* @version: 4.2
* @package: Elxis CMS
* @subpackage: Elxis Language
* @author: Elxis Team ( http://www.elxis.org )
* @copyright: (C) 2006-2014 Elxis.org. All rights reserved.
* @description: en-GB (English - Great Britain) language for Elxis CMS
* @license: Elxis public license http://www.elxis.org/elxis-public-license.html
* @translator: Ioannis Sannos ( http://www.elxis.org )
defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');
$_lang = array();
/* general */
$_lang['REFERENCE_CODE'] = 'Reference code';
/* 403 */
$_lang['FORBIDDEN'] = 'Forbidden!';
$_lang['ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED'] = 'Access to this page is not allowed.';
$_lang['SORRY_INCONVENIENCE'] = 'Sorry for the inconvenience.';
/* 404 */
$_lang['PAGE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Page not found!';
$_lang['PAGE_REQ_NOT_FOUND'] = 'The page you requested was not found!';
$_lang['VISIT_ONE_OF_OUR_PAGES'] = 'Visit one of our pages';
/* error */
$_lang['ERROR_OCCURED'] = 'An error occurred!';
$_lang['UNREC_ERROR_REQUEST'] = 'An unrecoverable error occurred during the process of your request.';
$_lang['ERROR_DETAILS'] = 'Error details';
/* offline */
$_lang['OFFLINE'] = 'Offline!';
$_lang['WEBSITE_OFFLINE'] = 'The website is offline.';
$_lang['WEBSITE_MAINTENANCE'] = 'Sorry, the website is currently under maintenance.';
$_lang['OWN_ADMIN_LOGIN'] = 'If you own an administrator account you may login below.';
$_lang['LOGIN'] = 'Login';
$_lang['FILL_VALID_USERPASS'] = 'Fill in a valid username and password!';
$_lang['ONLY_ADMINS_LOGIN'] = 'Only site administrators can log in!';
$_lang['ADMIN_UNAME'] = 'Administrator username';
/* admin login */
$_lang['ADMINISTRATION_LOGIN'] = 'Administration login';
$_lang['VUP_ACCESS_ADMIN'] = 'Use a valid username and password to gain access to the administration console.';
$_lang['CHOOSE_LANG'] = 'Choose language';
$_lang['SORRY_ADMIN_NO_MOBILE'] = 'We are sorry but the administration console is not accessible to handheld devices.';
$_lang['CONFIRM'] = 'Confirm';
$_lang['CONFIRM_INFO'] = 'You are about to enter the administration console. Please confirm your password.';
$_lang['NOT_ENOUGH_PRIV'] = 'You do not have enough privileges to access the administration console!';
//Elxis 4.2
$_lang['PRIVATE_SITE'] = 'Private site!';
$_lang['WEBSITE_PRIVATE'] = 'The website is under private mode.';
$_lang['OWN_USER_ACCESS'] = 'You must own a user account to access this website.';
$_lang['OWN_USER_LOGIN'] = 'If you own a user account you may login below.';