Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file initialize plugin "Table Contents"
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * Depends on: jQuery, tinyMCE
jQuery( document ).ready( function()
window.evo_init_tinymce = function evo_init_tinymce( config )
if( config.toggle_editor )
* Toggles the TinyMCE editor
window.tinymce_plugin_toggleEditor = function tinymce_plugin_toggleEditor( content_id, force_enable )
var textarea = jQuery( '#' + content_id );
jQuery( '[data-content-id="' + content_id + '"] [id^="tinymce_plugin_toggle_button_"]' ).removeClass( 'active' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );

if( ! window['tinymce_plugin_init_done_' + content_id] )
window['tinymce_plugin_init_done_' + content_id] = true;

// Call this method on init again, with "null" id, so that mceAddControl gets called.
window.tinymce_plugin_init_tinymce( function()
window.tinymce_plugin_toggleEditor( content_id, true );
} );


if( ! window.tinymce.get( content_id ) || force_enable )
{ // Turn on WYSIWYG editor
window.tinymce.execCommand( 'mceAddEditor', false, content_id );
jQuery.get( config.toggle_editor.save_state_wysiwyg_url );
jQuery( '#tinymce_plugin_toggle_button_wysiwyg' ).addClass( 'active' );
jQuery( '#tinymce_plugin_toggle_button_html' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
jQuery( '[name="editor_code"]').attr( 'value', config.plugin_code );
// Hide the plugin toolbars that allow to insert html tags
jQuery( '.quicktags_toolbar, .evo_code_toolbar, .evo_prism_toolbar, .b2evMark_toolbar, .evo_mermaid_toolbar' ).hide();
jQuery( '#block_renderer_evo_code, #block_renderer_evo_prism, #block_renderer_b2evMark, #block_renderer_evo_mermaid' ).addClass( 'disabled' );
jQuery( 'input#renderer_evo_code, input#renderer_evo_prism, input#renderer_b2evMark, input#renderer_evo_mermaid' ).each( function()
if( jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
jQuery( this ).addClass( 'checked' );
jQuery( this ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ).removeAttr( 'checked' );
} );

if( content_id && textarea.prop( 'required' ) )
textarea.attr( 'data-required', true );
textarea.removeAttr( 'required' );
{ // Hide the editor, Display only source HTML
window.tinymce.execCommand( 'mceRemoveEditor', false, content_id );
jQuery.get( config.toggle_editor.save_state_html_url );
jQuery( '#tinymce_plugin_toggle_button_html' ).addClass( 'active' );
jQuery( '#tinymce_plugin_toggle_button_wysiwyg' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
jQuery( '[name="editor_code"]' ).attr( 'value', 'html' );
// Show the plugin toolbars that allow to insert html tags
jQuery( '.quicktags_toolbar, .evo_code_toolbar, .evo_prism_toolbar, .b2evMark_toolbar, .evo_mermaid_toolbar' ).show();
jQuery( '#block_renderer_evo_code, #block_renderer_evo_prism, #block_renderer_b2evMark, #block_renderer_evo_mermaid' ).removeClass( 'disabled' );
jQuery( 'input#renderer_evo_code, input#renderer_evo_prism, input#renderer_b2evMark, input#renderer_evo_mermaid' ).each( function()
if( jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'checked' ) )
jQuery( this ).attr( 'checked', 'checked' ).removeClass( 'checked' );
jQuery( this ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
} );

if( content_id && textarea.attr( 'data-required' ) )
textarea.removeAttr( 'data-required' );
textarea.attr( 'required', true );

jQuery( '[id^=tinymce_plugin_toggle_button_]').click( function()
var content_id = jQuery( this ).parent().data( 'contentId' );

if( ! content_id )
{ // Content ID not found:
return false;

window.tinymce_plugin_toggleEditor( content_id );
} );

if( config.editor )
window.tinymce_plugin_displayed_error = window.tinymce_plugin_displayed_error || false;
window['tinymce_plugin_init_done_' + config.content_id] = window['tinymce_plugin_init_done_' + config.content_id] || false;

// Init array with all usernames from the page for autocomplete plugin
window.tinymce_autocomplete_static_options = [];
jQuery( '.user.login' ).each( function()
var login = jQuery( this ).text();
if( login != '' && window.tinymce_autocomplete_static_options.indexOf( login ) == -1 )
if( login[0] == '@' )
login = login.substr( 1 );
window.tinymce_autocomplete_static_options.push( login );
} );
window.tinymce_autocomplete_static_options = window.tinymce_autocomplete_static_options.join();

window.tinymce_plugin_init_tinymce = function tinymce_plugin_init_tinymce( oninit )
// Init tinymce:
if( typeof window.tinymce == "undefined" )
if( ! window.tinymce_plugin_displayed_error )
alert( config.editor.display_error_msg );
window.tinymce_plugin_displayed_error = true;
// Define oninit function for TinyMCE
if( typeof config.editor.tmce_init.oninit != "undefined" )
{ // Already defined:
oninit = function() {

config.editor.tmce_init.oninit = function ()
// Why?

// Provide hooks for textarea manipulation (where other plugins should hook into):
var ed = window.tinymce.get( config.content_id );
if( ed && typeof b2evo_Callbacks == "object" )
// add a callback, that returns the selected (raw) html:
b2evo_Callbacks.register_callback( 'get_selected_text_for_' + config.content_id, function( value )
var inst = window.tinymce.get( config.content_id );
if( ! inst ) return null;
return inst.selection.getContent();
}, true );

// add a callback, that wraps a selection:
b2evo_Callbacks.register_callback( 'wrap_selection_for_' + config.content_id, function( params )
var inst = window.tinymce.get( config.content_id );
if( ! inst ) return null;
var sel = inst.selection.getContent();

if( params.replace )
var value = params.before + params.after;
var value = params.before + sel + params.after;
inst.selection.setContent( value );

return true;
}, true );

// add a callback, that replaces a string
b2evo_Callbacks.register_callback( 'str_replace_for_' + config.content_id, function( params )
var inst = window.tinymce.get( config.content_id );
if( ! inst ) return null;

// Replace substring with new value
inst.setContent( inst.getContent().replace(, params.replace ) );

return true;
}, true );

// add a callback, that lets us insert raw content:
// DEPRECATED, used in b2evo 1.10.x
b2evo_Callbacks.register_callback( 'insert_raw_into_' + config.content_id, function( value )
window.tinymce.execInstanceCommand( config.content_id, "mceInsertRawHTML", false, value );
return true;
}, true );

var textarea = jQuery( '#' + config.content_id );
if( textarea.prop( 'required' ) )
textarea.attr( 'data-required', true );
textarea.removeAttr( 'required' );

// Try to add custom shortcuts from page:
config.editor.tmce_init.init_instance_callback = function( ed )
if( window.shortcut_keys )
for( var i = 0; i < window.shortcut_keys.length; i++ )
var key = window.shortcut_keys[i];
ed.shortcuts.add( key, 'b2evo shortcut key: ' + key, function()
window.shortcut_handler( key );
} );

// This option allows you to specify a callback that will be executed before the TinyMCE editor instance is rendered
config.editor.tmce_init.setup = function( ed )
// Fired when the editor is fully initialized.
ed.on( 'init', config.editor.tmce_init.oninit );

window.tinymce.on( 'AddEditor', function( e )
{ // Switching to WYSIWYG mode:
var textarea = jQuery( '#' + config.content_id );
if( ! textarea.val().match( /<(p\s?|br\s?\/?)[^>]*>/i ) )
{ // Try to apply "Auto P" plugin(if it is installed) in order to replace
// new lines with <p> or <br> html tags if content has no them yet:
type: 'POST',
url: config.editor.update_content_url,
'content': textarea.val(),
'crumb_tinymce': config.editor.crumb_tinymce,
success: function( result )
e.editor.setContent( result );
} );
return false;
} );

// Initialize TinyMCE:
window.tinymce.init( config.editor.tmce_init );

if( config.editor.use_tinymce == 1 )
window.tinymce_plugin_toggleEditor( config.content_id );

// Set editor code to current plugin code if JS is enabled and tinymce is used currently:
jQuery( '[name="editor_code"]' ).attr( 'value', config.editor.use_tinymce == 1 ? config.plugin_code : 'html' );

if( typeof( evo_tinymce_config ) != 'undefined' )
// Initialize each TinyMCE instance:
var evo_temp_config = Object.values( evo_tinymce_config );
for( var i = 0, n = evo_temp_config.length; i < n; i++ )
( function() {
var config = evo_temp_config[i];

// Init:
window.evo_init_tinymce( config );
} )();
delete evo_temp_config;
} );