DataLife Engine - by SoftNews Media Group
Copyright (c) 2004-2021 SoftNews Media Group
This code is protected by copyright
File: filesystem.class.php
Use: DLE Files System
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Local\LocalFilesystemAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\Ftp\FtpAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\Ftp\FtpConnectionProvider;
use League\Flysystem\Ftp\FtpConnectionOptions;
use League\Flysystem\PhpseclibV3\SftpConnectionProvider;
use League\Flysystem\PhpseclibV3\SftpAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\UnixVisibility\PortableVisibilityConverter;
use League\Flysystem\FilesystemException;
if( !defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
header ( 'Location: ../../' );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
abstract class DLEFiles {
private static $root = null;
private static $remote = null;
private static $local = null;
private static $local_on_remote_errors = null;
public static $driver = null;
public static $error = null;
public static $remote_error = null;
public static function init( $driver = null, $local_on_remote_errors = false, $root = null ) {
global $config;
self::$local = self::$remote = self::$error = self::$remote_error = self::$driver = self::$root = self::$local_on_remote_errors = null;
if( is_null( $root ) ) {
self::$root = ROOT_DIR.'/uploads/';
} else {
$root = self::normalize_path( $root );
if( $root ) {
self::$root = ROOT_DIR.'/'. $root .'/';
} else {
self::$root = ROOT_DIR.'/';
if( is_null( $driver ) ) {
$driver = intval($config['file_driver']);
$visibilityConverter = PortableVisibilityConverter::fromArray([
'file' => [
'public' => 0666,
'private' => 0644
'dir' => [
'public' => 0777,
'private' => 0755
if( $driver AND $local_on_remote_errors ) {
self::$local_on_remote_errors = true;
try {
$adapter = new LocalFilesystemAdapter( self::$root, $visibilityConverter, LOCK_EX, LocalFilesystemAdapter::DISALLOW_LINKS );
self::$local = new Filesystem($adapter, ['directory_visibility' => 'public', 'visibility' => 'public']);
self::$driver = 'local';
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
if( $driver ) {
try {
$config['ftp_path'] = trim($config['ftp_path']);
if( $config['ftp_path'] AND ($driver == '3' OR $driver == '4') ) {
$config['ftp_path'] = trim($config['ftp_path'], '\\/');
} elseif( $driver == '1' OR $driver == '2' ) {
if(!$config['ftp_path']) $config['ftp_path'] = '/';
else $config['ftp_path'] = '/'.trim($config['ftp_path'], '\\/').'/';
if( $driver == '1') {
$adapter = new FtpAdapter(
// Connection options
'host' => $config['ftp_server'],
'port' => intval($config['ftp_port']),
'root' => $config['ftp_path'],
'username' => $config['ftp_username'],
'password' => $config['ftp_password'],
'timeout' => 5
} elseif( $driver == '2') {
$adapter = new SftpAdapter(
new SftpConnectionProvider(
null, // private key (optional, default: null) can be used instead of password, set to null if password is set
null, // passphrase (optional, default: null), set to null if privateKey is not used or has no passphrase
false, // use agent (optional, default: false)
5, // timeout (optional, default: 10)
0, // max tries (optional, default: 4)
null, // host fingerprint (optional, default: null),
} elseif( $driver == '3') {
$clientoptions = ['version' => 'latest'];
if(trim($config['remote_key_id']) AND trim($config['remote_secret_key'])) {
$clientoptions['credentials'] = ['key' => trim($config['remote_key_id']), 'secret' => trim($config['remote_secret_key'])];
if(trim($config['region_name'])) {
$clientoptions['region'] = trim($config['region_name']);
$client = new Aws\S3\S3Client($clientoptions);
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\AwsS3V3\AwsS3V3Adapter($client, $config['bucket_name'], $config['ftp_path']);
} elseif( $driver == '4') {
$clientoptions = ['version' => 'latest', 'endpoint' => 'https://storage.yandexcloud.net'];
if(trim($config['remote_key_id']) AND trim($config['remote_secret_key'])) {
$clientoptions['credentials'] = ['key' => trim($config['remote_key_id']), 'secret' => trim($config['remote_secret_key'])];
if(trim($config['region_name'])) {
$clientoptions['region'] = trim($config['region_name']);
$client = new Aws\S3\S3Client($clientoptions);
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\AwsS3V3\AwsS3V3Adapter($client, $config['bucket_name'], $config['ftp_path']);
} else {
return false;
self::$remote = new Filesystem($adapter, ['directory_visibility' => 'public', 'visibility' => 'public']);
self::$driver = 'remote';
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
return true;
public static function Read( $path, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote') {
try {
return self::$remote->read($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
return self::$local->read($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function Save( $path, $contents, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote' ) {
try {
self::$remote->write($path, $contents);
return true;
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
self::$local->write($path, $contents);
return true;
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function FileExists( $path, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote') {
try {
return self::$remote->fileExists($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
return self::$local->fileExists($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function Size( $path, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote') {
try {
return self::$remote->fileSize($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
return self::$local->fileSize($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function Delete( $path, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote') {
try {
return self::$remote->delete($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
return self::$local->delete($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function ReadStream( $path, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote' ) {
try {
return self::$remote->readStream($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
return self::$local->readStream($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function WriteStream( $path, $stream, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote' ) {
try {
self::$remote->writeStream($path, $stream);
return true;
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
self::$local->writeStream($path, $stream);
return true;
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function Rename( $source, $destination, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$source = self::normalize_path( $source );
$destination = self::normalize_path( $destination );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote' ) {
try {
self::$remote->move($source, $destination);
return true;
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
self::$local->move($source, $destination);
return true;
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function MimeType( $path, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
try {
$detector = new League\MimeTypeDetection\ExtensionMimeTypeDetector();
return $detector->detectMimeTypeFromPath($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function ListDirectory( $path, $allowed_ext = null, $driver = null, $recursive = false ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
$listing = array();
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote') {
try {
$listing = self::$remote->listContents($path)->sortByPath();
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
$listing = self::$local->listContents($path, $recursive)->sortByPath();
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$array = array('dirs' => array(), 'files' => array());
foreach ($listing as $item) {
if( $path == $item->path() ) continue;
$path_info = $item->path();
$finfo = pathinfo( $path_info );
$name = $finfo['basename'];
if ($item instanceof \League\Flysystem\FileAttributes) {
if( is_array( $allowed_ext ) ) {
$ext = $finfo['extension'];
if(!$ext OR !in_array( $ext, $allowed_ext )) continue;
$array['files'][] = array('path' => $path_info, 'name' => $name, 'size' => $item->fileSize() );
} elseif ($item instanceof \League\Flysystem\DirectoryAttributes) {
$array['dirs'][] = array('path' => $path_info, 'name' => $name );
return $array;
public static function DeleteDirectory( $path, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote') {
try {
return self::$remote->deleteDirectory($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
return self::$local->deleteDirectory($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
public static function CreateDirectory( $path, $driver = null ) {
if( is_null( self::$driver ) ) {
$path = self::normalize_path( $path );
$driver = $driver ? $driver : self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$remote) AND $driver == 'remote') {
try {
return self::$remote->createDirectory($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
$driver = self::$driver;
if( is_object(self::$local) AND $driver == 'local' ) {
try {
return self::$local->createDirectory($path);
} catch(Throwable $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
} catch (FilesystemException $e) {
self::error( $e->getMessage() );
return false;
private static function normalize_path( $path ) {
$path = trim(str_replace(chr(0), '', (string)$path));
$path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', $path);
if( !$path ) return '';
if (preg_match('#\p{C}+#u', $path)) {
return '';
$path_parts = pathinfo( $path );
$filename = $path_parts['basename'];
$parts = array_filter(explode('/', $path_parts['dirname']), 'strlen');
$absolutes = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$part = trim($part);
if ('.' == $part OR '..' == $part OR !$part) continue;
$absolutes[] = $part;
$path = implode('/', $absolutes);
if ( $path ) {
$path = $path.'/';
if( $filename ) {
$path .= $filename;
if( is_null( self::$root ) ) {
$root = ROOT_DIR.'/';
} else {
$root = self::$root;
if(stripos ($path, $root) === 0) {
$path = str_ireplace($root, '', $path);
return $path;
private static function error( $message ) {
$message = str_ireplace( ROOT_DIR, '', $message );
if( self::$driver == 'remote' AND self::$local_on_remote_errors) {
self::$driver = 'local';
self::$remote_error = $message;
} else {
self::$error = $message;