* This is the handler for email interaction tracking
* This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link http://evocore.net/}
* See also {@link https://github.com/b2evolution/b2evolution}.
* @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
* @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
* @package evocore
* Initialize everything:
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php';
require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php';
global $DB, $Session, $modules, $Messages;
load_funcs( 'email_campaigns/model/_emailcampaign.funcs.php' );
param( 'type', 'string', true );
param( 'email_ID', 'integer', true );
param( 'email_key', 'string', true );
param( 'tag', 'integer', NULL );
param( 'redirect_to', 'url', '' );
// erhsatingin > Is this acceptable? This seems like an ugly hack...
$redirect_to = str_replace( '&', '&', $redirect_to );
switch( $type )
case 'link':
$email_log = $DB->get_row( 'SELECT * FROM T_email__log WHERE emlog_ID = '.$DB->quote( $email_ID ).' AND emlog_key = '.$DB->quote( $email_key ), ARRAY_A );
if( $email_log )
$skip_click_tracking = false;
$update_values = array();
if( ! empty( $email_log['emlog_user_ID'] ) )
$ecmp_ID = $DB->get_var( 'SELECT csnd_camp_ID FROM T_email__campaign_send WHERE csnd_emlog_ID = '.$DB->quote( $email_ID ) );
$EmailCampaignCache = & get_EmailCampaignCache();
if( ! empty( $ecmp_ID ) && $edited_EmailCampaign = & $EmailCampaignCache->get_by_ID( $ecmp_ID, false ) )
$UserCache = & get_UserCache();
if( $email_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $email_log['emlog_user_ID'] ) )
// Check if the mail is not yet opened
$unopened_mail = is_unopened_campaign_mail( $email_ID, $send_data );
switch( $tag )
case 1: // Add usertag
$assigned_user_tag = $edited_EmailCampaign->get( 'user_tag' );
if( ! empty( $assigned_user_tag ) )
$email_User->add_usertags( $assigned_user_tag );
case 2: // Update clicked_unsubscribe
case 9: // Unsubscribe button
$result = $DB->query( 'UPDATE T_email__campaign_send
SET csnd_clicked_unsubscribe = 1
WHERE csnd_camp_ID = '.$DB->quote( $ecmp_ID ).' AND csnd_user_ID = '.$DB->quote( $email_User->ID ) );
if( $result )
$update_values[] = 'ecmp_unsub_clicks = ecmp_unsub_clicks + 1';
// Add campaign ID as param to unsubscribe link:
if( $redirect_to && !empty( $email_log['emlog_camp_ID'] ) )
$redirect_to = url_add_param( $redirect_to, array( 'ecmp_ID' => $email_log['emlog_camp_ID'] ), '&' );
// Do not track click
$skip_click_tracking = true;
case 3: // Vote like and add appropriate usertag
$result = $DB->query( 'UPDATE T_email__campaign_send
SET csnd_like = 1
WHERE csnd_camp_ID = '.$DB->quote( $ecmp_ID ).' AND csnd_user_ID = '.$DB->quote( $email_User->ID ).' AND ( csnd_like IS NULL OR csnd_like = -1 )' );
if( $result )
$update_values[] = 'ecmp_like_count = ecmp_like_count + 1';
if( $send_data['csnd_like'] == '-1' )
{ // email previously disliked, we need to decrease the dislike count
$update_values[] = 'ecmp_dislike_count = ecmp_dislike_count - 1';
// Add tag for like and for "clicked content"
$assigned_user_tag = implode( ',', array( $edited_EmailCampaign->get( 'user_tag_like' ), $edited_EmailCampaign->get( 'user_tag' ) ) );
if( ! empty( $assigned_user_tag ) )
$email_User->add_usertags( $assigned_user_tag );
// Add user to automation if it is defined in email campaign:
$edited_EmailCampaign->add_user_to_automation( 'like', $email_User->ID );
$Messages->add( T_('Your vote has been recorded, thank you!'), 'success' );
case 4: // Vote dislike and add appropriate usertag
$result = $DB->query( 'UPDATE T_email__campaign_send
SET csnd_like = -1
WHERE csnd_camp_ID = '.$DB->quote( $ecmp_ID ).' AND csnd_user_ID = '.$DB->quote( $email_User->ID ).' AND ( csnd_like IS NULL OR csnd_like = 1 )' );
if( $result )
$update_values[] = 'ecmp_dislike_count = ecmp_dislike_count + 1';
if( $send_data['csnd_like'] == '1' )
{ // email previously liked, we need to decrease the like count
$update_values[] = 'ecmp_like_count = ecmp_like_count - 1';
// Add tag for dislike only
$assigned_user_tag = $edited_EmailCampaign->get( 'user_tag_dislike' );
if( ! empty( $assigned_user_tag ) )
$email_User->add_usertags( $assigned_user_tag );
// Do not track click
$skip_click_tracking = true;
// Add user to automation if it is defined in email campaign:
$edited_EmailCampaign->add_user_to_automation( 'dislike', $email_User->ID );
$Messages->add( T_('Your vote has been recorded, thank you!'), 'success' );
case 5: // Call to Action 1
case 6: // Call to Action 2
case 7: // Call to Action 3
$cta_num = (int) $tag - 4;
$result = $DB->query( 'UPDATE T_email__campaign_send
SET csnd_cta'.$cta_num.' = 1
WHERE csnd_camp_ID = '.$DB->quote( $ecmp_ID ).' AND csnd_user_ID = '.$DB->quote( $email_User->ID ).' AND csnd_cta'.$cta_num.' IS NULL' );
if( $result )
$update_values[] = 'ecmp_cta'.$cta_num.'_clicks = ecmp_cta'.$cta_num.'_clicks + 1';
// Assign tag for CTA and for "clicked content"
$assigned_user_tag = implode( ',', array( $edited_EmailCampaign->get( 'user_tag_cta'.$cta_num ), $edited_EmailCampaign->get( 'user_tag' ) ) );
if( ! empty( $assigned_user_tag ) )
$email_User->add_usertags( $assigned_user_tag );
// Add user to automation if it is defined in email campaign:
$edited_EmailCampaign->add_user_to_automation( 'cta'.$cta_num, $email_User->ID );
case 8: // Activate account button
// Add tag for activate only
$assigned_user_tag = $edited_EmailCampaign->get( 'user_tag_activate' );
if( ! empty( $assigned_user_tag ) )
$email_User->add_usertags( $assigned_user_tag );
// Add user to automation if it is defined in email campaign:
$edited_EmailCampaign->add_user_to_automation( 'activate', $email_User->ID );
// We are not using header_redirect below so we need to transfer Messages to the next page:
if( $Messages->count() )
{ // Set Messages into user's session, so they get restored on the next page (after redirect):
$Session->set( 'Messages', $Messages );
if( ! empty( $update_values ) )
{ // Set campaign counters
$DB->query( 'UPDATE T_email__campaign SET '.implode( ',', $update_values ).
( $unopened_mail ? ', ecmp_open_count = ecmp_open_count + 1' : '' ). // unopened mail, increment open count
' WHERE ecmp_ID = '.$DB->quote( $ecmp_ID ) );
if( ! $skip_click_tracking )
{ // Update last click time for current email log and related tables like email campaign and newsletters:
update_mail_log_time( 'click', $email_ID, $email_key );
// Use message of already loaded email log above, otherwise set empty string in order to don't execute SQL query twice:
$email_log_message = ( isset( $email_log['emlog_message'] ) ? $email_log['emlog_message'] : '' );
header_redirect_from_email( $redirect_to, 303, $email_log_message );
// We have EXITed already at this point!!
case 'img':
// Update last open time for current email log and related tables like email campaign and newsletters:
update_mail_log_time( 'open', $email_ID, $email_key );
if( ! empty( $redirect_to ) )
{ // Do redirect only when URL is provided:
header_redirect_from_email( $redirect_to, 302, NULL, $email_ID, $email_key );
// We have EXITed already at this point!!
debug_die( 'Invalid email tracking type' );