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define("_ACINFOD","You %1\$s delete messages");
define("_ACINFOE","You %1\$s change the message");
define("_ACINFOM","You %1\$s moderate the forum");
define("_ACINFOP","You %1\$s reply to topics in this forum");
define("_ACINFOR","You %1\$s view topic");
define("_ACINFOT","You %1\$s to create themes");
define("_ACINFOV","You %1\$s see topic");
define("_ADDMAILF","We inform You about the fact that the user is %1\$s has published a new post in Your topic published on the forum.<br><br>To view the messages log in to your forum topic at the address: %2\$s<br><br><br>You have received this notification, as in an account, in which the specified Your e-mail box, activated the service «to Receive notifications about new messages in my topics of the forum».<br><br>not To receive such notifications in the future, it is necessary to deactivate the service in the profile settings.");
define("_FCLOSED","Forum is closed");
define("_FMODCA","Fully close");
define("_FMODCH","Set the status of an important");
define("_FMODCO","Set the status of announcements");
define("_FMODCR","Open for reading only");
define("_FMODCW","Open for reading and publishing");
define("_ISNEWPOST","There are new posts");
define("_LASTMESSAGE","Last message");
define("_NEWTOPIC","Open a new topic");
define("_NONEWPOST","No new messages");
define("_NOVIEW","You have made the prohibited action! Now, you'll are redirected to the main page of the forum.");
define("_PEDIT","Edited by");
define("_PUBLICIN","The publication in");
define("_QREPLY","Reply with quote this message");
define("_QUICKREPLY","Form of a quick response");
define("_THANK","Say thank you");
define("_THOT","An important topic");
define("_TOPICA","Topic is closed");
define("_TOPICM","Topic is closed, requires verification");
define("_TOPICN","Topic is closed for publications");
define("_TOPICP","Programmed topic");
define("_TOPICREPLY","To reply to a topic");
define("_TPOP","A popular topic");
define("_TPOPN","A popular theme has new messages");
define("_WARNM","Inform the moderator of this message");
define("_WARNPF","The publication on the forum is disabled!");