# Author: Eduard Laas
# Copyright © 2005 - 2017 SLAED
# License: GNU GPL 3
# Website: slaed.net
if (!defined("MODULE_FILE")) {
header("Location: ../../index.php");
function forum() {
global $prefix, $db, $user, $conf, $confu, $conffo, $currentlang;
$mod = ($conf['name']) ? analyze($conf['name']) : 0;
$id = (isset($_POST['cat'])) ? ((isset($_POST['cat'])) ? intval($_POST['cat']) : 0) : ((isset($_GET['cat'])) ? intval($_GET['cat']) : 0);
if ($id) {
$where = "WHERE c.modul = '".$mod."' AND (c.parentid = '".$id."' OR c.id = '".$id."')";
} elseif ($id && $conf['multilingual']) {
$where = "WHERE c.modul = '".$mod."' AND (c.parentid = '".$id."' OR c.id = '".$id."') AND (c.language = '".$currentlang."' OR c.language = '')";
} elseif ($conf['multilingual']) {
$where = "WHERE c.modul = '".$mod."' AND (c.language = '".$currentlang."' OR c.language = '')";
} else {
$where = "WHERE c.modul = '".$mod."'";
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT c.id, c.title, c.description, c.img, c.parentid, c.cstatus, c.ordern, c.topics, c.posts, c.lpost_id, c.auth_view, c.auth_read, c.auth_post, c.auth_reply, c.auth_edit, c.auth_delete, c.auth_mod, f.title, f.l_uid, f.l_name, f.l_id, f.l_time FROM ".$prefix."_categories AS c LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."_forum AS f ON (c.lpost_id = f.id) ".$where." ORDER BY c.ordern");
while (list($cid, $title, $description, $img, $parentid, $status, $ordern, $topics, $posts, $lpost_id, $auth_view, $auth_read, $auth_post, $auth_reply, $auth_edit, $auth_delete, $auth_mod, $ftitle, $fuid, $fname, $flid, $fltime) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$massiv[] = array($cid, $title, $description, $img, $parentid, $status, $ordern, $topics, $posts, $lpost_id, $auth_view, $auth_read, $auth_post, $auth_reply, $auth_edit, $auth_delete, $auth_mod, $ftitle, $fuid, $fname, $flid, $fltime);
unset($cid, $title, $description, $img, $parentid, $status, $ordern, $topics, $posts, $lpost_id, $auth_view, $auth_read, $auth_post, $auth_reply, $auth_edit, $auth_delete, $auth_mod, $ftitle, $fuid, $fname, $flid, $fltime);
if ($massiv) {
$isview = is_acess($massiv[0][10]);
$isread = is_acess($massiv[0][11]);
$istopic = is_acess($massiv[0][12]);
$isreply = is_acess($massiv[0][13]);
$isedit = is_acess($massiv[0][14]);
$isdelete = is_acess($massiv[0][15]);
$ismod = is_acess($massiv[0][16]);
$userinfo = getusrinfo();
$ulastvisit = ($userinfo['user_lastvisit']) ? $userinfo['user_lastvisit'] : 0;
$pagetitle = ($id) ? $conf['defis']." "._FORUM." ".$conf['defis']." ".$massiv[0][1] : $conf['defis']." "._FORUM;
$a = 0;
foreach ($massiv as $val) {
if ($val[4] == $id && is_acess($val[10])) {
if ($id) {
$cont = (!$a) ? tpl_func("forum-cat-open", "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."\" title=\""._FORUM."\">"._FORUM."</a> ".urldecode($conffo['defis'])." <a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$massiv[0][0]."\" title=\"".$massiv[0][1]."\">".$massiv[0][1]."</a>", _FORUM, _NEWTOPICS, cutstr(_MESSAGES, 5, 1), _LASTMESSAGE) : "";
$ttitle= ($val[2]) ? $val[2] : $val[1];
$tlink = ($val[5] || is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val[0]."\" title=\"".$ttitle."\">".$val[1]."</a>" : $val[1];
if (!$val[5]) {
$imglink = ($val[3]) ? "<img src=\"".img_find("categories/".$val[3])."\" alt=\""._FCLOSED."\" title=\""._FCLOSED."\" class=\"sl_hidden\">" : "<span title=\""._FCLOSED."\" class=\"sl_f_clos\"></span>";
$timg = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val[0]."\" title=\""._FCLOSED."\">".$imglink."</a>" : $imglink;
} elseif ($val[21] > $ulastvisit) {
$imglink = ($val[3]) ? "<img src=\"".img_find("categories/".$val[3])."\" alt=\""._ISNEWPOST."\" title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\">" : "<span title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_f_new\"></span>";
$timg = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val[0]."\" title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\">".$imglink."</a>";
} else {
$imglink = ($val[3]) ? "<img src=\"".img_find("categories/".$val[3])."\" alt=\""._NONEWPOST."\" title=\""._NONEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_hidden\">" : "<span title=\""._NONEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_f_old\"></span>";
$timg = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val[0]."\" title=\""._NONEWPOST."\">".$imglink."</a>";
if ($val[9]) {
$data = _DATE.": ".format_time($val[21], _TIMESTRING);
$topic = ($val[5]) ? _TOPIC.": <a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&op=view&id=".$val[9]."\" title=\"".$val[17]."\">".cutstr($val[17], 14)."</a>" : _TOPIC.": ".cutstr($val[17], 14);
$post = ($val[18]) ? user_info($val[19]) : $val[19];
$post = _POSTER.": ".$post;
$lid = ($val[20]) ? $val[20] : $val[9];
$lpost = ($val[5]) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$val[9]."&last#".$lid."\" title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\"><span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span></a>" : "<span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span>";
} else {
$data = _NO_INFO;
$topic = $post = $lpost = "";
$cont .= tpl_func("forum-cat-basic", $timg, $tlink, $val[2], $val[7], $val[8], $data, $topic, $post, $lpost);
echo $cont;
} else {
$cont = tpl_func("forum-cat-open", "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val[0]."\" title=\"".$val[1]."\">".$val[1]."</a>", _FORUM, _NEWTOPICS, cutstr(_MESSAGES, 5, 1), _LASTMESSAGE);
foreach ($massiv as $val2) {
if ($val[0] == $val2[4] && is_acess($val2[10])) {
$ttitle= ($val2[2]) ? $val2[2] : $val2[1];
$tlink = ($val2[5] || is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val2[0]."\" title=\"".$ttitle."\">".$val2[1]."</a>" : $val2[1];
if (!$val2[5]) {
$imglink = ($val2[3]) ? "<img src=\"".img_find("categories/".$val2[3])."\" alt=\""._FCLOSED."\" title=\""._FCLOSED."\" class=\"sl_hidden\">" : "<span title=\""._FCLOSED."\" class=\"sl_f_clos\"></span>";
$timg = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val2[0]."\" title=\""._FCLOSED."\">".$imglink."</a>" : $imglink;
} elseif ($val2[21] > $ulastvisit) {
$imglink = ($val2[3]) ? "<img src=\"".img_find("categories/".$val2[3])."\" alt=\""._ISNEWPOST."\" title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\">" : "<span title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_f_new\"></span>";
$timg = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val2[0]."\" title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\">".$imglink."</a>";
} else {
$imglink = ($val2[3]) ? "<img src=\"".img_find("categories/".$val2[3])."\" alt=\""._NONEWPOST."\" title=\""._NONEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_hidden\">" : "<span title=\""._NONEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_f_old\"></span>";
$timg = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$val2[0]."\" title=\""._NONEWPOST."\">".$imglink."</a>";
if ($val2[9]) {
$data = _DATE.": ".format_time($val2[21], _TIMESTRING);
$topic = ($val2[5]) ? _TOPIC.": <a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&op=view&id=".$val2[9]."\" title=\"".$val2[17]."\">".cutstr($val2[17], 14)."</a>" : _TOPIC.": ".cutstr($val2[17], 14);
$post = ($val2[18]) ? user_info($val2[19]) : $val2[19];
$post = _POSTER.": ".$post;
$lid = ($val2[20]) ? $val2[20] : $val2[9];
$lpost = ($val2[5]) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$val2[9]."&last#".$lid."\" title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\"><span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span></a>" : "<span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span>";
} else {
$data = _NO_INFO;
$topic = $post = $lpost = "";
$cont .= tpl_func("forum-cat-basic", $timg, $tlink, $val2[2], $val2[7], $val2[8], $data, $topic, $post, $lpost);
$cont .= tpl_func("forum-cat-close");
echo $cont;
$teml = true;
if ($id) {
if (!$a) {
if ($isview) {
$cat = intval($id);
$lang = ($conf['multilingual']) ? "AND (c.language = '".$currentlang."' OR c.language = '') AND s.catid = '".$cat."'" : "AND s.catid = '".$cat."'";
$listnum = intval($conffo['listnum']);
$ordern = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "WHERE s.pid = '0'" : "WHERE s.pid = '0' AND s.time <= now() AND s.status != '0'";
$num = isset($_GET['num']) ? intval($_GET['num']) : "1";
$offset = ($num-1) * $listnum;
$offset = intval($offset);
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT s.id, s.catid, s.name, s.title, s.time, s.comments, s.counter, s.score, s.ratings, s.ip_send, s.l_uid, s.l_name, s.l_id, s.l_time, s.status, c.id, c.title, u.user_name FROM ".$prefix."_forum AS s LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."_categories AS c ON (s.catid=c.id) LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."_users AS u ON (s.uid=u.user_id) ".$ordern." ".$lang." ORDER BY s.status DESC, s.l_time DESC LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$listnum);
$newtop = ($istopic) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=add&cat=".$massiv[0][0]."\" title=\""._NEWTOPIC."\" class=\"sl_but\">"._OPEN."</a>" : "<span title=\"".sprintf(_ACINFOT, _NOTCAN)."\" class=\"sl_but sl_hidden\">"._OPEN."</span>";
$catlink = catlink($conf['name'], $cat, $conffo['defis'], _FORUM);
$cont = tpl_eval("forum-list-open", $newtop, $catlink, "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$mod."&cat=".$massiv[0][0]."\" title=\"".$massiv[0][1]."\">".$massiv[0][1]."</a>");
if ($db->sql_numrows($result) > 0) {
$b = "";
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-list-basic-open", _NEWTOPICS, _POSTS, _POSTER, cutstr(_TVIEWS, 5, 1), _LASTMESSAGE);
$cont .= ($ismod) ? "<form action=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."\" method=\"post\">" : "";
while (list($sid, $catid, $uname, $title, $time, $comments, $counter, $score, $ratings, $ip_send, $l_uid, $l_name, $l_id, $l_time, $status, $cid, $ctitle, $user_name) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$view = 0;
if (!$status && is_moder($conf['name'])) {
$timg = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._TOPICM."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_m\"></span></a>";
$tlink = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\">".$title."</a>";
$lpost = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."&last#".$l_id."\" title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\"><span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span></a>";
$view = 1;
} elseif ($status == 1) {
if (is_moder($conf['name'])) {
$timg = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._TOPICA."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_a\"></span></a>";
$tlink = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\">".$title."</a>";
$lpost = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."&last#".$l_id."\" title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\"><span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span></a>";
} else {
$timg = "<span title=\""._TOPICA."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_a\"></span>";
$tlink = $title;
$lpost = "<span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span>";
$view = 1;
} elseif ($status == 2) {
$timg = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._TOPICN."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_n\"></span></a>";
$tlink = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\">".$title."</a>";
$lpost = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."&last#".$l_id."\" title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\"><span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span></a>";
$view = 1;
} elseif ($status == 3 && $time <= date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) {
if ($l_time > $ulastvisit) {
$timg = ($comments > $conffo['pop']) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._TPOPN."\" class=\"sl_t_pop\"></span></a>" : "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_t_new\"></span></a>";
} else {
$timg = ($comments > $conffo['pop']) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._TPOP."\" class=\"sl_t_pold\"></span></a>" : "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._NONEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_t_old\"></span></a>";
$tlink = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\">".$title."</a>";
$lpost = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."&last#".$l_id."\" title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\"><span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span></a>";
$view = 1;
} elseif ($status == 3 && $time > date("Y-m-d H:i:s") && is_moder($conf['name'])) {
$timg = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._TOPICP."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_p\"></span></a>";
$tlink = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\">".$title."</a>";
$lpost = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."&last#".$l_id."\" title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\"><span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span></a>";
$view = 1;
} elseif ($status == 4 || $status == 5) {
$timg = ($status == 4) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._THOT."\" class=\"sl_t_hot\"></span></a>" : "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\"><span title=\""._TANNOUN."\" class=\"sl_t_announ\"></span></a>";
$tlink = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."\" title=\"".$title."\">".$title."</a>";
$lpost = "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=view&id=".$sid."&last#".$l_id."\" title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\"><span title=\""._LASTMESSAGE."\" class=\"sl_f_last\"></span></a>";
$view = 1;
$ldata = _DATE.": ".format_time($l_time, _TIMESTRING);
$post = ($user_name) ? user_info($user_name) : $uname." (".$confu['anonym'].")";
$lposter = ($l_uid) ? _POSTER.": ".user_info($l_name) : _POSTER.": ".$l_name;
if ($ismod) {
$checkb = (!$b) ? "<br>"._CHECKALL." <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"markcheck\" id=\"markcheck\" OnClick=\"CheckBox('#markcheck', '.sl_check')\"> | <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"id[]\" class=\"sl_check\" value=\"".$sid."\">" : " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"id[]\" class=\"sl_check\" value=\"".$sid."\">";
} else {
$checkb = "";
$cont .= ($view) ? tpl_func("forum-list-basic", $timg, $tlink, $comments, $post, $counter, $ldata, $lposter, $lpost.$checkb) : "";
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-list-basic-close");
if ($ismod) {
$selmm = tmoder(1)."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"move\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cat\" value=\"".$cat."\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\""._OK."\" class=\"sl_but_blue\"></form>";
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-view-change", _CHECKOP, $selmm);
} else {
$cont .= tpl_warn("warn", _NO_INFO, "", "", "info");
$ordernum = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "pid = '0' AND catid = '".$cat."'" : "pid = '0' AND catid = '".$cat."' AND time <= now() AND status != '0'";
$pnum = num_article("forum-pagenum", $conf['name'], $listnum, "cat=".$cat."&", "id", "_forum", "catid", $ordernum, $conffo['pnum']);
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-list-close", $newtop, $catlink, $pnum);
$infov = ($isview) ? sprintf(_ACINFOV, "<b>"._ISCAN."</b>") : sprintf(_ACINFOV, "<b>"._NOTCAN."</b>");
$infor = ($isread) ? sprintf(_ACINFOR, "<b>"._ISCAN."</b>") : sprintf(_ACINFOR, "<b>"._NOTCAN."</b>");
$infot = ($istopic) ? sprintf(_ACINFOT, "<b>"._ISCAN."</b>") : sprintf(_ACINFOT, "<b>"._NOTCAN."</b>");
$infop = ($isreply) ? sprintf(_ACINFOP, "<b>"._ISCAN."</b>") : sprintf(_ACINFOP, "<b>"._NOTCAN."</b>");
$infoe = ($isedit) ? sprintf(_ACINFOE, "<b>"._ISCAN."</b>") : sprintf(_ACINFOE, "<b>"._NOTCAN."</b>");
$infod = ($isdelete) ? sprintf(_ACINFOD, "<b>"._ISCAN."</b>") : sprintf(_ACINFOD, "<b>"._NOTCAN."</b>");
$infom = ($ismod) ? sprintf(_ACINFOM, "<b>"._ISCAN."</b>") : sprintf(_ACINFOM, "<b>"._NOTCAN."</b>");
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-list-info", "<span title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_t_new\">"._ISNEWPOST."</span>", "<span title=\""._NONEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_t_old\">"._NONEWPOST."</span>", "<span title=\""._TPOPN."\" class=\"sl_t_pop\">"._TPOPN."</span>", "<span title=\""._TPOP."\" class=\"sl_t_pold\">"._TPOP."</span>", "<span title=\""._TANNOUN."\" class=\"sl_t_announ\">"._TANNOUN."</span>", "<span title=\""._THOT."\" class=\"sl_t_hot\">"._THOT."</span>", "<span title=\""._TOPICM."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_m\">"._TOPICM."</span>", "<span title=\""._TOPICA."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_a\">"._TOPICA."</span>", "<span title=\""._TOPICN."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_n\">"._TOPICN."</span>", "<span title=\""._TOPICP."\" class=\"sl_t_clos_p\">"._TOPICP."</span>", $infov, $infor, $infot, $infop, $infoe, $infod, $infom);
} else {
$cont = tpl_warn("warn", _NOVIEW, "?name=".$conf['name'], 5, "warn");
$teml = false;
} else {
$cont = tpl_eval("forum-cat-close");
} else {
$cont = "";
if ($teml) $cont .= tpl_eval("forum-cat-info", "<span title=\""._ISNEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_f_new\">"._ISNEWPOST."</span>", "<span title=\""._NONEWPOST."\" class=\"sl_f_old\">"._NONEWPOST."</span>", "<span title=\""._FCLOSED."\" class=\"sl_f_clos\">"._FCLOSED."</span>");
echo $cont;
function view() {
global $prefix, $db, $admin_file, $user, $conf, $confu, $confpr, $conffo, $currentlang;
$id = (isset($_GET['id'])) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0;
$last = (isset($_GET['last'])) ? 1 : 0;
$ordern = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "WHERE (id = '".$id."' OR pid = '".$id."')" : "WHERE (id = '".$id."' OR pid = '".$id."') AND time <= now() AND status != '0'";
list($numfor) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT Count(id) FROM ".$prefix."_forum ".$ordern));
if ($id && $numfor > 0) {
$fornum = user_news($user[3], $conffo['num']);
$numpages = ceil($numfor / $fornum);
$num = isset($_GET['num']) ? intval($_GET['num']) : "1";
$num = ($last && $conffo['sort']) ? $numpages : $num;
$offset = ($num-1) * $fornum;
if ($conffo['sort']) {
$sort = "ASC";
$a = ($num) ? $offset+1 : 1;
} else {
$sort = "DESC";
$a = $numfor;
if ($numfor > $offset) $a -= $offset;
$word = (isset($_GET['word'])) ? text_filter($_GET['word']) : "";
$orderw = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "WHERE (s.id = '".$id."' OR s.pid = '".$id."')" : "WHERE (s.id = '".$id."' OR s.pid = '".$id."') AND s.time <= now() AND s.status != '0'";
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT s.id, s.pid, s.catid, s.uid, s.name, s.title, s.time, s.hometext, s.field, s.comments, s.counter, s.score, s.ratings, s.ip_send, s.e_uid, s.e_ip_send, s.e_time, s.status, c.title, c.auth_read, c.auth_post, c.auth_reply, c.auth_edit, c.auth_delete, c.auth_mod FROM ".$prefix."_forum AS s LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."_categories AS c ON (s.catid=c.id) ".$orderw." ORDER BY s.time ".$sort." LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$fornum);
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET counter=counter+1 WHERE id = '".$id."'");
while (list($sid, $pid, $catid, $uid, $name, $title, $time, $hometext, $field, $comments, $counter, $score, $ratings, $ip_send, $e_uid, $e_ip_send, $e_time, $status, $ctitle, $auth_read, $auth_post, $auth_reply, $auth_edit, $auth_delete, $auth_mod) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$cmassiv[] = array($sid, $pid, $catid, $uid, $name, $title, $time, $hometext, $field, $comments, $counter, $score, $ratings, $ip_send, $e_uid, $e_ip_send, $e_time, $status, $ctitle, $auth_read, $auth_post, $auth_reply, $auth_edit, $auth_delete, $auth_mod);
if ($uid) $where[] = $uid;
unset($sid, $pid, $catid, $uid, $name, $title, $time, $hometext, $field, $comments, $counter, $score, $ratings, $ip_send, $e_uid, $e_ip_send, $e_time, $status, $ctitle, $auth_read, $auth_post, $auth_reply, $auth_edit, $auth_delete, $auth_mod);
if ($where) {
$result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_rank, u.user_email, u.user_website, u.user_avatar, u.user_regdate, u.user_from, u.user_sig, u.user_viewemail, u.user_points, u.user_warnings, u.user_gender, u.user_votes, u.user_totalvotes, g.name, g.rank, g.color FROM ".$prefix."_users AS u LEFT JOIN ".$prefix."_groups AS g ON ((g.extra=1 AND u.user_group=g.id) OR (g.extra!=1 AND u.user_points>=g.points)) WHERE u.user_id IN (".implode(", ", $where).") ORDER BY g.extra ASC, g.points ASC");
while (list($user_id, $user_name, $user_rank, $user_email, $user_website, $user_avatar, $user_regdate, $user_from, $user_sig, $user_viewemail, $user_points, $user_warnings, $user_gender, $user_votes, $user_totalvotes, $user_gname, $user_grank, $user_gcolor) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) {
$umassiv[] = array($user_id, $user_name, $user_rank, $user_email, $user_website, $user_avatar, $user_regdate, $user_from, $user_sig, $user_viewemail, $user_points, $user_warnings, $user_gender, $user_votes, $user_totalvotes, $user_gname, $user_grank, $user_gcolor);
unset($user_id, $user_name, $user_rank, $user_email, $user_website, $user_avatar, $user_regdate, $user_from, $user_sig, $user_viewemail, $user_points, $user_warnings, $user_gender, $user_votes, $user_totalvotes, $user_gname, $user_grank, $user_gcolor);
if ($num == 1) {
$tstatus = $cmassiv[0][17];
} else {
list($tstatus) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT status FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE id = '".$id."'"));
$isread = is_acess($cmassiv[0][19]);
$istopic = is_acess($cmassiv[0][20]);
$isreply = is_acess($cmassiv[0][21]);
$isedit = is_acess($cmassiv[0][22]);
$isdelete = is_acess($cmassiv[0][23]);
$ismod = is_acess($cmassiv[0][24]);
head($conf['defis']." "._FORUM." ".$conf['defis']." ".$cmassiv[0][18]." ".$conf['defis']." ".$cmassiv[0][5], $cmassiv[0][7]);
if ($ismod || ($isread && $tstatus > 1)) {
$catlink = catlink($conf['name'], $cmassiv[0][2], $conffo['defis'], _FORUM);
$atopic = (is_moder($conf['name']) || $istopic) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=add&cat=".$cmassiv[0][2]."\" title=\""._NEWTOPIC."\" class=\"sl_but\">"._OPEN."</a>" : "<span title=\"".sprintf(_ACINFOT, _NOTCAN)."\" class=\"sl_but sl_hidden\">"._OPEN."</span>";
$areply = (is_moder($conf['name']) || ($isreply && $tstatus)) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=add&cat=".$cmassiv[0][2]."&pid=".$id."\" title=\""._TOPICREPLY."\" class=\"sl_but\">"._REPLY."</a>" : "<span title=\"".sprintf(_ACINFOP, _NOTCAN)."\" class=\"sl_but sl_hidden\">"._REPLY."</span>";
$pnum = num_page("forum-pagenum", $conf['name'], $numfor, $numpages, $fornum, "op=view&id=".$id."&", $conffo['pnum'], $num);
$favor = favorview($id, $conf['name']);
$cont = tpl_eval("forum-view-open", $catlink, $atopic, $areply, search_color($cmassiv[0][5], $word), $pnum, $favor);
foreach ($cmassiv as $val) {
$for_id = $val[0];
$for_sid = $val[1];
$for_catid = $val[2];
$sid = $val[0];
$pid = $val[1];
$catid = $val[2];
$uid = $val[3];
$name = $val[4];
$title = $val[5];
$time = $val[6];
$hometext = $val[7];
$field = $val[8];
$comments = $val[9];
$counter = $val[10];
$score = $val[11];
$ratings = $val[12];
$ip_send = $val[13];
$e_uid = $val[14];
$e_ip_send = $val[15];
$e_time = $val[16];
$status = $val[17];
unset($user_id, $user_name, $user_rank, $user_email, $user_website, $user_avatar, $user_regdate, $user_from, $user_sig, $user_viewemail, $user_points, $user_warnings, $user_gender, $user_votes, $user_totalvotes, $user_gname, $user_grank, $user_gcolor);
if ($umassiv) {
foreach ($umassiv as $val2) {
if (strtolower($val[3]) == strtolower($val2[0])) {
$user_id = $val2[0];
$user_name = $val2[1];
$user_rank = $val2[2];
$user_email = $val2[3];
$user_website = $val2[4];
$user_avatar = $val2[5];
$user_regdate = $val2[6];
$user_from = $val2[7];
$user_sig = $val2[8];
$user_viewemail = $val2[9];
$user_points = $val2[10];
$user_warnings = $val2[11];
$user_gender = $val2[12];
$user_votes = $val2[13];
$user_totalvotes = $val2[14];
$user_gname = $val2[15];
$user_grank = $val2[16];
$user_gcolor = $val2[17];
$avname = (!empty($user_name)) ? $user_name : $val[4]." (".$confu['anonym'].")";
$avatar = (!empty($user_name)) ? (($user_avatar && file_exists($confu['adirectory']."/".$user_avatar)) ? $confu['adirectory']."/".$user_avatar : $confu['adirectory']."/default/00.gif") : $confu['adirectory']."/default/0.gif";
$date = (($ismod || $conffo['ledit']) && $val[16]) ? "<span title=\""._PADD."\" class=\"sl_t_post\">".format_time($val[6], _TIMESTRING)."</span><span title=\""._PEDIT."\" class=\"sl_t_edit\">".format_time($val[16], _TIMESTRING)."</span>" : "<span title=\""._PADD."\" class=\"sl_t_post\">".format_time($val[6], _TIMESTRING)."</span>";
$rating = ($a == 1) ? ajax_rating(1, $for_id, $conf['name'], $val[12], $val[11], "", 1) : "";
$ip = ($ismod && $val[13]) ? user_geo_ip($val[13], 4) : "";
$amess = "<a href=\"#".$for_id."\" title=\""._MESSAGE.": ".$a."\" class=\"sl_pnum\">".$a."</a>";
$rank = (!empty($user_rank)) ? $user_rank : "";
$trank = (!empty($user_gname)) ? _GROUP.": ".$user_gname : _RANK;
$rlink = (!empty($user_grank) && file_exists(img_find("ranks/".$user_grank))) ? "<img src=\"".img_find("ranks/".$user_grank)."\" alt=\"".$trank."\" title=\"".$trank."\">" : "";
$rate = (!empty($user_id)) ? ajax_rating(0, $user_id, "account", $user_votes, $user_totalvotes, $for_id, 1) : "";
$rwarn = (!empty($user_warnings)) ? _UWARNS.": ".warnings($user_warnings) : "";
$group = (!empty($user_gname)) ? _GROUP.": <span style=\"color: ".$user_gcolor."\">".$user_gname."</span>" : "";
$point = ($confu['point'] && !empty($user_points)) ? _POINTS.": ".$user_points : "";
$regdate = (!empty($user_regdate)) ? _REG.": ".format_time($user_regdate) : _NO_INFO;
$gender = (!empty($user_gender)) ? _GENDER.": ".gender($user_gender) : "";
$from = (!empty($user_from)) ? _FROM.": ".$user_from : "";
$fields = fields_out($val[8], $conf['name']);
$sig = (!empty($user_sig)) ? "<hr>".$user_sig : "";
$personal = (is_moder($conf['name']) || ($isreply && $tstatus && $conffo['qreply'])) ? "<a href=\"javascript: InsertCode('name', '".$avname."', '', '', '1');\" title=\""._PERSONAL."\" class=\"sl_but_blue\">"._PERS."</a>" : "";
$privat = ($conffo['privat'] && $confpr['act'] && !empty($user_name)) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=account&op=privat&uname=".urlencode($user_name)."\" title=\""._SENDMES."\" class=\"sl_but_green\">"._MESSAGE."</a>" : "";
$profil = ($conffo['profil'] && !empty($user_name)) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=account&op=view&uname=".urlencode($user_name)."\" title=\""._PERSONALINFO."\" class=\"sl_but\">"._ACCOUNT."</a>" : "";
$web = ($conffo['web'] && !empty($user_website)) ? "<a href=\"".$user_website."\" target=\"_blank\" title=\""._DOWNLLINK."\" class=\"sl_but\">"._SITE."</a>" : "";
# Будущие функции
#$warn = "<a href=\"javascript: scroll(0, 0);\" title=\""._WARNM."\">"._WARNM."</a>";
#$thank = "<a href=\"javascript: scroll(0, 0);\" title=\""._THANK."\">"._THANK."</a>";
$warn = "";
$thank = "";
$qreply = (is_moder($conf['name']) || ($isreply && $tstatus)) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=add&cat=".$for_catid."&pid=".$id."&qid=".$for_id."\" title=\""._QREPLY."\" class=\"sl_but_blue\">"._REPLY."</a>" : "";
$edit = ($ismod || ($isedit && $val[3] == intval($user[0]) && $tstatus)) ? "<a href=\"#\" OnClick=\"AjaxLoad('GET', '1', 'for".$for_id."', 'go=1&op=editpost&id=".$for_id."&cid=".$for_catid."&typ=1&mod=".$conf['name']."', ''); return false;\" title=\""._ONEDIT."\">"._ONEDIT."</a>||<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=add&cat=".$for_catid."&id=".$for_id."&pid=".$id."\" title=\""._FULLEDIT."\">"._FULLEDIT."</a>||" : "";
$edit .= ($ismod || ($isdelete && $val[3] == intval($user[0]))) ? "<a href=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."&op=delete&cat=".$for_catid."&id=".$for_id."\" OnClick=\"return DelCheck(this, '"._DELETE." "".$val[5].""?');\" title=\""._ONDELETE."\">"._ONDELETE."</a>" : "";
$edit = ($edit) ? add_menu($edit) : "";
$hclass = (!$val[17]) ? "title=\""._PCLOSED."\" class=\"sl_hidden\"" : "";
$text = ($fields) ? "<div id=\"repfor".$for_id."\">".search_color(bb_decode($val[7], $conf['name']), $word)."</div>".search_color(bb_decode("<br><br>".$fields, $conf['name']), $word) : "<div id=\"repfor".$for_id."\">".search_color(bb_decode($val[7], $conf['name']), $word)."</div>";
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-view-basic", $for_id, $avname, $date, $rating, $ip, $amess, $avatar, $rank, $rlink, $rate, $rwarn, $group, $point, $regdate, $gender, $from, $text, bb_decode($sig, $conf['name']), $personal, $privat, $profil, $web, $warn, $thank, $qreply, $edit, $hclass);
if ($conffo['sort']) { $a++; } else { $a--; }
$pnum = num_page("forum-pagenum", $conf['name'], $numfor, $numpages, $fornum, "op=view&id=".$id."&", $conffo['pnum'], $num);
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-view-close", $atopic, $areply, $catlink, $pnum);
if ($ismod) {
$selmm = "<form action=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."\" method=\"post\">".tmoder(1)." <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"move\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cat\" value=\"".$cmassiv[0][2]."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id[]\" value=\"".$id."\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\""._OK."\" class=\"sl_but_blue\"></form>";
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-view-change", _OPMOD.": ", $selmm);
if (is_moder($conf['name']) || ($isreply && $tstatus)) $cont .= quickreply($id, $cmassiv[0][2], $cmassiv[0][5]);
} else {
$cont = tpl_warn("warn", _NOVIEW, "?name=".$conf['name'], 5, "warn");
echo $cont;
} else {
header("Location: index.php?name=".$conf['name']);
function quickreply($id, $catid, $subject) {
global $prefix, $db, $conf, $confu, $conffo;
if ($conffo['qreply'] == 1) {
$cont = "<form name=\"post\" action=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."\" method=\"post\"><table class=\"sl_table_form\">";
$cont .= (!is_user()) ? "<tr><td>"._YOURNAME.":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"postname\" value=\"".$confu['anonym']."\" class=\"sl_field ".$conf['style']."\" placeholder=\""._YOURNAME."\" required></td></tr>" : "";
$cont .= "<tr><td>"._TEXT.":</td><td>".textarea("1", "hometext", "", $conf['name'], "10", _TEXT, "1")."</td></tr>"
.fields_in(isset($field), $conf['name'])
."<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"sl_center\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"".$subject."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pid\" value=\"".$id."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cat\" value=\"".$catid."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"posttype\" value=\"save\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"send\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._SEND."\" class=\"sl_but_blue\"></td></tr>"
return tpl_eval("forum-all-open", _QUICKREPLY).$cont.tpl_eval("forum-all-close");
function move() {
global $prefix, $db, $user, $conf, $conffo;
$catid = intval($_POST['cat']);
if ($conffo['add'] && $catid) {
list($auth_mod) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT auth_mod FROM ".$prefix."_categories WHERE id = '".$catid."'"));
$ismod = is_acess($auth_mod);
$id = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : "";
$vtmove = isset($_POST['tmove']) ? $_POST['tmove'] : "";
$tmove = (is_numeric($vtmove[0])) ? intval($vtmove) : intval(substr($vtmove, 1));
if ($ismod && is_array($id) && $vtmove[0]) {
foreach ($id as $val) {
if (intval($val)) {
if ($vtmove[0] == "s") {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET status = '".$tmove."' WHERE id = '".$val."'");
} elseif ($vtmove[0] == "d") {
delete($catid, $val);
} elseif (is_numeric($vtmove[0])) {
$rcatids = catids($conf['name'], $tmove);
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET catid = '".$tmove."' WHERE id = '".$val."' OR pid = '".$val."'");
list($rnpost) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT Count(id) FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE pid = '".$val."'"));
$wrnpost = ($rnpost) ? ", posts=posts+".$rnpost : "";
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics=topics+1".$wrnpost.", lpost_id = '".$val."' WHERE id IN (".$rcatids.")");
$catids = catids($conf['name'], $catid);
list($l_id) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT lpost_id FROM ".$prefix."_categories WHERE id = '".$catid."'"));
list($npost) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT Count(id) FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE pid = '".$val."'"));
$wnpost = ($npost) ? ", posts=posts-".$npost : "";
if ($l_id == $val) {
list($lid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT id FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE catid = '".$catid."' AND ((pid != '0' && status = '1') || (pid = '0' && status > '1')) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"));
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics=topics-1".$wnpost.", lpost_id = '".$lid."' WHERE id IN (".$catids.")");
} else {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics=topics-1".$wnpost." WHERE id IN (".$catids.")");
$link = ($catid) ? "&cat=".$catid : "";
header("Location: index.php?name=".$conf['name'].$link);
function add() {
global $prefix, $db, $user, $conf, $confu, $conffo, $stop;
$catid = (isset($_POST['cat'])) ? intval($_POST['cat']) : intval($_GET['cat']);
list($ctitle, $auth_post, $auth_reply, $auth_edit, $auth_mod) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_mod FROM ".$prefix."_categories WHERE id = '".$catid."'"));
$istopic = is_acess($auth_post);
$isreply = is_acess($auth_reply);
$isedit = is_acess($auth_edit);
$ismod = is_acess($auth_mod);
$form = false;
$id = (isset($_POST['id'])) ? intval($_POST['id']) : (isset($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : "");
$pid = (isset($_POST['pid'])) ? intval($_POST['pid']) : (isset($_GET['pid']) ? intval($_GET['pid']) : "");
$where = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "WHERE id = '".$pid."'" : "WHERE id = '".$pid."' AND status != '0'";
list($fstatus) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT status FROM ".$prefix."_forum ".$where));
# Редактируем сообщение или тему
if ($conffo['add'] && $id) {
$fid = $id;
list($qpid, $uid, $subject, $time, $hometext, $field, $status) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT pid, uid, title, time, hometext, field, status FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE id = '".$id."'"));
if ($ismod || ($isedit && $uid == intval($user[0]) && $fstatus > 2)) {
$subh = ($qpid) ? 1 : 0;
$info = _EDITS.": ".$subject;
$pagetitle = $conf['defis']." "._FORUM." ".$conf['defis']." ".$ctitle." ".$conf['defis']." ".$info;
$form = true;
$subject = (isset($_POST['subject'])) ? save_text($_POST['subject'], 1) : $subject;
$hometext = (isset($_POST['hometext'])) ? save_text($_POST['hometext']) : $hometext;
# Отвечаем и создаём
} elseif ($conffo['add'] && ($istopic || $isreply)) {
$fid = (isset($_POST['fid'])) ? intval($_POST['fid']) : "";
$qid = (isset($_GET['qid'])) ? intval($_GET['qid']) : "";
$subh = (!empty($pid) || !empty($qpid)) ? 1 : 0;
# Отвечаем в существующей теме
if ($pid) {
$id = ($qid) ? $qid : $pid;
list($ftitle, $ftext, $status) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title, hometext, status FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE id = '".$id."'"));
$form = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? true : (($fstatus > 2) ? true : false);
# Создаём новую тему
} else {
$form = true;
$postname = (isset($_POST['postname'])) ? $_POST['postname'] : "";
$subject = (!empty($ftitle)) ? $ftitle : (isset($_POST['subject']) ? save_text($_POST['subject'], 1) : "");
$hometext = ($qid && $ftext) ? "[quote]".$ftext."[/quote]" : (isset($_POST['hometext']) ? save_text($_POST['hometext']) : "");
$field = (isset($_POST['field'])) ? fields_save($_POST['field']) : "";
$status = (isset($_POST['status'])) ? intval($_POST['status']) : 3;
$time = save_datetime(1, "time");
$info = (!empty($ftext)) ? _PUBLICIN.": ".$ftitle : _PUBLICIN.": ".$ctitle;
$pagetitle = $conf['defis']." "._FORUM." ".$conf['defis']." ".$ctitle." ".$conf['defis']." ".$info;
if ($form) {
$cont = ($stop) ? tpl_warn("warn", $stop, "", "", "warn") : "";
$psubject = (!$subh) ? $subject : "";
if ($hometext) $cont .= preview($psubject, $hometext, "", $field, $conf['name']);
$userinfo = getusrinfo();
if ($userinfo['user_acess'] || (!is_user() && !$conffo['anonpost'])) $cont .= tpl_warn("warn", _POSTNOTE, "", "", "warn");
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-all-open", $info);
$cont .= "<form name=\"post\" action=\"index.php?name=".$conf['name']."\" method=\"post\"><table class=\"sl_table_form\">";
$cont .= (!is_user()) ? "<tr><td>"._YOURNAME.":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"postname\" value=\"".$confu['anonym']."\" class=\"sl_field ".$conf['style']."\" placeholder=\""._YOURNAME."\" required></td></tr>" : "";
$cont .= ($subh) ? "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subject\" value=\"".$subject."\">" : "<tr><td>"._TITLE.":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" value=\"".$subject."\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\"sl_field ".$conf['style']."\" placeholder=\""._TITLE."\" required></td></tr>";
$cont .= "<tr><td>"._TEXT.":</td><td>".textarea("1", "hometext", $hometext, $conf['name'], "15", _TEXT, "1")."</td></tr>".fields_in($field, $conf['name']);
$cont .= ($ismod) ? "<tr><td>"._OPMOD.":</td><td>".pmoder($status, $subh)."</td></tr><tr><td>"._CHNGSTORY.":</td><td>".datetime(1, "time", $time, 16, $conf['style'])."</td></tr>" : "";
$cont .= "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" class=\"sl_center\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"".$id."\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fid\" value=\"".$fid."\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pid\" value=\"".$pid."\">"
."<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cat\" value=\"".$catid."\">"
.ad_save("", "", "send")."</td></tr></table></form>";
} else {
$info = ($conffo['add']) ? _NOVIEW : _WARNPF;
$pagetitle = $conf['defis']." "._FORUM." ".$conf['defis']." ".$ctitle." ".$conf['defis']." ".$ctitle;
$cont = tpl_eval("forum-all-open", $ctitle);
$cont .= tpl_warn("warn", $info, "?name=".$conf['name'], 5, "warn");
$cont .= tpl_eval("forum-all-close");
echo $cont;
function tmoder($typ) {
global $conf;
$cont = "<select name=\"tmove\" title=\""._CHECKOP."\" class=\"sl_field ".$conf['style']."\">";
$cont .= "<optgroup label=\""._OPMOD."\" class=\"sl_label\">";
$mass = array(_FMODC => "s0", _FMODCA => "s1", _FMODCR => "s2", _FMODCW => "s3", _FMODCH => "s4", _FMODCO => "s5");
$mass = ($typ) ? array_merge($mass, array(_DELETE => "d")) : $mass;
foreach ($mass as $var_n => $var_v) $cont .= "<option value=\"".$var_v."\">".$var_n."</option>";
$cont .= "</optgroup><optgroup label=\""._MOVETO."\" class=\"sl_label\">".getcat($conf['name'], "", "", "", "", "1")."</optgroup>";
$cont .= "</select>";
return $cont;
function pmoder($status, $subh) {
global $conf;
$cont = "<select name=\"status\" title=\""._CHECKOP."\" class=\"sl_field ".$conf['style']."\">";
$mass = ($subh) ? array(_CLOSE => 0, _OPEN => 1) : array(_FMODC => 0, _FMODCA => 1, _FMODCR => 2, _FMODCW => 3, _FMODCH => 4, _FMODCO => 5);
foreach ($mass as $var_n => $var_v) {
$sel = ($status == $var_v) ? " selected" : "";
$cont .= "<option value=\"".$var_v."\"".$sel.">".$var_n."</option>";
$cont .= "</select>";
return $cont;
function send() {
global $prefix, $db, $user, $conf, $conffo, $stop;
$catid = (isset($_POST['cat'])) ? intval($_POST['cat']) : intval($_GET['cat']);
if ($conffo['add'] && $catid) {
list($ctitle, $auth_post, $auth_reply, $auth_edit, $auth_mod) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT title, auth_post, auth_reply, auth_edit, auth_mod FROM ".$prefix."_categories WHERE id = '".$catid."'"));
$istopic = is_acess($auth_post);
$isreply = is_acess($auth_reply);
$isedit = is_acess($auth_edit);
$ismod = is_acess($auth_mod);
$id = (isset($_POST['fid'])) ? intval($_POST['fid']) : "";
$pid = (isset($_POST['pid'])) ? intval($_POST['pid']) : "";
$postname = (isset($_POST['postname'])) ? text_filter(substr($_POST['postname'], 0, 25)) : "";
$subject = (isset($_POST['subject'])) ? save_text($_POST['subject'], 1) : "";
$hometext = (isset($_POST['hometext'])) ? $_POST['hometext'] : "";
$checks = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), " ", $hometext);
$e = explode(" ", $checks);
for ($a = 0; $a < count($e); $a++) $o = strlen($e[$a]);
$hometext = save_text($hometext);
$status = (isset($_POST['status'])) ? intval($_POST['status']) : 0;
$field = fields_save($_POST['field']);
$time = ($ismod) ? save_datetime(1, "time") : save_datetime(1);
$postid = (is_user()) ? intval($user[0]) : "";
$ip = getip();
$stop = array();
if (!$subject) $stop[] = _CERROR;
if (!$hometext) $stop[] = _CERROR1;
if ($o > $conffo['letter']) $stop[] = _CERROR2;
if (!$postname && !is_user()) $stop[] = _CERROR3;
if (!$stop && $_POST['posttype'] == "save") {
$where = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? "WHERE id = '".$pid."'" : "WHERE id = '".$pid."' AND status != '0'";
list($fstatus) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT status FROM ".$prefix."_forum ".$where));
# Редактируем сообщение или тему
if ($id) {
list($fpid, $uid, $ftime) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT pid, uid, time FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE id = '".$id."'"));
$fpid = ($fpid) ? $fpid : $id;
if ($ismod || ($isedit && $uid == intval($user[0]) && $fstatus > 2)) {
$ftime = ($ismod) ? $time : $ftime;
if ($ismod) {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET title = '".$subject."', time = '".$ftime."', hometext = '".$hometext."', field = '".$field."', e_uid = '".$postid."', e_ip_send = '".$ip."', e_time = now(), status = '".$status."' WHERE id = '".$id."'");
} else {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET title = '".$subject."', time = '".$ftime."', hometext = '".$hometext."', field = '".$field."', e_uid = '".$postid."', e_ip_send = '".$ip."', e_time = now() WHERE id = '".$id."'");
# Отвечаем и создаём
} else {
if ($ismod) {
$userinfo = getusrinfo();
$postname = ($userinfo['user_name']) ? $userinfo['user_name'] : $postname;
$status = ($status) ? $status : (($pid) ? 1 : 3);
} elseif (is_user()) {
$userinfo = getusrinfo();
$postname = $userinfo['user_name'];
$status = ($userinfo['user_acess']) ? 0 : (($pid) ? 1 : 3);
} else {
$postid = "";
$postname = $postname;
$status = ($conffo['anonpost'] == 1) ? (($pid) ? 1 : 3) : 0;
$insert = false;
# Отвечаем в существующей теме
if ($pid && $isreply) {
$insert = (is_moder($conf['name'])) ? true : (($fstatus > 2) ? true : false);
# Создаём новую тему
} elseif ($istopic) {
$insert = true;
if ($insert) {
$catids = catids($conf['name'], $catid);
$db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_forum (id, pid, catid, uid, name, title, time, hometext, field, ip_send, l_uid, l_name, l_time, status) VALUES (NULL, '".$pid."', '".$catid."', '".$postid."', '".$postname."', '".$subject."', '".$time."', '".$hometext."', '".$field."', '".$ip."', '".$postid."', '".$postname."', '".$time."', '".$status."')");
list($lpost_id, $ltime) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT id, time FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE catid = '".$catid."' AND uid = '".$postid."' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"));
if ($pid) {
$lname = ($uname) ? $uname : $postname;
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET comments = comments+1, l_uid = '".$postid."', l_name = '".$lname."', l_id = '".$lpost_id."', l_time = '".$time."' WHERE id = '".$pid."'");
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET posts = posts+1, lpost_id = '".$pid."' WHERE id IN (".$catids.")");
if ($conffo['addmail']) {
list($muid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT uid FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE id = '".$pid."'"));
if ($postid != $muid) {
list($user_email, $user_fsmail) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT user_email, user_fsmail FROM ".$prefix."_users WHERE user_id = '".$muid."'"));
if ($user_email && $user_fsmail) {
$finishlink = $conf['homeurl']."/index.php?name=forum&op=view&id=".$pid."#".$lpost_id;
$link = "<a href=\"".$finishlink."\">".$finishlink."</a>";
$subject = $conf['sitename']." - "._FORUM;
$message = str_replace("[text]", sprintf(_ADDMAILF, $postname, $link), $conf['mtemp']);
mail_send($user_email, $conf['adminmail'], $subject, $message, 0, 3);
} else {
if (strtotime($ltime) > time()) {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics = topics+1, posts = posts+1 WHERE id IN (".$catids.")");
} else {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics = topics+1, posts = posts+1, lpost_id = '".$lpost_id."' WHERE id IN (".$catids.")");
$lid = ($fpid) ? $fpid : (($pid) ? $pid."&last#".$lpost_id : "");
$link = ($lid) ? "&op=view&id=".$lid : "&cat=".$catid;
header("Location: index.php?name=".$conf['name'].$link);
} else {
} else {
header("Location: index.php?name=".$conf['name']);
function delete() {
global $prefix, $db, $user, $conf, $conffo;
$arg = func_get_args();
$catid = ($arg[0]) ? $arg[0] : ((isset($_POST['cat'])) ? intval($_POST['cat']) : intval($_GET['cat']));
$id = ($arg[1]) ? $arg[1] : ((isset($_POST['id'])) ? intval($_POST['id']) : intval($_GET['id']));
if ($conffo['add'] && $catid && $id) {
list($auth_delete, $auth_mod) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT auth_delete, auth_mod FROM ".$prefix."_categories WHERE id = '".$catid."'"));
$isdelete = is_acess($auth_delete);
$ismod = is_acess($auth_mod);
list($pid, $uid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT pid, uid FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE id = '".$id."'"));
if ($ismod || ($isdelete && $uid == intval($user[0]))) {
$recycle = intval($conffo['recycle']);
# Перенос в форум, используемый в качестве корзины
if ($recycle && $recycle != $catid) {
$rcatids = catids($conf['name'], $recycle);
# Сообщение
if ($pid) {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET pid = '0', catid = '".$recycle."' WHERE id = '".$id."'");
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics = topics+1, lpost_id = '".$id."' WHERE id IN (".$rcatids.")");
# Тема
} else {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET catid = '".$recycle."' WHERE id = '".$id."' OR pid = '".$id."'");
list($rnpost) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT Count(id) FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE pid = '".$id."'"));
$wrnpost = ($rnpost) ? ", posts=posts+".$rnpost : "";
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics = topics+1".$wrnpost.", lpost_id = '".$id."' WHERE id IN (".$rcatids.")");
# Синхронизация форумов и тем
# Сообщение
$catids = catids($conf['name'], $catid);
if ($pid) {
list($l_id) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT l_id FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE id = '".$pid."'"));
if ($l_id == $id) {
list($lid, $luid, $lname, $ltime) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT id, uid, name, time FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE pid = '".$pid."' OR id = '".$pid."' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"));
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET comments = comments-1, l_uid = '".$luid."', l_name = '".$lname."', l_id = '".$lid."', l_time = '".$ltime."' WHERE id = '".$pid."'");
} else {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_forum SET comments = comments-1 WHERE id = '".$pid."'");
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET posts = posts-1 WHERE id IN (".$catids.")");
# Тема
} else {
list($l_id) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT lpost_id FROM ".$prefix."_categories WHERE id = '".$catid."'"));
list($npost) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT Count(id) FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE pid = '".$id."'"));
$wnpost = ($npost) ? ", posts=posts-".$npost : "";
if ($l_id == $id) {
list($lid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT id FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE catid = '".$catid."' AND ((pid != '0' && status = '1') || (pid = '0' && status > '1')) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"));
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics = topics-1".$wnpost.", lpost_id = '".$lid."' WHERE id IN (".$catids.")");
} else {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_categories SET topics = topics-1".$wnpost." WHERE id IN (".$catids.")");
# Удаление тем и сообщений
if (!$recycle || $recycle == $catid) {
# Удаление пунктов пользователей за тему или сообщение
if ($uid) {
# Сообщение
if ($pid) {
update_points(14, $uid, 1);
# Тема
} else {
update_points(13, $uid, 1);
# Проверка, добавлена ли тема в фавориты, если да, удаление фаворитов и пунктов за них
list($fid, $fuid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT id, uid FROM ".$prefix."_favorites WHERE fid = '".$id."' AND modul = 'forum'"));
if ($fid) {
if ($fuid) update_points(44, $fuid, 1);
$db->sql_query("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_favorites WHERE id = '".$fid."'");
# Удаление темы и сообщений
$db->sql_query("DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_forum WHERE id = '".$id."' OR pid = '".$id."'");
$lid = ($pid) ? $pid."&last#".$lid : "";
$link = ($lid) ? "&op=view&id=".$lid : "&cat=".$catid;
if (!$arg[0] && !$arg[1]) header("Location: index.php?name=".$conf['name'].$link);
} else {
header("Location: index.php?name=".$conf['name']);
switch($op) {
case "view":
case "add":
case "send":
case "delete":