Seditio Source
Root |
./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/dynamics/includes/form_textarea.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: form_textarea.php
| Author: Frederick MC Chan (Chan)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).

 * @param string $input_name
 * @param string $label
 * @param string $input_value
 * @param array  $options
 * @return string
function form_textarea($input_name, $label = '', $input_value = '', array $options = []) {

$locale = fusion_get_locale('', [


$title = $label ? stripinput($label) : ucfirst(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $input_name)));

$input_name = (isset($input_name) && (!empty($input_name))) ? stripinput($input_name) : "";

    if (!empty(
$options['bbcode'])) {
$options['type'] = "bbcode";
    } else if (!empty(
$options['html'])) {
$options['type'] = "html";

$default_options = [
'input_id'            => $input_name,
'type'                => '',
'inline_editing'      => FALSE,
'required'            => FALSE,
'tinymce_forced_root' => TRUE,
'placeholder'         => '',
'deactivate'          => FALSE,
'width'               => '',
'inner_width'         => '100%',
'height'              => '200px',
'class'               => '',
'inner_class'         => '',
'inline'              => FALSE,
'length'              => 200,
'error_text'          => $locale['error_input_default'],
'safemode'            => FALSE,
'form_name'           => 'input_form',
'tinymce'             => 'simple',
'tinymce_css'         => '',
'tinymce_image'       => TRUE, // Turns on or off the image selection feature in TinyMCE
'no_resize'           => FALSE,
'autosize'            => FALSE,
'bbcode'              => FALSE,
'html'                => FALSE,
'preview'             => FALSE,
'path'                => IMAGES,
'maxlength'           => '',
'tip'                 => '',
'ext_tip'             => '',
'input_bbcode'        => '',
'wordcount'           => FALSE, // it is a character counter, not a word counter
'file_filter'         => ['.png', '.PNG', '.svg', '.SVG', '.bmp', '.BMP', '.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.GIF', '.tiff', '.TIFF'],
'tinymce_theme'       => 'silver', // silver|mobile
'tinymce_skin'        => 'oxide', // oxide|oxide-dark
'tinymce_spellcheck'  => TRUE,
'rows'                => 5,
'censor_words'        => TRUE,
'descript'            => TRUE

$options += $default_options;

$input_value = clean_input_value($input_value);

    if (
$options['type'] == "tinymce") {

$options['tinymce'] = !empty($options['tinymce']) && in_array($options['tinymce'], [TRUE, 'simple', 'advanced']) ? $options['tinymce'] : "simple";

$options['tinymce_css'] = (!empty($options['tinymce_css']) && file_exists($options['tinymce_css']) ? $options['tinymce_css'] : '');

$options['tinymce_spellcheck'] = $options['tinymce_spellcheck'] == TRUE ? 'true' : 'false';

$tinymce_list = [];
        if (!empty(
$options['path']) && $options['tinymce_image'] == TRUE) {
$image_list = [];
            if (
is_array($options['path'])) {
                foreach (
$options['path'] as $dir) {
                    if (
file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir)) {
$image_list[$dir] = makefilelist($dir, ".|..|");
            } else {
                if (
file_exists($options['path']) && is_dir($options['path'])) {
$image_list[$options['path']] = makefilelist($options['path'], '.|..|');
            foreach (
$image_list as $key => $images) {
                foreach (
$images as $image_name) {
$image_1 = explode('.', $image_name);
$last_str = count($image_1) - 1;
                    if (
in_array(".".$image_1[$last_str], $options['file_filter'])) {
$tinymce_list[] = ['title' => $image_name, 'value' => $key.$image_name];

$tinymce_list = json_encode($tinymce_list);
$tinymce_smiley_vars = "";
        if (!
defined('tinymce')) {
add_to_head('<script src="'.INCLUDES.'jquery/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>');
add_to_head('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.INCLUDES.'jquery/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css">');
add_to_head('<script src="'.INCLUDES.'elFinder/js/elfinder.min.js"></script>');
add_to_head('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.INCLUDES.'elFinder/css/elfinder.min.css">');
add_to_head('<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.INCLUDES.'elFinder/css/theme.css">');
add_to_head("<script src='".INCLUDES."jscripts/tinymce5/tinymce.min.js'></script>");
add_to_head("<script src='".INCLUDES."elFinder/js/tinymceElfinder.min.js'></script>");

                const mceElf = new tinymceElfinder({
                    // connector URL (Set your connector)
                    url: "'
                    // upload target folder hash for this tinyMCE
                    uploadTargetHash: "l1_lw", // Hash value on elFinder of writable folder
                    // elFinder dialog node id
                    nodeId: "elfinder", // Any ID you decide
                        ui: ["toolbar", "tree", "path", "stat"],
                        uiOptions: {
                            toolbar: [
                                ["home", "back", "forward", "up", "reload"],
                                ["mkdir", "mkfile", "upload"],
                                ["copy", "cut", "paste", "rm", "empty"],
                                ["duplicate", "rename", "edit", "resize", "chmod"],
                                ["quicklook", "info"],
                                ["extract", "archive"],
                                ["view", "sort"],
                                ["preference", "help"]

define('tinymce', TRUE);
// PHPFusion Parse Cache Smileys
$smileys = cache_smileys();
$tinymce_smiley_vars = "";
            if (!empty(
$smileys)) {
$tinymce_smiley_vars = "var shortcuts = {\n";
                foreach (
$smileys as $params) {
$tinymce_smiley_vars .= "'".strtolower($params['smiley_code'])."' : '<img alt=\"".$params['smiley_text']."\" src=\"".IMAGES."smiley/".$params['smiley_image']."\"/>',\n";
$tinymce_smiley_vars .= "};\n";
$tinymce_smiley_vars .= "
                ed.on('keyup', function(e){
                    var marker = tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getBookmark();
                    // Store editor contents
                    var content = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent({'format':'raw'});
                    // Loop through all shortcuts
                    for(var key in shortcuts){
                        // Check if the editor html contains the looped shortcut
                        if(content.toLowerCase().indexOf(key) != -1) {
                            // Escaping special characters to be able to use the shortcuts in regular expression
                            var k = key.replace(/[<>*()?']/ig, \"\\$&\");
                            tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(content.replace(k, shortcuts[key]));
                    // Now put cursor back where it was

$images = '';

        if (
$options['tinymce_image']) {
$images = "file_picker_callback : mceElf.browser,";

$tinymce_lang = '';
        if (
file_exists(LOCALE.LOCALESET."includes/jscripts/tinymce/langs/".$locale['tinymce'].".js")) {
$tinymce_lang = "language:'".$locale['tinymce']."',
            language_url: '"

// Mode switching for TinyMCE
switch ($options['tinymce']) {
                    relative_urls: false,
                    remove_script_host: false,
                    selector: '#"
                    inline: "
.($options['inline_editing'] == TRUE ? "true" : "false").",
                    theme: '"
                    skin: '"
.(defined('TINYMCE_SKIN') ? TINYMCE_SKIN : $options['tinymce_skin'])."',
.(defined('TINYMCE_SKIN_PATH') ? "skin_url: '".TINYMCE_SKIN_PATH."', " : '')."
                    browser_spellcheck: "
                    entity_encoding: 'raw',
                    directionality : '"
.($options['tinymce_forced_root'] ? "forced_root_block: ''," : '')."
                    width: '100%',
                    height: 300,
                    plugins: [
                        'advlist autolink "
.($options['autosize'] ? " autoresize " : "")." link image lists charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak',
                        'searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen insertdatetime media nonbreaking',
                        'save table directionality template paste "
.($options['inline_editing'] ? " save " : "")."'
.(!empty($options['tinymce_css'] ? "content_css: '".$options['tinymce_css']."'," : ''))."
                    toolbar1: '"
.($options['inline_editing'] ? " save " : "")." insertfile undo redo | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | newdocument fullscreen preview cut copy paste pastetext searchreplace code',
                    toolbar2: 'styleselect formatselect removeformat | fontselect fontsizeselect bold italic underline strikethrough subscript superscript blockquote | forecolor backcolor',
                    toolbar3: 'hr pagebreak insertdatetime | link unlink anchor | image media | table charmap visualchars visualblocks emoticons',
                    image_advtab: true,
                    style_formats: [
                        {title: 'Bold text', inline: 'b'},
                        {title: 'Red text', inline: 'span', styles: {color: '#ff0000'}},
                        {title: 'Red header', block: 'h1', styles: {color: '#ff0000'}},
                        {title: 'Example 1', inline: 'span', classes: 'example1'},
                        {title: 'Example 2', inline: 'span', classes: 'example2'},
                        {title: 'Table styles'},
                        {title: 'Table row 1', selector: 'tr', classes: 'tablerow1'}
                    setup: function(ed) {
                        // add tabkey listener
                        ed.on('keydown', function(event) {
                            if (event.keyCode == 9) { // tab pressed
                                if (event.shiftKey) { ed.execCommand('Outdent'); } else { ed.execCommand('Indent'); }
                                return false;
                        // auto smileys parsing
                    relative_urls: false,
                    remove_script_host: false,
                    selector: '#"
                    inline: "
.($options['inline_editing'] == TRUE ? "true" : "false").",
                    theme: '"
                    skin: '"
.(defined('TINYMCE_SKIN') ? TINYMCE_SKIN : $options['tinymce_skin'])."',
.(defined('TINYMCE_SKIN_PATH') ? "skin_url: '".TINYMCE_SKIN_PATH."', " : '')."
                    browser_spellcheck: "
                    entity_encoding: 'raw',
                    menubar: false,
                    statusbar: false,
                    content_css: '"
                    plugins: [
                        'advlist autolink "
.($options['autosize'] ? " autoresize " : "")." link image lists charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak',
                        'searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen insertdatetime media nonbreaking',
                        'directionality template paste"
.($options['bbcode'] ? " bbcode " : "").($options['autosize'] ? " autoresize " : "").($options['inline_editing'] ? " save " : "")."'
                    width: '100%',
                    height: 100,
                    image_advtab: true,
                    toolbar1: 'undo redo | bold italic underline | emoticons | visualblocks | bullist numlist blockquote | hr "
.($options['tinymce_image'] ? " image " : "")." | fullscreen ".($options['inline_editing'] ? " save " : "")." | code',
                    language: '"
                    directionality : '"
.($options['tinymce_forced_root'] ? "forced_root_block: ''," : '')."
                    object_resizing: "
.($options['autosize'] ? "false" : "true").",
                    resize: "
.($options['autosize'] ? "false" : "true").",
                    setup: function(ed) {
                        // add tabkey listener
                        ed.on('keydown', function(event) {
                            if (event.keyCode == 9) { // tab pressed
                                if (event.shiftKey) { ed.execCommand('Outdent'); } else { ed.execCommand('Indent'); }
                                return false;
                        // auto smileys parsing

                $('#inject').bind('click', function () {
                    tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand(\"mceInsertContent\", true, '[b]I am injecting in stuff..[/b]');
                    relative_urls: false,
                    remove_script_host: false,
                    selector: '#"
                    inline: "
.($options['inline_editing'] == TRUE ? "true" : "false").",
                    content_css: '"
                    theme: '"
                    skin: '"
.(defined('TINYMCE_SKIN') ? TINYMCE_SKIN : $options['tinymce_skin'])."',
.(defined('TINYMCE_SKIN_PATH') ? "skin_url: '".TINYMCE_SKIN_PATH."', " : '')."
                    browser_spellcheck: "
                    entity_encoding: 'raw',
                    directionality : '"
.($options['tinymce_forced_root'] ? "forced_root_block: ''," : '')."
                    setup: function(ed) {
                        // add tabkey listener
                        ed.on('keydown', function(event) {
                            if (event.keyCode == 9) { // tab pressed
                                if (event.shiftKey) { ed.execCommand('Outdent'); } else { ed.execCommand('Indent'); }
                                return false;
                        // auto smileys parsing
    } else {

        if (
$options['bbcode']) {
$options['type'] = 'bbcode';
        } else if (
$options['html']) {
$options['type'] = 'html';

        if (
$options['autosize'] || defined('AUTOSIZE')) {
add_to_footer("<script src='".DYNAMICS."assets/autosize/autosize.min.js'></script>");

    if (
$input_value) {
$input_value = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($input_value), ENT_QUOTES, $locale['charset']);
$input_value = htmlspecialchars_decode($input_value);

$error_class = "";
    if (\
Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) {
$error_class = " has-error";
        if (!empty(
$options['error_text'])) {
$new_error_text = \Defender::getErrorText($input_name);
            if (!empty(
$new_error_text)) {
$options['error_text'] = $new_error_text;
addnotice("danger", $options['error_text']);

$html = "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-field' class='form-group ".($options['inline'] && $label ? 'row' : '').$error_class.$options['class']."'".($options['width'] ? " style='width: ".$options['width']." !important;'" : '').">\n";
$html .= ($label) ? "<label class='control-label ".($options['inline'] ? "col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3" : '')."' for='".$options['input_id']."'>".$label.($options['required'] == 1 ? "<span class='required'>&nbsp;*</span>" : '')." ".($options['tip'] ? "<i class='pointer fa fa-question-circle' title='".$options['tip']."'></i>" : '')."</label>\n" : '';
$html .= ($options['inline']) ? "<div class='clearfix".($label ? ' col-xs-12 col-sm-9 col-md-9 col-lg-9' : '')."'>\n" : '';
$tab_active = 0;
$tab_title = [];
    if (
$options['preview'] && ($options['type'] == "html" || $options['type'] == "bbcode")) {
$tab_title['title'][] = $locale['preview'];
$tab_title['id'][] = "prw-".$options['input_id'];
$tab_title['icon'][] = '';
$tab_title['title'][] = $locale['texts'];
$tab_title['id'][] = "txt-".$options['input_id'];
$tab_title['icon'][] = '';
$tab_active = tab_active($tab_title, 1);

$html .= ($options['type'] == "html" || $options['type'] == "bbcode") ? "<div class='panel panel-default panel-txtarea m-b-0' ".($options['preview'] ? "style='border-radius:0;'" : '').">\n
    <div class='panel-heading clearfix'>\n"
: '';

    if (
$options['preview'] && ($options['type'] == "bbcode" || $options['type'] == "html")) {
$html .= openeditortab($tab_title, $tab_active, $options['input_id']."-link", "", "editor-wrapper");

    if (
$options['type'] == "bbcode" && $options['form_name']) {
$html .= "<div class='bbcode_input' style='line-height:0;'>\n";
$html .= display_bbcodes('100%', $options['input_id'], $options['form_name'], $options['input_bbcode']);
$html .= $options['preview'] ? "</div>\n" : "";
    } else if (
$options['type'] == "html" && $options['form_name']) {
$html .= "<div class='html-buttons'>\n";
$html .= display_html($options['form_name'], $options['input_id'], TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, $options['path']);
$html .= $options['preview'] ? "</div>\n" : "";

$html .= ($options['type'] == "html" || $options['type'] == "bbcode") ? "</div>\n</div>\n<div class='panel-body p-0'>\n" : '';

    if (
$options['preview'] && ($options['type'] == "bbcode" || $options['type'] == "html")) {
$html .= "<div id='tab-content-".$options['input_id']."-link' class='tab-content p-0'>\n";
$html .= opentabbody($tab_title['title'][1], "txt-".$options['input_id'], $tab_active);

    if (
$options['inline_editing'] == TRUE) {
$html .= "<div id='".$options['input_id']."' ".($options['width'] ? "style='display:block; width: ".$options['width'].";'" : '').">".$input_value."</div>\n";
    } else {
$html .= "<textarea name='$input_name' style='width: ".$options['inner_width']."; height:".$options['height'].";".($options['no_resize'] ? ' resize: none;' : '')."' rows='".$options['rows']."' cols='' class='form-control m-0 ".($options['inner_class'] ? " ".$options['inner_class']." " : '').($options['autosize'] ? 'animated-height' : '')." ".(($options['type'] == "html" || $options['type'] == "bbcode") ? "no-shadow no-border bbr-0" : '')." textbox'".($options['placeholder'] ? " placeholder='".$options['placeholder']."' " : '')." id='".$options['input_id']."'".($options['deactivate'] ? ' readonly' : '')." ".($options['maxlength'] ? " maxlength='".$options['maxlength']."'" : '').">".$input_value."</textarea>\n";

    if (
$options['preview'] && ($options['type'] == "bbcode" || $options['type'] == "html")) {
$html .= closetabbody();
$html .= opentabbody($tab_title['title'][0], "prw-".$options['input_id']."", $tab_active);
$html .= $locale['global_003'];
$html .= closetabbody();
$html .= "</div>\n";
            // preview syntax
            var form = $('#"
            var text = $('#"
            var format = '"
.($options['type'] == "bbcode" ? 'bbcode' : 'html')."';
            var data = {
.(defined('ADMIN_PANEL') ? "'mode': 'admin', " : "")."
                'text' : text,
                'editor' : format,
                'url' : '"
                'form_id' : 'prw-"
                'fusion_token' : '"
.fusion_get_token("prw-".$options['form_name'], 30)."'
            var sendData = form.serialize() + '&' + $.param(data);
                url: '"
                type: 'POST',
                dataType: 'html',
                data : sendData,
                success: function(result) {
                error: function(result) {
.$locale['error_preview']."' + '\\n".$locale['error_preview_text']."');

    if ((
$options['type'] == "html" || $options['type'] == "bbcode") && $options['wordcount'] === TRUE) {
$html .= "</div>\n<div class='panel-footer clearfix'>\n";
$html .= "<div class='overflow-hide'><i><small>".$locale['word_count'].": <span id='".$options['input_id']."-wordcount'></span>".(!empty($options['maxlength']) ? " / ".$options['maxlength'] : '')."</small></i></div>";
        if ($('#"
.$options['input_id']."').length) {
            var init_str = $('#"
.$options['input_id']."').on('input propertychange paste', function() {
            var str = $(this).val().length;
$html .= "</div>\n<!---panel-footer-->";
    if ((!
$options['type'] == "bbcode" && !$options['type'] == "html")) {
$html .= $options['ext_tip'] ? "<span class='tip'><i>".$options['ext_tip']."</i></span>" : "";
$html .= $options['inline'] ? "</div>\n" : '';
    if ((
$options['type'] == "bbcode" || $options['type'] == "html")) {
        if (
$options['wordcount']) {
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= $options['ext_tip'] ? "<br/>\n<span class='tip'><i>".$options['ext_tip']."</i></span>" : "";

        } else {
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
$html .= $options['ext_tip'] ? "<br/>\n<span class='tip'><i>".$options['ext_tip']."</i></span>" : "";


$html .= (($options['required'] == 1 && \Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) || \Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) ? "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-help' class='label label-danger text-white p-5 display-inline-block'>".$options['error_text']."</div>" : "";
$html .= "</div>\n";

'input_name'   => clean_input_name($input_name),
'type'         => 'textarea',
'title'        => $label,
'id'           => $options['input_id'],
'required'     => $options['required'],
'safemode'     => $options['safemode'],
'error_text'   => $options['error_text'],
'censor_words' => $options['censor_words'],
'descript'     => $options['descript']


openeditortab($tab_title, $link_active_arrkey, $id, $link = FALSE, $class = FALSE, $getname = "section") {
$link_mode = !empty($link) ? $link : 0;
$html = "<div class='nav-wrapper $class'>\n";
$html .= "<ul class='nav' ".($id ? "id='".$id."'" : "")." >";
    if (!empty(
$tab_title['title'])) {
        foreach (
$tab_title['title'] as $arr => $v) {
$v_title = str_replace("-", " ", $v);
$tab_id = $tab_title['id'][$arr];
$icon = (isset($tab_title['icon'][$arr])) ? $tab_title['icon'][$arr] : "";
$link_url = $link ? clean_request($getname.'='.$tab_id, [$getname], FALSE) : '#';
            if (
$link_mode) {
$html .= ($link_active_arrkey == $tab_id) ? "<li class='active'>" : "<li>";
            } else {
$html .= ($link_active_arrkey == "".$tab_id) ? "<li class='active'>" : "<li>";
$html .= "<a class='btn btn-default btn-sm m-l-5 pointer' ".(!$link_mode ? "id='tab-".$tab_id."' data-toggle='tab' data-target='#".$tab_id."'" : "href='$link_url'").">".($icon ? "<i class='".$icon."'></i>" : '')." ".$v_title." </a>";
$html .= "</li>";
$html .= "</ul>";