<title>Editing an entry</title>
<p>To make a trackback, click on the <em>Ping blogs</em> link. If you don't see this link, make sure your entry status is set to <em>published</em>.</p>
<dt>URLs to ping</dt>
<dd>Paste here the trackback URLs you found in the posts you want to ping.</dd>
<dt>Excerpt to send</dt>
<dd>By default, this field contains the beginning of your entry. This is what will be sent to the blog you're pinging, along with a link to your post. You can modify the excerpt by editing this field.</dd>
<dt>Auto discover ping URLs</dt>
<dd>If your entry links to specific posts and if the blog hosting those posts
is set to allow it, this tool will find the URLs to ping for you.</dd>