* @version: 2.0
* @package: Elxis CMS
* @subpackage: Elxis Language
* @author: Elxis Team ( https://www.elxis.org )
* @copyright: (C) 2006-2022 Elxis.org. All rights reserved.
* @description: en-GB (English - Great Britain) language for module Advertisements
* @license: Elxis public license https://www.elxis.org/elxis-public-license.html
* @translator: Ioannis Sannos ( https://www.elxis.org )
defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');
$_lang = array();
$_lang['MOD_ADS_TITLE'] = 'Advertisements';
$_lang['ADVERTISEMENT'] = 'Advertisement';
$_lang['SOURCE'] = 'Source';
$_lang['SOURCE_DESC'] = 'Select the advertisement source';
$_lang['TEXT'] = 'Text';
$_lang['ADS_TEXT_DESC'] = 'A short advertisement text. You can provide more than 1 ads for random selection.';
$_lang['ADS_IMAGE_DESC'] = 'Select an image for the advertisement. It should be located inside the media/images/{multisite/}ads/ path where multisite is a keyword for sub-sites.';
$_lang['ADSENSE_CODE'] = 'Adsense code';
$_lang['ADSENSE_CODE_DESC'] = 'Paste your Google Adsense code or other Javascript/HTML code.';
$_lang['ADS_LINK_DESC'] = 'A full URL starting with http or an Elxis URI, in which the visitor will go after clicking the ad. Applies for Text and Image ads.';
$_lang['TARGET'] = 'Target';
$_lang['TARGET_DESC'] = 'The link target. Applies for Text and Image ads.';
$_lang['NEW_WINDOW'] = 'New window';
$_lang['SAME_WINDOW'] = 'Same window';
$_lang['BORDER'] = 'Border';
$_lang['BORDER_DESC'] = 'Draws a distinctive border around the ad. Applicable for Text ads.';
$_lang['ADS_TEXT'] = 'Ad text';
$_lang['ADS_IMAGE'] = 'Ad image';
$_lang['ADS_LINK'] = 'Ad link';
$_lang['ADS_STRETCH_IMG'] = 'Stretch images';
$_lang['ADS_STRETCH_IMG_DESC'] = 'If enabled images will fit container width (100% width, automatic height)';