Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file has generic functions that are initialized on jQuery ready function
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * Depends on jQuery
jQuery( document ).ready( function()
// Scroll to Top
if( typeof( evo_init_scroll_to_top ) != 'undefined' )
// browser window scroll ( in pixels ) after which the "scroll to top" link is show
// setting this variable directly under window as this is also referenced by slidedown.init.js
window.offset = 400,
// browser window scroll (in pixels) after which the "scroll to top" link opacity is reduced
offset_opacity = 1200,
// duration of the top scrolling animatiion (in ms)
scroll_top_duration = 700,
// grab the "back to top" link
$slide_top = jQuery( '.slide-top' );

// hide or show the "scroll to top" link
jQuery( window ).scroll( function()
( jQuery( this ).scrollTop() > offset ) ? $slide_top.addClass( 'slide-top-visible' ) : $slide_top.removeClass( 'slide-top-visible' );

// Smooth scroll to top
$slide_top.on( 'click', function(event)
jQuery( 'body, html' ).animate(
scrollTop: 0,
}, scroll_top_duration );
} );

// Datepicker
if( typeof( evo_init_datepicker ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( evo_init_datepicker['selector'] ).datepicker( evo_init_datepicker['config'] );

// Change Link Position JS
if( typeof( evo_link_position_config ) != 'undefined' )
window.displayInlineReminder = evo_link_position_config['display_inline_reminder'];
window.deferInlineReminder   = evo_link_position_config['defer_inline_reminder'];

jQuery( document ).on( 'change', evo_link_position_config['selector'], {
url: evo_link_position_config['url'],
crumb: evo_link_position_config['crumb'],
function( event )
if( this.value == 'inline' && window.displayInlineReminder && !window.deferInlineReminder )
{ // Display inline position reminder
alert( evo_link_position_config['alert_msg'] );
window.displayInlineReminder = false;
evo_link_change_position( this,, );
} );

// Item Text Renderers
if( typeof( evo_itemform_renderers__click ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( "#itemform_renderers .dropdown-menu" ).on( "click", function( e ) { e.stopPropagation() } );

// Comment Text Renderers
if( typeof( evo_commentform_renderers__click ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( "#commentform_renderers .dropdown-menu" ).on( "click", function( e ) { e.stopPropagation() } );

// Comment Reply
if( typeof( evo_init_comment_reply_config ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', 'a.comment_reply', function()
{ // The click action for the links "Reply to this comment"
var comment_ID = jQuery( this ).attr( 'rel' );

// Remove data of a previous comment
jQuery( 'a.comment_reply_current' ).remove();
jQuery( 'input[name=reply_ID]' ).remove();
jQuery( 'a.comment_reply' ).removeClass( 'active' ).html( evo_init_comment_reply_config.reply_button_msg );

// Add data for a current comment
var link_back_comment = '<a href="' + evo_init_comment_reply_config.link_back_url + '#c' + comment_ID + '" class="comment_reply_current" rel="' + comment_ID + '">'
+ evo_init_comment_reply_config.link_back_specific_comment_msg + '</a>';
var hidden_reply_ID = '<input type="hidden" name="reply_ID" value="' + comment_ID + '" />';
jQuery( '#evo_comment_form_id_' + evo_init_comment_reply_config.item_ID ).prepend( link_back_comment + hidden_reply_ID );
jQuery( this ).addClass( 'active' ).html( evo_init_comment_reply_config.link_back_current_comment_msg );

// Scroll to the comment form
jQuery( window ).scrollTop( jQuery( '#evo_comment_form_id_' + evo_init_comment_reply_config.item_ID ).offset().top - 30 );

return false;
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', 'a.comment_reply_current', function()
{ // The click action for a link "You are currently replying to a specific comment"
var comment_ID = jQuery( this ).attr( 'rel' );

// Scroll to the comment
jQuery( window ).scrollTop( jQuery( 'a#c' + comment_ID ).offset().top - 10 );

return false;
} );

// disp=download
if( typeof( evo_disp_download_delay_config ) != 'undefined' )
window.b2evo_download_timer = evo_disp_download_delay_config;
window.downloadInterval = setInterval( function()
jQuery( "#download_timer" ).html( window.b2evo_download_timer );
if( window.b2evo_download_timer == 0 )
{ // Stop timer and download a file:
clearInterval( window.downloadInterval );
jQuery( "#download_help_url" ).show();
}, 1000 );

jQuery( "#download_timer_js" ).show();

// Bootstrap Forums skin: Add click event to quote button
if( typeof( evo_skin_bootstrap_forum__quote_button_click ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( '.quote_button' ).click( function()
{ // Submit a form to save the already entered content
var form = jQuery( 'form[id^=evo_comment_form_id_]' );
if( form.length == 0 )
{ // No form found, Use an url of this link
return true;
// Set an action as url of this link and submit a form
form.attr( 'action', jQuery( this ).attr( 'href' ) );
return false;
} );

// Ajax Form
if( typeof( evo_ajax_form_config ) != 'undefined' )
var evo_ajax_forms = Object.values( evo_ajax_form_config );
for( var i = 0; i < evo_ajax_forms.length; i++ )
( function() {
var config = evo_ajax_forms[i];

window['ajax_form_offset_' + config.form_number]         = jQuery( '#ajax_form_number_' + config.form_number ).offset().top;
window['request_sent_' + config.form_number]             = false;
window['ajax_form_loading_number_' + config.form_number] = 0;

var get_form_func_name = 'get_form_' + config.form_number;
window[get_form_func_name] = function()
var form_id = '#ajax_form_number_' + config.form_number;
window['ajax_form_loading_number_' + config.form_number]++;
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
type: 'POST',
data: config.json_params,
success: function( result )
jQuery( form_id ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown )
jQuery( '.loader_ajax_form', form_id ).after( '<div class="red center">' + errorThrown + ': ' + jqXHR.responseText + '</div>' );
if( window['ajax_form_loading_number_' + config.form_number] < 3 )
{ // Try to load 3 times this ajax form if error occurs:
setTimeout( function()
{ // After 1 second delaying:
jQuery( '.loader_ajax_form', form_id ).next().remove();
}, 1000 );

var check_and_show_func_name = 'check_and_show_' + config.form_number;
window[check_and_show_func_name] = function( force_load )
if( window['request_sent_' + config.form_number] )
{ // Don't load the form twice:
var load_form = ( typeof force_load == undefined ) ? false : force_load;
if( ! load_form )
{ // Check if the ajax form is visible, or if it will be visible soon ( 20 pixel ):
load_form = jQuery( window ).scrollTop() >= window['ajax_form_offset_' + config.form_number] - jQuery( window ).height() - 20;
if( load_form )
{ // Load the form only if it is forced or allowed because page is scrolled down to the form position:
window['request_sent_' + config.form_number] = true;

jQuery( window ).scroll( function() {

jQuery(window).resize( function() {

window[check_and_show_func_name]( config.load_ajax_form_on_page_load );
} )();

// Thread Form
if( typeof( evo_thread_form_config ) != 'undefined' )
* Show the multiple recipients radio selection if the number of recipients is more than one
window.check_multiple_recipients = function check_multiple_recipients()
if( jQuery( 'input[name="thrd_recipients_array[login][]"]' ).length > 1 )
jQuery( '#multiple_recipients' ).show();
jQuery( '#multiple_recipients' ).hide();

* Check form fields before send a thread data
* @return boolean TRUE - success filling of the fields, FALSE - some erros, stop a submitting of the form
window.check_form_thread = function check_form_thread()
if( jQuery( 'input#token-input-thrd_recipients' ).val() != '' )
{ // Don't submit a form with incomplete username
alert( evo_thread_form_config['missing_username_msg'] );
jQuery( 'input#token-input-thrd_recipients' ).focus();
return false;

return true;

// TokenInput config:
evo_thread_form_config.token_input_config.tokenFormatter = function( user )
return '<li>' + user[evo_thread_form_config.username_display] +
'<input type="hidden" name="thrd_recipients_array[id][]" value="' + + '" />' +
'<input type="hidden" name="thrd_recipients_array[login][]" value="' + user.login + '" />' +
evo_thread_form_config.token_input_config.resultsFormatter = function( user )
var title = user.login;
if( user.fullname != null && user.fullname !== undefined )
title += '<br />' + user.fullname;
return '<li>' +
user.avatar +
'<div>' +
title +
'</div><span></span>' +
evo_thread_form_config.token_input_config.onAdd = function()
evo_thread_form_config.token_input_config.onDelete = function()

evo_thread_form_config.token_input_config.onReady = function()
if( evo_thread_form_config.thrd_recipients_has_error )
{ // Mark this field as error
jQuery( '.token-input-list-facebook' ).addClass( 'token-input-list-error' );
// Remove required attribute to prevent unfocusable field error during validation checking when the field is hidden:
jQuery( '#thrd_recipients' ).removeAttr( 'required' );

jQuery( '#thrd_recipients' ).tokenInput(
restapi_url + 'users/recipients',

// Run check on multiple recipients

// Comment Form: Preview Button
if( typeof( evo_comment_form_preview_button_config ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( "input[type=submit].preview.btn-info" ).val( evo_comment_form_preview_button_config.button_value );

// Userlist filter callback JS
if( typeof( evo_user_func__callback_filter_userlist ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( '#country' ).change( function()
var this_obj = jQuery( this );
jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: 'action=get_regions_option_list&ctry_id=' + jQuery( this ).val(),
success: function( result )
jQuery( '#region' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
if( jQuery( '#region option' ).length > 1 )
jQuery( '#region_filter' ).show();
jQuery( '#region_filter' ).hide();
window.load_subregions( 0 ); // Reset sub-regions
} );
} );

jQuery( '#region' ).change( function ()
{ // Change option list with sub-regions
window.load_subregions( jQuery( this ).val() );
} );

jQuery( '#subregion' ).change( function ()
{ // Change option list with cities
window.load_cities( jQuery( '#country' ).val(), jQuery( '#region' ).val(), jQuery( this ).val() );
} );

window.load_subregions = function load_subregions( region_ID )
{ // Load option list with sub-regions for seleted region
jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: 'action=get_subregions_option_list&rgn_id=' + region_ID,
success: function( result )
jQuery( '#subregion' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
if( jQuery( '#subregion option' ).length > 1 )
jQuery( '#subregion_filter' ).show();
jQuery( '#subregion_filter' ).hide();
load_cities( jQuery( '#country' ).val(), region_ID, 0 );
} );

window.load_cities = function load_cities( country_ID, region_ID, subregion_ID )
{ // Load option list with cities for seleted region or sub-region
if( typeof( country_ID ) == 'undefined' )
country_ID = 0;

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: 'action=get_cities_option_list&ctry_id=' + country_ID + '&rgn_id=' + region_ID + '&subrg_id=' + subregion_ID,
success: function( result )
jQuery( '#city' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
if( jQuery( '#city option' ).length > 1 )
jQuery( '#city_filter' ).show();
jQuery( '#city_filter' ).hide();
} );

// Collection Activity Stats widget
if( typeof( coll_activity_stats_widget_config ) != 'undefined' )

window.resize_coll_activity_stat_widget = function resize_coll_activity_stat_widget()
var charts = Object.values( window.activity_stats_widgets );
for( var m = 0; m < charts.length; m++ )
var plot = charts[m];

if( plot._original == undefined )

plot._display = coll_activity_stats_widget_config['time_period'];
plot._original = {
data: [],
xLabels: [],

for( var i = 0; i < plot.series.length; i++ )
plot._original.xLabels = plot.axes.xaxis.ticks;

if( plot._week == undefined )
plot._week = {
data: [],
xLabels: [],

if( plot._original.xLabels.length == 7 )
{ // Already weekly data:
plot._week = plot._original;
{ // Extract last week data:
for( var i = 0; i <; i++ )
var weekSeries = [];
for( var j = 7, k = 1; j > 0; j--, k++ )
weekSeries.unshift( [ j,[i][[i].length - k][1] ] );
} weekSeries );
plot._week.xLabels = plot._original.xLabels.slice( -7 );

if( jQuery( ).width() < 650 )
{ // Switch to last week's view:
if( plot._display != 'last_week' )
for( var i = 0; i < plot.series.length; i++ )
plot.series[i].data =[i];
plot.axes.xaxis.ticks = plot._week.xLabels;
plot._display = 'last_week';
{ // Switch to last month's view:
if( plot._display != 'last_month' )
for( var i = 0; i < plot.series.length; i++ )
plot.series[i].data =[i];
plot.axes.xaxis.ticks = plot._original.xLabels;
plot._display = 'last_month';

plot.replot( { resetAxes: true } );

jQuery( window ).resize( function()
clearTimeout( window.coll_activity_stats_widget_resize_timer );
window.coll_activity_stats_widget_resize_timer = setTimeout( window.resize_coll_activity_stat_widget, 100 );
} );

// Item Tags widget
if( typeof( evo_item_tags_widget_config ) != 'undefined' )
window.add_quick_tag = function ( input_ID, obj )
var item_tag = jQuery( obj ).text();
jQuery( '#item_tags_' + input_ID ).tokenInput( 'add', { id: item_tag, name: item_tag } );

window.init_edit_item_tags_icon = function ( input_ID, widget_ID )
jQuery( '#evo_widget_item_tags_edit_icon_' + widget_ID ).click( function()
jQuery( '#evo_widget_item_tags_edit_form_' + widget_ID ).show();
jQuery( 'input#token-input-' + input_ID, '#evo_widget_item_tags_edit_form_' + widget_ID ).focus();
jQuery( '#evo_widget_item_tags_list_' + widget_ID ).hide();
return false;
} );

var evo_temp_configs = Object.values( evo_item_tags_widget_config );
for( var i = 0; i < evo_temp_configs.length; i++ )
( function() {
var config = evo_temp_configs[i];
window.init_edit_item_tags_icon( config.input_ID, config.widget_ID );
} )();
delete evo_temp_configs;

// Workflow Properties widget
if( typeof( evo_workflow_properties_widget_config ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( '[id^=evo_widget_item_workflow_properties_] a' ).click( function() {
var workflow_properties = jQuery( this ).closest( '[id^=evo_widget_item_workflow_properties_]' ),
workflow_form = '[id^=evo_widget_item_workflow_form_]' );;

return false;
} );

// Display attachments fieldset
if( typeof( evo_display_attachments_fieldset_config ) != 'undefined' )
( function() {
var evo_display_attachments_fieldset_configs = Object.values( evo_display_attachments_fieldset_config );
for( var i = 0; i < evo_display_attachments_fieldset_configs.length; i++ )
jQuery( '#' + evo_display_attachments_fieldset_configs[i].fieldset_prefix + evo_display_attachments_fieldset_configs[i].form_id ).show();
} )();

// Tabs AJAX load JS
if( typeof( evo_tabs_ajax_load__click ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( '[data-toggle="tabajax"]' ).click( function( e ) {
var $this = jQuery( this ),
loadurl = $this.attr( 'href' ),
target =  $this.attr( 'data-target' );

if( ! $this.closest( 'li' ).hasClass( 'active' ) )
jQuery.get( loadurl, function( data ) {
jQuery( target ).html( data );
} );
$ 'show' );
return false;
} );

// Contact List view
if( typeof( evo_contact_list_view_config ) != 'undefined' )
window.get_selected_users = function get_selected_users()
var users = '';
jQuery( 'input[name^=contacts]' ).each( function()
if( jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
users += jQuery( this ).val() + ',';
} );

if( users.length > 0 )
{ // Delete last comma
users = users.substr( 0, users.length-1 );

return users;

jQuery( '#send_selected_recipients' ).click( function()
{ // Add selected users to this link
var recipients_param = '';
var recipients = window.get_selected_users();
if( recipients.length > 0 )
recipients_param = '&recipients=' + recipients;

location.href = evo_contact_list_view_config.recipients_link_url + recipients_param;

return false;
} );

jQuery( '#add_group_contacts' ).submit( function()
jQuery( 'input[name=users]' ).val( window.get_selected_users() );
} );

// User Identity Form
if( typeof( evo_user_identity_form_config ) != 'undefined' )
( function() {

var config = evo_user_identity_form_config;

window.replace_form_params = function replace_form_params( result, field_id )
field_id = ( typeof( field_id ) == 'undefined' ? '' : ' id="' + field_id + '"' );
return result
.replace( '#fieldstart#', config.fieldstart )
.replace( '#fieldend#', config.fieldend )
.replace( '#labelclass#', config.labelclass )
.replace( '#labelstart#', config.labelstart )
.replace( '#labelend#', config.labelend )
.replace( '#inputstart#', config.inputstart )
.replace( '#inputend#', config.inputend );

jQuery( '#button_add_field' ).click( function ()
{ // Action for the button when we want to add a new field in the Additional info
var field_id = jQuery( this ).prev().find( 'option:selected' ).val();

if( field_id == '' )
{ // Mark select element of field types as error
window.field_type_error( config.msg_select_field_type );
// We should to stop the ajax request without field_id
return false;
{ // Remove an error class from the field

var params = config.params;

type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: 'action=get_user_new_field&user_id=' + config.user_ID + '&field_id=' + field_id + params,
success: function( result )
result = ajax_debug_clear( result );
if( result == '[0]' )
{ // This field(not duplicated) already exists for current user
window.field_type_error( config.msg_field_already_added );
result = window.replace_form_params( result );
var field_duplicated = parseInt( result.replace( /^\[(\d+)\](.*)/, '$1' ) );
if( field_duplicated == 0 )
{ // This field is NOT duplicated
var field_id = parseInt( result.replace( /(.*)fieldset id="ffield_uf_add_(\d+)_(.*)/, '$2' ) );
// Remove option from select element
jQuery( '#new_field_type option[value='+field_id+']').remove();
if( jQuery( '[id^=uf_new_' + field_id + '], [id^=uf_add_' + field_id + ']' ).length > 0 )
{ // This field already exists(on the html form, not in DB) AND user cannot add a duplicate
window.field_type_error( config.msg_field_already_added );
return false;
// Print out new field on the form
jQuery( '#ffield_new_field_type' ).before( result.replace( /^\[\d+\](.*)/, '$1' ) );
// Show a button 'Add(+)' with new field
jQuery( 'span[rel^=add_ufdf_]' ).show();

bind_autocomplete( jQuery( '#ffield_new_field_type' ).prev().prev().find( 'input[id^=uf_add_][autocomplete=on]' ) );
} );

return false;
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'focus', '[rel^=ufdf_]', function ()
{ // Auto select the value for the field of type
var field_id = parseInt( jQuery( this ).attr( 'rel' ).replace( /^ufdf_(\d+)$/, '$1' ) );
if( field_id > 0 )
{ // Select an option with current field type
jQuery( '#new_field_type' ).val( field_id );
} );

jQuery( '#new_field_type' ).change( function ()
{ // Remove all errors messages from field "Add a field of type:"
} );

window.field_type_error = function field_type_error( message )
{ // Add an error message for the "field of type" select
jQuery( 'select#new_field_type' ).addClass( 'field_error' );
var span_error = jQuery( 'select#new_field_type' ).next().find( 'span.field_error' );
if( span_error.length > 0 )
{ // Replace a content of the existing span element
span_error.html( message );
{ // Create a new span element for error message
jQuery( 'select#new_field_type' ).next().append( '<span class="field_error">' + message + '</span>' );

window.field_type_error_clear = function field_type_error_clear()
{ // Remove an error style from the "field of type" select
jQuery( 'select#new_field_type' ).removeClass( 'field_error' ).next().find( 'span.field_error' ).remove();

jQuery( 'span[rel^=add_ufdf_]' ).each( function()
{ // Show only last button 'Add(+)' for each field type
// These buttons is hidden by default to ignore browsers without javascript
jQuery( 'span[rel=' + jQuery( this ).attr( 'rel' ) + ']:last' ).show();
} );

// Show a buttons 'Add(+)' for each field
// These buttons is hidden by default to ignore a browsers without javascript
jQuery( 'span[rel^=add_ufdf_]' ).show();

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', 'span[rel^=add_ufdf_]', function()
{ // Click event for button 'Add(+)'
var this_obj = jQuery( this );
var field_id = this_obj.attr( 'rel' ).replace( /^add_ufdf_(\d+)$/, '$1' );
var params = config.params;

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: 'action=get_user_new_field&user_id=' + config.user_ID + '&field_id=' + field_id + params,
success: function( result )
result = ajax_debug_clear( result );
if( result == '[0]' )
{ // This field(not duplicated) already exists for current user
window.field_type_error( config.msg_field_already_added );
result = window.replace_form_params( result );
var field_duplicated = parseInt( result.replace( /^\[(\d+)\](.*)/, '$1' ) );
if( field_duplicated == 0 )
{ // This field is NOT duplicated
window.field_type_error( config.msg_field_already_added );
return false;
var cur_fieldset_obj = this_obj.parent().parent().parent();

// Remove current button 'Add(+)' and then we will show button with new added field

// Print out new field on the form
cur_fieldset_obj.after( result.replace( /^\[\d+\](.*)/, '$1' ) )
// Show a button 'Add(+)' with new field
.next().find( 'span[rel^=add_ufdf_]' ).show();

var new_field = 'input[id^=uf_add_]' );
if( new_field.attr( 'autocomplete' ) == 'on' )
{ // Bind autocomplete event
bind_autocomplete( new_field );
// Set auto focus on new created field
} );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseover', 'span[rel^=add_ufdf_]', function()
{ // Grab event from input to show bubbletip
jQuery( this ).parent().prev().focus();
jQuery( this ).css( 'z-index', jQuery( this ).parent().prev().css( 'z-index' ) );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'mouseout', 'span[rel^=add_ufdf_]', function()
{ // Grab event from input to hide bubbletip
var input = jQuery( this ).parent().prev();
if( ':focus' ) )
{ // Don't hide bubbletip if current input is focused
return false;
} );

// JS code to add new organization for user
var org_fieldset_selector = '[id^="ffield_organizations_"]';
var max_organizations = config.max_organizations;
var user_org_num = 0;

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', 'span.add_org', function()
{ // Add new organization select box
var this_obj = jQuery( this );
var params = config.params;

params += ( typeof( remove_obj_after_org_adding ) != 'undefined' ? '&first_org=1' : '' );
jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: 'action=get_user_new_org' + params,
success: function( result )
result = window.replace_form_params( ajax_debug_clear( result ), 'ffield_organizations_' + user_org_num );
var cur_fieldset_obj = this_obj.closest( org_fieldset_selector );
cur_fieldset_obj.after( result );

if( typeof( remove_obj_after_org_adding ) != 'undefined' )
{ // Delete last fieldset
delete remove_obj_after_org_adding;

if( jQuery( org_fieldset_selector ).length >= max_organizations )
{ // It was last organization, Hide all "add" buttons
jQuery( 'span.add_org' ).hide();

// Show/Hide all "remove" buttons
( jQuery( org_fieldset_selector ).length > 1 ) ?
jQuery( 'span.remove_org' ).show() :
jQuery( 'span.remove_org' ).hide();

} );
} );

jQuery( document ).on( 'click', 'span.remove_org', function()
{ // Remove organization select box
if( jQuery( org_fieldset_selector ).length > 1 )
jQuery( this ).closest( org_fieldset_selector ).remove();
{ // Add a form to select an organization
remove_obj_after_org_adding = jQuery( this ).closest( org_fieldset_selector );
jQuery( this ).parent().find( 'span.add_org' ).click();

if( jQuery( org_fieldset_selector ).length < max_organizations )
{ // Show the "add" buttons
jQuery( 'span.add_org' ).show();

// Show/Hide all "remove" buttons
( jQuery( org_fieldset_selector ).length > 0 ) ?
jQuery( 'span.remove_org' ).show() :
jQuery( 'span.remove_org' ).hide();
} );

window.bind_autocomplete = function bind_autocomplete( field_objs )
{ // Bind autocomplete plugin event
if( field_objs.length > 0 )
{ // If selected elements are exists
field_objs.autocomplete( {
source: function(request, response) {
jQuery.getJSON( htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php?action=get_user_field_autocomplete', {
term: request.term, attr_id: this.element[0].getAttribute( 'id' )
}, response);
} );

// Plugin jQuery(...).live() doesn't work with autocomplete
// We should assign an autocomplete event for each new added field
bind_autocomplete( jQuery( 'input[id^=uf_][autocomplete=on]' ) );
} )();

// User Organization JS
if( typeof( evo_user_organization_config ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', 'span[rel^=org_status_]', function()
{ // Change an accept status of organization
var this_obj = jQuery( this );
var params = evo_user_organization_config.params;

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: 'action=change_user_org_status&status=' + this_obj.attr( 'rel' ) + '&crumb_userorg=' + evo_user_organization_config.crumb_userorg + params,
success: function( result )
this_obj.after( ajax_debug_clear( result ) ).remove();
} );
} );

// Item Type Change Buttons JS
if( typeof( evo_item_type_change_buttons_config ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( "button[data-item-type]" ).on( "click", function()
jQuery( "[required]" ).removeAttr( "required" );
jQuery( "input[name=item_typ_ID]" ).val( jQuery( this ).data( "item-type" ) );
jQuery( this ).closest( "form" )
.append( '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' + evo_item_type_change_buttons_config.action + '">' )
} );

// Item/Comment Status Dropdown button JS
if( typeof( evo_status_dropdown_button_config ) != 'undefined' )
var evo_status_dropdown_button_configs = Object.values( evo_status_dropdown_button_config );
for( var i = 0; i < evo_status_dropdown_button_configs.length; i++ )
( function() {
var config = evo_status_dropdown_button_configs[i];
jQuery( '.' + config.type + '_status_dropdown li a' ).click( function()
var item_status_tooltips = config.tooltip_titles_js_array;
var item = jQuery( this ).parent();
var status = item.attr( 'rel' );
var btn_group = item.parent().parent();
var btn_wrapper = btn_group.parent().parent();
var dropdown_buttons = btn_group.find( 'button' );
var first_button = dropdown_buttons.parent().find( 'button:first' );
var save_buttons = btn_wrapper.find( 'input[type="submit"]:not(.quick-publish)' ).add( dropdown_buttons );

if( status == 'published' )
{ // Hide button "Publish!" if current status is already the "published":
btn_wrapper.find( '.quick-publish' ).hide();
{ // Show button "Publish!" only when another status is selected:
btn_wrapper.find( '.quick-publish' ).show();

save_buttons.each( function()
{ // Change status class name to new changed for all buttons
jQuery( this ).attr( 'class', jQuery( this ).attr( 'class' ).replace( /btn-status-[^\s]+/, 'btn-status-' + status ) );
} );

first_button.find( 'span:first' ).html( item.find( 'span:last' ).html() ); // update selector button to status title
jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=' + config.type + '_status]' ).val( status ); // update hidden field to new status value
btn_group.removeClass( 'open' ); // hide dropdown menu

if( first_button.attr( 'type' ) == 'submit' )
{ // Submit form if current dropdown button is used to submit form;

// Change tooltip based on selected status
btn_group.tooltip( 'hide' ).attr( 'data-original-title', item_status_tooltips[status] ).tooltip( 'show' );

return false;
} );
} )();

// New Category Name Input: onChange
if( typeof( evo_init_onchange_newcat ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( '#new_category_name' ).keypress( function()
var newcategory_radio = jQuery( '#sel_maincat_new' );
if( ! newcategory_radio.attr('checked') )
newcategory_radio.attr('checked', true);
jQuery( '#sel_extracat_new' ).attr('checked', true);
} );

// Autocomplete Tags JS
if( typeof( evo_autocomplete_tags_config ) != 'undefined' )
window.init_autocomplete_tags = function init_autocomplete_tags( selector, params )
if( ! params && window.evo_autocomplete_input_tag_configs[selector] )
{ // No params specified, use cached params:
params = window.evo_autocomplete_input_tag_configs[selector];

if( params )
{ // We have params we can use to initialize the autocomplete:
var tags = jQuery( selector ).val();
var tags_json = new Array();
if( tags && tags.length > 0 )
{ // Get tags from <input>
tags = tags.split( ',' );
for( var t in tags )
tags_json.push( { id: tags[t].trim(), name: tags[t].trim() } );
params.token_input_params.prePopulate = tags_json;

if( params.update_by_ajax )
{ // Update the item tags by AJAX:
params.token_input_params.onAdd = function( obj )
if( params.use_quick_tags )
window.evo_update_item_quick_tags( obj );
window.evo_update_item_tags_by_ajax( params.item_ID, selector, obj, 'add' );
params.token_input_params.onDelete = function( obj )
window.evo_update_item_tags_by_ajax( params.item_ID, selector, obj, 'delete' );

jQuery( selector ).tokenInput( restapi_url + 'tags', params.token_input_params );

window.evo_update_item_quick_tags = function evo_update_item_quick_tags( tag_object )
var item_tag =;
var quick_item_tags = jQuery.cookie( 'quick_item_tags' );

if( quick_item_tags == null || quick_item_tags.length == 0 )
quick_item_tags = [];
quick_item_tags = quick_item_tags.split( ',' );

var tag_index = quick_item_tags.indexOf( item_tag );

if( tag_index === -1 )
quick_item_tags.push( item_tag );
quick_item_tags.splice( tag_index, 1 );
quick_item_tags.push( item_tag );

quick_item_tags = quick_item_tags.splice( -5 );
jQuery.cookie( 'quick_item_tags', quick_item_tags.join( ',' ), {
domain: evo_autocomplete_tags_config.cookie_domain,
path: evo_autocomplete_tags_config.cookie_path,
} );

window.evo_update_item_tags_by_ajax = function evo_update_item_tags_by_ajax( item_ID, tags_selector, tag_object, operation, use_quick_tags )
// Mark input background with yellow color during AJAX updating:
var token_input = jQuery( '.token-input-' + tags_selector.substr( 1 ) );
token_input.removeClass( 'token-input-list-error' ).addClass( 'token-input-list-process' );
jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'action.php',
data: {
'mname': 'collections',
'action': 'update_tags',
'item_ID': item_ID,
'item_tags': jQuery( tags_selector ).val(),
'crumb_collections_update_tags': evo_autocomplete_tags_config.crumb_collections_update_tags,
success: function()
{ // Remove yellow background from input after success AJAX updating:
token_input.removeClass( 'token-input-list-process' );
error: function()
{ // Mark input background with red color after fail AJAX updating:
token_input.removeClass( 'token-input-list-process' ).addClass( 'token-input-list-error' );
} );

// Initialize autocomplete input tags:
window.evo_autocomplete_input_tag_configs = window.evo_autocomplete_input_tag_configs || {};
var evo_temp_config = Object.values( evo_autocomplete_input_tags_config );
for( var i = 0, n = evo_temp_config.length; i < n; i++ )
( function() {
var config = evo_temp_config[i];
var input_ID = '#' + config.input_ID;

// Cache configuration for later initialization, see "init_autocomplete_tags()":
window.evo_autocomplete_input_tag_configs[input_ID] = config;

if( jQuery( '#suggest_item_tags' ).length == 0 || jQuery( '#suggest_item_tags' ).is( ':checked' ) )
window.init_autocomplete_tags( input_ID, config );

jQuery( '#suggest_item_tags' ).click( function()
if( jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
{ // Use plugin to suggest tags
jQuery( input_ID ).hide();
window.init_autocomplete_tags( input_ID );
{ // Remove autocomplete tags plugin
jQuery( input_ID ).show();
jQuery( input_ID ).parent().find( 'ul.token-input-list-facebook' ).remove();
} );

// Don't submit form on keypress Enter when user is editing the tags:
evo_prevent_key_enter( '#token-input-' + config.input_ID );
} )();
delete evo_temp_config;

// Fieldset Folding JS
if( typeof( evo_fieldset_folding_config ) != 'undefined' )
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', 'span[id^=icon_folding_], span[id^=title_folding_]', function()
var is_icon = jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' ).match( /^icon_folding_/ );
var wrapper_obj = jQuery( this ).closest( '.fieldset_wrapper' );
var value_obj = is_icon ? jQuery( this ).prev() : jQuery( this ).prev().prev();

if( wrapper_obj.length == 0 || value_obj.length == 0 )
{ // Invalid layout
return false;

if( value_obj.val() == '1' )
{ // Collapse
wrapper_obj.removeClass( 'folded' );
value_obj.val( '0' );
{ // Expand
wrapper_obj.addClass( 'folded' );
value_obj.val( '1' );

// Change icon image
var clickimg = is_icon ? jQuery( this ) : jQuery( this ).prev();
if( clickimg.hasClass( 'fa' ) || clickimg.hasClass( 'glyphicon' ) )
{ // Fontawesome icon | Glyph bootstrap icon
if( 'toggle' ) != '' )
{ // This icon has a class name to toggle
var icon_prefix = ( clickimg.hasClass( 'fa' ) ? 'fa' : 'glyphicon' );
if( 'toggle-orig-class' ) == undefined )
{ // Store original class name in data 'toggle-orig-class', clickimg.attr( 'class' ).replace( new RegExp( '^'+icon_prefix+' (.+)$', 'g' ), '$1' ) );
if( clickimg.hasClass( 'toggle-orig-class' ) ) )
{ // Replace original class name with exnpanded
clickimg.removeClass( 'toggle-orig-class' ) )
.addClass( icon_prefix + '-' + 'toggle' ) );
{ // Revert back original class
clickimg.removeClass( icon_prefix + '-' + 'toggle' ) )
.addClass( 'toggle-orig-class' ) );
{ // Sprite icon
var icon_bg_pos = clickimg.css( 'background-position' );
clickimg.css( 'background-position', 'xy' ) ); 'xy', icon_bg_pos );

// Toggle title
var title = clickimg.attr( 'title' );
clickimg.attr( 'title', 'title' ) ); 'title', title );
} );

jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][id^=folding_value_]' ).each( function()
{ // Check each feildset is folded correctly after refresh a page
var wrapper_obj = jQuery( this ).closest( '.fieldset_wrapper' );
if( jQuery( this ).val() == '1' )
{ // Collapse
wrapper_obj.addClass( 'folded' );
{ // Expand
wrapper_obj.removeClass( 'folded' );
} );

// Expand all fieldsets that have the fields with error
jQuery( '.field_error' ).closest( '.fieldset_wrapper.folded' ).find( 'span[id^=icon_folding_]' ).click();

// Clipboard JS - Item List
if( typeof( evo_init_item_list_clipboard_js ) != 'undefined' )
window.clipboard = new ClipboardJS( 'a.clipboard-copy' );

// Item Checklist JS - inc/items/views/_item_expert.form.php
if( typeof( evo_item_checklist_config ) != 'undefined' )
window.update_checklist_tab_badge = function()
var checklist_badge = document.getElementById( 'checklist_counter' );
var unchecked_line_count = document.querySelectorAll( '.checklist_lines .checklist_line input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked)' ).length;

if( checklist_badge )
if( unchecked_line_count > 0 )
{ // Update checklist counter badge:
checklist_badge.innerHTML = unchecked_line_count;
{ // Remove checklist counter badge:
else if( unchecked_line_count > 0 )
{ // Create checklist counter badge:
var checklist_tab = document.querySelector( 'a[href="#checklist"][data-toggle="tab"]' );
if( checklist_tab )
checklist_badge = document.createElement( 'span' );
checklist_badge.classList.add( 'badge', 'badge-important' );
checklist_badge.innerHTML = unchecked_line_count;
checklist_badge.setAttribute( 'id', 'checklist_counter' );
checklist_tab.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' ) );
checklist_tab.appendChild( checklist_badge );

jQuery( '.checklist_lines' ).on( 'click', '.checklist_line input[type="checkbox"]', window.update_checklist_tab_badge );
} );