| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| https://phpfusion.com/
| Filename: gateway.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
defined('IN_FUSION') || exit;
* Anti Bot Gateway that combine multiple methods to prevent auto bots.
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
require_once "constants_include.php";
require_once "functions_include.php";
// Terminate and ban all excessive access atempts.
// Flag for pass, just increment on amount of checks we add.
$multiplier = "0";
$reply_method = '';
$info = [
'showform' => FALSE,
'incorrect_answer' => FALSE
// DonĀ“t run twice
if (!isset($_POST['gateway_submit']) && !isset($_POST['register'])) {
// Get some numbers up. Always keep an odd number to void 10-10 etc.
$a = rand(11, 20);
$b = rand(1, 10);
$method = fusion_get_settings('gateway_method'); // 0 words, 1 numbers, 2 both
if ($method == 0) {
$antibot = $a + $b;
$multiplier = "+";
$reply_method = $locale['gateway_062'];
$a = convertNumberToWord($a);
$antibot = convertNumberToWord($antibot);
$_SESSION["antibot"] = strtolower($antibot);
} else if ($method == 1) {
$antibot = $a - $b;
$multiplier = "-";
$reply_method = $locale['gateway_063'];
$_SESSION["antibot"] = $antibot;
$b = convertNumberToWord($b);
} else {
if ($a > 15) {
$antibot = $a + $b;
$multiplier = "+";
$reply_method = $locale['gateway_062'];
$a = convertNumberToWord($a);
$antibot = convertNumberToWord($antibot);
$_SESSION["antibot"] = strtolower($antibot);
} else {
$antibot = $a - $b;
$multiplier = "-";
$reply_method = $locale['gateway_063'];
$_SESSION["antibot"] = $antibot;
$b = convertNumberToWord($b);
$a = str_rot47($a);
$b = str_rot47($b);
echo "<noscript>".$locale['gateway_052']."</noscript>";
// Just add fields to random
$honeypot_array = [$locale['gateway_053'], $locale['gateway_054'], $locale['gateway_055'], $locale['gateway_056'], $locale['gateway_057'], $locale['gateway_058'], $locale['gateway_059']];
$_SESSION["honeypot"] = $honeypot_array[3];
// Try this, and we see, Rot47 Encryption etc.
add_to_footer('<script type="text/javascript">
function decode(x) {
let s = "";
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
let j = x.charCodeAt(i);
if ((j >= 33) && (j <= 126)) {
s += String.fromCharCode(33 + ((j + 14) % 94));
} else {
s += String.fromCharCode(j);
return s;
$("#gateway_question").append("'.$locale['gateway_060'].' " + decode("'.$a.'") + " '.$multiplier.' " + decode("'.$b.'") + " '.$locale['gateway_061'].' '.$reply_method.'");
$info = [
'showform' => TRUE,
'gateway_question' => '<span id="gateway_question"></span>',
'openform' => openform('Fusion_Gateway', 'post', 'register.php', ['class' => 'm-t-20']),
'closeform' => closeform(),
'hiddeninput' => form_hidden($honeypot_array[3]),
'textinput' => form_text('gateway_answer', "", "", ['error_text' => $locale['gateway_064'], 'required' => 1]),
'button' => form_button('gateway_submit', $locale['gateway_065'], $locale['gateway_065'], ['class' => 'btn-primary m-t-10']),
if (isset($_POST['gateway_answer'])) {
$honeypot = '';
if (isset($_SESSION["honeypot"])) {
$honeypot = $_SESSION["honeypot"];
$_SESSION["validated"] = "False";
if (isset($_POST["$honeypot"]) && $_POST["$honeypot"] == "") {
$antibot = stripinput(strtolower($_POST["gateway_answer"]));
if (isset($_SESSION["antibot"])) {
if ($_SESSION["antibot"] == $antibot) {
$_SESSION["validated"] = "True";
} else {
$info['incorrect_answer'] = TRUE;
if (!function_exists('display_gateway')) {
function display_gateway($info) {
global $locale;
if ($info['showform'] == TRUE) {
echo $info['openform'];
echo $info['hiddeninput'];
echo '<h3>'.$info['gateway_question'].'</h3>';
echo $info['textinput'];
echo $info['button'];
echo $info['closeform'];
} else if (!isset($_SESSION["validated"])) {
echo '<div class="well text-center"><h3 class="m-0">'.$locale['gateway_068'].'</h3></div>';
if (isset($info['incorrect_answer']) && $info['incorrect_answer'] == TRUE) {
echo '<div class="well text-center"><h3 class="m-0">'.$locale['gateway_066'].'</h3></div>';
echo '<input type="button" value="'.$locale['gateway_067'].'" class="text-center btn btn-info spacer-xs" onclick="location=\''.BASEDIR.'register.php\'"/>';