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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/dynamics/includes/form_datepicker.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: form_datepicker.php
| Author: Frederick MC Chan (Chan)
| Credits:  eternicode @
| Docs:
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).

 * Input to save date using datepicker
 * Datetimepicker documentation -
 * Callback Usages
 * ==========================
 * Configuration when type is 'timestamp'
 * Token used for $options['date_format_php'] is the <a href="">PHP token equivalent.</a>
 * Token used for $options['date_format_js'] must be formatted with <a href="">moment.js.</a>
 * Both token must match each other to parse the callback properly.
 * Example 1:
 * "date_format_php" => "d-m-Y",
 * "date_format_js"  => "DD-MM-YYYY",
 * Example 2:
 * 'date_format_js'  => 'YYYY-M-DD',
 * 'date_format_php' => 'Y-m-d',
 * Joining 2 datepickers (Start and End)
 * =======================================
 * In Start Datepicker, add $options['join_to_id'] with End Datepicker's input_id
 * In End Datepicker, add $options['join_from_id'] with Start Datepicker's input_id
 * @param string $input_name
 * @param string $label
 * @param string $input_value
 * @param array  $options
 * @return string
function form_datepicker($input_name, $label = '', $input_value = '', array $options = []) {

$locale = fusion_get_locale();

$input_value = clean_input_value($input_value);

$title = $label ? stripinput($label) : ucfirst(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $input_name)));

$input_name = stripinput($input_name);

$default_options = [
'input_id'               => $input_name, // The value of attribute id of input.
'required'               => FALSE,
'placeholder'            => '',
'deactivate'             => FALSE, // You can pass true and turn off the javascript datepicker plugin
'width'                  => '', // A valid value for CSS width
'inner_width'            => '', // in px i.e. 250px
'class'                  => '', // The value of attribute class of the input.
'inline'                 => FALSE, // True if the input should be an inline element
'error_text'             => $locale['error_input_default'], // An error message
'date_format_js'         => 'M-DD-YYYY H:mm:ss', // Date format for datepicker plugin.
'date_format_php'        => 'm-d-Y H:i:s', // Date format for datepicker plugin.
'delimiter'              => '-',
'fieldicon_off'          => FALSE, // If TRUE, the calendar icon will be not displayed in the input.
'filtered_dates'         => [], // must be an array
'include_filtered_dates' => FALSE, // if true, then only days filtered are selectable
'weekend'                => [], // 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 6 for Saturday
'disable_weekend'        => FALSE, // if true, all weekend will be non-selectable
'type'                   => 'timestamp', // timestamp|date, The date will be saved as mysql date or timestamp. A timestamp will be saved as an integer.
'tip'                    => '',
'showTime'               => FALSE,
'week_start'             => fusion_get_settings('week_start'), // An integer between 0 and 6. It is the same as the attribute weekStart of datepicker.
'join_to_id'             => '',
'join_from_id'           => '',
'debug'                  => '',
'stacked'                => '',

$options += $default_options;

    if (!
defined('DATEPICKER')) {
        if (
file_exists(LOCALE.LOCALESET."includes/dynamics/assets/datepicker/locale/tooltip/".$locale['datepicker'].".js")) {
$lang = $locale['datepicker'];
        } else {
$lang = 'en-gb';
add_to_footer("<script src='".LOCALE.LOCALESET."includes/dynamics/assets/datepicker/locale/tooltip/".$lang.".js'></script>");

        if (
defined('BOOTSTRAP4')) {
add_to_head("<link href='".DYNAMICS."assets/datepicker/bs4/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.css' rel='stylesheet'>");
        } else {
add_to_head("<link href='".DYNAMICS."assets/datepicker/bs3/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css' rel='stylesheet'>");

add_to_footer("<script src='".DYNAMICS."assets/datepicker/moment.min.js'></script>");

        if (
defined('BOOTSTRAP4')) {
add_to_footer("<script src='".DYNAMICS."assets/datepicker/bs4/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js'></script>");
        } else {
add_to_footer("<script src='".DYNAMICS."assets/datepicker/bs3/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js'></script>");
add_to_footer("<script src='".LOCALE.LOCALESET."includes/dynamics/assets/datepicker/locale/".$locale['datepicker'].".js'></script>");

    if (!empty(
$input_value)) {
        if (
$options['type'] == "timestamp") {
$input_value = date($options['date_format_php'], isnum($input_value) ? $input_value : strtotime(str_replace('-', '/', $input_value)));
        } else if (
$options['type'] == "date") {
            if (
stristr($input_value, $options['delimiter'])) {
$input_value = explode($options['delimiter'], $input_value);
                if (
count($input_value) == 3) {
$params = [
'year'  => $input_value[0],
'month' => $input_value[1],
'day'   => $input_value[2]
                    if (
checkdate($params['month'], $params['day'], $params['year'])) {
$input_value = (implode("-", $params)." 00:00:00");
    } else {
$input_value = "";

    if (!
$options['width']) {
$options['width'] = $default_options['width'];

// Format disabled or enabled dates as JS array
$dateFilter = [];
    if (!empty(
$options['filtered_dates']) && is_array($options['filtered_dates'])) {
$date_filtered = [];
$dateFilter[0] = "disabledDates: ";
        if (
$options['include_filtered_dates'] == TRUE) {
$dateFilter[0] = "enabledDates: ";
        foreach (
$options['filtered_dates'] as $value) {
$date_filtered[] = date("m/d/Y", $value);
$dateFilter[1] = "['".implode("','", $date_filtered)."']";

// Format for Weekend
$weekendFilter = [];
    if (
$options['disable_weekend']) {
$weekendFilter[0] = "daysOfWeekDisabled: ";
$weekendFilter[1] = (!empty($options['weekend']) && is_array($options['weekend'])) ? "[".implode(",", $options['weekend'])."]" : "[0,6]";

    if (!
in_array($options['type'], ['date', 'timestamp'])) {
$options['type'] = $default_options['type'];

$options['week_start'] = (int)$options['week_start'];

$error_class = "";
    if (\
Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) {
$error_class = "has-error ";
        if (!empty(
$options['error_text'])) {
$new_error_text = \Defender::getErrorText($input_name);
            if (!empty(
$new_error_text)) {
$options['error_text'] = $new_error_text;
addnotice("danger", $options['error_text']);

$html = "<div id='".$options["input_id"]."-field' class='form-group ".($options['inline'] && $label ? 'row ' : '').$error_class.$options['class']."'>\n";

$html .= ($label ? "<label class='control-label".($options['inline'] ? " col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3" : '')."' for='".$options["input_id"]."'>".$label.($options['required'] ? "<span class='required'>&nbsp;*</span> " : '').($options['tip'] ? "<i class='pointer fa fa-question-circle' title='".$options['tip']."'></i>" : '')."</label>" : "");

$html .= $options['inline'] && $label ? "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9 col-md-9 col-lg-9'>\n" : "";

$html .= "<div id='".$options["input_id"]."_datepicker' data-target-input='nearest' class='input-group date'".($options['width'] ? " style='width: ".$options['width']."'" : "").">\n";

$html .= "<input type='text' name='".$input_name."' id='".$options["input_id"]."' data-target='#".$options["input_id"]."-datepicker' value='".$input_value."' class='datetimepicker-input form-control textbox'".($options['inner_width'] ? " style='width:".$options['inner_width'].";'" : '').($options['placeholder'] ? " placeholder='".$options['placeholder']."'" : '')."/>\n";

$html .= "<span class='input-group-addon input-group-append ".($options['fieldicon_off'] ? 'display-none' : '')."' data-target='#".$options["input_id"]."-datepicker' data-toggle='datetimepicker'><i class='input-group-text fa fa-calendar'></i></span>\n";

$html .= "</div>\n";

$html .= (($options['required'] == 1 && \Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) || \Defender::inputHasError($input_name) ? "<div id='".$options["input_id"]."-help' class='label label-danger p-5 display-inline-block'>".$options['error_text']."</div>" : "");

$html .= $options['stacked'];

$html .= ($options['inline'] && $label ? "</div>" : "");

$html .= "</div>";

'input_name'  => clean_input_name($input_name),
'type'        => $options['type'],
'title'       => $title,
'id'          => $options["input_id"],
'required'    => $options['required'],
'error_text'  => $options['error_text'],
"delimiter"   => $options['delimiter'],
'date_format' => $options['date_format_php'],
'safemode'    => TRUE,

    if (!
$options['deactivate']) {

         * Bind to and from together
$bindingJs = "";
        if (!empty(
$options['join_from_id'])) {
            if (
defined('BOOTSTRAP4')) {
$bindingJs = "
.$options['join_from_id']."_datepicker').on('change.datetimepicker', function (e) {
.$options["input_id"]."_datepicker').on('change.datetimepicker', function (e) {
            } else {
$bindingJs = "
.$options['join_from_id']."_datepicker').on('dp.change', function(e) {
.$options["input_id"]."_datepicker').on('dp.change', function(e) {

        if (
defined('BOOTSTRAP4')) {
$dpbuttons = "
                buttons: {
                    showToday: true,
                    showClear: true,
                    showClose: true
        } else {
$dpbuttons = "
                showTodayButton: true,
                showClear: true,
                showClose: true,

.$locale['datepicker']."', {
            week: {dow: "

        let "
.$options["input_id"]."_datepicker = $('#".$options["input_id"]."_datepicker').datetimepicker({
            locale: '"
            allowInputToggle: true,
            icons: {
                time: 'fa fa-clock',
                date: 'fa fa-calendar',
                up: 'fa fa-caret-up',
                down: 'fa fa-caret-down',
                previous: 'fa fa-caret-left',
                next: 'fa fa-caret-right',
                today: 'fa fa-calendar-day',
                clear: 'fa fa-trash',
                close: 'fa fa-close'
            tooltips: tooltips_locale,
.($options['showTime'] == TRUE ? "sideBySide: true," : "")."
.(!empty($dateFilter) ? $dateFilter[0].$dateFilter[1]."," : "")."
.(!empty($weekendFilter) ? $weekendFilter[0].$weekendFilter[1]."," : "")."
            format: '"
.(!empty($options['join_from_id']) ? "useCurrent: false" : "")."
