* @version: 4.4
* @package: Elxis CMS
* @subpackage: Elxis Language
* @author: Elxis Team ( http://www.elxis.org )
* @copyright: (C) 2006-2016 Elxis.org. All rights reserved.
* @description: en-GB (English - Great Britain) language for component Media
* @license: Elxis public license http://www.elxis.org/elxis-public-license.html
* @translator: Ioannis Sannos ( http://www.elxis.org )
defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');
$_lang = array();
$_lang['MEDIA_MANAGER'] = 'Media Manager';
$_lang['INVALID_REQUEST'] = 'Invalid request!';
$_lang['NO_FILE_SELECTED'] = 'No file selected!';
$_lang['FILE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'File not found!';
$_lang['PATH_NOT_EXIST'] = 'Path does not exist!';
$_lang['FORBIDDEN_FILE_TYPE'] = 'Forbidden file type!';
$_lang['FILE_NAME_EXISTS'] = 'There is already a file with this name!';
$_lang['FOLDER_NAME_EXISTS'] = 'There is already a folder with this name!';
$_lang['INVALID_FILE_NAME'] = 'Invalid file name!';
$_lang['INVALID_FOLDER_NAME'] = 'Invalid folder name!';
$_lang['RENAME_FAILED'] = 'Rename failed!';
$_lang['DELETE_FAILED'] = 'Delete failed!';
$_lang['FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED'] = 'File upload failed!';
$_lang['CNOT_CREATE_FOLDER'] = "Could not create folder %s"; //translators help: ... create folder {FOLDER_NAME}
$_lang['NO_FILE_UPLOADED'] = 'No file uploaded!';
$_lang['MAX_ALLOWED_FSIZE'] = "The maximum allowed file size is %s"; //translators help: ... is {NUMBER mb}
$_lang['ONLY_RESIZE_IMAGES'] = 'You can only resize PNG, JPEG, JPG or GIF images!';
$_lang['WIDTH_TOO_SMALL'] = 'New width is too small!';
$_lang['WIDTH_INVALID'] = 'New width is invalid!';
$_lang['IMAGE_ALREADY_DIMS'] = 'Image has already these dimensions!';
$_lang['RESIZE_FAILED'] = 'Resize failed!';
$_lang['SELECT_FOLDER_COMPRESS'] = 'Select a folder to compress!';
$_lang['FILES_IN_TREE'] = 'Files in tree';
$_lang['FILES_IN_TREE_DESC'] = 'Select if you wish files to also be loaded in the left navigation
tree. The default option is to load only folders.';
$_lang['MAX_FILE_SIZE'] = 'Max file size';
$_lang['MAX_FILE_SIZE_DESC'] = 'The maximum size an upload file can have. Keep in mind that this limit is
generally set by the PHP.ini upload_max_filesize and post_max_size options.';
$_lang['THEME'] = 'Theme';
$_lang['DEF_VIEW_MODE'] = 'Default view mode';
$_lang['GRID'] = 'Grid';
$_lang['LIST'] = 'List';