DataLife Engine - by SoftNews Media Group
Copyright (c) 2004-2021 SoftNews Media Group
This code is protected by copyright
File: functions.php
if( !defined('DATALIFEENGINE') ) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
header ( 'Location: ../../' );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
if ( isset($config['auth_domain']) AND $config['auth_domain'] ) {
$domain_cookie = explode (".", clean_url( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ));
$domain_cookie_count = count($domain_cookie);
$domain_allow_count = -2;
if ( $domain_cookie_count > 2 ) {
if ( in_array($domain_cookie[$domain_cookie_count-2], array('com', 'net', 'org') )) $domain_allow_count = -3;
if ( $domain_cookie[$domain_cookie_count-1] == 'ua' ) $domain_allow_count = -3;
$domain_cookie = array_slice($domain_cookie, $domain_allow_count);
$domain_cookie = "." . implode (".", $domain_cookie);
if( ip2long($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) == -1 OR ip2long($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) === false ) define( 'DOMAIN', $domain_cookie );
else define( 'DOMAIN', null );
} else define( 'DOMAIN', null );
function dle_session( $sid = false ) {
global $config;
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
if ( DOMAIN ) $params['domain'] = DOMAIN;
if (isset($config['only_ssl']) AND $config['only_ssl']) $params['secure'] = true;
session_set_cookie_params($params['lifetime'], "/", $params['domain'], $params['secure'], true);
if ( $sid ) session_id( $sid );
function set_cookie($name, $value, $expires) {
global $config;
if( $expires ) {
$expires = time() + ($expires * 86400);
} else {
$expires = FALSE;
if ($config['only_ssl']) setcookie( $name, $value, $expires, "/", DOMAIN, TRUE, TRUE );
else setcookie( $name, $value, $expires, "/", DOMAIN, NULL, TRUE );
function formatsize($file_size) {
if( !$file_size OR $file_size < 1) return '0 b';
$prefix = array("b", "Kb", "Mb", "Gb", "Tb");
$exp = floor(log($file_size, 1024)) | 0;
return round($file_size / (pow(1024, $exp)), 2).' '.$prefix[$exp];
class microTimer {
var $time;
function __construct() {
$this->time = $this->get_real_time();
function get() {
return round( ($this->get_real_time() - $this->time), 5 );
function get_real_time() {
list ( $seconds, $microSeconds ) = explode( ' ', microtime() );
return (( float ) $seconds + ( float ) $microSeconds);
function flooder($ip, $news_time = false) {
global $config, $db;
$ip = $db->safesql($ip);
if ( $news_time ) {
$this_time = time() - intval($news_time);
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_flood where id < '$this_time' AND flag='1' " );
$row = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_flood WHERE ip = '$ip' AND flag='1'");
if( $row['count'] ) return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
} else {
$this_time = time() - intval($config['flood_time']);
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_flood where id < '$this_time' AND flag='0' " );
$row = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_flood WHERE ip = '$ip' AND flag='0'");
if( $row['count'] ) return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
function totranslit($var, $lower = true, $punkt = true) {
global $langtranslit;
if ( is_array($var) ) return "";
$var = str_replace(chr(0), '', $var);
$var = trim( strip_tags( $var ) );
$var = preg_replace( "/\s+/u", "-", $var );
$var = str_replace( "/", "-", $var );
if (is_array($langtranslit) AND count($langtranslit) ) {
$var = strtr($var, $langtranslit);
if ( $punkt ) $var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9\_\-.]+/mi", "", $var );
else $var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9\_\-]+/mi", "", $var );
$var = preg_replace( '#[\-]+#i', '-', $var );
$var = preg_replace( '#[.]+#i', '.', $var );
if ( $lower ) $var = strtolower( $var );
$var = str_ireplace( ".php", "", $var );
$var = str_ireplace( ".php", ".ppp", $var );
if( strlen( $var ) > 200 ) {
$var = substr( $var, 0, 200 );
if( ($temp_max = strrpos( $var, '-' )) ) $var = substr( $var, 0, $temp_max );
return $var;
function langdate($format, $stamp, $servertime = false, $custom = false ) {
global $langdate, $member_id, $customlangdate;
$timezones = array('Pacific/Midway','US/Samoa','US/Hawaii','US/Alaska','US/Pacific','America/Tijuana','US/Arizona','US/Mountain','America/Chihuahua','America/Mazatlan','America/Mexico_City','America/Monterrey','US/Central','US/Eastern','US/East-Indiana','America/Lima','America/Caracas','Canada/Atlantic','America/La_Paz','America/Santiago','Canada/Newfoundland','America/Buenos_Aires','America/Godthab','Atlantic/Stanley','Atlantic/Azores','Africa/Casablanca','Europe/Dublin','Europe/Lisbon','Europe/London','Europe/Amsterdam','Europe/Belgrade','Europe/Berlin','Europe/Bratislava','Europe/Brussels','Europe/Budapest','Europe/Copenhagen','Europe/Madrid','Europe/Paris','Europe/Prague','Europe/Rome','Europe/Sarajevo','Europe/Stockholm','Europe/Vienna','Europe/Warsaw','Europe/Zagreb','Europe/Athens','Europe/Bucharest','Europe/Helsinki','Europe/Istanbul','Asia/Jerusalem','Europe/Kiev','Europe/Minsk','Europe/Riga','Europe/Sofia','Europe/Tallinn','Europe/Vilnius','Asia/Baghdad','Asia/Kuwait','Africa/Nairobi','Asia/Tehran','Europe/Kaliningrad','Europe/Moscow','Europe/Volgograd','Europe/Samara','Asia/Baku','Asia/Muscat','Asia/Tbilisi','Asia/Yerevan','Asia/Kabul','Asia/Yekaterinburg','Asia/Tashkent','Asia/Kolkata','Asia/Kathmandu','Asia/Almaty','Asia/Novosibirsk','Asia/Jakarta','Asia/Krasnoyarsk','Asia/Hong_Kong','Asia/Kuala_Lumpur','Asia/Singapore','Asia/Taipei','Asia/Ulaanbaatar','Asia/Urumqi','Asia/Irkutsk','Asia/Seoul','Asia/Tokyo','Australia/Adelaide','Australia/Darwin','Asia/Yakutsk','Australia/Brisbane','Pacific/Port_Moresby','Australia/Sydney','Asia/Vladivostok','Asia/Sakhalin','Asia/Magadan','Pacific/Auckland','Pacific/Fiji');
if( is_array($custom) ) $locallangdate = $customlangdate; else $locallangdate = $langdate;
if( !is_array($locallangdate) ) {
$locallangdate = array();
if (!$stamp) { $stamp = time(); }
$local = new DateTime('@'.$stamp);
if (isset($member_id['timezone']) AND $member_id['timezone'] AND !$servertime) {
$localzone = $member_id['timezone'];
} else {
$localzone = date_default_timezone_get();
if (!in_array($localzone, $timezones)) $localzone = 'Europe/Moscow';
$local->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($localzone));
return strtr( $local->format($format), $locallangdate );
function formdate( $matches=array() ) {
global $news_date, $customlangdate, $config;
if($config['decline_date']) return langdate($matches[1], $news_date);
else return langdate($matches[1], $news_date, false, $customlangdate);
function check_newscount( $matches=array() ) {
global $global_news_count;
$block = $matches[3];
$counts = explode( ',', trim($matches[2]) );
if( $matches[1] == "newscount" ) {
if( !in_array($global_news_count, $counts) ) return "";
} else {
if( in_array($global_news_count, $counts) ) return "";
return $block;
function msgbox($title, $text) {
global $tpl;
if (!class_exists('dle_template')) {
$tpl_2 = new dle_template( );
$tpl_2->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;
$tpl_2->load_template( 'info.tpl' );
$tpl_2->set( '{error}', $text );
$tpl_2->set( '{title}', $title );
$tpl_2->compile( 'info' );
$tpl->result['info'] .= $tpl_2->result['info'];
function ShowRating($id, $rating, $vote_num, $allow = true) {
global $lang, $config, $row, $dle_module;
if( !$config['rating_type'] ) {
if( $rating AND $vote_num ) {
$shema_ratig = round( ($rating / $vote_num), 1 );
$shema_ratig = str_replace(',', '.', $shema_ratig);
$rating = round( ($rating / $vote_num), 0 );
} else {
$shema_ratig = 0;
$rating = 0;
if ($rating < 0 ) $rating = 0;
if ($vote_num AND $dle_module == "showfull") {
$shema_title = " itemprop=\"aggregateRating\" itemscope itemtype=\"https://schema.org/AggregateRating\"";
$shema_ratig_title = str_replace("&amp;", "&", htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( stripslashes( $row['title'] ) ), ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset'] ) );
$shema = "<meta itemprop=\"itemReviewed\" content=\"{$shema_ratig_title}\"><meta itemprop=\"worstRating\" content=\"1\"><meta itemprop=\"ratingCount\" content=\"{$vote_num}\"><meta itemprop=\"ratingValue\" content=\"{$shema_ratig}\"><meta itemprop=\"bestRating\" content=\"5\">";
} else {
$shema_title = "";
$shema = "";
$rating = $rating * 20;
if( !$allow ) {
$rated = <<<HTML
<div class="rating"{$shema_title}>
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}%;">{$rating}</li>
return $rated;
$rated = <<<HTML
<div id='ratig-layer-{$id}'>
<div class="rating"{$shema_title}>
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}%;">{$rating}</li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['useless']}" class="r1-unit" onclick="doRate('1', '{$id}'); return false;">1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['poor']}" class="r2-unit" onclick="doRate('2', '{$id}'); return false;">2</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['fair']}" class="r3-unit" onclick="doRate('3', '{$id}'); return false;">3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['good']}" class="r4-unit" onclick="doRate('4', '{$id}'); return false;">4</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['excellent']}" class="r5-unit" onclick="doRate('5', '{$id}'); return false;">5</a></li>
return $rated;
} elseif ($config['rating_type'] == "1") {
if( $rating < 0 ) $rating = 0;
if( $allow ) $rated = "<span id=\"ratig-layer-{$id}\"><span class=\"ratingtypeplus\" >{$rating}</span></span>";
else $rated = "<span class=\"ratingtypeplus\" >{$rating}</span>";
return $rated;
} elseif ($config['rating_type'] == "2" OR $config['rating_type'] == "3") {
$extraclass = "ratingzero";
if( $rating < 0 ) {
$extraclass = "ratingminus";
if( $rating > 0 ) {
$extraclass = "ratingplus";
$rating = "+".$rating;
if( $allow ) $rated = "<span id=\"ratig-layer-{$id}\"><span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus {$extraclass}\" >{$rating}</span></span>";
else $rated = "<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus {$extraclass}\" >{$rating}</span>";
return $rated;
function ShowCommentsRating($id, $rating, $vote_num, $allow = true) {
global $lang, $config;
if( !$config['comments_rating_type'] ) {
if( $rating AND $vote_num ) $rating = round( ($rating / $vote_num), 0 );
else $rating = 0;
if ($rating < 0 ) $rating = 0;
$rating = $rating * 20;
if( !$allow ) {
$rated = <<<HTML
<div class="rating">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}%;">{$rating}</li>
return $rated;
$rated = <<<HTML
<div id='comments-ratig-layer-{$id}'><div class="rating">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}%;">{$rating}</li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['useless']}" class="r1-unit" onclick="doCommentsRate('1', '{$id}'); return false;">1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['poor']}" class="r2-unit" onclick="doCommentsRate('2', '{$id}'); return false;">2</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['fair']}" class="r3-unit" onclick="doCommentsRate('3', '{$id}'); return false;">3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['good']}" class="r4-unit" onclick="doCommentsRate('4', '{$id}'); return false;">4</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="{$lang['excellent']}" class="r5-unit" onclick="doCommentsRate('5', '{$id}'); return false;">5</a></li>
return $rated;
} elseif ($config['comments_rating_type'] == "1") {
if( $rating < 0 ) $rating = 0;
if( $allow ) $rated = "<span id=\"comments-ratig-layer-{$id}\"><span class=\"ratingtypeplus\" >{$rating}</span></span>";
else $rated = "<span class=\"ratingtypeplus\" >{$rating}</span>";
return $rated;
} elseif ($config['comments_rating_type'] == "2" OR $config['comments_rating_type'] == "3") {
$extraclass = "ratingzero";
if( $rating < 0 ) {
$extraclass = "ratingminus";
if( $rating > 0 ) {
$extraclass = "ratingplus";
$rating = "+".$rating;
if( $allow ) $rated = "<span id=\"comments-ratig-layer-{$id}\"><span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus {$extraclass}\" >{$rating}</span></span>";
else $rated = "<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus {$extraclass}\" >{$rating}</span>";
return $rated;
function userrating($id) {
global $db, $config, $lang;
$id = intval($id);
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT SUM(rating) as rating, SUM(vote_num) as num FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras WHERE user_id ='{$id}'" );
if( !$config['rating_type'] ) {
if( $row['num'] ) $rating = round( ($row['rating'] / $row['num']), 0 );
else $rating = 0;
if ($rating < 0 ) $rating = 0;
$rating = $rating * 20;
$rated = <<<HTML
<div class="rating" style="display:inline;">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}%;">{$rating}</li>
return $rated;
} elseif ($config['rating_type'] == "1") {
if( $row['num'] ) $rating = number_format($row['rating'], 0, ',', ' '); else $rating = 0;
if( $row['num'] < 0 ) $rating = 0;
return "<span class=\"ratingtypeplus\" >{$rating}</span>";
} elseif ($config['rating_type'] == "2" OR $config['rating_type'] == "3" ) {
if( $row['num'] ) $rating = number_format($row['rating'], 0, ',', ' '); else $rating = 0;
$extraclass = "ratingzero";
if( $row['rating'] < 0 ) {
$extraclass = "ratingminus";
if( $row['rating'] > 0 ) {
$extraclass = "ratingplus";
$rating = "+".$rating;
if($config['rating_type'] == "2") {
return "<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus {$extraclass}\" >{$rating}</span>";
} else {
$dislikes = ($row['num'] - $row['rating'])/2;
$likes = $row['num'] - $dislikes;
return str_replace(array('{likes}', '{dislikes}', '{rating}'), array("<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus ratingplus\" >{$likes}</span>", "<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus ratingminus\" >{$dislikes}</span>", "<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus {$extraclass}\" >{$rating}</span>"), $lang['like_dislike_sum']);
function commentsuserrating($id) {
global $db, $config, $lang;
$id = intval($id);
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT SUM(rating) as rating, SUM(vote_num) as num FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE user_id ='{$id}'" );
if( !$config['comments_rating_type'] ) {
if( $row['num'] ) $rating = round( ($row['rating'] / $row['num']), 0 );
else $rating = 0;
if ($rating < 0 ) $rating = 0;
$rating = $rating * 20;
$rated = <<<HTML
<div class="rating" style="display:inline;">
<ul class="unit-rating">
<li class="current-rating" style="width:{$rating}%;">{$rating}</li>
return $rated;
} elseif ($config['comments_rating_type'] == "1") {
if( $row['num'] ) $rating = number_format($row['rating'], 0, ',', ' '); else $rating = 0;
if( $rating < 0 ) $rating = 0;
return "<span class=\"ratingtypeplus\" >{$rating}</span>";
} elseif ($config['comments_rating_type'] == "2" OR $config['comments_rating_type'] == "3") {
if( $row['num'] ) $rating = number_format($row['rating'], 0, ',', ' '); else $rating = 0;
$extraclass = "ratingzero";
if( $row['rating'] < 0 ) {
$extraclass = "ratingminus";
if( $row['rating'] > 0 ) {
$extraclass = "ratingplus";
$rating = "+".$rating;
if($config['comments_rating_type'] == "2") {
return "<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus {$extraclass}\" >{$rating}</span>";
} else {
$dislikes = ($row['num'] - $row['rating'])/2;
$likes = $row['num'] - $dislikes;
return str_replace(array('{likes}', '{dislikes}', '{rating}'), array("<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus ratingplus\" >{$likes}</span>", "<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus ratingminus\" >{$dislikes}</span>", "<span class=\"ratingtypeplusminus {$extraclass}\" >{$rating}</span>"), $lang['like_dislike_sum']);
function CategoryNewsSelection($categoryid = 0, $parentid = 0, $nocat = TRUE, $sublevelmarker = '', $returnstring = '') {
global $cat_info, $user_group, $member_id, $dle_module;
if ($dle_module == 'addnews') {
if($member_id['cat_allow_addnews']) $allow_list = explode( ',', $member_id['cat_allow_addnews'] );
else $allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['cat_allow_addnews'] );
} else $allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats'] );
$not_allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['not_allow_cats'] );
if ($dle_module == 'search') {
if( count( $cat_info ) ){
foreach ($cat_info as $cats) {
if($cats['disable_search']) $not_allow_list[] = $cats['id'];
if ($member_id['cat_add']) $spec_list = explode( ',', $member_id['cat_add'] );
else $spec_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['cat_add'] );
$root_category = array ();
if( $parentid == 0 ) {
if( $nocat AND $allow_list[0] == "all") $returnstring .= '<option value="0"></option>';
} else {
$sublevelmarker .= ' ';
if( count( $cat_info ) ) {
foreach ( $cat_info as $cats ) {
if( $cats['parentid'] == $parentid ) $root_category[] = $cats['id'];
if( count( $root_category ) ) {
foreach ( $root_category as $id ) {
if( $allow_list[0] == "all" OR in_array( $id, $allow_list ) ) {
if( in_array( $id, $not_allow_list ) ) continue;
if( $spec_list[0] == "all" or in_array( $id, $spec_list ) ) $color = "";
else $color = "style=\"color: red\" ";
$returnstring .= "<option {$color}value=\"" . $id . '" ';
if( is_array( $categoryid ) ) {
foreach ( $categoryid as $element ) {
$element = intval($element);
if( $element == $id ) $returnstring .= 'selected';
} elseif( intval($categoryid) == $id ) $returnstring .= 'selected';
$returnstring .= '>' . $sublevelmarker . $cat_info[$id]['name'] . '</option>';
$returnstring = CategoryNewsSelection( $categoryid, $id, $nocat, $sublevelmarker, $returnstring );
return $returnstring;
function get_ID($cat_info, $category) {
foreach ( $cat_info as $cats ) {
if( $cats['alt_name'] == $category ) return $cats['id'];
return false;
function set_vars($file, $data) {
$file = totranslit($file, true, false);
if ( is_array($data) OR is_int($data) OR is_string($data) ) {
file_put_contents (ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/system/' . $file . '.php', json_encode( $data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ), LOCK_EX);
@chmod( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/system/' . $file . '.php', 0666 );
function get_vars($file) {
$file = totranslit($file, true, false);
$data = @file_get_contents( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/system/' . $file . '.php' );
if ( $data !== false ) {
$data = json_decode( $data, true );
if ( is_array($data) OR is_int($data) OR is_string($data) ) return $data;
return false;
function get_count_from_cache( $hash ) {
$hash = md5($hash);
$all_counts = dle_cache("news_cache_count");
if( $all_counts ) {
$all_counts = json_decode($all_counts, true);
if( isset( $all_counts[$hash] ) ) {
return intval($all_counts[$hash]);
return 0;
function set_count_to_cache( $hash, $count ) {
global $config;
if( !$config['allow_cache'] ) return false;
$hash = md5($hash);
$all_counts = dle_cache("news_cache_count");
if( $all_counts ) {
$all_counts = json_decode($all_counts, true);
if( !is_array($all_counts) ) $all_counts = array();
$all_counts[$hash] = intval($count);
create_cache ( "news_cache_count", json_encode( $all_counts , JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ) );
return true;
function dle_cache($prefix, $cache_id = false, $member_prefix = false) {
global $config, $is_logged, $member_id, $dlefastcache;
if( !$config['allow_cache'] ) return false;
$config['clear_cache'] = (intval($config['clear_cache']) > 1) ? intval($config['clear_cache']) : 0;
if( $is_logged ) $end_file = $member_id['user_group'];
else $end_file = "0";
if( ! $cache_id ) {
$key = $prefix;
} else {
$cache_id = md5( $cache_id );
if( $member_prefix ) $key = $prefix . "_" . $cache_id . "_" . $end_file;
else $key = $prefix . "_" . $cache_id;
if( $config['cache_type'] ) {
if( $dlefastcache->connection > 0 ) {
return $dlefastcache->get($key);
$buffer = @file_get_contents( ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $key . ".tmp" );
if ( $buffer !== false AND $config['clear_cache'] ) {
$file_date = @filemtime( ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $key . ".tmp" );
$file_date = time()-$file_date;
if ( $file_date > ( $config['clear_cache'] * 60 ) ) {
$buffer = false;
@unlink( ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $key . ".tmp" );
return $buffer;
} else return $buffer;
function create_cache($prefix, $cache_text, $cache_id = false, $member_prefix = false) {
global $config, $is_logged, $member_id, $dlefastcache;
if( !$config['allow_cache'] ) return false;
if( $is_logged ) $end_file = $member_id['user_group'];
else $end_file = "0";
if( ! $cache_id ) {
$key = $prefix;
} else {
$cache_id = md5( $cache_id );
if( $member_prefix ) $key = $prefix . "_" . $cache_id . "_" . $end_file;
else $key = $prefix . "_" . $cache_id;
if($cache_text === false) $cache_text = '';
if( $config['cache_type'] ) {
if( $dlefastcache->connection > 0 ) {
$dlefastcache->set( $key, $cache_text );
return true;
file_put_contents (ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $key . ".tmp", $cache_text, LOCK_EX);
@chmod( ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/" . $key . ".tmp", 0666 );
return true;
function clear_cache($cache_areas = false) {
global $dlefastcache, $config;
if( $config['cache_type'] ) {
if( $dlefastcache->connection > 0 ) {
$dlefastcache->clear( $cache_areas );
return true;
if ( $cache_areas ) {
if(!is_array($cache_areas)) {
$cache_areas = array($cache_areas);
$fdir = opendir( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache' );
while ( $file = readdir( $fdir ) ) {
if( $file != '.htaccess' AND !is_dir(ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/' . $file) ) {
if( $cache_areas ) {
foreach($cache_areas as $cache_area) if( stripos( $file, $cache_area ) === 0 ) @unlink( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/' . $file );
} else {
@unlink( ENGINE_DIR . '/cache/' . $file );
return true;
function ChangeSkin( $skin ) {
$templates_list = get_folder_list( 'templates' );
$skin_list = "<form method=\"post\"><select onchange=\"submit()\" name=\"skin_name\">";
foreach ( $templates_list as $key => $value ) {
if( $key == $skin ) $selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
else $selected = "";
$skin_list .= "<option value=\"{$key}\"" . $selected . ">{$value['name']}</option>";
$skin_list .= '</select><input type="hidden" name="action_skin_change" value="yes"></form>';
return $skin_list;
function get_folder_list( $folder = 'language' ) {
$allowed_folder = array( 'language', 'templates' );
$list = array ();
if( !in_array($folder, $allowed_folder) ) {
return $list;
if( !$handle = opendir( ROOT_DIR . "/". $folder ) ) {
$list[]['name'] = $lang['opt_errfo']." ".$folder;
return $list;
while ( false !== ($file = readdir( $handle )) ) {
if( is_dir( ROOT_DIR . "/".$folder."/".$file ) AND ($file != "." and $file != "..") ) {
if( is_file( ROOT_DIR . "/".$folder."/".$file."/info.json" ) ) {
$data = json_decode( trim(file_get_contents( ROOT_DIR . "/".$folder."/".$file."/info.json" ) ), true );
if( isset($data['name']) AND $data['name'] ) {
$list[$file] = $data;
$list[$file]['name'] = $file;
closedir( $handle );
return $list;
function get_mass_cats($id) {
global $cat_info;
$id = explode ('-', $id);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ( $cat_info as $cats ) {
if ($cats['id'] >= $id[0] AND $cats['id'] <= $id[1] ) $temp_array[] = intval($cats['id']);
if ( count($temp_array) ) { sort($temp_array); return implode(',', $temp_array); }
else return 0;
function custom_comments( $matches=array() ) {
global $db, $is_logged, $member_id, $cat_info, $config, $user_group, $category_id, $_TIME, $lang, $smartphone_detected, $dle_module, $allow_comments_ajax, $PHP_SELF, $dle_login_hash, $replace_links;
if ( !count($matches) ) return "";
$temp_category_id = $category_id;
$param_str = trim($matches[1]);
$custom_cache_id = "customcomments".$param_str.$config['skin'];
$aviable = array("global");
$comm_sort = "id";
$comm_msort = "DESC";
$where = array();
$thisdate = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", $_TIME );
$sql_select = "SELECT cm.id, cm.post_id, cm.user_id, cm.date, cm.autor as gast_name, cm.email as gast_email, text, ip, is_register, cm.rating, cm.vote_num, name, u.email, news_num, u.comm_num, user_group, lastdate, reg_date, signature, foto, fullname, land, u.xfields, p.title, p.date as newsdate, p.alt_name, p.category FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments cm LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_post p ON cm.post_id=p.id {cat_join}LEFT JOIN " . USERPREFIX . "_users u ON cm.user_id=u.user_id ";
$allow_cache = $config['allow_cache'];
$cats_select = false;
$ids_for_sort = false;
if( preg_match( "#available=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$aviable = explode( '|', $match[1] );
$do = $dle_module ? $dle_module : "main";
if( !in_array( $do, $aviable ) AND ($aviable[0] != "global") ) return "";
if( preg_match( "#newsid=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$param_str = str_replace($match[0], '', $param_str);
$temp_array = array();
$where_id = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', trim($match[1]));
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) {
$value = explode('-', $value);
$where_id[] = "p.id >= '" . intval($value[0]) . "' AND p.id <= '".intval($value[1])."'";
} else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
if ( count($temp_array) ) {
$where_id[] = "p.id IN ('" . implode("','", $temp_array) . "')";
$ids_for_sort = "FIND_IN_SET(p.id, '".implode(",", $temp_array)."') ";
if ( count($where_id) ) {
$custom_id = implode(' OR ', $where_id);
$where[] = $custom_id;
if( preg_match( "#newsidexclude=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$param_str = str_replace($match[0], '', $param_str);
$temp_array = array();
$where_id = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', trim($match[1]));
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) {
$value = explode('-', $value);
$where_id[] = "(p.id < '" . intval($value[0]) . "' OR p.id > '".intval($value[1])."')";
} else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
if ( count($temp_array) ) {
$where_id[] = "p.id NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $temp_array) . "')";
if ( count($where_id) ) {
$custom_id = implode(' AND ', $where_id);
$where[] = $custom_id;
if( preg_match( "#id=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$temp_array = array();
$where_id = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', trim($match[1]));
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) {
$value = explode('-', $value);
$where_id[] = "cm.id >= '" . intval($value[0]) . "' AND cm.id <= '".intval($value[1])."'";
} else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
if ( count($temp_array) ) {
$where_id[] = "cm.id IN ('" . implode("','", $temp_array) . "')";
$ids_for_sort = "FIND_IN_SET(cm.id, '".implode(",", $temp_array)."') ";
if ( count($where_id) ) {
$custom_id = implode(' OR ', $where_id);
$where[] = $custom_id;
if( preg_match( "#idexclude=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$temp_array = array();
$where_id = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', trim($match[1]));
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) {
$value = explode('-', $value);
$where_id[] = "(cm.id < '" . intval($value[0]) . "' OR cm.id > '".intval($value[1])."')";
} else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
if ( count($temp_array) ) {
$where_id[] = "cm.id NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $temp_array) . "')";
if ( count($where_id) ) {
$custom_id = implode(' AND ', $where_id);
$where[] = $custom_id;
$cat_join = "";
if( preg_match( "#category=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$cats_select = true;
$temp_array = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) $temp_array[] = get_mass_cats($value);
else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
$temp_array = implode(',', $temp_array);
$custom_category = $db->safesql( trim($temp_array) );
$custom_category = str_replace( ",", "','", $custom_category );
if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {
$cat_join = "INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT(" . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN ('" . $custom_category . "')) c ON (p.id=c.news_id) ";
} else {
$where[] = "p.category IN ('" . $custom_category . "')";
if( preg_match( "#categoryexclude=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$cats_select = true;
$temp_array = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) $temp_array[] = get_mass_cats($value);
else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
$temp_array = implode(',', $temp_array);
$custom_category = $db->safesql( trim($temp_array) );
$custom_category = str_replace( ",", "','", $custom_category );
if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {
$where[] = "p.id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(" . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN ('" . $custom_category . "') )";
} else {
$where[] = "p.category NOT IN ('" . $custom_category . "')";
if (!$cats_select) {
$allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats'] );
if( $allow_list[0] != "all" ) {
if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {
$cat_join = "INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT(" . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN ('" . implode( "','", $allow_list ) . "')) c ON (p.id=c.news_id) ";
} else {
$where[] = "p.category IN ('" . implode( "','", $allow_list ) . "')";
$not_allow_cats = explode ( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['not_allow_cats'] );
if( $not_allow_cats[0] != "" ) {
if ($config['allow_multi_category']) {
$where[] = "p.id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(" . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN (" . implode ( ',', $not_allow_cats ) . ") )";
} else {
$where[] = "p.category NOT IN ('" . implode ( "','", $not_allow_cats ) . "')";
$sql_select = str_replace( "{cat_join}", $cat_join, $sql_select );
if( preg_match( "#days=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$days = intval(trim($match[1]));
$where[] = "cm.date >= '{$thisdate}' - INTERVAL {$days} DAY AND cm.date < '{$thisdate}'";
if( preg_match( "#author=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
$temp_array[] = "cm.autor = '{$value}'";
$where[] = implode(' OR ', $temp_array);
if( preg_match( "#authorexclude=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
$temp_array[] = "cm.autor != '{$value}'";
$where[] = implode(' AND ', $temp_array);
if( $config['allow_cmod'] ) {
$where[] = "cm.approve=1";
if( preg_match( "#template=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$custom_template = trim($match[1]);
} else $custom_template = "comments";
if( preg_match( "#sort=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$allowed_sort = array ('asc' => 'ASC', 'desc' => 'DESC' );
$match[1] = strtolower($match[1]);
if ( $allowed_sort[$match[1]] ) $comm_msort = $allowed_sort[$match[1]];
if( preg_match( "#order=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$allowed_sort = array ('date' => 'id', 'rating' => 'rating', 'rand' => 'RAND()' );
$match[1] = strtolower($match[1]);
if ( $allowed_sort[$match[1]] ) $comm_sort = $allowed_sort[$match[1]];
if ($match[1] == "rand" ) { $comm_msort = ""; }
if($match[1] == "id_as_list" AND $ids_for_sort){
$comm_sort = $ids_for_sort;
$comm_msort = "";
if( preg_match( "#from=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$custom_from = intval($match[1]);
} else { $custom_from = 0; }
if( preg_match( "#limit=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$custom_limit = intval($match[1]);
} else $custom_limit = intval($config['comm_nummers']);
if( preg_match( "#cache=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
if( $match[1] == "yes" ) $config['allow_cache'] = 1;
else $config['allow_cache'] = false;
if( count( $where ) ) {
$where = implode( " AND ", $where );
$where = "WHERE " . $where;
} else $where = "";
$sql_select .= $where." ORDER BY " . $comm_sort . " " . $comm_msort . " LIMIT " . $custom_from . "," . $custom_limit;
$content = dle_cache( "news", "customcomments".$custom_cache_id, true );
if( $content !== false ) {
$config['allow_cache'] = $allow_cache;
return $content;
} else {
$tpl = new dle_template();
$tpl->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;
$comments = new DLE_Comments( $db, $custom_limit, $custom_limit );
$comments->query = $sql_select;
$content = $comments->build_customcomments( $tpl, $custom_template.'.tpl' );
if ( $config['allow_cache'] ) create_cache( "news", $content, "customcomments".$param_str.$config['skin'], true );
$config['allow_cache'] = $allow_cache;
$category_id = $temp_category_id;
return $content;
function custom_print( $matches=array() ) {
global $db, $is_logged, $member_id, $xf_inited, $cat_info, $config, $user_group, $category_id, $_TIME, $lang, $smartphone_detected, $dle_module, $allow_comments_ajax, $PHP_SELF, $news_date, $banners, $banner_in_news, $ban_short, $url_page, $user_query, $custom_news, $global_news_count, $remove_canonical, $custom_navigation, $row, $_DOCUMENT_DATE;
if ( !count($matches) ) return "";
$save_row = $row;
$param_str = trim($matches[1]);
$custom_cache_id = "customnews".$param_str.$config['skin'];
if( $config['user_in_news'] ) {
$user_select = ", u.email, u.name, u.user_id, u.news_num, u.comm_num as user_comm_num, u.user_group, u.lastdate, u.reg_date, u.banned, u.allow_mail, u.info, u.signature, u.foto, u.fullname, u.land, u.favorites, u.pm_all, u.pm_unread, u.time_limit, u.xfields as user_xfields ";
$user_join = "LEFT JOIN " . USERPREFIX . "_users u ON (e.user_id=u.user_id) ";
} else { $user_select = ""; $user_join = ""; }
$aviable = array("global");
$thisdate = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", $_TIME );
$sql_select = "SELECT p.id, p.autor, p.date, p.short_story, CHAR_LENGTH(p.full_story) as full_story, p.xfields, p.title, p.category, p.alt_name, p.comm_num, p.allow_comm, p.fixed, p.tags, e.news_read, e.allow_rate, e.rating, e.vote_num, e.votes, e.view_edit, e.editdate, e.editor, e.reason {$user_select}FROM " . PREFIX . "_post p {cat_join}LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_post_extras e ON (p.id=e.news_id) {$user_join}";
$where = array();
$allow_cache = $config['allow_cache'];
$cats_select = false;
$ids_for_sort = false;
$cat_join_count = "";
if( preg_match( "#aviable=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$aviable = explode( '|', $match[1] );
if( preg_match( "#available=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$aviable = explode( '|', $match[1] );
$do = $dle_module ? $dle_module : "main";
if( !in_array( $do, $aviable ) AND ($aviable[0] != "global") ) return "";
if( preg_match( "#id=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$temp_array = array();
$where_id = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', trim($match[1]));
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) {
$value = explode('-', $value);
$where_id[] = "id >= '" . intval($value[0]) . "' AND id <= '".intval($value[1])."'";
} else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
if ( count($temp_array) ) {
$where_id[] = "id IN ('" . implode("','", $temp_array) . "')";
$ids_for_sort = "FIND_IN_SET(id, '".implode(",", $temp_array)."') ";
if ( count($where_id) ) {
$custom_id = "(".implode(' OR ', $where_id).")";
$where[] = $custom_id;
if( preg_match( "#idexclude=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$temp_array = array();
$where_id = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', trim($match[1]));
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) {
$value = explode('-', $value);
$where_id[] = "(id < '" . intval($value[0]) . "' OR id > '".intval($value[1])."')";
} else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
if ( count($temp_array) ) {
$where_id[] = "id NOT IN ('" . implode("','", $temp_array) . "')";
if ( count($where_id) ) {
$custom_id = implode(' AND ', $where_id);
$where[] = $custom_id;
$cat_join = "";
if( preg_match( "#category=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$cats_select = true;
$temp_array = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) $temp_array[] = get_mass_cats($value);
else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
$temp_array = trim(implode(',', $temp_array));
if( $temp_array AND preg_match( "#subcat=['\"](yes|only)['\"]#i", $param_str, $subcat_match ) ) {
$subcat_array = array();
$c_arr = explode (',', $temp_array);
foreach ($c_arr as $value) {
$subcat_array[] = get_sub_cats ( $value, '', false );
$subcat_array = trim(str_replace( "|", ",", implode(',', $subcat_array)));
if( $subcat_match[1] == "yes" ) {
$temp_array .= ','.$subcat_array;
if( $subcat_match[1] == "only" ) {
$temp_array = $subcat_array;
$custom_category = $db->safesql( $temp_array );
$custom_category = str_replace( ",", "','", $custom_category );
if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {
$cat_join = "INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT(" . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN ('" . $custom_category . "')) c ON (p.id=c.news_id) ";
} else {
$where[] = "p.category IN ('" . $custom_category . "')";
if( preg_match( "#categoryexclude=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$cats_select = true;
$temp_array = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) $temp_array[] = get_mass_cats($value);
else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
$temp_array = trim(implode(',', $temp_array));
if( $temp_array AND preg_match( "#subcat=['\"](yes|only)['\"]#i", $param_str, $subcat_match ) ) {
$subcat_array = array();
$c_arr = explode (',', $temp_array);
foreach ($c_arr as $value) {
$subcat_array[] = get_sub_cats ( $value, '', false );
$subcat_array = trim(str_replace( "|", ",", implode(',', $subcat_array)));
if( $subcat_match[1] == "yes" ) {
$temp_array .= ','.$subcat_array;
if( $subcat_match[1] == "only" ) {
$temp_array = $subcat_array;
$custom_category = $db->safesql( $temp_array );
$custom_category = str_replace( ",", "','", $custom_category );
if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {
$where[] = "p.id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(" . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN ('" . $custom_category . "') )";
} else {
$where[] = "category NOT IN ('" . $custom_category . "')";
if( !$cats_select ) {
$allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats'] );
if( $allow_list[0] != "all" AND !$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_short'] ) {
if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {
$cat_join = "INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT(" . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN ('" . implode( "','", $allow_list ) . "')) c ON (p.id=c.news_id) ";
} else {
$where[] = "category IN ('" . implode( "','", $allow_list ) . "')";
$not_allow_cats = explode ( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['not_allow_cats'] );
if( $not_allow_cats[0] != "" ) {
if ($config['allow_multi_category']) {
$where[] = "p.id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(" . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats.news_id) FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE cat_id IN ('" . implode ( "','", $not_allow_cats ) . "') )";
} else {
$where[] = "category NOT IN ('" . implode ( "','", $not_allow_cats ) . "')";
$sql_select = str_replace( "{cat_join}", $cat_join, $sql_select );
if( preg_match( "#futureannounce=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
if( $match[1] == "yes" ) $fromfuture = true;
else $fromfuture = false;
} else $fromfuture = false;
if( preg_match( "#days=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$days = intval(trim($match[1]));
if($fromfuture) {
$startdate = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime("+1 day"));
$enddate = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", strtotime("+".($days+1)." day"));
$where[] = "p.date >= '{$startdate}' AND p.date < '{$enddate}'";
} else {
$where[] = "p.date >= '{$thisdate}' - INTERVAL {$days} DAY AND p.date < '{$thisdate}'";
} else $days = 0;
if( preg_match( "#author=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
$temp_array[] = "p.autor = '{$value}'";
$where[] = "(".implode(' OR ', $temp_array).")";
if( preg_match( "#authorexclude=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
$temp_array[] = "p.autor != '{$value}'";
$where[] = implode(' AND ', $temp_array);
if( preg_match( "#catalog=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
$temp_array[] = "p.symbol = '{$value}'";
$where[] = "(".implode(' OR ', $temp_array).")";
if( preg_match( "#catalogexclude=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
$temp_array[] = "p.symbol != '{$value}'";
$where[] = implode(' AND ', $temp_array);
if( preg_match( "#xfields=[\"](.+?)[\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
$temp_array[] = "p.xfields LIKE '%{$value}%'";
$where[] = "(".implode(' OR ', $temp_array).")";
if( preg_match( "#xfieldsexclude=[\"](.+?)[\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$match[1] = explode (',', $match[1]);
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
$temp_array[] = "p.xfields NOT LIKE '%{$value}%'";
$where[] = implode(' AND ', $temp_array);
if( preg_match( "#template=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$custom_template = trim($match[1]);
} else $custom_template = "shortstory";
if( preg_match( "#from=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$custom_from = intval($match[1]);
$custom_all = $custom_from;
} else { $custom_from = 0; $custom_all = 0;}
if( preg_match( "#limit=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$custom_limit = intval($match[1]);
} else $custom_limit = $config['news_number'];
if( preg_match( "#cache=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
if( $match[1] == "yes" ) $config['allow_cache'] = 1;
else $config['allow_cache'] = false;
if( $config['allow_cache'] ) $short_news_cache = true; else $short_news_cache = false;
if( preg_match( "#fixed=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$fixed = "";
if( $match[1] == "yes" ) $fixed = "fixed DESC, ";
elseif( $match[1] == "only" ) { $where[] = "fixed='1'"; }
elseif( $match[1] == "without" ) { $where[] = "fixed='0'"; }
} else $fixed = "";
if( preg_match( "#banners=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
if( $match[1] == "yes" ) $use_banners = true;
else $use_banners = false;
} else $use_banners = false;
if( $is_logged and ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_edit'] and ! $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_all_edit']) ) $config['allow_cache'] = false;
if (isset($custom_category) AND $custom_category) {
if( $cat_info[$custom_category]['news_sort'] ) $news_sort = $cat_info[$custom_category]['news_sort']; else $news_sort = $config['news_sort'];
if( $cat_info[$custom_category]['news_msort'] ) $news_msort = $cat_info[$custom_category]['news_msort']; else $news_msort = $config['news_msort'];
} else {
$news_sort = $config['news_sort'];
$news_msort = $config['news_msort'];
if( preg_match( "#sort=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$allowed_sort = array ('asc' => 'ASC', 'desc' => 'DESC' );
$match[1] = strtolower($match[1]);
if ( $allowed_sort[$match[1]] ) $news_msort = $allowed_sort[$match[1]];
if( preg_match( "#order=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$allowed_sort = array ('date' => 'date', 'editdate' => 'editdate', 'rating' => 'rating', 'reads' => 'news_read', 'comments' => 'p.comm_num','title' => 'title', 'rand' => 'RAND()' );
$match[1] = strtolower($match[1]);
if ( $allowed_sort[$match[1]] ) $news_sort = $allowed_sort[$match[1]];
if ($match[1] == "rand" ) { $fixed = ""; $news_msort = ""; }
if($match[1] == "id_as_list" AND $ids_for_sort){
$news_sort = $ids_for_sort;
$news_msort = "";
if($match[1] == "lastviewed") {
if(!$config['last_viewed']) return $lang['enable_lastviewed'];
if( !$_COOKIE['viewed_ids'] ) return '';
$viewed_ids = explode(',', trim($_COOKIE['viewed_ids']));
$temp_array = array();
if($news_msort == "ASC") $viewed_ids = array_reverse($viewed_ids);
foreach ($viewed_ids as $value) {
$value = intval(trim($value));
if ($value > 0) $temp_array[] = $db->safesql($value);
if( count($temp_array) ) {
$fixed = "";
$where[] = "id IN ('" . implode("','", $temp_array) . "')";
$news_sort = "FIND_IN_SET(id, '".implode(",", $temp_array)."') ";
$news_msort = "";
$config['allow_cache'] = false;
if( preg_match( "#sortbyuser=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
if( $match[1] == "yes" ) {
if (isset ( $_SESSION['dle_sort_global'] )) $news_sort = $_SESSION['dle_sort_global'];
if (isset ( $_SESSION['dle_direction_global'] )) $news_msort = $_SESSION['dle_direction_global'];
if ( !defined('CUSTOMSORT') ) {
define('CUSTOMSORT', true);
if( preg_match( "#navigation=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
if( $match[1] == "yes" AND $url_page !== false ) {
$build_navigation = true;
if (isset ( $_GET['cstart'] )) $cstart = intval ( $_GET['cstart'] ); else $cstart = 0;
if ($cstart > $config['max_cache_pages']) $config['allow_cache'] = false;
if ($cstart) {
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = ($cstart * $custom_limit) + $custom_from;
$custom_from = $cstart;
$remove_canonical = true;
$custom_cache_id = $custom_cache_id.$cstart;
} else $build_navigation = false;
} else $build_navigation = false;
$content = dle_cache( "news", $custom_cache_id, true );
if( $content ) {
$content = json_decode($content, true);
if( is_array( $content ) ) {
if( $content['navigation'] ) {
if ( !defined('CUSTOMNAVIGATION') ) {
define('CUSTOMNAVIGATION', true);
$custom_navigation = $content['navigation'];
if( isset( $active['last-modified'] ) ) {
if( $active['last-modified'] > $_DOCUMENT_DATE ) {
$_DOCUMENT_DATE = $active['last-modified'];
$content = $content['content'];
if( $content !== false ) {
$config['allow_cache'] = $allow_cache;
$custom_news = true;
$row = $save_row;
if ($config['allow_quick_wysiwyg'] AND ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_edit'] OR $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_all_edit'])) $allow_comments_ajax = true;
return $content;
} else {
if( preg_match( "#tags=['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $param_str, $match ) ) {
$temp_array = array();
$match[1] = explode (',', trim($match[1]));
foreach ($match[1] as $value) {
$value = $db->safesql(trim($value));
if( $value ) $temp_array[] = "tag='{$value}'";
if ( count($temp_array) ) {
$temp_array = implode(" OR ", $temp_array);
$db->query ( "SELECT news_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_tags WHERE {$temp_array}" );
$temp_array = array ();
while ( $row = $db->get_row () ) {
if (!in_array($row['news_id'], $temp_array)) $temp_array[] = $row['news_id'];
if (count ( $temp_array )) {
$where[] = "id IN ('" . implode("','", $temp_array) . "')";
} else $where[] = "id IN ('0')";
$where[] = "approve=1";
if( $config['no_date'] AND !$config['news_future'] AND !$days) $where[] = "date < '" . $thisdate . "'";
if ( $build_navigation ) {
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post p {$cat_join}WHERE ".implode(' AND ', $where);
} else $sql_count = "";
$tpl = new dle_template();
$tpl->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;
$tpl->is_custom = true;
$tpl->load_template( $custom_template . '.tpl' );
$sql_select .= " WHERE ".implode(' AND ', $where)." ORDER BY " . $fixed . $news_sort . " " . $news_msort . " LIMIT " . $custom_from . "," . $custom_limit;
$sql_result = $db->query( $sql_select );
include (DLEPlugins::Check(ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/show.custom.php'));
if( $config['files_allow'] ) if( strpos( $tpl->result['content'], "[attachment=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->result['content'] = show_attach( $tpl->result['content'], $attachments );
if ( $custom_news ) create_cache( "news", json_encode( array('content' => $tpl->result['content'], 'navigation' => $tpl->result['navigation'], 'last-modified' => $_DOCUMENT_DATE ) , JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ), $custom_cache_id, true );
$config['allow_cache'] = $allow_cache;
$tpl->is_custom = false;
$row = $save_row;
return $tpl->result['content'];
function check_ip($ips) {
$_IP = get_ip();
$blockip = false;
if( is_array( $ips ) ) {
if( strpos($_IP, ":") === false ) {
$delimiter = ".";
} else $delimiter = ":";
$this_ip_split = explode( $delimiter, $_IP );
$ip_lenght = count($this_ip_split);
foreach ( $ips as $ip_line ) {
$ip_arr = trim( $ip_line['ip'] );
if( $ip_arr == $_IP ) {
$blockip = $_IP;
} elseif ( count(explode ('/', $ip_arr)) == 2 ) {
if( maskmatch($_IP, $ip_arr) ) {
$blockip = $ip_line['ip'];
} else {
$ip_check_matches = 0;
$db_ip_split = explode( $delimiter, $ip_arr );
for($i_i = 0; $i_i < $ip_lenght; $i_i ++) {
if( $this_ip_split[$i_i] == $db_ip_split[$i_i] or $db_ip_split[$i_i] == '*' ) {
$ip_check_matches += 1;
if( $ip_check_matches == $ip_lenght ) {
$blockip = $ip_line['ip'];
return $blockip;
function allowed_ip($ip_array) {
$ip_array = trim( $ip_array );
$_IP = get_ip();
if( !$ip_array ) {
return true;
if( strpos($_IP, ":") === false ) {
$delimiter = ".";
} else $delimiter = ":";
$db_ip_split = explode( $delimiter, $_IP );
$ip_lenght = count($db_ip_split);
$ip_array = explode( "|", $ip_array );
foreach ( $ip_array as $ip ) {
$ip = trim( $ip );
if( $ip == $_IP ) {
return true;
} elseif( count(explode ('/', $ip)) == 2 ) {
if( maskmatch($_IP, $ip) ) return true;
} else {
$ip_check_matches = 0;
$this_ip_split = explode( $delimiter, $ip );
for($i_i = 0; $i_i < $ip_lenght; $i_i ++) {
if( $this_ip_split[$i_i] == $db_ip_split[$i_i] OR $this_ip_split[$i_i] == '*' ) {
$ip_check_matches += 1;
if( $ip_check_matches == $ip_lenght ) return true;
return false;
function maskmatch($IP, $CIDR) {
list ($address, $netmask) = explode('/', $CIDR, 2);
if( strpos($IP, ".") !== false AND strpos($CIDR, ".") !== false ) {
return ( ip2long($IP) & ~((1 << (32 - $netmask)) - 1) ) == ip2long ($address);
} elseif( strpos($IP, ":") !== false AND strpos($CIDR, ":") !== false ) {
if (!((extension_loaded('sockets') && defined('AF_INET6')) || @inet_pton('::1'))) {
return false;
$bytesAddr = unpack('n*', @inet_pton($address));
$bytesTest = unpack('n*', @inet_pton($IP));
if (!$bytesAddr || !$bytesTest) {
return false;
for ($i = 1, $ceil = ceil($netmask / 16); $i <= $ceil; ++$i) {
$left = $netmask - 16 * ($i - 1);
$left = ($left <= 16) ? $left : 16;
$mask = ~(0xffff >> $left) & 0xffff;
if (($bytesAddr[$i] & $mask) != ($bytesTest[$i] & $mask)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
function check_netz($ip1, $ip2) {
if( strpos($ip1, ":") === false ) {
$delimiter = ".";
} else $delimiter = ":";
$ip1 = explode( $delimiter, $ip1 );
$ip2 = explode( $delimiter, $ip2 );
if( $ip1[0] != $ip2[0] ) return false;
if( $ip1[1] != $ip2[1] ) return false;
if($delimiter == ":") {
if( $ip1[2] != $ip2[2] ) return false;
if( $ip1[3] != $ip2[3] ) return false;
return true;
function show_attach($story, $id, $static = false) {
global $db, $config, $lang, $user_group, $member_id, $_TIME, $news_date;
$find_1 = array();
$find_2 = array();
$replace_1 = array();
$replace_2 = array();
$tpl = new dle_template();
$tpl->dir = TEMPLATE_DIR;
$root = $config['http_home_url'];
if (strpos($root, "//") === 0) {
$root = isSSL() ? $root = "https:".$root : $root = "http:".$root;
} elseif (strpos($root, "/") === 0) {
$root = isSSL() ? $root = "https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$root : "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$root;
if( $static ) {
if( is_array( $id ) and count( $id ) ) {
$list = array();
foreach ( $id as $value ) {
$list[] = intval($value);
$id = implode( ',', $list );
$where = "static_id IN ({$id})";
} else $where = "static_id = '".intval($id)."'";
$db->query( "SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_static_files WHERE $where" );
$area = "&area=static";
} else {
if( is_array( $id ) and count( $id ) ) {
$list = array();
foreach ( $id as $value ) {
$list[] = intval($value);
$id = implode( ',', $list );
$where = "news_id IN ({$id})";
} else $where = "news_id = '".intval($id)."'";
$db->query( "SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_files WHERE $where" );
$area = "";
if( !file_exists( $tpl->dir . "/attachment.tpl" ) ) {
$tpl->template = <<<HTML
[allow-download]<span class="attachment"><a href="{link}" >{name}</a> [count] [{size}] ({$lang['att_dcount']} {count})[/count]</span>[/allow-download]
[not-allow-download]<span class="attachment">{$lang['att_denied']}</span>[/not-allow-download]
$tpl->copy_template = $tpl->template;
} else {
$tpl->load_template( 'attachment.tpl' );
while ( $row = $db->get_row() ) {
$row['name'] = explode( "/", $row['name'] );
$row['name'] = end( $row['name'] );
$filename_arr = explode( ".", $row['onserver'] );
$type = strtolower(end( $filename_arr ));
$find_1[] = '[attachment=' . $row['id'] . ']';
$find_2[] = "#\[attachment={$row['id']}:(.+?)\]#i";
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "{md5}" ) !== false) {
if($row['checksum']) $tpl->set( '{md5}', $row['checksum'] );
else $tpl->set( '{md5}', @md5_file( ROOT_DIR . '/uploads/files/' . $row['onserver'] ) );
if (stripos ( $tpl->copy_template, "{size}" ) !== false) {
if($row['size']) $tpl->set( '{size}', formatsize($row['size']) );
else $tpl->set( '{size}', formatsize( @filesize( ROOT_DIR . '/uploads/files/' . $row['onserver'] ) ) );
$onlineview_ext = array('doc', 'docx','odt','pdf','xls','xlsx');
if ( in_array($type, $onlineview_ext) ) {
$tpl->set( '[allow-online]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/allow-online]', "" );
$tpl->set( '{online-view-link}', "https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=".urlencode( $root."index.php?do=download&id=".$row['id'].$area."&viewonline=1" ) );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{online-view-link}', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[allow-online\\](.*?)\\[/allow-online\\]'si", "" );
if ( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_files'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[allow-download]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/allow-download]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-allow-download\\](.*?)\\[/not-allow-download\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '[not-allow-download]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-allow-download]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[allow-download\\](.*?)\\[/allow-download\\]'si", "" );
if ( $config['files_count'] ) {
$tpl->set( '{count}', $row['dcount'] );
$tpl->set( '[count]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/count]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-allow-count\\](.*?)\\[/not-allow-count\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{count}', "" );
$tpl->set( '[not-allow-count]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-allow-count]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[count\\](.*?)\\[/count\\]'si", "" );
if( date( 'Ymd', $row['date'] ) == date( 'Ymd', $_TIME ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{date}', $lang['time_heute'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['date'] ) );
} elseif( date( 'Ymd', $row['date'] ) == date( 'Ymd', ($_TIME - 86400) ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{date}', $lang['time_gestern'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['date'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{date}', langdate( $config['timestamp_active'], $row['date'] ) );
$news_date = $row['date'];
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\{date=(.+?)\}#i", "formdate", $tpl->copy_template );
if( $area ) $area = str_replace("&", "&", $area);
$tpl->set( '{name}', $row['name'] );
$tpl->set( '{extension}', $type );
$tpl->set( '{link}', $config['http_home_url']."index.php?do=download&id=".$row['id'].$area );
$tpl->set( '{id}', $row['id'] );
$tpl->compile( 'attachment' );
$replace_1[] = $tpl->result['attachment'];
$tpl->result['attachment'] = str_replace( $row['name'], "\\1", $tpl->result['attachment'] );
$replace_2[] = $tpl->result['attachment'];
$tpl->result['attachment'] = '';
$story = str_replace ( $find_1, $replace_1, $story );
$story = preg_replace( $find_2, $replace_2, $story );
return $story;
function xfieldsload($profile = false) {
global $lang, $config;
if( $profile ) $path = ENGINE_DIR . '/data/xprofile.txt';
else $path = ENGINE_DIR . '/data/xfields.txt';
$filecontents = file( $path );
$fields = array();
$tmp_arr = array();
if( !is_array( $filecontents ) ) {
return array();
} elseif( count($filecontents) ) {
foreach ( $filecontents as $name => $value ) {
if( trim($value) ) {
$tmp_arr = explode( "|", trim($value, "\t\n\r\0\x0B") );
foreach ( $tmp_arr as $name2 => $value2 ) {
$value2 = str_replace( "|", "|", $value2 );
$value2 = str_replace( "__NEWL__", "\r\n", $value2 );
$value2 = html_entity_decode($value2, ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset']);
$fields[$name][$name2] = $value2;
return $fields;
return array();
function xfieldsdataload($id) {
if( $id == "" ) return false;
$xfieldsdata = explode( "||", $id );
foreach ( $xfieldsdata as $xfielddata ) {
list ( $xfielddataname, $xfielddatavalue ) = explode( "|", $xfielddata );
$xfielddataname = str_replace( "|", "|", $xfielddataname );
$xfielddataname = str_replace( "__NEWL__", "\r\n", $xfielddataname );
$xfielddatavalue = str_replace( "|", "|", $xfielddatavalue );
$xfielddatavalue = str_replace( "__NEWL__", "\r\n", $xfielddatavalue );
$data[$xfielddataname] = trim($xfielddatavalue);
return $data;
function clear_content ( $content, $len = 300 ) {
global $config;
if(!$content OR !is_string($content) ) {
return '';
$remove = array ("\x60", "\t", "\n", "\r", '\t', '\n', '\r', "{PAGEBREAK}", " ", "<br />", "<br>", " ," );
$len = intval($len);
$content = stripslashes($content);
$content = html_entity_decode($content, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, $config['charset'] );
$content = preg_replace( "#\[hide(.*?)\](.+?)\[/hide\]#is", "", $content );
$content = preg_replace( "'\[attachment=(.*?)\]'si", "", $content );
$content = preg_replace( "'\[page=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/page\]'si", "", $content );
$content = preg_replace( "#<!--dle_spoiler(.+?)<!--spoiler_text-->#is", "", $content );
$content = preg_replace( "#<!--spoiler_text_end-->(.+?)<!--/dle_spoiler-->#is", "", $content );
$content = preg_replace( "'{banner_(.*?)}'si", "", $content );
$content = preg_replace( "'\\[banner_(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/banner_(.*?)\\]'si", "", $content );
$content = preg_replace( "#<pre(.*?)>(.+?)</pre>#is", "", $content );
$content = str_replace( "а", "a", $content );
$content = str_replace( "o", "o", $content );
$content = preg_replace( "#&(.+?);#", "", $content );
$content = str_replace( "><", "> <", $content );
$content = str_replace( $remove, ' ', $content );
$content = strip_tags($content);
$content = preg_replace("#(^|\s|>)((http|https)://\w+[^\s\[\]\<]+)#i", '', $content);
$content = str_replace("&amp;", "&", htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_COMPAT, $config['charset'] ));
$content = preg_replace('/\s+/u', ' ', $content);
if( $len AND $len > 1 ) {
if(dle_strlen( $content, $config['charset'] ) > $len ) {
$content = dle_substr( $content, 0, $len, $config['charset'] );
if( ($temp_dmax = dle_strrpos( $content, ' ', $config['charset'] )) ) $content = dle_substr( $content, 0, $temp_dmax, $config['charset'] );
return trim($content);
function create_keywords($story) {
global $metatags, $config;
$keyword_count = 20;
$newarr = array ();
$quotes = array (""", ",", ".", "/", "#", ";", ":", "@", "~", "[", "]", "{", "}", "=", "-", "+", ")", "(", "*", "^", "%", "$", "?", "!");
$fastquotes = array ("\x22", "$", "{", "}", "[", "]");
$remove = array ('\t', '\n', '\r' );
$story = str_replace( $remove, ' ', $story );
$story = clear_content(stripslashes ($story), 0);
$story = str_replace( $fastquotes, '', $story );
$metatags['description'] = $story;
if( dle_strlen( $metatags['description'], $config['charset'] ) > 300 ) {
$metatags['description'] = dle_substr( $story, 0, 300, $config['charset'] );
if( ($temp_dmax = dle_strrpos( $metatags['description'], ' ', $config['charset'] )) ) $metatags['description'] = dle_substr( $metatags['description'], 0, $temp_dmax, $config['charset'] );
$story = str_replace( $quotes, '', $story );
$arr = explode( " ", $story );
foreach ( $arr as $word ) {
if( dle_strlen( $word, $config['charset'] ) > 4 ) $newarr[] = $word;
$arr = array_count_values( $newarr );
arsort( $arr );
$arr = array_keys( $arr );
$total = count( $arr );
$offset = 0;
$arr = array_slice( $arr, $offset, $keyword_count );
$metatags['keywords'] = implode( ", ", $arr );
function news_permission($id) {
if( $id == "" ) return;
$data = array ();
$groups = explode( "||", $id );
foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
list ( $groupid, $groupvalue ) = explode( ":", $group );
$data[$groupid] = $groupvalue;
return $data;
function bannermass($fest, $massiv) {
if( is_array($massiv) AND count($massiv) ) {
return $fest . $massiv[array_rand( $massiv )]['text'];
} else return $fest;
function get_sub_cats($id, $subcategory = '', $with_id = true) {
global $cat_info;
$subfound = array ();
if( !$subcategory AND $with_id) $subcategory = $id;
foreach ( $cat_info as $cats ) {
if( $cats['parentid'] == $id ) {
$subfound[] = $cats['id'];
foreach ( $subfound as $parentid ) {
if( $subcategory ) $subcategory .= "|";
$subcategory .= $parentid;
$subcategory = get_sub_cats( $parentid, $subcategory );
return $subcategory;
function check_xss() {
$url = html_entity_decode( urldecode( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ), ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1' );
$url = str_replace( "\\", "/", $url );
if (isset($_GET['do']) AND $_GET['do'] == "xfsearch") {
$f = html_entity_decode( urldecode( $_GET['xf'] ), ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1' );
$count1 = substr_count ($f, "'");
$count2 = substr_count ($url, "'");
if ( $count1 == $count2 AND (strpos( $url, '<' ) === false) AND (strpos( $url, '>' ) === false) AND (strpos( $url, '.php' ) === false) ) return;
if (isset($_GET['do']) AND $_GET['do'] == "tags") {
$f = html_entity_decode( urldecode( $_GET['tag'] ), ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1' );
$count1 = substr_count ($f, "'");
$count2 = substr_count ($url, "'");
if ( $count1 == $count2 AND (strpos( $url, '<' ) === false) AND (strpos( $url, '>' ) === false) AND (strpos( $url, './' ) === false) AND (strpos( $url, '../' ) === false) AND (strpos( $url, '.php' ) === false) ) return;
if( $url ) {
if( (strpos( $url, '<' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '>' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, './' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '../' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '\'' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '.php' ) !== false) ) {
if( $_GET['do'] != "search" OR $_GET['subaction'] != "search" ) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
$url = html_entity_decode( urldecode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1' );
$url = str_replace( "\\", "/", $url );
if( $url ) {
if( (strpos( $url, '<' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '>' ) !== false) || (strpos( $url, '\'' ) !== false) ) {
if( $_GET['do'] != "search" OR $_GET['subaction'] != "search" ) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
function if_category_rating( $category ) {
global $cat_info;
$category = explode( ',', $category );
$found = false;
foreach ( $category as $element ) {
if( isset( $cat_info[$element]['rating_type'] ) AND $cat_info[$element]['rating_type'] > -1 ) {
return $cat_info[$element]['rating_type'];
return $found;
function check_category( $matches=array() ) {
global $category_id;
$block = $matches[3];
$category = $category_id;
$temp_array = array();
$matches[2] = str_replace(" ", "", $matches[2] );
$matches[2] = explode (',', $matches[2]);
foreach ($matches[2] as $value) {
if( count(explode('-', $value)) == 2 ) $temp_array[] = get_mass_cats($value);
else $temp_array[] = intval($value);
$temp_array = implode(',', $temp_array);
if ($matches[1] == "category" OR $matches[1] == "catlist") $action = true; else $action = false;
$cats = explode( ',', $temp_array );
$category = explode( ',', $category );
$found = false;
foreach ( $category as $element ) {
if( $action ) {
if( in_array( $element, $cats ) ) {
return $block;
} else {
if( in_array( $element, $cats ) ) {
$found = true;
if ( !$action AND !$found ) {
return $block;
return "";
function clean_url($url) {
if( $url == '' ) return;
$url = str_replace( "http://", "", strtolower( $url ) );
$url = str_replace( "https://", "", $url );
if( substr( $url, 0, 2 ) == '//' ) $url = str_replace( "//", "", $url );
if( substr( $url, 0, 4 ) == 'www.' ) $url = substr( $url, 4 );
$url = explode( '/', $url );
$url = reset( $url );
$url = explode( ':', $url );
$url = reset( $url );
return $url;
function get_url($id) {
global $cat_info;
$cat_id = false;
if( !$id ) return "";
$id = explode (",", $id);
foreach ($id as $val) {
$val = intval($val);
if ( $val AND $cat_info[$val]['id'] ) {
$cat_id = $val;
if( !$cat_id ) return "";
$id = $cat_id;
$parent_id = $cat_info[$id]['parentid'];
$url = $cat_info[$id]['alt_name'];
while ( $parent_id ) {
if( !$cat_info[$parent_id]['id'] ) {
$url = $cat_info[$parent_id]['alt_name'] . "/" . $url;
$parent_id = $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'];
if($parent_id) {
if( $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'] == $cat_info[$parent_id]['id'] ) break;
return $url;
function get_categories($id, $separator=" »") {
global $cat_info, $config, $PHP_SELF;
if( ! $id ) return;
$parent_id = $cat_info[$id]['parentid'];
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) $list = "<a href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $id ) . "/\">{$cat_info[$id]['name']}</a>";
else $list = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=cat&category={$cat_info[$id]['alt_name']}\">{$cat_info[$id]['name']}</a>";
while ( $parent_id ) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) $list = "<a href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $parent_id ) . "/\">{$cat_info[$parent_id]['name']}</a>" . $separator . $list;
else $list = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=cat&category={$cat_info[$parent_id]['alt_name']}\">{$cat_info[$parent_id]['name']}</a>" . $separator . $list;
$parent_id = $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'];
if( !isset($cat_info[$parent_id]['id']) OR ( isset($cat_info[$parent_id]['id']) AND !$cat_info[$parent_id]['id']) ) {
if($parent_id) {
if( $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'] == $cat_info[$parent_id]['id'] ) break;
return $list;
function get_breadcrumbcategories($id, $separator="»", $last_link = true) {
global $cat_info, $config, $PHP_SELF;
if( !$id ) return;
$parent_id = $cat_info[$id]['parentid'];
$list = $temp = array();
$pos = 2;
if ($last_link) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) $list[] = "<span itemprop=\"itemListElement\" itemscope itemtype=\"https://schema.org/ListItem\"><meta itemprop=\"position\" content=\"{pos}\"><a href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $id ) . "/\" itemprop=\"item\"><span itemprop=\"name\">{$cat_info[$id]['name']}</span></a></span>";
else $list[] = "<span itemprop=\"itemListElement\" itemscope itemtype=\"https://schema.org/ListItem\"><meta itemprop=\"position\" content=\"{pos}\"><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=cat&category={$cat_info[$id]['alt_name']}\" itemprop=\"item\"><span itemprop=\"name\">{$cat_info[$id]['name']}</span></a></span>";
} else {
$list[] = $cat_info[$id]['name'];
while ( $parent_id ) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) $list[] = "<span itemprop=\"itemListElement\" itemscope itemtype=\"https://schema.org/ListItem\"><meta itemprop=\"position\" content=\"{pos}\"><a href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $parent_id ) . "/\" itemprop=\"item\"><span itemprop=\"name\">{$cat_info[$parent_id]['name']}</span></a></span>" . $separator;
else $list[] = "<span itemprop=\"itemListElement\" itemscope itemtype=\"https://schema.org/ListItem\"><meta itemprop=\"position\" content=\"{pos}\"><a href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=cat&category={$cat_info[$parent_id]['alt_name']}\" itemprop=\"item\"><span itemprop=\"name\">{$cat_info[$parent_id]['name']}</span></a></span>" . $separator;
$parent_id = $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'];
if( !isset($cat_info[$parent_id]['id']) OR ( isset($cat_info[$parent_id]['id']) AND !$cat_info[$parent_id]['id']) ) {
if($parent_id) {
if( $cat_info[$parent_id]['parentid'] == $cat_info[$parent_id]['id'] ) break;
if(count($list)) {
$list = array_reverse($list);
foreach($list as $value) {
$temp[] = str_replace("{pos}", $pos, $value);
$pos ++;
$list = $temp;
return implode("", $list);
function news_sort($do) {
global $config, $lang, $category_id, $cat_info;
if( ! $do ) $do = "main";
$find_sort = "dle_sort_" . $do;
$direction_sort = "dle_direction_" . $do;
if($do == "cat" AND $category_id) {
$find_sort .= "_".$category_id;
$direction_sort .= "_".$category_id;
$find_sort = str_replace( ".", "", $find_sort );
$direction_sort = str_replace( ".", "", $direction_sort );
$sort = array ();
$allowed_sort = array ('date', 'rating', 'news_read', 'comm_num', 'title' );
$soft_by_array = array (
'date' => array ( 'name' => $lang['sort_by_date'], 'value' => "date", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" ),
'rating' => array ( 'name' => $lang['sort_by_rating'], 'value' => "rating", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" ),
'news_read' => array ( 'name' => $lang['sort_by_read'], 'value' => "news_read", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" ),
'comm_num' => array ( 'name' => $lang['sort_by_comm'], 'value' => "comm_num", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" ),
'title' => array ( 'name' => $lang['sort_by_title'], 'value' => "title", 'direction' => "desc", 'image' => "" )
if( !$config['allow_comments'] ) { unset($allowed_sort[3]); unset($soft_by_array['comm_num']); }
if( isset( $_SESSION[$direction_sort] ) AND ($_SESSION[$direction_sort] == "desc" OR $_SESSION[$direction_sort] == "asc") ) $direction = $_SESSION[$direction_sort];
else $direction = $config['news_msort'];
if( isset( $_SESSION[$find_sort] ) AND $_SESSION[$find_sort] AND in_array( $_SESSION[$find_sort], $allowed_sort ) ) $soft_by = $_SESSION[$find_sort];
elseif( $do == "cat" AND $cat_info[$category_id]['news_sort'] ) $soft_by = $cat_info[$category_id]['news_sort'];
else $soft_by = $config['news_sort'];
if( strtolower( $direction ) == "asc" ) {
$soft_by_array[$soft_by]['image'] = " class=\"desc\"";
$soft_by_array[$soft_by]['direction'] = "desc";
} else {
$soft_by_array[$soft_by]['image'] = " class=\"asc\"";
$soft_by_array[$soft_by]['direction'] = "asc";
foreach ( $soft_by_array as $value ) {
$sort[] = "<li" . $value['image'] . "><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"dle_change_sort('{$value['value']}','{$value['direction']}'); return false;\">" . $value['name'] . "</a></li>";
$sort = "<form name=\"news_set_sort\" id=\"news_set_sort\" method=\"post\"><ul class=\"sort\">" . implode( $sort ) . "</ul>";
$sort .= <<<HTML
<input type="hidden" name="dlenewssortby" id="dlenewssortby" value="{$config['news_sort']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="dledirection" id="dledirection" value="{$config['news_msort']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="set_new_sort" id="set_new_sort" value="{$find_sort}" />
<input type="hidden" name="set_direction_sort" id="set_direction_sort" value="{$direction_sort}" />
return $sort;
function compare_tags($a, $b) {
if( $a['tag'] == $b['tag'] ) return 0;
return strcasecmp( $a['tag'], $b['tag'] );
function convert_unicode($t, $to = '') {
// deprecated
return $t;
function build_js($js, $config) {
$js_array = array();
$defer = "";
$v = substr(md5($config['version_id'].SECURE_AUTH_KEY),0,5);
$config['jquery_version'] = intval($config['jquery_version']);
$ver = $config['jquery_version'] ? $config['jquery_version'] : "";
if ($config['js_min']) {
$js_array[] = "<script src=\"{$config['http_home_url']}engine/classes/min/index.php?g=general{$ver}&v={$v}\"></script>";
$default_array = array (
if ( count($js) ) $js = array_merge($default_array, $js); else $js = $default_array;
$js_array[] = "<script src=\"{$config['http_home_url']}engine/classes/min/index.php?f=".implode(",", $js)."&v={$v}\" defer></script>";
return implode("\n", $js_array);
} else {
$default_array = array (
if ( count($js) ) $js = array_merge($default_array, $js); else $js = $default_array;
foreach ($js as $value) {
if($i > 0) $defer =" defer";
$js_array[] = "<script src=\"{$config['http_home_url']}{$value}?v={$v}\"{$defer}></script>";
return implode("\n", $js_array);
function build_css($css, $config) {
$css_array = array();
$v = substr(md5($config['version_id'].SECURE_AUTH_KEY),0,5);
if ($config['js_min'] AND count($css) ) {
return "<link href=\"{$config['http_home_url']}engine/classes/min/index.php?f=".implode(",", $css)."&v={$v}\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">";
} elseif( count($css) ) {
foreach ($css as $value) {
$css_array[] = "<link href=\"{$config['http_home_url']}{$value}?v={$v}\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">";
return implode("\n", $css_array);
function check_static($matches=array()) {
global $dle_module;
$names = $matches[2];
$block = $matches[3];
if ($matches[1] == "static") $action = true; else $action = false;
$names = str_replace(" ", "", $names );
$names = explode( ',', $names );
if ( isset($_GET['page']) ) $page = trim($_GET['page']); else $page = "";
if( $action ) {
if( in_array( $page, $names ) AND $dle_module == "static" ) {
return $block;
} else {
if( !in_array( $page, $names ) OR $dle_module != "static") {
return $block;
return "";
function dle_strlen($value, $charset = "utf-8" ) {
if( function_exists( 'mb_strlen' ) ) {
return mb_strlen( $value, $charset );
} elseif( function_exists( 'iconv_strlen' ) ) {
return iconv_strlen($value, $charset);
return strlen($value);
function dle_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset = "utf-8" ) {
if( function_exists( 'mb_substr' ) ) {
return mb_substr( $str, $start, $length, $charset );
} elseif( function_exists( 'iconv_substr' ) ) {
return iconv_substr($str, $start, $length, $charset);
return substr($str, $start, $length);
function dle_strrpos($str, $needle, $charset = "utf-8" ) {
if( function_exists( 'mb_strrpos' ) ) {
return mb_strrpos( $str, $needle, null, $charset );
} elseif( function_exists( 'iconv_strrpos' ) ) {
return iconv_strrpos($str, $needle, $charset);
return strrpos($str, $needle);
function dle_strpos($str, $needle, $charset = "utf-8" ) {
if( function_exists( 'mb_strpos' ) ) {
return mb_strpos( $str, $needle, null, $charset );
} elseif( function_exists( 'iconv_strrpos' ) ) {
return iconv_strpos($str, $needle, null, $charset);
return strpos($str, $needle);
function dle_strtolower($str, $charset = "utf-8" ) {
if( function_exists( 'mb_strtolower' ) ) {
return mb_strtolower( $str, $charset );
return strtolower($str);
function check_allow_login($ip, $max ) {
global $db, $config;
$config['login_ban_timeout'] = intval($config['login_ban_timeout']);
$max = intval($max);
if( $max < 2 ) $max = 2;
$block_date = time()-($config['login_ban_timeout'] * 60);
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . "_login_log WHERE ip='{$ip}'" );
if ( isset( $row['count'] ) AND $row['count'] AND $row['date'] < $block_date ) {
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_login_log WHERE ip = '{$ip}'" );
return true;
if ( isset( $row['count'] ) AND $row['count'] >= $max AND $row['date'] > $block_date ) return false;
else return true;
function detect_encoding($string) {
static $list = array('utf-8', 'windows-1251');
foreach ($list as $item) {
if( function_exists( 'mb_convert_encoding' ) ) {
$sample = mb_convert_encoding( $string, $item, $item );
} elseif( function_exists( 'iconv' ) ) {
$sample = iconv($item, $item, $string);
if (md5($sample) == md5($string)) return $item;
return null;
function get_ip() {
global $config;
if ($config['own_ip']) $ip = $_SERVER[$config['own_ip']]; else $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$temp_ip = explode(",", $ip);
if(count($temp_ip) > 1) $ip = trim($temp_ip[0]);
if ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) ) {
return filter_var( $ip , FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4);
if ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) ) {
return filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6);
return 'not detected';
function get_votes($all) {
$data = array ();
if( $all != "" ) {
$all = explode( "|", $all );
foreach ( $all as $vote ) {
list ( $answerid, $answervalue ) = explode( ":", $vote );
$data[$answerid] = intval( $answervalue );
return $data;
function http_get_contents( $file, $post_params = false ) {
$data = false;
if (stripos($file, "http://") !== 0 AND stripos($file, "https://") !== 0) {
return false;
if( function_exists( 'curl_init' ) ) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $file );
if( is_array($post_params) ) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post_params));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$data = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
if( $data !== false ) return $data;
if( preg_match('/1|yes|on|true/i', ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) ) {
if( is_array($post_params) ) {
$file .= '?'.http_build_query($post_params);
$data = @file_get_contents( $file );
if( $data !== false ) return $data;
return false;
function CheckGzip(){
if (headers_sent() || connection_aborted() || ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) return false;
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'br' ) !== false AND function_exists( 'brotli_compress' ) ) return "br";
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== false AND function_exists( 'gzencode' ) ) return "gzip";
return false;
function GzipOut($debug=false, $mysql=false){
global $config, $Timer, $db, $tpl, $_DOCUMENT_DATE;
$s = "";
@header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".$config['charset']);
if ($debug) $s = "\n<!-- The script execution time ".$Timer->get()." seconds -->\n<!-- The time compilation of templates ".round($tpl->template_parse_time, 5)." seconds -->\n<!-- Time executing MySQL query: ".round($db->MySQL_time_taken, 5)." seconds -->\n<!-- The total number of MySQL queries ".$db->query_num." -->";
if( $debug AND function_exists( "memory_get_peak_usage" ) ) $s .="\n<!-- RAM uses ".round(memory_get_peak_usage()/(1024*1024),2)." MB -->";
if($debug AND $mysql AND count($db->query_list) ) {
$temp_list = array();
foreach ($db->query_list as $value) {
$temp_list[] = "[query] => ".$value['query']."\n[time] => ".$value['time']."\n[num] => ".$value['num'];
$s .="\n<!-- MySQL queries list:\n\n".implode("\n\n", $temp_list)."\n\n-->";
$IfModifiedSince = false;
if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ) $IfModifiedSince = strtotime(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 5));
elseif( isset($_ENV['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ) $IfModifiedSince = strtotime(substr($_ENV['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 5));
if ($IfModifiedSince && $IfModifiedSince >= $_DOCUMENT_DATE) {
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 304 Not Modified');
@header ("Last-Modified: " . date('r', $_DOCUMENT_DATE) ." GMT");
if($config['disable_frame']) {
if( !preg_match('%^(http:|https:)?//(www.)?(webvisor.com)%', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ) {
@header ("X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN");
if ( !$config['allow_gzip'] ) {if ($debug) echo $s; ob_end_flush(); return;}
$ENCODING = CheckGzip();
if ($ENCODING) {
$s .= "\n<!-- For compression was used $ENCODING -->\n";
$Contents = ob_get_clean();
if ($debug){
if ($ENCODING == "br" ) {
$after_len = strlen(brotli_compress($Contents));
} else {
$after_len = strlen(gzencode($Contents));
$s .= "<!-- The total size of the page: ".strlen($Contents)." bytes ";
$s .= "After compression: ".$after_len." bytes -->";
$Contents .= $s;
header("Content-Encoding: {$ENCODING}");
if ($ENCODING == "br" ) {
$Contents = brotli_compress($Contents);
} else {
$Contents = gzencode($Contents);
echo $Contents;
} else {
function check_xfvalue( $matches=array() ) {
global $xfieldsdata, $preg_safe_name, $value;
$matches[1] = trim($matches[1]);
$check_values = array();
if( preg_match( "#^{$preg_safe_name}\s*\!\=\s*['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $matches[1], $match ) ) {
$tmp_values = explode( ",", trim($match[1]) );
foreach($tmp_values as $check_value) {
$check_values[] = trim($check_value);
if( !in_array($xfieldsdata[$value[0]], $check_values) ) {
return $matches[2];
} else return "";
if( preg_match( "#^{$preg_safe_name}\s*\=\s*['\"](.+?)['\"]#i", $matches[1], $match ) ) {
$tmp_values = explode( ",", trim($match[1]) );
foreach($tmp_values as $check_value) {
$check_values[] = trim($check_value);
if( in_array($xfieldsdata[$value[0]], $check_values) ) {
return $matches[2];
} else return "";
return $matches[0];
function enable_lazyload( $matches=array() ) {
$matches[0] = str_replace ( 'src="', 'data-src="', $matches[0] );
return $matches[0];
function deletenewsbyid( $id ) {
global $config, $db;
$id = intval($id);
DLEFiles::init( $config['file_driver'], false );
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT user_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras WHERE news_id = '{$id}'" );
$db->query( "UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users SET news_num=news_num-1 WHERE user_id='{$row['user_id']}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE id='{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras WHERE news_id='{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_extras_cats WHERE news_id='{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_poll WHERE news_id='{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_poll_log WHERE news_id='{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_log WHERE news_id='{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_post_pass WHERE news_id='{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_tags WHERE news_id = '{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_xfsearch WHERE news_id = '{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_logs WHERE news_id = '{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_subscribe WHERE news_id='{$id}'");
deletecommentsbynewsid( $id );
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT images FROM " . PREFIX . "_images WHERE news_id = '{$id}'" );
if( isset($row['images']) AND $row['images']) {
$listimages = explode( "|||", $row['images'] );
foreach ( $listimages as $dataimage ) {
$dataimage = get_uploaded_image_info($dataimage);
$query = $db->safesql( $dataimage->path );
$row = $db->super_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE short_story LIKE '%{$query}%' OR full_story LIKE '%{$query}%' OR xfields LIKE '%{$query}%'");
if( isset($row['count']) AND $row['count'] ) {
if( $dataimage->remote AND DLEFiles::$driver == 'remote' ) $disk = 'remote';
else $disk = 'local';
DLEFiles::Delete( "posts/" . $dataimage->path, $disk );
if( $dataimage->thumb ) {
DLEFiles::Delete( "posts/{$dataimage->folder}/thumbs/{$dataimage->name}", $disk );
if( $dataimage->medium ) {
DLEFiles::Delete( "posts/{$dataimage->folder}/medium/{$dataimage->name}", $disk );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_images WHERE news_id = '{$id}'" );
$db->query( "SELECT id, onserver, driver FROM " . PREFIX . "_files WHERE news_id = '{$id}'" );
while ( $row = $db->get_row() ) {
if( $row['driver'] AND DLEFiles::$driver == 'remote' ) $disk = 'remote';
else $disk = 'local';
if( trim($row['onserver']) == ".htaccess") die("Hacking attempt!");
DLEFiles::Delete( "files/{$row['onserver']}", $disk );
@unlink( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/files/" . $folder_prefix . $file );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_files WHERE news_id = '{$id}'" );
$sql_result = $db->query( "SELECT user_id, favorites FROM " . USERPREFIX . "_users WHERE favorites LIKE '%{$id}%'" );
while ( $row = $db->get_row($sql_result) ) {
$temp_fav = explode( ",", $row['favorites'] );
$new_fav = array();
foreach ( $temp_fav as $value ) {
$value = intval($value);
if($value != $id ) $new_fav[] = $value;
if(count($new_fav)) $new_fav = $db->safesql(implode(",", $new_fav));
else $new_fav = "";
$db->query( "UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users SET favorites='{$new_fav}' WHERE user_id='{$row['user_id']}'" );
function deletecomments( $id ) {
global $config, $db;
$id = intval($id);
DLEFiles::init( $config['file_driver'], false );
$row = $db->super_query( "SELECT id, post_id, user_id, is_register, approve FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE id = '{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE id = '{$id}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_comment_rating_log WHERE c_id = '{$id}'" );
if( $row['is_register'] ) {
$db->query( "UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users SET comm_num=comm_num-1 WHERE user_id ='{$row['user_id']}'" );
if($row['approve']) $db->query( "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_post SET comm_num=comm_num-1 WHERE id='{$row['post_id']}'" );
$db->query( "SELECT id, name, driver FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments_files WHERE c_id = '{$id}'" );
while ( $row = $db->get_row() ) {
$dataimage = get_uploaded_image_info( $row['name'] );
if( $row['driver'] AND DLEFiles::$driver == 'remote' ) $disk = 'remote';
else $disk = 'local';
DLEFiles::Delete( "posts/" . $dataimage->path, $disk );
if( $dataimage->thumb ) {
DLEFiles::Delete( "posts/{$dataimage->folder}/thumbs/{$dataimage->name}", $disk );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments_files WHERE c_id = '{$id}'" );
if ( $config['tree_comments'] ) {
$sql_result = $db->query( "SELECT id FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE parent = '{$id}'" );
while ( $row = $db->get_row( $sql_result ) ) {
deletecomments( $row['id'] );
function deletecommentsbynewsid( $id ) {
global $config, $db;
$id = intval($id);
DLEFiles::init( $config['file_driver'], false );
$result = $db->query( "SELECT id FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE post_id='{$id}'" );
while ( $row = $db->get_array( $result ) ) {
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_comment_rating_log WHERE c_id = '{$row['id']}'" );
$db->query( "SELECT id, name, driver FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments_files WHERE c_id = '{$row['id']}'" );
while ( $file = $db->get_row() ) {
$dataimage = get_uploaded_image_info( $row['name'] );
if( $row['driver'] AND DLEFiles::$driver == 'remote' ) $disk = 'remote';
else $disk = 'local';
DLEFiles::Delete( "posts/" . $dataimage->path, $disk );
if( $dataimage->thumb ) {
DLEFiles::Delete( "posts/{$dataimage->folder}/thumbs/{$dataimage->name}", $disk );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments_files WHERE c_id = '{$row['id']}'" );
$result = $db->query( "SELECT COUNT(*) as count, user_id FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE post_id='{$id}' AND is_register='1' GROUP BY user_id" );
while ( $row = $db->get_array( $result ) ) {
$db->query( "UPDATE " . USERPREFIX . "_users SET comm_num=comm_num-{$row['count']} WHERE user_id='{$row['user_id']}'" );
$db->query( "DELETE FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments WHERE post_id='{$id}'" );
function normalize_name($var, $punkt = true) {
if ( !is_string($var) ) return;
$var = str_replace(chr(0), '', $var);
$var = trim( strip_tags( $var ) );
$var = preg_replace( "/\s+/u", "-", $var );
$var = str_replace( "/", "-", $var );
if ( $punkt ) $var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9\_\-.]+/mi", "", $var );
else $var = preg_replace( "/[^a-z0-9\_\-]+/mi", "", $var );
$var = preg_replace( '#[\-]+#i', '-', $var );
$var = preg_replace( '#[.]+#i', '.', $var );
return $var;
function clearfilepath( $file, $ext=array() ) {
$file = trim(str_replace(chr(0), '', (string)$file));
$file = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', $file);
$path_parts = pathinfo( $file );
if( count($ext) ) {
if ( !in_array( $path_parts['extension'], $ext ) ) return '';
$filename = normalize_name($path_parts['basename'], true);
if( !$filename) return '';
$parts = array_filter(explode('/', $path_parts['dirname']), 'strlen');
$absolutes = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ('.' == $part) continue;
if ('..' == $part) {
} else {
$absolutes[] = normalize_name($part, false);
$path = implode('/', $absolutes);
if ( $path ) return implode('/', $absolutes).'/'.$filename;
else return '';
function cleanpath($path) {
$path = trim(str_replace(chr(0), '', (string)$path));
$path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', $path);
$parts = array_filter(explode('/', $path), 'strlen');
$absolutes = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ('.' == $part) continue;
if ('..' == $part) {
} else {
$absolutes[] = totranslit($part, false, false);
return implode('/', $absolutes);
function get_uploaded_image_info( $file, $root_folder = 'posts', $force_size = false ) {
global $config;
$info = array();
$file = explode("|", $file);
$path = $file[0];
$path = str_replace(':',':', $path);
if( stripos($path, "https://" ) === 0 OR stripos($path, "http://" ) === 0 OR stripos($path, "//" ) === 0 ) {
$info['remote'] = true;
$info['local'] = false;
$info['exists'] = true;
$info['url'] = $path;
$path = explode("/{$root_folder}/", $path);
$info['path'] = $path[1];
$info['root'] = $path[0] . "/{$root_folder}/";
} else {
$info['remote'] = false;
$info['exists'] = true;
$info['path'] = $path;
$info['root'] = $config['http_home_url'] . "uploads/{$root_folder}/";
$info['url'] = $info['root'] . $info['path'];
if( !file_exists( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/{$root_folder}/" . $info['path'] ) ) {
$info['url'] = $config['http_home_url'] . "engine/skins/images/noimage.jpg";
$file[1] = 0;
$file[2] = 0;
$file[3] = "0x0";
$file[4] = "0 b";
$info['exists'] = false;
if( count($file) == 1) {
$info['local_check'] = true;
$file[1] = 0;
$file[2] = 0;
if( file_exists( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/{$root_folder}/" . $folder_prefix . "thumbs/" . $file ) ) $file[1] = 1;
if( file_exists( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/{$root_folder}/" . $folder_prefix . "medium/" . $file ) ) $file[2] = 1;
if( $force_size ) {
if( file_exists( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/{$root_folder}/" . $info['path'] ) ) {
$img_info = @getimagesize( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/{$root_folder}/" . $info['path'] );
$file[3] = "{$img_info[0]}x{$img_info[1]}";
$file[4] = formatsize( filesize( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/{$root_folder}/" . $info['path'] ) );
} else {
$file[3] = "0x0";
$file[4] = "0 b";
} else $info['local_check'] = false;
$parts = pathinfo($info['path']);
$info['folder'] = $parts['dirname'];
$info['name'] = $parts['basename'];
if( isset($file[1]) AND $file[1]) {
$info['thumb'] = $info['root'] . $info['folder'] . "/thumbs/" . $info['name'];
} else {
$info['thumb'] = false;
if( isset($file[2]) AND $file[2]) {
$info['medium'] = $info['root'] . $info['folder'] . "/medium/" . $info['name'];
} else {
$info['medium'] = false;
if( isset($file[3]) AND $file[3]) $info['dimension'] = $file[3]; else $info['dimension'] = false;
if( isset($file[4]) AND $file[4]) $info['size'] = $file[4]; else $info['size'] = false;
return (object)$info;
function is_md5hash( $md5 = '' ) {
return strlen($md5) == 32 && ctype_xdigit($md5);
function generate_pin(){
$pin = "";
for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i ++) {
$rand = "";
if(function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
$rand = floor(10*(hexdec(bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(4)))/0xffffffff));
}while($rand == 10);
} else {
$rand = mt_rand( 0, 9 );
$pin .= $rand;
return $pin;
function isSSL() {
if( (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off')
|| (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL']) == 'on')
|| (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443)
|| (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] == 'https')
|| (isset($_SERVER['CF_VISITOR']) && $_SERVER['CF_VISITOR'] == '{"scheme":"https"}')
|| (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'] == '{"scheme":"https"}')
) return true; else return false;
function preg_quote_replacement($str) {
return str_replace(array('\\', '$'), array('\\\\', '\\$'), $str);