn Actions</word>
<word key="r__actions_edit" js="0">Can edit Warn Actions</word>
<word key="r__actions_delete" js="0">Can delete Warn Actions</word>
<word key="r__notifications" js="0">Notifications</word>
<word key="r__notifications_manage" js="0">Can manage Notification Settings</word>
<word key="r__emoticons" js="0">Emoji</word>
<word key="r__emoticons_manage" js="0">Can view and edit emoji settings</word>
<word key="r__emoticons_add" js="0">Can add custom emoji</word>
<word key="r__emoticons_edit" js="0">Can edit custom emoji</word>
<word key="r__emoticons_delete" js="0">Can delete custom emoji</word>
<word key="r__theme_settings_add" js="0">Can add theme settings</word>
<word key="r__theme_settings_remove" js="0">Can delete theme settings</word>
<word key="r__files" js="0">Uploaded Files</word>
<word key="r__files_manage" js="0">Can view and manage uploaded files</word>
<word key="r__qanda_manage" js="0">Can manage question and answer challenge</word>
<word key="r__qanda_add" js="0">Can add question and answer challenges</word>
<word key="r__qanda_edit" js="0">Can edit question and answer challenges</word>
<word key="r__qanda_delete" js="0">Can delete question and answer challenges</word>
<word key="r__incomingemail" js="0">Can manage incoming email rules</word>
<word key="r__languages" js="0">Languages</word>
<word key="r__lang_words" js="0">Can translate words and phrases</word>
<word key="r__lang_packs" js="0">Can add/edit/delete languages</word>
<word key="r__admin" js="0">Admin Logs</word>
<word key="r__emailerror" js="0">Email Error Logs</word>
<word key="r__emailerror_manage" js="0">Can manage email error logs</word>
<word key="r__spam_service_log" js="0">Can manage Spam Defense logs</word>
<word key="r__admin_manage" js="0">Can manage admin logs</word>
<word key="r__plugins" js="0">Plugins</word>
<word key="r__plugins_manage" js="0">Can manage plugins</word>
<word key="r__theme_templates_manage" js="0">Can manage theme templates and CSS</word>
<word key="r__theme_download_upload" js="0">Can upload/download themes</word>
<word key="r__theme_designers_mode" js="0">Can enable/disable Designer's Mode</word>
<word key="r__messages" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="r__messages_manage" js="0">Can view new conversations stats</word>
<word key="r__registrations" js="0">Registrations</word>
<word key="r__registrations_manage" js="0">Can view new registration stats</word>
<word key="r__toolbar" js="0">Editor Toolbar</word>
<word key="r__toolbar_manage" js="0">Manage the editor toolbar</word>
<word key="r__terms" js="0"><![CDATA[Terms & Privacy Policy]]></word>
<word key="r__terms_manage" js="0"><![CDATA[Can manage Terms & Privacy Policy?]]></word>
<word key="r__member_history" js="0">Can view member history</word>
<word key="r__member_history_prune" js="0">Can adjust prune settings for member history</word>
<word key="r__spam_whitelist_manage" js="0">Can manage Spam Defense whitelist</word>
<word key="r__spam_whitelist_add" js="0">Can add to the Spam Defence whitelist</word>
<word key="r__spam_whitelist_edit" js="0">Can edit the Spam Defence whitelist</word>
<word key="r__spam_whitelist_delete" js="0">Can delete from the Spam Defence whitelist</word>
<word key="grouppromotions" js="0">Group Promotion Rules</word>
<word key="generic_gp_details" js="0">Rule Details</word>
<word key="generic_gp_filters" js="0">Filters</word>
<word key="generic_gp_actions" js="0">Actions</word>
<word key="promote_title" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="promote_enabled" js="0">Enabled</word>
<word key="do_not_change_group" js="0">Do not change group</word>
<word key="promote_group_primary" js="0">Move to group</word>
<word key="promote_group_secondary" js="0">Add secondary groups</word>
<word key="promote_group_secondary_desc" js="0">When adding a secondary group, please note that the exclude promotion setting is ignored with secondary groups to allow members to be promoted again</word>
<word key="demote_group_secondary" js="0">Remove secondary groups</word>
<word key="demote_group_secondary_desc" js="0">You may wish to remove previously awarded secondary groups when a user reaches a new group promotion</word>
<word key="days_ago" js="0">days ago</word>
<word key="or_more_than" js="0">More than </word>
<word key="or_less_than" js="0">Less than </word>
<word key="group_promotion_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[You can set up rules to move members into different groups when they meet certain criteria. If a member meets the criteria for more than one rule, the last shown in the list will be used. For example, if you have a rule to promote members after they have made 10 posts, and another after 100 posts, you should make sure the 100 post rule is below the 10 post rule in this list. You can exclude certain groups in the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=g_promote_exclude}'>group settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="group_promotion_blurb_commerce" js="0"><![CDATA[You can set up rules to move members into different groups when they meet certain criteria. If a member meets the criteria for more than one rule, the last shown in the list will be used. For example, if you have a rule to promote members after they have made 10 posts, and another after 100 posts, you should make sure the 100 post rule is below the 10 post rule in this list. If a member purchases a <a href='{internal.app=nexus&module=store&controller=packages}'>product</a> which moves them into a group, these rules will not apply to them. You can also exclude certain groups in the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=g_promote_exclude}'>group settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="grouppromotion_warning" js="0">This promotion uses a group which no longer exists</word>
<word key="email_settings" js="0">Email Settings</word>
<word key="email_out" js="0">Outgoing email address</word>
<word key="email_out_desc" js="0">Emails sent from your site to members will appear as being sent from this address.</word>
<word key="email_out_cic" js="0">Outgoing email address</word>
<word key="email_out_cic_desc" js="0">Emails sent from your site to members will appear as being sent from this address. To change this, choose a different mail delivery method.</word>
<word key="email_in" js="0">Incoming email address</word>
<word key="email_in_desc" js="0">This is provided to users on error screens and for certain notifications if enabled.</word>
<word key="email_color" js="0">Primary email color</word>
<word key="email_color_desc" js="0">Default emails sent from your site will be customized using this primary colour.</word>
<word key="email_logo" js="0">Email logo</word>
<word key="mail_method" js="0">Mail delivery method</word>
<word key="mail_method_php" js="0">PHP</word>
<word key="mail_method_php_desc" js="0">Uses your local server to send emails. Sufficient for most sites, but reliability may vary depending on your hosting provider.</word>
<word key="mail_method_cic" js="0">Invision Community in the Cloud</word>
<word key="mail_method_cic_desc" js="0">Uses Invision Community servers to send emails.</word>
<word key="mail_method_smtp" js="0">SMTP</word>
<word key="mail_method_smtp_desc" js="0">Allows you to specify custom SMTP details.</word>
<word key="mail_method_sendgrid" js="0">SendGrid</word>
<word key="mail_method_sendgrid_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Uses <a href='{internal.app=core&module=applications&controller=enhancements&do=edit&id=core_Sendgrid}'>SendGrid</a> API to send emails quickly and reliably.]]></word>
<word key="php_mail_extra" js="0">Additional parameters</word>
<word key="php_mail_extra_desc" js="0">Can be used to pass additional flags as command line options to the program configured to be used when sending mail. This can usually be left blank.</word>
<word key="smtp_host" js="0">SMTP Host</word>
<word key="smtp_protocol" js="0">SMTP Protocol</word>
<word key="smtp_plaintext" js="0">Standard / Plaintext</word>
<word key="smtp_ssl" js="0">SSL</word>
<word key="smtp_tls" js="0">TLS</word>
<word key="smtp_port" js="0">SMTP Port</word>
<word key="smtp_user" js="0">SMTP Username</word>
<word key="smtp_pass" js="0">SMTP Password</word>
<word key="smtp_helo" js="0">SMTP greeting to use</word>
<word key="smtp_helo_desc" js="0">EHLO should be used if the SMTP server supports ESMTP.</word>
<word key="mail_wrap_brackets" js="0">Send angle brackets around addresses?</word>
<word key="mail_wrap_brackets_desc" js="0">Some SMTP servers require this to be enabled. If email does not appear to be sending, try adjusting this setting.</word>
<word key="email_test" js="0">Test Settings</word>
<word key="email_test_subject" js="0">Test Email</word>
<word key="email_test_message" js="0">This email confirms that your email settings are configured correctly.</word>
<word key="email_test_okay" js="0">The email has been sent. Check to make sure you have received it to confirm that emails are sending successfully.</word>
<word key="email_test_error" js="0">The email could not be sent. Check the settings entered are correct or contact your hosting or SMTP provider for more information.</word>
<word key="email_test_mailfunction_disabled" js="0">Server did not accept message for delivery but provided no error message.</word>
<word key="email_test_okay_auto" js="0">A test email has been sent to your email address. Check to make sure you have received it to confirm that emails are sending successfully with the new settings.</word>
<word key="email_test_error_auto" js="0">A test email could not be sent. Check the settings entered are correct or contact your hosting or SMTP provider for more information.</word>
<word key="smtpmail_tls_failed" js="0">The email could not be sent because the attempt to establish a TLS connection to the SMTP server has failed.</word>
<word key="acplogs__email_settings" js="0">Edited email settings</word>
<word key="social_links_in_email" js="0">Include social profile links in emails?</word>
<word key="social_links_in_email_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=general}'>Social profiles</a> will show in the footer of site emails.]]></word>
<word key="our_picks_in_email" js="0">Include promoted content in emails?</word>
<word key="our_picks_in_email_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{internal.app=core&module=promotion&controller=promote&tab=internal}'>Promoted content</a> from 'Our Picks' will show in the footer of site emails.]]></word>
<word key="ie_cf_from" js="0">Sender Email</word>
<word key="ie_cf_to" js="0">Destination Email</word>
<word key="ie_cf_sbjt" js="0">Subject</word>
<word key="ie_cf_body" js="0">Body</word>
<word key="ie_ct_ctns" js="0">Contains</word>
<word key="ie_ct_eqls" js="0">Equals</word>
<word key="ie_ct_regx" js="0">Matches Regular Expression</word>
<word key="rule_criteria_value" js="0">Ignore When</word>
<word key="incomingemail_add" js="0">Add Filter</word>
<word key="acplogs__incomingemail_deleted" js="0">Deleted an incoming email rule</word>
<word key="ie_sendto" js="0">Send to: %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__incomingemail_edited" js="0">Edited an incoming email rule</word>
<word key="acplogs__incomingemail_added" js="0">Added an incoming email rule</word>
<word key="ie_ignore" js="0">Ignore Email</word>
<word key="rule_action" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="incoming_email_no_subject" js="0">(No Subject)</word>
<word key="external_redirect" js="0">Redirecting you...</word>
<word key="overview_license_key_header" js="0">License Key: %s</word>
<word key="license_settings" js="0">License Key</word>
<word key="acplogs__license_settings" js="0">Updated license key</word>
<word key="license_refresh" js="0">Refresh License Data</word>
<word key="license_change" js="0">Change License Key</word>
<word key="license_generic_error" js="0">There was an error communicating with the license server. Please try again later or contact technical support for assistance.</word>
<word key="license_server_error" js="0">There was an error communicating with the license server: %s. Please try again later or contact technical support for assistance.</word>
<word key="license_key_not_found" js="0">The license key supplied is not valid. Please check the provided key and try again or contact technical support for more assistance.</word>
<word key="license_key_legacy" js="0">The license key supplied is not compatible with this version of Invision Community. Please contact technical support for assistance.</word>
<word key="license_key_active" js="0">This license key has already been activated. Your license key entitles you to one installation only. If you need to change the URL associated with your license, contact technical support.</word>
<word key="license_key_test_active" js="0">A test installation has already been activated for this license key. Your license key entitles you to one test site only.</word>
<word key="license_expires" js="0">Renews: </word>
<word key="license_url" js="0">URL: %s</word>
<word key="license_test_url" js="0">Test Site: %s</word>
<word key="license_name_cloud" js="0">Invision Community in the Cloud</word>
<word key="license_name_license" js="0">Invision Community</word>
<word key="licensekey_benefits_head" js="0">Your license benefits</word>
<word key="license_benefit_forums" js="0">Forums</word>
<word key="license_benefit_calendar" js="0">Calendar</word>
<word key="license_benefit_blog" js="0">Blogs</word>
<word key="license_benefit_gallery" js="0">Gallery</word>
<word key="license_benefit_downloads" js="0">Downloads</word>
<word key="license_benefit_cms" js="0">Pages</word>
<word key="license_benefit_nexus" js="0">Commerce</word>
<word key="license_benefit_spam" js="0">Spam Defense</word>
<word key="license_benefit_support" js="0">%s Support</word>
<word key="license_benefit_copyright" js="0">Copyright Removal</word>
<word key="license_key_refreshed" js="0">Your license details have been refreshed</word>
<word key="license_error_none" js="0"><![CDATA[There is a problem with your license key. Please <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=settings&controller=licensekey}'>check your license key</a>.]]></word>
<word key="license_error_expired" js="0">Your license renewal has expired. An active license opens up access to many more services and offerings, including our Spam Defense service, and technical support and updates.</word>
<word key="license_not_recognised" js="0"><![CDATA[Your license key is not recognised. You can <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=licensekey&do=refresh}'>try to refresh your license data</a> or <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=licensekey&do=settings}'>enter a new key</a>. If you cannot resolve the problem, please contact technical support for assistance.]]></word>
<word key="license_renew_now" js="0">Renew Now</word>
<word key="license_check_again" js="0">Check Again</word>
<word key="license_dismiss" js="0">Hide this message</word>
<word key="license_error_admin" js="0">This message only shows to administrators.</word>
<word key="get_support_no_license" js="0"><![CDATA[Your license has expired. In order to contact technical support, please <a href='{external.client_area}' target='_blank'>renew your license via your client center</a>.]]></word>
<word key="get_support_unsupported_prerelease" js="0">You are running a pre-release version that is unsupported and so it is not possible to contact technical support regarding this issue.</word>
<word key="get_support_unsupported_obsolete" js="0">You are running an old version that is no longer supported and so it is not possible to contact technical support regarding this issue. For help and advice on how to upgrade to a new version, please contact technical support via the client area.</word>
<word key="license_renewal_soon" js="0">Your license will expire in {# [1:day][?:days]}. An active license opens up access to many more services and offerings, including our Spam Defense service, and technical support and updates.</word>
<word key="license_renewal_not_now" js="0">Not at this time</word>
<word key="qanda_settings" js="0">Question and Answer Challenge</word>
<word key="qanda_add_question" js="0">Add Question</word>
<word key="acplogs__question_deleted" js="0">Deleted a question and answer challenge</word>
<word key="acplogs__question_edited" js="0">Edited a question and answer challenge</word>
<word key="acplogs__question_added" js="0">Added a question and answer challenge</word>
<word key="qa_question" js="0">Question</word>
<word key="qa_answers" js="0">Answers</word>
<word key="qa_answers_desc" js="0">Remember to consider alternative spellings and common misspellings of words (i.e. gray vs grey) and similar variations of answers</word>
<word key="r__system_logs" js="0">System Logs</word>
<word key="r__system_logs_view" js="0">Can view system logs</word>
<word key="r__system_logs_prune" js="0">Can manage system log prune settings</word>
<word key="menu__core_diagnostics_systemLogs" js="0">System Logs</word>
<word key="log_time" js="0">Date/Time</word>
<word key="log_category" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="log_message" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="log_member_id" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="log_url" js="0">URL</word>
<word key="log_missing_data" js="0">Not available</word>
<word key="acplog__systemlog_settings" js="0">Edited system log settings</word>
<word key="systemlogssettings" js="0">System log settings</word>
<word key="triggered_at" js="0">The URL of page the error occurred on was</word>
<word key="triggered_by" js="0">%s was the member that triggered this log entry</word>
<word key="triggered_guest" js="0">The log entry was triggered by a guest</word>
<word key="prune_log_system" js="0">Prune System Logs</word>
<word key="log_backtrace" js="0">Backtrace</word>
<word key="acplog__log_delete" js="0">Deleted %s log from %s</word>
<word key="acplog__log_delete_uncategorised" js="0">Deleted an uncategoried log from %s</word>
<word key="log_view_file_logs" js="0">View File Logs</word>
<word key="log_view_file_logs_info" js="0"><![CDATA[If a log needs to be written and logging to the database fails, the log is written to disk instead. For example, this might occur if the database is completely inaccessible. Logs are currently being written to the <code>%s</code> directory <a class='ipsType_small' href='{external.log_directory}' target='_blank'>(change)</a>.]]></word>
<word key="log_file_could_not_delete" js="0">The file could not be deleted</word>
<word key="log_file" js="0">File</word>
<word key="file_logs" js="0">File Logs</word>
<word key="acplog__log_delete_file" js="0">Deleted file log: %s</word>
<word key="menu__core_customization_emails" js="0">Emails</word>
<word key="r__emails" js="0">Emails</word>
<word key="r__emails_manage" js="0">Manage emails</word>
<word key="emailtpl_header" js="0">Emails</word>
<word key="emailtpl_template_name" js="0">Template Name</word>
<word key="emailtpl_template_app" js="0">App</word>
<word key="emailtpl_registration_complete" js="0">Registration completed confirmation</word>
<word key="emailtpl_email_change" js="0">Change email address confirmation</word>
<word key="emailtpl_admin_spammer" js="0">User marked as spammer notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_admin_reg" js="0">Admin notification of registration pending approval</word>
<word key="emailtpl_title" js="0">How emails are built</word>
<word key="emailtpl_info" js="0">Each email sent comprises two versions: a rich HTML version, and plain-text version. The user's email client determines which version to show - generally the HTML version, unless the user has specifically chosen to view plain-text emails.</word>
<word key="emailtpl_emailWrapper" js="0">Email wrapper</word>
<word key="acplog__emailtpl_reverted" js="0">Email template reverted: %s</word>
<word key="emailtpl_nofind" js="0">Could not find the email template you attempted to edit</word>
<word key="emailtpl_params_head" js="0">Parameters: %s</word>
<word key="emailtpl_edit" js="0">Edit Email</word>
<word key="content_plaintext" js="0">Plain text email</word>
<word key="content_plaintext_desc" js="0">In plain text emails, whitespace is preserved as-is.</word>
<word key="content_html" js="0">HTML email</word>
<word key="acplogs__emailtpl_edited" js="0">Edited email template: %s</word>
<word key="upload_email_template" js="0">Upload Email Template</word>
<word key="preview_email_wrapper" js="0">Preview Wrapper</word>
<word key="acplogs__emailtemplate_updated" js="0">Uploaded an email template</word>
<word key="email_template_uploaded" js="0">The email template has been updated</word>
<word key="email_template_not_found" js="0">The email template you tried to export could not be found</word>
<word key="email_template_file" js="0">Select File</word>
<word key="email_template_badform" js="0">The file uploaded does not appear to be a valid email template export</word>
<word key="email_template_noexist" js="0">You can only upload customized email templates for templates that already exist. You do not appear to have the %s email template.</word>
<word key="theme_update_check_task" js="0">The following themes were successfully checked for updates: %s</word>
<word key="theme_update_check_error" js="0">The following errors were returned while checking for themes updates: %s</word>
<word key="theme_update_check_both" js="0">The following themes were successfully checked for updates: %s. The following errors were returned while checking for themes updates: %s.</word>
<word key="theme_update_error_string" js="0">(%s) %s</word>
<word key="theme_new_version_available" js="0">Update Available!</word>
<word key="theme_new_version_tip_date" js="0">Version %s was released on %s</word>
<word key="theme_new_version_tip" js="0">Version %s is now available</word>
<word key="emailtpl_error_log" js="0">Error was logged</word>
<word key="emailtpl_friend_added" js="0">User has been added as a friend</word>
<word key="emailtpl_lost_password_init" js="0">Lost password request</word>
<word key="emailtpl_new_pm" js="0">User has received a new private message</word>
<word key="emailtpl_profile_comment" js="0">User has commented on a profile</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_new_private_message" js="0">New private message notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_registration_notify" js="0">Admin notification of new registration</word>
<word key="emailtpl_registration_validate" js="0">Registration validation</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_warning_mods" js="0">Moderator notification when member is warned</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_quote" js="0">Quote notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_profile_comment" js="0">Status update</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_profile_reply" js="0">Status reply</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_new_review" js="0">New review</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_new_content" js="0">New content</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_new_comment" js="0">New comment</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_mention" js="0">Mention notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_member_follow" js="0">Member follow</word>
<word key="emailtpl_digests__areaWrapper" js="0">Digest email area wrapper</word>
<word key="emailtpl_digests__item" js="0">Content item digests</word>
<word key="emailtpl_digests__comment" js="0">Content comment digests</word>
<word key="emailtpl_digest" js="0">Digest template</word>
<word key="emailtpl_contact_form" js="0">Contact form</word>
<word key="emailtpl_warning" js="0">Warning notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_emailConfirmation" js="0">Confirmation email</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_unapproved_content" js="0">Moderator notification about unapproved content</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_new_status" js="0">New status notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_new_content_bulk" js="0">New content notification bulk mail</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_unapproved_content_bulk" js="0">Unapproved content notification bulk mail</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_private_message_added" js="0">User was added to a private message</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_new_likes" js="0">Content like notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_new_react" js="0">Content reaction notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_report_center" js="0">Reported content notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_upgrade" js="0">Upgrade information email</word>
<word key="emailtpl_unsubscribeNotification" js="0">Notification unsubscribe</word>
<word key="emailtpl_unsubscribeFollow" js="0">Follow unsubscribe</word>
<word key="emailtpl_unsubscribeDigest" js="0">Digest unsubscribe</word>
<word key="emailtpl_unsubscribeBulk" js="0">Bulk mail unsubscribe</word>
<word key="emailtpl_password_changed" js="0">Password changed</word>
<word key="emailtpl_forgotSecurityAnswers" js="0">Forgot security answers</word>
<word key="emailtpl_email_address_changed" js="0">Email address changed</word>
<word key="emailtpl_account_locked" js="0">Account locked</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_event_reminder" js="0">Event reminders</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_club_response" js="0">Club join response</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_club_request" js="0">Club join request</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_club_join" js="0">Club join notification</word>
<word key="emailtpl_notification_club_invitation" js="0">Club join invitation</word>
<word key="emailtpl_new_device" js="0">Login from a new device</word>
<word key="emailtpl_mfaRecovery" js="0">Two factor authentication account recovery</word>
<word key="menu__core_customization" js="0">Appearance</word>
<word key="menutab__customization" js="0">Customization</word>
<word key="menu__core_customization_themes" js="0">Themes</word>
<word key="r__theme_sets" js="0">Themes</word>
<word key="r__theme_sets_manage" js="0">Manage themes</word>
<word key="r__theme_easy_editor" js="0">Can use the easy mode editor</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_title" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_is_default" js="0">Default Front-end Theme?</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_is_acp_default" js="0">Default AdminCP Theme?</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_is_default_error" js="0">At least one theme must be set as the default. Enable this setting for the new default theme first.</word>
<word key="cannot_delete_default_theme" js="0">You cannot delete the default theme.</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor_header" js="0">Editor</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[To customise how the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=editor&controller=toolbar}'>editor</a> looks, Invision Community uses CKEditor Skins. You can obtain new skins for the editor from <a href='{external.ckeditor_themes}' target='_blank'>CKEditor's website</a> (must be compatible with version %s). Each theme can use a different editor skin.]]></word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor" js="0">Editor Skin</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor_existing_sel" js="0">Use a skin which has already been installed</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor_dev" js="0">When in developer mode, the default editor skin is always used.</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor_new_sel" js="0">Upload a new skin</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor_existing" js="0">Existing Editor Skin</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor_existing_instr" js="0"><![CDATA[To install a new theme, upload the theme directory to the <em>/applications/core/interface/ckeditor/ckeditor/skins</em> directory, then visit this page and select the skin from the list.]]></word>
<word key="core_theme_set_editor_new" js="0">Skin .zip file</word>
<word key="theme_set_tab__general" js="0">General</word>
<word key="theme_set_manage_templates_css" js="0">Edit HTML and CSS</word>
<word key="theme_set_master_rebuild_done" js="0">Import of master templates complete</word>
<word key="theme_set_build" js="0">Advanced: Compile now</word>
<word key="theme_set_import_master" js="0">Advanced: Sync from file system</word>
<word key="theme_set_template_templatevars" js="0">Template Variables</word>
<word key="theme_set_template_cssattr" js="0">CSS Attributes</word>
<word key="theme_set_template_no_selection" js="0">Please select a template bit to edit</word>
<word key="theme_set_template_html" js="0">HTML</word>
<word key="theme_set_template_css" js="0">CSS</word>
<word key="theme_set_add_html" js="0">Add HTML Template</word>
<word key="theme_set_add_css" js="0">Add CSS</word>
<word key="theme_template_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="theme_template_name_desc" js="0">The name must start with a letter or underscore. No spaces and only the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ </word>
<word key="theme_template_data" js="0">Variables</word>
<word key="theme_template_app" js="0">Application</word>
<word key="theme_template_content" js="0">HTML Content</word>
<word key="theme_template_location" js="0">Location</word>
<word key="core_theme_error_template_name_exists" js="0">Template name already exists with this location and group.</word>
<word key="theme_css_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="theme_css_name_desc" js="0">No spaces and only the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ .</word>
<word key="theme_css_app" js="0">Application</word>
<word key="theme_css_content" js="0">CSS Content</word>
<word key="theme_error_no_template" js="0">Template bit cannot be found</word>
<word key="theme_template_location_type" js="0">Location</word>
<word key="theme_template_location_o_existing" js="0">Add to an existing location</word>
<word key="theme_template_location_o_new" js="0">Create new location</word>
<word key="theme_template_location_existing" js="0">Existing Location</word>
<word key="theme_template_location_new" js="0">New Location</word>
<word key="theme_template_location_new_desc" js="0">No spaces and only the following characters: a-z 0-9</word>
<word key="theme_template_group_type" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="theme_template_group_o_existing" js="0">Add to an existing group</word>
<word key="theme_template_group_o_new" js="0">Create new group</word>
<word key="theme_template_group_existing" js="0">Existing Group</word>
<word key="theme_template_group_new" js="0">New Group</word>
<word key="theme_template_group_new_desc" js="0">No spaces and only the following characters: a-z 0-9 _</word>
<word key="theme_css_location_type" js="0">Location</word>
<word key="theme_css_location_o_existing" js="0">Add to an existing location</word>
<word key="theme_css_location_o_new" js="0">Create new location</word>
<word key="theme_css_location_existing" js="0">Existing Location</word>
<word key="theme_css_location_new" js="0">New Location</word>
<word key="theme_css_location_new_desc" js="0">No spaces and only the following characters: a-z 0-9</word>
<word key="core_theme_error_css_name_exists" js="0">CSS file with this name already exists with this location and path.</word>
<word key="theme_css_group_type" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="theme_css_group_o_existing" js="0">Add to an existing group</word>
<word key="theme_css_group_o_new" js="0">Create new group</word>
<word key="theme_css_group_existing" js="0">Existing Group</word>
<word key="theme_css_group_new" js="0">New Group</word>
<word key="theme_css_group_new_desc" js="0">No spaces and only the following characters: a-z 0-9 _</word>
<word key="theme_clone_copy_of" js="0">Copy of %s</word>
<word key="theme_set_add_setting" js="0">Add theme Setting</word>
<word key="acplogs__themeset_created" js="0">Theme created - %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__themetemplate_updated" js="0">Template updated - (%s - %s - %s - %s)</word>
<word key="acplogs__themetemplate_deleted" js="0">Template deleted or reverted - (%s - %s - %s - %s)</word>
<word key="theme_error_not_available_in_dev" js="0">You cannot perform this action while in developer mode.</word>
<word key="theme_update_check" js="0">Update Check URL</word>
<word key="theme_update_check_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[This URL will be called periodically to check for updates for this theme. <a href='{external.devdocs-updateurl}' target='_blank'>More information</a>.]]></word>
<word key="core_theme_set_permissions" js="0">Available for</word>
<word key="core_theme_parent_id" js="0">Parent</word>
<word key="core_theme_parent_id_none" js="0">None</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_template_new" js="0">New Template</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_template_deleted" js="0">Deleted Template</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_css_new" js="0">New CSS</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_css_deleted" js="0">Deleted CSS</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_diff_export" js="0">Export Differences</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_diff_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[This diff contains all new, deleted and changed template bits and CSS for the theme <strong>%s</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="core_theme_invalid_plugin" js="0">You cannot use the template plug-in '{%s}' here.</word>
<word key="core_theme_template_parse_error" js="0">The template bit contains broken PHP or template tags and could not be saved. Please review your modifications.</word>
<word key="theme_editing_title" js="0">Editing %s</word>
<word key="theme_template_outofdate" js="0">Modified on previous version</word>
<word key="theme_template_modified" js="0">Modified on this version</word>
<word key="theme_template_inherited" js="0">Inherited from parent theme</word>
<word key="theme_template_unique" js="0">Unique to this theme</word>
<word key="theme_template_unmodified" js="0">Unmodified</word>
<word key="theme_template_variables_info" js="0">These are the variables passed into this template by the theme engine. Only modify the order or add new variables if you've made the relevant changes in the PHP module.</word>
<word key="theme_css_attributes" js="0">These are the attributes that will apply to this CSS file</word>
<word key="theme_template_new" js="0">New</word>
<word key="theme_template_new_html" js="0">HTML Template</word>
<word key="theme_template_new_css" js="0">CSS File</word>
<word key="theme_template_add_html" js="0">Add HTML Template</word>
<word key="theme_template_add_css" js="0">Add CSS File</word>
<word key="theme_templates" js="0">Templates</word>
<word key="theme_css" js="0">CSS</word>
<word key="theme_wrap" js="0">Wrap contents</word>
<word key="theme_show_line" js="0">Show line numbers</word>
<word key="theme_show_original" js="0">Show default</word>
<word key="theme_variables" js="0">Variables...</word>
<word key="theme_attributes" js="0">Attributes...</word>
<word key="theme_edit_css" js="0">Edit CSS attributes</word>
<word key="theme_edit_variables" js="0">Edit variables</word>
<word key="theme_template_variables" js="0">Template variables</word>
<word key="core_theme_cannot_delete_default_theme" js="0">You cannot delete your default theme</word>
<word key="core_theme_default_dev_reminder" js="0">You are editing the Default theme with developer mode enabled. All changes made here will be stored for new Invision Community installations.</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_theme_type" js="0">Theme type</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_theme_vse" js="0">Easy Mode</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_theme_custom" js="0">Manual Mode</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_theme_upload" js="0">Upload Theme</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_theme_upload_desc" js="0">Allows you to upload a theme set.</word>
<word key="core_theme_upload_field" js="0">Upload</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_theme_vse_desc" js="0">Allows you to make changes to the theme's colors with an instant preview. You can switch to Manual Mode at any time.</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_theme_custom_desc" js="0">Allows full editing of HTML and CSS code. Once you have chosen Manual Mode, you cannot switch back to Easy Mode.</word>
<word key="core_theme_launch_vse" js="0">Launch Easy Mode Editor</word>
<word key="core_theme_launch_vse_tooltip" js="0">Launches the editor in a new browser window</word>
<word key="core_theme_cant_easy_mode" js="0">You do not have permission to launch the Easy Mode editor</word>
<word key="theme_set_convert_vsecustom_link" js="0">Convert to manual mode</word>
<word key="theme_set_convert_vsecustom" js="0">Convert to a manual mode theme to allow full editing of HTML and CSS.You cannot switch back to Easy Mode.</word>
<word key="theme_editor_add_toolbar" js="0">Add toolbar</word>
<word key="theme_editor_add_separator" js="0">Add separator</word>
<word key="core_theme_editing_set" js="0">Editing %s</word>
<word key="theme_set_members" js="0">Set As Members' Theme</word>
<word key="language_set_members" js="0">Set As Members' Language</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_title" js="0">Designers' Mode</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode" js="0">Enable Designers' Mode</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_disable" js="0">Disable Designers' Mode</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Designers' Mode is an advanced way of editing themes.</strong><br>When enabled, you can edit theme HTML, CSS and images from the <span class='ipsType_monospace'>%s/themes/</span> directory.<br>Each theme will have its own directory, the name of the theme folder will correspond to the theme ID.<br>You will edit these <span class='ipsType_monospace'>.phtml</span> and <span class='ipsType_monospace'>.css</span> files directly and the changes will be immediately available.<br>When you have finished editing your theme, you should disable Designers' Mode to copy the changes back to the database.<br><strong>This should not be enabled in a production environment due to the additional processing overhead.</strong><br><br>Please see our <a href="%s" target='_blank'>documentation</a> for more information.]]></word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_explain_turn_off" js="0">Designers' Mode is currently enabled</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_sync" js="0">Synchronize changes</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_sync_desc" js="0">This will synchronize the changes you've made to the HTML, CSS and images in the file system to the database. If you do not do this, all your changes will be lost when switching off Designers' Mode</word>
<word key="theme_dev_import" js="0">Importing theme %s (%s)</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_on_title" js="0">Designers' Mode Enabled</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_error_missing" js="0"><![CDATA[Designers' Mode has been disabled as some of the required HTML or CSS files for theme set ID %s are missing.<br>Please re-visit the ACP and re-enable Designers' Mode to rebuild these files.]]></word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_wipe" js="0">Remove disk files</word>
<word key="theme_designers_mode_wipe_desc" js="0">After synchronizing a theme, the disk files can be removed.</word>
<word key="theme_is_default_with_id" js="0">ID: %s (Default)</word>
<word key="theme_is_acp_default_with_id" js="0">ID: %s (AdminCP Default)</word>
<word key="theme_is_front_default_with_id" js="0">ID: %s (Frontend Default)</word>
<word key="theme_with_id" js="0">ID: %s</word>
<word key="theme_designers_themes" js="0">Synchronize</word>
<word key="theme_designers_themes_all" js="0">All themes</word>
<word key="theme_by" js="0">Theme created by: %s.</word>
<word key="theme_by_with_url" js="0"><![CDATA[Theme created by: <a href='%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>.]]></word>
<word key="theme_has_been_customized" js="0">Customized</word>
<word key="theme_version" js="0">Version: %s.</word>
<word key="search_templates" js="0">Search templates...</word>
<word key="theme_set_manage_resources" js="0">Manage resources</word>
<word key="theme_custom_resources_page_title" js="0">Theme Resources: %s</word>
<word key="core_theme_resources_resource_data" js="0">Preview</word>
<word key="core_theme_resources_resource_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="core_theme_resources_resource_filename" js="0">Template tag</word>
<word key="core_theme_resources_add" js="0">Add Resource</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_group_type" js="0">Folder</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_group_o_existing" js="0">Add to an existing folder</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_group_o_new" js="0">Create new folder</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_group_existing" js="0">Existing Folder</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_group_new" js="0">New Folder</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_group_new_desc" js="0">No spaces and only the following characters: a-z 0-9 _</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_location_type" js="0">Location</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_location_o_existing" js="0">Add to an existing location</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_location_o_new" js="0">Create new location</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_location_existing" js="0">Existing Location</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_location_new" js="0">New Location</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_location_new_desc" js="0">No spaces and only the following characters: a-z 0-9</word>
<word key="core_theme_error_resource_name_exists" js="0">Resource file with this name already exists with this location and path.</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_filename" js="0">Resource</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_app" js="0">Application</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_name_choice" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_name_choice_o_existing" js="0">Keep existing name</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_name_choice_o_existing_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[It is recommended to keep the existing name, even if the file extension has changed.<br>This will not prevent this resource from being loaded and you will not need to update your templates.]]></word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_name_choice_o_filename" js="0">Use uploaded file's name</word>
<word key="core_theme_resource_name_choice_o_filename_desc" js="0">If the file's name is different from the original file, you will need to update all {resource="%s"} references in your templates.</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_diff" js="0">Differences</word>
<word key="theme_set_export" js="0">Download</word>
<word key="theme_set_export_title" js="0">Download %s</word>
<word key="theme_template_export_version" js="0">Version</word>
<word key="theme_template_export_long_version" js="0">Version ID</word>
<word key="theme_template_export_author_name" js="0">Author Name</word>
<word key="theme_template_export_author_url" js="0">Author URL</word>
<word key="theme_set_import" js="0">Upload a new version</word>
<word key="theme_set_add_button" js="0">Add Theme</word>
<word key="theme_set_export_button" js="0">Download</word>
<word key="theme_set_tab__new_vse_set" js="0">New Easy Mode Theme</word>
<word key="theme_set_tab__new_custom_set" js="0">New Manual Mode Theme</word>
<word key="theme_set_tab__import" js="0">Upload</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_new_import" js="0">Theme .xml file</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_upload" js="0">Upload Theme</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_new" js="0">Create New Theme</word>
<word key="theme_export_designer_mode_build_message" js="0"><![CDATA[Designers' mode is enabled.<br>Edits made to files in the /theme/ directory will not be included in this download until you synchronize the changes.<br><br><a href='%s' class='ipsButton ipsButton_primary'>Synchronize Now</a>]]></word>
<word key="theme_set_tab__logo" js="0">Logos</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_logo" js="0">Site Logo Image</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_logo_manage" js="0">Site Logo</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_sharer_logo" js="0">Sharer Logo Image</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_sharer_logo_desc" js="0">This image is used when sharing links to Facebook or Pinterest. The image must be at least 200x200 pixels.</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_sharer_logo_manage" js="0">Sharer Logo</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_sharer_logo_too_small" js="0">The image provided is too small.</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_favico_logo" js="0">Favicon Image</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_favico_logo_desc" js="0">This is a little image that appears in the browser's address bar.</word>
<word key="core_theme_set_favico_logo_manage" js="0">Favicon</word>
<word key="theme_set_custom_setting" js="0">Custom settings</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_title" js="0">Title Language Key</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_title_desc" js="0">You can create language strings by modifying the lang.php file in your theme's directory.</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_title_placeholder" js="0">My Setting</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_key" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_key_placeholder" js="0">my_key</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_add" js="0">Add Setting</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_page_title" js="0">Theme Custom Settings</word>
<word key="menu__core_customization_themesettings" js="0">Custom Settings</word>
<word key="core_theme_setting_sc_tab_key" js="0">Tab</word>
<word key="core_theme_setting_word_default" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="core_theme_setting_sc_key" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="core_theme_setting_sc_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="core_theme_setting_sc_app" js="0">App</word>
<word key="core_theme_setting_word_custom" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="acplogs__theme_setting_edited" js="0">Theme setting edited - %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__theme_setting_created" js="0">Theme setting created - %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__theme_setting_deleted" js="0">Theme setting deleted - %s</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_type_other" js="0">Other / Manual</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_manual_code" js="0">Code</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_manual_code_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Provide raw PHP code which, when eval'd will return a field object (an instance of one of the child classes of \IPS\Helpers\Form\FormAbstract). For more information about using the Form helper, see <a href='{external.devdocs-forms}' target='_blank'>the developer documentation</a>.<br><strong>$row</strong> is an array of the row from the core_theme_settings_fields database table containing the field data. <strong>$value</strong> is the current value. <strong>$theme</strong> is the theme being edited.]]></word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_manual_code_bad" js="0">Your code is invalid or does not return a field object.</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_type_content" js="0">Options</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_type_content_desc" js="0">Each option has a key and a value. The value is the human readable choice, and the key is used programatically.</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_type_multiple" js="0">Multiple</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_app" js="0">For Application</word>
<word key="theme_custom_tab_custom" js="0">Custom</word>
<word key="theme_custom_tab_admincpcolors" js="0">AdminCP Colors</word>
<word key="theme_custom_tab_buttoncolors" js="0">Button Colors</word>
<word key="theme_custom_tab_frontendcolors" js="0">Front-End Colors</word>
<word key="theme_custom_tab_textcolors" js="0">Text</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_tab_key" js="0">Tab</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_tab_key_placeholder" js="0">My Tab</word>
<word key="theme_template_tab_key_existing" js="0">Existing Tab</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_tab_key_type" js="0">Tab Type</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_tab_key_type_desc" js="0">Determines which theme tab to show this setting under</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_tab_key_o_existing" js="0">Existing Tab</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_tab_key_o_new" js="0">New Tab</word>
<word key="theme_template_tab_key_new" js="0">Tab Title Language Key</word>
<word key="theme_template_tab_key_new_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can create language strings by modifying the lang.php file in your theme's directory.<br><strong>The key name must only contain the following characters 0-9, a-z, _ and must be in lowercase.</strong><br>Prefix the tab key in your lang.php file with 'theme_custom_tab_'.]]></word>
<word key="core_theme_settings_error_key_not_unique" js="0">The setting key needs to be unique</word>
<word key="core_theme_settings_error_tab_key_not_unique" js="0">You have entered a new tab name that already exists. Choose an existing tab or enter a unique name</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_type_default" js="0">Default Value</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_show_in_vse" js="0">Show in Easy Mode Editor</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_conditional" js="0">Shows conditionally?</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_condition" js="0">Condition</word>
<word key="theme_custom_setting_condition_desc" js="0">Provide raw PHP code which, when eval'd will return a boolean value indicating if the setting should show or not.</word>
<word key="themesetting_alternate_button" js="0">Alternate button</word>
<word key="themesetting_link_button" js="0">Link button</word>
<word key="themesetting_alternate_button_font" js="0">Alternate button font</word>
<word key="themesetting_area_background" js="0">Area background</word>
<word key="themesetting_area_background_dark" js="0">Dark area background</word>
<word key="themesetting_area_background_light" js="0">Light area background</word>
<word key="themesetting_area_background_reset" js="0">Reset area background</word>
<word key="themesetting_button_bar" js="0">Button bar</word>
<word key="activity_stream_timeline" js="0">Activity Timeline Color</word>
<word key="themesetting_enable_fluid_width" js="0">Enable fluid width?</word>
<word key="themesetting_fluid_width_size" js="0">Fluid width size (in %)</word>
<word key="themesetting_header" js="0">Header</word>
<word key="themesetting_important_button" js="0">Important button</word>
<word key="themesetting_important_button_font" js="0">Important button font</word>
<word key="themesetting_light_button" js="0">Light button</word>
<word key="themesetting_light_button_font" js="0">Light button font</word>
<word key="themesetting_link" js="0">Link color</word>
<word key="themesetting_link_hover" js="0">Link hover color</word>
<word key="themesetting_moderated" js="0">Moderated Background</word>
<word key="themesetting_moderated_light" js="0">Moderated Light Background</word>
<word key="themesetting_moderated_text" js="0">Moderated Text</word>
<word key="themesetting_moderated_text_light" js="0">Moderated Text (Light)</word>
<word key="themesetting_normal_button" js="0">Normal button</word>
<word key="themesetting_normal_button_font" js="0">Normal button font</word>
<word key="themesetting_page_background" js="0">Body background</word>
<word key="themesetting_poll_bar" js="0">Poll bar</word>
<word key="themesetting_tag" js="0">Tags</word>
<word key="themesetting_prefix" js="0">Prefix</word>
<word key="themesetting_primary_button" js="0">Primary button</word>
<word key="themesetting_primary_button_font" js="0">Primary button font</word>
<word key="themesetting_profile_header" js="0">Default profile header background</word>
<word key="themesetting_rating_hover" js="0">Rating 'hover' star</word>
<word key="themesetting_rating_on" js="0">Rating 'on' star</word>
<word key="themesetting_responsive" js="0">Enable responsiveness</word>
<word key="themesetting_rounded_photos" js="0">Use Rounded Photos?</word>
<word key="themesetting_social_links_pos" js="0">Social Link Position</word>
<word key="themesetting_footer" js="0">Footer</word>
<word key="themesetting_secondary_title" js="0">Secondary title bar background</word>
<word key="themesetting_secondary_title_font" js="0">Secondary title bar text</word>
<word key="themesetting_section_title" js="0">Section title bar background</word>
<word key="themesetting_section_title_font" js="0">Section title bar text</word>
<word key="themesetting_selected" js="0">Selected</word>
<word key="themesetting_sidebar_position" js="0">Sidebar position</word>
<word key="themesetting_sidebar_responsive" js="0">Show sidebar on mobile</word>
<word key="themesetting_step_background" js="0">Step Badge</word>
<word key="themesetting_text_color" js="0">Base text color</word>
<word key="themesetting_dark_text_color" js="0">Dark text</word>
<word key="themesetting_text_light" js="0">Light text</word>
<word key="themesetting_very_light_button" js="0">Very light button</word>
<word key="themesetting_very_light_button_font" js="0">Very light button font</word>
<word key="themesetting_widget_title_bar" js="0">Widget Title Bar</word>
<word key="themesetting_widget_font" js="0">Widget Title Bar Font</word>
<word key="themesetting_ajax_pagination" js="0">Use AJAX pagination?</word>
<word key="themesetting_tabs_background" js="0">Tab Bar Background</word>
<word key="themesetting_main_nav" js="0">Mobile Nav Background</word>
<word key="themesetting_main_nav_font" js="0">Main Nav Bar Font</word>
<word key="themesetting_main_nav_active" js="0">Secondary Nav Bar</word>
<word key="themesetting_main_nav_active_font" js="0">Secondary Nav Bar Font</word>
<word key="themesetting_item_status_active" js="0">Item Status Badges Active</word>
<word key="themesetting_notification_bubble" js="0">Notification Bubble</word>
<word key="themesetting_mentions" js="0">Mentions</word>
<word key="themesetting_footer_text" js="0">Footer Links</word>
<word key="themesetting_js_location" js="0">Javascript include location</word>
<word key="themesetting_price" js="0">Price</word>
<word key="themesetting_post_highlight" js="0">Highlighted Post Background</word>
<word key="themesettings_post_highlight_border" js="0">Highlighted Post Border</word>
<word key="themesetting_mobile_back" js="0">Mobile Back Button</word>
<word key="themesetting_mobile_back_font" js="0">Mobile Back Button Font</word>
<word key="themesetting_trophy_first" js="0">Trophy 1st Place</word>
<word key="themesetting_trophy_first_font" js="0">Trophy 1st Place Font</word>
<word key="themesetting_trophy_second" js="0">Trophy 2nd Place</word>
<word key="themesetting_trophy_third" js="0">Trophy 3rd Place</word>
<word key="themesetting_pagination_active" js="0">Pagination Active</word>
<word key="themesetting_body_font" js="0">Body Font</word>
<word key="themesetting_body_font_desc" js="0">Optionally choose a Google Web Font to use for body text. 'Default' uses whichever font face this theme defines in its stylesheet.</word>
<word key="themesetting_headline_font" js="0">Headline Font</word>
<word key="themesetting_headline_font_desc" js="0">Optionally choose a Google Web Font to use for headlines. 'Default' uses whichever font face this theme defines in its stylesheet.</word>
<word key="themesetting_comment_count" js="0">Comment Count Background</word>
<word key="themesetting_comment_count_font" js="0">Comment Count Font</word>
<word key="themesetting_featured_color" js="0">Featured/Recommended Color</word>
<word key="themesetting_subscription_active" js="0">Active Subscription Color</word>
<word key="theme_set_import_button" js="0">Upload</word>
<word key="theme_set_import_title" js="0">Upload a new version for %s</word>
<word key="core_theme_add_image_error" js="0">Could not decode the image '%s'</word>
<word key="theme_conflict_message" js="0">The new version of this theme has changed versions of templates that you have edited</word>
<word key="theme_conflict_new_version" js="0">New Version</word>
<word key="theme_conflict_old_version" js="0">Current Version</word>
<word key="theme_conflict_use_this" js="0">Use this version</word>
<word key="theme_conflict_save" js="0">Finish and Save</word>
<word key="theme_confict_view_too_large" js="0">There are too many changes to show an accurate diff of this file. A preview of the current and new versions are below.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_err_cant_write_themes" js="0">Cannot write the /themes/ directory. Please check permissions and create manually if the error persists.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_err_cant_write_into_themes" js="0">Cannot write into the /themes/ directory. Please check the permissions for this directory.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_err_cant_write_theme_id" js="0">Cannot write the theme ID directory inside /themes/. Please check the permissions for this directory.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_err_cant_write_into_theme_id" js="0">Cannot write into the theme ID directory inside /themes/. Please check the permissions for this directory.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_err_cant_write_template" js="0">Cannot write a template into the /html/ directory.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_err_cant_write_css" js="0">Cannot write a CSS file into the /css/ directory.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_err_cant_write_img" js="0">Cannot write an image into the /images/ directory.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_building" js="0">Building the designer mode theme files</word>
<word key="theme_dm_building_theme" js="0">Building the designer mode theme files for theme %s</word>
<word key="theme_designer_mode_warning" js="0">Theme editing is currently limited in the ACP as you have designer's mode enabled.</word>
<word key="theme_designer_mode_in_dev_warning" js="0">Please disable IN_DEV before enabling Designers' Mode.</word>
<word key="theme_dm_building_extensions" js="0">Building designers mode for other applications</word>
<word key="theme_dev_import_apps" js="0">Importing designers mode files for other applications</word>
<word key="enhancements_ips" js="0">Invision Community Enhancements</word>
<word key="enhancements_thirdparty" js="0">Third-party Enhancements</word>
<word key="enhancements_configure" js="0">Configure Service</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_SpamMonitoring" js="0">Spam Defense</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_SpamMonitoring_desc" js="0">Stops spammers from disrupting your site by remotely assessing their threat level and taking automated action.</word>
<word key="spam_service_enabled" js="0">Enable Spam Defense?</word>
<word key="spam_service_send_to_ips" js="0">Send reports back?</word>
<word key="spam_service_send_to_ips_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If a spammer does manage to register, you can use the <em>Flag As Spammer</em> tool to quickly disable the account. If this setting is enabled, when you flag a member as a spammer, that information will be passed back to help the service learn.]]></word>
<word key="spam_service_action_0" js="0">Action to take for communication error?</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_0_desc" js="0">If your server is unable to connect to the service when a user registers, this action will be taken.</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_1" js="0">Action to take for 1/4</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_1_desc" js="0">User is unlikely to be a spammer</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_2" js="0">Action to take for 2/4</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_2_desc" js="0">User is possibly a spammer</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_3" js="0">Action to take for 3/4</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_3_desc" js="0">User is likely to be a spammer</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_4" js="0">Action to take for 4/4</word>
<word key="spam_service_action_4_desc" js="0">User is a known spammer</word>
<word key="spam_service_act_1" js="0">Allow user to register as normal</word>
<word key="spam_service_act_2" js="0">Flag the account for manual review</word>
<word key="spam_service_act_3" js="0">Register the account but immediately ban it</word>
<word key="spam_service_act_4" js="0">Do not allow the user to register at all</word>
<word key="spam_service_error" js="0">There was an error communicating with the Spam Defense server. Please try again later or contact technical support for more information.</word>
<word key="spam_service_noservice" js="0">Your license does not qualify for Spam Defense. Please contact technical support for more information.</word>
<word key="spam_service_nokey" js="0"><![CDATA[You must enter your license key before you can use Spam Defense. <a href='%s'>Enter your license key now</a>.]]></word>
<word key="enhancements__core_GeoIP" js="0">GeoIP Service</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_GeoIP_desc" js="0">The GeoIP Service will enhance the IP address tools to display geolocation data.</word>
<word key="ipsgeoip" js="0">Enable GeoIP Service?</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_GoogleMaps" js="0">Google Maps</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_GoogleMaps_desc" js="0">Google Maps provides auto-complete functionality on address input forms and maps to enhance displaying location data such as in the IP address lookup tools.</word>
<word key="google_maps_api_key" js="0">Google Maps API Key</word>
<word key="google_maps_api_key_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{external.googlemapsapi}' target='_blank'>Get an API key</a>]]></word>
<word key="google_maps_api_key_req" js="0">An API key is required.</word>
<word key="google_maps_api_key_invalid" js="0">That API key is not valid or does not have the Google Maps JavaScript API and/or Google Static Maps API enabled and/or Google Maps Geocoding API enabled. Make sure you have followed all of the steps in the setup instructions. You may have to wait a few minutes after enabling the API for it to take effect.</word>
<word key="google_maps_api_error" js="0">There was an error communicating with the Google API. Try again later or contact technical support for assistance.</word>
<word key="googlemaps" js="0">Enable Google Maps integration?</word>
<word key="googlemaps_desc" js="0">Will use Google Maps for displaying map data, for example when looking up an IP address.</word>
<word key="googleplacesautocomplete" js="0">Enable Google Places Autocomplete integration?</word>
<word key="googleplacesautocomplete_desc" js="0">Will enable auto-complete functionality on address input forms.</word>
<word key="acplog__enhancements_enable" js="0">Enabled community enhancement: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__enhancements_disable" js="0">Disabled community enhancement: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__enhancements_edited" js="0">Edited community enhancement: %s</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_GoogleAnalytics" js="0">Google Analytics</word>
<word key="acplog__analytics_edited" js="0">Edited analytics settings</word>
<word key="ipbseo_ga_provider" js="0">Analytics provider</word>
<word key="ipbseo_ga_enabled" js="0">Enable analytics tracking code?</word>
<word key="ipseo_ga" js="0">Analytics tracking code</word>
<word key="ipseo_ga_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Enter the website tracking Javascript code that your analytics provider has given to you. Please enter the complete unmodified code, and it will be automatically inserted into each page of your community. If you need help obtaining the appropriate tracking code for this site, please see <a href='{external.ga_support_help}' target='_blank'>this support article</a>.]]></word>
<word key="ipbseo_ga_paginatecode" js="0">Custom code to execute on pagination</word>
<word key="ipbseo_ga_paginatecode_desc" js="0">By default, most analytics providers will not register a page view when new content is dynamically loaded into the current page. If you want to manually trigger a page view when this happens, you can do so by specifying the Javascript code.</word>
<word key="analytics_description" js="0"><![CDATA[Analytics tools allow you to track page views and user behavior within your community. There are many providers to choose from; some are free while others may charge a fee. If you do not already have a preference, <a href='{external.googleanalytics}' target='_blank'>Google Analytics</a> is a good, free choice for most communities.]]></word>
<word key="analytics_provider_none" js="0">None</word>
<word key="analytics_ga" js="0">Google Analytics tracking code</word>
<word key="analytics_ga_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Log into your <a href='{external.googleanalytics}' target='_blank'>Google Analytics</a> account, and locate the Javascript <em>Tracking Code</em> snippet. Copy and paste the snippet in its entirety above to add the tracking code to your community. <br>We will automatically register a page view with Google Analytics when new content is dynamically loaded into the page.]]></word>
<word key="analytics_provider_ga" js="0">Google Analytics</word>
<word key="analytics_piwik" js="0">Piwik tracking code</word>
<word key="analytics_piwik_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Log into your <a href='{external.piwik}' target='_blank'>Piwik</a> account, click your username in the top-right and click <em>Settings</em>. Click <em>Tracking Code</em> in the left menu to locate your tracking code snippet. Copy and paste the snippet in its entirety above to add the tracking code to your community. <br>We will automatically register a page view with Piwik when new content is dynamically loaded into the page.]]></word>
<word key="analytics_provider_piwik" js="0">Matomo</word>
<word key="analytics_custom" js="0">Custom tracking code</word>
<word key="analytics_custom_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If you use an analytics tools not listed above and it provides a Javascript tracking code snippet to insert on your pages, copy and paste that snippet above. We'll insert this snippet into each community page, just before the </body> tag.]]></word>
<word key="analytics_provider_custom" js="0">Other</word>
<word key="analytics_none" js="0">None</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_Mapbox" js="0">Mapbox</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_Mapbox_desc" js="0">Mapbox provides maps to enhance displaying location data such as in the IP address lookup tools.</word>
<word key="mapbox_api_key" js="0">API Key</word>
<word key="mapbox" js="0">Enable Mapbox integration?</word>
<word key="mapbox_api_key_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{external.mapboxapi}' target='_blank'>Get an API key</a>]]></word>
<word key="mapbox_api_key_req" js="0">An API key is required.</word>
<word key="mapbox_api_key_invalid" js="0">That API key is not valid</word>
<word key="spamprevention_flagging" js="0">Flagging Spammers</word>
<word key="spm_option" js="0">Action to take when member is flagged</word>
<word key="spm_option_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If a spam bot does manage to register on your site, the <em>Flag as Spammer</em> tool (available from members' profiles) allows staff to take the appropriate action. Hiding and deleting content is not done immediately but will be processed in batches.<br>If you later remove the flag, the actions are not reversed.]]></word>
<word key="spm_option_none" js="0">Do nothing</word>
<word key="spm_option_disable" js="0">Restrict member from submitting any more content</word>
<word key="spm_option_unapprove" js="0">Hide content submitted already</word>
<word key="spm_option_delete" js="0">Delete content submitted already</word>
<word key="spm_option_delete_desc" js="0">Deleted content cannot be recovered.</word>
<word key="spm_option_ban" js="0">Ban member</word>
<word key="spm_post_days" js="0">Hide/Delete Content</word>
<word key="spm_post_days_prefix" js="0">Content submitted up to</word>
<word key="spm_post_days_suffix" js="0">days before</word>
<word key="spm_notify" js="0">Be notified when a member is flagged?</word>
<word key="spm_notify_desc" js="0">If enabled, an email will be sent to the site's incoming email address whenever a member of staff flags a member as a spammer.</word>
<word key="spamprevention_captcha" js="0">CAPTCHA</word>
<word key="bot_antispam_type" js="0">CAPTCHA Type</word>
<word key="bot_antispam_type_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Computer programs known as <em>spam bots</em> may attempt to register on your site to post unwanted content. CAPTCHA is a test designed to be simple for humans to answer correctly, but difficult for computer programs. The selected CAPTCHA type will display on the registration form of your site and will need to be completed successfully in order to register an account.]]></word>
<word key="captcha_type_none" js="0">None</word>
<word key="captcha_type_invisible" js="0">Invisible reCAPTCHA</word>
<word key="captcha_type_invisible_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Users do not need to do anything. The system intelligently detects if the user is human in the background. <a href='{external.captcha_recaptcha_invisible}' target='_blank'>Learn more</a>]]></word>
<word key="captcha_type_recaptcha2" js="0">reCAPTCHA V2</word>
<word key="captcha_type_recaptcha2_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The user clicks a "I'm not a robot" checkbox. <a href='{external.captcha_recaptcha2}' target='_blank'>Learn more</a>]]></word>
<word key="captcha_type_keycaptcha" js="0">keyCAPTCHA</word>
<word key="captcha_type_keycaptcha_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The user must complete simple jigsaw puzzle. <a href='{external.captcha_keycaptcha}' target='_blank'>Learn more</a>]]></word>
<word key="bot_antispam_type_warning" js="0">Disabling CAPTCHA will put your site at a significant risk to spam. Enabling a CAPTCHA type is strongly recommended.</word>
<word key="recaptcha2_public_key" js="0">reCAPTCHA Site Key</word>
<word key="recaptcha2_private_key" js="0">reCAPTCHA Secret Key</word>
<word key="recaptcha2_private_key_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You do not need to change the default key unless you specifically want to use <a href='{external.captcha_recaptcha2_keys}' target='_blank'>your own reCAPTCHA account</a> which will allow you to change the security preference settings.]]></word>
<word key="recaptcha2_theme" js="0">reCAPTCHA Theme</word>
<word key="recaptcha_theme" js="0">reCAPTCHA Theme</word>
<word key="keycaptcha_privatekey" js="0">keyCAPTCHA Key</word>
<word key="keycaptcha_privatekey_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[In order to use keyCAPTCHA, you must <a href='{external.captcha_keykeptcha_signup}' target='_blank'>create an account</a> and provide your key.]]></word>
<word key="guest_captcha" js="0">Guests must complete CAPTCHA in order to post?</word>
<word key="guest_captcha_desc" js="0">If you allow guests to post, it is recommended you enable this setting.</word>
<word key="guest_captcha_search_target" js="0">Guest posts</word>
<word key="acplogs__spamprev_settings" js="0">Edited spam prevention settings</word>
<word key="spamservice_inter_header" js="0">Spam Defense</word>
<word key="spamservice_inter_body" js="0"><![CDATA[<p>Spam Defense is a service available to all clients who hold an active Invision Community license at no extra cost. When enabled, this service allows you to check new account registrations against our proprietary spammer database, helping to prevent spammers from registering on your site.</p><p><a href='%s'>Configure Spam Defense</a>]]></word>
<word key="notificationsettings" js="0">Notification Settings</word>
<word key="notificationsettings_label" js="0"></word>
<word key="notificationsettings_default" js="0">Default Notification Method(s)</word>
<word key="notificationsettings_disabled" js="0">Disabled Notification Method(s)</word>
<word key="notificationsettings_editable" js="0">Member can edit?</word>
<word key="acplog__notification_settings" js="0">Edited notification settings</word>
<word key="subs_autoprune" js="0">Remove followers from uncommented content</word>
<word key="notification_pruning" js="0">Pruning</word>
<word key="prune_notifications" js="0">Remove stored notifications</word>
<word key="admin_notification_disabled" js="0">The administrator has disabled this option from being toggled.</word>
<word key="auto_follow_new_content" js="0">Members automatically follow content they create?</word>
<word key="auto_follow_new_content_desc" js="0">Members can adjust this themselves in their notification settings or for any individual item.</word>
<word key="auto_follow_replied_to" js="0">Members automatically follow content when commenting?</word>
<word key="auto_follow_replied_to_desc" js="0">Includes replies and comments. Members can adjust this themselves in their notification settings or for any individual item.</word>
<word key="auto_follow_preferences" js="0">Automatic Following</word>
<word key="auto_follow_update_all" js="0"><![CDATA[Adjusting these settings will affect new members only unless you <a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=notifications&do=updateMemberFollowPrefs}' data-confirm data-confirmMessage='This will override the preference members have set in their notification settings with the default values.'>adjust existing members</a>.]]></word>
<word key="warning" js="0">Warning</word>
<word key="warnings" js="0">Warnings</word>
<word key="warn_reasons" js="0">Reasons</word>
<word key="wr_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="wr_points" js="0">Points</word>
<word key="wr_points_desc" js="0">Use Points to create Warn Actions with pre-defined penalties when a user has received a certain number of points.</word>
<word key="wr_points_override" js="0">Moderators can override number of points?</word>
<word key="wr_remove" js="0">Automatically remove points</word>
<word key="wr_remove_override" js="0">Moderators can override points removal?</word>
<word key="wr_notes" js="0">Default note for member</word>
<word key="wr_notes_desc" js="0">Moderators can adjust the notes when warning the member</word>
<word key="warn_actions" js="0">Actions</word>
<word key="warn_action" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="wa_points" js="0">Points</word>
<word key="wa_mq" js="0">Moderate Content</word>
<word key="wa_rpa" js="0">Restrict from posting</word>
<word key="wa_suspend" js="0">Ban</word>
<word key="wa_override" js="0">Moderators can override the above settings?</word>
<word key="acplog__wa_created" js="0">Created warning action for %s points</word>
<word key="acplog__wa_edited" js="0">Edited warning action for %s points</word>
<word key="acplog__wa_deleted" js="0">Deleted warning action for %s points</word>
<word key="warning_settings" js="0">Warning Settings</word>
<word key="acplog__warn_settings" js="0">Edited warning settings</word>
<word key="warn_on" js="0">Enable Warning System?</word>
<word key="warn_protected" js="0">Groups that cannot be warned</word>
<word key="warn_show_own" js="0">Members can see own points and reasons?</word>
<word key="warnings_acknowledge" js="0">Users must acknowledge issued warnings before posting again?</word>
<word key="notification__warning_mods" js="0">%s has been given a warning by %s.</word>
<word key="warn_reasons_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[You select a <strong>reason</strong> when warning a member. Each reason has a number of <strong>warning points</strong> which lead to <strong>actions</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="warn_actions_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Actions</strong> are pre-defined penalties given to members when they reach a certain number of <strong>warning points</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="warn_revoked" js="0">Warning Revoked</word>
<word key="unacknowledged_warning_cannot_post" js="0">You have been issued a warning. Before you can post again, you must acknowledge the warning.</word>
<word key="acknowledge" js="0">I acknowledge this warning</word>
<word key="acknowledge_message" js="0">You must acknowledge this warning before posting again</word>
<word key="member_given_post_warning" js="0">%s gave %s a warning for this post</word>
<word key="warn_reason_message" js="0">Reason:</word>
<word key="warn_points_message" js="0">Points:</word>
<word key="you_have_been_warned" js="0">You have been warned by %s</word>
<word key="must_acknowledge_msg" js="0"><![CDATA[In order to continue posting, you <strong>must</strong> acknowledge this warning. Additional posting restrictions may still remain in effect.]]></word>
<word key="warning_system_disabled" js="0">The warning system is currently disabled</word>
<word key="warned_by" js="0">Warned by %s, </word>
<word key="warning_expires" js="0">Expires %s</word>
<word key="membersettings_registration_title" js="0">Registration Settings</word>
<word key="validate_day_prune" js="0">Remove unvalidated members</word>
<word key="allow_reg" js="0">Allow new registrations?</word>
<word key="allow_reg_normal" js="0">Yes, with quick registration (Recommended)</word>
<word key="allow_reg_normal_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Users will be shown a simple pop up registration form. You can configure <a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=profilecompletion}' target='_blank'>profile completion steps</a> to show the user after registering such as to upload a photo or provide custom profile field values.]]></word>
<word key="allow_reg_normal_desc_required_warning" js="0"><![CDATA[You have required custom profile fields set to show on a registration form. The quick registration form will not show these. We recommend that you either choose 'Yes, with full registration form' or set up <a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=profiles&tab=profilecompletion}'>profile completion steps</a> for the required fields.]]></word>
<word key="allow_reg_full" js="0">Yes, with full registration form</word>
<word key="allow_reg_full_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Users will be shown the full registration form which can include <a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=profiles&tab=profilefields}' target='_blank'>custom profile fields</a>. Required to use COPPA or age restrictions]]></word>
<word key="allow_reg_redirect" js="0">Redirect to an external site</word>
<word key="allow_reg_redirect_desc" js="0">You may want to use this option if your community primarily uses a login method with its own registration form such as an external MySQL database or LDAP.</word>
<word key="allow_reg_disabled" js="0">No</word>
<word key="allow_reg_target" js="0">Registration URL</word>
<word key="quick_register" js="0">Quick Register</word>
<word key="quick_register_desc" js="0">New members will only be shown a simple, pop up, sign up form when registering, and will be prompted for any additional required information after their account has been created. This cannot be used if COPPA or Age Restrictions are in place.</word>
<word key="allowed_reg_email" js="0">Allowed email domains for registration</word>
<word key="allowed_reg_email_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Users will be unable to register on the community using an email address that does not match the list of allowed domains. If left blank, any email address that <a href='{internal.app=core&module=membersettings&controller=ban}'>is not banned</a> will be allowed. Works best with email validation.]]></word>
<word key="allowed_reg_email_email_detected" js="0">One of the values entered appears to be an email address. This value should be the domain name i.e. mycompany.com</word>
<word key="new_reg_notify" js="0">Notify on new registrations?</word>
<word key="new_reg_notify_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Sends an email to the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=email&searchResult=email_in}' target='_blank'>incoming email address</a> when a new user successfully registers.<br>If you have Administrator validation enabled, the email will be sent at the point when your approval is required. Otherwise, the email is sent once registration is complete and the account is ready to use.]]></word>
<word key="force_reg_terms" js="0"><![CDATA[Users must agree to <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=terms&searchResult=reg_rules}' target='_blank'>Registration Terms & Rules</a>]]></word>
<word key="force_reg_terms_1" js="0">Always</word>
<word key="force_reg_terms_0" js="0">Only when using the standard registration form</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type" js="0">Validation method for new accounts</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type_user" js="0">Email validation (Recommended)</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type_user_desc" js="0">The user will be sent an email containing a special link they have to click to validate their account.</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type_admin" js="0">Administrator validation</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type_admin_desc" js="0">An administrator will need to manually approve the account from the Admin Control Panel.</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type_admin_user" js="0">Email and administrator validation</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type_admin_user_desc" js="0">The user will be sent an email containing a special link they have to click to validate their account after which an administrator will need to manually approve the account from the Admin Control Panel.</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type_none" js="0">No validation required</word>
<word key="reg_auth_type_desc" js="0">Email validation (but not administrator validation) is bypassed if the user signs in with a login handler which provides an allowed email address.</word>
<word key="r__registration" js="0">Registration</word>
<word key="r__registration_manage" js="0">Manage registration settings</word>
<word key="registration_standard_settings" js="0">Standard Registration</word>
<word key="registration_standard_settings_blurb" js="0">These settings apply only to users who register using the standard registration form. Users may be able to create an account by signing in with a method which is set to create an account when a user signs in for the first time.</word>
<word key="registration_global_settings" js="0">All New Accounts</word>
<word key="registration_global_settings_blurb" js="0">These settings apply to all new accounts, both those created from the standard registration form and through other login methods.</word>
<word key="updates_consent_default" js="0">Bulk Mail Sign Up</word>
<word key="updates_consent_enabled_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[On the standard registration form users will see a checkbox <strong>checked</strong> by default.<br>For other registration methods, users will be set to <strong>receive</strong> bulk mails without being asked.]]></word>
<word key="updates_consent_disabled_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[On the standard registration form users will see a checkbox <strong>unchecked</strong> by default.<br>For other registration methods, users will be set to <strong> not receive</strong> bulk mails without being prompted.]]></word>
<word key="updates_consent_enabled" js="0">Opt Out</word>
<word key="updates_consent_disabled" js="0">Opt In</word>
<word key="updates_consent_default_desc" js="0">Regardless of what is chosen at registration, users can change their mind later in their Account Settings or using the unsubscribe link in emails received.</word>
<word key="moderators" js="0">Moderators</word>
<word key="moderators_perms" js="0"></word>
<word key="moderators_name" js="0">Moderator</word>
<word key="moderators_updated" js="0">Last Updated</word>
<word key="mod_use_restrictions" js="0">Permissions</word>
<word key="mod_all_permissions" js="0">Unrestricted</word>
<word key="mod_all_permissions_desc" js="0">Unrestricted moderators have access to all moderator permissions across the community, including any new permissions added in the future. Only use this for moderators you fully trust.</word>
<word key="mod_restricted" js="0">Restricted</word>
<word key="mod_restricted_desc" js="0">You will specify the permissions available to this moderator below. The moderator will not automatically inherit any new moderator permissions added in the future.</word>
<word key="admin_all_permissions_desc" js="0">Unrestricted administrators have access to all permissions across the AdminCP, including any new permissions added in the future. Only use this for administrators you fully trust.</word>
<word key="admin_restricted_desc" js="0">You will specify the permissions available to this administrator below. The administrator will not automatically inherit any new administrator permissions added in the future.</word>
<word key="modperms__core_General" js="0">General</word>
<word key="modperms__core_Warnings" js="0">Warnings</word>
<word key="modperms__core_Members" js="0">Member Management</word>
<word key="can_flag_as_spammer" js="0">Can use the 'Flag As Spammer' tool?</word>
<word key="can_flag_as_spammer_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The 'Flag As Spammer' tool allows your moderators to quickly take action on an account which is posting spam. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=moderation&controller=spam&tab=flagging}' target='_blank'>(Configure)</a>]]></word>
<word key="mod_see_warn" js="0">Can see warnings?</word>
<word key="mod_can_warn" js="0">Can issue warnings?</word>
<word key="mod_revoke_warn" js="0">Can revoke warnings?</word>
<word key="warning_custom_noaction" js="0">Can set custom penalty if no Warning Action is set?</word>
<word key="warning_custom_noaction_desc" js="0">If yes, and the moderator selects a Warning Reason which gives the member a total number of points lower than any of the determined Warning Actions, they will still be able to set a penalty for the member. If no, they will only be able to give a verbal warning.</word>
<word key="warnings_enable_other" js="0">Can use 'Other' Reason?</word>
<word key="warn_mod_day" js="0">Frequency moderator can give warnings</word>
<word key="acplog__moderator_created" js="0">Made %s a moderator</word>
<word key="acplog__moderator_edited" js="0">Edited moderator permissions for %s</word>
<word key="acplog__moderator_deleted" js="0">Demoted %s from being an moderator</word>
<word key="modperms__core_Content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="can_pin_content" js="0">Can pin all content?</word>
<word key="can_unpin_content" js="0">Can unpin all content?</word>
<word key="can_feature_content" js="0">Can feature all content?</word>
<word key="can_unfeature_content" js="0">Can unfeature all content?</word>
<word key="can_edit_content" js="0">Can edit all content?</word>
<word key="can_hide_content" js="0">Can hide all content?</word>
<word key="can_unhide_content" js="0">Can unhide all content?</word>
<word key="can_view_hidden_content" js="0">Can view all hidden content?</word>
<word key="can_move_content" js="0">Can move all content?</word>
<word key="can_lock_content" js="0">Can lock all content?</word>
<word key="can_unlock_content" js="0">Can unlock all content?</word>
<word key="can_reply_to_locked_content" js="0">Can reply to all locked content?</word>
<word key="can_delete_content" js="0">Can delete all content?</word>
<word key="can_split_merge_content" js="0">Can split and merge all content?</word>
<word key="can_view_editlog" js="0">Can view edit log?</word>
<word key="can_view_moderation_log" js="0">Can view moderation history?</word>
<word key="can_see_emails" js="0">Can see members' email addresses?</word>
<word key="can_modify_profiles" js="0">Can edit members' profiles?</word>
<word key="can_unban" js="0">Can unban members?</word>
<word key="can_remove_followers" js="0">Can remove followers?</word>
<word key="can_feature_comments" js="0">Can recommend all comments?</word>
<word key="can_unfeature_comments" js="0">Can remove recommendation on all comments?</word>
<word key="can_add_item_message" js="0">Can add messages to content?</word>
<word key="can_add_item_message_desc" js="0">Messages show at the top of the content before any comments and can be used by moderators to call out any special information or rules.</word>
<word key="can_edit_item_message" js="0">Can edit messages on content?</word>
<word key="can_delete_item_message" js="0">Can delete messages on content?</word>
<word key="can_manage_announcements" js="0">Can manage announcements?</word>
<word key="can_manage_deleted_content" js="0">Can manage deleted content?</word>
<word key="modperms__core_Reports" js="0">Reports</word>
<word key="can_view_reports" js="0">Can view reports?</word>
<word key="can_manage_sidebar" js="0">Can manage sidebar?</word>
<word key="can_moderator_be_ignored" js="0">Can be ignored?</word>
<word key="can_moderator_be_ignored_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Additional to this moderator restriction, you can also disallow people to ignore members via a <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=can_be_ignored}'>group setting.</a>]]></word>
<word key="add_moderator" js="0">Add Moderator</word>
<word key="can_future_publish_content" js="0">Can set a future publishing date?</word>
<word key="can_view_future_content" js="0">Can view pending publishing items authored by other members?</word>
<word key="check_all" js="0">Check All</word>
<word key="uncheck_all" js="0">Uncheck All</word>
<word key="moderators_type" js="0">Type of restriction to add</word>
<word key="moderators_type_desc" js="0">If a user is in more than one moderator group, they will have the best permissions from all moderator groups combined. If a user has individual member moderator permissions set up here, the member moderator permissions will override any group moderator permissions they would have otherwise inherited.</word>
<word key="moderators_group" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="moderators_member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="can_close_polls" js="0">Can close polls</word>
<word key="can_close_polls_desc" js="0">This allows polls to be closed for new votes, but topics to remain open.</word>
<word key="can_remove_reactions" js="0">Can remove reactions?</word>
<word key="can_feature_comments_content" js="0">Can feature comments?</word>
<word key="can_unfeature_comments_content" js="0">Can unfeature comments?</word>
<word key="can_add_item_message_content" js="0">Can add item messages?</word>
<word key="can_edit_item_message_content" js="0">Can edit item messages?</word>
<word key="can_delete_item_message_content" js="0">Can delete item messages?</word>
<word key="editor" js="0">Editor</word>
<word key="editor_close_preview" js="0">Return to editing mode</word>
<word key="editor_toolbars" js="0">Toolbars</word>
<word key="editor_toolbar_desc" js="0">Drag and drop buttons to rearrange or drop into section below to remove. Click on a button to edit its permissions.</word>
<word key="editor_toolbar_width_info" js="0">Editor width below is an example for convenience. Actual width of the editor may vary depending on the user's device.</word>
<word key="editor_unused" js="0">Buttons not on editor</word>
<word key="editor_unused_desc" js="0">Drag and drop buttons onto toolbars above. Even if a button is not on the toolbar, the functionality may still be available using BBCode. Click on a button to adjust its permissions.</word>
<word key="editor_add_toolbar" js="0">Add Toolbar</word>
<word key="editor_add_seperator" js="0">Add Separator</word>
<word key="editor_no_js" js="0">You must enable JavaScript to manage editor toolbars.</word>
<word key="editor_in_dev" js="0">You cannot manage editor plugins while in developer mode.</word>
<word key="editor_plugin_requirements" js="0">You cannot delete this plugin because it is required by the %s plugin.</word>
<word key="editor_new_plugin" js="0">Add Button</word>
<word key="editor_plugin_zip" js="0">Plugin .zip file</word>
<word key="editor_plugin_zip_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can obtain new plugins from <a href='{external.ckeditor_plugins}' target='_blank'>CKEditor's website</a> (must be compatible with version %s).]]></word>
<word key="editor_plugin_already_installed" js="0">That plugin is already installed.</word>
<word key="editor_plugin_nowrite" js="0"><![CDATA[You must make the <em>/applications/core/interface/<wbr>ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins</em> directory writable in order to add plugins.]]></word>
<word key="editor_skin_nowrite" js="0"><![CDATA[You must make the <em>/applications/core/interface/<wbr>ckeditor/ckeditor/skins</em> directory writable in order to add themes.]]></word>
<word key="editor_plugin_folder" js="0">Plugin to install</word>
<word key="editor_plugin_folder_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can obtain new plugins from <a href='{external.ckeditor_plugins}' target='_blank'>CKEditor's website</a> (must be compatible with version %s).<br>To install a new plugin, upload the plugin directory to the <em>/applications/core/interface/ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins</em> directory, then visit this page and select the plugin from the list.]]></word>
<word key="editor_permission_groups" js="0">Groups that can see this button</word>
<word key="editor_permission_areas" js="0">Areas this button shows in</word>
<word key="editor_button_ckeditor" js="0">CKEditor Plugin</word>
<word key="custom_button" js="0">Custom Button</word>
<word key="editor_button_custom" js="0">Custom</word>
<word key="editor_button_option_on" js="0">Use option?</word>
<word key="editor_button_option_on_desc" js="0">If enabled, when the user clicks the button, they will see a popup asking for more information.</word>
<word key="editor_button_option_label" js="0">Option Label</word>
<word key="editor_button_name" js="0">Button Title</word>
<word key="editor_button_image" js="0">Icon</word>
<word key="editor_button_html" js="0">HTML</word>
<word key="editor_button_html_desc" js="0">Use {option} for the value of the entered option, if applicable. Use {content} to indicate where the content highlighted when the button is pressed should be inserted. Please note that any HTML entered here should conform to the HTML specification (including any required attributes for HTML tags), otherwise the software may not process it correctly.</word>
<word key="editor_button_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="editor_button_type_inline" js="0">Inline</word>
<word key="editor_button_type_inline_desc" js="0">The content will be inserted alongside any text. Use for images, links and similar content.</word>
<word key="editor_button_type_singleblock" js="0">Single Line Block</word>
<word key="editor_button_type_singleblock_desc" js="0">The content will be inserted on a new line by itself and can only contain inline styles. Use for headers and similar content.</word>
<word key="editor_button_type_block" js="0">Block</word>
<word key="editor_button_type_block_desc" js="0">The content will be inserted on a new line by itself and can contain other blocks. Use for boxes, tables and similar content.</word>
<word key="editor_button_html_invalid" js="0"></word>
<word key="parseError_URL_NOT_ALLOWED" js="0">The following URL is not allowed: %s</word>
<word key="editor_bad_plugin" js="0">The plugin does not appear to be valid. Make sure that you have uploaded the plugin exactly as you downloaded it.</word>
<word key="editor_bad_plugin_directory" js="0">The plugin does not appear to be valid. Make sure that you have extracted the plugin correctly and uploaded it as a single folder without a containing folder. The folder you uploaded should contain a plugin.js file.</word>
<word key="editor_missing_requirements" js="0"><![CDATA[We have detected that the following %s plugins are required, but are not installed. You will need to obtain these plugins from the <a href='{external.ckeditor_plugins}' target='_blank'>CKEditor website</a> and install them as well.<br><br>%s]]></word>
<word key="editor_revert" js="0">Restore Default Configuration</word>
<word key="editor_revert_confirm" js="0">This action will completely remove all custom plugins and revert all toolbars back to default. Are you sure you wish to do this?</word>
<word key="editor_size_large" js="0">Large</word>
<word key="editor_size_medium" js="0">Medium</word>
<word key="editor_size_small" js="0">Small</word>
<word key="standard_emoji" js="0">Standard Emoji</word>
<word key="custom_emoji" js="0">Custom Emoji</word>
<word key="emoticon_hd" js="0">High definition version used when supported</word>
<word key="emoticons_add" js="0">Add Custom Emoji</word>
<word key="emoticons_upload" js="0">Images</word>
<word key="emoticons_upload_desc" js="0">You can upload multiple versions of the same image with the @2x modifier (for example smile.png and smile@2x.png) to support high DPI displays.</word>
<word key="emoticons_add_group" js="0">Group</word>
<word key="emoticons_add_create" js="0">Create new group</word>
<word key="emoticons_add_existing" js="0">Add to existing group</word>
<word key="emoticons_add_newgroup" js="0">New group name</word>
<word key="emoticons_edit_groupname" js="0">Edit group name</word>
<word key="emoticons_delete_confirm" js="0">The image will be deleted and no longer show in any posts.</word>
<word key="emoticons_delete_set" js="0">Delete set</word>
<word key="emoticons_delete_set_confirm" js="0">This will delete the set and all custom emoji inside it.</word>
<word key="emoticons_add_choosegroup" js="0">Group to put emoji in</word>
<word key="emoticon_group_name_error" js="0">You must specify a group name</word>
<word key="acplog__emoticon_group_created" js="0">Added custom emoji group: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__emoticons_added" js="0">Added custom emoji</word>
<word key="acplog__emoticons_edited" js="0">Edited custom emoji</word>
<word key="acplog__emoticon_deleted" js="0">Deleted a custom emoji</word>
<word key="emoticon_invalid" js="0">URL %s is invalid. Reupload.</word>
<word key="emoji_style" js="0">Emoji Style</word>
<word key="emoji_style_desc" js="0">Regardless of option chosen, users will still be able to enter emoji using their device's emoji keyboard, which will display in native style. Non-native styles will not show in areas which show text only such as activity streams and search results.</word>
<word key="emoji_style_native" js="0">Native</word>
<word key="emoji_style_native_desc" js="0">The style provided by the user's device. Users on older platforms may not see emoji.</word>
<word key="emoji_style_twemoji" js="0"><![CDATA[Twitter Style<br><div class='ipsType_large ipsSpacer_top ipsSpacer_half'><img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f600.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f609.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f602.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f60d.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f918.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f926-200d-2640-fe0f.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f937-200d-2642-fe0f.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f37f.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f680.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f389.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/1f3f3-fe0f-200d-1f308.png' class='ipsEmoji'></div>]]></word>
<word key="emoji_style_emojione" js="0"><![CDATA[EmojiOne Style<br><div class='ipsType_large ipsSpacer_top ipsSpacer_half'><img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f600.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f609.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f602.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f60d.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f918.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f926-2640.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f937-2642.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f37f.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f680.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f389.png' class='ipsEmoji'> <img src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/64/1f3f3-1f308.png' class='ipsEmoji'></div>]]></word>
<word key="emoji_style_disabled" js="0">Do not show standard emoji</word>
<word key="emoji_utf8mb4_required" js="0"><![CDATA[To enable standard emoji support, you must <a href='{internal.app=core&module=support&controller=utf8mb4}' target='_blank'>convert your database to 4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding</a>.]]></word>
<word key="emoji_shortcodes" js="0">Replace :short_codes: with emoji?</word>
<word key="emoji_shortcodes_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<mark>:smiley:</mark> <mark>:wink:</mark> <mark>:joy:</mark> <mark>:heart_eyes:</mark> <mark>:the_horns:</mark> <mark>:woman-facepalming:</mark> <mark>:man-shrugging:</mark> <mark>:popcorn:</mark> <mark>:rocket:</mark> <mark>:tada:</mark> <mark>:rainbow-flag:</mark><br>As the user types, suggestions will appear. Any custom emoji you have set up with text starting and ending with : will be included.]]></word>
<word key="emoji_ascii" js="0">Replace text with emoji?</word>
<word key="emoji_ascii_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<mark>=)</mark> <mark>;)</mark>]]></word>
<word key="storage_settings" js="0">Storage Settings</word>
<word key="image_settings" js="0">Image Settings</word>
<word key="image_suite" js="0">Image Suite</word>
<word key="imagesuite_imagemagick" js="0">ImageMagick</word>
<word key="imagesuite_gd" js="0">GD</word>
<word key="imagesuite_gd_desc" js="0">GD is a widely supported image manipulation library available for use with web software. Most sites will use the GD image handling suite.</word>
<word key="imagesuite_imagemagick_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[ImageMagick is an advanced image manipulation program available on some hosts. It provides benefits over the GD library such as more efficient handling of very large images and the ability to retain animation in resized animated gifs. This option requires the <a href='{external.php_imagick}' target='_blank'>ImageMagick PHP Extension</a> to be installed on your server.]]></word>
<word key="image_jpg_quality" js="0">JPG Quality</word>
<word key="image_jpg_quality_desc" js="0">This value affects the final quality of any JPG images created by Invision Community. A value of 0 provides the worst quality but smallest files, while a value of 100 provides the best quality but the largest files. It is recommended to use a quality level in the 80-90 range unless you require very high quality thumbnails.</word>
<word key="image_png_quality_gd" js="0">PNG Compression</word>
<word key="image_png_quality_gd_desc" js="0">This value affects the file size of any PNG images created by Invision Community. A value of 0 will result in faster thumbnail creation but larger PNG images, while a value of 9 will result in slower thumbnail creation but smaller PNG images.</word>
<word key="imagick_strip_exif" js="0">Strip EXIF Data</word>
<word key="imagick_strip_exif_desc" js="0">EXIF data can be automatically stripped from uploaded images in order to ensure sensitive details (such as GPS geolocation data from images taken with mobile phones) is not retained</word>
<word key="acplogs__image_settings_updated" js="0">Image handling settings updated</word>
<word key="upload_type" js="0">Storage method for uploaded files</word>
<word key="filehandler__Database" js="0">Database</word>
<word key="filehandler__Database_desc" js="0">Use if you do not have much file storage space available or file writes are undesirable for your server environment. Will require more server resources to display a file.</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp" js="0">FTP</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_desc" js="0">Use if you want to store files externally on a server optimised for rendering files or a third-party storage service.</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_ftp_details" js="0"> FTP Details </word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_host" js="0">Host</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_port" js="0">Port</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_ssl" js="0">Use a secure SSL-FTP connection?</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_username" js="0">Username</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_password" js="0">Password</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_path" js="0">Path to store files</word>
<word key="filehandler__Ftp_url" js="0">URL to storage directory</word>
<word key="ftp_with_ssl" js="0">FTP with SSL</word>
<word key="ftp_username" js="0">Username</word>
<word key="ftp_ssh_disabled" js="0">Your server does not have the SSH2 PHP extension enabled and so it is not possible to use SFTP. In order to use SFTP, contact your hosting provider or system administrator and ask them to install the SSH2 PHP extension.</word>
<word key="ftp_display_protocol" js="0">Protocol</word>
<word key="ftp_display_hostname" js="0">Host</word>
<word key="ftp_display_port" js="0">Port</word>
<word key="ftp_display_username" js="0">Username</word>
<word key="ftp_display_password" js="0">Password</word>
<word key="ftp_display_path" js="0">Path</word>
<word key="ftp_bypass_validation" js="0">Check this box to save these details without validating</word>
<word key="connect" js="0">Connect</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon" js="0">Amazon S3</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Remote storage system recommended for very busy sites. Service fees apply. <a href='{external.amazons3}' target='_blank'>More information</a>.]]></word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_bucket" js="0">Bucket Name</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_bucket_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can create a bucket in your <a href='{external.amazons3_buckets}' target='_blank'>S3 Management Console</a>]]></word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_endpoint" js="0">Endpoint</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_endpoint_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Enter the <a href='{external.aws_regions}' target='_blank'>correct endpoint for your bucket's region</a>.]]></word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_bucket_path" js="0">Bucket Path</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_bucket_path_desc" js="0">You can optionally specify a path within the bucket to upload into. Unless you are using the bucket for multiple purposes, this can be left blank.</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_access_key" js="0">Access Key</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_access_key_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can create and view Access and Secret keys in your <a href='{external.amazons3_keys}' target='_blank'>IAM Management Console</a>]]></word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_secret_key" js="0">Secret Key</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_toggle" js="0">Use a Custom URL?</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_toggle_desc" js="0">The current upload URL is automatically calculated. Toggle this to enter a different URL. You will want to do this if you are using a CDN.</word>
<word key="filehandler__Amazon_custom_url" js="0">Custom URL</word>
<word key="ftp_err_no_ext" js="0">Your server does not support using FTP storage. Please contact your hosting provider to ask for PHP FTP extension to be enabled.</word>
<word key="ftp_err_no_ssl" js="0">Your server does not support using SSL-FTP. Please contact your hosting provider to ask for PHP OpenSSL extension to be enabled or use a different protocol.</word>
<word key="ftp_err_no_sftp" js="0">Your server does not support using SFTP storage. Please contact your hosting provider to ask for PHP SSH2 extension to be enabled or use a different protocol.</word>
<word key="ftp_err-COULD_NOT_CONNECT" js="0">A connection to the host could not be established. Check the host and port provided are correct.</word>
<word key="ftp_err-COULD_NOT_LOGIN" js="0">Authentication failed. Check the username and password provided are correct.</word>
<word key="ftp_err-COULD_NOT_CHDIR" js="0">Could not move into the directory specified. Check the directory is correct and the user provided has permission to access it.</word>
<word key="ftp_err-COULD_NOT_UPLOAD" js="0">Could not upload to the FTP server. Check the user has permission to write files.</word>
<word key="ftp_err-COULD_NOT_DELETE" js="0">Could not delete from the FTP server. Check the user has permission to delete files.</word>
<word key="ftp_err-SSL_NOT_AVAILABLE" js="0">The PHP function ftp_ssl_connect is not available. This usually means either FTP support or SSL support has not been added to your PHP installation. You will need to contact your host for assistance.</word>
<word key="filehandler__FileSystem" js="0">File System</word>
<word key="filehandler__FileSystem_desc" js="0">Default option which is sufficient for most environments.</word>
<word key="filehandler__FileSystem_dir" js="0">Directory</word>
<word key="filehandler__FileSystem_toggle" js="0">Use a Custom URL?</word>
<word key="filehandler__FileSystem_toggle_desc" js="0">The current upload URL is automatically calculated. Toggle this to enter a different URL. You will want to do this if you are using a CDN.</word>
<word key="filehandler__FileSystem_custom_url" js="0">Custom URL</word>
<word key="file_config_is_the_same_as_existing" js="0">This configuration cannot be saved. There is an existing file storage configuration with the same details.</word>
<word key="url_is_not_real" js="0">The custom URL %s is not a valid URL.</word>
<word key="uploaded_files" js="0">Attachments</word>
<word key="dir_does_not_exist" js="0">%s does not exist.</word>
<word key="dir_is_not_writable" js="0">%s cannot be written to. Please adjust the permissions on it or contact your hosting provider for assistance.</word>
<word key="dir_not_provided" js="0">No directory provided. Please check file storage configurations.</word>
<word key="allowed_attachment_types" js="0">Allowed Attachment Types</word>
<word key="atype_icon" js="0"></word>
<word key="filelog_settings" js="0">File Log Settings</word>
<word key="acplog__filelog_settings" js="0">File log settings updated</word>
<word key="file_log_pruning" js="0">Prune file logs</word>
<word key="atype_extension" js="0">Extension</word>
<word key="atype_mimetype" js="0">MIME type</word>
<word key="atype_post" js="0">Allowed?</word>
<word key="files__settings_changed" js="0">Edited file management settings.</word>
<word key="attach_file" js="0">Filename</word>
<word key="attach_filesize" js="0">Size</word>
<word key="attach_date" js="0">Uploaded</word>
<word key="attach_member_id" js="0">Uploaded By</word>
<word key="attach_hits" js="0">Downloads</word>
<word key="attach_type" js="0"><![CDATA[ ]]></word>
<word key="attach_ext" js="0">Extension</word>
<word key="attach_filesize_desc" js="0">In bytes</word>
<word key="attach_view_locations" js="0">View Locations</word>
<word key="attach_locations_empty" js="0">No locations to display. The content may not have been saved yet or may have been deleted.</word>
<word key="attach_hits_count" js="0">{# [1:download][?:downloads]}</word>
<word key="r__files_view" js="0">Can view files?</word>
<word key="r__files_delete" js="0">Can delete files?</word>
<word key="r__files_settings" js="0">Can manage storage settings?</word>
<word key="r__orphaned_files" js="0">Can remove orphaned files?</word>
<word key="acplogs__file_deleted" js="0">Deleted uploaded file: %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__files_config_moved" js="0">Files have been moved to a new storage configuration</word>
<word key="acplogs__files_config_removed" js="0">Storage configuration has been deleted</word>
<word key="filestorage_settings" js="0">Storage Settings</word>
<word key="filestorage_configurations" js="0">Configurations</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Attachment" js="0">Attachments</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Attachment_desc" js="0">Files uploaded within content such as posts and comments.</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Profile" js="0">Profile Photos</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Theme" js="0">Theme Resources</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Theme_desc" js="0">CSS files, JavaScript files and images used by Themes.</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Advertisements" js="0">Advertisements</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Emoticons" js="0">Custom Emoji</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_ProfileField" js="0">Custom Profile Fields</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Imageproxycache" js="0">Image Proxy Caches</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Promote" js="0">Social Media Promotion Images</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Reaction" js="0">Reactions</word>
<word key="files_edit_existing_and_used" js="0">This storage setting is in use. Significant edits made to this storage setting will be saved as a new storage setting and a move files process will be initiated.</word>
<word key="filestorage_method" js="0">Storage method</word>
<word key="filehandler_display_name" js="0">%s: %s</word>
<word key="filestorage_move_info" js="0">If you change an existing storage method, files will be gradually moved in the background. This can be time consuming and you may experience broken links/images until the process has completed.</word>
<word key="file_storage_in_use" js="0">That configuration is currently in use and cannot be deleted.</word>
<word key="file_storage_move_in_progress" js="0">This setting can not be changed as there is a move in progress.</word>
<word key="file_storage_move_out" js="0">Files are currently being moved from that configuration and so it cannot be edited. Wait until the move has completed and then try again.</word>
<word key="file_storage_move_in" js="0">Files are currently being moved into that configuration and so it cannot be edited. Wait until the move has completed and then try again.</word>
<word key="filestorage_move" js="0">Move files automatically</word>
<word key="filestorage_move_desc" js="0">If you have already moved the files, then you can switch this off, otherwise a file move process will be initiated.</word>
<word key="moving_files" js="0">Moving %s Files</word>
<word key="file_config_log_title" js="0">View Logs</word>
<word key="file_config_log" js="0">Logs for %s</word>
<word key="files_log_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="files_log_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="files_log_action" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="files_log_msg" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="files_log_filename" js="0">Filename</word>
<word key="files_type_log" js="0">Log</word>
<word key="files_type_copy" js="0">Copy</word>
<word key="files_type_error" js="0">Error</word>
<word key="files_type_move" js="0">Move</word>
<word key="files_action_save" js="0">Save</word>
<word key="files_action_copy" js="0">Copy</word>
<word key="files_action_delete" js="0">Delete</word>
<word key="files_action_move" js="0">Move</word>
<word key="files_log_filter_error" js="0">Errors</word>
<word key="files_log_filter_move" js="0">Moved Files Pending Deletion</word>
<word key="deleting_moved_files" js="0">Deleting Moved Original Files</word>
<word key="orphaned_files" js="0">Remove Orphaned Files</word>
<word key="orphaned_files_confirm" js="0">Are you sure you wish to remove orphaned files that do not have associated entries in the database? There is no undoing this action. It is recommended that you ensure you have a backup available before proceeding.</word>
<word key="orphaned_files_tasks_added" js="0">Remove orphaned files background tasks added</word>
<word key="finding_orphaned_files" js="0">Finding orphaned files for %s</word>
<word key="deleting_orphaned_files" js="0">Removing orphaned files for %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__orphaned_files_tool" js="0">%s orphaned file(s) removed</word>
<word key="removing_orphaned_files" js="0">Removing Orphaned Files...</word>
<word key="rebuilding_stuff" js="0">Rebuilding %s</word>
<word key="rebuilding_sitemap_stuff" js="0">Rebuilding %s Sitemap</word>
<word key="rebuilding_imageproxy_stuff" js="0">Rebuilding Image Proxy Data for %s</word>
<word key="deleting_imageproxy_files" js="0">Deleting Image Proxy Files</word>
<word key="rebuilding_member_seo_names" js="0">Rebuilding Member Names</word>
<word key="mass_member_update" js="0">Updating all members (fields: %s)</word>
<word key="rebuilding_reputation" js="0">Rebuilding %s reputation</word>
<word key="reindexing_stuff" js="0">Reindexing %s</word>
<word key="rebuilding_content_images" js="0">Rebuilding %s images</word>
<word key="rebuilding_noncontent_images" js="0">Rebuilding %s images</word>
<word key="rebuilding_noncontent_posts" js="0">Rebuilding %s</word>
<word key="recounting_posts" js="0">Recalculating members' content count</word>
<word key="recounting_reputation" js="0">Recalculating members' reputation count</word>
<word key="recounting_votes" js="0">Recounting poll votes</word>
<word key="file_storage_test_error_amazon" js="0"><![CDATA[There appears to be a problem with your Amazon (%s) file storage settings which can cause problems with uploads.<br> After attempting to upload a file to the directory, the URL to the file is returning a HTTP %s error. Update your settings and then check and see if the problem has been resolved]]></word>
<word key="file_storage_test_error_amazon_unreachable" js="0"><![CDATA[There appears to be a problem with your Amazon (%s) file storage settings which can cause problems with uploads.<br> A connection could not be established to the Amazon S3 server. Update your settings and then check and see if the problem has been resolved]]></word>
<word key="file_storage_test_error_amazon_d403" js="0"><![CDATA[There appears to be a problem with your Amazon (%s) file storage settings which can cause problems with uploads.<br> After attempting to delete an uploaded a file to the directory, the URL to the file is returning a HTTP %s error.]]></word>
<word key="file_storage_test_error_ftp" js="0"><![CDATA[There appears to be a problem with your FTP (%s) storage settings which can cause problems with uploads.<br> After attempting to upload a file to the directory, the URL to the file is returning a HTTP %s error. Update your settings and then check and see if the problem has been resolved]]></word>
<word key="file_storage_test_ftp_unexpected_response" js="0">There appears to be a problem with your FTP (%s) storage settings. Please contact technical support.</word>
<word key="rebuilding_items" js="0">Rebuilding %s titles</word>
<word key="fixdellog_task" js="0">Restoring %s deletion logs</word>
<word key="rebuilding_starratings" js="0">Rebuilding %s star ratings</word>
<word key="rebuilding_item_counts" js="0">Rebuilding %s counts</word>
<word key="rebuilding_attachments" js="0">Rebuilding attachments</word>
<word key="updating_storage_urls" js="0">Updating %s storage URLs</word>
<word key="member_photo_upload_no_animated" js="0">You are not allowed to upload animated images</word>
<word key="member_photo_bad_url" js="0">The profile photo URL is invalid</word>
<word key="profanity" js="0">Word Filters</word>
<word key="profanity_action" js="0">Action to take</word>
<word key="profanity_filter_action_swap" js="0">Replace with text</word>
<word key="profanity_filter_action_moderate" js="0">Hold content for moderator approval</word>
<word key="profanity_replace_with_x" js="0">Replace text with %s</word>
<word key="profanity_require_approval" js="0">Require Approval</word>
<word key="profanity_replace_text" js="0">Replace Text</word>
<word key="profanity_type" js="0">Word to filter</word>
<word key="profanity_swop" js="0">Text to replace</word>
<word key="profanity_m_exact" js="0">Method</word>
<word key="profanity_filter_exact" js="0">Exact</word>
<word key="profanity_filter_exact_desc" js="0">Match whole words only</word>
<word key="profanity_filter_loose" js="0">Loose</word>
<word key="profanity_filter_loose_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Match also in the middle of a word.<br>e.g. "Cat" set up as loose would match for both "Cat" and "Category"]]></word>
<word key="profanity_add" js="0">Add Word Filter</word>
<word key="profanity_download" js="0">This will download a file containing your word filters which can then be uploaded to another community.</word>
<word key="profanity_download_name" js="0">%s Word Filters</word>
<word key="profanity_upload" js="0">Word Filters .xml File</word>
<word key="profanity_add_error" js="0">You did not fill out the form.</word>
<word key="acplogs__profanity_filter_created" js="0">Added new word filter</word>
<word key="acplogs__profanity_filter_edited" js="0">Edited word filter</word>
<word key="profanity_bypass_groups" js="0"><![CDATA[%s can bypass the word filters. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=g_bypass_badwords}'>Configure</a>.]]></word>
<word key="profanity_no_bypass_groups" js="0"><![CDATA[You can allow certain member groups to bypass the word filters in the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=g_bypass_badwords}'>group settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="menu__core_promotion" js="0">Site Promotion</word>
<word key="menu__core_promotion_seo" js="0">Search Engine Optimization</word>
<word key="button_link_seo" js="0">Search Engine Optimization Settings</word>
<word key="r__seo" js="0">Search Engine Optimization</word>
<word key="r__seo_manage" js="0">Can manage SEO settings</word>
<word key="use_friendly_urls" js="0">Enable Friendly URLs?</word>
<word key="use_friendly_urls_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Friendly URLs are URLs that a human can look at and understand, as opposed to what may appear as an obscure string of text.<br>In addition to being more understandable to users, they help search engines understand better what is on each page.]]></word>
<word key="use_friendly_urls_warning" js="0">It is strongly recommended to use friendly URLs as they are easier for both humans and search engine spiders to understand.</word>
<word key="htaccess_mod_rewrite" js="0">Rewrite URLs?</word>
<word key="htaccess_mod_rewrite_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[When enabled, Friendly URLs will not include 'index.php'.<br>In order to support this you must <a href='{internal.app=core&module=promotion&controller=seo&do=htaccess}'><strong><u>download this file</u></strong></a>, upload it to your site's directory and rename it to '.htaccess' (with no file name). If there is already a .htaccess file, add the contents of this one to the existing.<br>If you are not sure how to do this, contact technical support for assistance.]]></word>
<word key="htaccess_mod_rewrite_desc_na" js="0"><![CDATA[When enabled, Friendly URLs will not include 'index.php'. In order to support this you must configure your web server to rewrite all URLs for your community directory to the index.php file. For assistance on how to do this, contact your hosting provider or system administrator.<br>To see the .htaccess used for Apache servers for comparison, <a href='{internal.app=core&module=promotion&controller=seo&do=htaccess}'>download this file</a>.]]></word>
<word key="htaccess_mod_rewrite_err" js="0">The rewriting does not seem to be working. This may be because you have not uploaded the .htaccess file, but may be a false error if your community is not generally accessible. Check friendly URLs are working, and if they are not, ensure you have uploaded the .htaccess file correctly or contact technical support for assistance.</word>
<word key="htaccess_mod_rewrite_err_na" js="0">The rewriting does not seem to be working. This may be because you have not configured your server correctly, but may be a false error if your community is not generally accessible. Check friendly URLs are working, and if they are not, ensure you have configured your server correctly or contact your hosting provider or server administrator for assistance.</word>
<word key="seo_r_on" js="0">Force Friendly URLs?</word>
<word key="seo_r_on_desc" js="0">When enabled, if a user visits a non-friendly URL (which may happen, for example, if you have upgraded from an older version of Invision Community and the old URL is in search engine results, etc.) they will be redirected to the friendly URL.</word>
<word key="seo_r_on_warning" js="0">It is strongly recommended to force friendly URLs if you enable friendly URLs. Not doing so can result in multiple different variations of a URL pointing to the same page, otherwise known as "duplicate content"</word>
<word key="seo_tab_furls" js="0">Friendly URLs</word>
<word key="seo_tab_sitemap" js="0">Sitemap</word>
<word key="sitemap_url" js="0">URL to sitemap.php file</word>
<word key="sitemap_url_desc" js="0">Links included in sitemap files are only valid if they are contained in the same folder as the sitemap file itself, or in subfolders.</word>
<word key="invalid_sitemap_url" js="0">Please enter a valid URL for the sitemap.php file</word>
<word key="acplogs__seo_furl_settings" js="0">Updated friendly URL settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__seo_sitemap_settings" js="0">Updated sitemap settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__seo_metatag_settings" js="0">Updated meta tag settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__seo_tracking_settings" js="0">Updated search engine tracking settings</word>
<word key="menu__core_promotion_analytics" js="0">Analytics</word>
<word key="r__analytics" js="0">Analytics</word>
<word key="r__analytics_manage" js="0">Can manage analytics integration?</word>
<word key="menu__core_promotion_advertisements" js="0">Advertisements</word>
<word key="r__advertisements" js="0">Advertisements</word>
<word key="r__advertisements_add" js="0">Can add advertisements?</word>
<word key="r__advertisements_edit" js="0">Can edit advertisements?</word>
<word key="r__advertisements_delete" js="0">Can delete advertisements?</word>
<word key="r__advertisements_manage" js="0">Can manage advertisements?</word>
<word key="advertisements" js="0">Advertisements</word>
<word key="ad_settings" js="0">Advertisement Settings</word>
<word key="ad_maximum_value_c" js="0">{# [1:click][?:clicks]}</word>
<word key="ad_maximum_value_i" js="0">{# [1:impression][?:impressions]}</word>
<word key="ad_filters_active" js="0">Enabled</word>
<word key="ad_filters_inactive" js="0">Disabled</word>
<word key="ad_filters_pending" js="0">Pending</word>
<word key="ads_word_custom" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="ads_ad_html" js="0">Preview</word>
<word key="ads_ad_impressions" js="0">Impressions</word>
<word key="ads_ad_clicks" js="0">Clicks</word>
<word key="ads_ad_active" js="0">Status</word>
<word key="ads_ad_start" js="0">Starts</word>
<word key="ads_ad_end" js="0">Ends</word>
<word key="ads_ad_maximum_value" js="0">Shut Off</word>
<word key="acplog_ad_settings" js="0">Edited advertisement settings</word>
<word key="ad_circ_random" js="0">Randomly select an advertisement</word>
<word key="ad_circ_newest" js="0">Show the most recent advertisement</word>
<word key="ad_circ_oldest" js="0">Show the oldest enabled advertisement</word>
<word key="ad_circ_leasti" js="0">Show the advertisement with the least impressions</word>
<word key="ads_circulation" js="0">Advertisement circulation</word>
<word key="ads_circulation_desc" js="0">You can use this setting to control how advertisements are selected for display when more than one advertisement is configured to show in a single location</word>
<word key="ads_force_sidebar" js="0">Force sidebar to display</word>
<word key="ads_force_sidebar_desc" js="0">Normally, if the sidebar does not display because there are no sidebar blocks, any advertisements configured to show in the sidebar will also not display. You can enable this setting to force the sidebar to display if there is an advertisement to show but no other blocks.</word>
<word key="ad_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="ad_type" js="0">Type of advertisement</word>
<word key="ad_type_html" js="0">Supply HTML Code</word>
<word key="ad_type_html_desc" js="0">This option is useful for services like Google Adsense where you are instructed to insert some HTML code into your page. The number of impressions will be tracked. The number of times the advertisement has been clicked cannot be tracked for HTML advertisements.</word>
<word key="ad_type_image" js="0">Upload images</word>
<word key="ad_type_image_desc" js="0">Use this option to upload an advertisement image and specify a link where clicking the image should take you. Both the number of impressions and the number of times the image has been clicked will be tracked.</word>
<word key="ad_exempt" js="0">Shows to</word>
<word key="ad_start" js="0">Start date</word>
<word key="ad_end" js="0">Show until</word>
<word key="ad_html" js="0">HTML code</word>
<word key="ad_html_specify_https" js="0">Supply different code for secure pages?</word>
<word key="ad_html_specify_https_desc" js="0">Some advertisement networks may require you to use different code on secure (HTTPS) pages. Alternatively, if you enable this option and do not specify any code to use on secure pages, the advertisement will not be displayed on secure pages.</word>
<word key="ad_html_https" js="0">HTML code for secure pages</word>
<word key="ad_html_https_desc" js="0">The advertisement will not be displayed on secure (HTTPS) pages if this code is not provided</word>
<word key="ad_url" js="0">Link</word>
<word key="ad_url_desc" js="0">Specify the link that the user should be taken to when clicking on the advertisement image</word>
<word key="ad_new_window" js="0">Open link in a new window?</word>
<word key="ad_image" js="0">Image</word>
<word key="ad_image_more" js="0">Upload smaller versions?</word>
<word key="ad_image_more_desc" js="0">You can optionally upload smaller images which will be used for mobile devices and tablets</word>
<word key="ad_image_small" js="0">Small image</word>
<word key="ad_image_small_desc" js="0">This image will be served to users visiting from small devices, such as mobile phones, if provided</word>
<word key="ad_image_medium" js="0">Medium image</word>
<word key="ad_image_medium_desc" js="0">This image will be served to users visiting from devices such as tablets which are larger than phones but smaller than most browsers, if provided</word>
<word key="ad_impressions" js="0">Impressions so far</word>
<word key="ad_clicks" js="0">Clicks so far</word>
<word key="ad_location" js="0">Show the advertisement</word>
<word key="ad_location_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If you are using Google Adsense, there are special rules about where you can place your advertisements. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=promotion&controller=advertisements&do=adsense}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='Google Adsense'>Read More</a>.]]></word>
<word key="ad_global_header" js="0">Just below the page header</word>
<word key="ad_global_footer" js="0">Just above the page footer</word>
<word key="ad_sidebar" js="0">In the site sidebar</word>
<word key="ad_max_impressions" js="0">impressions</word>
<word key="ad_max_clicks" js="0">clicks</word>
<word key="ad_maximums_html" js="0">Maximum number of impressions</word>
<word key="ad_maximums_image" js="0">Automatically shut off advertisement</word>
<word key="ad_after" js="0">After</word>
<word key="ad_maximums_html_desc" js="0">After an advertisement has been displayed this number of times it will no longer be shown</word>
<word key="acplog_ad_added" js="0">Added an advertisement</word>
<word key="acplog_ad_edited" js="0">Edited an advertisement</word>
<word key="add_advertisement" js="0">Create new advertisement</word>
<word key="edit_advertisement" js="0">Edit Advertisement</word>
<word key="set_active" js="0">Enable</word>
<word key="set_inactive" js="0">Disable</word>
<word key="acplog_ad_deleted" js="0">Deleted an advertisement</word>
<word key="acplog_ad_approved" js="0">Approved an advertisement</word>
<word key="acplog_ad_enabled" js="0">Enabled an advertisement</word>
<word key="acplog_ad_disabled" js="0">Disabled an advertisement</word>
<word key="ad_toggled_visible" js="0">Advertisement is now enabled</word>
<word key="ad_toggled_notvisible" js="0">Advertisement is now disabled</word>
<word key="ad_script_disabled" js="0">Javascript disabled for security</word>
<word key="ad_not_found" js="0">We could not find the page that the advertisement intended to send you to</word>
<word key="ad_not_found_admin" js="0">An advertisement was clicked on, however we either could not find the advertisement record in the database, or no URL was supplied to send the user to when the image was clicked on.</word>
<word key="_ad_custom_" js="0">Define your own locations</word>
<word key="_ad_custom__desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{external.ad-custom-location}' target='_blank'>How to use custom locations</a>.]]></word>
<word key="ad_location_custom" js="0">Custom location keys</word>
<word key="ad_promo_title" js="0">Get improved advertisement capabilities</word>
<word key="ad_promo_msg" js="0">Add Commerce to Invision Community to get additional advertisement capabilities, including the ability to sell advertising space directly to your members through a self-service system.</word>
<word key="ad_title_none" js="0">N/A</word>
<word key="ad_nostatus_change" js="0">The advertisement end date, maximum number of clicks or maximum number of impressions has been reached.</word>
<word key="google_adsense_header" js="0">Google Adsense</word>
<word key="google_adsense_blurb" js="0">If you are using Google Adsense, there are particular rules about where you can place advertisements.</word>
<word key="google_adsense_login_header" js="0">Pages only available to logged in users</word>
<word key="google_adsense_login_blurb" js="0">If you place advertisements on a page which are only available to logged in users, you need to provide Google with a username and password it can use to see the advertisements.</word>
<word key="google_adsense_login_link" js="0">Read More</word>
<word key="google_adsense_ajax_header" js="0">Pages with AJAX</word>
<word key="google_adsense_ajax_intro" js="0">AJAX is a technology which allows the content of the page changes dynamically without loading a new page. Invision Community uses this in some areas, particularly when you move between pages. For example, if you are viewing content with more than one page, you will notice that when you move between pages, only part of the page changes, rather than a whole new page is loaded.</word>
<word key="google_adsense_ajax_blurb" js="0">Google requires that advertisements be shown immediately when the page loads and not loaded using AJAX. This means that if you place advertisements somewhere that may be loaded with AJAX that you need to disable this feature in Invision Community. To do this:</word>
<word key="google_adsense_ajax_ins_1" js="0"><![CDATA[Go to the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=customization&controller=themes}' target='_blank'>Themes</a> section of the AdminCP.]]></word>
<word key="google_adsense_ajax_ins_2" js="0">For each Theme that you have installed, click the Edit button.</word>
<word key="google_adsense_ajax_ins_3" js="0">Go to the Custom tab.</word>
<word key="google_adsense_ajax_ins_4" js="0">Disable the 'Use AJAX pagination?' setting and save the Theme.</word>
<word key="google_adsense_other" js="0">Google has many other terms which affect how you can use their network and other advertisement networks have similar rules. Make sure you check your network's rules carefully for any additional steps you may need to take.</word>
<word key="menu__core_moderation" js="0">Content Moderation</word>
<word key="menu__core_moderation_reportedContent" js="0">Automatic Moderation</word>
<word key="menu__core_moderation_spam" js="0">Spam Prevention</word>
<word key="menu__core_moderation_warnings" js="0">Warnings</word>
<word key="r__reportedContent" js="0">Automatic Moderation</word>
<word key="r__reportedContent_manage" js="0">Can manage automatic moderation rules</word>
<word key="r__reportedContentTypes" js="0">Report Types</word>
<word key="r__reportedContentTypes_manage" js="0">Can manage report types</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation" js="0">Automatic Content Moderation</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_generic_details" js="0">Details</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_generic_filters" js="0">The author must match the following filters</word>
<word key="automatic_moderation_form_blurb" js="0"></word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_title" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_enabled" js="0">Enabled?</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_points" js="0">Hide content when reported by</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_points_desc" js="0">Each unique member's report is a point. This means a single member can report an item multiple times, but only count for a single point.</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_points_suffix" js="0">unique members</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_type" js="0">When reported as</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_type_desc" js="0">Select which report types count towards the trigger total</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_row_desc" js="0">Member %s</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_hide_reason" js="0">Reached the automatic moderation threshold</word>
<word key="gbw_immune_auto_mod" js="0">Bypass automatic moderation?</word>
<word key="gbw_immune_auto_mod_desc" js="0">Automatic moderation will not be applied to any content members in this group author.</word>
<word key="reportedContent_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="acplog__automoderation_settings" js="0">Edited automatic moderation settings</word>
<word key="automoderation_enabled" js="0">Enable automatic moderation</word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_disabled_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Automatic moderation is currently disabled. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=moderation&controller=reportedContent&do=settings}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='Settings'>Enable now</a>.]]></word>
<word key="automaticmoderation_blurb" js="0">You can set up rules that will trigger automatic content moderation. For example, you could create a rule that hides content when it receives 3 or more reports. If a member meets the criteria for more than one rule, the last shown in the list will be used. For example, if you have a rule to hide content for an author with 10 posts, and another with 100 posts, you should make sure the 100 post rule is below the 10 post rule in this list.</word>
<word key="automoderation_points_needed_badge" js="0">{# [1:points][?:points]} needed</word>
<word key="automoderation_already_reported" js="0">You have already reported this: %s</word>
<word key="automoderation_already_reported_delete" js="0">Delete your report</word>
<word key="automoderation_report_again_mins" js="0">Do not allow another report for</word>
<word key="automoderation_report_again_mins_suffix" js="0">minutes</word>
<word key="automoderation_report_again_mins_desc" js="0">Define the number of minutes before a member can report the same piece of content again.</word>
<word key="automoderation_deleted" js="0">Report deleted</word>
<word key="automoderation_cannot_find_report" js="0">Cannot find that report</word>
<word key="automoderation_report_points_flag" js="0">{# [1:Automatic moderation points][?:Automatic moderation points]}</word>
<word key="reportedContent_types" js="0">Manage Report Types</word>
<word key="automaticmod_types_title" js="0">Type Title</word>
<word key="automaticmod_types" js="0">Report Types</word>
<word key="automoderation_report_type_filter" js="0">Report Type</word>
<word key="settings_blurb" js="0">Manage your account settings, and set up social network integration.</word>
<word key="change_email_address" js="0">Change email address</word>
<word key="change_email_explain_1" js="0">You will have to re-activate your account after changing your email address.</word>
<word key="change_email_explain_2" js="0">An email will be sent to the email address you specify below, outlining what you need to do.</word>
<word key="change_password_admin_1" js="0">For your security, you are unable to update your password here because you are an administrator in this community. You can change your password by following these steps:</word>
<word key="change_password_admin_2" js="0">Log into the AdminCP</word>
<word key="change_password_admin_3" js="0">Click the 'Signed in as %s' dropdown menu on the header bar</word>
<word key="change_password_admin_4" js="0">Select 'Change My Details'</word>
<word key="change_password_admin_5" js="0">Click 'Change' on the password row</word>
<word key="change_email_admin_1" js="0">For your security, you are unable to update your email address here because you are an administrator in this community. You can change your email address by following these steps:</word>
<word key="change_email_admin_2" js="0">Log into the AdminCP</word>
<word key="change_email_admin_3" js="0">Click the 'Signed in as %s' dropdown menu on the header bar</word>
<word key="change_email_admin_4" js="0">Select 'Change My Details'</word>
<word key="change_email_admin_5" js="0">Click 'Change' on the email address row</word>
<word key="new_email" js="0">New email address</word>
<word key="current_email" js="0">Current email address</word>
<word key="current_password" js="0">Current password</word>
<word key="current_password_desc" js="0">To ensure this change is secure</word>
<word key="email_change_sucess" js="0"><![CDATA[Your request to change your email address has been received. An email has been sent to <strong>%s</strong>, please follow the instructions in that email to verify your new address. Until you verify your new email address, you will have limited access to the site.]]></word>
<word key="resend_none_pending" js="0">Your account does not need validating.</word>
<word key="resend_sent" js="0"><![CDATA[The email has been sent again to <strong>%s</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="validate_bad_vid" js="0">Your account could not be validated. Please try again.</word>
<word key="validate_bad_vid_admin" js="0">The key in the URL was not valid. The URL may have been copied and pasted wrong, the account may have already been validated or this validation email may no longer be valid as another one has been sent.</word>
<word key="validate_confirmation" js="0">Your account has been validated.</word>
<word key="email_changed" js="0">Email address changed.</word>
<word key="new_password" js="0">New password</word>
<word key="confirm_new_password" js="0">Confirm new password</word>
<word key="password_changed" js="0">Password changed.</word>
<word key="change_username" js="0">Change Display Name</word>
<word key="change_username_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[You have made <strong>%d of %d</strong> display name changes since %s. You are permitted to make {# [1:change][?:changes]} in a %d-day period.]]></word>
<word key="new_username" js="0">New display name</word>
<word key="username_changed" js="0">Display name changed.</word>
<word key="username_err_nochange" js="0">You are not allowed to change your display name.</word>
<word key="username_err_days" js="0">You are not allowed to change your display name right now as only members who have been registered for {# [1:day][?:days]} can change their username. You will be able to change your username on %s.</word>
<word key="username_err_posts" js="0">You are not allowed to change your display name right now as only members who have submitted {# [1:content item][?:content items]}, etc. can change their username - you need to make %d more.</word>
<word key="username_err_limit" js="0">You are not allowed to change your display name right now as you have changed it recently. You are only permitted to make {# [1:change][?:changes]} in a %d-day period.</word>
<word key="sig_err_days" js="0">Only members who have been registered for {# [1:day][?:days]} can change their signature. You will be able to change your signature on %s.</word>
<word key="sig_err_posts" js="0">Only members who have submitted {# [1:content item][?:content items]}, etc. can change their signature - you need to make %d more.</word>
<word key="signature_changed" js="0">Signature changed.</word>
<word key="settings_handler_err" js="0">Your account could not be updated. Please contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="profilesync__Facebook" js="0">Facebook</word>
<word key="profilesync__Twitter" js="0">Twitter</word>
<word key="profilesync__Linkedin" js="0">LinkedIn</word>
<word key="profilesync__Google" js="0">Google+</word>
<word key="profilesync__Microsoft" js="0">Microsoft</word>
<word key="profilesync_headline" js="0"><![CDATA[Signed in as <strong>%s</strong>]]></word>
<word key="profilesync_options" js="0">Sync options</word>
<word key="profilesync_email" js="0"><![CDATA[Update my email address here when my <strong>%s email address</strong> changes]]></word>
<word key="profilesync_name" js="0"><![CDATA[Update my display name here when my <strong>%s username</strong> changes]]></word>
<word key="profilesync_photo" js="0"><![CDATA[Use my <strong>%s photo</strong> as my profile photo]]></word>
<word key="profilesync_status" js="0"><![CDATA[Copy my <strong>%s status updates</strong> to my profile]]></word>
<word key="profilesync_status_none" js="0">Do not sync my status</word>
<word key="profilesync_cover" js="0"><![CDATA[Use my <strong>%s cover photo</strong> as my profile cover photo]]></word>
<word key="profilesync_email_admin" js="0">Sync email address</word>
<word key="profilesync_name_admin" js="0">Sync display name</word>
<word key="profilesync_photo_admin" js="0">Sync profile photo</word>
<word key="profilesync_status_admin" js="0">Import status updates</word>
<word key="profilesync_cover_admin" js="0">Sync cover photo</word>
<word key="profilesync_sync_blurb" js="0">Your profile is synced periodically.</word>
<word key="profilesync_last_sync" js="0">Last synced %s</word>
<word key="profilesync_not_synced" js="0">Not connected</word>
<word key="profilesync_sync" js="0">Synchronize Now</word>
<word key="profilesync_off" js="0">Disassociate %s</word>
<word key="profilesync_cannot_disassociate" js="0">You cannot disassociate %s because you have no other method of signing in.</word>
<word key="profilesync_synced" js="0">Profile Synced</word>
<word key="profilesync_blurb" js="0">After connecting your account with %s, you will be able to sync your profile information and use it to sign in in the future.</word>
<word key="profilesync_expire_blurb" js="0">Your %s authorization has expired. Sign in again to resume syncing your profile information.</word>
<word key="profilesync_not_syncing" js="0">Not syncing</word>
<word key="profilesync_logged_in_as" js="0">Logged in as %s</word>
<word key="profilesync_sign_out_confirm" js="0">You will not be able to sign in with %s any more and your profile information will not be synced.</word>
<word key="profilesync_generic_error" js="0">There was an error communicating with the service. If the issue persists, try disassociating your account with the service and signing in again.</word>
<word key="profile_disassociated" js="0">Your account has been successfully disassociated from the service</word>
<word key="profilesync_already_associated" js="0">Your %1$s account is already associated with another member.</word>
<word key="profilesync_email_exists" js="0">There is an existing account with the same email address as your %1$s account. Sign out, and then try signing in with your %1$s account to link your accounts.</word>
<word key="profilesync_save" js="0">Update preferences</word>
<word key="profilesync_reauth_needed" js="0">Reauthorization required</word>
<word key="profilesync_configure" js="0">Configure</word>
<word key="sync_settings_syncing" js="0">Syncing a, b and c</word>
<word key="sync_settings_photo" js="0">profile photo</word>
<word key="sync_settings_cover" js="0">cover photo</word>
<word key="sync_settings_status_export" js="0">exporting statuses</word>
<word key="sync_settings_status_import" js="0">importing statuses</word>
<word key="my_attachments" js="0">My Attachments</word>
<word key="my_attachment_quota" js="0">Attachment Quota</word>
<word key="my_attachments_count" js="0">{# [1:attachment][?:attachments]}</word>
<word key="my_attachments_blurb" js="0">You have used %s of your %s attachment limit.</word>
<word key="my_attachments_empty" js="0">You have not uploaded any files yet.</word>
<word key="my_attachments_view" js="0">See where attachment is used</word>
<word key="my_attachments_delete" js="0">Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?</word>
<word key="my_attachments_delete_sub" js="0">This can't be undone, and links to this attachment will be broken.</word>
<word key="sort_attach_date" js="0">Upload Date</word>
<word key="sort_attach_file" js="0">Filename</word>
<word key="sort_attach_filesize" js="0">Size</word>
<word key="my_attachment_uploaded" js="0">Uploaded %s</word>
<word key="attached_to_x_posts" js="0">Used in {# [1:post][?:posts]}</word>
<word key="ensure_signature_restrictions" js="0">Please ensure your signature complies with the following restrictions</word>
<word key="terms" js="0"><![CDATA[Terms & Privacy Policy]]></word>
<word key="terms_guidelines" js="0">Site Guidelines</word>
<word key="gl_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="gl_internal" js="0">Display the default page</word>
<word key="gl_external" js="0">Link to an external URL</word>
<word key="gl_none" js="0">None</word>
<word key="gl_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="gl_guidelines" js="0">Guidelines Text</word>
<word key="gl_link" js="0">Link</word>
<word key="privacy_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="privacy_internal" js="0">Display the default page</word>
<word key="privacy_external" js="0">Link to an external URL</word>
<word key="privacy_none" js="0">None</word>
<word key="privacy_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="privacy_text" js="0">Policy Text</word>
<word key="privacy_link" js="0">Link</word>
<word key="terms_registration" js="0"><![CDATA[Registration Terms & Rules]]></word>
<word key="terms_privacy" js="0">Privacy Policy</word>
<word key="terms_dismissed" js="0">Terms Dismissed</word>
<word key="reg_rules" js="0"><![CDATA[Terms & Rules Text]]></word>
<word key="guest_terms_options" js="0">Guest Options</word>
<word key="guest_terms_bar" js="0">Show terms of service confirmation bar to Guests?</word>
<word key="guest_terms_bar_text" js="0">Text to show</word>
<word key="guest_terms_bar_text_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You may optionally use the following tags:<br><ul class='ipsList_bullets ipsSpacer_top ipsSpacer_half'><li><code>{terms}</code> to insert a link to the Terms of Service page</li><li><code>{privacy}</code> to insert a link to the Privacy Policy page</li><li><code>{guidelines}</code> to insert a link to the Community Guidelines page</li><li><code>{cookies}</code> to insert a cookie message</li></ul>]]></word>
<word key="guest_terms_title" js="0">Important Information</word>
<word key="guest_terms_close" js="0">I accept</word>
<word key="acplogs__terms_edited" js="0">Edited registration terms, privacy policy and guidelines</word>
<word key="loc_viewing_privacy_policy" js="0">Viewing Privacy Policy</word>
<word key="loc_viewing_guidelines" js="0">Viewing Guidelines</word>
<word key="loc_viewing_reg_terms" js="0">Viewing Registration Terms</word>
<word key="reg_terms" js="0">Registration Terms</word>
<word key="admin_reconfirm_blurb" js="0">You have updated the registration terms or privacy policy. You can optionally prompt members on their next log in to accept the new policies.</word>
<word key="admin_reconfirm_reg_terms" js="0">Force members to accept the new registration terms?</word>
<word key="admin_reconfirm_privacy" js="0">Force members to accept the new privacy policy?</word>
<word key="sharelinks" js="0">Sharing</word>
<word key="menu__core_promotion_sharelinks" js="0">Sharing</word>
<word key="r__sharelinks" js="0">Share Link Services</word>
<word key="r__sharelinks_manage" js="0">Can manage share links</word>
<word key="share_title" js="0">Service Name</word>
<word key="share_groups" js="0">Can be used by</word>
<word key="twitter_tweet" js="0">Tweet</word>
<word key="delicious_text" js="0">Save to Delicious</word>
<word key="digg_text" js="0">Share on Digg</word>
<word key="email_text" js="0">Share via email</word>
<word key="facebook_text" js="0">Share on Facebook</word>
<word key="googleplus_text" js="0">Share on Google+</word>
<word key="lin_text" js="0">Share on LinkedIn</word>
<word key="pinterest_text" js="0">Share on Pinterest</word>
<word key="reddit_text" js="0">Share on Reddit</word>
<word key="stumble_text" js="0">Share on StumbleUpon</word>
<word key="twitter_text" js="0">Share on Twitter</word>
<word key="twitter_hashtag" js="0">Default hashtag</word>
<word key="twitter_hashtag_desc" js="0">If this is left blank no hashtag will automatically be applied to the shared content, however users can still manually apply one.</word>
<word key="fbc_bot_group" js="0">Facebook bot group</word>
<word key="fbc_bot_group_desc" js="0">Use this setting to determine what permissions Facebook bots will be given. This can be useful if some of your content is not available to guests but you would still like to allow the content to be shared.</word>
<word key="default_email_content" js="0"><![CDATA[<p>I thought you might be interested in looking at %s.</p><p>%s</p>]]></word>
<word key="mail_from_name" js="0">Your Name</word>
<word key="mail_from_email" js="0">Your Email</word>
<word key="email_subject" js="0">Subject</word>
<word key="email_email" js="0">Email Address</word>
<word key="email_content" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="send" js="0">Send</word>
<word key="email_sent" js="0">The email has been sent</word>
<word key="send_email_form" js="0">Email this page</word>
<word key="send_email_form_with_title" js="0">Email this page ( %s )</word>
<word key="share_autoshare_Twitter" js="0">Users can share immediately when posting?</word>
<word key="share_autoshare_Twitter_desc" js="0">If a user has signed in with Twitter they will see a checkbox when submitting content to share it on Twitter after posting.</word>
<word key="share_autoshare_Twitter_disabled" js="0"><![CDATA[To enable this option, you need to <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=login}'>set up Twitter login</a>.]]></word>
<word key="auto_share_facebook" js="0"><![CDATA[<i class='fa fa-facebook-official'></i> Share on Facebook]]></word>
<word key="auto_share_twitter" js="0"><![CDATA[<i class='fa fa-twitter'></i> Share on Twitter]]></word>
<word key="share_this_comment" js="0">Share this comment</word>
<word key="link_to_comment" js="0">Link to comment</word>
<word key="share_this_review" js="0">Share this review</word>
<word key="link_to_review" js="0">Link to review</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_posting" js="0">Posting</word>
<word key="url_settings" js="0">Links</word>
<word key="posting_general" js="0">General</word>
<word key="posting_images" js="0"><![CDATA[Images & Videos]]></word>
<word key="posting_content" js="0">Posting</word>
<word key="posting_items" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="max_title_length" js="0">Maximum title length</word>
<word key="max_title_length_suffix" js="0">characters</word>
<word key="attachments" js="0">Attachments</word>
<word key="ipb_url_filter_option" js="0">Link Filtering</word>
<word key="url_none" js="0">Allow any links</word>
<word key="url_blacklist" js="0">Allow any links apart from the links specified</word>
<word key="url_whitelist" js="0">Allow only the links specified</word>
<word key="ipb_url_whitelist" js="0">Allowed links</word>
<word key="ipb_url_whitelist_desc" js="0">Use * as a wildcard. e.g. 'http://*.example.com/*'</word>
<word key="ipb_url_blacklist" js="0">Disallowed links</word>
<word key="ipb_url_blacklist_desc" js="0">Use * as a wildcard. e.g. 'http://*.example.com/*'</word>
<word key="url_filter_action" js="0">Action to take when a disallowed link is posted</word>
<word key="url_filter_block" js="0">Block</word>
<word key="url_filter_block_desc" js="0">If a disallowed link is posted, the link will be displayed as text.</word>
<word key="url_filter_moderate" js="0">Moderate</word>
<word key="url_filter_moderate_desc" js="0">If a disallowed link is posted, the content will be held for moderator approval.</word>
<word key="url_filter_any_action" js="0">If a link is posted</word>
<word key="url_filter_any_allow" js="0">Allow</word>
<word key="url_filter_any_allow_desc" js="0">Any link can be posted.</word>
<word key="url_filter_any_moderate" js="0">Moderate</word>
<word key="url_filter_any_moderate_desc" js="0">If any link is posted, the content will be held for moderator approval.</word>
<word key="links_external" js="0">Force posted links to open in new windows?</word>
<word key="links_external_desc" js="0">Setting this to Yes will force all posted links, to other websites, to open in a new window.</word>
<word key="posts_add_nofollow" js="0">Instruct search engines not to follow posted links?</word>
<word key="posts_add_nofollow_desc" js="0">Will add rel='nofollow' to posted links that link away from your website. This is recommended so search engines are aware that your site is not connected to sites users post links to.</word>
<word key="posts_add_nofollow_exclude" js="0">Domains to instruct search engines to follow</word>
<word key="posts_add_nofollow_exclude_desc" js="0">rel='nofollow' will not be added to any links to the domains specified. Add any domains which your site is connected to or has control over.</word>
<word key="acplogs__url_filter_settings" js="0">Link filter settings edited</word>
<word key="acplogs__posting_general_settings" js="0">General posting settings edited</word>
<word key="posting_attachments" js="0">Attachments</word>
<word key="attach_allowed_types" js="0">Allowed File Types</word>
<word key="attach_allowed_types_all" js="0">All Files</word>
<word key="attach_allowed_types_media" js="0"><![CDATA[Images & Videos Only]]></word>
<word key="attach_allowed_types_images" js="0">Images Only</word>
<word key="attach_allowed_types_none" js="0">None</word>
<word key="attach_allowed_types_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can configure which groups can use attachments and their storage limits in the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=g_attach}'>group settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="attach_allowed_extensions" js="0">Allowed File Extensions</word>
<word key="attach_allowed_extensions_desc" js="0">If provided, only files which have a name ending in one of the specified extensions will be allowed.</word>
<word key="attachment_resample_size" js="0">Maximum image dimensions to save</word>
<word key="attachment_resample_size_desc" js="0">If an image larger than the these dimensions is uploaded, it will be resized to no bigger than the dimensions and the original image will be discarded. Resizing images reduces their quality so it is normally best to leave this unlimited unless your community uses a lot of images and you want to reduce disk space use.</word>
<word key="attachment_image_size" js="0">Maximum image dimensions to display</word>
<word key="attachment_image_size_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If an image larger than the these dimensions is uploaded, a thumbnail will be created no bigger than the specified dimensions which is what will be displayed. When the user clicks on this thumbnail, the full-sized image is displayed. It is usually best to keep this quite large so images appear attractive unless your community uses a lot of images and you want to reduce bandwidth use. The settings apply to new images only, unless you <a data-confirm href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=posting&do=rebuildThumbnails}'>rebuild existing images</a>.]]></word>
<word key="thumbnails_rebuilt" js="0">The attachment thumbnails will be rebuilt in the background</word>
<word key="editor_embeds" js="0">Automatically embed links?</word>
<word key="editor_embeds_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Certain content can be automatically embedded. For example, if a user posts a link to a video on YouTube or Vimeo the video can be embedded into the post. Changing this setting won't apply to existing content.<br>Links from the following sites are supported: College Humor, Coub, Dailymotion, Facebook, Flickr, Funny Or Die, Gfycat, Google+, Google Maps, Hulu, Instagram, ReverbNation, Screencast.com, SmugMug, SoundCloud, Spotify, TED, Twitch, Twitter, Ustream, Vimeo, Vine, Wistia, YouTube, and internal links to content within the community.]]></word>
<word key="max_video_width" js="0">Maximum embedded content width</word>
<word key="max_video_width_desc" js="0">This setting restricts the size of content (such as videos) from embedded links. The content will never be wider than the user's browser can display.</word>
<word key="acronym_expansion" js="0">Acronym Expansion</word>
<word key="acronym_add" js="0">Add Acronym</word>
<word key="acronym_a_short" js="0">Acronym</word>
<word key="acronym_a_long" js="0">Long Version</word>
<word key="acronym_a_casesensitive" js="0">Case Sensitive?</word>
<word key="r__posting" js="0">Posting</word>
<word key="r__posting_manage" js="0">Can manage general posting settings</word>
<word key="r__posting_manage_profanity" js="0">Can manage word filters</word>
<word key="r__posting_manage_url" js="0">Can manage link filter</word>
<word key="r__posting_manage_acronym" js="0">Can manage acronym expansion</word>
<word key="r__posting_manage_tags" js="0">Can manage tags</word>
<word key="r__posting_manage_polls" js="0">Can manage polls</word>
<word key="r__posting_manage_attachments" js="0">Can manage attachment settings</word>
<word key="edit_log" js="0">Edit log</word>
<word key="edit_log_none" js="0">Do not log edits</word>
<word key="edit_log_simple" js="0">Log that an edit has been made and show when content was last edited</word>
<word key="edit_log_full" js="0">Log all edits made to content and what was changed</word>
<word key="edit_log_public" js="0">Show full log to all users?</word>
<word key="edit_log_public_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[When disabled, only moderators who have permission to view the edit log can see what was changed (other users can just see when the content was last edited).<br>When enabled, all users will be able to see the details of changes the author has made to the content. Edits made by moderators are still only shown to moderators.]]></word>
<word key="edit_log_prune" js="0">Prune Edit Log</word>
<word key="edit_log_prune_desc" js="0">Logged content edits older than the period specified will be pruned</word>
<word key="merge_concurrent_posts" js="0">Merge concurrent posts</word>
<word key="merge_concurrent_posts_desc" js="0">If a user makes a post or comment, and then makes another post or comment on the same item within the specified timeframe before any other user, the posts will be merged. This bypasses any limit the user has on editing their posts.</word>
<word key="flood_control" js="0">Flood control</word>
<word key="flood_control_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[After a user has made a post or comment, they cannot make any additional posts for the specified length of time, unless the above setting for merging concurrent posts applies. You can disable this for individual groups in the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=4_g_avoid_flood}'>group settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="error_flood_control" js="0">New posts within a short time frame are limited. Please wait %s seconds before submitting.</word>
<word key="topic_redirect_prune" js="0">Delete Moved Links</word>
<word key="topic_redirect_prune_desc" js="0">Some content when being moved will leave a link in the old location pointing to the new. This setting allows you to automatically remove the links.</word>
<word key="dellog_retention_period" js="0">Permanently delete content</word>
<word key="dellog_retention_period_desc" js="0">Deleted content can be viewed and restored in the ModeratorCP until it is permanently deleted. Does not apply to content deleted through the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="dellog_days_after_deleted" js="0">days after it has been deleted</word>
<word key="reviews_rating_out_of" js="0">Reviews rated out of</word>
<word key="reviews_rating_out_of_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Note: changing this setting will <strong>not</strong> recalculate current votes. This will mean that any current votes will be calculated at either half or double their true value.]]></word>
<word key="reviews_rating_out_of_5" js="0">5 stars</word>
<word key="reviews_rating_out_of_10" js="0">10 stars</word>
<word key="server_environment" js="0">Server Environment</word>
<word key="auto_polling_enabled" js="0">Enable Automatic Polling?</word>
<word key="auto_polling_enabled_desc" js="0">Invision Community will make automatic AJAX requests to your server to facilitate instant notifications, showing when a user has replied to content and other features. These requests are made in an efficient manner and the rate slows with the amount of time a user is inactive, but you may want to disable these features if you need to reduce the amount of requests to your server.</word>
<word key="task_run_error" js="0">Task error: %s</word>
<word key="task_class_not_found" js="0">The task you attempted to run could not be found</word>
<word key="task_use_cron" js="0">Task Method</word>
<word key="task_use_cron_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Routine maintenance tasks need to be performed at regular intervals. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&do=tasks}'>View Tasks</a>]]></word>
<word key="task_method_normal" js="0">Run Automatically with Traffic (Default)</word>
<word key="task_method_ips" js="0">Use cron</word>
<word key="task_method_ips_desc" js="0">Community in the Cloud automatically handles running tasks.</word>
<word key="task_method_cron" js="0">Use cron (Recommended)</word>
<word key="task_method_web" js="0">Use web service</word>
<word key="task_method_normal_desc" js="0">The system will automatically run tasks as members browse the site. This is fine for most sites, but if your site does not receive much member traffic, tasks could become backlogged. Tasks will only be triggered by regular members, not guests. If it looks like a backlog is being generated, an error will display on the AdminCP dashboard.</word>
<word key="task_method_cron_desc" js="0">If you are able to set up crons on your web server, the server can run these tasks. This is more reliable and so is recommended if possible on your server.</word>
<word key="task_method_web_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You can use a web service such as <a href='{external.easycron}' target='_blank'>EasyCron</a> to remotely trigger these tasks. This is recommended if your site does not receive much member traffic and using a cron isn't possible.]]></word>
<word key="task_method_cron_warning" js="0"><![CDATA[When this setting is enabled you <strong>MUST</strong> ensure that the cron is set up properly. If this setting is turned on but no cron is set up it will cause significant damage to your site.<br><br>You should set the cron to run the following command every minute:<br><code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="task_method_web_warning" js="0"><![CDATA[When this setting is enabled you <strong>MUST</strong> ensure that a web service calls to the following URL. If this setting is turned on but no web service is set up it will cause significant damage to your site.<br><br>You should set the service to call to the following URL as frequently as every minute (or as frequently as possible):<br><code>%s</code>]]></word>
<word key="task_use_cron_executable" js="0">In order to enable this setting you must make the %s file executable (i.e. chmod 0777).</word>
<word key="task_manager" js="0">Tasks</word>
<word key="task_manager_app" js="0">Application/Plugin</word>
<word key="task_manager_key" js="0">Task</word>
<word key="task_manager_frequency" js="0">Frequency</word>
<word key="task_manager_next_run" js="0">Next Scheduled Run</word>
<word key="task_manager_last_run" js="0">Last Run</word>
<word key="task__profilesync" js="0">Syncs profile data from external services.</word>
<word key="task__bulkmail" js="0">Sends any bulk emails waiting to be sent.</word>
<word key="task__logprune" js="0">Deletes old logs.</word>
<word key="task__updatecheck" js="0">Checks for updates to applications, plugins and themes.</word>
<word key="task__queue" js="0">Runs background queue tasks.</word>
<word key="task__sitemapgenerator" js="0">Updates the sitemap with the latest content from the community and submits to search engines.</word>
<word key="task__cleanup" js="0">Deletes old temporary data, prunes logs, deleted moved-content links and removes expired warning points.</word>
<word key="task__pop" js="0">Fetches and parses incoming POP3 emails.</word>
<word key="task__publish" js="0">Publishes queued content items.</word>
<word key="pop3_cant_connect" js="0">Can't connect to POP3 mail server</word>
<word key="pop3_cant_login" js="0">Can't log in to POP3 mail server</word>
<word key="task__digest" js="0">Sends out daily and weekly digest emails for followed content.</word>
<word key="task__unlockmembers" js="0">Unlocks members and resets failed login attempts.</word>
<word key="task__deletecontent" js="0">Permanently removes content queued for deletion.</word>
<word key="task_manager_running" js="0">Running now...</word>
<word key="task_manager_disabled" js="0">Not currently needed.</word>
<word key="task_manager_run" js="0">Run Now</word>
<word key="task_manager_unlock" js="0">Remove running lock</word>
<word key="task_manager_logs" js="0">View Logs</word>
<word key="task_manager_locked" js="0">The task is already running and cannot be ran until it has finished or the lock is removed.</word>
<word key="task_manager_ran" js="0">Task ran successfully</word>
<word key="task_manager_ran_log" js="0">The task ran successfully and produced the following output:</word>
<word key="task_manager_run_again" js="0">Run again</word>
<word key="task_manager_return" js="0">Return to task manager</word>
<word key="task_manager_unlocked" js="0">Task unlocked</word>
<word key="task_manager_time" js="0">Date/Time</word>
<word key="task_manager_log" js="0">Log</word>
<word key="prune_log_tasks" js="0">Prune task logs</word>
<word key="acplog__tasklog_settings" js="0">Task settings edited</word>
<word key="tasklogs_blurb" js="0">Tasks do not usually log anything if they run without error.</word>
<word key="task_settings" js="0">Task settings</word>
<word key="task__validatingmemberprune" js="0">Prunes validating members older than 30 days.</word>
<word key="furls" js="0">Friendly URLs</word>
<word key="furls_customize" js="0">Customize Friendly URLs</word>
<word key="furl_warning" js="0">Adjusting these settings is recommended only for advanced users. Custom URLs are not backwards compatible with the default URLs and so any changes will have an immediate negative effect on your search engine rankings.</word>
<word key="furl_friendly" js="0">Friendly URL</word>
<word key="furl_friendly_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Encase variables in {curly braces} containing either a # (for numbers) or @ (for text) symbol, followed by the name of the parameter that matches in the real URL. e.g. {#showtopic} will match the 'showtopic' parameter in the real URL.<br>{?} marks the position of variables that do not appear in the real URL such as topic titles.]]></word>
<word key="furl_real" js="0">Real URL</word>
<word key="furl_real_desc" js="0">You do not need to include any parameters which are specified as variables in the Friendly URL.</word>
<word key="furl_revert" js="0">Revert to default configuration</word>
<word key="furl_in_dev" js="0">You cannot manage friendly URLs while in developer mode unless you set the constant \IPS\DEV_USE_FURL_CACHE to true.</word>
<word key="furl_too_greedy" js="0">The Friendly URL must be unique, the value entered will conflict with other Friendly URLs</word>
<word key="furl_friendly_placeholder" js="0">example/{#id}-{?}</word>
<word key="r__advanced" js="0">Advanced Configuration</word>
<word key="r__advanced_manage" js="0">Can manage advanced configuration?</word>
<word key="r__advanced_manage_tasks" js="0">Can manage tasks?</word>
<word key="r__advanced_manage_server" js="0">Can manage server configuration?</word>
<word key="r__advanced_manage_furls" js="0">Can manage friendly URLs?</word>
<word key="r__advanced_manage_incoming_email" js="0">Can manage incoming email settings?</word>
<word key="acplogs__advanced_server_edited" js="0">Server configuration settings edited</word>
<word key="acplogs__advanced_furl_edited" js="0">Friendly URLs edited</word>
<word key="acplogs__advanced_furl_deleted" js="0">Friendly URL deleted</word>
<word key="acplogs__advanced_furl_reverted" js="0">Friendly URL reverted</word>
<word key="datastore_method" js="0">Data Storage Method</word>
<word key="datastore_method_desc" js="0">The data storage method is used by various systems to save arbitrary data. If caching is enabled, using the MySQL Database provides the best performance for most environments, otherwise using the File System is usually best.</word>
<word key="datastore_method_Database" js="0">MySQL Database</word>
<word key="datastore_method_FileSystem" js="0">File System</word>
<word key="cache_method" js="0">Caching Method</word>
<word key="cache_method_desc" js="0">The caching method is used by various systems for temporary data storage and data caching. All options apart from Memcached use server memory and using any of these will increase performance over not caching. Memcached is a distributed memory object caching system and provides the best performance.</word>
<word key="datastore_method_Apc" js="0">APC</word>
<word key="datastore_method_Memcache" js="0">Memcached</word>
<word key="datastore_method_Wincache" js="0">Wincache</word>
<word key="datastore_method_Xcache" js="0">XCache</word>
<word key="datastore_method_Test" js="0"> - Developer Test - </word>
<word key="datastore_test_path" js="0">Directory</word>
<word key="datastore_method_disableddesc" js="0">In order to use this method, the %s extension must be installed on your server.</word>
<word key="datastore_method_None" js="0">- No caching -</word>
<word key="datastore_method_Redis" js="0">Redis</word>
<word key="datastore_redis_servers_err" js="0">You must provide a server hostname and either leave the server port blank, or supply a valid port number</word>
<word key="server_host" js="0">Redis server address</word>
<word key="server_port" js="0">Redis port number</word>
<word key="server_password" js="0">Redis server password</word>
<word key="datastore_filesystem_path" js="0">Directory</word>
<word key="datastore_filesystem_path_err" js="0">The directory must exist and be writable.</word>
<word key="datastore_memcache_servers" js="0">Servers</word>
<word key="datastore_memcache_servers_err" js="0">You must provide at least one server.</word>
<word key="datastore_memcache_servers_err2" js="0">The servers provided are not valid.</word>
<word key="datastore_change_blurb" js="0">To save your configuration, you must download a new constants.php file and upload it to the root directory of your site.</word>
<word key="datastore_change_download" js="0">Download constants.php</word>
<word key="datastore_change_error" js="0">Upload the new constants.php file before clicking continue.</word>
<word key="acplogs__search_settings" js="0">Updated search settings</word>
<word key="r__search" js="0">Search Configuration</word>
<word key="r__search_manage" js="0">Can manage search configuration?</word>
<word key="theme_disk_cache_templates" js="0">Enable template disk caching?</word>
<word key="theme_disk_cache_templates_desc" js="0">Storing template caches to disk as executable files can save processing time and memory usage.</word>
<word key="theme_disk_cache_path" js="0">Template disk cache path</word>
<word key="theme_disk_cache_path_desc" js="0">The directory must be readable and writeable by PHP.</word>
<word key="theme_disk_cache_path_wrong" js="0">The path is not readable and writeable.</word>
<word key="redis_enabled" js="0">Use Redis to reduce MySQL overhead</word>
<word key="redis_enabled_desc" js="0">Redis will be used for sessions and to manage topic view counters</word>
<word key="performance_settings" js="0">Performance</word>
<word key="menu__core_languages" js="0">Localization</word>
<word key="menu__core_languages_languages" js="0">Languages</word>
<word key="lang_title" js="0">Language</word>
<word key="lang_short" js="0">Locale</word>
<word key="lang_short_other" js="0">- My locale is not listed -</word>
<word key="lang_short_custom" js="0">Locale Code</word>
<word key="lang_short_custom_desc" js="0">Your hosting provider or system administrator will be able to provide a list of the locales supported by your server.</word>
<word key="lang_isrtl" js="0">Text direction</word>
<word key="lang_isrtl_left" js="0">Left-to-right</word>
<word key="lang_isrtl_right" js="0">Right-to-left</word>
<word key="lang_isrtl_desc" js="0">For Western languages, this is left-to-right</word>
<word key="lang_short_err" js="0">The chosen locale is not supported by your server. Your hosting provider or system administrator will be able to provide a list of the locales supported by your server.</word>
<word key="lang_default" js="0">Default Language?</word>
<word key="lang_default_desc" js="0">Use if a member has not specifically set a language and it cannot be determined automatically from their browser.</word>
<word key="lang_translate" js="0">Translate</word>
<word key="lang_change_to" js="0">Change members to</word>
<word key="lang_change_to_desc" js="0">Members who are using the language you are disabling will be moved to the selected language instead.</word>
<word key="lang_upload" js="0">Language .xml file</word>
<word key="lang_dev_import" js="0">Developer: Import from PHP files</word>
<word key="lang_dev_importing" js="0">Importing language data...</word>
<word key="lang_vle" js="0">Translation Tools</word>
<word key="lang_vle_editor" js="0">Quick Translating</word>
<word key="lang_vle_editor_desc" js="0">When enabled, you can click and hold on any word or phrase on your site to quickly translate it for the language you are viewing the site in. This will only affect your account.</word>
<word key="dev_lang_vle_editor_warn" js="0">The quick translating tool cannot be used while development mode is enabled.</word>
<word key="lang_vle_keys" js="0">View word keys?</word>
<word key="lang_vle_keys_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[When enabled, rather than viewing the real words and phrases, the keys that represent them will show. This can be useful for seeing what key a particular word or phrase is stored as. This will only affect your account.<br>If you are unable to find this setting again after enabling it, exit and then reopen your web browser to disable.]]></word>
<word key="lang_word_key" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="lang_word_default" js="0">English</word>
<word key="lang_word_custom" js="0">Translation</word>
<word key="lang_word_app_or_plugin" js="0">Source</word>
<word key="lang_word_app" js="0">App</word>
<word key="lang_word_plugin" js="0">Plugin</word>
<word key="lang_word_theme" js="0">Theme</word>
<word key="lang_filter_translated" js="0">Translated</word>
<word key="lang_filter_untranslated" js="0">Untranslated</word>
<word key="lang_filter_out_of_date" js="0">Out of date</word>
<word key="acplogs__lang_created" js="0">Created language - %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__lang_translate" js="0">Translated language phrase with key '%s' in language '%s'</word>
<word key="core_lang_download_empty" js="0">As there are no translated language keys, there is nothing to download.</word>
<word key="translate_na" js="0">None</word>
<word key="acplogs__members_language_reset" js="0">Changed all members language to %s</word>
<word key="r__dashboard" js="0">Dashboard</word>
<word key="r__view_dashboard" js="0">Can view dashboard?</word>
<word key="manage_button" js="0">Manage</word>
<word key="add_button" js="0">Add</word>
<word key="close_widget" js="0">Close widget</word>
<word key="close_warning" js="0">Mute this warning for a week</word>
<word key="reorder_widget" js="0">Move widget</word>
<word key="admin_notes_last_update" js="0">Last Updated</word>
<word key="block_core_OrigTables" js="0">UTF-8 Conversion Backup Tables</word>
<word key="orig_cleanup_suggested" js="0"><![CDATA[Some backup database tables, which were created when your site was initially upgraded to the Invision Community 4.x release, have been detected in your database and can be safely removed now. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=overview&controller=dashboard&cleanupOrigTables=1}'>Click here to remove these tables</a>. This will reduce the size of your database and improve overall performance of your site.]]></word>
<word key="orig_cleanup_task" js="0">Cleaning Up Database</word>
<word key="orig_tables_rebuilding" js="0">Cleaning up database</word>
<word key="block_core_Registrations" js="0">Registrations</word>
<word key="block_core_OnlineUsers" js="0">Online Users by App</word>
<word key="chart_app" js="0">App</word>
<word key="chart_members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="block_core_OnlineAdmins" js="0">Online Admins</word>
<word key="block_core_AdminNotes" js="0">Admin Notes</word>
<word key="block_core_LatestNews" js="0">Latest Invision Community News</word>
<word key="ipsnews_error_generic" js="0">There was a problem fetching the latest news</word>
<word key="block_core_FailedLogins" js="0">Failed Admin Logins</word>
<word key="block_failed_logins_all" js="0">Show all</word>
<word key="no_failed_logins" js="0">There are no failed administrator logins</word>
<word key="block_core_AwaitingValidation" js="0">Users Awaiting Admin Approval</word>
<word key="none_awaiting_validation" js="0">There are no users awaiting approval</word>
<word key="block_awaiting_validation_all" js="0">Show All Validating Members</word>
<word key="block_awaiting_registered" js="0">Registered</word>
<word key="no_online_users" js="0">No online users</word>
<word key="see_full_list" js="0">(See full list)</word>
<word key="dashboard_version_head" js="0">A new update is available!</word>
<word key="dashboard_version_moreinfo" js="0">More information</word>
<word key="dashboard_version_info" js="0"><![CDATA[Good news! Version <strong>%s</strong> of Invision Community is now available.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_version_info_security" js="0"><![CDATA[Version <strong>%s</strong> of Invision Community is now available and <strong>includes a security update</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="see_whats_new" js="0">See what's new</word>
<word key="whats_new_title" js="0">What's new in version %s</word>
<word key="this_is_a_security_update" js="0">This includes a security patch and we recommend you upgrade as soon as possible.</word>
<word key="regular_update" js="0">Released %s</word>
<word key="dashboard_support_account" js="0">Support Account</word>
<word key="dashboard_support_account_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[You have recently contacted Invision Community technical support and an AdminCP account was created for our team to use. Once this issue has been resolved, you can <a href='%s'>delete the account</a>.]]></word>
<word key="block_core_BackgroundQueue" js="0">Background Processes</word>
<word key="no_background_processes" js="0">There are no background processes currently running.</word>
<word key="background_processes_desc" js="0">These processes are performed in the background in batches and may take a long time to complete.</word>
<word key="background_processes_desc_nocron" js="0"><![CDATA[These processes are performed in the background in batches and may take a long time to complete.<br>They will complete faster if you <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&tab=settings&searchResult=task_use_cron}'>set up a cron to run tasks</a>.]]></word>
<word key="background_processes_run_now" js="0"><![CDATA[Alternatively, you can <a href='{internal.app=core&module=system&controller=background}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='%s'>manually run them now</a> and wait until they all complete.]]></word>
<word key="background_process_run_title" js="0">Background Processes</word>
<word key="background_process_run_content" js="0">This tool will run all the background processes until they are all complete. If you close the page before it has finished, the task will continue the processing until they are all complete.</word>
<word key="background_process_run_button" js="0">Run Now</word>
<word key="background_processes_processing" js="0">Processing %s</word>
<word key="backgroundQueue_follow" js="0">Sending notifications for %s</word>
<word key="backgroundQueue_move_content" js="0">Moving content from %s to %s</word>
<word key="backgroundQueue_deleting" js="0">Deleting %s</word>
<word key="backgroundQueue_membercontent_delete" js="0">Deleting %s's %s</word>
<word key="backgroundQueue_membercontent_hide" js="0">Hiding %s's %s</word>
<word key="backgroundQueue_membercontent_merge" js="0">Merging %s's %s</word>
<word key="backgroundQueue_importing_english" js="0">Importing %s English Language Pack for IPS Temp Admin Account</word>
<word key="dashboard_log_not_writeable" js="0">Log Directory Not Writeable</word>
<word key="dashboard_log_not_writeable_desc" js="0">Your install is configured to write certain logs to %s. Please make this folder writeable</word>
<word key="dashboard_tasks_broken" js="0">Locked Tasks</word>
<word key="dashboard_tasks_broken_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The following <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&do=tasks}'>tasks</a> appear to be locking frequently: %s.<br>Please run them manually. If you require assistance with any errors shown please contact technical support.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_datastore_broken" js="0">Data Storage Not Working</word>
<word key="dashboard_datastore_broken_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Data Storage is not working correctly. Please review your <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&tab=datastore}'>data storage configuration</a> and adjust the settings as needed to improve speed and performance of your community.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_datastore_broken_settings" js="0">Caching is not working correctly. You may need to use another data storage method, or adjust the configuration of the data storage method you are using below.</word>
<word key="dashboard_invalid_cachesetup" js="0">Cache Not Working</word>
<word key="dashboard_invalid_cachesetup_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Cache is not working correctly. Please review your <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&tab=datastore}'>caching method configuration</a> and adjust the settings as needed.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_email_broken" js="0">Email Failure</word>
<word key="dashboard_email_broken_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Emails are failing to send. View the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=email&do=errorLog}'>email error logs</a> or adjust the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=email}'>email settings</a>.<br>If you require assistance with testing your email settings please contact technical support.]]></word>
<word key="dasbhoard_tasks_site_offline" js="0">Site Offline</word>
<word key="dasbhoard_tasks_site_offline_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[While your community is offline, background maintenance tasks will not be able to run as frequently. If your community is going to be offline for a long period of time, you can <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced}'>configure tasks</a> to run by another method.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_recommended_php_version" js="0">PHP Version Recommendation</word>
<word key="dasbhoard_required_mysql_version" js="0">MySQL Version Recommendation</word>
<word key="dashboard_tasksrun_broken" js="0">Maintenance tasks</word>
<word key="dashboard_tasks_cron_broken_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Your community is <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&tab=settings&searchResult=task_use_cron}'>configured to run routine maintenance tasks using a cron</a>, however, it does not appear to be running. Check the cron is set up properly, or switch to the 'Run Automatically with Traffic' option.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_tasks_cron_broken_desc_cic" js="0"><![CDATA[Your community is <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&tab=settings&searchResult=task_use_cron}'>configured to run routine maintenance tasks using a cron</a>, however, it does not appear to be running. Please run the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=support&controller=support}'>support tool</a>, and submit a ticket for technical support if this does not resolve the issue.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_tasks_web_broken_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Your community is <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&tab=settings&searchResult=task_use_cron}'>configured to run routine maintenance using a web service</a>, however, it does not appear to be working properly. Check the service is set up properly, or switch to the 'Run Automatically with Traffic' option.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_tasks_not_enough_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Routine maintenance tasks are performed as users access the site but it looks like the traffic to your community is not sufficient to run these tasks on time. It is recommended that you <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&tab=settings&searchResult=task_use_cron}'>set up a cron or a web service</a> to ensure a backlog is not created. If you have recently switched to the 'Run Automatically with Traffic' it may take a short while for the backlog to be cleared and you can ignore this message.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_cic_email_quota" js="0">Email Quota Over Limit</word>
<word key="dashboard_cic_email_quota_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Your community has exceeded its email sending quota for this month. Please <a href='{internal.app=core&module=support&controller=support}'>contact support</a> for further information.]]></word>
<word key="dashboard_url_invalid" js="0">Your URL is not valid.</word>
<word key="dashboard_url_invalid_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The license key in use is not valid for this site. Please <a href='{internal.app=core&module=support&controller=support}'>contact support</a> for further information.]]></word>
<word key="personal_conversation_pl" js="0">Personal Conversations</word>
<word key="personal_conversation_pl_lc" js="0">personal conversations</word>
<word key="change_details" js="0">Change My Details</word>
<word key="change_email_button" js="0">Change Email</word>
<word key="change_password_button" js="0">Change Password</word>
<word key="acplogs__admin_pass_updated" js="0">Updated password</word>
<word key="acplogs__admin_email_updated" js="0">Updated email</word>
<word key="my_details" js="0">My Details</word>
<word key="xforward_matching" js="0">Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?</word>
<word key="xforward_matching_desc" js="0">If your network environment means requests are handled through a proxy (such as in an intranet situation in an office or university, or on a load-balanced server cluster), you may need to enable this setting so that the correct IP address is used. However, when enabled, a malicious user can abuse the system to provide a fake IP address. In most environments, this setting should be left off.</word>
<word key="match_ipaddress" js="0">Check IP address when validating session?</word>
<word key="match_ipaddress_desc" js="0">If your site is likely to be used by many users in an intranet situation (such as an office or university), you may need to disable this setting to prevent users being logged out. However, when disabled, there is a greater risk of session hijacking. In most environments, this setting should be left on.</word>
<word key="disable_functions_title" js="0">Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled</word>
<word key="disable_functions_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[We recommend disabling the following functions on your server, or at least in the directory that your community is installed in. If you do not manage your server yourself, your hosting provider will be able to assist with this.<br>%s]]></word>
<word key="display_errors_title" js="0">Public Display of PHP Errors Enabled</word>
<word key="display_errors_desc" js="0">The display_errors PHP configuration option is currently enabled on your server, which is not recommended for production environments and we recommend disabling it. If you do not manage your server yourself, your hosting provider will be able to assist with this.</word>
<word key="acplogs__security_settings" js="0">Updated security settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__security_conf" js="0">Made configuration file (conf_global.php) read-only</word>
<word key="security_header_ips" js="0">IP Address Validation</word>
<word key="security_header_accounts" js="0">Account Security</word>
<word key="device_management" js="0">Allow users to see and manage authorized devices?</word>
<word key="device_management_desc" js="0">Will show an area in the members' Account Settings to show a list of the devices that have been used to log into their account recently.</word>
<word key="personal_conversation_message" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="personal_conversation" js="0">Conversation</word>
<word key="err_too_many_pms_day" js="0">You are only allowed to send {# [1:message][?:messages]} per day. Please try again later.</word>
<word key="err_too_many_pms_minute" js="0">You are only allowed to send {# [1:message][?:messages]} per minute. Please try again later.</word>
<word key="err_inbox_full" js="0">Your inbox is full. You must delete some messages before you can send any more.</word>
<word key="messenger_list" js="0">Message List</word>
<word key="messenger_title" js="0">Subject</word>
<word key="messenger_content" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="messenger_to" js="0">To</word>
<word key="messenger__save" js="0">Send</word>
<word key="messenger_submit_comment" js="0">Submit Reply</word>
<word key="messenger_folder_unread" js="0">Unread Messages</word>
<word key="messenger_folder_inbox" js="0">Inbox</word>
<word key="messenger_folder_drafts" js="0">Drafts</word>
<word key="compose_new" js="0">Compose New</word>
<word key="messenger_add_folder" js="0">Add Folder</word>
<word key="messenger_add_folder_name" js="0">Enter a folder name</word>
<word key="messenger_action_with" js="0"><![CDATA[With '<span data-role='currentFolder'>%s</span>']]></word>
<word key="messenger_action_read" js="0">Mark all read</word>
<word key="messenger_action_delete_folder" js="0">Delete</word>
<word key="messenger_action_empty" js="0">Empty</word>
<word key="messenger_action_rename" js="0">Rename</word>
<word key="mt_last_post_time" js="0">Recently Updated</word>
<word key="mt_start_time" js="0">Start Time</word>
<word key="mt_replies" js="0">Replies</word>
<word key="messenger_filter_all" js="0">All Conversations</word>
<word key="messenger_filter_mine" js="0">Conversations I Started</word>
<word key="messenger_filter_not_mine" js="0">Conversations Others Started</word>
<word key="security_list_admins" js="0">Show Administrators</word>
<word key="messenger_participants" js="0">{# [1:participant][?:participants]}</word>
<word key="no_message_selected" js="0">No message selected</word>
<word key="messenger_map_read" js="0">Read: </word>
<word key="messenger_map_not_read" js="0">Not read yet</word>
<word key="messenger_map_remove" js="0">Remove from conversation</word>
<word key="messenger_map_unremove" js="0">Invite back into conversation</word>
<word key="messenger_map_message" js="0">Send new message</word>
<word key="messenger_map_removed" js="0">Removed</word>
<word key="messenger_map_left" js="0">Left conversation: </word>
<word key="messenger_map_left_notime" js="0">Left conversation</word>
<word key="messenger_map_disabled" js="0">Messenger disabled</word>
<word key="messenger_map_disabled_desc" js="0">%s will not see any replies to this conversation right now, but they may re-enable the messenger in the future.</word>
<word key="messenger_notifications_on" js="0">Turn notifications on</word>
<word key="messenger_notifications_off" js="0">Turn notifications off</word>
<word key="messenger_move" js="0">Move conversations</word>
<word key="messenger_leave" js="0">Delete conversation</word>
<word key="messenger_date_started" js="0">Started conversation: %s</word>
<word key="messenger_date_replied" js="0">Replied: %s</word>
<word key="messenger_started_by" js="0">Started by %s, %s</word>
<word key="messenger_last_reply" js="0">Last reply by %s, %s</word>
<word key="messenger_quota_short" js="0"><![CDATA[Used <span data-role='quotaValue'>%d</span>%% messenger storage]]></word>
<word key="messenger_quota" js="0">Storing {# [1:message][?:messages]} (max. %d)</word>
<word key="messenger__comment_placeholder" js="0">Reply to this conversation...</word>
<word key="messenger_search" js="0">Search messages in this folder...</word>
<word key="message_send" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="message_sent" js="0">Message Sent.</word>
<word key="members_in_convo" js="0">{# [1:member][?:members]} active in this conversation (including you)</word>
<word key="meesnger_err_bad_recipient" js="0">%s cannot receive messages.</word>
<word key="messenger_invalid_recipient" js="0">You have entered an invalid recipient</word>
<word key="new_conversations" js="0">New Conversations</word>
<word key="messenger_inline_title" js="0">%s has sent you a message</word>
<word key="messenger_inline_date" js="0">Sent</word>
<word key="messenger_inline_button" js="0">Read full message</word>
<word key="messenger_inline_view_all" js="0">View all unread</word>
<word key="messenger_notify_title" js="0">%s has sent you a message!</word>
<word key="messenger_notify_add_title" js="0">%s has added you to a message!</word>
<word key="messenger_notify_participants" js="0">There are other members in this conversation right now:</word>
<word key="messeger_notify_date" js="0">Sent %s</word>
<word key="invite_a_member" js="0">Invite a member</word>
<word key="invite" js="0">Invite</word>
<word key="messenger_invite_placeholder" js="0">Enter display names</word>
<word key="loc_using_messenger" js="0">Using Personal Messenger</word>
<word key="move_message_to" js="0">Move to...</word>
<word key="messenger_disabled_can_enable" js="0"><![CDATA[Messenger is currently disabled. <a href='%s'>Click here to re-enable.</a>]]></word>
<word key="messenger_disabled" js="0">Messenger Disabled</word>
<word key="messenger_member_left" js="0">%s can't be added because they have left the conversation.</word>
<word key="messenger_disabled_msg" js="0">Your messenger is currently disabled. Would you like to re-enable it?</word>
<word key="messenger_enabled" js="0">Messenger Enabled</word>
<word key="disable_messenger" js="0">Disable my messenger</word>
<word key="messenger_filtering" js="0">Currently filtering results by '%s' replied to within a year.</word>
<word key="messenger_deleted_member" js="0">Deleted Member</word>
<word key="messenger_message_count" js="0">{# [1:message][?:messages]}</word>
<word key="no_results_messages" js="0">There are no messages to display.</word>
<word key="participant_three_plus" js="0"><![CDATA[%s, %s and <a href='#' data-ipsTooltip title='%s'>{# [1:other][?:others]}</a>]]></word>
<word key="participant_two" js="0">%s and %s</word>
<word key="participant_you_upper" js="0">You</word>
<word key="participant_you_lower" js="0">you</word>
<word key="messenger_search_in" js="0">Search</word>
<word key="messenger_search_menu_title" js="0">Search In...</word>
<word key="messenger_search_in_post" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="messenger_search_in_topic" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="messenger_recipient_name" js="0">Recipient name</word>
<word key="messenger_sender_name" js="0">Sender name</word>
<word key="messenger_filter_read" js="0">Read</word>
<word key="messenger_filter_not_read" js="0">Unread</word>
<word key="country-AF" js="0">Afghanistan</word>
<word key="country-AX" js="0">Åland Islands</word>
<word key="country-AL" js="0">Albania</word>
<word key="country-DZ" js="0">Algeria</word>
<word key="country-AS" js="0">American Samoa</word>
<word key="country-AD" js="0">Andorra</word>
<word key="country-AO" js="0">Angola</word>
<word key="country-AI" js="0">Anguilla</word>
<word key="country-AQ" js="0">Antarctica</word>
<word key="country-AG" js="0">Antigua and Barbuda</word>
<word key="country-AR" js="0">Argentina</word>
<word key="country-AM" js="0">Armenia</word>
<word key="country-AW" js="0">Aruba</word>
<word key="country-AU" js="0">Australia</word>
<word key="country-AT" js="0">Austria</word>
<word key="country-AZ" js="0">Azerbaijan</word>
<word key="country-BS" js="0">Bahamas</word>
<word key="country-BH" js="0">Bahrain</word>
<word key="country-BD" js="0">Bangladesh</word>
<word key="country-BB" js="0">Barbados</word>
<word key="country-BY" js="0">Belarus</word>
<word key="country-BE" js="0">Belgium</word>
<word key="country-BZ" js="0">Belize</word>
<word key="country-BJ" js="0">Benin</word>
<word key="country-BM" js="0">Bermuda</word>
<word key="country-BT" js="0">Bhutan</word>
<word key="country-BO" js="0">Bolivia, Plurinational State Of</word>
<word key="country-BA" js="0">Bosnia and Herzegovina</word>
<word key="country-BW" js="0">Botswana</word>
<word key="country-BV" js="0">Bouvet Island</word>
<word key="country-BR" js="0">Brazil</word>
<word key="country-IO" js="0">British Indian Ocean Territory</word>
<word key="country-BN" js="0">Brunei Darussalam</word>
<word key="country-BG" js="0">Bulgaria</word>
<word key="country-BF" js="0">Burkina Faso</word>
<word key="country-BI" js="0">Burundi</word>
<word key="country-KH" js="0">Cambodia</word>
<word key="country-CM" js="0">Cameroon</word>
<word key="country-CA" js="0">Canada</word>
<word key="country-CV" js="0">Cape Verde</word>
<word key="country-BQ" js="0">Caribbean Netherlands</word>
<word key="country-KY" js="0">Cayman Islands</word>
<word key="country-CF" js="0">Central African Republic</word>
<word key="country-TD" js="0">Chad</word>
<word key="country-CL" js="0">Chile</word>
<word key="country-CN" js="0">China</word>
<word key="country-CX" js="0">Christmas Island</word>
<word key="country-CC" js="0">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</word>
<word key="country-CO" js="0">Colombia</word>
<word key="country-KM" js="0">Comoros</word>
<word key="country-CG" js="0">Congo</word>
<word key="country-CD" js="0">Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The</word>
<word key="country-CK" js="0">Cook Islands</word>
<word key="country-CR" js="0">Costa Rica</word>
<word key="country-CI" js="0">Côte d’Ivoire</word>
<word key="country-HR" js="0">Croatia</word>
<word key="country-CU" js="0">Cuba</word>
<word key="country-CW" js="0">Curaçao</word>
<word key="country-CY" js="0">Cyprus</word>
<word key="country-CZ" js="0">Czech Republic</word>
<word key="country-DK" js="0">Denmark</word>
<word key="country-DJ" js="0">Djibouti</word>
<word key="country-DM" js="0">Dominica</word>
<word key="country-DO" js="0">Dominican Republic</word>
<word key="country-EC" js="0">Ecuador</word>
<word key="country-EG" js="0">Egypt</word>
<word key="country-SV" js="0">El Salvador</word>
<word key="country-GQ" js="0">Equatorial Guinea</word>
<word key="country-ER" js="0">Eritrea</word>
<word key="country-EE" js="0">Estonia</word>
<word key="country-ET" js="0">Ethiopia</word>
<word key="country-FK" js="0">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</word>
<word key="country-FO" js="0">Faroe Islands</word>
<word key="country-FJ" js="0">Fiji</word>
<word key="country-FI" js="0">Finland</word>
<word key="country-FR" js="0">France</word>
<word key="country-FX" js="0">France, Metropolitan</word>
<word key="country-GF" js="0">French Guiana</word>
<word key="country-PF" js="0">French Polynesia</word>
<word key="country-TF" js="0">French Southern Territories</word>
<word key="country-GA" js="0">Gabon</word>
<word key="country-GM" js="0">Gambia</word>
<word key="country-GE" js="0">Georgia</word>
<word key="country-DE" js="0">Germany</word>
<word key="country-GH" js="0">Ghana</word>
<word key="country-GI" js="0">Gibraltar</word>
<word key="country-GR" js="0">Greece</word>
<word key="country-GL" js="0">Greenland</word>
<word key="country-GD" js="0">Grenada</word>
<word key="country-GP" js="0">Guadeloupe</word>
<word key="country-GU" js="0">Guam</word>
<word key="country-GT" js="0">Guatemala</word>
<word key="country-GG" js="0">Guernsey</word>
<word key="country-GN" js="0">Guinea</word>
<word key="country-GW" js="0">Guinea-Bissau</word>
<word key="country-GY" js="0">Guyana</word>
<word key="country-HT" js="0">Haiti</word>
<word key="country-HM" js="0">Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands</word>
<word key="country-VA" js="0">Holy See (Vatican City State)</word>
<word key="country-HN" js="0">Honduras</word>
<word key="country-HK" js="0">Hong Kong</word>
<word key="country-HU" js="0">Hungary</word>
<word key="country-IS" js="0">Iceland</word>
<word key="country-IN" js="0">India</word>
<word key="country-ID" js="0">Indonesia</word>
<word key="country-IR" js="0">Iran, Islamic Republic Of</word>
<word key="country-IQ" js="0">Iraq</word>
<word key="country-IE" js="0">Ireland</word>
<word key="country-IM" js="0">Isle Of Man</word>
<word key="country-IL" js="0">Israel</word>
<word key="country-IT" js="0">Italy</word>
<word key="country-JM" js="0">Jamaica</word>
<word key="country-JP" js="0">Japan</word>
<word key="country-JE" js="0">Jersey</word>
<word key="country-JO" js="0">Jordan</word>
<word key="country-KZ" js="0">Kazakhstan</word>
<word key="country-KE" js="0">Kenya</word>
<word key="country-KI" js="0">Kiribati</word>
<word key="country-KP" js="0">Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of</word>
<word key="country-KR" js="0">Korea, Republic Of</word>
<word key="country-KW" js="0">Kuwait</word>
<word key="country-KG" js="0">Kyrgyzstan</word>
<word key="country-LA" js="0">Lao People's Democratic Republic</word>
<word key="country-LV" js="0">Latvia</word>
<word key="country-LB" js="0">Lebanon</word>
<word key="country-LS" js="0">Lesotho</word>
<word key="country-LR" js="0">Liberia</word>
<word key="country-LY" js="0">Libya</word>
<word key="country-LI" js="0">Liechtenstein</word>
<word key="country-LT" js="0">Lithuania</word>
<word key="country-LU" js="0">Luxembourg</word>
<word key="country-MO" js="0">Macao</word>
<word key="country-MK" js="0">Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of</word>
<word key="country-MG" js="0">Madagascar</word>
<word key="country-MW" js="0">Malawi</word>
<word key="country-MY" js="0">Malaysia</word>
<word key="country-MV" js="0">Maldives</word>
<word key="country-ML" js="0">Mali</word>
<word key="country-MT" js="0">Malta</word>
<word key="country-MH" js="0">Marshall Islands</word>
<word key="country-MQ" js="0">Martinique</word>
<word key="country-MR" js="0">Mauritania</word>
<word key="country-MU" js="0">Mauritius</word>
<word key="country-YT" js="0">Mayotte</word>
<word key="country-MX" js="0">Mexico</word>
<word key="country-FM" js="0">Micronesia, Federated States Of</word>
<word key="country-MD" js="0">Moldova, Republic Of</word>
<word key="country-MC" js="0">Monaco</word>
<word key="country-MN" js="0">Mongolia</word>
<word key="country-ME" js="0">Montenegro</word>
<word key="country-MS" js="0">Montserrat</word>
<word key="country-MA" js="0">Morocco</word>
<word key="country-MZ" js="0">Mozambique</word>
<word key="country-MM" js="0">Myanmar</word>
<word key="country-NA" js="0">Namibia</word>
<word key="country-NR" js="0">Nauru</word>
<word key="country-NP" js="0">Nepal</word>
<word key="country-NL" js="0">Netherlands</word>
<word key="country-NC" js="0">New Caledonia</word>
<word key="country-NZ" js="0">New Zealand</word>
<word key="country-NI" js="0">Nicaragua</word>
<word key="country-NE" js="0">Niger</word>
<word key="country-NG" js="0">Nigeria</word>
<word key="country-NU" js="0">Niue</word>
<word key="country-NF" js="0">Norfolk Island</word>
<word key="country-MP" js="0">Northern Mariana Islands</word>
<word key="country-NO" js="0">Norway</word>
<word key="country-OM" js="0">Oman</word>
<word key="country-PK" js="0">Pakistan</word>
<word key="country-PW" js="0">Palau</word>
<word key="country-PS" js="0">Palestine, State of</word>
<word key="country-PA" js="0">Panama</word>
<word key="country-PG" js="0">Papua New Guinea</word>
<word key="country-PY" js="0">Paraguay</word>
<word key="country-PE" js="0">Peru</word>
<word key="country-PH" js="0">Philippines</word>
<word key="country-PN" js="0">Pitcairn</word>
<word key="country-PL" js="0">Poland</word>
<word key="country-PT" js="0">Portugal</word>
<word key="country-PR" js="0">Puerto Rico</word>
<word key="country-QA" js="0">Qatar</word>
<word key="country-RE" js="0">Réunion</word>
<word key="country-RO" js="0">Romania</word>
<word key="country-RU" js="0">Russian Federation</word>
<word key="country-RW" js="0">Rwanda</word>
<word key="country-BL" js="0">Saint Barthélemy</word>
<word key="country-SH" js="0">Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha</word>
<word key="country-KN" js="0">Saint Kitts and Nevis</word>
<word key="country-LC" js="0">Saint Lucia</word>
<word key="country-MF" js="0">Saint Martin</word>
<word key="country-PM" js="0">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</word>
<word key="country-VC" js="0">Saint Vincent and The Grenadines</word>
<word key="country-WS" js="0">Samoa</word>
<word key="country-SM" js="0">San Marino</word>
<word key="country-ST" js="0">Sao Tome and Principe</word>
<word key="country-SA" js="0">Saudi Arabia</word>
<word key="country-SN" js="0">Senegal</word>
<word key="country-RS" js="0">Serbia</word>
<word key="country-SC" js="0">Seychelles</word>
<word key="country-SL" js="0">Sierra Leone</word>
<word key="country-SG" js="0">Singapore</word>
<word key="country-SX" js="0">Sint Maarten</word>
<word key="country-SK" js="0">Slovakia</word>
<word key="country-SI" js="0">Slovenia</word>
<word key="country-SB" js="0">Solomon Islands</word>
<word key="country-SO" js="0">Somalia</word>
<word key="country-ZA" js="0">South Africa</word>
<word key="country-GS" js="0">South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands</word>
<word key="country-SS" js="0">South Sudan</word>
<word key="country-ES" js="0">Spain</word>
<word key="country-LK" js="0">Sri Lanka</word>
<word key="country-SD" js="0">Sudan</word>
<word key="country-SR" js="0">Suriname</word>
<word key="country-SJ" js="0">Svalbard and Jan Mayen</word>
<word key="country-SZ" js="0">Swaziland</word>
<word key="country-SE" js="0">Sweden</word>
<word key="country-CH" js="0">Switzerland</word>
<word key="country-SY" js="0">Syrian Arab Republic</word>
<word key="country-TW" js="0">Taiwan, Province Of China</word>
<word key="country-TJ" js="0">Tajikistan</word>
<word key="country-TZ" js="0">Tanzania, United Republic Of</word>
<word key="country-TH" js="0">Thailand</word>
<word key="country-TL" js="0">Timor-Leste</word>
<word key="country-TG" js="0">Togo</word>
<word key="country-TK" js="0">Tokelau</word>
<word key="country-TO" js="0">Tonga</word>
<word key="country-TT" js="0">Trinidad and Tobago</word>
<word key="country-TN" js="0">Tunisia</word>
<word key="country-TR" js="0">Turkey</word>
<word key="country-TM" js="0">Turkmenistan</word>
<word key="country-TC" js="0">Turks and Caicos Islands</word>
<word key="country-TV" js="0">Tuvalu</word>
<word key="country-UG" js="0">Uganda</word>
<word key="country-UA" js="0">Ukraine</word>
<word key="country-AE" js="0">United Arab Emirates</word>
<word key="country-GB" js="0">United Kingdom</word>
<word key="country-US" js="0">United States</word>
<word key="country-UM" js="0">United States Minor Outlying Islands</word>
<word key="country-UY" js="0">Uruguay</word>
<word key="country-UZ" js="0">Uzbekistan</word>
<word key="country-VU" js="0">Vanuatu</word>
<word key="country-VE" js="0">Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of</word>
<word key="country-VN" js="0">Vietnam</word>
<word key="country-VG" js="0">Virgin Islands, British</word>
<word key="country-VI" js="0">Virgin Islands, U.S.</word>
<word key="country-WF" js="0">Wallis and Futuna</word>
<word key="country-EH" js="0">Western Sahara</word>
<word key="country-YE" js="0">Yemen</word>
<word key="country-ZM" js="0">Zambia</word>
<word key="country-ZW" js="0">Zimbabwe</word>
<word key="country-XX" js="0">International</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa" js="0">Africa</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Abidjan" js="0">Abidjan</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Accra" js="0">Accra</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Addis_Ababa" js="0">Addis Ababa</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Algiers" js="0">Algiers</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Asmara" js="0">Asmara</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Bamako" js="0">Bamako</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Bangui" js="0">Bangui</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Banjul" js="0">Banjul</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Bissau" js="0">Bissau</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Blantyre" js="0">Blantyre</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Brazzaville" js="0">Brazzaville</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Bujumbura" js="0">Bujumbura</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Cairo" js="0">Cairo</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Casablanca" js="0">Casablanca</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Ceuta" js="0">Ceuta</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Conakry" js="0">Conakry</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Dakar" js="0">Dakar</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Dar_es_Salaam" js="0">Dar es Salaam</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Djibouti" js="0">Djibouti</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Douala" js="0">Douala</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/El_Aaiun" js="0">El Aaiun</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Freetown" js="0">Freetown</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Gaborone" js="0">Gaborone</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Harare" js="0">Harare</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Johannesburg" js="0">Johannesburg</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Juba" js="0">Juba</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Kampala" js="0">Kampala</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Khartoum" js="0">Khartoum</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Kigali" js="0">Kigali</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Kinshasa" js="0">Kinshasa</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Lagos" js="0">Lagos</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Libreville" js="0">Libreville</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Lome" js="0">Lome</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Luanda" js="0">Luanda</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Lubumbashi" js="0">Lubumbashi</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Lusaka" js="0">Lusaka</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Malabo" js="0">Malabo</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Maputo" js="0">Maputo</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Maseru" js="0">Maseru</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Mbabane" js="0">Mbabane</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Mogadishu" js="0">Mogadishu</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Monrovia" js="0">Monrovia</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Nairobi" js="0">Nairobi</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Ndjamena" js="0">Ndjamena</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Niamey" js="0">Niamey</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Nouakchott" js="0">Nouakchott</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Ouagadougou" js="0">Ouagadougou</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Porto-Novo" js="0">Porto-Novo</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Sao_Tome" js="0">Sao Tome</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Tripoli" js="0">Tripoli</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Tunis" js="0">Tunis</word>
<word key="timezone__Africa/Windhoek" js="0">Windhoek</word>
<word key="timezone__America" js="0">America</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Adak" js="0">Adak</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Anchorage" js="0">Anchorage</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Anguilla" js="0">Anguilla</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Antigua" js="0">Antigua</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Araguaina" js="0">Araguaina</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" js="0">Argentina - Buenos Aires</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Catamarca" js="0">Argentina - Catamarca</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Cordoba" js="0">Argentina - Cordoba</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Jujuy" js="0">Argentina - Jujuy</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/La_Rioja" js="0">Argentina - La Rioja</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Mendoza" js="0">Argentina - Mendoza</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos" js="0">Argentina - Rio Gallegos</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Salta" js="0">Argentina - Salta</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/San_Juan" js="0">Argentina - San Juan</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/San_Luis" js="0">Argentina - San Luis</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Tucuman" js="0">Argentina - Tucuman</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Argentina/Ushuaia" js="0">Argentina - Ushuaia</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Aruba" js="0">Aruba</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Asuncion" js="0">Asuncion</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Atikokan" js="0">Atikokan</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Bahia" js="0">Bahia</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Bahia_Banderas" js="0">Bahia Banderas</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Barbados" js="0">Barbados</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Belem" js="0">Belem</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Belize" js="0">Belize</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Blanc-Sablon" js="0">Blanc-Sablon</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Boa_Vista" js="0">Boa Vista</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Bogota" js="0">Bogota</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Boise" js="0">Boise</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Cambridge_Bay" js="0">Cambridge Bay</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Campo_Grande" js="0">Campo Grande</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Cancun" js="0">Cancun</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Caracas" js="0">Caracas</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Cayenne" js="0">Cayenne</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Cayman" js="0">Cayman</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Chicago" js="0">Chicago</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Chihuahua" js="0">Chihuahua</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Costa_Rica" js="0">Costa Rica</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Creston" js="0">Creston</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Cuiaba" js="0">Cuiaba</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Curacao" js="0">Curacao</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Danmarkshavn" js="0">Danmarkshavn</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Dawson" js="0">Dawson</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Dawson_Creek" js="0">Dawson Creek</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Denver" js="0">Denver</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Detroit" js="0">Detroit</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Dominica" js="0">Dominica</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Edmonton" js="0">Edmonton</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Eirunepe" js="0">Eirunepe</word>
<word key="timezone__America/El_Salvador" js="0">El Salvador</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Fortaleza" js="0">Fortaleza</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Fort_Nelson" js="0">Fort Nelson</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Glace_Bay" js="0">Glace Bay</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Godthab" js="0">Godthab</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Goose_Bay" js="0">Goose Bay</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Grand_Turk" js="0">Grand Turk</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Grenada" js="0">Grenada</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Guadeloupe" js="0">Guadeloupe</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Guatemala" js="0">Guatemala</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Guayaquil" js="0">Guayaquil</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Guyana" js="0">Guyana</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Halifax" js="0">Halifax</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Havana" js="0">Havana</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Hermosillo" js="0">Hermosillo</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Indiana/Indianapolis" js="0">Indiana - Indianapolis</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Indiana/Knox" js="0">Indiana - Knox</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Indiana/Marengo" js="0">Indiana - Marengo</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Indiana/Petersburg" js="0">Indiana - Petersburg</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Indiana/Tell_City" js="0">Indiana - Tell City</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Indiana/Vevay" js="0">Indiana - Vevay</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Indiana/Vincennes" js="0">Indiana - Vincennes</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Indiana/Winamac" js="0">Indiana - Winamac</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Inuvik" js="0">Inuvik</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Iqaluit" js="0">Iqaluit</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Jamaica" js="0">Jamaica</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Juneau" js="0">Juneau</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Kentucky/Louisville" js="0">Kentucky - Louisville</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Kentucky/Monticello" js="0">Kentucky - Monticello</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Kralendijk" js="0">Kralendijk</word>
<word key="timezone__America/La_Paz" js="0">La Paz</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Lima" js="0">Lima</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Los_Angeles" js="0">Los Angeles</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Lower_Princes" js="0">Lower Princes</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Maceio" js="0">Maceio</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Managua" js="0">Managua</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Manaus" js="0">Manaus</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Marigot" js="0">Marigot</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Martinique" js="0">Martinique</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Matamoros" js="0">Matamoros</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Mazatlan" js="0">Mazatlan</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Menominee" js="0">Menominee</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Merida" js="0">Merida</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Metlakatla" js="0">Metlakatla</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Mexico_City" js="0">Mexico City</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Miquelon" js="0">Miquelon</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Moncton" js="0">Moncton</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Monterrey" js="0">Monterrey</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Montevideo" js="0">Montevideo</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Montserrat" js="0">Montserrat</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Nassau" js="0">Nassau</word>
<word key="timezone__America/New_York" js="0">New York</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Nipigon" js="0">Nipigon</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Nome" js="0">Nome</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Noronha" js="0">Noronha</word>
<word key="timezone__America/North_Dakota/Beulah" js="0">North Dakota - Beulah</word>
<word key="timezone__America/North_Dakota/Center" js="0">North Dakota - Center</word>
<word key="timezone__America/North_Dakota/New_Salem" js="0">North Dakota - New Salem</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Ojinaga" js="0">Ojinaga</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Panama" js="0">Panama</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Pangnirtung" js="0">Pangnirtung</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Paramaribo" js="0">Paramaribo</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Phoenix" js="0">Phoenix</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Port-au-Prince" js="0">Port-au-Prince</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Port_of_Spain" js="0">Port of Spain</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Porto_Velho" js="0">Porto Velho</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Puerto_Rico" js="0">Puerto Rico</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Rainy_River" js="0">Rainy River</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Rankin_Inlet" js="0">Rankin Inlet</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Recife" js="0">Recife</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Regina" js="0">Regina</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Resolute" js="0">Resolute</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Rio_Branco" js="0">Rio Branco</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Santa_Isabel" js="0">Santa Isabel</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Santarem" js="0">Santarem</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Santiago" js="0">Santiago</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Santo_Domingo" js="0">Santo Domingo</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Sao_Paulo" js="0">Sao Paulo</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Scoresbysund" js="0">Scoresbysund</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Sitka" js="0">Sitka</word>
<word key="timezone__America/St_Barthelemy" js="0">St Barthelemy</word>
<word key="timezone__America/St_Johns" js="0">St Johns</word>
<word key="timezone__America/St_Kitts" js="0">St Kitts</word>
<word key="timezone__America/St_Lucia" js="0">St Lucia</word>
<word key="timezone__America/St_Thomas" js="0">St Thomas</word>
<word key="timezone__America/St_Vincent" js="0">St Vincent</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Swift_Current" js="0">Swift Current</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Tegucigalpa" js="0">Tegucigalpa</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Thule" js="0">Thule</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Thunder_Bay" js="0">Thunder Bay</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Tijuana" js="0">Tijuana</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Toronto" js="0">Toronto</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Tortola" js="0">Tortola</word>
<word key="timezone__America/Vancouver" js="0">Vancouver</word>
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<word key="timezone__Indian/Mauritius" js="0">Mauritius</word>
<word key="timezone__Indian/Mayotte" js="0">Mayotte</word>
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<word key="timezone__Pacific/Apia" js="0">Apia</word>
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<word key="timezone__Pacific/Chuuk" js="0">Chuuk</word>
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<word key="timezone__Pacific/Guam" js="0">Guam</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Honolulu" js="0">Honolulu</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Johnston" js="0">Johnston</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Kiritimati" js="0">Kiritimati</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Kosrae" js="0">Kosrae</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Kwajalein" js="0">Kwajalein</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Majuro" js="0">Majuro</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Marquesas" js="0">Marquesas</word>
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<word key="timezone__Pacific/Nauru" js="0">Nauru</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Niue" js="0">Niue</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Norfolk" js="0">Norfolk</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Noumea" js="0">Noumea</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Pago_Pago" js="0">Pago Pago</word>
<word key="timezone__Pacific/Palau" js="0">Palau</word>
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<word key="report_center_link" js="0">All reported content</word>
<word key="change_report_status" js="0">Change report status</word>
<word key="previous_report" js="0">Previous report</word>
<word key="next_report" js="0">Next report</word>
<word key="report_no_message" js="0">The user did not submit a message with the report.</word>
<word key="report_mod_comments" js="0">{# Moderator [1:Comment][?:Comments]}</word>
<word key="report_user_reports" js="0">{# User [1:Report][?:Reports]}</word>
<word key="report_date_submitted" js="0">Submitted </word>
<word key="report_content" js="0">Report this content</word>
<word key="core_statuses_status" js="0">Status Updates</word>
<word key="core_statuses_reply" js="0">Status Replies</word>
<word key="core_statuses_status_pl" js="0">Status Updates</word>
<word key="notification__report_center" js="0">%s has reported %s: %s</word>
<word key="update_report_status_content" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Updated the status</strong> of the report to <strong>%s</strong>]]></word>
<word key="modlog__action_update_report_status" js="0"><![CDATA[Updated the status of a <a href='%s'>report</a>]]></word>
<word key="notification__automatic_moderation" js="0">The automatic moderation threshold has been reached for %s: %s</word>
<word key="notifications__automatic_moderation" js="0">Content is automatically moderated</word>
<word key="warn_reason" js="0">Reason</word>
<word key="core_warn_reason_other" js="0">Other</word>
<word key="core_warn_reason_0" js="0">Warning</word>
<word key="warn_points" js="0">Points</word>
<word key="warn_points_desc" js="0">The more severe the behavior, the more points should be issued.</word>
<word key="warn_remove" js="0">Remove points</word>
<word key="warn_member_note" js="0">Note for member</word>
<word key="warn_member_note_placeholder" js="0">Add a note...</word>
<word key="warn_member_note_desc" js="0">This note will be shown to the member. You can explain here why you are warning the member.</word>
<word key="warn_mod_note" js="0">Note for Moderators</word>
<word key="warn_mod_note_placeholder" js="0">Add a note...</word>
<word key="warn_mod_note_desc" js="0">This note will only be shown to other moderators. The member being warned will not be able to see it. </word>
<word key="warn_mq" js="0">Moderate Content</word>
<word key="warn_rpa" js="0">Restrict from posting content</word>
<word key="warn_suspend" js="0">Suspend from accessing the site</word>
<word key="wan_action_points" js="0">{# [1:point][?:points]}</word>
<word key="member_warn_level" js="0">{# [1:warning point][?:warning points]}</word>
<word key="warn_points_blurb" js="0">The penalty will automatically be set according to the number of points given.</word>
<word key="no_punishment" js="0">No Penalty</word>
<word key="warn_member" js="0">Warn %s</word>
<word key="warn__save" js="0">Issue Warning</word>
<word key="warn_punishment" js="0">Penalty</word>
<word key="warning_issued" js="0">Warning Issued</word>
<word key="previous_warnings" js="0">Previous Warnings</word>
<word key="warning_byline" js="0">Warning issued by %s</word>
<word key="warning_acknowledged" js="0">Acknowledged</word>
<word key="warning_not_acknowledged" js="0">Not Yet Acknowledged</word>
<word key="warn_action_points" js="0">Given %d points</word>
<word key="warn_action_points_expire" js="0">Given %d points which expire %s</word>
<word key="warn_action_points_expired" js="0">Given %d points which expired %s</word>
<word key="warn_action_points_never_expire" js="0">Given %d points which will never expire.</word>
<word key="warn_user" js="0">Warn User</word>
<word key="warn_user_title" js="0">Add a warning for this user</word>
<word key="members_warnings" js="0">%s's Warnings</word>
<word key="revoke_this_warning" js="0">Revoke this warning</word>
<word key="warning_go_to_content" js="0">Go to original content</word>
<word key="warning_revoke_blurb" js="0">Would you like to reverse all actions from the warnings (i.e. remove points and cancel punishments) or just delete the log?</word>
<word key="warning_revoke_undo" js="0"><![CDATA[Undo & Delete]]></word>
<word key="this_will_be_moderated" js="0">Because of a warning you received, this content will be hidden until a moderator approves it.</word>
<word key="mod_queue_message" js="0">Your content will need to be approved by a moderator</word>
<word key="view_warning_details" js="0">View Warning Details</word>
<word key="view_warning_details_title" js="0">See more information about this warning</word>
<word key="warning_details" js="0">Warning Details</word>
<word key="assigned_point_levels" js="0">Assigned Point Levels</word>
<word key="no_warning_action_time" js="0">You must specify a timeframe for the actions applied, or select "Indefinitely"</word>
<word key="error_date_not_future" js="0">Please select a future date</word>
<word key="user_warned_by" js="0">%s was warned by %s</word>
<word key="member_existing_penalties" js="0"><![CDATA[<em>%s has existing penalties, setting new penalities will replace them.</em>]]></word>
<word key="plugins" js="0">Plugins</word>
<word key="menu__core_applications_plugins" js="0">Plugins</word>
<word key="plugin_details" js="0">Plugin Details</word>
<word key="plugin_name" js="0">Plugin Title</word>
<word key="plugin_update_check" js="0">Update Check URL</word>
<word key="plugin_update_check_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[This URL will be called periodically to check for updates for this plugin. <a href='{external.devdocs-updateurl}' target='_blank'>More information</a>.]]></word>
<word key="plugin_author_details" js="0">Author Details</word>
<word key="plugin_author" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="plugin_website" js="0">Website</word>
<word key="plugin_version" js="0">%s (%s)</word>
<word key="plugin_details_version" js="0">Version</word>
<word key="plugin_hooks" js="0">Hooks</word>
<word key="plugin_create_hook" js="0">Create Hook</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_info_C" js="0"><![CDATA[If you would prefer to use your own text editor, you can edit the <em>%s</em> file. You do not need to save changes here if you do this, any changes made to the file will have immediate effect.]]></word>
<word key="plugin_hook_info_S" js="0"><![CDATA[The theme hook editor allows you to easily hook into templates using CSS selectors. If you would prefer to override the PHP class which handles building the template group, you can edit the file <em>%s</em> on disk. You do not need to save changes here if you do this, any changes made to the file will have immediate effect.]]></word>
<word key="plugin_hook_type" js="0">Hook Type</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_type_c" js="0">Code Hook</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_type_c_desc" js="0">Code hooks allow you to extend PHP classes.</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_type_s" js="0">Theme Hook</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_type_s_desc" js="0">Theme hooks allow you to modify the content of theme templates.</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_target" js="0">Target</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_class" js="0">Class to extend</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_filename" js="0">Filename</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_group" js="0">Template Group</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_class_err" js="0">That class does not exist.</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_location" js="0">Filename</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_location_desc" js="0">An optional alphanumeric key to use to be able to quickly identify this hook on the file system during development.</word>
<word key="plugin_uninstall_warning" js="0">If you uninstall a plugin, all data that this plugin has stored will be deleted.</word>
<word key="plugin_location" js="0">Plugin Directory</word>
<word key="plugin_location_desc" js="0">An optional alphanumeric key to use to be able to quickly identify this plugin on the file system during development.</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_code_err_parse" js="0">Your code caused a parse error and could not be saved.</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_code_err_class" js="0">Your class must be named '%s'.</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_selector" js="0">CSS Selector</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_selector_desc" js="0">You can manually enter any CSS selector or use the Select Element tool to get a suggested selector for an element. The Select Element tool will use the most specific possible CSS selector and may need to be manually adjusted.</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_select" js="0">Select Element</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_add_before" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Insert</strong> content <strong>before</strong> the chosen element(s).]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_add_inside_start" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Insert</strong> content <strong>inside</strong> the chosen element(s), at the <strong>start</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_add_inside_end" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Insert</strong> content <strong>inside</strong> the chosen element(s), at the <strong>end</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_add_after" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Insert</strong> content <strong>after</strong> the chosen element(s).]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_replace" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Replace</strong> the chosen element(s).]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_add_class" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Modify</strong> the chosen element(s) to <strong>add</strong> <strong>CSS class(es)</strong>]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_remove_class" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Modify</strong> the chosen element(s) to <strong>remove</strong> <strong>CSS class(es)</strong>]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_add_attribute" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Modify</strong> the chosen element(s) to <strong>add</strong> <strong>attribute(s)</strong>]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_type_remove_attribute" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Modify</strong> the chosen element(s) to <strong>remove</strong> <strong>attribute(s)</strong>]]></word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_content_type" js="0">Content Type</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_content" js="0">Content</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_css_class" js="0">CSS Classes</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_attribute_keys" js="0">Attributes</word>
<word key="plugin_theme_hook_attribute_names" js="0">Attributes</word>
<word key="plugin_settings_keys" js="0">Plugin Settings</word>
<word key="plugin_settings_code" js="0">Settings Code</word>
<word key="plugin_settings_code_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Provide the code needed to generate and your settings page. An object of \IPS\Helpers\Form is provided as $form. You should return this or TRUE if the settings have been saved as shown in the example.<br>If you would prefer to edit this code in your own code editor, create a file in your plugin directory called settings.php and place your code in that file - do not include (or comment out) an opening <?php.]]></word>
<word key="plugin_developer_settings" js="0">Developer Settings</word>
<word key="plugin_information" js="0">Information</word>
<word key="plugin_upload" js="0">Plugin .xml file</word>
<word key="r__plugins_view" js="0">Can view plugins</word>
<word key="r__plugins_install" js="0">Can install plugins</word>
<word key="r__plugins_edit" js="0">Can edit plugin settings</word>
<word key="r__plugins_uninstall" js="0">Can uninstall plugins</word>
<word key="acplog__plugin_installed" js="0">Installed Plugin: %s</word>
<word key="acplog__plugin_settings" js="0">Edited settings for plugin: %s</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_properties" js="0">Properties</word>
<word key="plugin_hook_methods" js="0">Methods</word>
<word key="plugins_install_setup_method" js="0">Running plugin set up for version %s</word>
<word key="plugins_install_setup_done_step" js="0">Set up completed for %s</word>
<word key="plugin_step_plugin" js="0">plugin</word>
<word key="plugin_step_hooks" js="0">hooks</word>
<word key="plugin_step_settings" js="0">settings</word>
<word key="plugin_step_settingsCode" js="0">setting callbacks</word>
<word key="plugin_step_tasks" js="0">tasks</word>
<word key="plugin_step_htmlFiles" js="0">theme templates</word>
<word key="plugin_step_cssFiles" js="0">css templates</word>
<word key="plugin_step_jsFiles" js="0">javascript files</word>
<word key="plugin_step_resourcesFiles" js="0">theme resources</word>
<word key="plugin_step_lang" js="0">language strings</word>
<word key="plugin_step_versions" js="0">version information</word>
<word key="plugin_step_uninstall" js="0">uninstaller</word>
<word key="plugin_step_widgets" js="0">widgets</word>
<word key="plugin_parse_error" js="0">There is an error in the plugin and it could not be loaded. Contact the author for further assistance.</word>
<word key="plugin_already_installed" js="0"><![CDATA[That plugin is already installed. Did you mean to <a href='%s'>upload a new version</a>?]]></word>
<word key="plugins_disable_all" js="0">Disable All</word>
<word key="plugins_reenable_all" js="0">Re-enable All</word>
<word key="empty_profile" js="0">This user doesn't have anything to show here right now.</word>
<word key="profile_contact" js="0">Contact Information</word>
<word key="profile_email" js="0">Email</word>
<word key="profile_about" js="0">About %s</word>
<word key="profile_rank" js="0">Rank</word>
<word key="profile_edit_basic_tab" js="0">Change Profile Info</word>
<word key="profile_edit_settings_tab" js="0">Profile Settings</word>
<word key="profile_edit_cover_photo_tab" js="0">Cover Photo</word>
<word key="profile_edit_photo_tab" js="0">Profile Photo</word>
<word key="photo_crop" js="0">Adjust size</word>
<word key="photo_crop_bad" js="0">The photo could not be cropped. Please check the provided dimensions.</word>
<word key="photo_crop_title" js="0">Adjust size</word>
<word key="photo_crop_instructions" js="0">Drag the handles to crop your photo</word>
<word key="profile_edit_basic_header" js="0">Basic Info</word>
<word key="profile_edit_moderation" js="0">Moderation</word>
<word key="profile_edit" js="0">Edit Profile</word>
<word key="remove_mod_posts" js="0">Remove from Moderation Queue?</word>
<word key="remove_restrict_post" js="0">Remove Post Restriction?</word>
<word key="remove_ban" js="0">Remove current ban?</word>
<word key="no_permission_edit_profile" js="0">You are not allowed to edit this profile</word>
<word key="loc_viewing_profile" js="0">Viewing Profile: %s</word>
<word key="loc_editing_profile" js="0">Editing Profile: %s</word>
<word key="profile_recent_visitors" js="0">Recent Profile Visitors</word>
<word key="see_recent_warnings" js="0">See recent warnings</word>
<word key="email_this_user" js="0">Email this user</word>
<word key="see_all_warnings" js="0">See all warnings for this user</word>
<word key="no_recent_warnings" js="0">No recent warnings to show</word>
<word key="no_restrictions_applied" js="0">No restrictions being applied</word>
<word key="restrictions_applied" js="0">Restrictions being applied:</word>
<word key="profile_browse_content" js="0">See their activity</word>
<word key="profile_browse_my_content" js="0">See my activity</word>
<word key="users_activity_feed" js="0">Activity</word>
<word key="users_activity_feed_title" js="0">%s's Activity</word>
<word key="no_recent_activity" js="0">%s has no recent activity to show</word>
<word key="all_activity" js="0">All Activity</word>
<word key="userbar_my_content" js="0">My Activity</word>
<word key="profile_view_profile" js="0">View Profile</word>
<word key="all_content_by_user" js="0">Everything posted by %s</word>
<word key="content_by_user" js="0">%s posted by %s</word>
<word key="online_now" js="0">%s is online now</word>
<word key="online_now_anon" js="0">%s is online anonymously</word>
<word key="hide_recent_visitors" js="0">Disable this block</word>
<word key="no_recent_visitors" js="0">There are no recent visitors to show</word>
<word key="disabled_recent_visitors" js="0">The recent visitors block is disabled and is not being shown to other users.</word>
<word key="enable_recent_visitors" js="0">Enable</word>
<word key="hide_status_updates" js="0">Disable status updates</word>
<word key="enable_status_updates" js="0">Enable status updates?</word>
<word key="user_content_type" js="0">Content Type</word>
<word key="anon_follower" js="0">(anonymous)</word>
<word key="no_followers_yet" js="0">No followers</word>
<word key="see_all_followers" js="0">See all followers</word>
<word key="follow_this_member" js="0">Follow this member</word>
<word key="following_this_member" js="0">Following this member</word>
<word key="profile_email_addresses" js="0">Only staff can see email addresses.</word>
<word key="users_clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="member_no_clubs" js="0">%s isn't a member of any clubs</word>
<word key="profile_crop_title" js="0">Adjust photo cropping</word>
<word key="profile_crop_desc" js="0">Crop your photo to the desired area by dragging the handles</word>
<word key="profile_nothing_to_edit" js="0">There are no profile customizations available right now.</word>
<word key="users_followers" js="0">Who follows %s</word>
<word key="allow_follow" js="0">Allow others to follow me</word>
<word key="disallow_follow" js="0">Don't allow others to follow me</word>
<word key="follow_setting_desc" js="0">When other users follow you, they will be notified when you post new content</word>
<word key="follow_saved" js="0">Your follow preference has been toggled</word>
<word key="members_profile" js="0">%s's Profile</word>
<word key="members_content" js="0">%s's Content</word>
<word key="members_followers" js="0">%s's Followers</word>
<word key="members_reputation" js="0">%s's Reputation</word>
<word key="status_date_started" js="0">Posted %s</word>
<word key="status_date_replied" js="0">Replied %s</word>
<word key="no_photo_to_crop" js="0">There is no profile photo available to crop</word>
<word key="user_own_activity_item" js="0">%s posted %s in </word>
<word key="user_own_activity_comment" js="0">%s commented on %s in </word>
<word key="user_own_activity_review" js="0">%s reviewed %s in </word>
<word key="user_own_activity_reply" js="0">%s replied to %s in</word>
<word key="user_own_activity_start" js="0">%s started %s in</word>
<word key="user_other_activity_comment" js="0">%s commented on %s's %s in </word>
<word key="user_other_activity_review" js="0">%s reviewed %s's %s in </word>
<word key="user_other_activity_reply" js="0">%s replied to %s's %s in</word>
<word key="generic_activity_item" js="0">%s in</word>
<word key="modperms__core_Content_core_Statuses_Status" js="0">Status Updates</word>
<word key="can_edit_member_status" js="0">Can edit statuses?</word>
<word key="can_hide_member_status" js="0">Can hide statuses?</word>
<word key="can_unhide_member_status" js="0">Can unhide statuses?</word>
<word key="can_view_hidden_member_status" js="0">Can view hidden statuses?</word>
<word key="can_lock_member_status" js="0">Can lock statuses?</word>
<word key="can_unlock_member_status" js="0">Can unlock statuses?</word>
<word key="can_reply_to_locked_member_status" js="0">Can reply to locked statuses?</word>
<word key="can_delete_member_status" js="0">Can delete statuses?</word>
<word key="can_edit_status_reply" js="0">Can edit status replies?</word>
<word key="can_hide_status_reply" js="0">Can hide status replies?</word>
<word key="can_unhide_status_reply" js="0">Can unhide status replies?</word>
<word key="can_view_hidden_status_reply" js="0">Can view hidden status replies?</word>
<word key="can_delete_status_reply" js="0">Can delete status replies?</word>
<word key="replog_show_activity" js="0">See reputation activity</word>
<word key="replog_back_to_profile" js="0">Back to profile</word>
<word key="replog_title" js="0">Reputation Activity</word>
<word key="replog_reactions_given" js="0">Reactions Given</word>
<word key="replog_reactions_received" js="0">Reactions Received</word>
<word key="replog_rate_comment_gave" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>reacted</strong> to %s in ]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_comment_gave_no_in" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>reacted</strong> to %s]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_comment_received" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>got a reaction</strong> from %s in ]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_comment_received_no_in" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>got a reaction</strong> from %s]]></word>
<word key="replog_like_comment" js="0"><![CDATA[%s liked <a href='%s'>%s</a> by %s in ]]></word>
<word key="replog_like_comment_no_in" js="0"><![CDATA[%s liked <a href='%s'>%s</a> by %s]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_item_gave" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>reacted</strong> to %s for %s, ]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_item_gave_no_in" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>reacted</strong> to %s for %s]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_item_received" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>got a reaction</strong> from %s for %s, ]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_item_received_no_in" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>got a reaction</strong> from %s for %s]]></word>
<word key="replog_like_item" js="0">%s liked %s by %s, </word>
<word key="replog_like_item_no_in" js="0">%s liked %s by %s</word>
<word key="replog_rate_comment_gave_no_recipient" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>reacted</strong> in ]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_comment_gave_no_recipient_no_in" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>reacted</strong>]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_item_gave_no_recipient" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>gave a reaction</strong> for %s, ]]></word>
<word key="replog_rate_item_gave_no_recipient_no_in" js="0"><![CDATA[%s <strong>gave a reaction</strong> for %s]]></word>
<word key="replog_like_item_no_recipient" js="0">%s liked %s, </word>
<word key="replog_like_item_no_recipient_no_in" js="0">%s liked %s</word>
<word key="replog_like_comment_no_recipient" js="0"><![CDATA[%s liked <a href='%s'>%s</a> in ]]></word>
<word key="replog_like_comment_no_recipient_no_in" js="0"><![CDATA[%s liked <a href='%s'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="replog_member_and_one_other" js="0"><![CDATA[%s and <a href='%s' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='medium' data-ipsDialog-destructOnClose data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='All members' title='Show all members' data-ipsTooltip>one other</a>]]></word>
<word key="replog_member_and_x_other" js="0"><![CDATA[%s and <a href='%s' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='medium' data-ipsDialog-destructOnClose data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='All members' title='Show all members' data-ipsTooltip>%s others</a>]]></word>
<word key="online_users" js="0">Online Users</word>
<word key="online_users_member_name" js="0">Display Name</word>
<word key="online_users_location_lang" js="0">Currently</word>
<word key="online_users_photo" js="0"></word>
<word key="online_users_running_time" js="0">Last Active</word>
<word key="loc_viewing_online_users" js="0">Viewing Online User List</word>
<word key="no_permission_online_users" js="0">You do not have permission to view the online user list</word>
<word key="online_guests" js="0">{# [1:guest][?:guests]} (Online)</word>
<word key="online_user_count" js="0">{# [1:user][?:users]} online</word>
<word key="online_users_filter_loggedin" js="0">Logged In</word>
<word key="online_users_no_results" js="0">There are no users that match your criteria</word>
<word key="online_by_group" js="0">By Group</word>
<word key="active_users_empty" js="0">No registered users viewing this page.</word>
<word key="block_activeUsers" js="0">Recently Browsing</word>
<word key="block_activeUsers_noApp" js="0">Recently Browsing</word>
<word key="block_activeUsers_desc" js="0">Shows a list of active users in the current app</word>
<word key="block_user_online_info" js="0">{# [1:member][?:members]}</word>
<word key="block_user_in_editor" js="0">Typing...</word>
<word key="block_whosOnline" js="0">Who's Online</word>
<word key="block_whosOnline_desc" js="0">Shows all online users across the entire site</word>
<word key="block_whos_online_info_members" js="0">{# [1:Member][?:Members]}</word>
<word key="block_whos_online_info_anonymous" js="0">{# Anonymous}</word>
<word key="block_whos_online_info_guests" js="0">{# [1:Guest][?:Guests]}</word>
<word key="whos_online_users_empty" js="0">There are no registered users currently online</word>
<word key="block_stats" js="0">Member Statistics</word>
<word key="block_stats_desc" js="0">Shows global site statistics</word>
<word key="stats_total_members" js="0">Total Members</word>
<word key="stats_newest_member" js="0">Newest Member</word>
<word key="stats_most_online" js="0">Most Online</word>
<word key="block_relatedContent" js="0">Similar Content</word>
<word key="block_relatedContent_desc" js="0">Shows similar content based on tags</word>
<word key="toshow" js="0">Maximum Results</word>
<word key="block_recentStatusUpdates" js="0">Recent Status Updates</word>
<word key="block_recentStatusUpdates_desc" js="0">Shows the most recent member status updates</word>
<word key="no_recent_statuses" js="0">No Recent Status Updates</word>
<word key="block_topContributors" js="0">Popular Contributors</word>
<word key="block_topContributors_desc" js="0">Shows which members have received the most reputation or likes across the last week, month, year or always.</word>
<word key="top_contributors_empty__week" js="0">Nobody has received reputation this week.</word>
<word key="top_contributors_empty__month" js="0">Nobody has received reputation this month.</word>
<word key="top_contributors_empty__year" js="0">Nobody has received reputation this year.</word>
<word key="top_contributors_empty__all" js="0">Nobody has received reputation yet.</word>
<word key="block_guestSignUp" js="0">Guest Signup Widget</word>
<word key="block_guestSignUp_desc" js="0">Shows a WYSIWYG editable welcome message and login links to guests</word>
<word key="block_guestsignup_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="block_guestsignup_message" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="guest_signup_admin_message" js="0">This block is only shown to guests.</word>
<word key="block_newsletter" js="0">Newsletter Signup</word>
<word key="block_newsletter_desc" js="0">Prompts members to opt in to bulk mails</word>
<word key="block_newsletter_title" js="0">Newsletter</word>
<word key="block_newsletter_signup" js="0">Want to keep up to date with all our latest news and information?</word>
<word key="block_newsletter_signup_button" js="0">Sign Up</word>
<word key="block_newsletter_subscribed" js="0">Subscribed</word>
<word key="block_newsletter_signup_text" js="0"></word>
<word key="stats_date_range" js="0">Date Range</word>
<word key="stats_date_group" js="0">Time Scale</word>
<word key="stats_date_group_hourly" js="0">Hourly</word>
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<word key="stats_date_group_monthly" js="0">Monthly</word>
<word key="stats_chart_filters" js="0">Filters</word>
<word key="stats_start_date" js="0">Start Date</word>
<word key="stats_end_date" js="0">End Date</word>
<word key="chart_AreaChart" js="0">Show as Area Chart</word>
<word key="chart_PieChart" js="0">Show as Pie Chart</word>
<word key="chart_LineChart" js="0">Show as Line Chart</word>
<word key="chart_BarChart" js="0">Show as Bar Chart</word>
<word key="chart_ColumnChart" js="0">Show as Column Chart</word>
<word key="chart_GeoChart" js="0">Show as Map</word>
<word key="chart_Table" js="0">Show as Table</word>
<word key="chart_no_results" js="0">There are no results to display.</word>
<word key="dynamic_chart_timezone_info" js="0">Results are shown in the server's timezone.</word>
<word key="dynamic_chart_timezone_title" js="0">Timezone Information</word>
<word key="dynamic_chart_timezone_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[Your MySQL server does not have timezone support available which Invision Community needs to show the results of some charts in your own timezone. The results shown on this chart are therefore in <strong>%s</strong>, which is what your MySQL server is set to. To see results in your own timezone, contact your hosting provider or system administrator and ask for the <a href='{external.mysql_timezones}' target='_blank'>time zone tables to be populated</a>.]]></word>
<word key="minimum_chart_date" js="0">The start date for the chart is too early. The earliest available date is %s.</word>
<word key="stats_include_hidden_content" js="0">The counts shown here include hidden content as well as visible content.</word>
<word key="dynamic_chart_overview" js="0">Overview</word>
<word key="custom_chart_title" js="0">Chart Title</word>
<word key="chart_deleted" js="0">Saved chart deleted</word>
<word key="ignored_users" js="0">Ignored Users</word>
<word key="add_ignored_user" js="0">Add Ignored User</word>
<word key="edit_ignore_for" js="0">Ignoring %s</word>
<word key="ignored_users_blurb" js="0">Ignoring a user allows you to block some or all of their content from showing. Users are not notified that you are ignoring them.</word>
<word key="ignored_users_add" js="0">Add new user to ignore list</word>
<word key="ignored_users_add_desc" js="0">Enter a member's name to set ignore options</word>
<word key="ignore_placeholder" js="0">Search for a member to ignore...</word>
<word key="ignored_users_ignore" js="0">Ignore:</word>
<word key="ignore_topics" js="0">Posts</word>
<word key="ignore_signatures" js="0">Signature</word>
<word key="ignore_messages" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="ignore_mentions" js="0">Mentions</word>
<word key="ignore_submit" js="0">Add User</word>
<word key="ignore_edit" js="0">Update Preferences</word>
<word key="ignored_users_all" js="0">Show all ignored</word>
<word key="stop_ignoring_user" js="0">Stop ignoring user</word>
<word key="change_ignored_content" js="0">Change ignored content</word>
<word key="ignored_users_current" js="0">Users currently being ignored</word>
<word key="see_post_ignore_options" js="0">See ignore options</word>
<word key="show_this_post" js="0">Show this post</word>
<word key="show_this_comment" js="0">Show this comment</word>
<word key="stop_ignoring_posts_by" js="0">Stop ignoring posts by %s</word>
<word key="change_ignore_preferences" js="0">Change ignore preferences</word>
<word key="cannot_ignore_self" js="0">You cannot ignore yourself.</word>
<word key="cannot_ignore_no_user" js="0">There is no member with that display name.</word>
<word key="ignore_remove" js="0">You are no longer ignoring %s</word>
<word key="ignore_adjusted" js="0">User ignore preferences adjusted.</word>
<word key="edit_signature_options" js="0">Ignore signature preferences</word>
<word key="cannot_ignore_that_member" js="0">You are not allowed to ignore that member.</word>
<word key="announcement" js="0">Announcement</word>
<word key="announcements" js="0">Announcements</word>
<word key="modcp_announcements" js="0">Announcements</word>
<word key="announce_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="announce_start" js="0">Start date</word>
<word key="announce_end" js="0">Show until</word>
<word key="announce_content" js="0">Announcement</word>
<word key="announce_app" js="0">Where to show?</word>
<word key="announce_other_areas" js="0">Other pages</word>
<word key="add_announcement" js="0">Add Announcement</word>
<word key="edit_announcement" js="0">Edit Announcement</word>
<word key="loc_viewing_announcement" js="0">Viewing Announcement: %s</word>
<word key="block_announcements" js="0">Announcements</word>
<word key="block_announcements_desc" js="0">Shows site announcements</word>
<word key="announce_mark_active" js="0">Make Active</word>
<word key="announce_mark_inactive" js="0">Make Inactive</word>
<word key="announce_active_status" js="0">Active</word>
<word key="announce_actions" js="0">Announcement Actions</word>
<word key="view_announcement" js="0">View announcement</word>
<word key="announce_toggle" js="0">Toggle the state of this announcement</word>
<word key="announce_delete" js="0">Delete this announcement</word>
<word key="announcement_not_active" js="0">This announcement is no longer active</word>
<word key="announcement_missing" js="0">We could not find the announcement you were trying to view.</word>
<word key="no_announcements" js="0">There are no current announcements</word>
<word key="active" js="0">Active</word>
<word key="inactive" js="0">Inactive</word>
<word key="announce_permissions" js="0">Who can see this announcement</word>
<word key="announce_page_location" js="0">Page Location</word>
<word key="page_top" js="0">Floating bar at the top of the page</word>
<word key="content_top" js="0">Above page content</word>
<word key="sidebar" js="0">Sidebar</word>
<word key="announce_color" js="0">Color Theme</word>
<word key="menutab__support" js="0">Support</word>
<word key="menu__core_diagnostics" js="0">Diagnostic Tools</word>
<word key="menu__core_diagnostics_errorLogs" js="0">Error Logs</word>
<word key="support" js="0">Support</word>
<word key="acp_search_title_core_Members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="acp_search_title_core_Groups" js="0">Groups</word>
<word key="acp_search_title_core_Settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="acp_search_title_core_Clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="menu__core_livesearch" js="0">Live Search</word>
<word key="r__livesearch" js="0">Live Search</word>
<word key="r__livesearch_manage" js="0">Can use live search?</word>
<word key="vse_customize" js="0">Customize</word>
<word key="vse_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
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<word key="easy_mode_editor_title" js="0">Easy Mode Editor</word>
<word key="rating_value" js="0">Your rating</word>
<word key="you_rated_x_stars" js="0">You rated this %s/%s. Average community rating is %s.</word>
<word key="review_text" js="0">Your review</word>
<word key="_review_placeholder" js="0">Add a review...</word>
<word key="add_review" js="0">Add review</word>
<word key="write_a_review" js="0">Write a review</word>
<word key="most_helpful" js="0">Most Helpful</word>
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<word key="thanks_for_your_review" js="0">Thanks for your review!</word>
<word key="review_author_respond" js="0">Respond to this review</word>
<word key="reviewResponse" js="0">Response</word>
<word key="review_response_title" js="0">Response from the author:</word>
<word key="did_you_find_this_helpful" js="0">Did you find this review helpful?</word>
<word key="you_have_already_rated" js="0">You have already rated that review.</word>
<word key="x_members_found_helpful" js="0">%d of %s found this review helpful</word>
<word key="x_members" js="0">{# [1:member][?:members]}</word>
<word key="x_members_found_helpful_phone" js="0">{# [1:member][?:members]}</word>
<word key="num_reviews" js="0">{# [1:review][?:reviews]}</word>
<word key="from_num_reviews" js="0">from {# [1:review][?:reviews]}</word>
<word key="no_reviews_yet" js="0">No reviews yet</word>
<word key="num_comments" js="0">{# [1:comment][?:comments]}</word>
<word key="num_comments_uc" js="0">{# [1:Comment][?:Comments]}</word>
<word key="comments" js="0">{!#[1:comment][?:comments]}</word>
<word key="num_replies" js="0">{# [1:reply][?:replies]}</word>
<word key="user_feedback" js="0">User Feedback</word>
<word key="login_to_comment" js="0">Please sign in using the form below in order to leave a comment on this page</word>
<word key="review_intro_1" js="0">What did you think, %s?</word>
<word key="review_intro_2" js="0">Leave a review and let other users know.</word>
<word key="view_comments" js="0">View comments</word>
<word key="x_star" js="0">{# [1:star][?:stars]}</word>
<word key="edit_comment" js="0">Edit Comment</word>
<word key="edit_review" js="0">Edit Review</word>
<word key="no_edit_history" js="0">There is no edit history to show, or this comment was edited by a moderator.</word>
<word key="feature_mod_note" js="0">Moderator Note</word>
<word key="feature_mod_note_desc" js="0">A short note about this content that will be shown to users.</word>
<word key="this_is_a_featured_post" js="0">Featured Comment</word>
<word key="recommended" js="0">Recommended</word>
<word key="recommended_replies" js="0">Recommended Comments</word>
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<word key="unrecommend_content" js="0">Remove Recommendation</word>
<word key="recommend_comment" js="0">Recommend Comment</word>
<word key="recommend_review" js="0">Recommend Review</word>
<word key="add_recommend_content" js="0">Add Recommendation</word>
<word key="posted_by_x" js="0">Posted by %s, %s</word>
<word key="sort_updated" js="0">Recently Updated</word>
<word key="sort_last_comment" js="0">Last Reply</word>
<word key="sort_rating" js="0">Highest Rated</word>
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<word key="sort_num_reviews" js="0">Most Reviewed</word>
<word key="sort_views" js="0">Most Viewed</word>
<word key="sort_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="sort_author_name" js="0">Author</word>
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<word key="sort_joined" js="0">Joined</word>
<word key="sort_mname" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="sort_posts" js="0">Post Count</word>
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<word key="select_rows_tooltip" js="0">Select rows based on type</word>
<word key="sort_num_views" js="0">Views</word>
<word key="no_permission_manage_sidebar" js="0">You do not have permission to manage the sidebar</word>
<word key="manage_blocks" js="0">Manage Blocks</word>
<word key="no_app_widgets" js="0">No widgets in this app</word>
<word key="editBlockSettings" js="0">Edit block settings</word>
<word key="saveSettings" js="0">Save settings</word>
<word key="widget_blank_or_no_context" js="0">This block cannot be shown. This could be because it needs configuring, is unable to show on this page, or will show after reloading this page.</word>
<word key="widget_blank_or_no_context_no_config" js="0">This block cannot be shown. This could be because it is unable to show on this specific page, or will show after reloading this page.</word>
<word key="widget_feed_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="widget_feed_title_desc" js="0">This is what will display in the header for the block.</word>
<word key="widget_feed_use_perms" js="0">Honor permissions?</word>
<word key="widget_feed_use_perms_desc" js="0">Normally this should be left enabled, but you may want to disable if you are deliberately showing content users cannot access, for example, as an incentive for upgrading their account.</word>
<word key="widget_feed_status" js="0">Status</word>
<word key="widget_feed_status_locked" js="0">Status</word>
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<word key="widget_feed_author" js="0">Authors</word>
<word key="widget_feed_author_desc" js="0">If provided, only content by the specified members will be included.</word>
<word key="widget_feed_min_posts" js="0">Minimum posts</word>
<word key="widget_feed_min_comments" js="0">Minimum comments</word>
<word key="widget_feed_min_reviews" js="0">Minimum reviews</word>
<word key="widget_feed_min_rating" js="0">Minimum rating</word>
<word key="widget_feed_show" js="0">Number to show</word>
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<word key="widget_feed_comment_date" js="0">Posted</word>
<word key="widget_feed_tags" js="0">With tags</word>
<word key="widget_feed_tags_desc" js="0">When adding multiple tags here, if any of the tags match then the content item will show.</word>
<word key="widget_feed_item_status_locked" js="0">%s status</word>
<word key="widget_feed_item_status_pinned" js="0">%s pinned</word>
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<word key="mod_confirm_hidden" js="0">Hidden</word>
<word key="status_feed" js="0">Status Feed</word>
<word key="status_content" js="0">What's on your mind?</word>
<word key="status__comment_placeholder" js="0">Reply to this status...</word>
<word key="status__update_placeholder" js="0"><![CDATA[Write a <em>public</em> message on your own feed...]]></word>
<word key="status__update_placeholder_other" js="0"><![CDATA[Write a <em>public</em> message on %s's feed...]]></word>
<word key="status_report" js="0">Report</word>
<word key="member_status" js="0">Status</word>
<word key="notification__profile_comment" js="0">%s posted on your profile.</word>
<word key="notification__profile_reply" js="0">%s replied to a status update.</word>
<word key="notification__new_status" js="0">%s has posted a new status update.</word>
<word key="show_prev_comments" js="0">Show previous comments</word>
<word key="show_next_comments" js="0">Show next comments</word>
<word key="x_more" js="0">{# [?:more]}</word>
<word key="status_reply" js="0">Reply</word>
<word key="status_new" js="0">Submit Status</word>
<word key="status_save" js="0">Save Status</word>
<word key="global_feed" js="0">Global Feed</word>
<word key="people_i_follow" js="0">People I Follow</word>
<word key="module__core_status" js="0">Status Updates</word>
<word key="no_status_updates" js="0">There have been no status updates posted yet.</word>
<word key="status_updated_by" js="0">Status update posted by %s</word>
<word key="see_all_statuses_by_x" js="0">See all updates by %s</word>
<word key="viewing_single_status" js="0">Single Status Update</word>
<word key="viewing_single_status_of" js="0">Single Status Update from %s by %s</word>
<word key="status_ignoring" js="0">This comment is hidden because you're ignoring %s</word>
<word key="status_widget_create" js="0">Update my status</word>
<word key="status_num_replies" js="0">{# [1: reply][?:replies]}</word>
<word key="status_see_x_other_replies" js="0">(See {# [1:other reply][?:other replies]} to this status update)</word>
<word key="member_posted_status_self" js="0">%s posted a new status update</word>
<word key="member_posted_status_other" js="0">%s posted a new status update on %s's profile</word>
<word key="search_content_search" js="0">Content Search</word>
<word key="search_content_search_title" js="0">Search in our content</word>
<word key="search_member_search" js="0">Member Search</word>
<word key="search_member_search_title" js="0">Search our members</word>
<word key="search_more_options" js="0">More search options</word>
<word key="search_again" js="0">Search Again</word>
<word key="no_results_for_x" js="0">No %s matched this search</word>
<word key="search_section_results" js="0">%d results</word>
<word key="search_custom" js="0">Custom...</word>
<word key="search_any" js="0">Any date</word>
<word key="search_day" js="0">Past 24 hours</word>
<word key="search_week" js="0">Past week</word>
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<word key="search_six_months" js="0">Past six months</word>
<word key="search_year" js="0">Past year</word>
<word key="search_user_reviewed" js="0">%s reviewed this</word>
<word key="search_user_commented" js="0">%s commented on this</word>
<word key="search_everything" js="0">All Content</word>
<word key="search_the_community" js="0">Search the Community</word>
<word key="search_results" js="0">Results</word>
<word key="search_filters" js="0">Search Filters</word>
<word key="no_search_term" js="0">You did not supply a term or any tags to search for</word>
<word key="search_parameters" js="0">Search Parameters</word>
<word key="no_search_results" js="0">There were no results for your search. Try broadening your criteria or choosing a different content area.</word>
<word key="search_invalid_nodes" js="0">The container you attempted to search in could not be found</word>
<word key="search_x" js="0">Search in %s</word>
<word key="my_followed_content" js="0">Content I Follow</word>
<word key="members_i_follow" js="0">Members I Follow</word>
<word key="stuff_i_follow" js="0">%s I Follow</word>
<word key="node_content_items" js="0">{# [1:Submission][?:Submissions]}</word>
<word key="node_content_comments" js="0">{# [1:Comment][?:Comments]}</word>
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<word key="search_results_title" js="0">Search results</word>
<word key="search_found" js="0">Found {# [1:result][?:results]}</word>
<word key="search_blurb_term" js="0">Showing results for '%s'</word>
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<word key="search_blurb_with_type" js="0">%s in %s.</word>
<word key="search_blurb_no_conditions" js="0">%s.</word>
<word key="search_blurb_in" js="0">posted in %s</word>
<word key="search_blurb_min_comments" js="0">with at least %d comments</word>
<word key="search_blurb_min_replies" js="0">with at least %d replies</word>
<word key="search_blurb_min_reviews" js="0">with at least %d reviews</word>
<word key="search_blurb_min_views" js="0">with at least %d views</word>
<word key="search_blurb_author" js="0">posted by %s</word>
<word key="search_blurb_club" js="0">in club %s</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_start" js="0">posted %s</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_updated" js="0">updated %s</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_before" js="0">before %s</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_after" js="0">after %s</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_rel_before" js="0">more than %s ago</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_rel_after" js="0">in the last %s</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_rel_day" js="0">day</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_rel_week" js="0">week</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_rel_month" js="0">month</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_rel_6months" js="0">six months</word>
<word key="search_blurb_date_rel_year" js="0">year</word>
<word key="search_results_title_term" js="0">Searched for '%s'</word>
<word key="search_results_title_term_area" js="0">Searched for '%s' in %s</word>
<word key="search_results_title_tag" js="0">Content tagged %s</word>
<word key="search_results_title_tag_area" js="0">Content tagged %s in %s</word>
<word key="see_all_matching" js="0">See all matching %s</word>
<word key="see_results_for" js="0">See results in %s</word>
<word key="search_members" js="0">Search Members</word>
<word key="search_content" js="0">Search Content</word>
<word key="q" js="0">Search Term</word>
<word key="eitherTermsOrTags" js="0">Match Type</word>
<word key="termsortags_or_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Match term <strong>OR</strong> tags]]></word>
<word key="termsortags_and_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Match term <strong>AND</strong> tags]]></word>
<word key="searchIn" js="0">Find results in...</word>
<word key="titles_and_body" js="0">Content titles and body</word>
<word key="titles_only" js="0">Content titles only</word>
<word key="andOr" js="0">Find results that contain...</word>
<word key="search_and" js="0"><![CDATA[<em>All</em> of my search term words]]></word>
<word key="search_or" js="0"><![CDATA[<em>Any</em> of my search term words]]></word>
<word key="searchType" js="0">Content Type</word>
<word key="startDate" js="0">Date Created</word>
<word key="updatedDate" js="0">Last Updated</word>
<word key="joinedDate" js="0">Joined</word>
<word key="class" js="0">Search In</word>
<word key="member_pl" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="advanced_search" js="0">Advanced Search</word>
<word key="view_this_reply" js="0">View this reply</word>
<word key="search_flood_error" js="0">Please wait {# [1:second][?:seconds]} before attempting another search</word>
<word key="search_flood_error_admin" js="0"><![CDATA[Please wait {# [1:second][?:seconds]} before attempting another search. You can adjust this limit in the <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=members&controller=groups&searchResult=g_search_flood}'>Group Settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="update_results" js="0">Update Results</word>
<word key="no_searchable_apps" js="0">There is no new content</word>
<word key="no_searchable_apps_admin" js="0">There are no applications installed presently that have content types which support tracking read status</word>
<word key="search_index_header" js="0">Search Index</word>
<word key="search_index_timeframe" js="0">Time Cutoff</word>
<word key="search_index_timeframe_prefix" js="0">Exclude content posted more than</word>
<word key="search_index_timeframe_suffix" js="0">days ago</word>
<word key="search_index_timeframe_desc" js="0">Limiting results can make searches perform faster, especially for large communities, however content from before will not show in search results, streams or the moderator control panel. Newer content is automatically weighted higher in sorting.</word>
<word key="search_index_maxresults" js="0">Maximum Results</word>
<word key="search_index_maxresults_desc" js="0">The deeper into a search result you go (i.e. the higher the page number) the more memory and time is needed to retrieve the results. This setting limits the maximum number of results that will ever be returned, which limits the amount of memory that will be used. Note this applies not only to search results but also activity streams, including on the member profiles.</word>
<word key="search_index_timeframe_unlimited" js="0">Do not exclude any content</word>
<word key="search_method" js="0">Search Engine</word>
<word key="search_method_mysql" js="0">MySQL (Default)</word>
<word key="search_method_elastic" js="0">Elasticsearch (Advanced)</word>
<word key="search_method_elastic_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[A distributed search engine recommended for high traffic communities with lots of data. Requires an Elasticsearch server. <a href='{external.elasticsearch}' target='_blank'>Learn more</a>]]></word>
<word key="search_elastic_server" js="0">Elasticsearch Server</word>
<word key="search_elastic_server_no_version" js="0">The server did not return the expected response. Check Elasticsearch is properly installed and accessible from your web server. If you visit the provided URL in your browser you should see details about the installed version.</word>
<word key="search_elastic_server_unsupported_version" js="0">Version %s or higher is required. Your Elasticsearch server has version %s installed.</word>
<word key="search_elastic_server_error" js="0">The server did not return the expected response. Check Elasticsearch is properly installed and accessible from your web server. If you visit the provided URL in your browser you should see details about the installed version. Error: %s</word>
<word key="search_elastic_index" js="0">Elasticsearch Index Name</word>
<word key="search_elastic_index_desc" js="0">It is important to use different index names if multiple Invision Community installations are using the same Elasticsearch instance</word>
<word key="search_options" js="0">Search Options</word>
<word key="search_title_boost" js="0">Title Boost</word>
<word key="search_title_boost_prefix" js="0">Title scores </word>
<word key="search_title_boost_suffix" js="0">times higher than body</word>
<word key="search_title_boost_unlimited" js="0">Score title and body the same</word>
<word key="search_title_boost_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The term the user searches for will be looked for in both the title (topic title, event name, etc.), and the body (the post content, event details, etc.).<br>Most of the time, if the term matches the title of any content, it is much more significant than if the term is in the body.]]></word>
<word key="search_decay" js="0">Time Decay</word>
<word key="search_decay_1" js="0">For every</word>
<word key="search_decay_2" js="0">days since the content was posted, score decreases to</word>
<word key="search_decay_3" js="0">times its original score</word>
<word key="search_decay_unlimited" js="0">No time decay</word>
<word key="search_decay_desc" js="0">Normally the more recent the content was posted, the more relevant it will be.</word>
<word key="search_default_operator" js="0">Default Operator</word>
<word key="search_default_operator_prefix" js="0"><![CDATA[If the user searches for <code>apples bananas</code>, return results which include...]]></word>
<word key="search_default_operator_or" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Either</strong> <code>apples</code> or <code>bananas</code>]]></word>
<word key="search_default_operator_or_desc" js="0">Recommended especially when using Elasticsearch which will automatically score results with both words higher.</word>
<word key="search_default_operator_and" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Both</strong> <code>apples</code> and <code>bananas</code>]]></word>
<word key="search_default_operator_and_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The words do not have to be next to each other unless the user enters their term with <code>"quotes"</code> to search for an exact phrase.]]></word>
<word key="search_default_operator_desc" js="0">Whichever option you choose for the default, the user can switch to the other when searching.</word>
<word key="acplogs__queued_search_index" js="0">Rebuilt search index</word>
<word key="search_index_rebuilding" js="0">Search Index Rebuilding</word>
<word key="search_rebuild_index" js="0">Rebuild Search Index</word>
<word key="search_rebuild_index_confirm" js="0">Rebuilding the search index will completely empty and rebuild the index of all the content on your community. Until it is complete, searches will not return all results and it may take a long time to complete. It is usually not necessary to rebuild the search index unless there has been a particular issue with your server that has resulted in a corrupted index.</word>
<word key="search_betweenXandX" js="0">Between %s and %s</word>
<word key="search_afterX" js="0">After %s</word>
<word key="search_beforeX" js="0">Before %s</word>
<word key="search_min_comments" js="0">Comments</word>
<word key="search_min_comments_title" js="0">Minimum number of comments</word>
<word key="search_min_replies" js="0">Replies</word>
<word key="search_min_replies_title" js="0">Minimum number of replies</word>
<word key="search_min_reviews" js="0">Reviews</word>
<word key="search_min_reviews_title" js="0">Minimum number of reviews</word>
<word key="search_min_views" js="0">Views</word>
<word key="search_min_views_title" js="0">Minimum number of views</word>
<word key="search_contextual_item" js="0">This %s</word>
<word key="search_contextual_item_categories" js="0">This Category</word>
<word key="categories_sg" js="0">Category</word>
<word key="categories" js="0">Categories</word>
<word key="categories_add_child" js="0">Create Subcategory</word>
<word key="core_members_pl" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="search_by_tags" js="0">Search By Tags</word>
<word key="search_by_author" js="0">Search By Author</word>
<word key="search_filter_by_number" js="0">Filter by number of...</word>
<word key="search_elastic_self_boost" js="0">Author Boost</word>
<word key="search_elastic_self_boost_prefix" js="0">Boost results posted by the person searching to</word>
<word key="search_elastic_self_boost_suffix" js="0">times its original score</word>
<word key="do_not_boost" js="0">Do not boost</word>
<word key="search_elastic_analyzer" js="0">Analyzer</word>
<word key="search_elastic_analyzer_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The analyzer controls how content is indexed. By setting it to the language content on your community is usually posted in, Elasticsearch will automatically support language-aware analysis, for example, searching for <code>jumping</code> will include resuilts which have the word <code>jumped</code>.<br>Changing this setting will requiring rebuilding the index.]]></word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_arabic" js="0">Arabic</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_armenian" js="0">Armenian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_basque" js="0">Basque</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_brazilian" js="0">Brazilian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_bulgarian" js="0">Bulgarian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_catalan" js="0">Catalan</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_cjk" js="0">Chinese / Japanese / Korean</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_czech" js="0">Czech</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_danish" js="0">Danish</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_dutch" js="0">Dutch</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_english" js="0">English</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_finnish" js="0">Finnish</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_french" js="0">French</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_galician" js="0">Galician</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_german" js="0">German</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_greek" js="0">Greek</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_hindi" js="0">Hindi</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_hungarian" js="0">Hungarian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_indonesian" js="0">Indonesian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_irish" js="0">Irish</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_italian" js="0">Italian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_latvian" js="0">Latvian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_lithuanian" js="0">Lithuanian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_norwegian" js="0">Norwegian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_persian" js="0">Persian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_portuguese" js="0">Portuguese</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_romanian" js="0">Romanian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_russian" js="0">Russian</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_sorani" js="0">Sorani</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_spanish" js="0">Spanish</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_swedish" js="0">Swedish</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_turkish" js="0">Turkish</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_thai" js="0">Thai</word>
<word key="elastic_analyzer_standard" js="0">Standard (not language specific)</word>
<word key="all_new_content" js="0">All New Content</word>
<word key="onlyFollowed" js="0">Followed</word>
<word key="onlyFollowed_desc" js="0">Only find new content in containers or content items that I am following</word>
<word key="onlyParticipated" js="0">Participated</word>
<word key="onlyParticipated_desc" js="0">Only find new content that I have previously participated in</word>
<word key="digests_read_more" js="0">Read more...</word>
<word key="digest_daily" js="0">Here's the new content from your followed items for the past day.</word>
<word key="digest_weekly" js="0">Here's the new content from your followed items for the past week.</word>
<word key="digest_see_all" js="0">See all</word>
<word key="digest_showing_x" js="0">{# [1:item][?:items]}</word>
<word key="digest_showing_first_x" js="0">Showing first {# [1:item][?:items]}</word>
<word key="digest" js="0">Digests</word>
<word key="search_joined" js="0">Date Joined</word>
<word key="search_byline" js="0">by %s</word>
<word key="search_posted_by" js="0">By %s, posted </word>
<word key="joinedDateCustom" js="0">Joined</word>
<word key="past_hour" js="0">Past hour</word>
<word key="last_24hr" js="0">Last 24 hours</word>
<word key="last_week" js="0">Last week</word>
<word key="last_month" js="0">Last month</word>
<word key="last_six_months" js="0">Last six months</word>
<word key="last_year" js="0">Last year</word>
<word key="six_months" js="0">Six months</word>
<word key="yesterday" js="0">Yesterday</word>
<word key="today" js="0">Today</word>
<word key="last_5_days" js="0">Last 5 Days</word>
<word key="last_7_days" js="0">Last 7 Days</word>
<word key="last_10_days" js="0">Last 10 Days</word>
<word key="last_15_days" js="0">Last 15 Days</word>
<word key="last_20_days" js="0">Last 20 Days</word>
<word key="last_25_days" js="0">Last 25 Days</word>
<word key="last_30_days" js="0">Last 30 Days</word>
<word key="last_60_days" js="0">Last 60 Days</word>
<word key="last_90_days" js="0">Last 90 Days</word>
<word key="earlier" js="0">Earlier</word>
<word key="search_better_results_hint" js="0"><![CDATA[<strong>Didn't find what you were looking for?</strong> Try searching for:]]></word>
<word key="search_hint_phrase" js="0">The phrase "%s"</word>
<word key="search_join_or" js="0">OR</word>
<word key="search_join_and" js="0">AND</word>
<word key="search_newer_first" js="0">Newest results first</word>
<word key="search_titles_and_content" js="0">%s in content titles and body</word>
<word key="search_titles_only" js="0">%s in content titles only</word>
<word key="search_most_pertinent" js="0">More relevant matches first</word>
<word key="search_all_dates" js="0">%s from any date</word>
<word key="menu__core_support" js="0">Support</word>
<word key="menu__core_support_dashboard" js="0">Support</word>
<word key="get_support" js="0">Get Support</word>
<word key="type_of_problem" js="0">Type of problem</word>
<word key="self_service" js="0">Find a solution</word>
<word key="contact_support" js="0">Contact Technical Support</word>
<word key="contact_support_submit" js="0">Contact Technical Support</word>
<word key="type_of_problem_select" js="0">What do you need help with?</word>
<word key="type_of_problem_advice" js="0">I need advice or information on how to use Invision Community</word>
<word key="type_of_problem_issue" js="0">Something isn't working correctly</word>
<word key="support_advice_search" js="0">What are you looking for?</word>
<word key="support_advice_search_desc" js="0">Enter a short keyword on the area you need help with. For example: 'facebook', 'spam', 'themes'.</word>
<word key="support_advice_results" js="0">These are all the areas of the AdminCP related to what you are looking for. In future, you can quickly search the AdminCP using the search bar in the top-right.</word>
<word key="still_need_help" js="0">Still need help?</word>
<word key="support_request_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="support_request_body" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="support_request_extra" js="0">Additional Information</word>
<word key="support_request_admin" js="0">Provide AdminCP access?</word>
<word key="support_request_admin_desc" js="0">An account will be created and the details sent securely with your support request. It is recommended you leave this enabled so there is no delay in assisting you if access is necessary. Once your issue has been resolved, you can delete the account.</word>
<word key="get_support_done" js="0">We have sent your message to the support team. A technician will contact you by email within {# [1:hour][?:hours]}.</word>
<word key="support_caches_cleared" js="0">Sometimes badly cached data can cause problems. We have cleared all cached data.</word>
<word key="support_database_check_ok" js="0">Database structure ok</word>
<word key="support_database_check_fail" js="0">There are some problems with your database</word>
<word key="md5_check_ok" js="0">Source files unmodified</word>
<word key="md5_check_fail" js="0">Some of your source files have been modified</word>
<word key="md5_fail_help_1" js="0">Some of the source files for Invision Community have been modified.</word>
<word key="md5_fail_help_2" js="0">You should download an unmodified copy of those files and upload them to your server. Once that is done, check if the problem persists.</word>
<word key="md5_build_fail" js="0"><![CDATA[The request could not be processed. <a href='{external.client_area}' target='_blank'>Go to the client area to download full package</a>, and upload the entire package to you server, overwriting the existing files (this will not overwrite any of your data). Once the upload has finished, close this window and rerun the diagnostic checks.]]></word>
<word key="md5_fail_download" js="0">Download Unmodified Files</word>
<word key="md5_fail_download_1" js="0">Click the button below to download a zip file which contains the unmodified versions of the source files that have been modified. Upload the package to your server, overwriting the existing files (this will not overwrite any of your data).</word>
<word key="md5_fail_download_2" js="0">Once the upload has finished, click the button below to rerun the diagnostic checks.</word>
<word key="requirements_check_ok" js="0">System check passed</word>
<word key="requirements_check_fail" js="0">There is an issue with your server</word>
<word key="recommendations_check_ok" js="0">No recommended changes were detected</word>
<word key="recommendations_check_fail" js="0">There are some changes we recommend that are not required</word>
<word key="recommendations_check_link" js="0">See recommended changes</word>
<word key="requirements_check_link" js="0">See required changes</word>
<word key="requirements_check_link_rec" js="0">See required and recommended changes</word>
<word key="connection_check_ok" js="0">External connections working</word>
<word key="connection_check_fail" js="0">External connections not working</word>
<word key="server_time_ok" js="0">Server time is accurate</word>
<word key="server_time_fail" js="0">Server time may be inaccurate</word>
<word key="sever_time_fail_desc" js="0">Your server is reporting the current time as %s UTC which seems to be inaccurate. This can cause problems with some services and security functionality. You should contact your hosting provider to ask for this problem to be resolved.</word>
<word key="help_me_fix_this" js="0">Fix this</word>
<word key="upgrade_check_ok" js="0">Running latest version</word>
<word key="upgrade_check_fail" js="0">You are not running the latest version</word>
<word key="upgrade_check_patches" js="0">You are running the latest version, but an optional update is available to address the following issues:</word>
<word key="upgrade_apply_patch" js="0">Apply Patch</word>
<word key="support_diagnostics" js="0">Diagnostics</word>
<word key="database_changes_to_make" js="0">There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are:</word>
<word key="database_changes_to_make_errors" js="0">The problems with your database could not be fixed automatically.</word>
<word key="database_changes_run" js="0">Fix Automatically</word>
<word key="support_check_again" js="0">Check Again</word>
<word key="support_connection_fail" js="0">Connections to external websites are not working. This can cause problems with third party services. You should contact your hosting provider to ask for this problem to be resolved.</word>
<word key="support_third_party_head" js="0">Third Party Customizations</word>
<word key="support_third_party_blurb" js="0">You have some third-party customizations which may be causing issues. Use this tool to temporarily disable applications, plugins, themes and advertisements and then check if the problem persists. You will have the option to re-enable them afterwards.</word>
<word key="support_third_party_disable" js="0">Disable Customizations</word>
<word key="support_third_party_instruction" js="0"><![CDATA[Your customizations have been disabled. <strong>Check and see if the issue you are experiencing has been resolved.</strong> If it has, this would indicate that one of the customizations is the cause of the issue. Go through each of the areas below and re-enable your customizations one by one until you find which one is causing the issue. You can then leave it disabled, or contact the author of that customization for further assistance. If the issue has not been resolved, you can re-enable all of the customizations and then continue.]]></word>
<word key="support_third_party_enable_all" js="0">The problem is not resolved. Re-enable all customizations</word>
<word key="support_third_party_apps" js="0">{# [1:application][?:applications]} disabled</word>
<word key="support_third_party_plugins" js="0">{# [1:plugin][?:plugins]} disabled</word>
<word key="support_third_party_theme" js="0">Default theme restored</word>
<word key="support_third_party_editor" js="0">Default editor restored</word>
<word key="support_third_party_ads" js="0">{# [1:advertisement][?:advertisements]} disabled</word>
<word key="support_third_party_no_apps" js="0">No third-party applications</word>
<word key="support_third_party_no_plugins" js="0">No third-party plugins</word>
<word key="support_third_party_no_theme" js="0">Using default theme</word>
<word key="support_third_party_no_editor" js="0">No editor customizations</word>
<word key="support_third_party_no_ads" js="0">No advertisements</word>
<word key="support_third_party_apps_link" js="0">Go to Applications</word>
<word key="support_third_party_plugins_link" js="0">Go to Plugins</word>
<word key="support_third_party_theme_link" js="0">Go to Themes</word>
<word key="support_third_party_theme_desc" js="0">You can change between your theme and the default using the Theme dropdown at the bottom of any page (or by clicking on your name at the top of the page in the AdminCP).</word>
<word key="support_third_party_editor_link" js="0">Go to Editor Toolbars</word>
<word key="support_third_party_ads_link" js="0">Go to Advertisements</word>
<word key="support_third_party_apps_enable" js="0">Re-enable all Applications</word>
<word key="support_third_party_plugins_enable" js="0">Re-enable all Plugins</word>
<word key="support_third_party_theme_enable" js="0">Restore Theme</word>
<word key="support_third_party_editor_enable" js="0">Restore Editor Customizations</word>
<word key="support_third_party_ads_enable" js="0">Re-enable all Advertisements</word>
<word key="support_third_party_apps_reenabled" js="0">{# [1:application][?:applications]} re-enabled</word>
<word key="support_third_party_plugins_reenabled" js="0">{# [1:plugin][?:plugins]} re-enabled</word>
<word key="support_third_party_theme_reenabled" js="0">Custom theme restored</word>
<word key="support_third_party_editor_reenabled" js="0">Editor customizations restored</word>
<word key="support_third_party_ads_reenabled" js="0">{# [1:advertisement][?:advertisements]} re-enabled</word>
<word key="system_information" js="0">System Information</word>
<word key="php_version" js="0">PHP Version</word>
<word key="mysql_version" js="0">MySQL Version</word>
<word key="sql_toolbox" js="0">SQL Toolbox</word>
<word key="sql_table_name" js="0">Table</word>
<word key="sql_table_rows" js="0">Rows</word>
<word key="sql_table_engine" js="0">Engine</word>
<word key="sql_toolbox_query" js="0">Query</word>
<word key="run_query" js="0">Run Query</word>
<word key="sql_toolbox_done" js="0">Query ran successfully.</word>
<word key="sql_toolbox_not_allowed" js="0">This kind of query cannot be performed from the SQL Toolbox.</word>
<word key="continue_anyway" js="0">Continue Anyway</word>
<word key="bad_datastore_configuration" js="0"><![CDATA[You have data storage set to write files to %s, but this directory is not writable, which can cause problems. Make it writeable, or <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=advanced&tab=datastore}' target='_blank'>Update your settings</a> and then check and see if the problem has been resolved.]]></word>
<word key="upgrade_now" js="0">Upgrade Now</word>
<word key="support_search" js="0">AdminCP Pages</word>
<word key="support_guides" js="0">Documentation</word>
<word key="support_guides_blurb" js="0">These are guides from our documentation related to what you are looking for.</word>
<word key="server_path" js="0">Server Path</word>
<word key="server_ip" js="0">Server IP</word>
<word key="sql_toolbox_warning" js="0">The features available here are for advanced users and have the potential to cause significant irreversible damage to your community. Never run a query unless you are certain what the effect will be.</word>
<word key="system_logs" js="0">System Logs</word>
<word key="error_logs" js="0">Error Logs</word>
<word key="diagnostic_logs" js="0">Diagnostic Logs</word>
<word key="r__support" js="0">Support</word>
<word key="r__get_support" js="0">Can contact technical support?</word>
<word key="r__diagnostic_log_settings" js="0">Can manage diagnostic log settings?</word>
<word key="r__sql_toolbox" js="0">Can use SQL Toolbox?</word>
<word key="get_support_duplicate" js="0">You have recently submitted a support request. To prevent duplicates, this message has not been sent to our technical support team. If you need to follow up on your issue, please respond to your existing support request via the client area.</word>
<word key="get_support_error" js="0">We were unable to send your message to technical support. Please try again via the client area.</word>
<word key="no_translate_with_vle" js="0">You cannot use the translate page while quick translating is active.</word>
<word key="requirements_checker" js="0">System Check</word>
<word key="requirements_header" js="0">%s Requirements</word>
<word key="advice" js="0">Recommendations</word>
<word key="requirements_php_version_success" js="0">PHP version %s.</word>
<word key="requirements_php_version_fail" js="0">You are running PHP version %s. You need PHP %s or above (%s or above recommended). You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for an upgrade.</word>
<word key="requirements_php_version_fail_no_recommended" js="0">You are running PHP version %s. You need PHP %s or above. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for an upgrade.</word>
<word key="requirements_php_version_advice" js="0">You are running PHP version %s. While this version is compatible, future releases of our software will require version %s or above.</word>
<word key="requirements_curl_success" js="0">cURL extension loaded.</word>
<word key="requirements_curl_fopen" js="0">fsockopen function available</word>
<word key="requirements_curl_advice" js="0">You do not have the cURL PHP extension loaded or it is running a version less than 7.36. Enabling the cURL module provides a more efficient and reliable library for making connections from your website to other websites.</word>
<word key="requirements_curl_fail" js="0">You do not have the cURL PHP extension loaded (or it is running a version less than 7.36) and the fsockopen function is disabled. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask either for cURL version 7.36 or greater to be installed, or the fsockopen function to be enabled. cURL is recommended.</word>
<word key="requirements_mb_success" js="0">Multibyte String extension loaded</word>
<word key="requirements_mb_regex" js="0">The Multibyte String extension has been configured with the --disable-mbregex option. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for it to be reconfigured without that option.</word>
<word key="requirements_mb_overload" js="0">The PHP configuration has mbstring.func_overload set with a value higher than 0. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to disable Multibyte function overloading.</word>
<word key="requirements_mb_fail" js="0"><![CDATA[You do not have the Multibyte String PHP extension loaded which is required. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for it to be enabled. It must be configured <em>without</em> the --disable-mbregex option.]]></word>
<word key="requirements_extension_success" js="0">%s extension loaded</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_fail" js="0">You do not have the %s PHP extension loaded which is required. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for it to be enabled.</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_advice" js="0">You do not have the %s PHP extension loaded. While this is not required, it is recommended.</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_dom" js="0">DOM</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_gd" js="0">GD</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_exif" js="0">Exif</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_mysqli" js="0">MySQLi</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_openssl" js="0">OpenSSL</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_session" js="0">Session</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_simplexml" js="0">SimpleXML</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_xml" js="0">XML</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_xmlreader" js="0">XMLReader</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_xmlwriter" js="0">XMLWriter</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_zip" js="0">Zip</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_phar" js="0">Phar</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_advice_exif" js="0">You do not have the Exif PHP extension loaded. This is not required but is recommended to ensure uploaded images will be automatically rotated if necessary and to allow the software to read location information from images. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance installing this extension.</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_advice_phar" js="0">You do not have the Phar PHP extension loaded. Without this PHP extension, you will not be able to install third party applications in the AdminCP. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance installing this extension.</word>
<word key="requirements_extension_advice_zip" js="0">You do not have the Zip PHP extension loaded. Without this PHP extension, you will not be able to install CKEditor plugins or use the automatic upgrader in the AdminCP. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance installing this extension.</word>
<word key="requirements_missing_imagettfbbox" js="0">GD was not compiled with freetype support. This is not required but is recommended to provide you with the option of using automatically generated letter photos instead of using the default theme profile photo. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to request that PHP be recompiled with freetype support with the --with-freetype-dir=DIR option.</word>
<word key="requirements_memory_limit_success" js="0">%s memory limit.</word>
<word key="requirements_memory_limit_fail" js="0">Your PHP memory limit is set to %s but should be set to 128M or more. You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for this to be changed.</word>
<word key="requirements_suhosin_limit" js="0">PHP setting %s is set to %s. This can cause problems in some areas. We recommended a value of %s or above.</word>
<word key="requirements_suhosin_cookie_encrypt" js="0">PHP setting suhosin.cookie.encrypt is set to 1. This can cause problems in some areas such as the editor's auto save functionality. We recommended a value of 0 to disable it.</word>
<word key="requirements_mysql_version_success" js="0">MySQL version %s.</word>
<word key="requirements_mysql_version_fail" js="0">You are running MySQL version %s. You need MySQL %s or above (%s or above recommended). You should contact your hosting provider or system administrator to ask for an upgrade.</word>
<word key="requirements_mysql_version_advice" js="0">You are running MySQL version %s. While this version is compatible, future releases of our software will require version %s or above.</word>
<word key="requirements_mysql_utf8_success" js="0">All database tables UTF8.</word>
<word key="requirements_mysql_utf8_fail" js="0">Some or all of the tables or columns in your database are not using a UTF-8 collation (%s).</word>
<word key="requirements_mysql_utf8_info" js="0">%s is %s</word>
<word key="requirements_mysql_timeout" js="0">Your MySQL %s system variable is currently set to an extremely low value (%s). The default MySQL value is 28800. It is recommended to increase this MySQL system variable to at least 20 in order to prevent potential problems with queries timing out.</word>
<word key="err_not_writable" js="0">The directory %s needs to be writable. Please change the directory's CHMOD to 0777</word>
<word key="err_tmp_dir_create" js="0"><![CDATA[Your server does not allow temporary files to be created in the configured temporary directory. To work around this issue please create a file named constants.php at %s with the following code in it:<br><br><span><?php<br><br>define( 'TEMP_DIRECTORY', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/uploads' );</span>]]></word>
<word key="err_tmp_dir_adjust" js="0"><![CDATA[Your server does not allow temporary files to be created in the configured temporary directory. To work around this issue please edit the file named constants.php at %s and add following code to it:<br><br><span>define( 'TEMP_DIRECTORY', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/uploads' );</span>]]></word>
<word key="requirements_file_system" js="0">File System</word>
<word key="requirements_file_writable" js="0">%s is writable</word>
<word key="requirements_session_maxlifetime" js="0">The 'session.gc_maxlifetime' setting in your PHP configuration is set to %s seconds (%s minutes). This setting controls the minimum time a session will be kept after no activity. Having a setting that is too high may mean that sessions are not cleaned correctly which can have performance and security implications, or too low may mean that users are signed out while using the community. We recommend setting this to 1440, which is the default value. Contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance changing this setting.</word>
<word key="requirements_session_garbagecollection" js="0">The 'session.gc_probability' setting in your PHP configuration is set to %s, and the 'session.gc_divisor' setting is %s. The first divided by the second (%s with your current configuration) controls the probability that on any page load old sessions will be deleted. Having a probability that is too low may mean that sessions are not cleaned correctly which can have performance and security implications. We recommend setting session.gc_probability to 1 and session.gc_divisor to 100, which are the default values. Contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance changing these settings.</word>
<word key="enable_utf8mb4" js="0">Enable utf8mb4</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter" js="0">utf8mb4 Converter</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_requires_553" js="0">4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding is only available in MySQL 5.5.3 and above. In order to continue, contact your hosting provider or server administrator to upgrade your version of MySQL.</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_intro" js="0">Overview</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_convert" js="0">Convert</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_finish" js="0">Finish</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[Your database is currently configured to use single-byte UTF-8 Encoding. Some non-common symbols (such as historical scripts, music symbols and Emoji) require 4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding. If you want users to be able to post these symbols, your database needs to be converted.<br><br>Since 4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding is a superset of single-byte UTF-8 Encoding, this can be done without any loss of data. However, it can be intensive on your database, therefore it is recommended that you <strong>only use this tool when traffic to your community is low</strong> and that you <strong>take a backup of your database before continuing</strong>. Your hosting provider or system administrator can assist in making a backup if you are not sure how.<br><br><strong>This process cannot be stopped or reversed once it has started.</strong>]]></word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_cic_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[Your database is currently configured to use single-byte UTF-8 Encoding. Some non-common symbols (such as historical scripts, music symbols and Emoji) require 4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding. If you want users to be able to post these symbols, your database needs to be converted.<br><br>Since 4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding is a superset of single-byte UTF-8 Encoding, this can be done without any loss of data. However, it can be intensive on your database, therefore it is recommended that you <strong>only use this tool when traffic to your community is low</strong>.<br><br><strong>This process cannot be stopped or reversed once it has started.</strong>]]></word>
<word key="utf8mb4_generic_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[Your database is currently configured to use single-byte UTF-8 Encoding. Some non-common symbols (such as historical scripts, music symbols and Emoji) require 4-Byte UTF-8 Encoding. If you want users to be able to post these symbols, your <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=support&controller=utf8mb4&_new=1}'>database needs to be converted</a>.]]></word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_error" js="0"><![CDATA[The database could not be converted. Contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance.<br><br>%s]]></word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_converting" js="0">Converting database...</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_conf_intro" js="0">In order to finish the conversion:</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_conf_1" js="0"><![CDATA[Open the <code>%s/conf_global.php</code> on your server.]]></word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_conf_2" js="0"><![CDATA[Locate the <code>sql_utf8mb4</code> declaration, which may look like this:]]></word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_conf_2b" js="0">Or like this:</word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_conf_3" js="0"><![CDATA[Change the <code>false</code> to <code>true</code>. If neither line exists, add the second version to the end of the file and change the <code>false</code> to <code>true</code>. Do not change any other aspect, including any comma or semi-colon after the <code>false</code>.]]></word>
<word key="utf8mb4_converter_finished" js="0">The database conversion is complete.</word>
<word key="recovery_mode" js="0">Recovery Mode</word>
<word key="recovery_mode_disabled" js="0">Recovery mode is currently disabled</word>
<word key="recovery_mode_remove_constant" js="0"><![CDATA[Before you are able to use the Admin Control Panel, you must edit 'constants.php' and remove the following line:<br><pre>define( 'RECOVERY_MODE', TRUE );</pre>]]></word>
<word key="disabled_applications" js="0">Disabled Third Party Applications</word>
<word key="disabled_plugins" js="0">Disabled Third Party Plugins</word>
<word key="reset_theme_to_default" js="0">Restored Default Theme</word>
<word key="recovery_apps_disabled" js="0">The following third party applications were disabled:</word>
<word key="recovery_plugins_disabled" js="0">The following third party plugins were disabled:</word>
<word key="recovery_theme_restored" js="0">The default theme has been restored.</word>
<word key="recovery_end_blurb" js="0">You should now remove the following line from your constants.php file.</word>
<word key="category_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="category_description" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="cdesc" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="cdesc_placeholder" js="0">Add a description...</word>
<word key="px" js="0">px</word>
<word key="add_category" js="0">Add Category</word>
<word key="edit_category" js="0">Edit Category</word>
<word key="r__categories" js="0">Categories</word>
<word key="r__categories_sg" js="0">category</word>
<word key="r__categories_add_child" js="0">Create Subcategory</word>
<word key="r__categories_add" js="0">Add a category</word>
<word key="r__categories_edit" js="0">Edit a category</word>
<word key="r__categories_delete" js="0">Delete a category</word>
<word key="r__categories_manage" js="0">View Categories</word>
<word key="r__categories_permissions" js="0">Manage category permissions</word>
<word key="r__categories_massManageContent" js="0">Mass move/delete content in categories</word>
<word key="ago" js="0">ago</word>
<word key="ctags_disabled" js="0">Allow tags?</word>
<word key="ctags_noprefixes" js="0">Allow prefixes?</word>
<word key="ctags_predefined" js="0">Defined Tags</word>
<word key="ctags_predefined_unlimited" js="0">Use default</word>
<word key="ctags_predefined_desc" js="0">If using a closed system, users will have to choose from these tags. If using an open system, tags entered here will show as suggestions.</word>
<word key="block_members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="block_members_desc" js="0">Show lists of members such as who is online, today's birthdays and more.</word>
<word key="widget_member_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="widget_member_title_default" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="widget_member_groups" js="0">Groups</word>
<word key="widget_member_posts" js="0">Minimum posts</word>
<word key="widget_member_rep" js="0">Minimum reputation</word>
<word key="widget_member_online" js="0">Currently online</word>
<word key="widget_member_born_today" js="0">Born on this day</word>
<word key="widget_member_born_month" js="0">Born in this month</word>
<word key="widget_member_has_blog" js="0">Has a blog</word>
<word key="widget_member_has_album" js="0">Has a gallery album</word>
<word key="widget_member_show" js="0">Members to show</word>
<word key="widget__sort_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="widget__sort_posts" js="0">Posts</word>
<word key="widget__sort_joined" js="0">Joined</word>
<word key="widget__sort_activity" js="0">Last activity</word>
<word key="widget__sort_visit" js="0">Last visit</word>
<word key="widget__sort_last_post" js="0">Last post</word>
<word key="widget__sort_age" js="0">Age</word>
<word key="widget__sort_points" js="0">Reputation</word>
<word key="widget__sort_random" js="0">Random</word>
<word key="widget_member_display" js="0">Display</word>
<word key="widget__display_csv" js="0">Comma separated list</word>
<word key="widget__display_csv_desc" js="0">A compact list: (e.g.: John, Bob, Sue)</word>
<word key="widget__display_list" js="0">List</word>
<word key="widget__display_list_desc" js="0">One member per line with member photo</word>
<word key="widget_members_no_results" js="0">No members to show</word>
<word key="widget_member_joined_date" js="0">Joined: %s</word>
<word key="widget_member_last_active_date" js="0">Last active: %s</word>
<word key="widget_member_secondary_groups" js="0">Check secondary groups</word>
<word key="filesize_Y" js="0">%s YB</word>
<word key="filesize_Z" js="0">%s ZB</word>
<word key="filesize_E" js="0">%s EB</word>
<word key="filesize_P" js="0">%s PB</word>
<word key="filesize_T" js="0">%s TB</word>
<word key="filesize_G" js="0">%s GB</word>
<word key="filesize_M" js="0">%s MB</word>
<word key="filesize_k" js="0">%s kB</word>
<word key="filesize_raw_k" js="0">kB</word>
<word key="filesize_b" js="0">%s B</word>
<word key="remote_images" js="0">Remote images</word>
<word key="allow_remote_images" js="0">Allow remote images?</word>
<word key="remote_image_proxy" js="0">Serve images from local server?</word>
<word key="remote_image_proxy_desc" js="0">When using https and members post remote links to insecure images then this can cause the page to report as insecure in your browser. This setting, when enabled, will cause the image to be retrieved and then served from the local web server over https instead.</word>
<word key="image_proxy_cache_period" js="0">Cache remote images</word>
<word key="image_proxy_cache_period_desc" js="0">A copy of the remote image will be downloaded to your server and stored for the specified length of time. After this time, the stored image is deleted and will be downloaded again if it is viewed again.</word>
<word key="task__imageproxy" js="0">Deletes expired remote image caches.</word>
<word key="rss_import" js="0">RSS/Atom Feed Imports</word>
<word key="rss_import_sg" js="0">RSS/Atom Feed Import</word>
<word key="rss_import_url" js="0">URL</word>
<word key="rss_import_invalid" js="0">That is not a valid RSS or Atom feed.</word>
<word key="rss_import_auth_user" js="0">HTTP Authorization Username</word>
<word key="rss_import_auth_user_desc" js="0">Most feeds do not require authorization and can leave this blank.</word>
<word key="rss_import_auth_pass" js="0">HTTP Authorization Password</word>
<word key="rss_import_auth_pass_desc" js="0">Most feeds do not require authorization and can leave this blank.</word>
<word key="rss_import_auth" js="0">The URL required authorization and the provided user details are incorrect.</word>
<word key="rss_import_preview" js="0">Preview</word>
<word key="rss_import_details" js="0">Details</word>
<word key="rss_import_forum_id" js="0">Forum</word>
<word key="rss_import_mid" js="0">Author</word>
<word key="rss_import_mid_desc" js="0">The user who will appear as the author for topics created by the feed.</word>
<word key="rss_import_showlink" js="0">Text to use for link</word>
<word key="rss_import_showlink_desc" js="0">Will appear at the bottom of the post, linking to the original article.</word>
<word key="rss_import_showlink_default" js="0">View the full article</word>
<word key="rss_import_topic_open" js="0">Topic Open/Closed?</word>
<word key="rss_import_topic_hide" js="0">Topic Hidden/Unhidden?</word>
<word key="rss_import_topic_pre" js="0">Topic Prefix</word>
<word key="rss_import_topic_pre_desc" js="0">Will be added in front of the topic title.</word>
<word key="rss_run" js="0">Check for updates</word>
<word key="rss_run_error" js="0">The feed could not be updated. Try again later.</word>
<word key="acplog__rss_ran" js="0">Ran feed import - %s</word>
<word key="menu__core_applications_api" js="0"><![CDATA[REST & OAuth]]></word>
<word key="api_keys" js="0">API Keys</word>
<word key="api_id" js="0">API Key</word>
<word key="api_name" js="0">Reference Name</word>
<word key="api_name_desc" js="0">This is just for easy identification.</word>
<word key="api_key_is_url" js="0">URL authentication</word>
<word key="api_permissions_endpoint" js="0">Endpoint permissions</word>
<word key="api_permissions_endpoint_desc" js="0">Endpoints can be individually enabled/disabled for this API key. You can also optionally log each request to a specific endpoint if you wish.</word>
<word key="api_permissions_access" js="0">Access</word>
<word key="api_permissions_log" js="0">Log</word>
<word key="api_enable_ip_restriction" js="0">Restrict to IP Addresses?</word>
<word key="api_enable_ip_restriction__warning" js="0">Your server does not support authentication headers. As you will need to pass the API key in the URL, we recommend you set up IP address restriction.</word>
<word key="api_enable_ip_restriction_off" js="0">No, allow any IP address to make API calls using this key.</word>
<word key="api_enable_ip_restriction_on" js="0">Yes, I will specify which IP addresses can make API calls using this key.</word>
<word key="api_allowed_ips" js="0">Allowed IP Addresses</word>
<word key="api_allowed_ips_err" js="0">%s is not a valid IP address.</word>
<word key="api_reference" js="0">API Reference</word>
<word key="api_array_of" js="0">array of</word>
<word key="api_array_of_scalar" js="0">array of %ss</word>
<word key="api_array_objects" js="0">objects</word>
<word key="api_object" js="0">object</word>
<word key="api_logs" js="0">API Logs</word>
<word key="api_log_date" js="0">Date/Time</word>
<word key="api_log_endpoint" js="0">Endpoint</word>
<word key="api_log_api_key" js="0">Credentials</word>
<word key="api_log_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="api_log_response_code" js="0">Response Code</word>
<word key="api_log_fail" js="0">Failures</word>
<word key="api_log_success" js="0">Successful</word>
<word key="api_request_data" js="0">Request Data</word>
<word key="api_base_endpoint" js="0">Endpoint Base:</word>
<word key="api_endpoints" js="0">Endpoints</word>
<word key="api_parameters" js="0">Parameters</word>
<word key="api_param_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="api_param_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="api_param_desc" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="api_parameters_none" js="0">No parameters are accepted for this endpoint.</word>
<word key="api_exceptions" js="0">Exceptions</word>
<word key="api_exception_code" js="0">Code</word>
<word key="api_exception_message" js="0">Message</word>
<word key="api_exception_desc" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="api_exceptions_none" js="0">This endpoint doesn't throw any exceptions.</word>
<word key="api_response" js="0">Response</word>
<word key="api_response_none" js="0">This endpoint doesn't return a response.</word>
<word key="api_log_blurb" js="0">An API request is logged if the key is set to log for the endpoint being requested, or if an invalid key is used. Logs are automatically cleared after %d days.</word>
<word key="api_log_blurb_change" js="0"><![CDATA[An API request is logged if the key is set to log for the endpoint being requested, or if an invalid key is used. Logs are automatically cleared after <a href='{internal.app=core&module=applications&controller=apiLogs&do=settings}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='API Logs'>%s days</a>.]]></word>
<word key="api_https_warning" js="0">It is strongly recommended to use https, rather than http, for accessing the API. Using http will result in the transmission of sensitive credentials over an open network.</word>
<word key="acplogs__api_log_settings" js="0">Updated API logs prune settings.</word>
<word key="api_log_prune" js="0">Prune API logs</word>
<word key="r__api" js="0"><![CDATA[REST & OAuth]]></word>
<word key="r__api_manage" js="0">Can view API keys?</word>
<word key="r__api_add" js="0">Can create API keys?</word>
<word key="r__api_edit" js="0">Can edit API keys?</word>
<word key="r__api_delete" js="0">Can delete API keys?</word>
<word key="r__api_reference" js="0">Can view API reference?</word>
<word key="r__api_logs" js="0">Can view API logs?</word>
<word key="r__api_logs_settings" js="0">Can edit API log prune settings?</word>
<word key="r__api_logs_delete" js="0">Can delete API logs?</word>
<word key="acplog__api_log_deleted" js="0">Deleted API log #%d</word>
<word key="__api_core_members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="__api_core_messages" js="0">Messages</word>
<word key="__api_core_search" js="0">Search</word>
<word key="__api_core_hello" js="0">Hello</word>
<word key="__api_core_me" js="0">Authorized User</word>
<word key="__api_core_groups" js="0">Groups</word>
<word key="api_instructions_intro" js="0">In order to use the REST API:</word>
<word key="api_instructions_1" js="0"><![CDATA[Download <a href='{internal.app=core&module=applications&controller=api&do=htaccess}'>this file</a>.]]></word>
<word key="api_instructions_2" js="0"><![CDATA[Upload it to the <strong>/api</strong> folder in your site's directory (%s/api).]]></word>
<word key="api_instructions_3" js="0">Rename it to '.htaccess' (with no file name).</word>
<word key="api_instructions_error" js="0">The API endpoint is not giving the expected response. Check you followed the instructions correctly. The URL being tested is: %s</word>
<word key="api_int_page" js="0">The page number for the results being shown</word>
<word key="api_int_perpage" js="0">The number of results that will be on each page</word>
<word key="api_int_totalresults" js="0">The total number of results</word>
<word key="api_int_totalpages" js="0">The number of pages of results</word>
<word key="api_results_thispage" js="0">The results for this page</word>
<word key="api_opcache_disable" js="0">The API reference cannot be displayed because your PHP configuration has the opcache.save_comments option disabled. Contact your hosting provider or system administrator to have this setting enabled in order to view this page.</word>
<word key="oauth_clients" js="0">OAuth Clients</word>
<word key="oauth_basic_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="oauth_scopes" js="0">Scopes</word>
<word key="oauth_scopes_blurb" js="0">When requesting an Access Token, the client will provide the Scopes that it is requesting access to. For Authorization Code and Implicit Grant Types, the member will see the descriptions for each of the scopes being requested on the authorization screen and will use that information to decide if they want to grant the Client that access.</word>
<word key="oauth_client_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="oauth_client_type" js="0">Client Type</word>
<word key="client_type_invision" js="0">Another Invision Community</word>
<word key="client_type_invision_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[For more information, see the <a href='{external.login_invision}' target='_blank'>Connect Two Invision Communities</a> guide.]]></word>
<word key="client_type_wordpress" js="0">Wordpress</word>
<word key="client_type_wordpress_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[For more information, see the <a href='{external.login_wordpress}' target='_blank'>Wordpress Login</a> guide.]]></word>
<word key="client_type_confidential" js="0"><![CDATA[Custom <strong>Confidential</strong> OAuth Client]]></word>
<word key="client_type_confidential_desc" js="0">A server-side app such as a website where the code will be written in a server-side language and stored on a server that no end-user has access to. A client secret will be issued.</word>
<word key="client_type_public" js="0"><![CDATA[Custom <strong>Public</strong> OAuth Client]]></word>
<word key="client_type_public_desc" js="0">A browser-based app written in JavaScript or a mobile/native app which will be installed on a device an end-user does have access to. No client secret will be issued.</word>
<word key="oauth_logins" js="0">User Logins</word>
<word key="oauth_grant_types" js="0">Available Grant Types</word>
<word key="grant_type_authorization_code" js="0">Authorization Code</word>
<word key="grant_type_authorization_code_desc" js="0">The end-user will be shown a login screen and redirected back to a specified Redirection URI with an Authorization Code in the query string which you will then exchange for an Access Token.</word>
<word key="grant_type_implicit" js="0">Implicit</word>
<word key="grant_type_implicit_desc" js="0">The end-user will be shown a login screen and redirected back to a specified Redirection URI with an Access Token in the fragment.</word>
<word key="grant_type_client_credentials" js="0">Client Credentials</word>
<word key="grant_type_client_credentials_desc" js="0">You will make API calls directly with the Client Identifier and Client Secret without any end-user logging in.</word>
<word key="grant_type_password" js="0">Resource Owner Password Credentials</word>
<word key="grant_type_password_desc" js="0">The end-user will enter their username or email address and password which you will exchange for an Access Token.</word>
<word key="client_grant_type_authorization_code" js="0">Authorization Code</word>
<word key="client_grant_type_implicit" js="0">Implicit</word>
<word key="client_grant_type_password" js="0">Resource Owner Password Credentials</word>
<word key="oauth_redirect_uris" js="0">Redirection URIs</word>
<word key="oauth_redirect_uris_no_fragment" js="0">Redirection URIs cannot include a fragment</word>
<word key="oauth_redirect_uris_desc" js="0">It is strongly recommended to use https, rather than http, for Redirection URIs. Using http will result in the transmission of sensitive credentials over an open network.</word>
<word key="oauth_access_tokens" js="0">Access Tokens</word>
<word key="oauth_access_token_length" js="0">Access Token Lifetime</word>
<word key="oauth_use_refresh_tokens" js="0">Use Refresh Tokens?</word>
<word key="oauth_use_refresh_tokens_desc" js="0">Refresh Tokens are issued for Authorization Code and Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Types only.</word>
<word key="oauth_refresh_token_length" js="0">Refresh Token Lifetime</word>
<word key="oauth_scope_name" js="0">Name and Description</word>
<word key="oauth_scope_endpoints" js="0">API Endpoints</word>
<word key="oauth_default_scope_profile" js="0">See your profile</word>
<word key="oauth_default_scope_email" js="0">See your email address</word>
<word key="oauth_auth_scope_title" js="0">This application will be able to:</word>
<word key="oauth_auth_scope_title_named" js="0">%s will be able to:</word>
<word key="oauth_auth_no_scope" js="0">%s would like you to sign in.</word>
<word key="oauth_auth_scope_name" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="oauth_auth_scope_desc" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="oauth_auth_scope_desc_desc" js="0">This is what will show to the user logging in on the authorization screen to describe the scope being requested.</word>
<word key="oauth_err_invalid_client" js="0">Invalid Client ID</word>
<word key="oauth_err_invalid_redirect_uri" js="0">Invalid Redirection URI</word>
<word key="oauth_authorize" js="0">Authorize Sign In - %s</word>
<word key="oauth_authorize_title" js="0">Sign in With %s</word>
<word key="oauth_client_credentials" js="0">Client Credentials</word>
<word key="oauth_client_id" js="0">Client Identifier</word>
<word key="oauth_client_secret" js="0">Client Secret</word>
<word key="oauth_client_secret_desc" js="0">This will not be displayed again. Make sure you have copied this and saved it somewhere to secure. Never reveal the Client Secret or store it insecurely.</word>
<word key="oauth_client_client_secret" js="0">Client Secret</word>
<word key="oauth_endpoint_details" js="0">Endpoint Details</word>
<word key="oauth_authorize_uri" js="0">Authorization Endpoint</word>
<word key="oauth_authorize_uri_desc_1" js="0">This is where you will send the user to generate an authorization code.</word>
<word key="oauth_authorize_uri_desc_2" js="0">This is where you will send the user to generate an access token.</word>
<word key="oauth_authorize_uri_desc_3" js="0">This is where you will send the user to generate an authorization code for the Authorization Code Grant Type, or an access token for the Implicit Grant Type.</word>
<word key="oauth_token_uri" js="0">Token Endpoint</word>
<word key="oauth_token_uri_desc" js="0">This is where you will send a HTTP request to generate an access token.</word>
<word key="oauth_https_warning" js="0"><![CDATA[In order to use your Community as an OAuth server you must obtain an SSL certificate. Contact your hosting provider for more information. If you already have a certificate, make sure it is <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=login&do=httpsCheck}' data-ipsDialog>configured correctly</a>.]]></word>
<word key="oauth_https_warning_cic" js="0"><![CDATA[In order to use your Community as an OAuth server you must obtain an SSL certificate. <a href='{external.client_area}' target='_blank'>Contact us for more information</a>]]></word>
<word key="oauth_regenerate_secret" js="0">Generate New Secret</word>
<word key="oauth_regenerate_warning" js="0">The current secret will immediately stop working and you will need to update any application configuration using this client. Existing access tokens will not be invalidated and will continue to work.</word>
<word key="oauth_client_delete_warning" js="0">All access tokens will be immediately revoked.</word>
<word key="oauth_prompt" js="0">Authorization Prompt</word>
<word key="oauth_prompt_automatic" js="0">New sign ins only</word>
<word key="oauth_prompt_automatic_desc" js="0">If the user has previously authorized, they will be redirected back immediately, without seeing an authorization screen.</word>
<word key="oauth_prompt_reauthorize" js="0">Always</word>
<word key="oauth_prompt_reauthorize_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Users will always see an authorization screen.<br>Developers: You can force this on an individual sign-in if a less strict option would normally be used by including <code>&prompt=reauthorize</code> in the URL.]]></word>
<word key="oauth_prompt_login" js="0">Always, and require explicit sign in</word>
<word key="oauth_prompt_login_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Users will always have to explicitly sign in, and then see an authorization screen.<br>Developers: You can force this on an individual sign-in if a less strict option would normally be used by including <code>&prompt=login</code> in the URL.]]></word>
<word key="oauth_authorize_approve" js="0">Continue as %s</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_screen" js="0">Authorization</word>
<word key="oauth_choose_scopes" js="0">Allow users to choose scopes?</word>
<word key="oauth_choose_scopes_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If enabled, the user can either see a list of checkboxes allowing them to choose which of the scopes the client requests to grant, or if disabled they will just see which scopes will be granted.<br>This only applies for authorization requests which request certain scopes, and otherwise has no effect.]]></word>
<word key="oauth_ucp" js="0">Show in Account Settings?</word>
<word key="oauth_ucp_desc" js="0">If enabled, users will see a page in their Account Settings which will indicate if they have authorized the other site. This is standard practice, but if the two sites are closely related and both controlled by you, it may not be necessary.</word>
<word key="oauth_apps" js="0">Apps</word>
<word key="oauth_apps_info" js="0">Apps and sites that you've authorized access to your account.</word>
<word key="oauth_app_issued" js="0">Authorized</word>
<word key="oauth_app_scopes" js="0">Permissions</word>
<word key="oauth_app_revoke" js="0">Remove</word>
<word key="oauth_app_update" js="0">Update Permissions</word>
<word key="oauth_app_revoke_confirm" js="0">The app will no longer have access to your account, but may still have some of your information stored. You'll need to grant access if you want to use the app or site again.</word>
<word key="oauth_apps_empty" js="0">There are no apps with access to your account.</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_member_id" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_client_id" js="0">Client</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_issued" js="0">Authorized Date</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_status" js="0">Status</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_scope" js="0">Authorized Scopes</word>
<word key="oauth_status_active" js="0">Active</word>
<word key="oauth_status_refresh" js="0">Expired with active Refresh Token</word>
<word key="oauth_status_expired" js="0">Expired</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_access_token_expires" js="0">Access Token Expires</word>
<word key="oauth_authorization_refresh_token_expires" js="0">Refresh Token Expires</word>
<word key="oauth_view_client" js="0">View Client Details</word>
<word key="oauth_view_authorizations" js="0">View Authorizations</word>
<word key="oauth_member_authorizations" js="0">OAuth App Authorizations</word>
<word key="oauth_revoke_all_tokens" js="0">Revoke All</word>
<word key="oauth_member_authorized_apps" js="0">OAuth Apps</word>
<word key="oauth_client" js="0">OAuth Client</word>
<word key="api_log_member_client" js="0">using %s</word>
<word key="oauth_brute_force" js="0">Authentication Failures</word>
<word key="oauth_brute_force_desc" js="0">To prevent brute-force attacks, if an IP address provides the wrong Client Secret more than 3 times, all subsequent requests will be rejected.</word>
<word key="oauth_brute_force_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="oauth_brute_force_fails" js="0">Failed Authentications</word>
<word key="oauth_brute_force_ban" js="0">Ban IP Address</word>
<word key="oauth_brute_force_unlock" js="0">Stop Blocking</word>
<word key="r__api_splash" js="0"><![CDATA[Can access REST & OAuth page?]]></word>
<word key="r__oauth_manage" js="0">Can view OAuth clients, including Client Identifiers?</word>
<word key="r__oauth_add" js="0">Can create new OAuth Clients?</word>
<word key="r__oauth_edit" js="0">Can edit OAuth Clients?</word>
<word key="r__oauth_delete" js="0">Can delete OAuth Clients?</word>
<word key="r__oauth_secrets" js="0">Can regenerate Client Secret for OAuth Clients?</word>
<word key="r__oauth_tokens" js="0">Can view authenticated members and revoke tokens?</word>
<word key="acplogs__oauth_new_secret" js="0">Generated a new Client Secret for OAuth Client: %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__oauth_unlock_ip" js="0">Unlocked IP Address %s for OAuth Client: %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__oauth_revoke_token" js="0">Revoked an Access Token for OAuth Client: %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__oauth_revoke_client" js="0">Revoked all Access Tokens for OAuth Client: %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__oauth_revoke_member" js="0">Revoked all OAuth Access Tokens for %s</word>
<word key="secure_account_apps" js="0">You have authorized {# [1:app][?:apps]} to access some parts of your account. Make sure you recognize, use and trust them all, or remove the ones you don't.</word>
<word key="review_oauth_apps" js="0">Review Apps</word>
<word key="api_response_client" js="0">Only available when the request was made using an API Key, or an OAuth Access Token obtained with the Client Credentials Grant Type.</word>
<word key="api_response_member" js="0">Only available when the request was made using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.</word>
<word key="api_endpoint_member_only" js="0">This endpoint is only available for requests made using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, not using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type.</word>
<word key="api_endpoint_member_only_err" js="0">Request was made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type.</word>
<word key="api_endpoint_client_only" js="0">This endpoint is only available for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type, not using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.</word>
<word key="api_endpoint_client_only_err" js="0">Request was made using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.</word>
<word key="rest_and_oauth_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[The REST API provides a way for developers to consume and create data for third-party applications and websites. The API can be accessed either using OAuth 2.0 or with an API key. <a href='{external.restapi}' target='_blank'>Learn More <i class='fa fa-external-link'></i></a>.]]></word>
<word key="oauth_clients_blurb" js="0">OAuth Clients allow users of your community to log into other OAuth compatible websites and applications. Those applications can then use the OAuth Access Token to access the REST API as the authenticated user. OAuth Clients can also generate Client Credentials Access Tokens to access the REST API without being associated with a particular user.</word>
<word key="api_keys_blurb" js="0">API Keys provide a simpler alternative to OAuth for accessing the REST API without being associated with a particular user.</word>
<word key="api_endpoint_phpdoc_error" js="0">The %s endpoint does not have a valid documentation header.</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_contactus" js="0">Contact Us</word>
<word key="r__contactus" js="0">Contact Us</word>
<word key="r__contactus_manage" js="0">Can manage Contact Us settings</word>
<word key="contact_access" js="0">Show Contact Us to</word>
<word key="contact_type" js="0">Contact Us behavior </word>
<word key="contact_internal" js="0">Send email to incoming email address</word>
<word key="contact_internal_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The email will be sent to the incoming email address set up in the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=email}' target='_blank'>Email Settings</a>]]></word>
<word key="contact_emails" js="0">Send mail to these addresses</word>
<word key="contact_redirect" js="0">Link to a URL</word>
<word key="ext__ContactUs" js="0">Add additional fields to the contact us form and provide control over where submissions to the Contact Us form should be sent</word>
<word key="acplogs__contactus_settings" js="0">Updated Contact Us settings</word>
<word key="menu__core_settings_mfa" js="0">Two Factor Authentication</word>
<word key="mfa_handlers" js="0">Handlers</word>
<word key="mfa_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="mfa_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Two Factor Authentication allows members of your community to secure their accounts using an additional layer of security in addition to their normal username and password. Different <strong>handlers</strong> provide different ways users can protect their account. Users will not be presented with any two factor options unless at least one of these handlers is enabled]]></word>
<word key="mfa_google_title" js="0">Google Authenticator</word>
<word key="mfa_google_desc" js="0">A free system that will show a code on an app on the user's smartphone app which they will then need to enter.</word>
<word key="mfa_google_desc_user" js="0">You will need to install the Google Authenticator app onto your smart phone. When we need you to verify your identify, you will enter the code shown in the app.</word>
<word key="mfa_questions_title" js="0">Security Questions</word>
<word key="mfa_questions_desc" js="0">The user will provide answers to security questions.</word>
<word key="mfa_questions_desc_user" js="0">You will provide answers to some security questions. When we need you to verify your identity, we'll ask you to answer one of the questions.</word>
<word key="mfa_setup_multiple" js="0">To protect the security of your account, choose a method of verifying your identity.</word>
<word key="mfa_opt_out" js="0">or opt-out of account verification</word>
<word key="mfa_required_groups" js="0">Groups which must set up two factor authentication</word>
<word key="mfa_required_groups_desc" js="0">Users in a group not selected here will still be able to set up two factor authentication, but will not be required to do so. It is recommended to enable this setting for staff groups.</word>
<word key="security_questions_areas" js="0">Require two factor authentication when</word>
<word key="security_questions_timer" js="0">Do not ask again for</word>
<word key="security_questions_timer_desc" js="0">The user will always be prompted again on a new session.</word>
<word key="security_questions_timer_session" js="0">for the rest of the session</word>
<word key="security_questions_tries" js="0">Number of tries to allow</word>
<word key="mfa_lockout_behaviour" js="0">After too many tries</word>
<word key="mfa_lockout_behaviour_lock" js="0">User must wait a period of time and then can try again</word>
<word key="mfa_lockout_behaviour_email" js="0">Send an email with a link to reset two factor authentication set up</word>
<word key="mfa_lockout_behaviour_contact" js="0">Administrator must manually reset</word>
<word key="mfa_lockout_behaviour_contact_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[User will be sent to the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=contactus}' target='_blank'>contact us</a> form.]]></word>
<word key="mfa_forgot_behaviour" js="0">Recovery options if user cannot authenticate</word>
<word key="mfa_forgot_behaviour_email" js="0">Send an email with a link to reset two factor authentication set up</word>
<word key="mfa_forgot_behaviour_contact" js="0">Contact administrator to manually reset</word>
<word key="mfa_forgot_behaviour_contact_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[User will be sent to the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=settings&controller=contactus}' target='_blank'>contact us</a> form.]]></word>
<word key="mfa_lockout_time" js="0">User must wait</word>
<word key="mfa_forgot_behaviour_desc" js="0">This can happen for example, if the user is using Google Authenticator and loses their phone, or if they forget the answers to their security questions.</word>
<word key="mfa_header_setup" js="0">Set Up</word>
<word key="mfa_header_authentication" js="0">Authentication</word>
<word key="mfa_header_recovery" js="0">Recovery</word>
<word key="mfa_try_another_method" js="0">or verify using another method</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_mfaRecovery" js="0">Action required to recover access to your account</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_email" js="0">Get an email to recover access</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_known_device" js="0">Log in from a previously used device</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_known_device_details" js="0">You can log in using any device you have previously used without additional verification being required. Once logged in, you can reconfigure your account security settings.</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_contact" js="0">Contact us for assistance</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_email_html" js="0"><![CDATA[To recover access to your account we need you to verify that you initiated this action by clicking on the button below. If you did not request this, <strong>do not</strong> click the button below.]]></word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_email_plain" js="0">To recover access to your account we need you to verify that you initiated this action by visiting the link below. If you did not request this, *do not* click the button below.</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_email_confirm" js="0">Recover Account Access</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_email_sent" js="0"><![CDATA[Your request to recover access to your account was successful. <br><br>An email has been sent to you for confirmation. Please check your email within the next few minutes including any 'junk mail' or 'spam' folders you may have.]]></word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_email_already_sent" js="0">You have recently submitted a recover access to your account. Please check your email within the next few minutes including any 'junk mail' or 'spam' folders you may have.</word>
<word key="mfa_account_recovery" js="0">Account Recovery</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_no_validation_key" js="0">You are not awaiting validation for account recovery.</word>
<word key="mfa_locked_out" js="0">You have failed authentication too many times.</word>
<word key="mfa_locked_out_end_time" js="0">You have failed authentication too many times. You will be able to try again %s.</word>
<word key="member__core_SecurityAnswers" js="0">Two Factor Authentication</word>
<word key="mfa_opt_out_admin" js="0">Opt-out of two factor authentication?</word>
<word key="ucp_mfa" js="0">Account Security</word>
<word key="mfa_ucp_blurb" js="0">To protect the security of your account, we may sometimes ask you to verify your identity. This is so that even if someone discovers your password, your account is still safe.</word>
<word key="MFA_core_AuthenticateAdmin" js="0">Logging into AdminCP</word>
<word key="MFA_core_AuthenticateFront" js="0">Logging into the front-end from a new device</word>
<word key="MFA_core_AuthenticateFrontKnown" js="0">Logging into the front-end from a known device</word>
<word key="MFA_core_AuthenticateFrontKnown_desc" js="0">This does not apply if the user is logged in automatically because they have used the Remember Me checkbox.</word>
<word key="MFA_core_EmailChange" js="0">Changing email address</word>
<word key="MFA_core_EmailChange_desc" js="0">The user will also need to re-enter their password.</word>
<word key="MFA_core_PasswordChange" js="0">Changing password</word>
<word key="MFA_core_PasswordChange_desc" js="0">The user will also need to re-enter their current password.</word>
<word key="MFA_core_SecurityQuestions" js="0">Updating two-factor authentication setup</word>
<word key="MFA_core_SecurityQuestions_desc" js="0">The user will also need to re-enter their password.</word>
<word key="mfa_popup_title" js="0">Verification Required</word>
<word key="mfa_popup_setup_title" js="0">Set Up Account Verification</word>
<word key="mfa_popup_recover_title" js="0">Choose Verification Method</word>
<word key="mfa_popup_recover_info" js="0">To protect the security of your account, you need to verify your identity. Please choose a method of verification below.</word>
<word key="mfa_settings_title" js="0">Configure Account Security</word>
<word key="mfa_disable" js="0">Disable this method</word>
<word key="mfa_ucp_blurb_password" js="0">To access this area, please re-authenticate.</word>
<word key="mfa_required_prompt" js="0">Prompt members in required groups</word>
<word key="mfa_optional_prompt" js="0">Prompt members in optional groups</word>
<word key="mfa_prompt_immediate" js="0">When they access the site</word>
<word key="mfa_prompt_access" js="0">When they first access a protected area</word>
<word key="mfa_prompt_none" js="0">Never</word>
<word key="mfa_prompt_none_desc" js="0">They will be able to set up two-factor authentication in their account security settings but will never be prompted</word>
<word key="r__mfa" js="0">Two Factor Authentication</word>
<word key="r__mfa_manage" js="0">Can manage two factor authentication settings?</word>
<word key="r__member_mfa" js="0">Can view and edit members' two factor authentication settings?</word>
<word key="acplogs__mfa_settings_updated" js="0">Two factor authentication settings updated</word>
<word key="acplogs__mfa_handler_enabled" js="0">Enabled %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__mfa_handler_disabled" js="0">Enabled %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__mfa_handler_settings" js="0">%s settings updated</word>
<word key="google_authenticator_scan" js="0">Scan this code with your Google Authenticator app</word>
<word key="google_authenticator_setup_code" js="0">Enter the code from the app</word>
<word key="google_submit_code" js="0">Verify Code</word>
<word key="google_wait_for_code" js="0">Waiting for a new code</word>
<word key="google_mfa_desc_multi" js="0">Scan the QR code below with your Google Authenticator app, then enter your verification code.</word>
<word key="google_mfa_desc_single" js="0">To protect the security of your account, please set up Google Authenticator. Scan the QR code below with your Google Authenticator app, then enter your verification code.</word>
<word key="google_mfa_desc_multi_manual" js="0">Enter the details below into your Google Authenticator app, then enter your verification code.</word>
<word key="google_mfa_desc_single_manual" js="0">To protect the security of your account, please set up Google Authenticator. Enter the details below into your Google Authenticator app, then enter your verification code.</word>
<word key="google_mfa_help" js="0">Not able to scan the QR code?</word>
<word key="google_mfa_help_reset" js="0">Use QR code</word>
<word key="google_mfa_invalid_code" js="0">The code you entered was not valid. Make sure you are entering the correct code for this community from your smartphone app. The code will change every 30 seconds.</word>
<word key="google_mfa_account" js="0">Account</word>
<word key="google_mfa_account_email" js="0">Your email address</word>
<word key="google_mfa_key" js="0">Key</word>
<word key="google_mfa_timebased" js="0">Time-based</word>
<word key="google_mfa_auth" js="0">To protect the security of your account, please enter the verification code from your Google Authenticator app.</word>
<word key="googleauth_groups" js="0">Groups that can use Google Authenticator</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_google" js="0">Get a verification code from the Google Authenticator app</word>
<word key="mfa_google_reauth" js="0">Reconfigure</word>
<word key="security_questions" js="0">Security Questions</word>
<word key="security_questions_setup_blurb" js="0">To protect the security of your account, please provide {!#[1:an answer to a security question][?:answers to # security questions]}. You will be prompted to answer one of these questions when performing certain sensitive actions to verify your identity.</word>
<word key="security_questions_save" js="0">Save Security Answers</word>
<word key="security_questions_unique" js="0">You must {!#[1:provide an answer to the security question][?:choose # different security questions and provide an answer to each one]}.</word>
<word key="security_questions_auth_blurb" js="0">To protect the security of your account, please answer the following security question.</word>
<word key="security_answer_submit" js="0">Verify Answer</word>
<word key="security_answer_incorrect" js="0">Answer incorrect. Try again.</word>
<word key="security_questions_groups" js="0">Groups that can use Security Questions</word>
<word key="security_questions_prompt" js="0">Ask for security questions when registering?</word>
<word key="security_questions_prompt_register" js="0">Yes, and required</word>
<word key="security_questions_prompt_optional" js="0">Yes, but optional</word>
<word key="security_questions_prompt_access" js="0">No</word>
<word key="security_question_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="security_questions_questions" js="0">Questions</word>
<word key="mfa_recovery_questions" js="0">Answer a security question</word>
<word key="mfa_questions_reauth" js="0">Choose New Answers</word>
<word key="security_questions_number" js="0">Number of security questions to ask members to provide answers for</word>
<word key="security_question_title" js="0">Question</word>
<word key="security_question_q" js="0">Question</word>
<word key="security_question_a" js="0">Answer</word>
<word key="security_questions_optout" js="0">or opt-out of providing security answers</word>
<word key="security_questions_optout_title" js="0">Opt-out of providing security answers</word>
<word key="reset_security_answers" js="0">Reset Security Answers</word>
<word key="security_questions_opt_out_warning" js="0">Opt out warning</word>
<word key="security_questions_opt_out_warning_desc" js="0">This is the text that will be displayed to a member if they choose to opt out.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_authy_prefix" js="0">To protect the security of your account, please set up Authy.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_phone_prefix" js="0">To protect the security of your account, please set up phone verification.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_authy_only" js="0">Enter your phone number and we will send a token to your Authy app to verify.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_sms" js="0">Enter your phone number and we will send you a text message with a code to verify.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_phone" js="0">Enter your phone number and we will call you with a token to verify.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_sms_or_phone" js="0">Enter your phone number and we will call you or send you a text message with a code to verify.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_fallback_sms_or_phone" js="0">If you don't have a smartphone, we can call you or send you a text message with a code to verify instead.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_fallback_sms" js="0">If you don't have a smartphone, we can send you a text message with a code to verify instead.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_desc_fallback_phone" js="0">If you don't have a smartphone, we can call you with a token to verify instead.</word>
<word key="authy_placeholder" js="0">Phone number</word>
<word key="authy_register" js="0">Verify Phone Number</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_invalid_number" js="0">The phone number you entered was not valid. Make sure you have chosen the correct country code and are entering the correct phone number without the country code, but with any necessary area code.</word>
<word key="authy_sms_auth" js="0">To protect the security of your account, we have sent you a text message with a code. Please enter the code you have received.</word>
<word key="authy_sms_auth_done" js="0">We have sent you a text message with a code. Please enter the code you have received.</word>
<word key="authy_call_auth_done" js="0">We are calling you now. Please enter the token that we will read out to you on the call.</word>
<word key="authy_call_auth" js="0">To protect the security of your account, we need to call you to verify your identity. Please make sure you have your phone to hand.</word>
<word key="authy_choose_auth" js="0">To protect the security of your account, we need to verify your identity. We can call or send you a text message.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_invalid_code" js="0">The code was not correct.</word>
<word key="authy_mfa_reused_code" js="0">The code you entered has expired. Make sure you are entering the most recent code you received.</word>
<word key="authy_submit_code" js="0">Verify Code</word>
<word key="authy_submit_onetouch" js="0">I have accepted the request</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch_waiting" js="0">Waiting for approval...</word>
<word key="authy_submit_sms" js="0">Send Text Message</word>
<word key="authy_submit_call" js="0">Call Me Now</word>
<word key="authy_submit_authy" js="0">Verify Phone Number</word>
<word key="mfa_authy_title" js="0">Authy</word>
<word key="mfa_authy_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[A paid service that will either send a push notification to the Authy smartphone app for the user to approve, or send a code by text message, phone call or the app for the user to enter. <a href='{external.authy}' target='_blank'>Learn More</a>]]></word>
<word key="authy_key" js="0">API Key</word>
<word key="authy_key_suffix" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{external.authy_api_key}' target='_blank'>Get API Key</a>]]></word>
<word key="authy_groups" js="0">Groups that can use Authy</word>
<word key="authy_setup" js="0">Setup Verification Methods</word>
<word key="authy_setup_desc" js="0">When setting up Authy the user will need to choose from one of these enabled methods to verify their phone number.</word>
<word key="authy_error" js="0">We are experiencing some temporary issues with our verification system and could not verify your account. Please wait a moment and try again.</word>
<word key="mfa_generic_error" js="0">An unexpected error occurred. Please try again or contact us for assistance.</word>
<word key="authy_setup_header" js="0">Setup</word>
<word key="authy_setup_protection" js="0">Allowed Setup Attempts</word>
<word key="authy_setup_protection_desc" js="0">When setting up Authy, the user can change the phone number if they entered it incorrectly which will send another text message or make another phone call. Because each text/call will charge your Authy account, this setting prevents malicious users deliberately changing their phone number many times during setup to incur high fees or send spam text/calls.</word>
<word key="authy_setup_protection_1" js="0">User has</word>
<word key="authy_setup_protection_2" js="0">attempts, then must wait</word>
<word key="authy_setup_protection_3" js="0">hours until they can try again</word>
<word key="authy_change_number" js="0">Enter a different phone number</word>
<word key="authy_setup_lockout" js="0">You changed your phone number too many times. To prevent abuse, you need to wait a while before we can accept another phone number. You will be able to try again at %s.</word>
<word key="authy_method" js="0">Authentication Methods</word>
<word key="authy_method_authy" js="0">Authy app</word>
<word key="authy_method_sms" js="0">Text message</word>
<word key="authy_method_phone" js="0">Phone call</word>
<word key="authy_method_desc" js="0">This is the method that will be used to verify the user's identity after they have already set up Authy.</word>
<word key="authy_alt_method" js="0">Alternative Authentication Method</word>
<word key="authy_alt_method_desc" js="0">If the user has the Authy smartphone app installed but do not have access to their phone you can allow them to receive a text message or phone call instead.</word>
<word key="authy_authenticate_header" js="0">Authenticate</word>
<word key="authy_authy_auth" js="0">To protect the security of your account, please enter the token from your Authy app.</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch_auth" js="0">To protect the security of your account, confirm your identity using your Authy app.</word>
<word key="authy_authy_setup" js="0">Please enter the token from your Authy app.</word>
<word key="authy_alt_sms" js="0">Get a text message instead</word>
<word key="authy_alt_phone" js="0">Get a phone call instead</word>
<word key="mfa_authy_mixed_desc_user" js="0">When we need you to verify your identity, we will send a code to your phone for you to enter.</word>
<word key="mfa_authy_only_desc_user" js="0">You will need to install the Authy app onto your smart phone. When we need you to verify your identify, you will follow the instructions in the app.</word>
<word key="mfa_authy_reauth" js="0">Change Phone Number</word>
<word key="mfa_sms_title" js="0">SMS Message</word>
<word key="mfa_sms_desc_user" js="0">When we need you to verify your identity, we will send you a text message containing a code for you to enter.</word>
<word key="mfa_phone_title" js="0">Phone Verification</word>
<word key="mfa_phone_desc_user" js="0">When we need you to verify your identity, we will call you and provide a code for you to enter.</word>
<word key="mfa_sms_or_phone_desc_user" js="0">When we need you to verify your identity, we will send you a text message or call you with a code for you to enter.</word>
<word key="authy_setup_alternative" js="0">Don't have a smartphone?</word>
<word key="mfa_authy_recovery" js="0">Verify with Authy</word>
<word key="mfa_sms_recovery" js="0">Get a verification code by text message</word>
<word key="mfa_phone_recovery" js="0">Get a verification code sent to your phone</word>
<word key="authy_key_no_sms" js="0">The API key is valid, but does not have SMS enabled or SMS is not available on the Authy account's plan. Enable SMS with Authy or uncheck text messages from the settings below.</word>
<word key="authy_key_no_phone" js="0">The API key is valid, but does not have phone calls enabled or phone calls are not available on the Authy account's plan. Enable phone calls with Authy or uncheck phone calls from the settings below.</word>
<word key="authy_key_no_onetouch" js="0">The API key is valid, but does not have OneTouch enabled or OneTouch is not available on the Authy account's plan. Enable OneTouch with Authy or change the Authy App Behaviour setting below to SoftToken.</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch" js="0">Authy App Behaviour</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch_on" js="0">OneTouch</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch_on_desc" js="0">The Authy app will send the user a push notification and they will choose to approve or deny.</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch_off" js="0">SoftToken</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch_off_desc" js="0">The user will open the Authy app on their phone and enter the code that is displayed.</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch_desc" js="0">Does not apply during initial setup, which will always use SoftToken.</word>
<word key="authy_onetouch_message" js="0">Access requested</word>
<word key="banned" js="0">Banned</word>
<word key="suspended_until" js="0">Suspended until %s</word>
<word key="suspended" js="0">Suspended</word>
<word key="member_banned" js="0">You do not have permission to view this site. </word>
<word key="member_banned_temp" js="0"><![CDATA[Your account has been suspended and you therefore do not have permission to access this site. <br>Your suspension will be lifted on <strong>%s</strong>.]]></word>
<word key="password_strength_meter" js="0">Show password strength meter</word>
<word key="password_strength_meter_desc" js="0">When a user is choosing a password, either when registering or changing their password, a meter will show indicating how strong the chosen password is.</word>
<word key="password_strength_meter_enforce" js="0">Require a minimum strength for passwords?</word>
<word key="password_strength_option" js="0">Minimum password strength</word>
<word key="password_strength_option_desc" js="0">The strength of a password is calculated using an algorithm which rewards longer passwords with a mix of letters, numbers and symbols, and subtracts points for using consecutive or sequential characters.</word>
<word key="strength_1" js="0">Very Weak</word>
<word key="strength_2" js="0">Weak</word>
<word key="strength_3" js="0">Fair</word>
<word key="strength_3_desc" js="0">For example a mix of letters and numbers. Suitable for most sites.</word>
<word key="strength_4" js="0">Strong</word>
<word key="strength_4_desc" js="0">For example a mixture of upper and lowercase characters, numbers and special characters.</word>
<word key="strength_5" js="0">Very Strong</word>
<word key="strength_5_desc" js="0">For example a mixture of upper and lowercase characters, numbers and special characters without consecutive or sequential characters.</word>
<word key="err_password_strength" js="0">Your password must be classified as at least %s. Consider increasing the length and using numbers, uppercase and special characters.</word>
<word key="err_acp_password_strength" js="0"><![CDATA[You have entered a <strong>%s</strong> password but your settings require <strong>%s</strong>. You can continue anyway but it is strongly recommended to set a more secure password.]]></word>
<word key="popular_results_title" js="0">Popular Content</word>
<word key="popular_results_desc" js="0">Showing most liked content since %s %s</word>
<word key="popular_results_single_desc" js="0">Showing most liked content on %s %s</word>
<word key="popular_results_desc_rep" js="0">Showing content with the highest reputation since %s %s</word>
<word key="popular_results_single_desc_rep" js="0">Showing content with the highest reputation on %s %s</word>
<word key="popular_most_repped" js="0">content with the highest reputation</word>
<word key="leaderboard_title" js="0">Leaderboard</word>
<word key="leaderboard_time_oldest" js="0">All time</word>
<word key="leaderboard_time_year" js="0">Year</word>
<word key="leaderboard_time_month" js="0">Month</word>
<word key="leaderboard_time_week" js="0">Week</word>
<word key="leaderboard_time_today" js="0">Today</word>
<word key="popular_no_results" js="0">There are no results to show</word>
<word key="leaderboard_all_apps" js="0">All areas</word>
<word key="leaderboard_in_all_apps" js="0">in all areas</word>
<word key="leaderboard_in_app" js="0">in %s</word>
<word key="popular_no_member_results" js="0">There are no members to show</word>
<word key="profile_you_won" js="0">You last won the day on %s</word>
<word key="profile_member_won" js="0">%s last won the day on %s</word>
<word key="profile_you_congrats" js="0">Congratulations, you had the most liked content!</word>
<word key="profile_member_congrats" js="0">%s had the most liked content!</word>
<word key="members_days_won_count" js="0">Days Won</word>
<word key="members_days_won_count_desc" js="0">The number of times %s had the most number of content likes for a day</word>
<word key="rebuilding_reputation_leaderboard" js="0">Rebuilding reputation leaderboard</word>
<word key="custom_date" js="0">Custom Date</word>
<word key="popular_timezone" js="0">This leaderboard is set to %s/GMT%s</word>
<word key="popular_posted" js="0">posted</word>
<word key="leaderboard_history_likes" js="0">likes</word>
<word key="leaderboard_history_rep" js="0">reputation</word>
<word key="leader_member_id" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="leader_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="leader_position" js="0">Position</word>
<word key="leader_rep_total_likes" js="0">Total Likes</word>
<word key="leader_rep_total_rep" js="0">Total Reputation</word>
<word key="leader_position_1" js="0">First</word>
<word key="leader_position_1_short" js="0">1st</word>
<word key="leader_position_2" js="0">Second</word>
<word key="leader_position_2_short" js="0">2nd</word>
<word key="leader_position_3" js="0">Third</word>
<word key="leader_position_3_short" js="0">3rd</word>
<word key="leaderboard_tab_reputation" js="0">Most reputation</word>
<word key="leaderboard_tab_posts" js="0">Most content</word>
<word key="leaderboard_tab_x" js="0">Most %s</word>
<word key="popular_rebuild_is_running" js="0">The search index is currently processing. Leaderboard results may not be complete.</word>
<word key="leaderboard_tabs_leaderboard" js="0">Leaderboard</word>
<word key="leaderboard_tabs_history" js="0">Past Leaders</word>
<word key="leaderboard_tabs_members" js="0">Top Members</word>
<word key="leaderboard_show_more" js="0">Show More</word>
<word key="received_x_likes" js="0">Received {# [1:like][?:likes]}</word>
<word key="received_x_points" js="0">{# [1:reputation point][?:reputation points]}</word>
<word key="repuation_points" js="0">Reputation Points</word>
<word key="hooks_hooks_type" js="0">Type</word>
<word key="hooks_hooks_class" js="0">Class</word>
<word key="hooks_hooks_plugin" js="0">Plugin</word>
<word key="hooks_hooks_app" js="0">Application</word>
<word key="hooked_classes" js="0">Hooks</word>
<word key="hooks_hook_class" js="0">Hooked Class</word>
<word key="hook_class_none" js="0"><![CDATA[<span class='ipsType_light'><em>None</em></span>]]></word>
<word key="hooks_hooks_file" js="0">File</word>
<word key="promoted_items_title" js="0">Our Picks</word>
<word key="view_all_picks" js="0">View All</word>
<word key="menu__core_promotion_promote" js="0">Social Media Promotion</word>
<word key="r__promote" js="0">Promote</word>
<word key="r__promote_manage" js="0">Can manage Promote settings?</word>
<word key="promote_tab_facebook" js="0">Facebook Promotion</word>
<word key="promote_tab_twitter" js="0">Twitter Promotion</word>
<word key="promote_tab_internal" js="0">Our Picks</word>
<word key="promote_tab_permissions" js="0">Permissions</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_app" js="0">Facebook application not set up</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_app_desc" js="0">To promote items to Facebook, you will need to first set up Facebook login.</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_button" js="0">Set up Facebook Application</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_user" js="0">Your account is not linked to a Facebook account</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_user_desc" js="0">To promote items to Facebook, you will need to first link your user account to your Facebook account.</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_user_button" js="0">Link your user account</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_post" js="0">You have not granted Facebook permissions to manage pages</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_post_desc" js="0">To post to a Facebook page, you first need to grant the following permissions: 'manage_pages' and 'publish_pages'.</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_setup_post_button" js="0">Grant Facebook Permissions</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_enabled" js="0">Enable</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_shareable" js="0">Allow promotion to</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_shareable_desc" js="0">When promoting an item, you can choose which of the selected Facebook properties to share to.</word>
<word key="promote_reload_page" js="0">I've done this...</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_remove_user" js="0">Disassociate Facebook User and Restart Process</word>
<word key="promote_service_name_missing" js="0">Facebook Page or Group</word>
<word key="promote_internal_enabled" js="0">Enable</word>
<word key="promote_groups" js="0">Groups that can promote</word>
<word key="promote_groups_desc" js="0">You can optionally choose to allow entire groups to promote items.</word>
<word key="promote_members" js="0">Members that can promote</word>
<word key="promote_members_desc" js="0">You can optionally grant permission to members who are not in a group that has social media promoting permission.</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_setup_app" js="0">Twitter application not set up</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_setup_app_desc" js="0">To promote items to Twitter, you will need to first set up Twitter login.</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_setup_button" js="0">Set up Twitter Application</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_setup_user" js="0">You have not linked to a Twitter account</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_setup_user_desc" js="0">To promote items to Twitter, you will need to first link to your Twitter account.</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_setup_user_button" js="0">Link your user account</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_owned_by_you" js="0">You set up Facebook promotion</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_owned_by_user" js="0">%s set up Facebook promotion</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_owned_by_user_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Linked with <a href='https://facebook.com/%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>.]]></word>
<word key="promote_facebook_remove_settings" js="0">Remove all current Facebook settings</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_remove_settings_other" js="0">Remove all of %s's Facebook settings</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_owned_by_you" js="0">You set up Twitter promotion</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_owned_by_user" js="0">%s set up Twitter promotion</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_owned_by_you_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Linked with <a href='https://twitter.com/%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_twitter_owned_by_user_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Linked with <a href='https://twitter.com/%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>.]]></word>
<word key="promote_twitter_remove_settings" js="0">Remove all current Twitter settings</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_remove_settings_other" js="0">Remove all of %s's Twitter settings</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_enabled" js="0">Enable</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_setup_post" js="0">Twitter Set Up Error</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_setup_post_desc" js="0">Your Twitter application is set to read only, please edit your Twitter application and enable read and write permissions.</word>
<word key="promote_tab_schedule" js="0">Auto Schedule</word>
<word key="promote_scheduled" js="0">Auto scheduled times</word>
<word key="promote_tz" js="0">Scheduled timezone</word>
<word key="promote_scheduled_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Set up times throughout the day you wish content to be shared once promoted, using the 24hour clock format.<br>You can <a href='{internal.app=core&module=promotion&controller=promote&do=reschedule}'>reschedule scheduled items</a> after adding or removing time slots to ensure currently queued items use the new time slots.]]></word>
<word key="promote_rescheduled_done" js="0">Queue rescheduled</word>
<word key="promote_tab_links" js="0">Link shortening</word>
<word key="bitly_enabled" js="0">Shorten links with Bitly?</word>
<word key="bitly_enabled_desc" js="0">Bitly provides link usage analytics</word>
<word key="bitly_generate_token" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{external.bitly-oauth}' target='_blank'>Generate access token</a>]]></word>
<word key="bitly_token" js="0">Generic Access Token</word>
<word key="bitly_auth_failed" js="0">Bitly authentication failed, please ensure the access token is correct.</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_tags" js="0">Hashtags</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_tags_desc" js="0">Enter hashtags to auto append to shared items. You can edit them before sharing to Twitter.</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_tags_desc" js="0">Enter hashtags to auto append to shared items. You can edit them before sharing to Facebook.</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_tags_method_fill" js="0">Fill up any free character space with as many hashtags as possible</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_tags_method_trim" js="0">Trim the tweet to use as many hashtags as possible</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_tags_method" js="0">How many hashtags to use?</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_sorted" js="0">Twitter Set Up Completed</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_tags" js="0">Hashtags</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_page_prefix" js="0">%s</word>
<word key="promote_facebook_group_prefix" js="0">%s</word>
<word key="promotes_no_facebook_properties" js="0">You haven't selected any Facebook Groups or Pages</word>
<word key="acplogs__promote_save" js="0">Promote settings updated - %s</word>
<word key="acplogs__promote_changed_links" js="0">link settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__promote_changed_twitter" js="0">Twitter settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__promote_changed_facebook" js="0">Facebook settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__promote_changed_community" js="0">Community settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__promote_changed_schedule" js="0">schedule settings</word>
<word key="acplogs__promote_changed_permissions" js="0">permission settings</word>
<word key="promote_internal_title" js="0">Our picks is a way to curate interesting content for your community</word>
<word key="promote_internal_desc" js="0">When sharing to social media, you can add notes to content and have them shown as a list, or via a widget to your members.</word>
<word key="promote_acp_blurb" js="0"><![CDATA[Promoting content from your community on your community's Facebook Page or Twitter account can help bring traffic to you.<br>You can link your accounts here and then select staff members to share content on your community to them.]]></word>
<word key="group_social_promotion" js="0">Social Media Promotion</word>
<word key="gbw_promote" js="0">Can promote to social media?</word>
<word key="gbw_promote_desc" js="0">Allows members to use the promote system to post to your community's Facebook and Twitter pages if set up, and also to add items to the 'Our Picks' list.</word>
<word key="promote_permission_title" js="0">Which groups can promote to social media and add to 'Our Picks'?</word>
<word key="promote_permission_desc" js="0">The following groups all have permission: %s</word>
<word key="promote_permission_none_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[No groups are currently set up to share to social media. You can allow this via <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups}'>editing individual member groups</a> and allowing Social Media Promoting on the Content tab.]]></word>
<word key="promote_no_permission_acp" js="0">You have enabled promotion services, but you do not have permission to promote. You can add permissions via the Permissions tab.</word>
<word key="r__promote_logs" js="0">Can view Promote logs?</word>
<word key="promote_logs" js="0">Response Logs</word>
<word key="promote_logs_response_promote_key" js="0">Service</word>
<word key="promote_logs_response_promote_id" js="0">Item shared (Promote ID)</word>
<word key="promote_logs_response_json" js="0">Data returned</word>
<word key="promote_logs_response_failed" js="0">Success</word>
<word key="promote_logs_response_date" js="0">Date</word>
<word key="promote_link_long" js="0">Full link</word>
<word key="promote_link_short" js="0">Short link</word>
<word key="promote_social_title" js="0">Promote to social media</word>
<word key="promote_social_button" js="0">Promote</word>
<word key="promote_social_button_repromote" js="0">Re-promote</word>
<word key="promote_media" js="0"></word>
<word key="promote_meta_promote_media" js="0">Upload new images</word>
<word key="promote_meta_0" js="0">Optionally attach images from content</word>
<word key="promote_social_content_facebook" js="0"><![CDATA[<span class='cPromoteDialog_icon cPromoteDialog_icon_facebook'><i class='fa fa-facebook'></i></span><a href='#' title='Don't share to Facebook on this occasion' data-ipsTooltip class='cPromote_hide' data-action='cancelShare'>×</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_social_content_facebook_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<span class='cPromoteCount' data-action='counter' data-count-field='promote_social_content_facebook' data-limit='2000' data-ipsTooltip title='Characters Remaining'>2000</span>Content that will be shared to <span data-role='promoteFacebookOptions'></span>. <a href='#' id='elFacebookOptions' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#elPromoteDialogContent'>Change <i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i></a>]]></word>
<word key="profilesync_extra_permissions_header" js="0">Extra permissions required</word>
<word key="profilesync_extra_permissions_required" js="0">To enable extra functionality, we need to request extra permissions. The extra permissions required are %s. To correct, sign in again below.</word>
<word key="promote_scheduling_header" js="0">Scheduling</word>
<word key="promote_schedule" js="0"></word>
<word key="promote_custom_date" js="0"></word>
<word key="promote_scheduled_future" js="0">This item will be sent out %s</word>
<word key="promote_scheduled_now" js="0">This item will be sent out within the next few minutes</word>
<word key="promote_flash_msg" js="0"><![CDATA[This promotion has been saved. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=promote&controller=promote&do=view}'>View scheduled promotions.</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_manage_link" js="0">Manage Promoted Items</word>
<word key="promote_no_permission" js="0">You do not have permission to promote items</word>
<word key="promote_table_header" js="0">Our Picks</word>
<word key="promote_table_header_desc" js="0">Top content from across the community, hand-picked by us.</word>
<word key="promote_table_none" js="0">There are no promoted items to view</word>
<word key="promote_time_sent" js="0">Sent:</word>
<word key="promote_time_scheduled" js="0">Scheduled:</word>
<word key="promote_time_sending_soon" js="0">Sending next</word>
<word key="promote_item_deleted" js="0">Pending promotion has been deleted</word>
<word key="promote_photo_count" js="0">{# [1:image][?:images]}</word>
<word key="promote_failed_count" js="0">This has failed to send {# [1:time][?:times]} but will retry later.</word>
<word key="promote_failed_totally" js="0">This item has failed to send multiple times and will not be resent.</word>
<word key="promote_failed_totally_description" js="0"><![CDATA[This item has failed to send. Please check your <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=promotion&controller=promote}' target='_blank'>promote settings.</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_time_failed_resend" js="0">This will attempt to resend:</word>
<word key="promote_time_failed_resend_soon" js="0">next</word>
<word key="promote_social_content_twitter" js="0"><![CDATA[<span class='cPromoteDialog_icon cPromoteDialog_icon_twitter'><i class='fa fa-twitter'></i></span><a href='#' title='Don't share to Twitter on this occasion' data-ipsTooltip class='cPromote_hide' data-action='cancelShare'>×</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_social_content_twitter_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<span class='cPromoteCount' data-action='counter' data-count-field='promote_social_content_twitter' data-limit='280' data-ipsTooltip title='Characters Remaining'>280</span>Content that will be shared to Twitter. Twitter can only have a maximum of 4 images per tweet.]]></word>
<word key="promote_social_content_internal" js="0"><![CDATA[<span class='cPromoteDialog_icon cPromoteDialog_icon_internal'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i></span><a href='#' title='Don't share to the community on this occasion' data-ipsTooltip class='cPromote_hide' data-action='cancelShare'>×</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_social_content_internal_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<span class='cPromoteCount' data-action='counter' data-count-field='promote_social_content_internal' data-limit='2000' data-ipsTooltip title='Characters Remaining'>2000</span>Content that will be shared to this community. <a href='#' id='elInternalTitle' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#elPromoteDialogContent'>Set a custom 'Our Picks' title <i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i></a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_show_original_content" js="0">Show original content</word>
<word key="promotes_no_facebook_content" js="0">Facebook's platform policy prohibits pre-filling shareable text.
You can use the link and original content boxes above to curate your own content.</word>
<word key="promotes_box_empty" js="0">Why is this box empty?</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_done" js="0">Thanks %s!</word>
<word key="promote_twitter_done_text" js="0">You've connected your account, you can now close this window and go back to the AdminCP.</word>
<word key="promote_service_failed" js="0">This service failed</word>
<word key="promote_dialog_used" js="0">Already scheduled</word>
<word key="promote_dialog_used_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[This item has already been scheduled %s. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=promote&controller=promote&do=view}'>View scheduled promotions</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_dialog_not_all_view" js="0">Not all people will have permission to view this item but will see some details.</word>
<word key="promote_dialog_not_all_view_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[People in the %s groups will be shown an error message with a request to log in or register when attempting to load the link. People that do not have permission to see this item <strong><em>will</em></strong> see the item title and any promoted text.]]></word>
<word key="promote_dialog_sent" js="0">Already promoted</word>
<word key="promote_dialog_sent_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[This item was sent %s. <a href='{internal.app=core&module=promote&controller=promote&do=view}'>View scheduled promotions</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_logs_unsuccessful" js="0">Failed</word>
<word key="promote_logs_success" js="0">Successful</word>
<word key="promote_service_success" js="0">Successful share to %s</word>
<word key="promote_social_title_internal" js="0">Our Picks Title</word>
<word key="promoted_by" js="0">Picked By</word>
<word key="promote_shared_on" js="0">Also shared on %s</word>
<word key="promote_metadescription_container" js="0"><![CDATA[%4$s posted %1$s in <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a>, %5$s]]></word>
<word key="promote_metadescription_container_nolink" js="0">%3$s posted %1$s in %2$s, %4$s</word>
<word key="promote_metadescription_nocontainer" js="0">%2$s posted %1$s, %3$s</word>
<word key="promote_metadescription_node" js="0"><![CDATA[%3$s added <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>]]></word>
<word key="promote_metadescription_node_nolink" js="0">%2$s added %1$s</word>
<word key="promote_thing_in_thing" js="0">%s in %s</word>
<word key="promote_internal_text" js="0">Our Picks Text</word>
<word key="promote_internal_edit" js="0">Edit Our Picks Text</word>
<word key="module__core_promote" js="0">Promote</word>
<word key="promote_history_none" js="0">There is no sent history to show</word>
<word key="promote_history_response_text" js="0">Sent to %s, %s</word>
<word key="promote_view_history" js="0">Sent history</word>
<word key="module__core_clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="g_create_clubs" js="0">Can create clubs?</word>
<word key="club_type_public" js="0">Public</word>
<word key="club_type_public_desc" js="0">Everyone can see the club and its posts, and can participate without joining.</word>
<word key="club_type_readonly" js="0">Read Only</word>
<word key="club_type_readonly_desc" js="0">Everyone can see the club and its posts, but only members can participate. Users need to be invited by a leader to join.</word>
<word key="club_type_open" js="0">Open</word>
<word key="club_type_open_desc" js="0">Everyone can see the club and its posts, but only members can participate. Everyone can join.</word>
<word key="club_type_closed" js="0">Closed</word>
<word key="club_type_closed_desc" js="0">Everyone can see the club and who's in it, but only members can see posts and participate. Users need to ask a leader to join.</word>
<word key="club_type_private" js="0">Private</word>
<word key="club_public" js="0">Public Club</word>
<word key="club_open" js="0">Open Club</word>
<word key="club_closed" js="0">Closed Club</word>
<word key="club_private" js="0">Private Club</word>
<word key="club_readonly" js="0">Read Only Club</word>
<word key="club_type_private_desc" js="0">Only members can find the club and see its posts. Users need to be invited by a leader to join.</word>
<word key="g_club_allowed_nodes" js="0">Allowed content areas in clubs</word>
<word key="create_club" js="0">Start a Club</word>
<word key="club_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="club_type" js="0">Privacy</word>
<word key="can_access_all_clubs" js="0">Has leader privileges in all clubs?</word>
<word key="my_clubs" js="0">My Clubs</word>
<word key="all_clubs" js="0">All Clubs</word>
<word key="user_clubs" js="0">Clubs the member has joined</word>
<word key="my_clubs_empty" js="0">You are not a member of any clubs.</word>
<word key="all_clubs_empty" js="0">There are no clubs to show.</word>
<word key="club_invite_members" js="0">Invite Members</word>
<word key="club_send_invitations" js="0">Send Invitations</word>
<word key="notifications__core_Clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="notifications__club_invitation" js="0">I am invited to join a club</word>
<word key="club_notifications_sent" js="0">Invitations Sent</word>
<word key="notification__club_invitation_by" js="0">%s has invited you to join %s</word>
<word key="notification__club_invitation_generic" js="0">You have been invited to join %s</word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_club_invitation" js="0"><![CDATA[You have been invited to join {$club->name}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_club_join" js="0"><![CDATA[{$member->name} has joined {$club->name}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_club_request" js="0"><![CDATA[{$member->name} has requested to join {$club->name}]]></word>
<word key="mailsub__core_notification_club_response" js="0"><![CDATA[Your request to join {$club->name}]]></word>
<word key="club_join" js="0">Join Club</word>
<word key="club_leave" js="0">Leave Club</word>
<word key="club_leave_paid_warning" js="0">You will need to pay the full membership fee if you want to join this club again in the future.</word>
<word key="club_decline_invite" js="0">Dismiss</word>
<word key="club_manage" js="0">Manage Club</word>
<word key="club_view" js="0">View Club</word>
<word key="notifications__club_request" js="0">A member requests to join a club I am leader of</word>
<word key="notifications__club_join" js="0">A member joins a club I am leader of</word>
<word key="notification__club_request" js="0">%s asked to join %s</word>
<word key="notification__club_join" js="0">%s joined %s</word>
<word key="club_members" js="0">Members</word>
<word key="club_active_members" js="0">Active Members</word>
<word key="club_expired_members" js="0">Expired Memberships</word>
<word key="club_leaders" js="0"><![CDATA[Leaders & Moderators]]></word>
<word key="club_all_members" js="0">All Members</word>
<word key="club_members_count" js="0">{# [1:member][?:members]}</word>
<word key="club_see_all_members" js="0">See all members</word>
<word key="club_date_joined" js="0">Joined</word>
<word key="club_date_joined_request" js="0">Requested</word>
<word key="club_date_joined_invite" js="0">Invited</word>
<word key="club_date_joined_pending_payment" js="0">Request Accepted</word>
<word key="club_membership_renews" js="0">Membership Renewal</word>
<word key="club_added_by" js="0">Added by %s</word>
<word key="club_invited_by" js="0">Invited by %s</word>
<word key="club_leader" js="0">Leader</word>
<word key="club_moderator" js="0">Moderator</word>
<word key="club_leaders_and_moderators" js="0"><![CDATA[Leaders & Moderators]]></word>
<word key="club_requested_users" js="0">Users Requesting Access</word>
<word key="club_requested_users_desc" js="0">Only club leaders can see this list</word>
<word key="club_owner" js="0">Owner</word>
<word key="club_accept_request" js="0">Accept Request</word>
<word key="club_accept_short" js="0">Accept</word>
<word key="club_accept_waive_fee" js="0">Waive Fee</word>
<word key="club_decline_request" js="0">Decline Request</word>
<word key="club_requests" js="0">Pending Requests</word>
<word key="club_remove_member" js="0">Remove from Club</word>
<word key="club_remove_member_confirm" js="0">They will not be able to join the club again unless invited by a Leader.</word>
<word key="club_remove_invitation" js="0">Revoke Invitation</word>
<word key="club_remove_invitation_confirm" js="0">They may have already seen the notification inviting them.</word>
<word key="club_remove_accepted_confirm" js="0">They may have already seen the notification accepting their request to join.</word>
<word key="club_make_leader" js="0">Make Leader</word>
<word key="club_make_leader_confirm" js="0">Leaders can moderate content and manage members in the group, including making other members Leaders.</word>
<word key="club_demote_leader" js="0">Remove as Leader</word>
<word key="club_make_moderator" js="0">Make Moderator</word>
<word key="club_make_moderator_confirm" js="0">Moderators can moderate content but cannot manage members in the group.</word>
<word key="club_demote_moderator" js="0">Remove as Moderator</word>
<word key="notifications__club_response" js="0">A Leader responds to my request to join a Club</word>
<word key="notification__club_response_declined" js="0">Your request to join %s was declined.</word>
<word key="notification__club_response_accepted" js="0">Your request to join %s was accepted!</word>
<word key="club_request_pending" js="0">Request Pending</word>
<word key="club_closed_info" js="0">This is a closed club, you need to join before you can see posts.</word>
<word key="club_closed_request_pending" js="0">Your request to join this club has been received. We will send you a notification when it is approved.</word>
<word key="club_closed_request_declined" js="0">Your request to join this club was declined.</word>
<word key="club_banned" js="0">Removed</word>
<word key="club_banned_by" js="0">Removed by %s</word>
<word key="club_declined_by" js="0">Request declined by %s</word>
<word key="club_declined" js="0">Request declined</word>
<word key="club_banned_invite" js="0">Invite to Rejoin</word>
<word key="club_invitations" js="0">Pending Invitations</word>
<word key="club_edit_settings" js="0">Edit Club Settings</word>
<word key="club_create_node" js="0">Add Club Feature</word>
<word key="club_node_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="club_node_description" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="menu__core_clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="menu__core_clubs_clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="menu__core_clubs_settings" js="0">Settings</word>
<word key="r__clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="r__clubs_manage" js="0">Can view list of clubs?</word>
<word key="r__clubs_edit" js="0">Can edit club name, privacy and owner of clubs?</word>
<word key="r__clubs_delete" js="0">Can delete entire clubs, including all their content?</word>
<word key="r__clubs_add_nodes" js="0">Can create content areas in clubs?</word>
<word key="r__clubs_edit_nodes" js="0">Can edit content areas in clubs?</word>
<word key="r__clubs_delete_nodes" js="0">Can delete content areas in clubs, including the content inside them?</word>
<word key="r__clubs_settings_manage" js="0">Can manage global club settings?</word>
<word key="r__fields" js="0">Extra Fields</word>
<word key="r__fields_manage" js="0">Can view extra fields?</word>
<word key="r__fields_add" js="0">Can create extra fields?</word>
<word key="r__fields_edit" js="0">Can edit extra fields?</word>
<word key="r__fields_delete" js="0">Can delete extra fields?</word>
<word key="clubs_modperms" js="0">Moderator permissions within Clubs</word>
<word key="clubs_modperms_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Club Leaders and Moderators will be able to perform these actions within their clubs in addition to <a href='{internal.app=core&module=staff&controller=moderators}' target='_blank'>Community Moderators</a> which have permissions to moderate all content.]]></word>
<word key="club_modperm_pin" js="0">Pin Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_unpin" js="0">Unpin Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_hide" js="0">Hide Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_unhide" js="0">Unhide Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_edit" js="0">Edit Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_view_hidden" js="0">View Hidden Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_view_hidden_desc" js="0">Club Leaders and Moderators do not have access to the ModeratorCP to view a central list of hidden content, but this setting will allow them to see hidden content inline. Community Moderators with access to the ModeratorCP will see hidden content from clubs there.</word>
<word key="club_modperm_future_publish" js="0">Set Future Publishing Dates</word>
<word key="club_modperm_view_future" js="0">View Content with a Future Publish Date</word>
<word key="club_modperm_move" js="0">Move Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_move_desc" js="0">Club Moderators only be able to move content within clubs they are a moderator of. They will not be able to move content to the main community unless they are also a Community Moderator.</word>
<word key="club_modperm_lock" js="0">Lock Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_unlock" js="0">Unlock Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_reply_to_locked" js="0">Reply to Locked Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_delete" js="0">Delete Content</word>
<word key="club_modperm_split_merge" js="0">Split and Merge Content</word>
<word key="acplog__club_settings" js="0">Edited Club Settings</word>
<word key="club_created" js="0">Created</word>
<word key="acplog__node_edited_club" js="0">Edited %s - %s in club %s</word>
<word key="acplog__node_deleted_club" js="0">Deleted %s - %s in club %s</word>
<word key="club_delete_blurb" js="0">Choose where you want to move the content in the club to. Moving/deleting is handled in the background and may take a while to process.</word>
<word key="acplog__club_deleted" js="0">Deleted Club - %s</word>
<word key="club_container_title" js="0">%s's %s</word>
<word key="club_node_selector_global" js="0">Community</word>
<word key="club_node_selector_clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="clubs_enabled_setting" js="0">Enable Clubs?</word>
<word key="clubs_enabled_setting_desc" js="0">If you disable Clubs, all existing Clubs will be hidden and will return if re-enabled.</word>
<word key="clubs_enable_blurb_1" js="0">Clubs are areas created by members and can contain %s.</word>
<word key="clubs_enable_blurb_2" js="0"><![CDATA[Club Owners can make their Clubs public or require members to join before they can see and participate in them. After enabling Clubs, you can control who can create clubs and the types of clubs they can create from the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups}' target='_blank'>Group Settings</a>.]]></word>
<word key="clubs_enable_blurb_3" js="0">Club Owners can also make other members co-leaders of the club or moderators. After enabling Clubs, you can control what moderation tools are available.</word>
<word key="club" js="0">Club</word>
<word key="search_contextual_item_club" js="0">This Club</word>
<word key="club_profile_photo" js="0">Club Icon</word>
<word key="clubs_header" js="0">Display Club information</word>
<word key="clubs_header_full" js="0">In the header</word>
<word key="clubs_header_sidebar" js="0">In the sidebar</word>
<word key="clubs_header_desc" js="0">Club information shows when viewing any page in the club, including content.</word>
<word key="club_nodes_in_apps" js="0">Show Club Content Areas</word>
<word key="club_nodes_in_apps_on" js="0">Throughout the community</word>
<word key="club_nodes_in_apps_on_desc" js="0">Users will see content areas from Clubs they can view in the applications throughout the community, alongside regular content.</word>
<word key="club_nodes_in_apps_off" js="0">Only within Clubs</word>
<word key="club_nodes_in_apps_off_desc" js="0">Users will only see Club content when viewing the Club.</word>
<word key="club_nodes_in_apps_desc" js="0">Content areas are the forums, categories, etc. created by Club Owners in their clubs. Search results, activity streams and widgets which have their own filter controls are not affected by this setting.</word>
<word key="clubs_locations" js="0">Clubs have physical locations?</word>
<word key="clubs_locations_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If <a href='{internal.app=core&module=applications&controller=enhancements&do=edit&id=core_GoogleMaps}' target='_blank'>Google Maps</a> or <a href='{internal.app=core&module=applications&controller=enhancements&do=edit&id=core_Mapbox}' target='_blank'>Mapbox</a> integration is also set up, a map showing the location of all clubs will be shown on the Clubs home page.]]></word>
<word key="club_location" js="0">Location</word>
<word key="modperms__core_Clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="can_manage_featured_clubs" js="0">Can feature and unfeature clubs?</word>
<word key="featured_clubs" js="0">Our Featured Clubs</word>
<word key="clubs_activity_joined" js="0">%s joined the club</word>
<word key="club_about" js="0">Description</word>
<word key="clubs_default_sort" js="0">Default sort on Clubs home page</word>
<word key="clubs_sort_last_activity" js="0">Latest Activity</word>
<word key="clubs_sort_members" js="0">Most Members</word>
<word key="clubs_sort_content" js="0">Most Content</word>
<word key="clubs_sort_created" js="0">Latest Created</word>
<word key="clubs_sort_name" js="0">Name</word>
<word key="task__clubrebuild" js="0">Recalculates the data in clubs for sorting.</word>
<word key="club_home" js="0">Home</word>
<word key="club_feature" js="0">Feature This Club</word>
<word key="club_unfeature" js="0">Unfeature This Club</word>
<word key="club_youre_invited" js="0">You've been invited!</word>
<word key="club_youre_invited_desc" js="0">%s is a member of this club and has invited you to join them.</word>
<word key="club_about_this_club" js="0">About This Club</word>
<word key="club_no_about" js="0">This club hasn't provided a description.</word>
<word key="club_whats_new" js="0">What's new in this club</word>
<word key="clubs_custom_fields" js="0">Extra Fields</word>
<word key="menu__core_clubs_fields" js="0">Extra Fields</word>
<word key="editor__core_Clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_Clubs" js="0">Clubs Images</word>
<word key="filestorage__core_ClubField" js="0">Club Custom Fields</word>
<word key="club_filter_type" js="0">Club Type</word>
<word key="f_filterable" js="0">Allow Filtering?</word>
<word key="club_member" js="0">You are a member of this club</word>
<word key="club_expired" js="0">Your membership for this club has expired</word>
<word key="club_invited" js="0">You've been invited to this club</word>
<word key="club_find_by_location" js="0">Browse clubs by location</word>
<word key="club_directory" js="0">Club Directory</word>
<word key="clubs_recent_activity" js="0">Recent activity in my clubs</word>
<word key="club_currently_viewing" js="0">Currently viewing content in</word>
<word key="club_requested_title" js="0">Request Pending</word>
<word key="club_requested_desc" js="0">Your request to join this club is pending. Once a club moderator approves your request, you'll receive a notification and be able to see the club's content.</word>
<word key="club_requested_desc_paid" js="0">Your request to join this club is pending. Once a club moderator approves your request, you'll receive a notification and be able to pay the membership fee, after which you will be able to see the club's content.</word>
<word key="club_requested_desc_short" js="0">Your request to join this club is pending.</word>
<word key="club_denied_title" js="0">Request Denied</word>
<word key="club_denied_desc" js="0">Sorry, your request to join this club was denied by a club leader.</word>
<word key="club_denied_desc_short" js="0">Your request to join this club was denied.</word>
<word key="club_banned_title" js="0">Removed From Club</word>
<word key="club_banned_desc" js="0">You were removed from this club by a leader. You won't be able to rejoin unless invited by leader.</word>
<word key="club_banned_desc_short" js="0">You've been removed from this club.</word>
<word key="club_expired_title" js="0">Membership Expired</word>
<word key="club_expired_desc" js="0">You have not paid the renewal fee and so your membership has lapsed. Renew now to resume your membership.</word>
<word key="club_renew_now" js="0">Renew Now</word>
<word key="club_renew_membership" js="0">Renew Membership</word>
<word key="club_closed_title" js="0">Closed Club</word>
<word key="club_closed_desc" js="0">This is a closed club, meaning only members of the club can see content within it.</word>
<word key="club_awaiting_payment_title" js="0">Request Accepted</word>
<word key="club_awaiting_payment_desc" js="0">Your request to join this club has been accepted. You can now pay the membership fee, after which you will be able to see the club's content.</word>
<word key="club_pay_membership_fee" js="0">Pay Now</word>
<word key="club_pending_members" js="0">{# [1:Pending Member][?:Pending Members]}</word>
<word key="clubs_no_recent_activity" js="0">When you're a member of one or more clubs, we'll show their recent activity here.</word>
<word key="clubs_none_joined" js="0">You haven't joined any clubs yet.</word>
<word key="club_joined" js="0">Joined %s</word>
<word key="loc_clubs_directory" js="0">Viewing Clubs Directory</word>
<word key="loc_clubs_club" js="0">Viewing Club: %s</word>
<word key="clubs_edit_this_container" js="0">Edit this %s</word>
<word key="clubs_delete_this_container" js="0">Delete this %s</word>
<word key="clubs_delete_container_confirm" js="0">All content will be deleted. This cannot be undone.</word>
<word key="clubs_require_approval" js="0">New Clubs must be approved?</word>
<word key="club_unapproved" js="0">This club has not been approved yet</word>
<word key="club_unapproved_desc_mod" js="0">Until a moderator approves this club, only the person who created it and other moderators can see it.</word>
<word key="club_unapproved_desc_public" js="0">Until a moderator approves this club, only you can see it.</word>
<word key="block_clubs" js="0">Clubs</word>
<word key="block_clubs_desc" js="0">Shows a list of clubs</word>
<word key="club_embed_created_line" js="0">%s created a club</word>
<word key="club_last_activity" js="0">Last active</word>
<word key="club_view_grid" js="0">Grid: Display clubs as cards in a grid</word>
<word key="club_view_list" js="0">List: Display clubs in a list</word>
<word key="club_settings" js="0">Club Settings</word>
<word key="club_display_settings" js="0">Display Settings</word>
<word key="club_moderation" js="0">Permissions</word>
<word key="clubs_default_view" js="0">Default View</word>
<word key="clubs_allow_view_change" js="0">Allow users to choose view?</word>
<word key="club_node" js="0">%s %s</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_settings" js="0">Paid Clubs</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_on" js="0">Enable Paid Clubs?</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_on_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[If enabled, users who have permission will be able to create clubs for which a membership fee must be paid to join.<br>You can control which groups can create paid clubs from the <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups}'>Groups</a> page.<br>When someone purchases a paid club membership, the money will be added to the club owner's account credit. You can control how users can withdraw account credit from the <a href='{internal.app=nexus&module=payments&controller=payouts&do=settings}'>Withdrawals</a> page.]]></word>
<word key="clubs_paid_tax" js="0">Tax Class for Membership Fees</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_commission" js="0">Commission for Site</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_commission_desc" js="0">The percentage specified will be deducted from the amount given to the club owner. For example, if you set this to 10% and someone buys a club membership for $10, the club owner will be given $9 and $1 will be kept for the site.</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_transfee" js="0">Transaction Fee for Site</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_transfee_desc" js="0">The amount specified will be deducted from the amount given to the club owner. For example, if you set this to $1 and someone buys a club membership for $10, the club owner will be given $9 and $1 will be kept for the site.</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_gateways" js="0">Payment Methods</word>
<word key="clubs_paid_gateways_desc" js="0">Customers will only be able to pay for club memberships with the payment methods selected.</word>
<word key="g_club_limit" js="0">Maximum number of clubs allowed to create</word>
<word key="too_many_clubs" js="0">You are only allowed to create a maximum of {# [1:club][?:clubs]}.</word>
<word key="gbw_paid_clubs" js="0">Can create paid clubs?</word>
<word key="club_membership_fee" js="0">Membership Type</word>
<word key="club_membership_free" js="0">Free</word>
<word key="club_membership_paid" js="0">Paid</word>
<word key="club_fee" js="0">Membership Fee</word>
<word key="club_fee_desc_both" js="0">%s%% commission, plus a %s transaction fee will be deducted.</word>
<word key="club_fee_desc_percent" js="0">%s%% commission will be deducted.</word>
<word key="club_fee_desc_fee" js="0">A %s transaction fee will be deducted.</word>
<word key="club_renewals" js="0">Renewals</word>
<word key="club_renewals_off" js="0">No renewals - once a user has paid the membership fee they can access the club forever.</word>
<word key="club_renewals_on" js="0">I will specify renewal terms. Users must have paid the renewal fee in order to continue to access the club.</word>
<word key="club_renewal_term" js="0">Renewal Term</word>
<word key="club_paid_unavailable" js="0">Not available in your currency</word>
<word key="club_fee_plus_renewal" js="0">%s + %s</word>
<word key="club_membership_item" js="0">Club Membership Fee</word>
<word key="view_club" js="0">View Club</word>
<word key="club_open_join_fee" js="0">The cost to join this club is %s. You will be added to the club after the membership fee has been paid.</word>
<word key="club_closed_join_fee" js="0">The cost to join this club is %s. Once a club moderator approves your request, you'll be able to pay the membership fee after which you will be added to the club.</word>
<word key="club_payment_pending" js="0">Waiting for Membership Fee</word>
<word key="club_bypass_fee" js="0">Waive Membership Fee</word>
<word key="club_bypass_fee_renew_warn" js="0">Both the initial and all recurring fees will be waived and the member will be added to the club without charge.</word>
<word key="club_bypass_fee_existing_warn" js="0">All recurring fees will be waived and the member will continue to be in the club indefinitely without further charges.</word>
<word key="club_restore_fee" js="0">Restore Membership Fee</word>
<word key="club_restore_fee_no_purchase_warn" js="0">This member has never paid for membership of this club so there is no existing purchase to change. To make them pay the membership fee, they will be removed from the club and then re-invited.</word>
<word key="club_fee_waived" js="0">Membership Fee Waived</word>
<word key="club_invite_waive_fee" js="0">Waive Membership Fee?</word>
<word key="club_invite_waive_fee_renewal" js="0">If the member accepts the invitation, both the initial and all future recurring fees will be waived and the member will be added to the club without charge</word>
<word key="club_invited_bypassing_payment" js="0">%s is a leader of this club and has invited you to join waiving the normal membership fee.</word>
<word key="club_cannot_transfer_membership" js="0">This membership cannot be transferred to that member as they are already in the club.</word>
<word key="url_to_club" js="0">URL to Club</word>
<word key="url_to_club_invalid" js="0">That is not a valid club URL.</word>
<word key="url_to_club_free" js="0">That is not a paid club.</word>
<word key="browse_club" js="0">Browse Club</word>
<word key="profile_settings_ignore" js="0">Ignoring</word>
<word key="ignore_system_on" js="0">Allow members to ignore other members?</word>
<word key="ignore_system_on_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[Ignoring a member hides all their posts. You can restrict <a href='{internal.app=core&module=members&controller=groups}' target='_blank'>groups</a> and <a href='{internal.app=core&module=staff&controller=moderators}' target='_blank'>moderators</a> from being able to be ignored in their settings.]]></word>
<word key="promote_schedule_dialog" js="0">Schedule:</word>
<word key="promote_send_now" js="0">Schedule now</word>
<word key="promote_send_now_desc" js="0">Promotions are sent in batches every few minutes.</word>
<word key="promote_auto_schedule" js="0">Auto schedule</word>
<word key="promote_auto_schedule__desc" js="0"><![CDATA[The next auto scheduled spot is <span data-role='date'>%s</span> (using <span data-role='timezone'>%s</span> timezone).]]></word>
<word key="promote_custom_schedule" js="0">Custom schedule</word>
<word key="promote_custom_schedule__desc" js="0">Specify a time using %s timezone.</word>
<word key="promote_social_content_twitter_duplicate_tweet" js="0">If this content is unchanged, Twitter will consider this a duplicate tweet and not post it.</word>
<word key="no_promote_permission" js="0">You do not have permission to promote items</word>
<word key="promote_promoted_on" js="0">Promoted %s</word>
<word key="block_promoted" js="0">Our picks</word>
<word key="block_promoted_desc" js="0">Shows a curated list of items picked when promoting to social networks</word>
<word key="promote_submit" js="0">Promote</word>
<word key="member_account" js="0">Member Account</word>
<word key="history_by_admin" js="0"> by %s</word>
<word key="history_by_member" js="0"> by member</word>
<word key="log_type_title_photo" js="0">Profile Photo Changes</word>
<word key="history_new_photo_custom" js="0">New profile photo uploaded%s.</word>
<word key="history_new_photo_url" js="0">New profile photo imported from URL%s.</word>
<word key="history_new_photo_gravatar" js="0">Profile photo set to use Gravatar%s.</word>
<word key="history_new_photo_gallery" js="0">New profile photo set from %s%s.</word>
<word key="history_new_photo_gallery_link" js="0">gallery image</word>
<word key="history_new_photo_profilesync" js="0">Profile photo synced with %s.</word>
<word key="history_new_photo_none" js="0">Removed profile photo</word>
<word key="history_photo_crop" js="0">Profile photo cropped%s.</word>
<word key="history_photo_resize" js="0">Profile photo resized%s.</word>
<word key="history_photo_remove" js="0">Profile photo removed%s.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_coverphoto" js="0">Cover Photo Changes</word>
<word key="history_cover_photo_new" js="0">New cover photo uploaded%s.</word>
<word key="history_cover_photo_remove" js="0">Cover photo removed%s.</word>
<word key="history_cover_photo_profilesync" js="0">Cover photo synced with %s.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_group" js="0">Group Changes</word>
<word key="history_group_change_primary" js="0">Group manually changed%s from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_secondary" js="0">Secondary groups manually changed%s from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_mass" js="0">Group changed as part of a mass move%s from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_deleted_group_id" js="0"><![CDATA[<em>deleted group #%d</em>]]></word>
<word key="history_no_groups" js="0"><![CDATA[<em>no secondary groups</em>]]></word>
<word key="history_group_change_api_primary" js="0">Group changed by REST API from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_api_secondary" js="0">Secondary groups changed by REST API from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_promotion_primary" js="0"><![CDATA[Promoted by Group Promotion Rule <a>%s</a> from %s to %s.]]></word>
<word key="history_group_change_promotion_secondary" js="0"><![CDATA[Secondary groups promoted by Group Promotion Rule <a>%s</a> from %s to %s.]]></word>
<word key="history_group_change_subscription_add" js="0">Purchase %s changed from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_subscription_remove" js="0">Expiring purchase %s changed from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_purchase_add" js="0">Purchase %s changed %s from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_purchase_change" js="0">Expiring purchase %s handed group promotion to purchase %s changing %s from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_purchase_remove" js="0">Expiring purchase %s changed %s from %s to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_change_purchase_primary" js="0">group</word>
<word key="history_group_change_purchase_secondary" js="0">secondary groups</word>
<word key="history_group_legacy_group_promotion" js="0"><![CDATA[Promoted by Group Promotion Rule <a>%s</a> to %s.]]></word>
<word key="history_group_legacy_group_promotion_o" js="0"><![CDATA[Secondary groups promoted by Group Promotion Rule <a>%s</a> to %s.]]></word>
<word key="history_group_legacy_member_group_id" js="0">Group changed to %s.</word>
<word key="history_group_legacy_mgroup_others" js="0">Secondary groups changed to %s.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_login" js="0">Significant Logins / Account Locks</word>
<word key="history_new_device" js="0">Logged in from a new device: %s.</word>
<word key="history_device_logout" js="0">Automatic login for device %s disabled%s.</word>
<word key="history_account_locked" js="0">Account locked from logging in using this IP address following %d unsuccessful login attempts.</word>
<word key="history_account_locked_time" js="0">Account locked from logging in using this IP address until %s following %d unsuccessful login attempts.</word>
<word key="history_account_mfa_locked" js="0">Account locked from two factor authentication areas following %d unsuccessful two factor authentication attempts.</word>
<word key="history_account_mfa_locked_time" js="0">Account locked from two factor authentication areas until %s following %d two factor authentication attempts.</word>
<word key="history_account_unlocked" js="0">Account manually unlocked%s.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_password_change" js="0">Password Changes</word>
<word key="history_password_changed" js="0">Password changed%s.</word>
<word key="history_password_changed_lost" js="0">Password changed by member using the Forgot Password tool.</word>
<word key="history_password_changed_api" js="0">Password changed by REST API.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_display_name" js="0">Display Name Changes</word>
<word key="history_name_changed" js="0"><![CDATA[Display name changed to <a>%s</a> (previously <a>%s</a>).]]></word>
<word key="history_name_changed_manual" js="0"><![CDATA[Display name changed to <a>%s</a> (previously <a>%s</a>)%s.]]></word>
<word key="history_name_changed_api" js="0"><![CDATA[Display name changed to <a>%s</a> (previously <a>%s</a>) by REST API.]]></word>
<word key="history_name_changed_profilesync" js="0"><![CDATA[Display name changed to <a>%s</a> (previously <a>%s</a>) by %s sync.]]></word>
<word key="log_type_title_email_change" js="0">Email Address Changes</word>
<word key="history_email_changed" js="0"><![CDATA[Email address changed to <a>%s</a> (previously <a>%s</a>)]]></word>
<word key="history_email_changed_manual" js="0"><![CDATA[Email address changed to <a>%s</a> (previously <a>%s</a>)%s.]]></word>
<word key="history_email_changed_api" js="0"><![CDATA[Email address changed to <a>%s</a> (previously <a>%s</a>) by REST API.]]></word>
<word key="history_email_changed_profilesync" js="0"><![CDATA[Email address changed to <a>%s</a> (previously <a>%s</a>) by %s sync.]]></word>
<word key="log_type_title_social_account" js="0">Login Methods Enabled/Disabled</word>
<word key="history_connected_social" js="0">Linked %s account.</word>
<word key="history_connected_social_with_account" js="0"><![CDATA[Linked %s account <a>%s</a>.]]></word>
<word key="history_connected_social_with_link" js="0"><![CDATA[Linked %s account <a href='%s' target='_blank'>%s</a>.]]></word>
<word key="history_disconnected_social" js="0">%s account unlinked%s.</word>
<word key="history_disconnected_social_with_account" js="0"><![CDATA[%s account <a>%s</a> unlinked%s.]]></word>
<word key="history_disconnected_social_with_link" js="0"><![CDATA[%s account <a href='%s' target='_blank'>%s</a> unlinked%s.]]></word>
<word key="history_social_sync_changes" js="0">Sync settings for %s changed%s: %s.</word>
<word key="history_social_sync_changed_email" js="0">email address syncing %s</word>
<word key="history_social_sync_changed_name" js="0">display name syncing %s</word>
<word key="history_social_sync_changed_photo" js="0">profile photo syncing %s</word>
<word key="history_social_sync_changed_cover" js="0">cover photo syncing %s</word>
<word key="history_social_sync_changed_status" js="0">status update syncing %s</word>
<word key="history_social_sync_enabled" js="0">enabled</word>
<word key="history_social_sync_disabled" js="0">disabled</word>
<word key="log_type_title_account" js="0">Major Account Changes</word>
<word key="history_account_register" js="0">User registered.%s</word>
<word key="history_account_register_checkout" js="0">User registered through checkout.%s</word>
<word key="history_account_register_admin" js="0">Account created%s.</word>
<word key="history_account_created_handler" js="0">Account created by %s login.%s</word>
<word key="history_account_created_handler_incomplete" js="0">Account creation started by %s login (further details required to complete).%s</word>
<word key="history_spam_defense_1" js="0"><![CDATA[ Spam Defense checked and returned score <code>%s</code>.]]></word>
<word key="history_spam_defense_2" js="0"><![CDATA[ Spam Defense checked and returned score <code>%s</code> - account flagged for admin approval.]]></word>
<word key="history_spam_defense_3" js="0"><![CDATA[ Spam Defense checked and returned score <code>%s</code> - account banned.]]></word>
<word key="history_account_completed" js="0">Account creation completed%s.%s</word>
<word key="history_account_email_validated" js="0">Email address validated.</word>
<word key="history_account_admin_validated" js="0">Administrator validation approved%s.</word>
<word key="history_account_merged" js="0">Member #%d (%s / %s) was merged into this account%s.</word>
<word key="history_account_merged_legacy" js="0">Member %s was merged into this account%s.</word>
<word key="history_flagged_spammer" js="0">Flagged as spammer%s.</word>
<word key="history_flagged_spammer_with_actions" js="0">Flagged as spammer%s: %s.</word>
<word key="history_flagged_spammer_action_delete" js="0">all content deleted</word>
<word key="history_flagged_spammer_action_unapprove" js="0">all content hidden</word>
<word key="history_flagged_spammer_action_ban" js="0">account banned</word>
<word key="history_flagged_spammer_action_disable" js="0">restricted from posting</word>
<word key="history_unflagged_spammer" js="0">Unflagged as spammer%s.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_warning" js="0"><![CDATA[Warnings & Restrictions]]></word>
<word key="history_received_warning_details" js="0">Given a %d point warning for %s%s: %s.</word>
<word key="history_received_warning_no_penalties" js="0">no penalty</word>
<word key="history_received_warning_no_changes" js="0">no changes to restrictions</word>
<word key="history_received_warning_penalty_time" js="0">%s for %s</word>
<word key="history_warning_revoke_mod_posts" js="0">content moderation removed</word>
<word key="history_warning_revoke_restrict_post" js="0">restriction from posting removed</word>
<word key="history_warning_revoke_temp_ban" js="0">unbanned</word>
<word key="history_received_warning_link" js="0"><![CDATA[Given a <a href='%s' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow'>%d point warning for %s</a>%s: %s.]]></word>
<word key="history_received_warning" js="0">Received a warning (#%d)%s.</word>
<word key="history_received_warning_legacy_link" js="0"><![CDATA[Received <a href='%s' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow'>a warning</a> %s.]]></word>
<word key="history_revoke_warning" js="0">Had a previous warning revoked%s: %s.</word>
<word key="history_unknown" js="0">unknown</word>
<word key="history_mfa_enabled" js="0">%s enabled%s.</word>
<word key="history_mfa_reconfigured" js="0">%s reconfigured%s.</word>
<word key="history_mfa_disabled" js="0">%s disabled%s.</word>
<word key="history_mfa_optout" js="0">Opted out of two factor authentication%s.</word>
<word key="history_mfa_optin" js="0">Opt out from two factor authentication reset%s.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_mfa" js="0">Two Factor Authentication Changes</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_change" js="0">Restrictions manually changed%s: %s.</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_warning_level" js="0">warning points set to %s (previously %s)</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_status_updates_0" js="0">restored ability to post status updates</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_status_updates_1" js="0">disabled ability to post status updates (member can re-enable)</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_status_updates_2" js="0">disabled ability to post status updates (member cannot re-enable)</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_messenger_0" js="0">restored ability to use messenger</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_messenger_1" js="0">disabled ability to use messenger (member can re-enable)</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_messenger_2" js="0">disabled ability to use messenger (member cannot re-enable)</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_bw_disable_tagging_0" js="0">restored ability to use tags</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_bw_disable_tagging_1" js="0">disabled ability to use tags</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_bw_disable_prefixes_0" js="0">restored ability to use prefixes</word>
<word key="history_restrictions_bw_disable_prefixes_1" js="0">disabled ability to use prefixes</word>
<word key="log_type_title_oauth" js="0">OAuth Apps</word>
<word key="history_oauth_token_issued" js="0">Issued access token for OAuth Client %s (%s).</word>
<word key="history_oauth_token_issued_authorization_code" js="0">member logged in and granted permission</word>
<word key="history_oauth_token_issued_implicit" js="0">member logged in and granted permission through implicit flow</word>
<word key="history_oauth_token_issued_password" js="0">provided login credentials</word>
<word key="history_oauth_token_issued_refresh_token" js="0">client used valid refresh token</word>
<word key="history_oauth_token_revoked" js="0">Access token for OAuth Client %s revoked%s.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_admin_mails" js="0">Mailing List Subscription</word>
<word key="history_enabled_admin_mails" js="0">Subscribed to news and updates%s.</word>
<word key="history_disabled_admin_mails" js="0">Unsubscribed from news and updates%s.</word>
<word key="log_type_title_terms_acceptance" js="0"><![CDATA[Terms & Conditions Acceptance]]></word>
<word key="history_terms_accepted_privacy" js="0">Accepted the privacy policy</word>
<word key="history_terms_accepted_terms" js="0">Accepted the terms and conditions</word>
<word key="log_type" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="log_date" js="0">Date/Time</word>
<word key="log_ip_address" js="0">IP Address</word>
<word key="view_all" js="0">View all</word>
<word key="log_data" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="log_member" js="0">Member</word>
<word key="log_app" js="0">Application</word>
<word key="editor__core_Meta" js="0">Content Meta Data</word>
<word key="complete_your_profile" js="0">Complete Your Profile</word>
<word key="required_fields" js="0">Required Information</word>
<word key="suggested_fields" js="0">Suggested Information</word>
<word key="other_actions" js="0">Other Actions</word>
<word key="profile_acp_table_step_extension" js="0">Step</word>
<word key="profile_completion_items" js="0">Profile Completion Items</word>
<word key="complete_profile_photo" js="0">Profile Photo</word>
<word key="complete_profile_cover_photo" js="0">Cover Photo</word>
<word key="complete_profile_birthday" js="0">Birthday</word>
<word key="complete_profile_signature" js="0">Signature</word>
<word key="complete_profile_facebook" js="0">Facebook</word>
<word key="complete_profile_google" js="0">Google+</word>
<word key="complete_profile_twitter" js="0">Twitter</word>
<word key="complete_profile_linkedin" js="0">LinkedIn</word>
<word key="complete_profile_live" js="0">Microsoft Live</word>
<word key="complete_profile_profile_fields" js="0">Profile fields</word>
<word key="suggested" js="0">Suggested</word>
<word key="nothing" js="0">Nothing</word>
<word key="profile_step_title" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="profile_step_title_desc" js="0">Optional wizard step title. If left blank, one will be automated. For example: Basic Profile (About Me, Gender).</word>
<word key="profile_completion_status" js="0">Profile Status</word>
<word key="profile_completion_percent" js="0">Your profile is %s complete!</word>
<word key="complete_profile_app__core_Core" js="0">System</word>
<word key="complete_profile_app__core_ProfileFields" js="0">Profile Fields</word>
<word key="profile_step_subaction_profile_fields" js="0">Fields</word>
<word key="profile_step_text" js="0">Step description</word>
<word key="profile_step_text_desc" js="0">Text shown to the user to encourage them to complete the step, or to explain why it is required.</word>
<word key="profile_step_required" js="0">Required</word>
<word key="profile_step_completion_act" js="0">Action to complete the step</word>
<word key="profile_acp_table_word_custom" js="0">Title</word>
<word key="profile_acp_table_step_completion_act" js="0">Action</word>
<word key="profile_acp_table_step_required" js="0">Required</word>
<word key="take_me_there" js="0">Take Me There</word>
<word key="complete_my_profile" js="0">Complete My Profile</word>
<word key="profile_generic" js="0">Basic Profile Information</word>
<word key="profile_cover_photo" js="0">Cover Photo</word>
<word key="profile_facebook" js="0">Facebook</word>
<word key="profile_twitter" js="0">Twitter</word>
<word key="profile_google" js="0">Google+</word>
<word key="profile_linkedin" js="0">LinkedIn</word>
<word key="profile_live" js="0">Microsoft Live</word>
<word key="profile_profile_fields" js="0">Other Profile Information</word>
<word key="profile_done" js="0">Done</word>
<word key="profile_wizard_cancel" js="0">Skip profile completion for now</word>
<word key="complete_profile_basic_profile" js="0">Basic Profile</word>
<word key="complete_profile_social_login" js="0">Login Methods</word>
<word key="profile_step_subaction_basic_profile" js="0">Fields</word>
<word key="profile_step_subaction_social_login" js="0">Method</word>
<word key="profile_step_next" js="0">Next Step:</word>
<word key="profile_complete_skip_step" js="0">Skip this step</word>
<word key="profile_complete_next" js="0">Next</word>
<word key="profile_complete_quick_register_off" js="0">The quick registration feature must be enabled before you can set up profile completion.</word>
<word key="profile_complete_quick_register_off_button" js="0">Enable quick registration</word>
<word key="profile_complete_quick_register_off_title" js="0">Quick registration is currently disabled</word>
<word key="profile_complete_quick_register_off_enabled" js="0">Quick registration enabled</word>
<word key="profile_complete_blurb_title" js="0">Post registration profile completion</word>
<word key="profile_complete_blurb_desc" js="0">Create steps to have members complete. These steps can be required or optional. If you create a new required step, this step will be shown to all members for completion.</word>
<word key="complete_profile_registration" js="0">Complete your registration</word>
<word key="profile_complete_no_add" js="0">All available profile completion steps have been used. To create new profile completion steps, please delete existing steps, or edit them to remove methods.</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_FacebookPixel" js="0">Facebook Pixel</word>
<word key="enhancements__core_FacebookPixel_desc" js="0">The Facebook pixel is used to report conversions, optimize advert delivery, build audiences and get rich insights about how people are using your website.</word>
<word key="fb_pixel_id_req" js="0">You need to enter your Facebook Pixe ID</word>
<word key="fb_pixel_id" js="0">Pixel ID</word>
<word key="fb_pixel_enabled" js="0">Enable</word>
<word key="fb_pixel_delay" js="0">Delay</word>
<word key="fb_pixel_delay_seconds" js="0">seconds</word>
<word key="fb_pixel_delay_desc" js="0">Avoid retargeting bouncing users by adding a small delay before the Pixel loads and fires. People that spend less time on the page will not be part of your custom audiences and your lookalike audiences will be more accurate.</word>
<word key="fb_pixel_id_desc" js="0"><![CDATA[<a href='{external.facebookpixelid}' target='_blank'>Get a Pixel ID</a>]]></word>
<word key="member_filter_core_group_desc" js="0">is in groups %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_joined_range_desc" js="0">joined between %s and %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_joined_days_desc" js="0">joined over %s days ago</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_lastpost_range_desc" js="0">last posted between %s and %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_lastpost_days_desc" js="0">last posted over %s days ago</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_lastvisit_range_desc" js="0">last visited between %s and %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_lastvisit_days_desc" js="0">last visited over %s days ago</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_reputation_gt_desc" js="0">reputation is greater than %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_reputation_lt_desc" js="0">reputation is less than %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_reputation_eq_desc" js="0">reputation is exactly %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_content_gt_desc" js="0">content count is greater than %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_content_lt_desc" js="0">content count is less than %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_content_eq_desc" js="0">content count is exactly %s</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_lastpost_days_lt_desc" js="0">last posted less than %s days ago</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_lastvisit_days_lt_desc" js="0">last visited less than %s days ago</word>
<word key="member_filter_core_joined_days_lt_desc" js="0">joined less than %s days ago</word>
<word key="cookies_message" js="0"><![CDATA[We have placed <a href='%s'>cookies</a> on your device to help make this website better. You can <a href='%s'>adjust your cookie settings</a>, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue.]]></word>
<word key="cookies_about" js="0">Cookies</word>
<word key="loc_viewing_cookie_policy" js="0">Viewing the cookie policy page</word>
<word key="cookies_about_header" js="0">Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. Depending on your access level and actions on the site, various preference based cookies may be set to enrich your experience. These cookies are used to remember your theme, language and item marking preferences, etc.</word>
<word key="cookies_change_header" js="0">How do I change my cookie settings?</word>
<word key="cookies_change_text" js="0"><![CDATA[Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit <a href='http://www.aboutcookies.org' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>www.aboutcookies.org</a> or <a href='http://www.allaboutcookies.org' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>www.allaboutcookies.org</a>.<br>To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit <a href='http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout</a>.]]></word>
<word key="cookie_session_front" js="0">This cookie contains the ID of your current session.</word>
<word key="cookie_member_id" js="0">Your member ID. This cookie is set after you log in when you tick 'Remember Me' so you can be automatically logged in again in the future.</word>
<word key="cookie_login_key" js="0">A unique key to authenticate your member ID cookie. This cookie is set after you log in when you tick 'Remember Me' so you can be automatically logged in again in the future.</word>
<word key="cookies_third_party" js="0">Third Party Cookies</word>
<word key="cookies_third_party_desc" js="0">The site owner may set additional cookies in addition to the standard cookies above. These cookies are often used for website usage tracking, or set by embedded service providers when viewing embedded content from providers such as YouTube and Vimeo, etc.</word>
<word key="cookies_standard" js="0">Standard Cookies</word>
<word key="click_here_to_refresh" js="0">Click here to reload the page in order to enable certain features</word>
<word key="files-1" js="0">File could not be opened: %s</word>
<word key="files-2" js="0">File does not exist: %s</word>
<word key="files-4" js="0">File could not be copied: %s</word>
<word key="files-5" js="0">File could not be moved: %s</word>
<word key="files-3" js="0">File could not be saved: %s</word>
<word key="files-6" js="0">Folder could not be created: %s</word>
<word key="files-7" js="0">Response returned a 400 response code but no Amazon region was returned: %s</word>
<word key="customer_no_history" js="0">There is no history to show for this customer.</word>
<word key="see_all_history" js="0">See all activity</word>
<word key="log_type_title_groups" js="0">Group Changes</word>
<word key="r__member_export_pi" js="0">Can export members personal information</word>
<word key="member_export_pi_title" js="0">Download personal information</word>
<word key="member_export_pi_explain" js="0"><![CDATA[You will be downloading an XML file containing personal data for this user.<br>This file <strong>will include</strong> known IP addresses, browsers, email address and other basic profile information.<br>This file <strong>will not</strong> contain any passwords or authentication tokens or keys.]]></word>
<word key="ip_address_prune" js="0">Remove IP addresses after</word>
<word key="ip_address_prune_desc" js="0">This will remove IP addresses from user posted content after the specified number of days</word>
<word key="pp_desc_GoogleAnalytics" js="0">Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google utilizes the Data collected to track and examine the use of this website, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services.</word>
<word key="pp_desc_FacebookPixel" js="0">Facebook Ads conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Facebook, Inc. that connects data from the Facebook advertising network with actions performed on this Application.</word>
<word key="pp_desc_Piwik" js="0">Matomo is a web analysis service. The non-identifiable data is used to gather information about visitors to this website.</word>
<word key="pp_desc_SpamMonitoring" js="0">The IPS Spam Defense Service passes the email address and IP address of the registering member to the service to determine the likelihood a registering account is a spam source.</word>
<word key="privacy_show_processors" js="0">Add third party information</word>
<word key="privacy_show_processors_desc" js="0">Show details of enabled third party systems such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel</word>
<word key="pp_desc_SendGrid" js="0">SendGrid is used by this website to process and deliver emails.</word>
<word key="pp_third_parties" js="0">Third Parties</word>
<word key="pp_privacy_policy" js="0">Privacy Policy</word>
<word key="pp_desc_captcha" js="0">This site uses a CAPTCHA to ensure humans are performing certain actions. The CAPTCHA provider may set a session cookie and get information about your internet browser and device accessing this website.</word>
<word key="js_num_comments" js="1">{# [1:Comment][?:Comments]}</word>
<word key="js_num_mod_comments" js="1">{# Moderator [1:Comment][?:Comments]}</word>
<word key="date_picker_done" js="1">Done</word>
<word key="date_picker_prev" js="1">Prev</word>
<word key="date_picker_next" js="1">Next</word>
<word key="date_picker_today" js="1">Today</word>
<word key="date_picker_week" js="1">Wk</word>
<word key="embed_error_message_admin" js="1">The link could not be embedded because of an unexpected error: {{error}}.</word>
<word key="delta_upgrade_confirm" js="1">Before continuing, make sure you have uploaded all the files to your server using the instructions provided. Do not continue until all the files have finished uploading.</word>
<word key="confirm_unignore" js="1">Are you sure you want to stop ignoring this user?</word>
<word key="confirm_unignore_desc" js="1">You can ignore them again later from this page.</word>
<word key="editedIgnore" js="1">Updated ignore preferences</word>
<word key="embeddedFail" js="1"><![CDATA[<i class='fa fa-warning'></i> There was a problem loading this content]]></word>
<word key="followerSettingToggled" js="1">Your follow preference has been toggled</word>
<word key="cancel_edit_confirm" js="1">Your changes have not been saved. Are you sure you want to cancel?</word>
<word key="sc_use_this_version" js="1">Use This Version</word>
<word key="sc_remove_selection" js="1">Undo Selection</word>
<word key="saveThemeError" js="1">This theme file could not be saved</word>
<word key="themeUnsavedContent" js="1">This tab has unsaved content. Are you sure you want to close it?</word>
<word key="theme_diff_original_header" js="1">Default contents</word>
<word key="theme_diff_original_desc" js="1">(uneditable)</word>
<word key="theme_diff_custom_header" js="1">Custom version</word>
<word key="theme_diff_custom_desc" js="1">(make your changes here)</word>
<word key="promotes_no_facebook_selected" js="1"><![CDATA[<em>no pages or groups selected</em>]]></word>
<word key="address_region" js="1">State/Region</word>
<word key="specifyLocation" js="1">Specify a location...</word>
<word key="loading" js="1">Loading</word>
<word key="no_results" js="1">No results</word>
<word key="cantBeUndone" js="1">This can't be undone.</word>
<word key="cancel" js="1">Cancel</word>
<word key="select" js="1">Select</word>
<word key="delete" js="1">Delete</word>
<word key="fullSize" js="1">View Full Size</word>
<word key="yes" js="1">Yes</word>
<word key="no" js="1">No</word>
<word key="ok" js="1">OK</word>
<word key="save" js="1">Save</word>
<word key="pageActionText" js="1"><![CDATA[With <span data-role='count'>0 selected</span>]]></word>
<word key="pageActionText_number" js="1">{# [?:selected]}</word>
<word key="show_more" js="1">Read more</word>
<word key="cannotDragInto" js="1">This item cannot be moved here</word>
<word key="close" js="1">Close</word>
<word key="prev_page" js="1">Previous Page</word>
<word key="next_page" js="1">Next Page</word>
<word key="betweenXandX" js="1">Between {{start}} and {{end}}</word>
<word key="afterX" js="1">After {{start}}</word>
<word key="beforeX" js="1">Before {{end}}</word>
<word key="hidden" js="1">Hidden</word>
<word key="pending" js="1">Pending approval</word>
<word key="featured" js="1">Featured</word>
<word key="pinned" js="1">Pinned</word>
<word key="js_login_both" js="1">Make sure you are logged into both the Admin CP and the front-end of your site to use this feature.</word>
<word key="saved" js="1">Saved</word>
<word key="or" js="1">or</word>
<word key="save_position" js="1">Save position</word>
<word key="by" js="1">By</word>
<word key="in" js="1">In</word>
<word key="add_tag" js="1">Add Tag</word>
<word key="time_just_now" js="1">Just now</word>
<word key="time_minutes_ago" js="1">{# [1:minute][?:minutes]} ago</word>
<word key="time_hours_ago" js="1">{# [1:hour][?:hours]} ago</word>
<word key="time_1_hour_ago" js="1">1 hour ago</word>
<word key="time_other" js="1">On {{time}}</word>
<word key="time_at" js="1">at</word>
<word key="validation_invalid" js="1">The value entered is not valid</word>
<word key="validation_max" js="1">Maximum allowed value is {{data[1]}}</word>
<word key="validation_min" js="1">Minimum allowed value is {{data[1]}}</word>
<word key="validation_range" js="1">Value must be between {{data[1]}} and {{data[2]}}</word>
<word key="validation_maxlength" js="1">Maximum length is {{data[1]}} {!# [1:character][?:characters]}</word>
<word key="validation_minlength" js="1">Minimum length is {{data[1]}} {!# [1:character][?:characters]}</word>
<word key="validation_rangelength" js="1">Value must be between {{data[1]}} and {{data[2]}} {!# [1:character][?:characters]} long</word>
<word key="validation_required" js="1">This field is required</word>
<word key="validation_format" js="1">Please enter a valid value</word>
<word key="validation_regex" js="1">Please enter a valid value</word>
<word key="not_valid_page" js="1">Not a valid page number. Enter a value between 1 and {{data[1]}}.</word>
<word key="usernameAvailable" js="1">Display name is available!</word>
<word key="usernameTaken" js="1">Display name is already in use</word>
<word key="ac_prohibit_special" js="1">Special characters ({{chars}}) are not permitted</word>
<word key="ac_min_length" js="1">Minimum length is {{len}}</word>
<word key="ac_max_length" js="1">Maximum length is {{len}}</word>
<word key="ac_dupes" js="1">Duplicates not permitted</word>
<word key="ac_optional" js="1">Choose</word>
<word key="delete_confirm" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete?</word>
<word key="delete_confirm_many" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete {# [1:item][?:items]}?</word>
<word key="member_delete_confirm" js="1">Warning! Proceed with caution!</word>
<word key="member_delete_confirm_desc" js="1">You are about to permanently delete a member from your community. This action is irreversible, accounts CAN NOT be restored.</word>
<word key="disable_confirm" js="1">Are you sure you want to disable this?</word>
<word key="toolbar_dialog_title" js="1">Permissions for {{title}}</word>
<word key="skin_delete" js="1">Delete</word>
<word key="skin_revert" js="1">Revert</word>
<word key="skin_revert_confirm" js="1">Reverting this template will cause all of your changes to it to be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?</word>
<word key="skin_delete_confirm" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete this template from this set?</word>
<word key="generic_confirm" js="1">Are you sure?</word>
<word key="tab_order_saved" js="1">Your tab order has been updated.</word>
<word key="tab_order_not_saved" js="1">The tab order could not be saved right now</word>
<word key="livesearch_no_results" js="1">No matches in this section</word>
<word key="dashboard_cant_save" js="1">We couldn't save the positions of these widgets.</word>
<word key="build_app" js="1">An application needs to be built in order to work properly. Do you want to build before downloading?</word>
<word key="build_download" js="1">Build first</word>
<word key="download" js="1">Download</word>
<word key="errorLoadingSearch" js="1">Error loading search results</word>
<word key="widgetApproving" js="1">Approving...</word>
<word key="widgetApproved" js="1">Approved</word>
<word key="widgetBanning" js="1">Banning...</word>
<word key="widgetBanned" js="1">Banned</word>
<word key="userApproved" js="1">{{name}}'s registration was approved</word>
<word key="userBanned" js="1">{{name}} has been banned</word>
<word key="languageSave" js="1">Save</word>
<word key="check_all" js="1">Check All</word>
<word key="uncheck_all" js="1">Uncheck All</word>
<word key="member_edit_is_admin" js="1">You have chosen member groups with access to the AdminCP</word>
<word key="member_edit_ok" js="1">Continue</word>
<word key="member_edit_cancel" js="1">Cancel</word>
<word key="emoticon_no_spaces" js="1">Emoticons cannot have a space in the typed code.</word>
<word key="supportToolFailsHead" js="1">There are unresolved diagnostic issues</word>
<word key="supportToolFailsInfo" js="1">Our support team will likely suggest ruling these issues out as a cause of any problem you are experiencing. To ensure you receive the fastest resolution possible, it is strongly recommended you address these issues before contacting support.</word>
<word key="supportTool3rdPartyHead" js="1">You didn't try disabling third-party customizations</word>
<word key="supportTool3rdPartyInfo" js="1">Our support team will likely suggest disabling these to rule them out as a cause of any problem you are experiencing. To ensure you receive the fastest resolution possible, it is strongly recommended you try disabling them before contacting support. After pressing the button to disable them, you will immediately have the option to re-enable them if the issue is not resolved.</word>
<word key="supportDisablingCustomizations" js="1">Disabling Customizations...</word>
<word key="supportEnablingCustomizations" js="1">Re-enabling Customizations...</word>
<word key="supportContinueAnyway" js="1">Continue Anyway</word>
<word key="supportAcpAccountHead" js="1">Our support team may need to have access your AdminCP to assist you</word>
<word key="supportAcpAccountDisableBlurb" js="1">It is recommended you leave this enabled so there is no delay in assisting you if access is necessary. The details are sent and stored securely, and you can delete the account once your issue is resolved.</word>
<word key="supportAcpAccountDisableYes" js="1">Provide Access</word>
<word key="supportAcpAccountDisableNo" js="1">No thanks</word>
<word key="findOutMore" js="1">Find Out More</word>
<word key="whatsNew" js="1">What's new in Invision Community</word>
<word key="licenseRenewalTitle" js="1">We value your feedback</word>
<word key="licenseRenewalText" js="1">Would you mind telling us why you don't want to renew your license, by answering a 2-minute survey? Your response will help us improve our products and services in future.</word>
<word key="licenseRenewalCheckbox" js="1">Hide renewal reminder</word>
<word key="licenseRenewalNo" js="1">No, thanks</word>
<word key="licenseRenewalYes" js="1">Yes, take me to the survey</word>
<word key="form_email_bad" js="1">That is not a valid email address.</word>
<word key="followUpdated" js="1">Your follow preference has been updated</word>
<word key="previewBtnCancel" js="1">Go back and edit</word>
<word key="filesStillUploading" js="1">One or more attachments are still being uploaded.</word>
<word key="filesStillUploadingDesc" js="1">Please wait for them to complete before submitting this form.</word>
<word key="yourUploadsFinished" js="1">{!# [1:Upload][?:Uploads]} finished</word>
<word key="notifyUploadSuccess" js="1">{# [1:file][?:files]} uploaded successfully.</word>
<word key="notifyUploadError" js="1">{# [1:file][?:files]} failed due to an error.</word>
<word key="attachStatus" js="1">{{status}}</word>
<word key="attachQueued" js="1">Queued</word>
<word key="attachUploading" js="1">Uploading...</word>
<word key="attachDone" js="1">Done</word>
<word key="attachError" js="1">Error</word>
<word key="attachFailed" js="1">Upload Failed</word>
<word key="insertIntoPost" js="1">Insert into post</word>
<word key="uploadSingleErr" js="1">You are only allowed to upload 1 file.</word>
<word key="attachInsertOne" js="1">Select this attachment for insertion</word>
<word key="attachRemove" js="1">Remove this attachment</word>
<word key="uploadTotalErr" js="1">You are only allowed to upload {{size}}{{size_suffix}}.</word>
<word key="uploadSizeErr" js="1">{# [1:file was][?:files were]} larger than the maximum file size of {{max_file_size}}{{size_suffix}}, and {!# [1:was][?:were]} skipped</word>
<word key="uploadMaxFilesErr" js="1">You are only allowed to upload {# [1:file][?:files]}.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_-600" js="1">The file must be smaller than {{max_file_size}}{{size_suffix}}.</word>
<word key="size_kb" js="1">kb</word>
<word key="size_mb" js="1">mb</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_-601" js="1">Allowed file extensions are: {{allowed_extensions}}</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_nomulti" js="1">You can only upload one file.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_SECURITY_EXCEPTION_RAISED" js="1">There was a problem processing the uploaded file. {{server_error_code}}</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_99" js="1">There was a problem processing the uploaded file. {{server_error_code}}</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_upload_error" js="1">There was a problem uploading the file.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_NO_FILE_UPLOADED" js="1">You did not select any file to upload.</word>
<word key="pluploaderr_SERVER_CONFIGURATION" js="1">There was a problem processing the uploaded file. {{server_error_code}}</word>
<word key="errorMarkingRead" js="1">There was an error marking this item as read</word>
<word key="enlargeImage" js="1">Enlarge image</word>
<word key="ignoreRemoveConfirm" js="1">Are you sure you want to stop ignoring this user?</word>
<word key="ignoreRemoveDone" js="1">You are no longer ignoring %s</word>
<word key="signatures_hidden" js="1">Signatures are hidden. They can be re-enabled on your settings page.</word>
<word key="signatures_error" js="1">There was a problem hiding signatures. Please try manually disabling them on your settings page.</word>
<word key="single_signature_hidden" js="1">This member's signature is now being ignored.</word>
<word key="single_signature_error" js="1">There was a problem ignoring this member's signature.</word>
<word key="ignore_prefs_updated" js="1">Your ignore preferences have been updated.</word>
<word key="ignore_prefs_error" js="1">There was a problem changing your preferences.</word>
<word key="errorLoadingContent" js="1">There was a problem loading this content.</word>
<word key="reportStatusChanged" js="1">The status of this report has been updated</word>
<word key="loadingComments" js="1">Loading comments...</word>
<word key="statusLocked" js="1">Unlock</word>
<word key="statusUnlocked" js="1">Lock</word>
<word key="confirmStatusDelete" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete this status?</word>
<word key="confirmStatusCommentDelete" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete this comment?</word>
<word key="updatingStatus" js="1">Updating...</word>
<word key="whatsOnYourMind" js="1">What's on your mind?</word>
<word key="submitStatus" js="1">Submit Status</word>
<word key="toggleOn" js="1">On</word>
<word key="toggleOff" js="1">Off</word>
<word key="saving" js="1">Saving...</word>
<word key="page" js="1">Page</word>
<word key="addedIgnore" js="1">Added {{user}} to your ignore list</word>
<word key="saveSearchExample" js="1">My search for "{{currentSearch}}" in {{app}}</word>
<word key="searchTitle" js="1">Search</word>
<word key="searchTitleTerm" js="1">Searched for '{{term}}'</word>
<word key="searchTitleTermType" js="1">Searched for '{{term}}' in {{type}}</word>
<word key="searchTitleType" js="1">Searched in {{type}}</word>
<word key="searchFetchingResults" js="1">Fetching results...</word>
<word key="searchMembers" js="1">Search Members</word>
<word key="searchContent" js="1">Search Content</word>
<word key="searchRequiresTerm" js="1">Please enter a term to search for.</word>
<word key="searchRequiresTermTags" js="1">Please enter a term to search for, or at least one tag.</word>
<word key="editorEmoticonButton" js="1">Emoticon</word>
<word key="emoticons" js="1">Emoticons</word>
<word key="emoticonCategories" js="1">Categories</word>
<word key="emoticonSearch" js="1">Search</word>
<word key="emoticonOverview" js="1">Overview</word>
<word key="emoticonFind" js="1">Search...</word>
<word key="emoticonRecent" js="1">Emoticons I've Used Recently</word>
<word key="editorMediaPreviewOK" js="1"><![CDATA[<i class='fa fa-check'></i> We can embed this]]></word>
<word key="editorMediaPreviewNot" js="1"><![CDATA[<i class='fa fa-times'></i> We can't embed this]]></word>
<word key="editorMediaButtonMedia" js="1">Media</word>
<word key="editorMediaButtonLink" js="1">Insert As Link</word>
<word key="editorAttachmentButton" js="1">Files</word>
<word key="editorAttachmentTitle" js="1">Add Files</word>
<word key="editorLinkButton" js="1">Link</word>
<word key="editorCodeButton" js="1">Code</word>
<word key="editorLinkButtonEdit" js="1">Edit Link</word>
<word key="editorLinkButtonRemove" js="1">Remove Link</word>
<word key="editorImageButtonEdit" js="1">Edit Image</word>
<word key="editorImageButton" js="1">Image</word>
<word key="editorImageMaxWidth" js="1">The width must be less than {{maxwidth}}px</word>
<word key="editorImageMaxHeight" js="1">The height must be less than {{maxheight}}px</word>
<word key="editorPreview" js="1">Preview</word>
<word key="loadingLinkTitle" js="1">Loading link title...</word>
<word key="insertSelected" js="1">Insert Selected</word>
<word key="insertSelectedNum" js="1">Insert {# [?:Selected]}</word>
<word key="pasteAsPlaintext" js="1">Paste without formatting</word>
<word key="save_preference" js="1">Save Preference</word>
<word key="papt_label" js="1">Paste as plain text by default</word>
<word key="papt_warning" js="1">Your preference will not be applied until you reload the page</word>
<word key="editorRightClick" js="1">Enter your text; hold ctrl and right click for more options</word>
<word key="editorRightClickMac" js="1">Enter your text; hold cmd and right click for more options</word>
<word key="editorEditImageTip" js="1">Double-click/tap to edit image options</word>
<word key="editor_code_null" js="1">No Syntax Highlighting</word>
<word key="editor_code_clike" js="1">C Languages (C, C++, C#, Java, Objective C)</word>
<word key="editor_code_htmlmixed" js="1">HTML</word>
<word key="editor_code_css" js="1">CSS</word>
<word key="editor_code_javascript" js="1">JavaScript</word>
<word key="editor_code_lua" js="1">Lua</word>
<word key="editor_code_xml" js="1">XML</word>
<word key="editor_code_php" js="1">PHP</word>
<word key="editor_code_sql" js="1">SQL</word>
<word key="editor_code_perl" js="1">Perl</word>
<word key="editor_code_python" js="1">Python</word>
<word key="editor_code_ruby" js="1">Ruby</word>
<word key="editor_code_stex" js="1">sTeX / LaTeX</word>
<word key="editor_code_swift" js="1">Swift</word>
<word key="maxmultiquote" js="1">You may not multi-quote any more posts. You can quote up to {# [1:post][?:posts]} at once.</word>
<word key="errorAddingMyMedia" js="1">There was an error adding this file to My Media</word>
<word key="editorbutton_ipspage" js="1">Page</word>
<word key="editorQuote" js="1">Quote</word>
<word key="editorQuoteLine" js="1">{{username}} said:</word>
<word key="editorQuoteLineWithTime" js="1">{{date}}, {{username}} said:</word>
<word key="editorQuoteBreakout" js="1">Remove Quote and Keep Contents</word>
<word key="editorQuoteRemove" js="1">Remove Quote</word>
<word key="editorSaid" js="1">said:</word>
<word key="submit_reply" js="1">Submit Reply</word>
<word key="editorPrefsButton" js="1">Preferences</word>
<word key="editorPrefsPAPT" js="1">Always paste as plain text</word>
<word key="editorSpoiler" js="1">Spoiler</word>
<word key="spoilerClickToReveal" js="1">Reveal hidden contents</word>
<word key="spoilerClickToHide" js="1">Hide contents</word>
<word key="multiquote_count" js="1"><![CDATA[Quote <span data-role="quotingTotal">{{count}}</span>]]></word>
<word key="multiquote_count_plural" js="1">{# [1:post][?:posts]}</word>
<word key="quote_selected_text" js="1">Quote selection</word>
<word key="newPostSingle" js="1">{{name}} has replied</word>
<word key="newPostMultiple" js="1">{# [1:new reply][?:new replies]}</word>
<word key="newPostMultipleSpillOver" js="1">{#+ [1:new reply][?:new replies]}</word>
<word key="showReply" js="1">Show Reply</word>
<word key="showReplies" js="1">Show Replies</word>
<word key="showFirstX" js="1">Show first {!# [1:new reply][?:# new replies]}</word>
<word key="showRepliesOr" js="1">or</word>
<word key="goToNewestPage" js="1">Go to first new post</word>
<word key="editCommentError" js="1">This comment can no longer be edited. It may have been moved or deleted, or too much time may have passed since it was posted for it to be edited.</word>
<word key="commentApproved" js="1">The comment has been approved</word>
<word key="commentApproving" js="1">Approving...</word>
<word key="commentUnrecommended" js="1">The comment recommendation has been removed</word>
<word key="confirmFlagAsSpammer" js="1">Are you sure you want to flag as a spammer?</word>
<word key="confirmUnFlagAsSpammer" js="1">Are you sure you want to unflag as a spammer?</word>
<word key="confirmUnFlagAsSpammerDesc" js="1">This will not reverse the actions taken when the member was flagged as a spammer. You will need to undo any restrictions manually.</word>
<word key="mergedConncurrentPosts" js="1">Your replies have been merged.</word>
<word key="notificationNewPostSingleTitle" js="1">New reply</word>
<word key="notificationNewPostSingleBody" js="1">{{name}} has just replied in {{title}}</word>
<word key="notificationNewPostMultipleTitle" js="1">{# [1:new reply][?:new replies]}</word>
<word key="notificationNewPostMultipleBody" js="1">There {!# [1:is new reply][?:are # new replies]} in {{title}}</word>
<word key="notificationsAccepted" js="1">Browser notifications enabled</word>
<word key="notificationsAcceptedBlurb" js="1">Your browser has enabled desktop notifications, allowing us to tell you when there's new content even if you aren't active in this window.</word>
<word key="notificationsDisabled" js="1">Browser notifications disabled</word>
<word key="notificationsDisabledBlurb" js="1">By enabling desktop notifications, we'll be able to tell you when there's new content even if you aren't active in this window. Check your browser help documentation to find out how to enable notifications for this site.</word>
<word key="notificationsNotSure" js="1">Browser notifications not enabled</word>
<word key="notificationsDefaultBlurb" js="1">By enabling desktop notifications, we'll be able to tell you when there's new content even if you aren't active in this window.</word>
<word key="notificationsAllow" js="1">Enable browser notifications</word>
<word key="notificationsAllowPrompt" js="1">Your browser will shortly prompt you to accept notifications from us. Reload this page after accepting them.</word>
<word key="month_0" js="1">January</word>
<word key="month_1" js="1">February</word>
<word key="month_2" js="1">March</word>
<word key="month_3" js="1">April</word>
<word key="month_4" js="1">May</word>
<word key="month_5" js="1">June</word>
<word key="month_6" js="1">July</word>
<word key="month_7" js="1">August</word>
<word key="month_8" js="1">September</word>
<word key="month_9" js="1">October</word>
<word key="month_10" js="1">November</word>
<word key="month_11" js="1">December</word>
<word key="month_0_short" js="1">Jan</word>
<word key="month_1_short" js="1">Feb</word>
<word key="month_2_short" js="1">Mar</word>
<word key="month_3_short" js="1">Apr</word>
<word key="month_4_short" js="1">May</word>
<word key="month_5_short" js="1">Jun</word>
<word key="month_6_short" js="1">Jul</word>
<word key="month_7_short" js="1">Aug</word>
<word key="month_8_short" js="1">Sep</word>
<word key="month_9_short" js="1">Oct</word>
<word key="month_10_short" js="1">Nov</word>
<word key="month_11_short" js="1">Dec</word>
<word key="day_0" js="1">Sunday</word>
<word key="day_1" js="1">Monday</word>
<word key="day_2" js="1">Tuesday</word>
<word key="day_3" js="1">Wednesday</word>
<word key="day_4" js="1">Thursday</word>
<word key="day_5" js="1">Friday</word>
<word key="day_6" js="1">Saturday</word>
<word key="day_0_short" js="1">Sun</word>
<word key="day_1_short" js="1">Mon</word>
<word key="day_2_short" js="1">Tue</word>
<word key="day_3_short" js="1">Wed</word>
<word key="day_4_short" js="1">Thu</word>
<word key="day_5_short" js="1">Fri</word>
<word key="day_6_short" js="1">Sat</word>
<word key="originalPost" js="1">Original post</word>
<word key="unsavedContentConfirm" js="1">You have unsaved content. Are you sure you want to leave?</word>
<word key="selectedPrefix" js="1"><![CDATA[<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_unbold'>Item prefix:</span> {{tag}}]]></word>
<word key="selectPrefix" js="1"><![CDATA[<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_unbold'>Item prefix:</span> None]]></word>
<word key="selectedNone" js="1">None</word>
<word key="tagsUpdated" js="1">The tags have been updated</word>
<word key="tagRemoved" js="1">Tag removed</word>
<word key="sidebarManager" js="1">Block Manager</word>
<word key="sidebarManagerDesc" js="1">Drag available blocks from this list into the block areas to add them to your community.</word>
<word key="sidebarManagerDesc2" js="1">Users will only see blocks they have permission to view.</word>
<word key="finishEditing" js="1">Finish Editing</word>
<word key="removeBlock" js="1">Remove block</word>
<word key="editBlock" js="1">Edit</word>
<word key="sidebarError" js="1">Couldn't save block positions</word>
<word key="sidebarConfigError" js="1">Couldn't save settings.</word>
<word key="sidebar_fetch_blocks_error" js="1">Couldn't get list of available blocks</word>
<word key="revokeWarning" js="1">Delete warning and reverse all actions (i.e.. remove points and cancel punishments), or just delete the log?</word>
<word key="reverseAndDelete" js="1"><![CDATA[Reverse & Delete]]></word>
<word key="justDelete" js="1">Delete Only</word>
<word key="split" js="1">Split</word>
<word key="move" js="1">Move</word>
<word key="merge" js="1">Merge</word>
<word key="hide" js="1">Hide</word>
<word key="cantEmptyEdit" js="1">You can't submit empty content here. Please enter some content and try again.</word>
<word key="quotedSpoiler" js="1">Hidden Content</word>
<word key="markAsReadConfirm" js="1">Are you sure you want to mark all content in the community as read?</word>
<word key="confirmRemoveCover" js="1">Are you sure you want to remove this cover photo?</word>
<word key="removeCoverDone" js="1">The cover photo has been removed</word>
<word key="dragCoverPhoto" js="1">Drag the cover image to reposition it</word>
<word key="savePosition" js="1">Save Position</word>
<word key="followFrequency_immediate" js="1">Immediate notification</word>
<word key="followFrequency_daily" js="1">Daily notification</word>
<word key="followFrequency_weekly" js="1">Weekly notification</word>
<word key="followFrequency_none" js="1">No notifications</word>
<word key="promote_confirm_delete" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete this promoted item?</word>
<word key="promote_confirm_delete_desc" js="1">Deleting will not remove the original content item, or remove it from externally shared services such as Facebook and Twitter. It will be removed from the 'Our Picks' list.</word>
<word key="enablePromote" js="1">Enable</word>
<word key="promoteImmediate" js="1">Next Batch</word>
<word key="promoteAuto" js="1">Next Auto-scheduled Batch</word>
<word key="promoteCustom" js="1">Custom Schedule</word>
<word key="no_message_selected" js="1">No message selected</word>
<word key="conversationDelete" js="1">Are you sure you want to permanently leave this conversation? You won't be able to access any posts in it.</word>
<word key="conversationMove" js="1">Are you sure you want to move this conversation to {{name}}?</word>
<word key="conversationMoved" js="1">The conversation was moved</word>
<word key="sendArchive" js="1">We'll send an archive of this conversation to your email address as an attachment</word>
<word key="folderDeleted" js="1">The folder has been deleted</word>
<word key="messageUserAdded" js="1">User included in this conversation</word>
<word key="messageUsersAdded" js="1">{# [1:user][?:users]} added to this conversation</word>
<word key="messageNotAllUsers" js="1">Not all specified users could be added to this conversation</word>
<word key="messageRemovedUser" js="1">Removed the user from the conversation</word>
<word key="addFolder" js="1">Add folder</word>
<word key="renameFolder" js="1">Rename folder</word>
<word key="messengerMarkRead" js="1">Mark all messages in {{folderName}} as read?</word>
<word key="messengerMarked" js="1">{{folderName}} marked as read</word>
<word key="messengerDeleteConfirm" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete this folder and ALL messages contained within it?</word>
<word key="messengerDeleteContents" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete ALL messages in {{folderName}}?</word>
<word key="renamedTo" js="1">{{folderName}} renamed to {{newFolderName}}</word>
<word key="messagesDeleteMany" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete {# [1:conversation][?:conversations]}?</word>
<word key="messagesDelete" js="1">Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?</word>
<word key="messagesDeleteSubText" js="1">The conversation will be removed from your inbox and you will not be able to view or rejoin it. Other participants will continue to see it.</word>
<word key="messagesDeleteManySubText" js="1">Deleting these conversations will remove them from your inbox, but other users in the conversations will continue to see them.</word>
<word key="messagesMove" js="1">Move conversations</word>
<word key="messageSearchFail" js="1">You did not select anything to search by</word>
<word key="messageSearchFailSubText" js="1">Please choose at least one item to search by in the search menu.</word>
<word key="metaTagsSaved" js="1">Meta tags for this page have been saved.</word>
<word key="metaTagsUnsaved" js="1">You haven't saved the changes to the meta tags on this page.</word>
<word key="rating_saved" js="1">Rating saved</word>
<word key="rating_failed" js="1">Couldn't save rating</word>
<word key="youRatedThis" js="1">You rated this {# [1:star][?:stars]}</word>
<word key="vseSection_body" js="1">Body</word>
<word key="vseSection_buttons" js="1">Button Styles</word>
<word key="vseSection_header" js="1">Header Styles</word>
<word key="vseSection_backgrounds" js="1">Area Backgrounds</word>
<word key="vseSection_other" js="1">Other Styles</word>
<word key="vseBackground" js="1">Background</word>
<word key="vseBackground_image" js="1">Background image</word>
<word key="vseBackground_gradient" js="1">Background gradient</word>
<word key="vseFont_color" js="1">Font color</word>
<word key="vseGradient_color" js="1">Color</word>
<word key="vseGradient_position" js="1">Position</word>
<word key="vseGradient_save" js="1">Save gradient</word>
<word key="vseCancel" js="1">Cancel</word>
<word key="vseSave" js="1">Save</word>
<word key="vseDelete" js="1">Delete</word>
<word key="vseAddStop" js="1">Add stop</word>
<word key="vseColorizer_desc" js="1">This tool enables you to change all relevant colors in this theme simply by picking a few main colors. If you've made any customizations already, they will be lost.</word>
<word key="vseColorizer_primary" js="1">Primary</word>
<word key="vseColorizer_secondary" js="1">Secondary</word>
<word key="vseColorizer_tertiary" js="1">Tertiary</word>
<word key="vseColorizer_text" js="1">Text</word>
<word key="vseColorizer_revert" js="1">Revert colorizer</word>
<word key="vseRevert" js="1">Are you sure you want to revert all changes?</word>
<word key="vseRevert_subtext" js="1">This will revert colors back to their original state, before you began editing.</word>
<word key="vseNoChanges" js="1">There are no changes to save in this theme yet</word>
<word key="vseSkinBuilt" js="1">Your theme has been saved. Do you want to close the editor?</word>
<word key="vseSkinBuilt_error" js="1">There was a technical problem saving this theme.</word>
<word key="vseUnsaved" js="1">You have unsaved changes that will be lost, are you sure you want to close the editor?</word>
<word key="vseMatchedStyles" js="1">Matched styles</word>
<word key="questionTitle" js="1">Question {{id}}</word>
<word key="choicesTitle" js="1">Choices</word>
<word key="votesTitle" js="1">Votes</word>
<word key="noMoreQuestionsMlord" js="1">You've reached the maximum number of questions a poll may have</word>
<word key="noMoreChoices" js="1">You can't add more choices to this question</word>
<word key="cantRemoveOnlyChoice" js="1">You must leave at least two choices for this question</word>
<word key="addChoice" js="1">Add Choice</word>
<word key="removeQuestion" js="1">Remove question</word>
<word key="removeQuestionConfirm" js="1">Are you sure you want to remove this question?</word>
<word key="multipleChoiceQuestion" js="1">Multiple choice question?</word>
<word key="questionPlaceholder" js="1">Question title</word>
<word key="votingNow" js="1">Voting...</word>
<word key="thanksForVoting" js="1">Thank you for your vote</word>
<word key="warn_allow_result_view" js="1">After viewing the results you will not be able to vote.</word>
<word key="theme_revert_setting" js="1">Revert theme setting to the value from a parent theme or the default theme setting value?</word>
<word key="files_overview_move_desc" js="1"><![CDATA[This configuration is in use and has changed!<br>If you have not done so manually, the files will need moving to the new location.]]></word>
<word key="files_overview_move" js="1">Move the files for me</word>
<word key="files_overview_leave" js="1">I have already moved the files</word>
<word key="menuItemHasChildren" js="1">This menu item contains children, which will also be removed if you proceed. Do you want to continue?</word>
<word key="menuItemHasDropdown" js="1">This menu item has a dropdown, which will also be removed if you proceed. Do you want to continue?</word>
<word key="menuManagerEmptyList" js="1">This dropdown menu is currently empty.</word>
<word key="menuManagerRemoveItem" js="1">Remove this item</word>
<word key="menuManagerNewItem" js="1">New Item</word>
<word key="menuManagerUnsavedTemp" js="1">You have an unsaved new item which will be removed if you continue. Are you sure?</word>
<word key="publishing" js="1">Publishing...</word>
<word key="publishedMenu" js="1">Your menu changes are now live</word>
<word key="menuPublishUnsaved" js="1">Your menu has unpublished changes that are not yet live. Click the Publish button in the toolbar to make your changes live.</word>
<word key="menuRestoreConfirm" js="1"><![CDATA[Are you sure you want to restore the menu to the <em>default</em> configuration? You will lose any changes you have made.]]></word>
<word key="menuRestoreConfirmSubtext" js="1">The reverted menu won't be published until you click the Publish button.</word>
<word key="confirmRemoveStream" js="1">Are you sure you want to remove this stream?</word>
<word key="newActivityItems" js="1">There {!# [1:is a new item][?:are # new items]} to view. Click here to load {!# [1:it][?:them]}.</word>
<word key="errorLoadingStream" js="1">Sorry, there was an error loading more activity.</word>
<word key="loadNewActivity" js="1">Load more activity</word>
<word key="noMoreActivity" js="1">There's no more activity to display</word>
<word key="autoUpdateStopped" js="1"><![CDATA[<i class='fa fa-pause'></i> Refresh to resume auto-updates ]]></word>
<word key="streamDefaultTooltip" js="1">We've also put your {{title}} stream here for easy access</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_include_comments_0" js="1">Items only</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_include_comments_1" js="1"><![CDATA[Items, Comments & Reviews]]></word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_read_unread" js="1">Unread</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_read_all" js="1"><![CDATA[<em>Everything</em>]]></word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_follow_all" js="1"><![CDATA[<em>Everything</em>]]></word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_follow_followed" js="1">I'm following</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_sort_newest" js="1">Newest first</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_sort_oldest" js="1">Oldest first</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_tags_noTags" js="1"><![CDATA[<em>Any tags</em>]]></word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_tags_tags" js="1">Tagged {{tags}}</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_tags_count" js="1">{# [1:tag][?:tags]}</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_ownership_all" js="1"><![CDATA[<em>Everything</em>]]></word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_ownership_started" js="1">I started</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_ownership_postedin" js="1">I posted in</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_ownership_custom" js="1">{# [1:member][?:members]}</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_follow_items" js="1">Items</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_follow_members" js="1">Members</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_follow_containers" js="1">Areas</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_date_type_all" js="1"><![CDATA[<em>Any time</em>]]></word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_date_type_last_visit" js="1">Last visit</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_date_type_relative" js="1">Past {# [1:day][?:days]}</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_date_type_start" js="1">{{start}} onwards</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_date_type_end" js="1">Before {{end}}</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_date_type_range" js="1">{{start}} to {{end}}</word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_classes_all" js="1"><![CDATA[<em>All content</em>]]></word>
<word key="streamFilter_stream_classes_no_clubs" js="1"><![CDATA[<em>All community content</em>]]></word>
<word key="toggleFiltersHidden" js="1"><![CDATA[Show filters <i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i>]]></word>
<word key="toggleFiltersShown" js="1"><![CDATA[Hide filters <i class='fa fa-caret-up'></i>]]></word>
<word key="notificationMarkAsRead" js="1">Are you sure you want to mark this as read?</word>
<word key="notificationGeneralSingle" js="1">New notification</word>
<word key="notificationGeneralMultiple" js="1">{# [1:new notification][?:new notifications]}</word>
<word key="notificationFlashSingle" js="1">You have a new notification</word>
<word key="notificationFlashMultiple" js="1">You have {# [1:new notification][?:new notifications]}</word>
<word key="messageGeneralSingle" js="1">New personal message</word>
<word key="messageGeneralMultiple" js="1">{# [1:new personal message][?:new personal messages]}</word>
<word key="messageFlashSingle" js="1">You have a new personal message</word>
<word key="messageFlashMultiple" js="1">You have {# [1:new personal message][?:new personal messages]}</word>
<word key="approvalQueueNoPerm" js="1">You do not have permission to perform this action for this content.</word>
<word key="apiEndpoints_all" js="1">All endpoints accessible</word>
<word key="apiEndpoints_some" js="1">{{checked}} of {# [1:endpoint][?:endpoints]} accessible</word>
<word key="apiEndpoints_none" js="1">No endpoints accessible</word>
<word key="strength_1" js="1">Very Weak</word>
<word key="strength_2" js="1">Weak</word>
<word key="strength_3" js="1">Fair</word>
<word key="strength_4" js="1">Strong</word>
<word key="strength_5" js="1">Very Strong</word>
<word key="password_advice" js="1"><![CDATA[A good password consists of:<br><ul class='ipsBullets'><li>8 or more characters</li><li>Mixture of letters and numbers</li><li>Mixture of upper and lowercase</li><li>Special characters</li><li>Non-dictionary words</li></ul>]]></word>
<word key="err_password_strength" js="1">Your password must be classified as at least {{strength}}.</word>
<word key="password_advice_title" js="1">Choosing a Password</word>
<word key="clubMemberApproved" js="1"><![CDATA[This member's request has been <strong>approved</strong>]]></word>
<word key="clubMemberDeclined" js="1"><![CDATA[This member's request has been <strong>declined</strong>]]></word>
<word key="clubRequestApproved" js="1">Request Approved</word>
<word key="clubRequestDenied" js="1">Request Denied</word>
<word key="removedReaction" js="1">Your reaction has been removed</word>
<word key="reactDailyExceeded" js="1">Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today.</word>
<word key="reactError" js="1">Sorry, there was a problem reacting to this content.</word>
<word key="imageProxyRebuild" js="1">Rebuild Existing Content?</word>
<word key="imageProxyRebuildBlurbEnable" js="1">You can optionally alter your existing image embeds to use local server loading. This runs in the background and may take some time to complete.</word>
<word key="imageProxyRebuildBlurbDisable" js="1">You can optionally remove local server loading for existing images. This runs in the background and may take some time to complete.</word>
<word key="imageProxyRebuildYes" js="1">Yes, Rebuild</word>
<word key="imageProxyRebuildNo" js="1">No</word>
<word key="emoji" js="1">Emoji</word>
<word key="emoji-category-smileys_people" js="1"><![CDATA[Smileys & People]]></word>
<word key="emoji-category-animals_nature" js="1"><![CDATA[Animals & Nature]]></word>
<word key="emoji-category-food_drink" js="1"><![CDATA[Food & Drink]]></word>
<word key="emoji-category-activities" js="1">Activity</word>
<word key="emoji-category-travel_places" js="1"><![CDATA[Travel & Places]]></word>
<word key="emoji-category-objects" js="1">Objects</word>
<word key="emoji-category-symbols" js="1">Symbols</word>
<word key="emoji-category-flags" js="1">Flags</word>
<word key="emoji-category-recent" js="1">Recently Used</word>
<word key="emoji_skin_tone" js="1">Skin Tone</word>
<word key="emoji_skin_tone_default" js="1">Default</word>
<word key="emoji_skin_tone_light" js="1">Light</word>
<word key="emoji_skin_tone_medium_light" js="1">Medium-Light</word>
<word key="emoji_skin_tone_medium" js="1">Medium</word>
<word key="emoji_skin_tone_medium_dark" js="1">Medium-Dark</word>
<word key="emoji_skin_tone_dark" js="1">Dark</word>
<word key="emoji-jack_o_lantern" js="1">Jack O Lantern</word>
<word key="emoji-christmas_tree" js="1">Christmas Tree</word>
<word key="emoji-fireworks" js="1">Fireworks</word>
<word key="emoji-sparkler" js="1">Firework Sparkler</word>
<word key="emoji-sparkles" js="1">Sparkles</word>
<word key="emoji-balloon" js="1">Balloon</word>
<word key="emoji-tada" js="1">Party Popper</word>
<word key="emoji-confetti_ball" js="1">Confetti Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-tanabata_tree" js="1">Tanabata Tree</word>
<word key="emoji-bamboo" js="1">Pine Decoration</word>
<word key="emoji-dolls" js="1">Japanese Dolls</word>
<word key="emoji-flags" js="1">Carp Streamer</word>
<word key="emoji-wind_chime" js="1">Wind Chime</word>
<word key="emoji-rice_scene" js="1">Moon Viewing Ceremony</word>
<word key="emoji-ribbon" js="1">Ribbon</word>
<word key="emoji-gift" js="1">Wrapped Present</word>
<word key="emoji-reminder_ribbon" js="1">Reminder Ribbon</word>
<word key="emoji-admission_tickets" js="1">Admission Tickets</word>
<word key="emoji-ticket" js="1">Ticket</word>
<word key="emoji-medal" js="1">Medal</word>
<word key="emoji-trophy" js="1">Trophy</word>
<word key="emoji-sports_medal" js="1">Sports Medal</word>
<word key="emoji-first_place_medal" js="1">First Place Medal</word>
<word key="emoji-second_place_medal" js="1">Second Place Medal</word>
<word key="emoji-third_place_medal" js="1">Third Place Medal</word>
<word key="emoji-soccer" js="1">Soccer Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-baseball" js="1">Baseball</word>
<word key="emoji-basketball" js="1">Basketball And Hoop</word>
<word key="emoji-volleyball" js="1">Volleyball</word>
<word key="emoji-football" js="1">American Football</word>
<word key="emoji-rugby_football" js="1">Rugby Football</word>
<word key="emoji-tennis" js="1">Tennis Racquet And Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-8ball" js="1">Billiards</word>
<word key="emoji-bowling" js="1">Bowling</word>
<word key="emoji-cricket_bat_and_ball" js="1">Cricket Bat And Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-field_hockey_stick_and_ball" js="1">Field Hockey Stick And Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-ice_hockey_stick_and_puck" js="1">Ice Hockey Stick And Puck</word>
<word key="emoji-table_tennis_paddle_and_ball" js="1">Table Tennis Paddle And Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-badminton_racquet_and_shuttlecock" js="1">Badminton Racquet And Shuttlecock</word>
<word key="emoji-boxing_glove" js="1">Boxing Glove</word>
<word key="emoji-martial_arts_uniform" js="1">Martial Arts Uniform</word>
<word key="emoji-goal_net" js="1">Goal Net</word>
<word key="emoji-dart" js="1">Direct Hit</word>
<word key="emoji-golf" js="1">Flag In Hole</word>
<word key="emoji-ice_skate" js="1">Ice Skate</word>
<word key="emoji-fishing_pole_and_fish" js="1">Fishing Pole And Fish</word>
<word key="emoji-running_shirt_with_sash" js="1">Running Shirt With Sash</word>
<word key="emoji-ski" js="1">Ski And Ski Boot</word>
<word key="emoji-sled" js="1">Sled</word>
<word key="emoji-curling_stone" js="1">Curling Stone</word>
<word key="emoji-video_game" js="1">Video Game</word>
<word key="emoji-joystick" js="1">Joystick</word>
<word key="emoji-game_die" js="1">Game Die</word>
<word key="emoji-spades" js="1">Spade Suit</word>
<word key="emoji-hearts" js="1">Heart Suit</word>
<word key="emoji-diamonds" js="1">Diamond Suit</word>
<word key="emoji-clubs" js="1">Club Suit</word>
<word key="emoji-black_joker" js="1">Joker</word>
<word key="emoji-mahjong" js="1">Mahjong Tile Red Dragon</word>
<word key="emoji-flower_playing_cards" js="1">Flower Playing Cards</word>
<word key="emoji-mute" js="1">Speaker With Cancellation Stroke</word>
<word key="emoji-speaker" js="1">Speaker</word>
<word key="emoji-sound" js="1">Speaker With One Sound Wave</word>
<word key="emoji-loud_sound" js="1">Speaker With Three Sound Waves</word>
<word key="emoji-loudspeaker" js="1">Public Address Loudspeaker</word>
<word key="emoji-mega" js="1">Cheering Megaphone</word>
<word key="emoji-postal_horn" js="1">Postal Horn</word>
<word key="emoji-bell" js="1">Bell</word>
<word key="emoji-no_bell" js="1">Bell With Cancellation Stroke</word>
<word key="emoji-musical_score" js="1">Musical Score</word>
<word key="emoji-musical_note" js="1">Musical Note</word>
<word key="emoji-notes" js="1">Multiple Musical Notes</word>
<word key="emoji-studio_microphone" js="1">Studio Microphone</word>
<word key="emoji-level_slider" js="1">Level Slider</word>
<word key="emoji-control_knobs" js="1">Control Knobs</word>
<word key="emoji-microphone" js="1">Microphone</word>
<word key="emoji-headphones" js="1">Headphone</word>
<word key="emoji-radio" js="1">Radio</word>
<word key="emoji-saxophone" js="1">Saxophone</word>
<word key="emoji-guitar" js="1">Guitar</word>
<word key="emoji-musical_keyboard" js="1">Musical Keyboard</word>
<word key="emoji-trumpet" js="1">Trumpet</word>
<word key="emoji-violin" js="1">Violin</word>
<word key="emoji-drum_with_drumsticks" js="1">Drum With Drumsticks</word>
<word key="emoji-iphone" js="1">Mobile Phone</word>
<word key="emoji-calling" js="1">Mobile Phone With Rightwards Arrow At Left</word>
<word key="emoji-phone" js="1">Telephone</word>
<word key="emoji-telephone_receiver" js="1">Telephone Receiver</word>
<word key="emoji-pager" js="1">Pager</word>
<word key="emoji-fax" js="1">Fax Machine</word>
<word key="emoji-battery" js="1">Battery</word>
<word key="emoji-electric_plug" js="1">Electric Plug</word>
<word key="emoji-computer" js="1">Personal Computer</word>
<word key="emoji-desktop_computer" js="1">Desktop Computer</word>
<word key="emoji-printer" js="1">Printer</word>
<word key="emoji-keyboard" js="1">Keyboard</word>
<word key="emoji-three_button_mouse" js="1">Three Button Mouse</word>
<word key="emoji-trackball" js="1">Trackball</word>
<word key="emoji-minidisc" js="1">Minidisc</word>
<word key="emoji-floppy_disk" js="1">Floppy Disk</word>
<word key="emoji-cd" js="1">Optical Disc</word>
<word key="emoji-dvd" js="1">DVD</word>
<word key="emoji-movie_camera" js="1">Movie Camera</word>
<word key="emoji-film_frames" js="1">Film Frames</word>
<word key="emoji-film_projector" js="1">Film Projector</word>
<word key="emoji-clapper" js="1">Clapper Board</word>
<word key="emoji-tv" js="1">Television</word>
<word key="emoji-camera" js="1">Camera</word>
<word key="emoji-camera_with_flash" js="1">Camera With Flash</word>
<word key="emoji-video_camera" js="1">Video Camera</word>
<word key="emoji-vhs" js="1">Videocassette</word>
<word key="emoji-mag" js="1">Left Pointing Magnifying Glass</word>
<word key="emoji-mag_right" js="1">Right Pointing Magnifying Glass</word>
<word key="emoji-microscope" js="1">Microscope</word>
<word key="emoji-telescope" js="1">Telescope</word>
<word key="emoji-satellite_antenna" js="1">Satellite Antenna</word>
<word key="emoji-candle" js="1">Candle</word>
<word key="emoji-bulb" js="1">Electric Light Bulb</word>
<word key="emoji-flashlight" js="1">Electric Torch</word>
<word key="emoji-izakaya_lantern" js="1">Izakaya Lantern</word>
<word key="emoji-notebook_with_decorative_cover" js="1">Notebook With Decorative Cover</word>
<word key="emoji-closed_book" js="1">Closed Book</word>
<word key="emoji-book" js="1">Open Book</word>
<word key="emoji-green_book" js="1">Green Book</word>
<word key="emoji-blue_book" js="1">Blue Book</word>
<word key="emoji-orange_book" js="1">Orange Book</word>
<word key="emoji-books" js="1">Books</word>
<word key="emoji-notebook" js="1">Notebook</word>
<word key="emoji-ledger" js="1">Ledger</word>
<word key="emoji-page_with_curl" js="1">Page With Curl</word>
<word key="emoji-scroll" js="1">Scroll</word>
<word key="emoji-page_facing_up" js="1">Page Facing Up</word>
<word key="emoji-newspaper" js="1">Newspaper</word>
<word key="emoji-rolled_up_newspaper" js="1">Rolled Up Newspaper</word>
<word key="emoji-bookmark_tabs" js="1">Bookmark Tabs</word>
<word key="emoji-bookmark" js="1">Bookmark</word>
<word key="emoji-label" js="1">Label</word>
<word key="emoji-moneybag" js="1">Money Bag</word>
<word key="emoji-yen" js="1">Banknote With Yen Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-dollar" js="1">Banknote With Dollar Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-euro" js="1">Banknote With Euro Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-pound" js="1">Banknote With Pound Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-money_with_wings" js="1">Money With Wings</word>
<word key="emoji-credit_card" js="1">Credit Card</word>
<word key="emoji-chart" js="1">Chart With Upwards Trend And Yen Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-currency_exchange" js="1">Currency Exchange</word>
<word key="emoji-heavy_dollar_sign" js="1">Heavy Dollar Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-email" js="1">Envelope</word>
<word key="emoji-e-mail" js="1">E Mail Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-incoming_envelope" js="1">Incoming Envelope</word>
<word key="emoji-envelope_with_arrow" js="1">Envelope With Downwards Arrow Above</word>
<word key="emoji-outbox_tray" js="1">Outbox Tray</word>
<word key="emoji-inbox_tray" js="1">Inbox Tray</word>
<word key="emoji-package" js="1">Package</word>
<word key="emoji-mailbox" js="1">Closed Mailbox With Raised Flag</word>
<word key="emoji-mailbox_closed" js="1">Closed Mailbox With Lowered Flag</word>
<word key="emoji-mailbox_with_mail" js="1">Open Mailbox With Raised Flag</word>
<word key="emoji-mailbox_with_no_mail" js="1">Open Mailbox With Lowered Flag</word>
<word key="emoji-postbox" js="1">Postbox</word>
<word key="emoji-ballot_box_with_ballot" js="1">Ballot Box With Ballot</word>
<word key="emoji-pencil2" js="1">Pencil</word>
<word key="emoji-black_nib" js="1">Fountain Pen</word>
<word key="emoji-lower_left_fountain_pen" js="1">Lower Left Fountain Pen</word>
<word key="emoji-lower_left_ballpoint_pen" js="1">Lower Left Ballpoint Pen</word>
<word key="emoji-lower_left_paintbrush" js="1">Lower Left Paintbrush</word>
<word key="emoji-lower_left_crayon" js="1">Lower Left Crayon</word>
<word key="emoji-memo" js="1">Memo</word>
<word key="emoji-briefcase" js="1">Briefcase</word>
<word key="emoji-file_folder" js="1">File Folder</word>
<word key="emoji-open_file_folder" js="1">Open File Folder</word>
<word key="emoji-card_index_dividers" js="1">Card Index Dividers</word>
<word key="emoji-date" js="1">Calendar</word>
<word key="emoji-calendar" js="1">Tear Off Calendar</word>
<word key="emoji-spiral_note_pad" js="1">Spiral Note Pad</word>
<word key="emoji-spiral_calendar_pad" js="1">Spiral Calendar Pad</word>
<word key="emoji-card_index" js="1">Card Index</word>
<word key="emoji-chart_with_upwards_trend" js="1">Chart With Upwards Trend</word>
<word key="emoji-chart_with_downwards_trend" js="1">Chart With Downwards Trend</word>
<word key="emoji-bar_chart" js="1">Bar Chart</word>
<word key="emoji-clipboard" js="1">Clipboard</word>
<word key="emoji-pushpin" js="1">Pushpin</word>
<word key="emoji-round_pushpin" js="1">Round Pushpin</word>
<word key="emoji-paperclip" js="1">Paperclip</word>
<word key="emoji-linked_paperclips" js="1">Linked Paperclips</word>
<word key="emoji-straight_ruler" js="1">Straight Ruler</word>
<word key="emoji-triangular_ruler" js="1">Triangular Ruler</word>
<word key="emoji-scissors" js="1">Scissors</word>
<word key="emoji-card_file_box" js="1">Card File Box</word>
<word key="emoji-file_cabinet" js="1">File Cabinet</word>
<word key="emoji-wastebasket" js="1">Wastebasket</word>
<word key="emoji-lock" js="1">Lock</word>
<word key="emoji-unlock" js="1">Open Lock</word>
<word key="emoji-lock_with_ink_pen" js="1">Lock With Ink Pen</word>
<word key="emoji-closed_lock_with_key" js="1">Closed Lock With Key</word>
<word key="emoji-key" js="1">Key</word>
<word key="emoji-old_key" js="1">Old Key</word>
<word key="emoji-hammer" js="1">Hammer</word>
<word key="emoji-pick" js="1">Pick</word>
<word key="emoji-hammer_and_pick" js="1">Hammer And Pick</word>
<word key="emoji-hammer_and_wrench" js="1">Hammer And Wrench</word>
<word key="emoji-dagger_knife" js="1">Dagger Knife</word>
<word key="emoji-crossed_swords" js="1">Crossed Swords</word>
<word key="emoji-gun" js="1">Pistol</word>
<word key="emoji-bow_and_arrow" js="1">Bow And Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-shield" js="1">Shield</word>
<word key="emoji-wrench" js="1">Wrench</word>
<word key="emoji-nut_and_bolt" js="1">Nut And Bolt</word>
<word key="emoji-gear" js="1">Gear</word>
<word key="emoji-compression" js="1">Compression</word>
<word key="emoji-alembic" js="1">Alembic</word>
<word key="emoji-scales" js="1">Scales</word>
<word key="emoji-link" js="1">Link Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-chains" js="1">Chains</word>
<word key="emoji-syringe" js="1">Syringe</word>
<word key="emoji-pill" js="1">Pill</word>
<word key="emoji-smoking" js="1">Smoking Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-coffin" js="1">Coffin</word>
<word key="emoji-funeral_urn" js="1">Funeral Urn</word>
<word key="emoji-moyai" js="1">Moyai</word>
<word key="emoji-oil_drum" js="1">Oil Drum</word>
<word key="emoji-crystal_ball" js="1">Crystal Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-shopping_trolley" js="1">Shopping Trolley</word>
<word key="emoji-atm" js="1">Automated Teller Machine</word>
<word key="emoji-put_litter_in_its_place" js="1">Put Litter In Its Place Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-potable_water" js="1">Potable Water Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-wheelchair" js="1">Wheelchair Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-mens" js="1">Mens Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-womens" js="1">Womens Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-restroom" js="1">Restroom</word>
<word key="emoji-baby_symbol" js="1">Baby Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-wc" js="1">Water Closet</word>
<word key="emoji-passport_control" js="1">Passport Control</word>
<word key="emoji-customs" js="1">Customs</word>
<word key="emoji-baggage_claim" js="1">Baggage Claim</word>
<word key="emoji-left_luggage" js="1">Left Luggage</word>
<word key="emoji-warning" js="1">Warning Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-children_crossing" js="1">Children Crossing</word>
<word key="emoji-no_entry" js="1">No Entry</word>
<word key="emoji-no_entry_sign" js="1">No Entry Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-no_bicycles" js="1">No Bicycles</word>
<word key="emoji-no_smoking" js="1">No Smoking Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-do_not_litter" js="1">Do Not Litter Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-non-potable_water" js="1">Non Potable Water Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-no_pedestrians" js="1">No Pedestrians</word>
<word key="emoji-no_mobile_phones" js="1">No Mobile Phones</word>
<word key="emoji-underage" js="1">No One Under Eighteen Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-radioactive_sign" js="1">Radioactive Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-biohazard_sign" js="1">Biohazard Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_up" js="1">Upwards Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_upper_right" js="1">North East Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_right" js="1">Rightwards Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_lower_right" js="1">South East Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_down" js="1">Downwards Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_lower_left" js="1">South West Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_left" js="1">Leftwards Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_upper_left" js="1">North West Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_up_down" js="1">Up Down Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-left_right_arrow" js="1">Left Right Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-leftwards_arrow_with_hook" js="1">Leftwards Arrow With Hook</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_right_hook" js="1">Rightwards Arrow With Hook</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_heading_up" js="1">Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Upwards</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_heading_down" js="1">Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards</word>
<word key="emoji-arrows_clockwise" js="1">Clockwise Downwards And Upwards Open Circle Arrows</word>
<word key="emoji-arrows_counterclockwise" js="1">Anticlockwise Downwards And Upwards Open Circle Arrows</word>
<word key="emoji-back" js="1">Back With Leftwards Arrow Above</word>
<word key="emoji-end" js="1">End With Leftwards Arrow Above</word>
<word key="emoji-on" js="1">On With Exclamation Mark With Left Right Arrow Above</word>
<word key="emoji-soon" js="1">Soon With Rightwards Arrow Above</word>
<word key="emoji-top" js="1">Top With Upwards Arrow Above</word>
<word key="emoji-place_of_worship" js="1">Place Of Worship</word>
<word key="emoji-atom_symbol" js="1">Atom Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-om_symbol" js="1">Om Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-star_of_david" js="1">Star Of David</word>
<word key="emoji-wheel_of_dharma" js="1">Wheel Of Dharma</word>
<word key="emoji-yin_yang" js="1">Yin Yang</word>
<word key="emoji-latin_cross" js="1">Latin Cross</word>
<word key="emoji-orthodox_cross" js="1">Orthodox Cross</word>
<word key="emoji-star_and_crescent" js="1">Star And Crescent</word>
<word key="emoji-peace_symbol" js="1">Peace Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-menorah_with_nine_branches" js="1">Menorah With Nine Branches</word>
<word key="emoji-six_pointed_star" js="1">Six Pointed Star With Middle Dot</word>
<word key="emoji-aries" js="1">Aries</word>
<word key="emoji-taurus" js="1">Taurus</word>
<word key="emoji-gemini" js="1">Gemini</word>
<word key="emoji-cancer" js="1">Cancer</word>
<word key="emoji-leo" js="1">Leo</word>
<word key="emoji-virgo" js="1">Virgo</word>
<word key="emoji-libra" js="1">Libra</word>
<word key="emoji-scorpius" js="1">Scorpius</word>
<word key="emoji-sagittarius" js="1">Sagittarius</word>
<word key="emoji-capricorn" js="1">Capricorn</word>
<word key="emoji-aquarius" js="1">Aquarius</word>
<word key="emoji-pisces" js="1">Pisces</word>
<word key="emoji-ophiuchus" js="1">Ophiuchus</word>
<word key="emoji-twisted_rightwards_arrows" js="1">Twisted Rightwards Arrows</word>
<word key="emoji-repeat" js="1">Clockwise Rightwards And Leftwards Open Circle Arrows</word>
<word key="emoji-repeat_one" js="1">Clockwise Rightwards And Leftwards Open Circle Arrows With Circled One Overlay</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_forward" js="1">Play Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-fast_forward" js="1">Fast Forward Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-black_right_pointing_double_triangle_with_vertical_bar" js="1">Skip Forward Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-black_right_pointing_triangle_with_double_vertical_bar" js="1">Play/Pause Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_backward" js="1">Left Pointing Triangle</word>
<word key="emoji-rewind" js="1">Rewind Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-black_left_pointing_double_triangle_with_vertical_bar" js="1">Skip Backward Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_up_small" js="1">Up Pointing Small Red Triangle</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_double_up" js="1">Up Pointing Double Triangle</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_down_small" js="1">Down Pointing Small Red Triangle</word>
<word key="emoji-arrow_double_down" js="1">Down Pointing Double Triangle</word>
<word key="emoji-double_vertical_bar" js="1">Pause Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-black_square_for_stop" js="1">Stop Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-black_circle_for_record" js="1">Record Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-eject" js="1">Eject</word>
<word key="emoji-cinema" js="1">Cinema</word>
<word key="emoji-low_brightness" js="1">Low Brightness Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-high_brightness" js="1">High Brightness Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-signal_strength" js="1">Antenna With Bars</word>
<word key="emoji-vibration_mode" js="1">Vibration Mode</word>
<word key="emoji-mobile_phone_off" js="1">Mobile Phone Off</word>
<word key="emoji-female_sign" js="1">Female Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-male_sign" js="1">Male Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-staff_of_aesculapius" js="1">Staff Of Aesculapius</word>
<word key="emoji-recycle" js="1">Universal Recycling Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-fleur_de_lis" js="1">Fleur De Lis</word>
<word key="emoji-trident" js="1">Trident Emblem</word>
<word key="emoji-name_badge" js="1">Name Badge</word>
<word key="emoji-beginner" js="1">Japanese Symbol For Beginner</word>
<word key="emoji-o" js="1">Heavy Large Circle</word>
<word key="emoji-white_check_mark" js="1">Heavy Check Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-ballot_box_with_check" js="1">Ballot Box With Check</word>
<word key="emoji-heavy_check_mark" js="1">Heavy Check Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-heavy_multiplication_x" js="1">Heavy Multiplication X</word>
<word key="emoji-x" js="1">Cross Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-negative_squared_cross_mark" js="1">Negative Cross Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-heavy_plus_sign" js="1">Heavy Plus Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-heavy_minus_sign" js="1">Heavy Minus Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-heavy_division_sign" js="1">Heavy Division Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-curly_loop" js="1">Curly Loop</word>
<word key="emoji-loop" js="1">Double Curly Loop</word>
<word key="emoji-part_alternation_mark" js="1">Part Alternation Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-eight_spoked_asterisk" js="1">Eight Spoked Asterisk</word>
<word key="emoji-eight_pointed_black_star" js="1">Eight Pointed Star</word>
<word key="emoji-sparkle" js="1">Sparkle</word>
<word key="emoji-bangbang" js="1">Double Exclamation Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-interrobang" js="1">Exclamation Question Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-question" js="1">Question Mark Ornament</word>
<word key="emoji-grey_question" js="1">White Question Mark Ornament</word>
<word key="emoji-grey_exclamation" js="1">White Exclamation Mark Ornament</word>
<word key="emoji-exclamation" js="1">Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-wavy_dash" js="1">Wavy Dash</word>
<word key="emoji-copyright" js="1">Copyright Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-registered" js="1">Registered Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-tm" js="1">Trade Mark Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-hash" js="1">Hash Key</word>
<word key="emoji-keycap_star" js="1">Keycap Star</word>
<word key="emoji-zero" js="1">Keycap 0</word>
<word key="emoji-one" js="1">Keycap 1</word>
<word key="emoji-two" js="1">Keycap 2</word>
<word key="emoji-three" js="1">Keycap 3</word>
<word key="emoji-four" js="1">Keycap 4</word>
<word key="emoji-five" js="1">Keycap 5</word>
<word key="emoji-six" js="1">Keycap 6</word>
<word key="emoji-seven" js="1">Keycap 7</word>
<word key="emoji-eight" js="1">Keycap 8</word>
<word key="emoji-nine" js="1">Keycap 9</word>
<word key="emoji-keycap_ten" js="1">Keycap Ten</word>
<word key="emoji-100" js="1">Hundred Points Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-capital_abcd" js="1">Input Symbol For Latin Capital Letters</word>
<word key="emoji-abcd" js="1">Input Symbol For Latin Small Letters</word>
<word key="emoji-1234" js="1">Input Symbol For Numbers</word>
<word key="emoji-symbols" js="1">Input Symbol For Symbols</word>
<word key="emoji-abc" js="1">Input Symbol For Latin Letters</word>
<word key="emoji-a" js="1">Blood type A</word>
<word key="emoji-ab" js="1">Blood type AB</word>
<word key="emoji-b" js="1">Blood type B</word>
<word key="emoji-cl" js="1">CL Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-cool" js="1">Cool</word>
<word key="emoji-free" js="1">Free</word>
<word key="emoji-information_source" js="1">Information Source</word>
<word key="emoji-id" js="1">Id</word>
<word key="emoji-m" js="1">Circled Letter M</word>
<word key="emoji-new" js="1">New</word>
<word key="emoji-ng" js="1">No Good</word>
<word key="emoji-o2" js="1">Blood type O</word>
<word key="emoji-ok" js="1">OK</word>
<word key="emoji-parking" js="1">Parking Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-sos" js="1">SOS Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-up" js="1">Up With Exclamation Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-vs" js="1">Vs</word>
<word key="emoji-koko" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "here"</word>
<word key="emoji-sa" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "service" or "service charge"</word>
<word key="emoji-u6708" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "monthly amount"</word>
<word key="emoji-u6709" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "not free of charge"</word>
<word key="emoji-u6307" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "reserved"</word>
<word key="emoji-ideograph_advantage" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "bargain"</word>
<word key="emoji-u5272" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "discount"</word>
<word key="emoji-u7121" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "free of charge"</word>
<word key="emoji-u7981" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "prohibited"</word>
<word key="emoji-accept" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "acceptable"</word>
<word key="emoji-u7533" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "application"</word>
<word key="emoji-u5408" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "passing (grade)"</word>
<word key="emoji-u7a7a" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "vacancy"</word>
<word key="emoji-congratulations" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "congratulations"</word>
<word key="emoji-secret" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "secret"</word>
<word key="emoji-u55b6" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "open for business"</word>
<word key="emoji-u6e80" js="1">Japanese sign meaning "full; no vacancy"</word>
<word key="emoji-black_small_square" js="1">Black Small Square</word>
<word key="emoji-white_small_square" js="1">White Small Square</word>
<word key="emoji-white_medium_square" js="1">White Medium Square</word>
<word key="emoji-black_medium_square" js="1">Black Medium Square</word>
<word key="emoji-white_medium_small_square" js="1">White Medium Small Square</word>
<word key="emoji-black_medium_small_square" js="1">Black Medium Small Square</word>
<word key="emoji-black_large_square" js="1">Black Large Square</word>
<word key="emoji-white_large_square" js="1">White Large Square</word>
<word key="emoji-large_orange_diamond" js="1">Large Orange Diamond</word>
<word key="emoji-large_blue_diamond" js="1">Large Blue Diamond</word>
<word key="emoji-small_orange_diamond" js="1">Small Orange Diamond</word>
<word key="emoji-small_blue_diamond" js="1">Small Blue Diamond</word>
<word key="emoji-small_red_triangle" js="1">Up Pointing Red Triangle</word>
<word key="emoji-small_red_triangle_down" js="1">Down Pointing Red Triangle</word>
<word key="emoji-diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside" js="1">Diamond Shape With A Dot Inside</word>
<word key="emoji-radio_button" js="1">Radio Button</word>
<word key="emoji-black_square_button" js="1">Black Square Button</word>
<word key="emoji-white_square_button" js="1">White Square Button</word>
<word key="emoji-white_circle" js="1">Medium White Circle</word>
<word key="emoji-black_circle" js="1">Medium Black Circle</word>
<word key="emoji-red_circle" js="1">Large Red Circle</word>
<word key="emoji-large_blue_circle" js="1">Large Blue Circle</word>
<word key="emoji-checkered_flag" js="1">Chequered Flag</word>
<word key="emoji-triangular_flag_on_post" js="1">Triangular Flag On Post</word>
<word key="emoji-waving_black_flag" js="1">Waving Black Flag</word>
<word key="emoji-waving_white_flag" js="1">Waving White Flag</word>
<word key="emoji-rainbow-flag" js="1">Rainbow Flag</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-af" js="1">Flag of Afghanistan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ax" js="1">Flag of Åland Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-al" js="1">Flag of Albania</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-dz" js="1">Flag of Algeria</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-as" js="1">Flag of American Samoa</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ad" js="1">Flag of Andorra</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ao" js="1">Flag of Angola</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ai" js="1">Flag of Anguilla</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-aq" js="1">Flag of Antarctica</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ag" js="1">Flag of Antigua and Barbuda</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ar" js="1">Flag of Argentina</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-am" js="1">Flag of Armenia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-aw" js="1">Flag of Aruba</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-au" js="1">Flag of Australia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-at" js="1">Flag of Austria</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-az" js="1">Flag of Azerbaijan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bs" js="1">Flag of Bahamas</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bh" js="1">Flag of Bahrain</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bd" js="1">Flag of Bangladesh</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bb" js="1">Flag of Barbados</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-by" js="1">Flag of Belarus</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-be" js="1">Flag of Belgium</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bz" js="1">Flag of Belize</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bj" js="1">Flag of Benin</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bm" js="1">Flag of Bermuda</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bt" js="1">Flag of Bhutan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bo" js="1">Flag of Bolivia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ba" js="1">Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bw" js="1">Flag of Botswana</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-br" js="1">Flag of Brazil</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-io" js="1">Flag of British Indian Ocean Territory</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-vg" js="1">Flag of British Virgin Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bn" js="1">Flag of Brunei Darussalam</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bg" js="1">Flag of Bulgaria</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bf" js="1">Flag of Burkina Faso</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bi" js="1">Flag of Burundi</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-kh" js="1">Flag of Cambodia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cm" js="1">Flag of Cameroon</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ca" js="1">Flag of Canada</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ic" js="1">Flag of Canary Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cv" js="1">Flag of Cape Verde</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bq" js="1">Flag of Caribbean Netherlands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ky" js="1">Flag of Cayman Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cf" js="1">Flag of Central African Republic</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-td" js="1">Flag of Chad</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cl" js="1">Flag of Chile</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cn" js="1">Flag of China</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cx" js="1">Flag of Christmas Island</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cc" js="1">Flag of Cocos (Keeling) Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-co" js="1">Flag of Colombia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-km" js="1">Flag of Comoros</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cg" js="1">Flag of Congo - Brazzaville</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cd" js="1">Flag of Congo - Kinshasa</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ck" js="1">Flag of Cook Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cr" js="1">Flag of Costa Rica</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ci" js="1">Flag of Côte d’Ivoire</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-hr" js="1">Flag of Croatia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cu" js="1">Flag of Cuba</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cw" js="1">Flag of Curaçao</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cy" js="1">Flag of Cyprus</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-cz" js="1">Flag of Czech Republic</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-dk" js="1">Flag of Denmark</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-dj" js="1">Flag of Djibouti</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-dm" js="1">Flag of Dominica</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-do" js="1">Flag of Dominican Republic</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ec" js="1">Flag of Ecuador</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-eg" js="1">Flag of Egypt</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sv" js="1">Flag of El Salvador</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gq" js="1">Flag of Equatorial Guinea</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-er" js="1">Flag of Eritrea</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ee" js="1">Flag of Estonia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-et" js="1">Flag of Ethiopia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-eu" js="1">Flag of European Union</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-fk" js="1">Flag of Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-fo" js="1">Flag of Faroe Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-fj" js="1">Flag of Fiji</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-fi" js="1">Flag of Finland</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-fr" js="1">Flag of France</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gf" js="1">Flag of French Guiana</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pf" js="1">Flag of French Polynesia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tf" js="1">Flag of French Southern Territories</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ga" js="1">Flag of Gabon</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gm" js="1">Flag of Gambia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ge" js="1">Flag of Georgia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-de" js="1">Flag of Germany</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gh" js="1">Flag of Ghana</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gi" js="1">Flag of Gibraltar</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gr" js="1">Flag of Greece</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gl" js="1">Flag of Greenland</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gd" js="1">Flag of Grenada</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gp" js="1">Flag of Guadeloupe</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gu" js="1">Flag of Guam</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gt" js="1">Flag of Guatemala</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gg" js="1">Flag of Guernsey</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gn" js="1">Flag of Guinea</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gw" js="1">Flag of Guinea-Bissau</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gy" js="1">Flag of Guyana</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ht" js="1">Flag of Haiti</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-hn" js="1">Flag of Honduras</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-hk" js="1">Flag of Hong Kong</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-hu" js="1">Flag of Hungary</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-is" js="1">Flag of Iceland</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-in" js="1">Flag of India</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-id" js="1">Flag of Indonesia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ir" js="1">Flag of Iran</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-iq" js="1">Flag of Iraq</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ie" js="1">Flag of Ireland</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-im" js="1">Flag of Isle Of Man</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-il" js="1">Flag of Israel</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-it" js="1">Flag of Italy</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-jm" js="1">Flag of Jamaica</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-jp" js="1">Flag of Japan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-je" js="1">Flag of Jersey</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-jo" js="1">Flag of Jordan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-kz" js="1">Flag of Kazakhstan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ke" js="1">Flag of Kenya</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ki" js="1">Flag of Kiribati</word>
<word key="emoji-crossed_flags" js="1">Crossed Flags</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-xk" js="1">Flag of Kosovo</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-kw" js="1">Flag of Kuwait</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-kg" js="1">Flag of Kyrgyzstan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-la" js="1">Flag of Lao People's Democratic Republic</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-lv" js="1">Flag of Latvia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-lb" js="1">Flag of Lebanon</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ls" js="1">Flag of Lesotho</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-lr" js="1">Flag of Liberia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ly" js="1">Flag of Libya</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-li" js="1">Flag of Liechtenstein</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-lt" js="1">Flag of Lithuania</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-lu" js="1">Flag of Luxembourg</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mo" js="1">Flag of Macao</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mk" js="1">Flag of Macedonia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mg" js="1">Flag of Madagascar</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mw" js="1">Flag of Malawi</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-my" js="1">Flag of Malaysia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mv" js="1">Flag of Maldives</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ml" js="1">Flag of Mali</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mt" js="1">Flag of Malta</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mh" js="1">Flag of Marshall Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mq" js="1">Flag of Martinique</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mr" js="1">Flag of Mauritania</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mu" js="1">Flag of Mauritius</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-yt" js="1">Flag of Mayotte</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mx" js="1">Flag of Mexico</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-fm" js="1">Flag of Micronesia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-md" js="1">Flag of Moldova</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mc" js="1">Flag of Monaco</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mn" js="1">Flag of Mongolia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-me" js="1">Flag of Montenegro</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ms" js="1">Flag of Montserrat</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ma" js="1">Flag of Morocco</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mz" js="1">Flag of Mozambique</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mm" js="1">Flag of Myanmar</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-na" js="1">Flag of Namibia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-nr" js="1">Flag of Nauru</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-np" js="1">Flag of Nepal</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-nl" js="1">Flag of Netherlands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-nc" js="1">Flag of New Caledonia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-nz" js="1">Flag of New Zealand</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ni" js="1">Flag of Nicaragua</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ne" js="1">Flag of Niger</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ng" js="1">Flag of Nigeria</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-nu" js="1">Flag of Niue</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-nf" js="1">Flag of Norfolk Island</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-kp" js="1">Flag of North Korea</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-mp" js="1">Flag of Northern Mariana Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-no" js="1">Flag of Norway</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-om" js="1">Flag of Oman</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pk" js="1">Flag of Pakistan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pw" js="1">Flag of Palau</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ps" js="1">Flag of Palestinian Territories</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pa" js="1">Flag of Panama</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pg" js="1">Flag of Papua New Guinea</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-py" js="1">Flag of Paraguay</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pe" js="1">Flag of Peru</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ph" js="1">Flag of Philippines</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pn" js="1">Flag of Pitcairn</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pl" js="1">Flag of Poland</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pt" js="1">Flag of Portugal</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pr" js="1">Flag of Puerto Rico</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-qa" js="1">Flag of Qatar</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-re" js="1">Flag of Réunion</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ro" js="1">Flag of Romania</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ru" js="1">Flag of Russian Federation</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-rw" js="1">Flag of Rwanda</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ws" js="1">Flag of Samoa</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sm" js="1">Flag of San Marino</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-st" js="1">Flag of Sao Tome and Principe</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sa" js="1">Flag of Saudi Arabia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sn" js="1">Flag of Senegal</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-rs" js="1">Flag of Serbia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sc" js="1">Flag of Seychelles</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sl" js="1">Flag of Sierra Leone</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sg" js="1">Flag of Singapore</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sx" js="1">Flag of Sint Maarten</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sk" js="1">Flag of Slovakia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-si" js="1">Flag of Slovenia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gs" js="1">Flag of South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sb" js="1">Flag of Solomon Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-so" js="1">Flag of Somalia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-za" js="1">Flag of South Africa</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-kr" js="1">Flag of South Korea</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ss" js="1">Flag of South Sudan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-es" js="1">Flag of Spain</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-lk" js="1">Flag of Sri Lanka</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-bl" js="1">Flag of Saint Barthélemy</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sh" js="1">Flag of Saint Helena</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-kn" js="1">Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-lc" js="1">Flag of Saint Lucia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-pm" js="1">Flag of Saint Pierre and Miquelon</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-vc" js="1">Flag of Saint Vincent and The Grenadines</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sd" js="1">Flag of Sudan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sr" js="1">Flag of Suriname</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sz" js="1">Flag of Swaziland</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-se" js="1">Flag of Sweden</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ch" js="1">Flag of Switzerland</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-sy" js="1">Flag of Syrian Arab Republic</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tw" js="1">Flag of Taiwan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tj" js="1">Flag of Tajikistan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tz" js="1">Flag of Tanzania</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-th" js="1">Flag of Thailand</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tl" js="1">Flag of Timor-Leste</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tg" js="1">Flag of Togo</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tk" js="1">Flag of Tokelau</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-to" js="1">Flag of Tonga</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tt" js="1">Flag of Trinidad and Tobago</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tn" js="1">Flag of Tunisia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tr" js="1">Flag of Turkey</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tm" js="1">Flag of Turkmenistan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tc" js="1">Flag of Turks and Caicos Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-tv" js="1">Flag of Tuvalu</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-vi" js="1">Flag of U.S. Virgin Islands</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ug" js="1">Flag of Uganda</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ua" js="1">Flag of Ukraine</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ae" js="1">Flag of United Arab Emirates</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-gb" js="1">Flag of United Kingdom</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-england" js="1">Flag of England</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-scotland" js="1">Flag of Scotland</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-wales" js="1">Flag of Wales</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-us" js="1">Flag of United States</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-uy" js="1">Flag of Uruguay</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-uz" js="1">Flag of Uzbekistan</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-vu" js="1">Flag of Vanuatu</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-va" js="1">Flag of Holy See</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ve" js="1">Flag of Venezuela</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-vn" js="1">Flag of Vietnam</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-wf" js="1">Flag of Wallis and Futuna</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-eh" js="1">Flag of Western Sahara</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-ye" js="1">Flag of Yemen</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-zm" js="1">Flag of Zambia</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-zw" js="1">Flag of Zimbabwe</word>
<word key="emoji-flag-un" js="1">Flag of United Nations</word>
<word key="emoji-cyclone" js="1">Cyclone</word>
<word key="emoji-foggy" js="1">Foggy</word>
<word key="emoji-closed_umbrella" js="1">Closed Umbrella</word>
<word key="emoji-night_with_stars" js="1">Night With Stars</word>
<word key="emoji-sunrise_over_mountains" js="1">Sunrise Over Mountains</word>
<word key="emoji-sunrise" js="1">Sunrise</word>
<word key="emoji-city_sunset" js="1">Cityscape At Dusk</word>
<word key="emoji-city_sunrise" js="1">Sunset Over Buildings</word>
<word key="emoji-rainbow" js="1">Rainbow</word>
<word key="emoji-bridge_at_night" js="1">Bridge At Night</word>
<word key="emoji-ocean" js="1">Water Wave</word>
<word key="emoji-volcano" js="1">Volcano</word>
<word key="emoji-milky_way" js="1">Milky Way</word>
<word key="emoji-earth_africa" js="1">Earth Globe Europe Africa</word>
<word key="emoji-earth_americas" js="1">Earth Globe Americas</word>
<word key="emoji-earth_asia" js="1">Earth Globe Asia Australia</word>
<word key="emoji-globe_with_meridians" js="1">Globe With Meridians</word>
<word key="emoji-new_moon" js="1">New Moon Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-waxing_crescent_moon" js="1">Waxing Crescent Moon Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-first_quarter_moon" js="1">First Quarter Moon Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-moon" js="1">Waxing Gibbous Moon Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-full_moon" js="1">Full Moon Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-waning_gibbous_moon" js="1">Waning Gibbous Moon Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-last_quarter_moon" js="1">Last Quarter Moon Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-waning_crescent_moon" js="1">Waning Crescent Moon Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-crescent_moon" js="1">Crescent Moon</word>
<word key="emoji-new_moon_with_face" js="1">New Moon With Face</word>
<word key="emoji-first_quarter_moon_with_face" js="1">First Quarter Moon With Face</word>
<word key="emoji-last_quarter_moon_with_face" js="1">Last Quarter Moon With Face</word>
<word key="emoji-full_moon_with_face" js="1">Full Moon With Face</word>
<word key="emoji-sun_with_face" js="1">Sun With Face</word>
<word key="emoji-star2" js="1">Glowing Star</word>
<word key="emoji-stars" js="1">Shooting Star</word>
<word key="emoji-thermometer" js="1">Thermometer</word>
<word key="emoji-mostly_sunny" js="1">Mostly Sunny</word>
<word key="emoji-barely_sunny" js="1">Barely Sunny</word>
<word key="emoji-partly_sunny_rain" js="1">Partly Sunny Rain</word>
<word key="emoji-rain_cloud" js="1">Rain Cloud</word>
<word key="emoji-snow_cloud" js="1">Snow Cloud</word>
<word key="emoji-lightning" js="1">Lightning</word>
<word key="emoji-tornado" js="1">Tornado</word>
<word key="emoji-fog" js="1">Fog</word>
<word key="emoji-wind_blowing_face" js="1">Wind Blowing Face</word>
<word key="emoji-carousel_horse" js="1">Carousel Horse</word>
<word key="emoji-ferris_wheel" js="1">Ferris Wheel</word>
<word key="emoji-roller_coaster" js="1">Roller Coaster</word>
<word key="emoji-art" js="1">Artist Palette</word>
<word key="emoji-circus_tent" js="1">Circus Tent</word>
<word key="emoji-performing_arts" js="1">Performing Arts</word>
<word key="emoji-slot_machine" js="1">Slot Machine</word>
<word key="emoji-snow_capped_mountain" js="1">Snow Capped Mountain</word>
<word key="emoji-camping" js="1">Camping</word>
<word key="emoji-beach_with_umbrella" js="1">Beach With Umbrella</word>
<word key="emoji-building_construction" js="1">Building Construction</word>
<word key="emoji-house_buildings" js="1">House Buildings</word>
<word key="emoji-cityscape" js="1">Cityscape</word>
<word key="emoji-derelict_house_building" js="1">Derelict House Building</word>
<word key="emoji-classical_building" js="1">Classical Building</word>
<word key="emoji-desert" js="1">Desert</word>
<word key="emoji-desert_island" js="1">Desert Island</word>
<word key="emoji-national_park" js="1">National Park</word>
<word key="emoji-stadium" js="1">Stadium</word>
<word key="emoji-house" js="1">House Building</word>
<word key="emoji-house_with_garden" js="1">House With Garden</word>
<word key="emoji-office" js="1">Office Building</word>
<word key="emoji-post_office" js="1">Japanese Post Office</word>
<word key="emoji-european_post_office" js="1">European Post Office</word>
<word key="emoji-hospital" js="1">Hospital</word>
<word key="emoji-bank" js="1">Bank</word>
<word key="emoji-hotel" js="1">Hotel</word>
<word key="emoji-love_hotel" js="1">Love Hotel</word>
<word key="emoji-convenience_store" js="1">Convenience Store</word>
<word key="emoji-school" js="1">School</word>
<word key="emoji-department_store" js="1">Department Store</word>
<word key="emoji-factory" js="1">Factory</word>
<word key="emoji-japanese_castle" js="1">Japanese Castle</word>
<word key="emoji-european_castle" js="1">European Castle</word>
<word key="emoji-barber" js="1">Barber Pole</word>
<word key="emoji-wedding" js="1">Wedding</word>
<word key="emoji-droplet" js="1">Droplet</word>
<word key="emoji-seat" js="1">Seat</word>
<word key="emoji-fire" js="1">Fire</word>
<word key="emoji-kaaba" js="1">Kaaba</word>
<word key="emoji-mosque" js="1">Mosque</word>
<word key="emoji-synagogue" js="1">Synagogue</word>
<word key="emoji-clock1" js="1">Clock Face One Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock2" js="1">Clock Face Two Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock3" js="1">Clock Face Three Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock4" js="1">Clock Face Four Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock5" js="1">Clock Face Five Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock6" js="1">Clock Face Six Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock7" js="1">Clock Face Seven Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock8" js="1">Clock Face Eight Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock9" js="1">Clock Face Nine Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock10" js="1">Clock Face Ten Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock11" js="1">Clock Face Eleven Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock12" js="1">Clock Face Twelve Oclock</word>
<word key="emoji-clock130" js="1">Clock Face One Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock230" js="1">Clock Face Two Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock330" js="1">Clock Face Three Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock430" js="1">Clock Face Four Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock530" js="1">Clock Face Five Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock630" js="1">Clock Face Six Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock730" js="1">Clock Face Seven Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock830" js="1">Clock Face Eight Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock930" js="1">Clock Face Nine Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock1030" js="1">Clock Face Ten Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock1130" js="1">Clock Face Eleven Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-clock1230" js="1">Clock Face Twelve Thirty</word>
<word key="emoji-mantelpiece_clock" js="1">Mantelpiece Clock</word>
<word key="emoji-frame_with_picture" js="1">Frame With Picture</word>
<word key="emoji-world_map" js="1">World Map</word>
<word key="emoji-mount_fuji" js="1">Mount Fuji</word>
<word key="emoji-tokyo_tower" js="1">Tokyo Tower</word>
<word key="emoji-statue_of_liberty" js="1">Statue Of Liberty</word>
<word key="emoji-japan" js="1">Silhouette Of Japan</word>
<word key="emoji-rocket" js="1">Rocket</word>
<word key="emoji-helicopter" js="1">Helicopter</word>
<word key="emoji-steam_locomotive" js="1">Steam Locomotive</word>
<word key="emoji-railway_car" js="1">Railway Car</word>
<word key="emoji-bullettrain_side" js="1">High Speed Train</word>
<word key="emoji-bullettrain_front" js="1">High Speed Train With Bullet Nose</word>
<word key="emoji-train2" js="1">Train</word>
<word key="emoji-metro" js="1">Metro</word>
<word key="emoji-light_rail" js="1">Light Rail</word>
<word key="emoji-station" js="1">Station</word>
<word key="emoji-tram" js="1">Tram</word>
<word key="emoji-train" js="1">Tram Car</word>
<word key="emoji-bus" js="1">Bus</word>
<word key="emoji-oncoming_bus" js="1">Oncoming Bus</word>
<word key="emoji-trolleybus" js="1">Trolleybus</word>
<word key="emoji-busstop" js="1">Bus Stop</word>
<word key="emoji-minibus" js="1">Minibus</word>
<word key="emoji-ambulance" js="1">Ambulance</word>
<word key="emoji-fire_engine" js="1">Fire Engine</word>
<word key="emoji-police_car" js="1">Police Car</word>
<word key="emoji-oncoming_police_car" js="1">Oncoming Police Car</word>
<word key="emoji-taxi" js="1">Taxi</word>
<word key="emoji-oncoming_taxi" js="1">Oncoming Taxi</word>
<word key="emoji-car" js="1">Automobile</word>
<word key="emoji-oncoming_automobile" js="1">Oncoming Automobile</word>
<word key="emoji-blue_car" js="1">Recreational Vehicle</word>
<word key="emoji-truck" js="1">Delivery Truck</word>
<word key="emoji-articulated_lorry" js="1">Articulated Lorry</word>
<word key="emoji-tractor" js="1">Tractor</word>
<word key="emoji-monorail" js="1">Monorail</word>
<word key="emoji-mountain_railway" js="1">Mountain Railway</word>
<word key="emoji-suspension_railway" js="1">Suspension Railway</word>
<word key="emoji-mountain_cableway" js="1">Mountain Cableway</word>
<word key="emoji-aerial_tramway" js="1">Aerial Tramway</word>
<word key="emoji-ship" js="1">Ship</word>
<word key="emoji-speedboat" js="1">Speedboat</word>
<word key="emoji-traffic_light" js="1">Horizontal Traffic Light</word>
<word key="emoji-vertical_traffic_light" js="1">Vertical Traffic Light</word>
<word key="emoji-construction" js="1">Construction Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-rotating_light" js="1">Police Cars Revolving Light</word>
<word key="emoji-door" js="1">Door</word>
<word key="emoji-bike" js="1">Bicycle</word>
<word key="emoji-toilet" js="1">Toilet</word>
<word key="emoji-shower" js="1">Shower</word>
<word key="emoji-bathtub" js="1">Bathtub</word>
<word key="emoji-couch_and_lamp" js="1">Couch And Lamp</word>
<word key="emoji-bellhop_bell" js="1">Bellhop Bell</word>
<word key="emoji-bed" js="1">Bed</word>
<word key="emoji-octagonal_sign" js="1">Octagonal Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-motorway" js="1">Motorway</word>
<word key="emoji-railway_track" js="1">Railway Track</word>
<word key="emoji-motor_boat" js="1">Motor Boat</word>
<word key="emoji-small_airplane" js="1">Small Airplane</word>
<word key="emoji-airplane_departure" js="1">Airplane Departure</word>
<word key="emoji-airplane_arriving" js="1">Airplane Arriving</word>
<word key="emoji-satellite" js="1">Satellite</word>
<word key="emoji-passenger_ship" js="1">Passenger Ship</word>
<word key="emoji-scooter" js="1">Scooter</word>
<word key="emoji-motor_scooter" js="1">Motor Scooter</word>
<word key="emoji-canoe" js="1">Canoe</word>
<word key="emoji-flying_saucer" js="1">Flying Saucer</word>
<word key="emoji-watch" js="1">Watch</word>
<word key="emoji-hourglass" js="1">Hourglass</word>
<word key="emoji-alarm_clock" js="1">Alarm Clock</word>
<word key="emoji-stopwatch" js="1">Stopwatch</word>
<word key="emoji-timer_clock" js="1">Timer Clock</word>
<word key="emoji-hourglass_flowing_sand" js="1">Hourglass With Flowing Sand</word>
<word key="emoji-sunny" js="1">Sun</word>
<word key="emoji-cloud" js="1">Cloud</word>
<word key="emoji-umbrella" js="1">Umbrella</word>
<word key="emoji-snowman" js="1">Snowman</word>
<word key="emoji-comet" js="1">Comet</word>
<word key="emoji-umbrella_with_rain_drops" js="1">Umbrella With Rain Drops</word>
<word key="emoji-hotsprings" js="1">Hot Springs</word>
<word key="emoji-anchor" js="1">Anchor</word>
<word key="emoji-zap" js="1">High Voltage Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-snowman_without_snow" js="1">Snowman Without Snow</word>
<word key="emoji-partly_sunny" js="1">Sun Behind Cloud</word>
<word key="emoji-thunder_cloud_and_rain" js="1">Thunder Cloud And Rain</word>
<word key="emoji-shinto_shrine" js="1">Shinto Shrine</word>
<word key="emoji-church" js="1">Church</word>
<word key="emoji-mountain" js="1">Mountain</word>
<word key="emoji-umbrella_on_ground" js="1">Umbrella On Ground</word>
<word key="emoji-fountain" js="1">Fountain</word>
<word key="emoji-ferry" js="1">Ferry</word>
<word key="emoji-boat" js="1">Sailboat</word>
<word key="emoji-tent" js="1">Tent</word>
<word key="emoji-fuelpump" js="1">Fuel Pump</word>
<word key="emoji-airplane" js="1">Airplane</word>
<word key="emoji-snowflake" js="1">Snowflake</word>
<word key="emoji-star" js="1">Medium Star</word>
<word key="emoji-hotdog" js="1">Hot Dog</word>
<word key="emoji-taco" js="1">Taco</word>
<word key="emoji-burrito" js="1">Burrito</word>
<word key="emoji-chestnut" js="1">Chestnut</word>
<word key="emoji-hot_pepper" js="1">Hot Pepper</word>
<word key="emoji-corn" js="1">Ear Of Maize</word>
<word key="emoji-mushroom" js="1">Mushroom</word>
<word key="emoji-tomato" js="1">Tomato</word>
<word key="emoji-eggplant" js="1">Aubergine</word>
<word key="emoji-grapes" js="1">Grapes</word>
<word key="emoji-melon" js="1">Melon</word>
<word key="emoji-watermelon" js="1">Watermelon</word>
<word key="emoji-tangerine" js="1">Tangerine</word>
<word key="emoji-lemon" js="1">Lemon</word>
<word key="emoji-banana" js="1">Banana</word>
<word key="emoji-pineapple" js="1">Pineapple</word>
<word key="emoji-apple" js="1">Red Apple</word>
<word key="emoji-green_apple" js="1">Green Apple</word>
<word key="emoji-pear" js="1">Pear</word>
<word key="emoji-peach" js="1">Peach</word>
<word key="emoji-cherries" js="1">Cherries</word>
<word key="emoji-strawberry" js="1">Strawberry</word>
<word key="emoji-hamburger" js="1">Hamburger</word>
<word key="emoji-pizza" js="1">Slice Of Pizza</word>
<word key="emoji-meat_on_bone" js="1">Meat On Bone</word>
<word key="emoji-poultry_leg" js="1">Poultry Leg</word>
<word key="emoji-rice_cracker" js="1">Rice Cracker</word>
<word key="emoji-rice_ball" js="1">Rice Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-rice" js="1">Cooked Rice</word>
<word key="emoji-curry" js="1">Curry And Rice</word>
<word key="emoji-ramen" js="1">Steaming Bowl</word>
<word key="emoji-spaghetti" js="1">Spaghetti</word>
<word key="emoji-bread" js="1">Bread</word>
<word key="emoji-fries" js="1">French Fries</word>
<word key="emoji-sweet_potato" js="1">Roasted Sweet Potato</word>
<word key="emoji-dango" js="1">Dango</word>
<word key="emoji-oden" js="1">Oden</word>
<word key="emoji-sushi" js="1">Sushi</word>
<word key="emoji-fried_shrimp" js="1">Fried Shrimp</word>
<word key="emoji-fish_cake" js="1">Fish Cake With Swirl Design</word>
<word key="emoji-icecream" js="1">Soft Ice Cream</word>
<word key="emoji-shaved_ice" js="1">Shaved Ice</word>
<word key="emoji-ice_cream" js="1">Ice Cream</word>
<word key="emoji-doughnut" js="1">Doughnut</word>
<word key="emoji-cookie" js="1">Cookie</word>
<word key="emoji-chocolate_bar" js="1">Chocolate Bar</word>
<word key="emoji-candy" js="1">Candy</word>
<word key="emoji-lollipop" js="1">Lollipop</word>
<word key="emoji-custard" js="1">Custard</word>
<word key="emoji-honey_pot" js="1">Honey Pot</word>
<word key="emoji-cake" js="1">Shortcake</word>
<word key="emoji-bento" js="1">Bento Box</word>
<word key="emoji-stew" js="1">Pot Of Food</word>
<word key="emoji-fried_egg" js="1">Cooking</word>
<word key="emoji-fork_and_knife" js="1">Fork And Knife</word>
<word key="emoji-tea" js="1">Teacup Without Handle</word>
<word key="emoji-sake" js="1">Sake Bottle And Cup</word>
<word key="emoji-wine_glass" js="1">Wine Glass</word>
<word key="emoji-cocktail" js="1">Cocktail Glass</word>
<word key="emoji-tropical_drink" js="1">Tropical Drink</word>
<word key="emoji-beer" js="1">Beer Mug</word>
<word key="emoji-beers" js="1">Clinking Beer Mugs</word>
<word key="emoji-baby_bottle" js="1">Baby Bottle</word>
<word key="emoji-knife_fork_plate" js="1">Knife Fork Plate</word>
<word key="emoji-champagne" js="1">Bottle With Popping Cork</word>
<word key="emoji-popcorn" js="1">Popcorn</word>
<word key="emoji-birthday" js="1">Birthday Cake</word>
<word key="emoji-amphora" js="1">Amphora</word>
<word key="emoji-hocho" js="1">Hocho</word>
<word key="emoji-clinking_glasses" js="1">Clinking Glasses</word>
<word key="emoji-tumbler_glass" js="1">Tumbler Glass</word>
<word key="emoji-spoon" js="1">Spoon</word>
<word key="emoji-croissant" js="1">Croissant</word>
<word key="emoji-avocado" js="1">Avocado</word>
<word key="emoji-cucumber" js="1">Cucumber</word>
<word key="emoji-bacon" js="1">Bacon</word>
<word key="emoji-potato" js="1">Potato</word>
<word key="emoji-carrot" js="1">Carrot</word>
<word key="emoji-baguette_bread" js="1">Baguette Bread</word>
<word key="emoji-green_salad" js="1">Green Salad</word>
<word key="emoji-shallow_pan_of_food" js="1">Shallow Pan Of Food</word>
<word key="emoji-stuffed_flatbread" js="1">Stuffed Flatbread</word>
<word key="emoji-egg" js="1">Egg</word>
<word key="emoji-glass_of_milk" js="1">Glass Of Milk</word>
<word key="emoji-peanuts" js="1">Peanuts</word>
<word key="emoji-kiwifruit" js="1">Kiwifruit</word>
<word key="emoji-pancakes" js="1">Pancakes</word>
<word key="emoji-dumpling" js="1">Dumpling</word>
<word key="emoji-fortune_cookie" js="1">Fortune Cookie</word>
<word key="emoji-takeout_box" js="1">Takeout Box</word>
<word key="emoji-chopsticks" js="1">Chopsticks</word>
<word key="emoji-bowl_with_spoon" js="1">Bowl With Spoon</word>
<word key="emoji-cup_with_straw" js="1">Cup With Straw</word>
<word key="emoji-coconut" js="1">Coconut</word>
<word key="emoji-broccoli" js="1">Broccoli</word>
<word key="emoji-pie" js="1">Pie</word>
<word key="emoji-pretzel" js="1">Pretzel</word>
<word key="emoji-cut_of_meat" js="1">Cut Of Meat</word>
<word key="emoji-sandwich" js="1">Sandwich</word>
<word key="emoji-canned_food" js="1">Canned Food</word>
<word key="emoji-cheese_wedge" js="1">Cheese Wedge</word>
<word key="emoji-coffee" js="1">Hot Beverage</word>
<word key="emoji-seedling" js="1">Seedling</word>
<word key="emoji-evergreen_tree" js="1">Evergreen Tree</word>
<word key="emoji-deciduous_tree" js="1">Deciduous Tree</word>
<word key="emoji-palm_tree" js="1">Palm Tree</word>
<word key="emoji-cactus" js="1">Cactus</word>
<word key="emoji-tulip" js="1">Tulip</word>
<word key="emoji-cherry_blossom" js="1">Cherry Blossom</word>
<word key="emoji-rose" js="1">Rose</word>
<word key="emoji-hibiscus" js="1">Hibiscus</word>
<word key="emoji-sunflower" js="1">Sunflower</word>
<word key="emoji-blossom" js="1">Blossom</word>
<word key="emoji-ear_of_rice" js="1">Ear Of Rice</word>
<word key="emoji-herb" js="1">Herb</word>
<word key="emoji-four_leaf_clover" js="1">Four Leaf Clover</word>
<word key="emoji-maple_leaf" js="1">Maple Leaf</word>
<word key="emoji-fallen_leaf" js="1">Fallen Leaf</word>
<word key="emoji-leaves" js="1">Leaf Fluttering In Wind</word>
<word key="emoji-rosette" js="1">Rosette</word>
<word key="emoji-rat" js="1">Rat</word>
<word key="emoji-mouse2" js="1">Mouse</word>
<word key="emoji-ox" js="1">Ox</word>
<word key="emoji-water_buffalo" js="1">Water Buffalo</word>
<word key="emoji-cow2" js="1">Cow</word>
<word key="emoji-tiger2" js="1">Tiger</word>
<word key="emoji-leopard" js="1">Leopard</word>
<word key="emoji-rabbit2" js="1">Rabbit</word>
<word key="emoji-cat2" js="1">Cat</word>
<word key="emoji-dragon" js="1">Dragon</word>
<word key="emoji-crocodile" js="1">Crocodile</word>
<word key="emoji-whale2" js="1">Whale</word>
<word key="emoji-snail" js="1">Snail</word>
<word key="emoji-snake" js="1">Snake</word>
<word key="emoji-racehorse" js="1">Horse</word>
<word key="emoji-ram" js="1">Ram</word>
<word key="emoji-goat" js="1">Goat</word>
<word key="emoji-sheep" js="1">Sheep</word>
<word key="emoji-monkey" js="1">Monkey</word>
<word key="emoji-rooster" js="1">Rooster</word>
<word key="emoji-chicken" js="1">Chicken</word>
<word key="emoji-dog2" js="1">Dog</word>
<word key="emoji-pig2" js="1">Pig</word>
<word key="emoji-boar" js="1">Boar</word>
<word key="emoji-elephant" js="1">Elephant</word>
<word key="emoji-octopus" js="1">Octopus</word>
<word key="emoji-shell" js="1">Spiral Shell</word>
<word key="emoji-bug" js="1">Bug</word>
<word key="emoji-ant" js="1">Ant</word>
<word key="emoji-bee" js="1">Honeybee</word>
<word key="emoji-beetle" js="1">Lady Beetle</word>
<word key="emoji-fish" js="1">Fish</word>
<word key="emoji-tropical_fish" js="1">Tropical Fish</word>
<word key="emoji-blowfish" js="1">Blowfish</word>
<word key="emoji-turtle" js="1">Turtle</word>
<word key="emoji-hatching_chick" js="1">Hatching Chick</word>
<word key="emoji-baby_chick" js="1">Baby Chick</word>
<word key="emoji-hatched_chick" js="1">Front Facing Baby Chick</word>
<word key="emoji-bird" js="1">Bird</word>
<word key="emoji-penguin" js="1">Penguin</word>
<word key="emoji-koala" js="1">Koala</word>
<word key="emoji-poodle" js="1">Poodle</word>
<word key="emoji-dromedary_camel" js="1">Dromedary Camel</word>
<word key="emoji-camel" js="1">Bactrian Camel</word>
<word key="emoji-dolphin" js="1">Dolphin</word>
<word key="emoji-mouse" js="1">Mouse Face</word>
<word key="emoji-cow" js="1">Cow Face</word>
<word key="emoji-tiger" js="1">Tiger Face</word>
<word key="emoji-rabbit" js="1">Rabbit Face</word>
<word key="emoji-cat" js="1">Cat Face</word>
<word key="emoji-dragon_face" js="1">Dragon Face</word>
<word key="emoji-whale" js="1">Spouting Whale</word>
<word key="emoji-horse" js="1">Horse Face</word>
<word key="emoji-monkey_face" js="1">Monkey Face</word>
<word key="emoji-dog" js="1">Dog Face</word>
<word key="emoji-pig" js="1">Pig Face</word>
<word key="emoji-frog" js="1">Frog Face</word>
<word key="emoji-hamster" js="1">Hamster Face</word>
<word key="emoji-wolf" js="1">Wolf Face</word>
<word key="emoji-bear" js="1">Bear Face</word>
<word key="emoji-panda_face" js="1">Panda Face</word>
<word key="emoji-pig_nose" js="1">Pig Nose</word>
<word key="emoji-feet" js="1">Paw Prints</word>
<word key="emoji-chipmunk" js="1">Chipmunk</word>
<word key="emoji-bouquet" js="1">Bouquet</word>
<word key="emoji-white_flower" js="1">White Flower</word>
<word key="emoji-dove_of_peace" js="1">Dove Of Peace</word>
<word key="emoji-spider" js="1">Spider</word>
<word key="emoji-spider_web" js="1">Spider Web</word>
<word key="emoji-wilted_flower" js="1">Wilted Flower</word>
<word key="emoji-crab" js="1">Crab</word>
<word key="emoji-lion_face" js="1">Lion Face</word>
<word key="emoji-scorpion" js="1">Scorpion</word>
<word key="emoji-turkey" js="1">Turkey</word>
<word key="emoji-unicorn_face" js="1">Unicorn Face</word>
<word key="emoji-eagle" js="1">Eagle</word>
<word key="emoji-duck" js="1">Duck</word>
<word key="emoji-bat" js="1">Bat</word>
<word key="emoji-shark" js="1">Shark</word>
<word key="emoji-owl" js="1">Owl</word>
<word key="emoji-fox_face" js="1">Fox Face</word>
<word key="emoji-butterfly" js="1">Butterfly</word>
<word key="emoji-deer" js="1">Deer</word>
<word key="emoji-gorilla" js="1">Gorilla</word>
<word key="emoji-lizard" js="1">Lizard</word>
<word key="emoji-rhinoceros" js="1">Rhinoceros</word>
<word key="emoji-shrimp" js="1">Shrimp</word>
<word key="emoji-squid" js="1">Squid</word>
<word key="emoji-giraffe_face" js="1">Giraffe Face</word>
<word key="emoji-zebra_face" js="1">Zebra Face</word>
<word key="emoji-hedgehog" js="1">Hedgehog</word>
<word key="emoji-sauropod" js="1">Sauropod</word>
<word key="emoji-t-rex" js="1">T Rex</word>
<word key="emoji-cricket" js="1">Cricket</word>
<word key="emoji-shamrock" js="1">Shamrock</word>
<word key="emoji-santa" js="1">Father Christmas</word>
<word key="emoji-school_satchel" js="1">School Satchel</word>
<word key="emoji-mortar_board" js="1">Graduation Cap</word>
<word key="emoji-tophat" js="1">Top Hat</word>
<word key="emoji-snowboarder" js="1">Snowboarder</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-running" js="1">Woman Running</word>
<word key="emoji-man-running" js="1">Man Running</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-surfing" js="1">Woman Surfing</word>
<word key="emoji-man-surfing" js="1">Man Surfing</word>
<word key="emoji-horse_racing" js="1">Horse Racing</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-swimming" js="1">Woman Swimming</word>
<word key="emoji-man-swimming" js="1">Man Swimming</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-lifting-weights" js="1">Woman Lifting Weights</word>
<word key="emoji-man-lifting-weights" js="1">Man Lifting Weights</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-golfing" js="1">Woman Golfing</word>
<word key="emoji-man-golfing" js="1">Man Golfing</word>
<word key="emoji-racing_motorcycle" js="1">Racing Motorcycle</word>
<word key="emoji-racing_car" js="1">Racing Car</word>
<word key="emoji-eyes" js="1">Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-eye-in-speech-bubble" js="1">Eye In Speech Bubble</word>
<word key="emoji-eye" js="1">Eye</word>
<word key="emoji-ear" js="1">Ear</word>
<word key="emoji-nose" js="1">Nose</word>
<word key="emoji-lips" js="1">Mouth</word>
<word key="emoji-tongue" js="1">Tongue</word>
<word key="emoji-point_up_2" js="1">Up Pointing Backhand Index</word>
<word key="emoji-point_down" js="1">Finger Pointing Down</word>
<word key="emoji-point_left" js="1">Finger Pointing Left</word>
<word key="emoji-point_right" js="1">Finger Pointing Right</word>
<word key="emoji-facepunch" js="1">Fisted Hand Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-wave" js="1">Waving Hand Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-ok_hand" js="1">Ok Hand Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-+1" js="1">Thumbs Up Sign</word>
<word key="emoji--1" js="1">Thumbs Down Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-clap" js="1">Clapping Hands Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-open_hands" js="1">Open Hands Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-crown" js="1">Crown</word>
<word key="emoji-womans_hat" js="1">Womans Hat</word>
<word key="emoji-eyeglasses" js="1">Eyeglasses</word>
<word key="emoji-necktie" js="1">Necktie</word>
<word key="emoji-shirt" js="1">T Shirt</word>
<word key="emoji-jeans" js="1">Jeans</word>
<word key="emoji-dress" js="1">Dress</word>
<word key="emoji-kimono" js="1">Kimono</word>
<word key="emoji-bikini" js="1">Bikini</word>
<word key="emoji-womans_clothes" js="1">Womans Clothes</word>
<word key="emoji-purse" js="1">Purse</word>
<word key="emoji-handbag" js="1">Handbag</word>
<word key="emoji-pouch" js="1">Pouch</word>
<word key="emoji-mans_shoe" js="1">Mans Shoe</word>
<word key="emoji-athletic_shoe" js="1">Athletic Shoe</word>
<word key="emoji-high_heel" js="1">High Heeled Shoe</word>
<word key="emoji-sandal" js="1">Womans Sandal</word>
<word key="emoji-boot" js="1">Womans Boots</word>
<word key="emoji-footprints" js="1">Footprints</word>
<word key="emoji-bust_in_silhouette" js="1">Bust In Silhouette</word>
<word key="emoji-busts_in_silhouette" js="1">Busts In Silhouette</word>
<word key="emoji-boy" js="1">Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-girl" js="1">Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-male-farmer" js="1">Male Farmer</word>
<word key="emoji-male-cook" js="1">Male Cook</word>
<word key="emoji-male-student" js="1">Male Student</word>
<word key="emoji-male-singer" js="1">Male Singer</word>
<word key="emoji-male-artist" js="1">Male Artist</word>
<word key="emoji-male-teacher" js="1">Male Teacher</word>
<word key="emoji-male-factory-worker" js="1">Male Factory Worker</word>
<word key="emoji-man-boy-boy" js="1">Man Boy Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-boy" js="1">Man Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-girl-boy" js="1">Man Girl Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-girl-girl" js="1">Man Girl Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-man-girl" js="1">Man Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-man-man-boy" js="1">Man Man Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-man-boy-boy" js="1">Man Man Boy Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-man-girl" js="1">Man Man Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-man-man-girl-boy" js="1">Man Man Girl Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-man-girl-girl" js="1">Man Man Girl Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-man-woman-boy" js="1">Man Woman Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-woman-boy-boy" js="1">Man Woman Boy Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-woman-girl" js="1">Man Woman Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-man-woman-girl-boy" js="1">Man Woman Girl Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-man-woman-girl-girl" js="1">Man Woman Girl Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-male-technologist" js="1">Male Technologist</word>
<word key="emoji-male-office-worker" js="1">Male Office Worker</word>
<word key="emoji-male-mechanic" js="1">Male Mechanic</word>
<word key="emoji-male-scientist" js="1">Male Scientist</word>
<word key="emoji-male-astronaut" js="1">Male Astronaut</word>
<word key="emoji-male-firefighter" js="1">Male Firefighter</word>
<word key="emoji-male-doctor" js="1">Male Doctor</word>
<word key="emoji-male-judge" js="1">Male Judge</word>
<word key="emoji-male-pilot" js="1">Male Pilot</word>
<word key="emoji-man-heart-man" js="1">Man Heart Man</word>
<word key="emoji-man-kiss-man" js="1">Man Kiss Man</word>
<word key="emoji-man" js="1">Man</word>
<word key="emoji-female-farmer" js="1">Female Farmer</word>
<word key="emoji-female-cook" js="1">Female Cook</word>
<word key="emoji-female-student" js="1">Female Student</word>
<word key="emoji-female-singer" js="1">Female Singer</word>
<word key="emoji-female-artist" js="1">Female Artist</word>
<word key="emoji-female-teacher" js="1">Female Teacher</word>
<word key="emoji-female-factory-worker" js="1">Female Factory Worker</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-boy-boy" js="1">Woman Boy Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-boy" js="1">Woman Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-girl-boy" js="1">Woman Girl Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-girl-girl" js="1">Woman Girl Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-girl" js="1">Woman Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-woman-boy" js="1">Woman Woman Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-woman-boy-boy" js="1">Woman Woman Boy Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-woman-girl" js="1">Woman Woman Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-woman-girl-boy" js="1">Woman Woman Girl Boy</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-woman-girl-girl" js="1">Woman Woman Girl Girl</word>
<word key="emoji-female-technologist" js="1">Female Technologist</word>
<word key="emoji-female-office-worker" js="1">Female Office Worker</word>
<word key="emoji-female-mechanic" js="1">Female Mechanic</word>
<word key="emoji-female-scientist" js="1">Female Scientist</word>
<word key="emoji-female-astronaut" js="1">Female Astronaut</word>
<word key="emoji-female-firefighter" js="1">Female Firefighter</word>
<word key="emoji-female-doctor" js="1">Female Doctor</word>
<word key="emoji-female-judge" js="1">Female Judge</word>
<word key="emoji-female-pilot" js="1">Female Pilot</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-heart-man" js="1">Woman Heart Man</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-heart-woman" js="1">Woman Heart Woman</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-kiss-man" js="1">Woman Kiss Man</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-kiss-woman" js="1">Woman Kiss Woman</word>
<word key="emoji-woman" js="1">Woman</word>
<word key="emoji-couple" js="1">Man And Woman Holding Hands</word>
<word key="emoji-two_men_holding_hands" js="1">Two Men Holding Hands</word>
<word key="emoji-two_women_holding_hands" js="1">Two Women Holding Hands</word>
<word key="emoji-female-police-officer" js="1">Female Police Officer</word>
<word key="emoji-male-police-officer" js="1">Male Police Officer</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-with-bunny-ears-partying" js="1">Woman With Bunny Ears Partying</word>
<word key="emoji-man-with-bunny-ears-partying" js="1">Man With Bunny Ears Partying</word>
<word key="emoji-bride_with_veil" js="1">Bride With Veil</word>
<word key="emoji-blond-haired-woman" js="1">Blond Haired Woman</word>
<word key="emoji-blond-haired-man" js="1">Blond Haired Man</word>
<word key="emoji-man_with_gua_pi_mao" js="1">Man With Gua Pi Mao</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-wearing-turban" js="1">Woman Wearing Turban</word>
<word key="emoji-man-wearing-turban" js="1">Man Wearing Turban</word>
<word key="emoji-older_man" js="1">Older Man</word>
<word key="emoji-older_woman" js="1">Older Woman</word>
<word key="emoji-baby" js="1">Baby</word>
<word key="emoji-female-construction-worker" js="1">Female Construction Worker</word>
<word key="emoji-male-construction-worker" js="1">Male Construction Worker</word>
<word key="emoji-princess" js="1">Princess</word>
<word key="emoji-japanese_ogre" js="1">Japanese Ogre</word>
<word key="emoji-japanese_goblin" js="1">Japanese Goblin</word>
<word key="emoji-ghost" js="1">Ghost</word>
<word key="emoji-angel" js="1">Baby Angel</word>
<word key="emoji-alien" js="1">Extraterrestrial Alien</word>
<word key="emoji-space_invader" js="1">Alien Monster</word>
<word key="emoji-imp" js="1">Imp</word>
<word key="emoji-skull" js="1">Skull</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-tipping-hand" js="1">Woman Tipping Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-man-tipping-hand" js="1">Man Tipping Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-female-guard" js="1">Female Guard</word>
<word key="emoji-male-guard" js="1">Male Guard</word>
<word key="emoji-dancer" js="1">Dancer</word>
<word key="emoji-lipstick" js="1">Lipstick</word>
<word key="emoji-nail_care" js="1">Nail Polish</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-getting-massage" js="1">Woman Getting Massage</word>
<word key="emoji-man-getting-massage" js="1">Man Getting Massage</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-getting-haircut" js="1">Woman Getting Haircut</word>
<word key="emoji-man-getting-haircut" js="1">Man Getting Haircut</word>
<word key="emoji-kiss" js="1">Kiss Mark</word>
<word key="emoji-love_letter" js="1">Love Letter</word>
<word key="emoji-ring" js="1">Ring</word>
<word key="emoji-gem" js="1">Gem Stone</word>
<word key="emoji-heartbeat" js="1">Beating Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-broken_heart" js="1">Broken Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-two_hearts" js="1">Two Hearts</word>
<word key="emoji-sparkling_heart" js="1">Sparkling Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-heartpulse" js="1">Growing Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-cupid" js="1">Heart With Arrow</word>
<word key="emoji-blue_heart" js="1">Blue Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-green_heart" js="1">Green Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-yellow_heart" js="1">Yellow Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-purple_heart" js="1">Purple Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-gift_heart" js="1">Heart With Ribbon</word>
<word key="emoji-revolving_hearts" js="1">Revolving Hearts</word>
<word key="emoji-heart_decoration" js="1">Heart Decoration</word>
<word key="emoji-anger" js="1">Anger Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-bomb" js="1">Bomb</word>
<word key="emoji-zzz" js="1">Sleeping Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-boom" js="1">Collision Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-sweat_drops" js="1">Splashing Sweat Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-dash" js="1">Dash Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-hankey" js="1">Pile Of Poo</word>
<word key="emoji-muscle" js="1">Flexed Biceps</word>
<word key="emoji-dizzy" js="1">Dizzy Symbol</word>
<word key="emoji-speech_balloon" js="1">Speech Balloon</word>
<word key="emoji-thought_balloon" js="1">Thought Balloon</word>
<word key="emoji-prayer_beads" js="1">Prayer Beads</word>
<word key="emoji-hole" js="1">Hole</word>
<word key="emoji-man_in_business_suit_levitating" js="1">Man In Business Suit Levitating</word>
<word key="emoji-female-detective" js="1">Female Detective</word>
<word key="emoji-male-detective" js="1">Male Detective</word>
<word key="emoji-dark_sunglasses" js="1">Dark Sunglasses</word>
<word key="emoji-man_dancing" js="1">Man Dancing</word>
<word key="emoji-raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed" js="1">Raised Hand With Fingers Splayed</word>
<word key="emoji-middle_finger" js="1">Reversed Hand With Middle Finger Extended</word>
<word key="emoji-spock-hand" js="1">Raised Hand With Part Between Middle And Ring Fingers</word>
<word key="emoji-black_heart" js="1">Black Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-speaking_head_in_silhouette" js="1">Speaking Head In Silhouette</word>
<word key="emoji-left_speech_bubble" js="1">Left Speech Bubble</word>
<word key="emoji-right_anger_bubble" js="1">Right Anger Bubble</word>
<word key="emoji-grinning" js="1">Grinning Face</word>
<word key="emoji-grin" js="1">Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-joy" js="1">Face With Tears Of Joy</word>
<word key="emoji-smiley" js="1">Smiling Face With Open Mouth</word>
<word key="emoji-smile" js="1">Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Smiling Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-sweat_smile" js="1">Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Cold Sweat</word>
<word key="emoji-laughing" js="1">Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Tightly Closed Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-innocent" js="1">Smiling Face With Halo</word>
<word key="emoji-smiling_imp" js="1">Smiling Face With Horns</word>
<word key="emoji-wink" js="1">Winking Face</word>
<word key="emoji-blush" js="1">Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-yum" js="1">Face Savouring Delicious Food</word>
<word key="emoji-relieved" js="1">Relieved Face</word>
<word key="emoji-heart_eyes" js="1">Smiling Face With Heart Shaped Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-sunglasses" js="1">Smiling Face With Sunglasses</word>
<word key="emoji-smirk" js="1">Smirking Face</word>
<word key="emoji-neutral_face" js="1">Neutral Face</word>
<word key="emoji-expressionless" js="1">Expressionless Face</word>
<word key="emoji-unamused" js="1">Unamused Face</word>
<word key="emoji-sweat" js="1">Face With Cold Sweat</word>
<word key="emoji-pensive" js="1">Pensive Face</word>
<word key="emoji-confused" js="1">Confused Face</word>
<word key="emoji-confounded" js="1">Confounded Face</word>
<word key="emoji-kissing" js="1">Kissing Face</word>
<word key="emoji-kissing_heart" js="1">Face Throwing A Kiss</word>
<word key="emoji-kissing_smiling_eyes" js="1">Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-kissing_closed_eyes" js="1">Kissing Face With Closed Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-stuck_out_tongue" js="1">Face With Stuck Out Tongue</word>
<word key="emoji-stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye" js="1">Face With Stuck Out Tongue And Winking Eye</word>
<word key="emoji-stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes" js="1">Face With Stuck Out Tongue And Tightly Closed Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-disappointed" js="1">Disappointed Face</word>
<word key="emoji-worried" js="1">Worried Face</word>
<word key="emoji-angry" js="1">Angry Face</word>
<word key="emoji-rage" js="1">Pouting Face</word>
<word key="emoji-cry" js="1">Crying Face</word>
<word key="emoji-persevere" js="1">Persevering Face</word>
<word key="emoji-triumph" js="1">Face With Look Of Triumph</word>
<word key="emoji-disappointed_relieved" js="1">Disappointed But Relieved Face</word>
<word key="emoji-frowning" js="1">Frowning Face With Open Mouth</word>
<word key="emoji-anguished" js="1">Anguished Face</word>
<word key="emoji-fearful" js="1">Fearful Face</word>
<word key="emoji-weary" js="1">Weary Face</word>
<word key="emoji-sleepy" js="1">Sleepy Face</word>
<word key="emoji-tired_face" js="1">Tired Face</word>
<word key="emoji-grimacing" js="1">Grimacing Face</word>
<word key="emoji-sob" js="1">Loudly Crying Face</word>
<word key="emoji-open_mouth" js="1">Face With Open Mouth</word>
<word key="emoji-hushed" js="1">Hushed Face</word>
<word key="emoji-cold_sweat" js="1">Face With Open Mouth And Cold Sweat</word>
<word key="emoji-scream" js="1">Face Screaming In Fear</word>
<word key="emoji-astonished" js="1">Astonished Face</word>
<word key="emoji-flushed" js="1">Flushed Face</word>
<word key="emoji-sleeping" js="1">Sleeping Face</word>
<word key="emoji-dizzy_face" js="1">Dizzy Face</word>
<word key="emoji-no_mouth" js="1">Face Without Mouth</word>
<word key="emoji-mask" js="1">Face With Medical Mask</word>
<word key="emoji-smile_cat" js="1">Grinning Cat Face With Smiling Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-joy_cat" js="1">Cat Face With Tears Of Joy</word>
<word key="emoji-smiley_cat" js="1">Smiling Cat Face With Open Mouth</word>
<word key="emoji-heart_eyes_cat" js="1">Smiling Cat Face With Heart Shaped Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-smirk_cat" js="1">Cat Face With Wry Smile</word>
<word key="emoji-kissing_cat" js="1">Kissing Cat Face With Closed Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-pouting_cat" js="1">Pouting Cat Face</word>
<word key="emoji-crying_cat_face" js="1">Crying Cat Face</word>
<word key="emoji-scream_cat" js="1">Weary Cat Face</word>
<word key="emoji-slightly_frowning_face" js="1">Slightly Frowning Face</word>
<word key="emoji-slightly_smiling_face" js="1">Slightly Smiling Face</word>
<word key="emoji-upside_down_face" js="1">Upside Down Face</word>
<word key="emoji-face_with_rolling_eyes" js="1">Face With Rolling Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-gesturing-no" js="1">Woman Gesturing No</word>
<word key="emoji-man-gesturing-no" js="1">Man Gesturing No</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-gesturing-ok" js="1">Woman Gesturing Ok</word>
<word key="emoji-man-gesturing-ok" js="1">Man Gesturing Ok</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-bowing" js="1">Woman Bowing</word>
<word key="emoji-man-bowing" js="1">Man Bowing</word>
<word key="emoji-see_no_evil" js="1">See No Evil Monkey</word>
<word key="emoji-hear_no_evil" js="1">Hear No Evil Monkey</word>
<word key="emoji-speak_no_evil" js="1">Speak No Evil Monkey</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-raising-hand" js="1">Woman Raising Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-man-raising-hand" js="1">Man Raising Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-raised_hands" js="1">Person Raising Both Hands In Celebration</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-frowning" js="1">Woman Frowning</word>
<word key="emoji-man-frowning" js="1">Man Frowning</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-pouting" js="1">Woman Pouting</word>
<word key="emoji-man-pouting" js="1">Man Pouting</word>
<word key="emoji-pray" js="1">Person With Folded Hands</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-rowing-boat" js="1">Woman Rowing Boat</word>
<word key="emoji-man-rowing-boat" js="1">Man Rowing Boat</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-biking" js="1">Woman Biking</word>
<word key="emoji-man-biking" js="1">Man Biking</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-mountain-biking" js="1">Woman Mountain Biking</word>
<word key="emoji-man-mountain-biking" js="1">Man Mountain Biking</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-walking" js="1">Woman Walking</word>
<word key="emoji-man-walking" js="1">Man Walking</word>
<word key="emoji-bath" js="1">Bath</word>
<word key="emoji-sleeping_accommodation" js="1">Sleeping Accommodation</word>
<word key="emoji-shopping_bags" js="1">Shopping Bags</word>
<word key="emoji-zipper_mouth_face" js="1">Zipper Mouth Face</word>
<word key="emoji-money_mouth_face" js="1">Money Mouth Face</word>
<word key="emoji-face_with_thermometer" js="1">Face With Thermometer</word>
<word key="emoji-nerd_face" js="1">Nerd Face</word>
<word key="emoji-thinking_face" js="1">Thinking Face</word>
<word key="emoji-face_with_head_bandage" js="1">Face With Head Bandage</word>
<word key="emoji-robot_face" js="1">Robot Face</word>
<word key="emoji-hugging_face" js="1">Hugging Face</word>
<word key="emoji-the_horns" js="1">Sign Of The Horns</word>
<word key="emoji-call_me_hand" js="1">Call Me Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-raised_back_of_hand" js="1">Raised Back Of Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-left-facing_fist" js="1">Left Facing Fist</word>
<word key="emoji-right-facing_fist" js="1">Right Facing Fist</word>
<word key="emoji-handshake" js="1">Handshake</word>
<word key="emoji-hand_with_index_and_middle_fingers_crossed" js="1">Hand With Index And Middle Fingers Crossed</word>
<word key="emoji-i_love_you_hand_sign" js="1">I Love You Hand Sign</word>
<word key="emoji-face_with_cowboy_hat" js="1">Face With Cowboy Hat</word>
<word key="emoji-clown_face" js="1">Clown Face</word>
<word key="emoji-nauseated_face" js="1">Nauseated Face</word>
<word key="emoji-rolling_on_the_floor_laughing" js="1">Rolling On The Floor Laughing</word>
<word key="emoji-drooling_face" js="1">Drooling Face</word>
<word key="emoji-lying_face" js="1">Lying Face</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-facepalming" js="1">Woman Facepalming</word>
<word key="emoji-man-facepalming" js="1">Man Facepalming</word>
<word key="emoji-sneezing_face" js="1">Sneezing Face</word>
<word key="emoji-face_with_one_eyebrow_raised" js="1">Face With One Eyebrow Raised</word>
<word key="emoji-grinning_face_with_star_eyes" js="1">Grinning Face With Star Eyes</word>
<word key="emoji-grinning_face_with_one_large_and_one_small_eye" js="1">Grinning Face With One Large And One Small Eye</word>
<word key="emoji-face_with_finger_covering_closed_lips" js="1">Face With Finger Covering Closed Lips</word>
<word key="emoji-serious_face_with_symbols_covering_mouth" js="1">Serious Face With Symbols Covering Mouth</word>
<word key="emoji-smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes_and_hand_covering_mouth" js="1">Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes And Hand Covering Mouth</word>
<word key="emoji-face_with_open_mouth_vomiting" js="1">Face With Open Mouth Vomiting</word>
<word key="emoji-shocked_face_with_exploding_head" js="1">Shocked Face With Exploding Head</word>
<word key="emoji-pregnant_woman" js="1">Pregnant Woman</word>
<word key="emoji-breast-feeding" js="1">Breast Feeding</word>
<word key="emoji-palms_up_together" js="1">Palms Up Together</word>
<word key="emoji-selfie" js="1">Selfie</word>
<word key="emoji-prince" js="1">Prince</word>
<word key="emoji-man_in_tuxedo" js="1">Man In Tuxedo</word>
<word key="emoji-mother_christmas" js="1">Mother Christmas</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-shrugging" js="1">Woman Shrugging</word>
<word key="emoji-man-shrugging" js="1">Man Shrugging</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-cartwheeling" js="1">Woman Cartwheeling</word>
<word key="emoji-man-cartwheeling" js="1">Man Cartwheeling</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-juggling" js="1">Woman Juggling</word>
<word key="emoji-man-juggling" js="1">Man Juggling</word>
<word key="emoji-fencer" js="1">Fencer</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-wrestling" js="1">Woman Wrestling</word>
<word key="emoji-man-wrestling" js="1">Man Wrestling</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-playing-water-polo" js="1">Woman Playing Water Polo</word>
<word key="emoji-man-playing-water-polo" js="1">Man Playing Water Polo</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-playing-handball" js="1">Woman Playing Handball</word>
<word key="emoji-man-playing-handball" js="1">Man Playing Handball</word>
<word key="emoji-face_with_monocle" js="1">Face With Monocle</word>
<word key="emoji-adult" js="1">Adult</word>
<word key="emoji-child" js="1">Child</word>
<word key="emoji-older_adult" js="1">Older Adult</word>
<word key="emoji-bearded_person" js="1">Bearded Person</word>
<word key="emoji-person_with_headscarf" js="1">Person With Headscarf</word>
<word key="emoji-woman_in_steamy_room" js="1">Woman In Steamy Room</word>
<word key="emoji-man_in_steamy_room" js="1">Man In Steamy Room</word>
<word key="emoji-woman_climbing" js="1">Woman Climbing</word>
<word key="emoji-man_climbing" js="1">Man Climbing</word>
<word key="emoji-woman_in_lotus_position" js="1">Woman In Lotus Position</word>
<word key="emoji-man_in_lotus_position" js="1">Man In Lotus Position</word>
<word key="emoji-female_mage" js="1">Female Mage</word>
<word key="emoji-male_mage" js="1">Male Mage</word>
<word key="emoji-female_fairy" js="1">Female Fairy</word>
<word key="emoji-male_fairy" js="1">Male Fairy</word>
<word key="emoji-female_vampire" js="1">Female Vampire</word>
<word key="emoji-male_vampire" js="1">Male Vampire</word>
<word key="emoji-mermaid" js="1">Mermaid</word>
<word key="emoji-merman" js="1">Merman</word>
<word key="emoji-female_elf" js="1">Female Elf</word>
<word key="emoji-male_elf" js="1">Male Elf</word>
<word key="emoji-female_genie" js="1">Female Genie</word>
<word key="emoji-male_genie" js="1">Male Genie</word>
<word key="emoji-female_zombie" js="1">Female Zombie</word>
<word key="emoji-male_zombie" js="1">Male Zombie</word>
<word key="emoji-brain" js="1">Brain</word>
<word key="emoji-orange_heart" js="1">Orange Heart</word>
<word key="emoji-billed_cap" js="1">Billed Cap</word>
<word key="emoji-scarf" js="1">Scarf</word>
<word key="emoji-gloves" js="1">Gloves</word>
<word key="emoji-coat" js="1">Coat</word>
<word key="emoji-socks" js="1">Socks</word>
<word key="emoji-point_up" js="1">Finger Pointing Up</word>
<word key="emoji-skull_and_crossbones" js="1">Skull And Crossbones</word>
<word key="emoji-white_frowning_face" js="1">White Frowning Face</word>
<word key="emoji-relaxed" js="1">Smiling Face</word>
<word key="emoji-helmet_with_white_cross" js="1">Helmet With White Cross</word>
<word key="emoji-skier" js="1">Skier</word>
<word key="emoji-woman-bouncing-ball" js="1">Woman Bouncing Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-man-bouncing-ball" js="1">Man Bouncing Ball</word>
<word key="emoji-fist" js="1">Raised Fist</word>
<word key="emoji-hand" js="1">Raised Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-v" js="1">Victory Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-writing_hand" js="1">Writing Hand</word>
<word key="emoji-heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament" js="1">Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament</word>
<word key="emoji-heart" js="1">Red Heart</word>