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 * @brief        Downloads Files API
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Downloads
 * @since        8 Dec 2015

namespace IPS\downloads\api;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * @brief    Downloads Files API
class _files extends \IPS\Content\Api\ItemController
     * Class
protected $class = 'IPS\downloads\File';
     * GET /downloads/files
     * Get list of files
     * @note        For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, only files the authorized user can view will be included
     * @apiparam    string    categories        Comma-delimited list of category IDs
     * @apiparam    string    authors            Comma-delimited list of member IDs - if provided, only files started by those members are returned
     * @apiparam    int        locked            If 1, only files which are locked are returned, if 0 only unlocked
     * @apiparam    int        hidden            If 1, only files which are hidden are returned, if 0 only not hidden
     * @apiparam    int        pinned            If 1, only files which are pinned are returned, if 0 only not pinned
     * @apiparam    int        featured        If 1, only files which are featured are returned, if 0 only not featured
     * @apiparam    string    sortBy            What to sort by. Can be 'date' for creation date, 'title' or leave unspecified for ID
     * @apiparam    string    sortDir            Sort direction. Can be 'asc' or 'desc' - defaults to 'asc'
     * @apiparam    int        page            Page number
     * @apiparam    int        perPage            Number of results per page - defaults to 25
     * @return        \IPS\Api\PaginatedResponse<IPS\downloads\File>
public function GETindex()
/* Where clause */
$where = array();
/* Return */
return $this->_list( $where, 'categories' );
     * GET /downloads/files/{id}
     * View information about a specific file
     * @param        int        $id                ID Number
     * @apiparam    int        version            If specified, will show a previous version of a file (see GET /downloads/files/{id}/versions)
     * @throws        2S303/1    INVALID_ID        The file ID does not exist or the authorized user does not have permission to view it
     * @throws        2S303/1    INVALID_VERSION    The version ID does not exist
     * @return        \IPS\downloads\File
public function GETitem( $id )
$file = \IPS\downloads\File::load( $id );
            if (
$this->member and !$file->can( 'read', $this->member ) )
                throw new \
            if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->version ) )
$backup = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'downloads_filebackup', array( 'b_id=? AND b_fileid=?', \IPS\Request::i()->version, $file->id ) )->first();
                    return new \
IPS\Api\Response( 200, $file->apiOutput( $this->member, $backup ) );
                catch ( \
UnderflowException $e )
                    throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_VERSION', '2S303/6', 404 );
                return new \
IPS\Api\Response( 200, $file->apiOutput( $this->member ) );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_ID', '2S303/1', 404 );
     * POST /downloads/files
     * Upload a file
     * @note    For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, any parameters the user doesn't have permission to use are ignored (for example, locked will only be honoured if the authentictaed user has permission to lock files).
     * @reqapiparam    int                    category        The ID number of the calendar the file should be created in
     * @reqapiparam    int                    author            The ID number of the member creating the file (0 for guest). Required for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type. For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, that member will always be the author
     * @reqapiparam    string                title            The file name
     * @reqapiparam    string                description        The description as HTML (e.g. "<p>This is an file.</p>"). Will be sanatized for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member; will be saved unaltered for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type.
     * @apiparam    string                version            The version number
     * @reqapiparam    object                files            Files. Keys should be filename (e.g. 'file.txt') and values should be file content
     * @apiparam    object                screenshots        Screenshots. Keys should be filename (e.g. 'screenshot1.png') and values should be file content.
     * @apiparam    string                prefix            Prefix tag
     * @apiparam    string                tags            Comma-separated list of tags (do not include prefix)
     * @apiparam    datetime            date            The date/time that should be used for the file post date. If not provided, will use the current date/time. Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.
     * @apiparam    string                ip_address        The IP address that should be stored for the file. If not provided, will use the IP address from the API request. Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.
     * @apiparam    int                    locked            1/0 indicating if the file should be locked
     * @apiparam    int                    hidden            0 = unhidden; 1 = hidden, pending moderator approval; -1 = hidden (as if hidden by a moderator)
     * @apiparam    int                    pinned            1/0 indicating if the file should be featured
     * @apiparam    int                    featured        1/0 indicating if the file should be featured
     * @throws        1S303/7                NO_CATEGEORY    The category ID does not exist
     * @throws        1S303/8                NO_AUTHOR        The author ID does not exist
     * @throws        1S303/9                NO_TITLE        No title was supplied
     * @throws        1S303/A                NO_DESC            No description was supplied
     * @throws        1S303/B                NO_FILES        No files were supplied
     * @throws        2S303/H                NO_PERMISSION    The authorized user does not have permission to create a file in that category
     * @throws        1S303/I                BAD_FILE_EXT    One of the files has a file type that is not allowed
     * @throws        1S303/J                BAD_FILE_SIZE    One of the files is too big
     * @throws        1S303/K                BAD_SS            One of the screenshots is not a valid image
     * @throws        1S303/L                BAD_SS_SIZE        One of the screenshots is too big by filesize
     * @throws        1S303/M                BAD_SS_DIMS        One of the screenshots is too big by dimensions
     * @throws        1S303/N                NO_SS            No screenshots are provided, but screenshots are required for the category
     * @return        \IPS\downloads\File
public function POSTindex()
/* Get category */
$category = \IPS\downloads\Category::load( \IPS\Request::i()->category );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_CATEGEORY', '1S303/7', 400 );
/* Get author */
if ( $this->member )
            if ( !
$category->can( 'add', $this->member ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_PERMISSION', '2S303/H', 403 );
$author = $this->member;
            if ( \
IPS\Request::i()->author )
$author = \IPS\Member::load( \IPS\Request::i()->author );
                if ( !
$author->member_id )
                    throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_AUTHOR', '1S303/8', 400 );
$author = new \IPS\Member;
/* Check we have a title and a description */
if ( !\IPS\Request::i()->title )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_TITLE', '1S303/9', 400 );
        if ( !\
IPS\Request::i()->description )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_DESC', '1S303/A', 400 );
/* Validate files */
if ( !isset( \IPS\Request::i()->files ) or !is_array( \IPS\Request::i()->files ) or empty( \IPS\Request::i()->files ) )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_FILES', '1L296/B', 400 );
        if (
$this->member )
$this->_validateFilesForMember( $category );
/* Create file record */
$file = $this->_create( $category, $author );
/* Save records */
foreach ( array_keys( \IPS\Request::i()->files ) as $name )
$fileObject = \IPS\File::create( 'downloads_Files', $name, $_POST['files'][ $name ] );
IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'downloads_files_records', array(
'record_file_id'    => $file->id,
'record_type'        => 'upload',
'record_location'    => (string) $fileObject,
'record_realname'    => $fileObject->originalFilename,
'record_size'        => $fileObject->filesize(),
'record_time'        => time(),
            ) );
        if (
$category->bitoptions['allowss'] and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->screenshots ) )
$primary = 1;
            foreach (
array_keys( \IPS\Request::i()->screenshots ) as $name )
$fileObject = \IPS\File::create( 'downloads_Screenshots', $name, $_POST['screenshots'][ $name ] );
IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'downloads_files_records', array(
'record_file_id'        => $file->id,
'record_type'            => 'ssupload',
'record_location'        => (string) $fileObject,
'record_thumb'            => (string) $fileObject->thumbnail( 'downloads_Screenshots' ),
'record_realname'        => $fileObject->originalFilename,
'record_size'            => \strlen( $fileObject->contents() ),
'record_time'            => time(),
'record_no_watermark'    => NULL,
'record_default'        => $primary
) );
$primary = 0;
/* Recaluclate properties */
$file = $this->_recalculate( $file );
/* Return */
        return new \
IPS\Api\Response( 201, $file->apiOutput( $this->member ) );
     * Validate that the authorized member can upload the files provided
     * @param    \IPS\downloads\Category    $category    The category
     * @return    void
protected function _validateFilesForMember( $category )
        foreach ( \
IPS\Request::i()->files as $name => $content )
            if (
$category->types )
$ext = mb_substr( $name, mb_strrpos( $name, '.' ) + 1 );
                if( !
in_array( mb_strtolower( $ext ), array_map( 'mb_strtolower', $category->types ) ) )
                    throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'BAD_FILE_EXT', '1S303/I', 400 );
            if (
$category->maxfile and \strlen( $content ) > ( $category->maxfile * 1024 ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'BAD_FILE_SIZE', '1S303/J', 400 );
        if (
$category->bitoptions['allowss'] )
            if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->screenshots ) and \IPS\Request::i()->screenshots )
                foreach ( \
IPS\Request::i()->screenshots as $name => $content )
                    if (
$category->maxss and \strlen( $content ) > ( $category->maxss * 1024 ) )
                        throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'BAD_SS_SIZE', '1S303/L', 400 );
$image = \IPS\Image::create( $content );
                        if (
$category->maxdims )
$maxDims = explode( 'x', $category->maxdims );
                            if (
$image->width > $maxDims[0] or $image->height > $maxDims[1] )
                                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'BAD_SS_DIMS', '1S303/M', 400 );
                    catch ( \
InvalidArgumentException $e )
                        throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'BAD_SS', '1S303/K', 400 );
            elseif (
$category->bitoptions['reqss'] )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_SS', '1S303/N', 400 );
     * POST /downloads/files/{id}
     * Edit a file
     * @note    For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, any parameters the user doesn't have permission to use are ignored (for example, locked will only be honoured if the authenticated user has permission to lock records).
     * @apiparam    int                    category        The ID number of the calendar the file should be created in
     * @apiparam    int                    author            The ID number of the member creating the file (0 for guest). Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.
     * @apiparam    string                title            The file name
     * @apiparam    string                description        The description as HTML (e.g. "<p>This is an file.</p>"). Will be sanatized for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member; will be saved unaltered for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type.
     * @apiparam    string                prefix            Prefix tag
     * @apiparam    string                tags            Comma-separated list of tags (do not include prefix)
     * @apiparam    datetime            date            The date/time that should be used for the file post date. If not provided, will use the current date/time.  Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.
     * @apiparam    string                ip_address        The IP address that should be stored for the file. If not provided, will use the IP address from the API request.  Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member.
     * @apiparam    int                    locked            1/0 indicating if the file should be locked
     * @apiparam    int                    hidden            0 = unhidden; 1 = hidden, pending moderator approval; -1 = hidden (as if hidden by a moderator)
     * @apiparam    int                    featured        1/0 indicating if the file should be featured
     * @throws        2S303/C                INVALID_ID        The file ID is invalid or the authorized user does not have permission to view it
     * @throws        1S303/D                NO_CATEGORY        The category ID does not exist or the authorized user does not have permission to post in it
     * @throws        1S303/E                NO_AUTHOR        The author ID does not exist
     * @throws        2S303/O                NO_PERMISSION    The authorized user does not have permission to edit the file
     * @return        \IPS\downloads\File
public function POSTitem( $id )
$file = \IPS\downloads\File::load( $id );
            if (
$this->member and !$file->can( 'read', $this->member ) )
                throw new \
            if (
$this->member and !$file->canEdit( $this->member ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_PERMISSION', '2S303/O', 403 );
/* New category */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->category ) and \IPS\Request::i()->category != $file->category_id and ( !$this->member or $file->canMove( $this->member ) ) )
$newCategory = \IPS\downloads\Category::load( \IPS\Request::i()->category );
                    if (
$this->member and !$newCategory->can( 'add', $this->member ) )
                        throw new \
$file->move( $newCategory );
                catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
                    throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_CATEGORY', '1S303/D', 400 );
/* New author */
if ( !$this->member and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->author ) )
$member = \IPS\Member::load( \IPS\Request::i()->author );
                    if ( !
$member->member_id )
                        throw new \
$file->changeAuthor( $member );
                catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
                    throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_AUTHOR', '1S303/E', 400 );
/* Everything else */
$this->_createOrUpdate( $file, 'edit' );
/* Save and return */
            return new \
IPS\Api\Response( 200, $file->apiOutput( $this->member ) );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_ID', '2S303/C', 404 );
     * Create or update file
     * @param    \IPS\Content\Item    $item    The item
     * @param    string                $type    add or edit
     * @return    \IPS\Content\Item
protected function _createOrUpdate( \IPS\Content\Item $item, $type='add' )
/* Description */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->description ) )
$descriptionContents = \IPS\Request::i()->description;
            if (
$this->member )
$descriptionContents = \IPS\Text\Parser::parseStatic( $descriptionContents, TRUE, NULL, $this->member, 'downloads_Downloads' );
$item->desc = $descriptionContents;
/* Version */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->version ) )
$item->version = \IPS\Request::i()->version;

/* Changelog */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->changelog ) )
$item->changelog = \IPS\Request::i()->changelog;

$file = parent::_createOrUpdate( $item, $type );

        if ( \
IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('forums') and $file->container()->forum_id and !$file->hidden() )
     * Recalculate stored properties
     * @param    \IPS\downloads\File    $file    The file
     * @return    \IPS\downloads\File
protected function _recalculate( $file )
/* File size */
$file->size = floatval( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'SUM(record_size)', 'downloads_files_records', array( 'record_file_id=? AND record_type=? AND record_backup=0', $file->id, 'upload' ) )->first() );
/* Work out the new primary screenshot */
$file->primary_screenshot = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'record_id', 'downloads_files_records', array( 'record_file_id=? AND ( record_type=? OR record_type=? ) AND record_backup=0', $file->id, 'ssupload', 'sslink' ), 'record_default DESC, record_id ASC' )->first();
        catch ( \
UnderflowException $e ) { }
/* Return */
return $file;
     * GET /downloads/files/{id}/comments
     * Get comments on an file
     * @param        int        $id            ID Number
     * @apiparam    int        hidden        If 1, only comments which are hidden are returned, if 0 only not hidden
     * @apiparam    string    sortDir        Sort direction. Can be 'asc' or 'desc' - defaults to 'asc'
     * @apiparam    int        page        Page number
     * @apiparam    int        perPage        Number of results per page - defaults to 25
     * @throws        2S303/2    INVALID_ID    The file ID does not exist or the authorized user does not have permission to view it
     * @return        \IPS\Api\PaginatedResponse<IPS\downloads\File\Comment>
public function GETitem_comments( $id )
$this->_comments( $id, 'IPS\downloads\File\Comment' );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_ID', '2S303/2', 404 );
     * GET /downloads/files/{id}/reviews
     * Get reviews on an file
     * @param        int        $id            ID Number
     * @apiparam    int        hidden        If 1, only comments which are hidden are returned, if 0 only not hidden
     * @apiparam    string    sortDir        Sort direction. Can be 'asc' or 'desc' - defaults to 'asc'
     * @apiparam    int        page        Page number
     * @apiparam    int        perPage        Number of results per page - defaults to 25
     * @throws        2S303/3    INVALID_ID    The file ID does not exist or the authorized user does not have permission to view it
     * @return        \IPS\Api\PaginatedResponse<IPS\downloads\File\Review>
public function GETitem_reviews( $id )
$this->_comments( $id, 'IPS\downloads\File\Review' );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_ID', '2S303/3', 404 );
     * GET /downloads/files/{id}/history
     * Get previous versions for a file
     * @param        int        $id            ID Number
     * @throws        2S303/4    INVALID_ID    The file ID does not exist or the authorized user does not have permission to view it
     * @return        array
     * @apiresponse    int        id            The version ID number (use to get more information about this version in GET /downloads/files/{id})
     * @apiresponse    string    version        The version number provided by the user
     * @apiresponse    string    changelog    What was new in this version
     * @apiresponse    bool    hidden        If this version is hidden
public function GETitem_history( $id )
$file = \IPS\downloads\File::load( $id );
            if (
$this->member and !$file->can( 'read', $this->member ) )
                throw new \
$versions = array();

            foreach ( \
IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'downloads_filebackup', array( 'b_fileid=?', $id ), 'b_backup DESC' ) as $backup )
$versions[] = array(
'id'        => $backup['b_id'],
'version'    => $backup['b_version'],
'changelog'    => $backup['b_changelog'],
'hidden'    => (bool) $backup['b_hidden'],
            return new \
IPS\Api\Response( 200, $versions );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_ID', '2S303/4', 404 );
     * POST /downloads/files/{id}/history
     * Upload a new file version
     * @apiparam    string                title            The file name
     * @apiparam    string                description        The description as HTML (e.g. "<p>This is an file.</p>"). Will be sanatized for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member; will be saved unaltered for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type.
     * @apiparam    string                version            The version number
     * @apiparam    string                changelog        What changed in this version
     * @apiparam    int                    save            If 1 this will be saved as a new version and the previous version available in the history. If 0, will simply replace the existing files/screenshots. Defaults to 1. Ignored if category does not have versioning enabled or authorized user does not have permission to disable.
     * @reqapiparam    object                files            Files. Keys should be filename (e.g. 'file.txt') and values should be file content - will replace all current files
     * @apiparam    object                screenshots        Screenshots. Keys should be filename (e.g. 'screenshot1.png') and values should be file content - will replace all current screenshots
     * @throws        2S303/F                INVALID_ID        The file ID is invalid or the authorized user does not have permission to view it
     * @throws        1S303/G                NO_FILES        No files were supplied
     * @throws        2S303/Q                NO_PERMISSION    The authorized user does not have permission to edit the file
     * @throws        1S303/I                BAD_FILE_EXT    One of the files has a file type that is not allowed
     * @throws        1S303/J                BAD_FILE_SIZE    One of the files is too big
     * @throws        1S303/K                BAD_SS            One of the screenshots is not a valid image
     * @throws        1S303/L                BAD_SS_SIZE        One of the screenshots is too big by filesize
     * @throws        1S303/M                BAD_SS_DIMS        One of the screenshots is too big by dimensions
     * @throws        1S303/N                NO_SS            No screenshots are provided, but screenshots are required for the category
     * @return        \IPS\downloads\File
public function POSTitem_history( $id )
/* Load file */
$file = \IPS\downloads\File::load( $id );
            if (
$this->member and !$file->can( 'read', $this->member ) )
                throw new \
            if (
$this->member and !$file->canEdit( $this->member ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_PERMISSION', '2S303/O', 403 );
$category = $file->container();
/* Validate files */
if ( !isset( \IPS\Request::i()->files ) or !is_array( \IPS\Request::i()->files ) or empty( \IPS\Request::i()->files ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_FILES', '1L296/B', 400 );
            if (
$this->member )
$this->_validateFilesForMember( $category );
/* Save current version? */
$save = FALSE;
            if (
$category->versioning !== 0 )
                if (
$this->member and !$this->member->group['idm_bypass_revision'] )
$save = TRUE;
$save = isset( \IPS\Request::i()->save ) ? ( (bool) \IPS\Request::i()->save ) : TRUE;
            if (
$save )
                foreach ( \
IPS\Db::i()->select( 'record_location', 'downloads_files_records', array( 'record_file_id=?', $file->id ) ) as $record )
                    if (
in_array( $record['record_type'], array( 'upload', 'ssupload' ) ) )
IPS\File::get( $record['record_type'] == 'upload' ? 'downloads_Files' : 'downloads_Screenshots', $url )->delete();
                        catch ( \
Exception $e ) { }
IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'downloads_files_records', array( 'record_file_id=?', $file->id ) );
/* Insert the new records */
foreach ( array_keys( \IPS\Request::i()->files ) as $name )
$fileObject = \IPS\File::create( 'downloads_Files', $name, $_POST['files'][ $name ] );
IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'downloads_files_records', array(
'record_file_id'    => $file->id,
'record_type'        => 'upload',
'record_location'    => (string) $fileObject,
'record_realname'    => $fileObject->originalFilename,
'record_size'        => $fileObject->filesize(),
'record_time'        => time(),
                ) );
            if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->screenshots ) )
$primary = 1;
                foreach (
array_keys( \IPS\Request::i()->screenshots ) as $name )
$fileObject = \IPS\File::create( 'downloads_Screenshots', $name, $_POST['screenshots'][ $name ] );
IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'downloads_files_records', array(
'record_file_id'        => $file->id,
'record_type'            => 'ssupload',
'record_location'        => (string) $fileObject,
'record_thumb'            => (string) $fileObject->thumbnail( 'downloads_Screenshots' ),
'record_realname'        => $fileObject->originalFilename,
'record_size'            => \strlen( $fileObject->contents() ),
'record_time'            => time(),
'record_no_watermark'    => NULL,
'record_default'        => $primary
) );
$primary = 0;
/* Update */
$file = $this->_createOrUpdate( $file, 'edit' );
$file = $this->_recalculate( $file );
/* Save */
$file->updated = time();
/* Send notifications */
if ( $file->open )
/* Return */
return new \IPS\Api\Response( 200, $file->apiOutput( $this->member ) );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_ID', '2S303/F', 404 );
     * DELETE /downloads/files/{id}
     * Delete a file
     * @param        int        $id            ID Number
     * @throws        2S303/5    INVALID_ID    The file ID does not exist
     * @throws        2S303/P    NO_PERMISSION    The authorized user does not have permission to delete the file
     * @return        void
public function DELETEitem( $id )
$item = \IPS\downloads\File::load( $id );
            if (
$this->member and !$item->canDelete( $this->member ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_PERMISSION', '2G316/G', 404 );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_ID', '2S303/P', 404 );