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Root |
 * This template generates an RSS 0.92 feed for the requested blog's latest posts
 * For a quick explanation of b2evo 2.0 skins, please start here:
 * {@link}
 * See {@link}
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage rss
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

// Note: even if we request the same post as $Item earlier, the following will do more restrictions (dates, etc.)
// Init the MainList object:
init_MainList( $Blog->get_setting('posts_per_feed') );

// What level of detail do we want?
$feed_content = $Blog->get_setting('feed_content');
$feed_content == 'none' )
// We don't want to provide this feed!
    // This will normaly have been detected earlier but just for security:
debug_die( 'Feeds are disabled.');

$image_size = $Blog->get_setting( 'image_size' );

headers_content_mightcache( 'application/xml' );        // In most situations, you do NOT want to cache dynamic content!

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$io_charset.'"?'.'>';

<!-- generator="<?php echo $app_name; ?>/<?php echo $app_version ?>" -->
<rss version="0.92">
->disp( 'name', 'xml' );
// ------------------------- TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST -------------------------
request_title( array(
'title_before'=> ' - ',
'title_after' => '',
'title_none'  => '',
'glue'        => ' - ',
'title_single_disp' => true,
'format'      => 'xml',
                ) );
// ------------------------------ END OF REQUEST TITLE -----------------------------
        <link><?php $Blog->disp( 'url', 'xml' ) ?></link>
        <description><?php $Blog->disp( 'shortdesc' ,'xml' ) ?></description>
        <language><?php $Blog->disp( 'locale', 'xml' ) ?></language>
while( $Item = & mainlist_get_item() )
// For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"
            <title><?php $Item->title( array(
'format' => 'xml',
'link_type' => 'none',
            ) );
if( $feed_content == 'excerpt' )
// EXCERPTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------
= $Item->get_excerpt();

// Get content as "htmlbody", otherwise make_rel_links_abs() can't catch <a> and <img> tags
                // TODO: clean solution : work in format_to_output!
echo format_to_output( make_rel_links_abs($content), 'entityencoded' );

// Display Item footer text (text can be edited in Blog Settings):
$Item->footer( array(
'mode'        => 'xml',
'block_start' => '<div class="item_footer">',
'block_end'   => '</div>',
'format'      => 'entityencoded',
                    ) );
$feed_content == 'normal'
|| $feed_content == 'full' )
// POST CONTENTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
// URL link, if the post has one:
$Item->url_link( array(
'before'        => '<p>',
'after'         => '</p>',
'format'        => 'entityencoded',
'podcast'       => false,
                    ) );

// Display images that are linked to this post:
$content = $Item->get_images( array(
'before' =>              '<div>',
'before_image' =>        '<div>',
'before_image_legend' => '<div><i>',
'after_image_legend' =>  '</i></div>',
'after_image' =>         '</div>',
'after' =>               '</div>',
'image_size' =>          $image_size,
'htmlbody' );

$content .= $Item->get_content_teaser( 1, false );

$feed_content == 'normal' )
// Teasers only
$content .= $Item->get_more_link( array(
'before'    => '',
'after'     => '',
'disppage'  => 1,
                        ) );
// Full contents
$content .= $Item->get_content_extension( 1, true );

// Get content as "htmlbody", otherwise make_rel_links_abs() can't catch <a> and <img> tags
                // TODO: clean solution : work in format_to_output!
echo format_to_output( make_rel_links_abs($content), 'entityencoded' );

// Display Item footer text (text can be edited in Blog Settings):
$Item->footer( array(
'mode'        => 'xml',
'block_start' => '<div class="item_footer">',
'block_end'   => '</div>',
'format'      => 'entityencoded',
                    ) );
            <link><?php $Item->permanent_url( 'single' ) ?></link>