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# Author: Eduard Laas
# Copyright © 2005 - 2017 SLAED
# License: GNU GPL 3
# Website:

define("_ACCOUNTCREATED","New User Account Created");
define("_ACTERROR1","New user verification number is invalid.<br>Please be sure to click on the link you received by email or apply for a new account <a href=\"index.php?name=account\">here</a>.");
define("_ACTERROR2","There is no user in the database with this information.<br>You can register a new user from <a href=\"index.php?name=account\">here</a>.");
define("_ACTIVATIONERROR","New User Activation Error");
define("_ACTIVATIONSUB","New User Account Activation");
define("_ACTIVATIONYES","New User Activation");
define("_ACTMSG","Your account has been activated. Please login from <a href=\"index.php?name=account\">this link</a> using your assigned Nickname and Password.");
define("_AVATARINFO","Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than %1\$s pixels, the height no greater than %2\$s pixels, and the file size no more than %3\$s.");
define("_AVATARSAVE","Select Avatar from gallery");
define("_AVATARSELECT","Choose your favorite avatar from the gallery, it is enough to press the left mouse button on the desired image.");
define("_AVATARSETUP","Select avatar");
define("_AVATAR_USER","Upload Avatar from your machine");
define("_BLANKFORAUTO","Leave blank for auto-generate your password");
define("_CHARMIN","Minimum number of characters in the password");
define("_CODEFOR","Confirmation Code for");
define("_CONFIRMATIONCODE","Confirmation Code");
define("_ERRORINPUT","Authorization error");
define("_ERROROLD","Type your current password does not match the password from the database!");
define("_ERRORSESS","Expired time of the session, try to refresh the page and retry the authorization again. If the second attempt does not lead to a successful outcome, refer to the administration of the project.");
define("_ERROR_RULES","You should be agree with rules and conditions of use!");
define("_FINISHUSERCONF","Your request for a new account has been processed. You'll receive an email in the next few seconds with a activation link that should be visited in the next 24 hours to be able to activate your account.");
define("_FSMAIL","Notify New entries for topics in my forum?");
define("_IFYOUDIDNOTASK","If you didn't asked for this, don't worry. Just delete this Email.");
define("_MAIL_BLOCK","Given E-Mail the address is forbidden to use!");
define("_NAME_BLOCK","Named it is forbidden to use!");
define("_NETWORKPASS","For users logged on to the site by means of authorization through social networks, the standard procedure for changing and password recovery is not available!");
define("_NEWUSER","New user");
define("_NEWUSERERROR","Error when registering a new user");
define("_NICKTAKEN","This username is already in use!");
define("_NOREG","Registration of new users is disconnected!");
define("_NOUSERINFO","No user input parameters in our database!");
define("_PASSCSEND","The inquiry has been made for the user %1\$s to register on the site «%2\$s» about restoration of the password. For these purposes we send you confirming code which is necessary for entering on specified below the link.<br><br>Code: %3\$s<br>Link: %4\$s");
define("_PASSESEND","Change of the password has been successfully made for the user %1\$s to register on the site «%2\$s».<br><br>Your login: %3\$s<br>Your new password: %4\$s<br>Link of an input: %5\$s");
define("_PASSFSEND","You or someone using E-Mail: %1\$s has registered an account on a site «%2\$s».<br><br>For end of registration on our site, you should make active the account on below specified to the link. In case of need copy the link in an address bar of a browser manually. To make it it is necessary within 24 hours from the moment of application, otherwise, you should repeat procedure of registration.<br><br>Link of activization: %3\$s<br><br>Your login: %4\$s<br>Your password: %5\$s");
define("_PASSLOSC","Enter your E-Mail you used during registration and click on «Send».");
define("_PASSLOSP","On yours E-Mail the code which it is necessary to enter «Confirmation Code» into a line has been sent. After that press the button «Send Password», the new password will be sent on specified at registration E-Mail.");
define("_PASSNEW","Enter your new password");
define("_PASSNEW2","Repeat your new password");
define("_PASSOLD","Enter your current password");
define("_PASSSEND","For the user %1\$s to register on the site «%2\$s» the inquiry about restoration of the password has been successfully confirmed.<br><br>Your login: %3\$s<br>Your new password: %4\$s<br>Link of an input: %5\$s");
define("_PASSSETUP","Change of the password");
define("_PASSTEXT","After successful change of the password, the system to update your session and you need to enter anew. If will turn out, address nothing to the manager of a site for the sanction of this problem.");
define("_PASSWORDLOST","Lost your Password?");
define("_PSMAIL","Receive notification of new private messages?");
define("_REGNEWUSER","New User Registration");
define("_RETURNACCOUNT","Return to Your Account Page");
define("_RULES_OK","I agree to the terms set out in this license");
define("_SENDPASSWORD","Send Password");
define("_THANKSUSER","Thank you for registering!");
define("_THISISYOURPAGE","This is your personal page");
define("_TOFINISHUSERN","For end of registration on our site, you should make active the account, for this purpose press the button «New User Account Activation».");
define("_USERLOGIN","Go to control panel");
define("_USERREGLOGIN","The entrance to the control panel");
define("_YOUAREREGISTERED","Welcome! You are now registered as a member.");