Seditio Source
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 * IPS embed handling
( function () {
"use strict";

var _origin;
var _div;
var _posting = false;
var _timer;
var _timeout = 200; //ms
var _embedId = '';
var _failSafe = null;

* Init method, called when the document is ready
* @returns {void}
function init() {
// Check for postMessage and JSON support
if( !window.postMessage || !window.JSON.parse ){

// Work out our URL
_div = ips.utils.get('ipsEmbed');
var url = ips.utils.parseURL( window.location );

if( url.protocol == '' || url.protocol == ':' ){
utils.log( url );
url.protocol = window.location.protocol;

// Set our origin
_origin = url.protocol + '//' +;
ips.utils.log( "Origin in loader is " + _origin );

// Hide the content = '0.00001';

// But if we're in the 'top frame', don't bother showing loading
try {
if( window.self === ){ = 1;
_div.parentNode.className = '';
} catch (err) {}

// Start an emergency timeout, which we'll use to force-show the embed if the parent page
// isn't talking to us for some reason. This will force the embed to eventually show, albeit at the wrong size,
// instead of just being forever loading.
var counter = 0;
_failSafe = setInterval( function () {
if( counter >= 6 ){ // approx 6 seconds
ips.utils.log("Triggered failsafe timer");
_div.parentNode.className = '';
ips.utils.fadeIn( _div );
clearInterval( _failSafe );
}, 1000 );

* Starts our main loop, which posts messages to the parent frame as needed
* @returns {void}
function startTimeout() {

var currentSize = 0;
var repeats = 0;

ips.utils.log("Starting timeout...");

// Main loop
_timer = setInterval( function () {
// What we want to do here is make the loading process more pleasant and less jumpy.
// To do that, we'll make the embed invisible until we've fetched the same height 6 times
// in a row (approx 1 second). If that happens we'll assume it has finished loading, and then
// we'll fade it in and start sending the recorded height to the parent for resizing.

var height = ips.utils.getObjHeight( _div );

// If we HAVEN'T started posting our size
if( !_posting ){
if( height == currentSize ){
} else {
// The height has changed, so reset our repeat counter
repeats = 0;

if( repeats == 6 ){
_posting = true;
ips.utils.fadeIn( _div );

currentSize = height;

if( _posting ){
_div.parentNode.className = '';

_postMessage('height', {
height: ( height + 10 )
}, _timeout);

* Posts a message to the iframe
* @param {number} [pageNo] Page number to load
* @returns {void}
var _postMessage = function (method, obj) {
// Send to parent window JSON.stringify( ips.utils.extendObj( obj || {}, {
method: method,
embedId: _embedId
} ) ), _origin );

* Events sent to the iframe
var messageEvents = {
* The parent is ready for messages
* @param {object} data Data from the iframe
* @returns {void}
ready: function (data) {
_embedId = data.embedId;

clearInterval( _failSafe ); // Stop our emergency timer

stop: function (data) {
clearInterval( _timer );
clearInterval( _failSafe ); // Stop our emergency timer window, 'message', windowMessage );

/* Boring stuff below */

// Main message handler
ips.eventHandler.on( window, 'message', windowMessage );

function windowMessage (e) {
if( e.origin !== _origin ){
ips.utils.log( e.origin + 'does not equal' + _origin );

try {
var pmData = JSON.parse( );
var method = pmData.method;
} catch (err) {
ips.utils.error("iframe: invalid data.");

if( method && typeof messageEvents[ method ] != 'undefined' ){
ips.utils.log("Called " + method );
messageEvents[ method ].call( this, pmData );
} else {
ips.utils.log("Method " + method + " doesn't exist");

ips.utils.contentLoaded( window, function () {