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<h3>Filters for comment list</h3>
  <dd>None, comments or trackbacks.</dd>
    <li><strong>junk</strong>: <!-- Pour spampl' ? --></li>
    <li><strong>pending</strong>: <!-- Modération ? --></li>
    <li><strong>unpublished</strong>: offline ;</li>
    <li><strong>published</strong>: online.</li>
  <dt>Order by:</dt>
  <dd>Choose: date, entry title, author or status, then
  choose the sort order.</dd>
  <dd>Choose whether the list will be sorted in ascending or descending order.</dd>
  <dt>Comment author.</dt>
  <dd>The search is not case sensitive. If you want to search only a part of
  the name, you can use the <strong>*</strong> generic character.</dd>
  <dt>Comments per page :</dt>
  <dd>Allows you to choose the number of comments on each page of this list.</dd>

<h3>Modify or add a comment</h3>
  <dd>Author name. This field is mandatory.</dd>
  <dd>Author's email address.</dd>
  <dt>Web site:</dt>
  <dd>URL of the comment author's blog or website.</dd>
    <li><strong>junk</strong>: <!-- Pour spampl' ? --></li>
    <li><strong>pending</strong>: <!-- Modération ? --></li>
    <li><strong>unpublished</strong>: offline</li>
    <li><strong>published</strong>: online</li>
  <dd>Comment's content. This field is html formated.</dd>