Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file is used for widgets designer mode

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseover', '.evo_container[data-code]', function()
{ // Initialize and Show container designer block:
var container = jQuery( this );

if( jQuery( '.evo_designer.evo_designer__widget[data-widget-block-clicked=1]' ).length == 0 )
{ // Unmark currently selected sub-container only when this is not event of clicking on child widget of the subcontainer:
// To be sure all previous designer blocks are hidden before show new one:
jQuery( '.evo_designer__container' ).hide();

// Initialize designer block for widget container:
evo_widget_initialize_designer_container_block( container );
} );

 * Initialize designer block for widget container
 * @param object Widget
function evo_widget_initialize_designer_container_block( container )
if( jQuery( evo_widget_container_block_selector( 'code' ) ) ).length )
{ // Just display a designer block if it already has been initialized previous time:
evo_widget_update_container_position( container );

// Fix z-index issue:
evo_widget_fix_parent_zindex( container );

// Initialize a container designer block only first time:
var container_actions = '';
if( 'can-edit' ) == '1' )
{ // Display a panel with actions if current user has a permission to edit widgets:
container_actions = '<div class="evo_designer__actions">' +
b2evo_widget_icon_list +
b2evo_widget_icon_add +
jQuery( 'body' ).append( '<div class="evo_designer evo_designer__container" data-code="' + 'code' ) + '">' +
'<div><div class="evo_designer__title">Container: ' + 'name' ) + '</div>' + container_actions + '</div>' +
'</div>' );
evo_widget_update_container_position( container );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseover', '.evo_widget[data-id]', function( e )
{ // Initialize and Show widget designer block:
var widget = jQuery( this );

if( jQuery( '.evo_designer.evo_designer__status_process[data-container="' + 'container' ) + '"]' ).length ||
   jQuery( '.evo_designer.evo_designer__status_success[data-container="' + 'container' ) + '"]' ).length )
{ // Don't show other widget designer block from the same container while previous one in process:

jQuery( '.evo_designer.evo_designer__subcontainer_active, .evo_designer.evo_designer__subcontainer_inactive' ).each( function()
if( ! ( e.pageX >= jQuery( this ).offset().left - 3 && e.pageY >= jQuery( this ).offset().top - 3 && // top-left point
       e.pageX <= jQuery( this ).offset().left + jQuery( this ).width() + 3 && e.pageY <= jQuery( this ).offset().top + jQuery( this ).height() + 3 ) ) // bottom-right point
{ // If mouse cursor is outside of current active sub-container,
// Hide current desinger block:
jQuery( this ).hide();
// Unmark active subcontainer widget:
jQuery( '.evo_widget.evo_widget__subcontainer_active[data-id=' + jQuery( this ).data( 'id' )+ ']' ).removeClass( 'evo_widget__subcontainer_active' );
} );

// Initialize designer block for widget:
evo_widget_initialize_designer_block( widget );
} );

 * Initialize designer block for widget
 * @param object Widget
function evo_widget_initialize_designer_block( widget )
var designer_block_selector = evo_widget_designer_block_selector( widget );
if( jQuery( designer_block_selector ).length )
{ // Just display a designer block if it already has been initialized previous time:
evo_widget_update_designer_position( widget );

// Fix z-index issue:
evo_widget_fix_parent_zindex( widget );

// Get all same widgets from the same container:
var same_widgets = evo_widget_get_duplicates( widget );

// Initialize a widget designer block only first time:
var designer_block_start = '<div class="evo_designer evo_designer__widget" data-id="' + 'id' ) + '" data-container="' + 'container' ) + '">';
var designer_block_end = '</div>';
jQuery( 'body' ).append( designer_block_start + '<div><div class="evo_designer__title">' + 'type' ) + '</div></div>' + designer_block_end );
if( 'can-edit' ) == '1' )
{ // Display a panel with actions if current user has a permission to edit widget:
var additional_widget_icons = '';
if( widget.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer' ) )
{ // Icons to add and list widgets in sub-container:
additional_widget_icons += b2evo_widget_icon_add + b2evo_widget_icon_list;
jQuery( '>div', designer_block_selector ).append( '<div class="evo_designer__actions">' +
additional_widget_icons +
b2evo_widget_icon_top +
b2evo_widget_icon_up +
b2evo_widget_icon_down +
b2evo_widget_icon_bottom +
b2evo_widget_icon_duplicate +
b2evo_widget_icon_disable +
'</div>' );
var next_widget = same_widgets.eq( same_widgets.length - 1 ).next( '.evo_widget' );
if( next_widget.length == 0 )
{ // Hide action icon to move widget down if it is the last widget in container:
jQuery( designer_block_selector ).find( '.evo_designer__action_order_down' ).hide();
if( '.evo_widget' ).length == 0 )
{ // Hide action icon to move widget to bottom if it is the penultimate widget in container:
jQuery( designer_block_selector ).find( '.evo_designer__action_order_bottom' ).hide();
var prev_widget = same_widgets.eq( 0 ).prev( '.evo_widget' );
if( prev_widget.length == 0 )
{ // Hide action icon to move widget up if it is the first widget in container:
jQuery( designer_block_selector ).find( '.evo_designer__action_order_up' ).hide();
if( prev_widget.prev( '.evo_widget' ).length == 0 )
{ // Hide action icon to move widget to top if it is the second widget in container:
jQuery( designer_block_selector ).find( '.evo_designer__action_order_top' ).hide();
for( var w = 2; w <= same_widgets.length; w++ )
{ // Initialize additional designer blocks for blocks of the same widget, e.g. for items/posts list widget in Menu container:
jQuery( 'body' ).append( designer_block_start + designer_block_end );
// Set correct position for new created designer block:
evo_widget_update_designer_position( widget );

if( widget.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer' ) )
{ // If widget is a subcontainer,
// Set unique number for subcontainer because same subcontainer widget may be used several times on the same page
var subcontainer_unique_num = jQuery( '.evo_widget.widget_core_subcontainer[data-unique-num]' ).length + 1;
widget.attr( 'data-unique-num', subcontainer_unique_num );
jQuery( designer_block_selector ).attr( 'data-unique-num', subcontainer_unique_num );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseover', '.evo_designer__widget', function()
{ // Show container designer block:
var widget = jQuery( evo_widget_selector( jQuery( this ) ) );
var container_block = jQuery( evo_widget_container_block_selector( 'container' ) ) );
if( ! ':visible' ) )
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.evo_designer__action_add, .evo_designer__action_list', function( e )
{ // Link to add widget or to manage widgets of the container:
if( typeof( b2evo_widget_add_url ) != 'undefined' )
{ // If global widget add/list form url is defined:
var container_block = jQuery( this ).closest( '.evo_designer__container' );
if( container_block.length )
{ // This is a container:
var container = jQuery( evo_widget_container_selector( container_block ) );
if( container.length && 'can-edit' ) == '1' )
var container_name = 'name' );
var container_code = 'code' );
{ // This may be a widget "Sub-Container":
var widget_block = jQuery( this ).closest( '.evo_designer__widget' );
if( widget_block.length )
var widget = jQuery( evo_widget_selector( widget_block ) );
if( widget.length &&
   widget.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer' ) && 'can-edit' ) == '1' )
{ // This is a widget "Sub-Container":
var container_name = 'subcontainer-name' );
var container_code = 'subcontainer-code' );

if( typeof( container_name ) != 'undefined' )
{ // Load widget add form or widgets list only if it is allowed for current user:
var widget_action_url = jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'evo_designer__action_add' ) ? b2evo_widget_add_url : b2evo_widget_list_url;
jQuery( '.evo_customizer__wrapper', window.parent.document ).removeClass( 'evo_customizer__collapsed' );
jQuery( '#evo_customizer__backoffice', window.parent.document ).get( 0 ).contentWindow.location
.href = widget_action_url.replace( '$container$', container_name ).replace( '$container_code$', container_code );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.evo_designer__container', function( e )
{ // Link to add new widget to empty container:
if( jQuery( ).is( '.evo_designer__action' ) )
{ // Ignore if click is on action icons:

if( jQuery( evo_widget_container_selector( jQuery( this ) ) ).find( '.evo_widget' ).length > 0 )
{ // Skip not empty container:

// Call event to add new widget:
jQuery( this ).find( '.evo_designer__action_add' ).click();
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.evo_designer__widget', function( e )
{ // Link to edit widget:
if( jQuery( ).is( '.evo_designer__action' ) )
{ // Ignore if click is on action icons:

// Mark currently clicking widget in order to don't hide/inactive parent subcontainer:
var widget_block = jQuery( this );
widget_block.attr( 'data-widget-block-clicked', 1 );

var widget = jQuery( evo_widget_selector( jQuery( this ) ) );

if( typeof( b2evo_widget_edit_url ) != 'undefined' )
{ // If global widget edit form url is defined:
var widget_ID = jQuery( this ).data( 'id' );
if( widget.length && 'can-edit' ) == '1' )
{ // Load widget edit form only if it is allowed for current user:
jQuery( '.evo_customizer__wrapper', window.parent.document ).removeClass( 'evo_customizer__collapsed' );
jQuery( '#evo_customizer__backoffice', window.parent.document ).get( 0 ).contentWindow.location
.href = b2evo_widget_edit_url.replace( '$wi_ID$', widget_ID );

// Animate moving desinger box to left back-office panel:
if( ! jQuery( '.evo_designer__widget_animation', window.parent.document ).length )
{ // Create temp for for animation:
jQuery( 'body', window.parent.document ).append( '<div class="evo_designer__widget_animation"></div>' );
jQuery( '.evo_designer__widget_animation', window.parent.document ).show()
top: jQuery( this ).position().top + jQuery( '#evo_customizer__frontoffice', window.parent.document ).offset().top,
left: jQuery( this ).position().left+ jQuery( '#evo_customizer__frontoffice', window.parent.document ).offset().left,
width: jQuery( this ).outerWidth(),
height: jQuery( this ).outerHeight(),
opacity: 1,
} )
left: 0,
top: '120px',
width: jQuery( '#evo_customizer__backoffice', window.parent.document ).width(),
height: jQuery( '#evo_customizer__backoffice', window.parent.document ).height() - 160,
} )
.animate( { opacity: 0 }, 10, function()
jQuery( this ).hide();
// Remove flag after clict event was ended here:
widget_block.removeAttr( 'data-widget-block-clicked' );
} );

jQuery( '.evo_widget[data-z-index]' ).each( function()
{ // Revert z-index of previous active widget blocks,
// in order to keep only single current block with active html elements(links, forms, etc.):
jQuery( this ).css( 'z-index', jQuery( this ).data( 'z-index' ) )
.removeData( 'z-index' );
} );

// NOTE: Ignore sub-containers to allow click on widgets to edit them:
if( ! widget.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer' ) &&
   ! widget.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer_row' ) )
{ // Move original widget block over designer widger block(frame/box with grey border and action icons),
// in order to make active html elements(links, forms, etc.) inside original widget block:
widget.attr( 'data-z-index', widget.css( 'z-index' ) )
.css( 'z-index', parseInt( jQuery( this ).css( 'z-index' ) ) + 1 );
// Set auto z-index for parent sub-container widgets in order to make the clicked widget active over the wrapper sub-sontainer:
var parent_subcontainer = widget.parents( '.widget_core_subcontainer, .widget_core_subcontainer_row' );
while( parent_subcontainer.length > 0 )
parent_subcontainer.attr( 'data-z-index', parent_subcontainer.css( 'z-index' ) )
.css( 'z-index', 'auto' );
parent_subcontainer = parent_subcontainer.parents( '.widget_core_subcontainer, .widget_core_subcontainer_row' );

if( widget.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer' ) || widget.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer_row' ) )
{ // If widget is a subcontainer:
if( ! jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'evo_designer__subcontainer_active' ) )
// Mark currently active parent subcontainer to inactive:
jQuery( '.evo_designer__subcontainer_active' ).addClass( 'evo_designer__subcontainer_inactive' );
// Add subcontainer style to widget designer block to mark it with blue border style:
jQuery( this ).addClass( 'evo_designer__subcontainer_active' );
// Mark current subcontainer widget to active status by temp class:
widget.addClass( 'evo_widget__subcontainer_active' );

// Store coordinates of all child widgets(and sub-containers) to know when cursor over and out,
// because z-index doesn't work properly with child element if parent already has z-index:
evo_subcontainer_widgets = new Array();
evo_subcontainer_containers = new Array();
var subcontainer_wrapper = widget;
if( widget.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer_row' ) )
{ // This widget contains several sub-containers:
subcontainer_wrapper = widget.find( '.evo_container' );
subcontainer_wrapper.each( function()
{ // We need these data to display sub-containers without widgets:
if( jQuery( this ).find( '.evo_widget' ).length > 0 )
{ // Skip not empty containers, because they are visible by event of child widgets:
evo_subcontainer_containers.push( new Array(
jQuery( this ).data( 'code' ),
jQuery( this ).offset().top - 3,
jQuery( this ).offset().left - 3,
jQuery( this ).offset().top + jQuery( this ).height() + 3,
jQuery( this ).offset().left + jQuery( this ).width() + 3 ) );
} );
subcontainer_wrapper.children( '.evo_widget' ).each( function()
evo_subcontainer_widgets.push( new Array(
jQuery( this ).data( 'id' ),
jQuery( this ).offset().top - 3,
jQuery( this ).offset().left - 3,
jQuery( this ).offset().top + jQuery( this ).height() + 3,
jQuery( this ).offset().left + jQuery( this ).width() + 3 ) );
} );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseout', '.evo_designer__widget', function( e )
{ // Hide widget designer block:
if( ! jQuery( e.toElement ).closest( '.evo_designer__widget' ).length )
{ // Hide it only when cursor is really out of designer block:
evo_widget_hide_designer_block( jQuery( this ) );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseout', '.evo_designer__container', function( e )
{ // Hide container designer block:
if( ! jQuery( e.toElement ).closest( '.evo_designer__container' ).length )
{ // Hide it only when cursor is really out of designer block:
jQuery( this ).hide();
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mousemove', function( e )
{ // Detect if mouse cursor was out designer blocks:
if( jQuery( '.evo_designer' ).is( ':visible' ) &&
   ! jQuery( ).hasClass( 'evo_designer' ) &&
   ! jQuery( ).closest( '.evo_designer' ).length &&
   ! jQuery( ).closest( '.evo_container[data-code]' ).length &&
   ! jQuery( ).closest( '.evo_widget[data-id]' ).length )
{ // Hide all designer blocks if mouse cursor was out them but they were not hidden by some wrong reason:
jQuery( '.evo_designer' ).removeClass( 'evo_designer__subcontainer_active evo_designer__subcontainer_inactive' ).hide();
// Unmark active subcontainer widget:
jQuery( '.evo_widget.evo_widget__subcontainer_active' ).removeClass( 'evo_widget__subcontainer_active' );

if( jQuery( '.evo_designer__subcontainer_active' ).length > 0 &&
   ( ( typeof( evo_subcontainer_widgets ) != 'undefined' && evo_subcontainer_widgets.length > 0 ) ||
     ( typeof( evo_subcontainer_containers ) != 'undefined' && evo_subcontainer_containers.length > 0 ) ) )
{ // If sub-container is selected to edit its widgets:
var active_subcontainer_designer_block = jQuery( '.evo_designer__subcontainer_active' );
var subcontainer_zindex = parseInt( active_subcontainer_designer_block.css( 'z-index' ) );
var active_subcontainer_widgets = jQuery( '.evo_widget.evo_widget__subcontainer_active' );
var one_subcontainer_is_displayed = true; // Single sub-container widget doesn't contain other sub-containers, Set TRUE in order to don't try to search empty sub-containers below.
if( active_subcontainer_widgets.hasClass( 'widget_core_subcontainer_row' ) )
{ // This widget may contains sub-containers:
active_subcontainer_widgets = active_subcontainer_widgets.find( '.evo_container' );
one_subcontainer_is_displayed = false;
for( var i = 0; i < evo_subcontainer_widgets.length; i++ )
{ // Detect what widget designer block should be visible depending on current cursor position:
var widget = active_subcontainer_widgets.children( '.evo_widget[data-id="' + evo_subcontainer_widgets[i][0] + '"]' );
if( widget.length == 0 || 'id' ) == jQuery( ).data( 'id' ) ||
   jQuery( ).closest( '.evo_designer__widget[data-id=' + 'id' ) + ']' ).length > 0 )
{ // Skip it because currently cursor is over displayed designer block of one of sub-container widgets:

if( e.pageX >= evo_subcontainer_widgets[i][2] && e.pageY >= evo_subcontainer_widgets[i][1] && // top-left point
   e.pageX <= evo_subcontainer_widgets[i][4] && e.pageY <= evo_subcontainer_widgets[i][3] ) // bottom-right point
{ // Initialize and display widget designer block because cursor is over current widget:
evo_widget_initialize_designer_block( widget );
// Set z-index to make it over designer block of current sub-container:
jQuery( evo_widget_designer_block_selector( widget ) ).css( 'z-index', subcontainer_zindex + 2  );
if( widget.parent().hasClass( 'evo_container' ) )
{ // Initialize and display also designer block for container:
evo_widget_initialize_designer_container_block( widget.parent() );
one_subcontainer_is_displayed = true;
jQuery( evo_widget_container_block_selector( 'container' ) ) ).css( 'z-index', subcontainer_zindex + 1 );
// Hide designer block of another container from the same current active subcontainer:
jQuery( '.evo_widget.evo_widget__subcontainer_active .evo_container' ).each( function()
if( jQuery( this ).data( 'code' ) != 'container' ) )
jQuery( evo_widget_container_block_selector( jQuery( this ).data( 'code' ) ) ).hide();
} );
{ // Hide designer block:
jQuery( evo_widget_designer_block_selector( widget ) ).hide();
if( ! one_subcontainer_is_displayed )
{ // This widget may contains sub-containers but currently it is empty so we should probably display it right now:
for( var i = 0; i < evo_subcontainer_containers.length; i++ )
{ // Detect what sub-container designer block should be visible depending on current cursor position:
var subcontainer = active_subcontainer_widgets.filter( '.evo_container[data-code="' + evo_subcontainer_containers[i][0] + '"]' );
if( subcontainer.length == 0 || 'code' ) == jQuery( ).data( 'code' ) ||
   jQuery( ).closest( '.evo_designer__container[data-code=' + 'code' ) + ']' ).length > 0 )
{ // Skip it because currently cursor is over displayed designer block of one of sub-containers:

if( e.pageX >= evo_subcontainer_containers[i][2] && e.pageY >= evo_subcontainer_containers[i][1] && // top-left point
e.pageX <= evo_subcontainer_containers[i][4] && e.pageY <= evo_subcontainer_containers[i][3] ) // bottom-right point
{ // Initialize and display sub-container designer block because cursor is over it:
evo_widget_initialize_designer_container_block( subcontainer );
// Set z-index to make it over designer block of current sub-container:
jQuery( evo_widget_container_block_selector( 'code' ) ) ).css( 'z-index', subcontainer_zindex + 1 );;
jQuery( evo_widget_container_block_selector( 'code' ) ) ).hide();
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.evo_designer__action_order_top, .evo_designer__action_order_up, .evo_designer__action_order_down, .evo_designer__action_order_bottom', function()
{ // Change an order of widget:
var designer_block = jQuery( this ).closest( '.evo_designer__widget' );
var widget = jQuery( evo_widget_selector( designer_block ) );
var order_type = 'top';
if( jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'evo_designer__action_order_up' ) )
order_type = 'up';
else if( jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'evo_designer__action_order_down' ) )
order_type = 'down';
else if( jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'evo_designer__action_order_bottom' ) )
order_type = 'bottom';

// Re-select designer block because it may be several blocks for some widgets, e.g. for items/posts list widget in Menu container:
designer_block = jQuery( evo_widget_designer_block_selector( widget ) );

// Mark current widget with process class:
designer_block.removeClass( 'evo_designer__status_failed' ).addClass( 'evo_designer__status_process' );

// Save current index of the widget in container:
var widget_index = widget.index();

// Change an order of the widget with near widget:
evo_widget_reorder( widget, order_type );

var widgets_ids = [];
var container_wrapper = evo_widget_container_wrapper( widget );
container_wrapper.children( '.evo_widget[data-id]' ).each( function()
if( widgets_ids.indexOf( jQuery( this ).data( 'id' ) ) == -1 )
{ // Don't send ID of the same widget:
widgets_ids.push( jQuery( this ).data( 'id' ) );
} );

type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: {
'blog': b2evo_widget_blog,
'crumb_widget': b2evo_widget_crumb,
'action': 'reorder_widgets',
'container': 'container' ),
'widgets': widgets_ids,
success: function( result )
{ // If order has been updated successfully:
result = ajax_debug_clear( result );
if( result != '' )
{ // Error:
evo_widget_display_error( result, widget, order_type, widget_index );
{ // Success:
designer_block.removeClass( 'evo_designer__status_process evo_designer__status_failed' ).addClass( 'evo_designer__status_success' );
evo_widget_update_designer_position( widget );
setTimeout( function()
evo_widget_hide_designer_block( designer_block );
designer_block.removeClass( 'evo_designer__status_success' );
}, 500 );
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown )
{ // Display error text on error request:
var error_text = ( jqXHR.statusText == 'Bad Crumb Request' ? ajax_debug_clear( jqXHR.responseText ) : evo_js_lang_server_error );
evo_widget_display_error( error_text + ' ' + evo_js_lang_sync_error, widget, order_type, widget_index );
} );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.evo_designer__action_duplicate', function()
{ // Duplicate widget:
var designer_block = jQuery( this ).closest( '.evo_designer__widget' );
var widget = jQuery( evo_widget_selector( designer_block ) );

if( typeof( b2evo_widget_duplicate_url ) != 'undefined' )
{ // If global widget duplicate url is defined:
jQuery( '#evo_customizer__backoffice', window.parent.document ).get( 0 ).contentWindow.location
.href = b2evo_widget_duplicate_url.replace( '$wi_ID$', 'id' ) ).replace( '$crumb_widget$', b2evo_widget_crumb );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.evo_designer__action_disable', function()
{ // Disable widget:
var designer_block = jQuery( this ).closest( '.evo_designer__widget' );
var widget = jQuery( evo_widget_selector( designer_block ) );

// Mark current widget with process class:
designer_block.removeClass( 'evo_designer__status_failed' ).addClass( 'evo_designer__status_process' );

type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: {
'blog': b2evo_widget_blog,
'crumb_widget': b2evo_widget_crumb,
'action': 'disable_widget',
'wi_ID': 'id' ),
success: function( result )
{ // If order has been updated successfully:
result = ajax_debug_clear( result );
if( result != '' )
{ // Error:
evo_widget_display_error( result, widget, 'disable' );
{ // Success:
designer_block.removeClass( 'evo_designer__status_process evo_designer__status_failed' ).addClass( 'evo_designer__status_success' );
setTimeout( function()
var container = widget.parent();
evo_widget_hide_designer_block( designer_block );
widget.slideUp( 400, function()
{ // Remove widget and designer block from page completely after animation:
// Update visibility of up/down action icons of first/last widgets:
evo_widget_update_order_actions( container );
} );
}, 500 );
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown )
{ // Display error text on error request:
var error_text = ( jqXHR.statusText == 'Bad Crumb Request' ? ajax_debug_clear( jqXHR.responseText ) : evo_js_lang_server_error );
evo_widget_display_error( error_text + ' ' + evo_js_lang_sync_error, widget, order_type );
} );
} );

jQuery( document ).ready( function()
jQuery( 'div' ).scroll( function()
{ // Update position of all visible designer blocks on scroll all divs with enabled css overflow scroll property:
jQuery( '.evo_designer__widget[data-id]:visible' ).each( function()
evo_widget_update_designer_position( jQuery( evo_widget_selector( jQuery( this ) ) ) );
} );
} );
} );

 * Get all duplicates of the same widget in the container, e.g. for items/posts list widget in Menu container
 * @param object Widget
 * @return object Widgets
function evo_widget_get_duplicates( widget )
return widget.closest( '.evo_container' ).find( '.evo_widget[data-id=' + 'id' ) + ']' );

 * Get jQuery selector for widget by designer block
 * @param object Designer block
 * @returns string
function evo_widget_selector( designer_block )
var additional_select = '';
if( 'unique-num' ) > 0 )
{ // Use additional select, e-g when same subcontainer widget is used in several
// places on the same page, and it is not enough to select it only by widget ID:
additional_select = '[data-unique-num=' + 'unique-num' ) + ']';

return '.evo_widget[data-id=' + 'id' ) + ']' + additional_select;

 * Get jQuery selector for designer block by widget
 * @param object Widget
 * @returns string
function evo_widget_designer_block_selector( widget )
var additional_select = '';
if( 'unique-num' ) > 0 )
{ // Use additional select, e-g when same subcontainer widget is used in several
// places on the same page, and it is not enough to select it only by widget ID:
additional_select = '[data-unique-num=' + 'unique-num' ) + ']';

return '.evo_designer__widget[data-id=' + 'id' ) + ']' + additional_select;

 * Get jQuery selector for widget container by containerdesigner block
 * @param object Container designer block
 * @returns string
function evo_widget_container_selector( container_block )
return '.evo_container[data-code="' + 'code' ) + '"]';

 * Get jQuery selector for container designer block by widget
 * @param string Container code
 * @returns string
function evo_widget_container_block_selector( container_code )
return '.evo_designer__container[data-code="' + container_code + '"]';

 * Display an error after failed widget action
 * @param string Error message
 * @param object Widget
 * @param string Action: 'top', 'up', 'down', 'disable'
 * @param integer Widget index/position before action
function evo_widget_display_error( error, widget, action, widget_index )
jQuery( evo_widget_designer_block_selector( widget ) ).removeClass( 'evo_designer__status_process' ).addClass( 'evo_designer__status_failed' );
alert( error );
if( action != 'disable' )
{ // Revert widget order back:
evo_widget_reorder( widget, widget_index );

 * Change an order of the widget with near widget in same container
 * @param object Widget
 * @param string|integer Order direction: 'top', 'up', 'down', 'bottom' or number of index
function evo_widget_reorder( widget, direction )
var curr_widget = widget.eq( 0 );

switch( direction )
case 'top':
// Move HTML of the widget to the top:
var near_widget = evo_widget_get_duplicates( curr_widget.closest( '.evo_container' ).find( '.evo_widget' ).first() );
near_widget.eq( 0 ).before( widget );

case 'up':
// Move HTML of the widget before previous widget:
var near_widget = evo_widget_get_duplicates( curr_widget.prev() );
near_widget.eq( 0 ).before( widget );

case 'bottom':
// Move HTML of the widget to the bottom:
var near_widget = evo_widget_get_duplicates( curr_widget.closest( '.evo_container' ).find( '.evo_widget' ).last() );
near_widget.eq( near_widget.length - 1 ).after( widget );

case 'down':
// Move HTML of the widget after next widget:
var near_widget = evo_widget_get_duplicates( widget.eq( widget.length - 1 ).next() );
near_widget.eq( near_widget.length - 1 ).after( widget );

// Move to specific index:
var widget_index = parseInt( direction );
var near_widget = evo_widget_get_duplicates( curr_widget.closest( '.evo_container' ).find( '.evo_widget' ).eq( widget_index ) );
if( widget_index == 0 )
near_widget.eq( 0 ).before( widget );
near_widget.eq( 0 ).after( widget );

// Update visibility of up/down action icons of first, second, penultimate and last widgets:
evo_widget_update_order_actions( evo_widget_container_wrapper( widget ) );

evo_widget_update_designer_position( widget );
evo_widget_update_designer_position( near_widget, false );

 * Update visibility of up/down action icons of first/last widgets:
 * @param object Widget
function evo_widget_update_order_actions( container )
var container_widgets = container.children( '.evo_widget' );
var widget_num = 1;
var prev_widget_ID = 0;
container_widgets.each( function()
var designer_block = jQuery( evo_widget_designer_block_selector( jQuery( this ) ) ).eq( 0 );
if( designer_block.length )
{ // If designer block is initialized:
if( prev_widget_ID != 'id' ) )
{ // If it is block for next different widget:
designer_block.find( '.evo_designer__action_order_top, .evo_designer__action_order_up, .evo_designer__action_order_down, .evo_designer__action_order_bottom' ).show();
if( widget_num == 1 )
{ // Hide action icon to move widget up for the first widget in container:
designer_block.find( '.evo_designer__action_order_up' ).hide();
if( widget_num <= 2 )
{ // Hide action icon to move widget to top for the second widget in container:
designer_block.find( '.evo_designer__action_order_top' ).hide();
if( widget_num == container_widgets.length )
{ // Hide action icon to move widget down for the last widget in container:
designer_block.find( '.evo_designer__action_order_down' ).hide();
if( widget_num >= container_widgets.length - 1 )
{ // Hide action icon to move widget to bottom for the penultimate widget in container:
designer_block.find( '.evo_designer__action_order_bottom' ).hide();
prev_widget_ID = 'id' );
} );

 * Update position of widget designer block
 * @param object Widget
 * @param boolean Show widget desginer block, TRUE by default
function evo_widget_update_designer_position( widget, show )
var w = 0;
var border = 3;
var designer_blocks = jQuery( evo_widget_designer_block_selector( widget ) );
evo_widget_get_duplicates( widget ).each( function()
{ // We should display several designer blocks for widget blocks with same ID, e.g. for items/posts list widget in Menu container:
var curr_widget = jQuery( this );
var widget_top = curr_widget.offset().top - border;
var widget_left = curr_widget.offset().left - border;
var designer_block = designer_blocks.eq( w );

var designer_block_actions_width = designer_block.find( '.evo_designer__actions' ).outerWidth() + 1;
if( widget_left < designer_block_actions_width - border )
{ // Fix body left margin space in order to display widget actions panel:
jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'margin-left', designer_block_actions_width + 'px' );
widget_left = designer_block_actions_width - border;

var designer_block_title_height = designer_block.find( '.evo_designer__title' ).outerHeight() + 1;
if( widget_top < designer_block_title_height - border )
{ // Fix body top margin space in order to display widget title:
jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'margin-top', designer_block_title_height + 'px' );
widget_top = designer_block_title_height - border;

designer_block.css( {
'top': widget_top,
'left': widget_left,
'width': curr_widget.outerWidth() + border + 2,
'height': curr_widget.outerHeight() + border + 2,
} );
if( typeof( show ) == 'undefined' || show )
{ // Show widget desginer block:;

} );

// Also update container position:
evo_widget_update_container_position( widget.parent() );

 * Update position of container designer block
 * @param object Container
function evo_widget_update_container_position( container )
var border = 3;
var container_block = jQuery( evo_widget_container_block_selector( 'code' ) ) );
var container_top = container.offset().top - border;
var container_left = container.offset().left - border;
var container_width = container.outerWidth() + border + 2;
var container_height = container.outerHeight() + border + 2;
if( container_left < 0 )
{ // Limit container designer block left position to the left window border:
container_left = 0;
var container_right = container_left + container_width;
var container_bottom = container_top + container_height;

var container_block_actions_width = container_block.find( '.evo_designer__actions' ).outerWidth();
if( container_right + container_block_actions_width > jQuery( window ).width() + 2*border )
{ // Fix body right margin space in order to display container actions panel:
jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'margin-right', ( container_block_actions_width + border ) + 'px' );
container_width -= container_block_actions_width;

var container_block_title_height = container_block.find( '.evo_designer__title' ).outerHeight();
if( container_block_title_height > 0 && container_bottom + container_block_title_height > jQuery( 'body' ).height() - border )
{ // Fix body bottom margin space in order to display container title:
jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'margin-bottom', container_block_title_height + 'px' );

container_block.css( {
'top': container_top,
'left': container_left,
'width': container_width,
'height': container_height,
} )

 * Hide widget designer block
 * @param object Designer block
function evo_widget_hide_designer_block( designer_block )
if( ! designer_block.hasClass( 'evo_designer__status_process' ) &&
   ! designer_block.hasClass( 'evo_designer__status_failed' ) &&
   ! designer_block.hasClass( 'evo_designer__subcontainer_active' ) )
{ // Hide only when widget is not in process:
jQuery( evo_widget_designer_block_selector( jQuery( evo_widget_selector( designer_block ) ) ) ).hide();

 * Fix issue of parent z-index to make designer mode work properly
 * @param object Source
function evo_widget_fix_parent_zindex( parent )
while( parent )
if( ! parent.hasClass( 'evo_widget' ) &&
parent.css( 'z-index' ) != 'auto' &&
parent.css( 'z-index' ) != 0 )
{ // Change not default z-index to auto, because it breaks designer mode structure:
parent.css( 'z-index', 'auto' );
if( parent.prop( 'nodeName' ) == 'BODY' )
{ // Stop on body html element and don't up:
// Switch to next parent:
parent = parent.parent();

 * Get container or sub-container wrapper
 * @param object Widget
 * @return object Container/Sub-container
function evo_widget_container_wrapper( widget )
// Check if the requested widget is located in sub-container:
var container_wrapper = widget.closest( '.widget_core_subcontainer[data-id!=' + 'id' ) + ']' );

if( container_wrapper.length == 0 )
{ // If widget is in normal container and not in sub-container:
container_wrapper = widget.parent();

return container_wrapper;