* @brief Converters API
* @author <a href='https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
* @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license https://www.invisioncommunity.com/legal/standards/
* @package Invision Community
* @subpackage convert
* @since 29 Nov 2016
namespace IPS\convert\api;
/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
* @brief Converters API
class _converters extends \IPS\Api\Controller
* GET /convert/converters
* Get list of converter applications and what can be converted from each application
* @apiclientonly
* @apiparam string applications Comma-delimited list of applications to filter by
* @return array
public function GETindex()
$response = array();
$applications = \IPS\Request::i()->applications ? explode( ',', \IPS\Request::i()->applications ) : array();
/* Loop over software directory to figure out software we can convert */
foreach( new \DirectoryIterator( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/applications/convert/sources/Software/' ) as $directory )
/* Skip ../ and any non-directories */
if( $directory->isDot() OR !$directory->isDir() )
/* Are we filtering by supported applications? */
if( count( $applications ) AND !in_array( mb_convert_case( $directory->getFilename(), MB_CASE_TITLE ) ) )
/* Loop over all of the software in this directory */
foreach( new \DirectoryIterator( $directory->getPathname() ) as $softwares )
/* Skip ../ and any non-files */
if( $softwares->isDot() OR !$softwares->isFile() OR mb_substr( $softwares->getFilename(), -3 ) !== 'php' )
/* Initialize class info, etc. */
$namespace = mb_substr( $softwares->getFilename(), 0, mb_strrpos( $softwares->getFilename(), '.' ) );
$application = $directory->getFilename();
$classname = "\\IPS\\convert\\Software\\" . $application . "\\" . $namespace;
/* Can we convert this application? */
if( $classname::canConvert() === NULL )
/* A work around for an odd-case */
if( mb_strtolower( $namespace ) == 'xenfororm' )
$namespace = 'xenforo';
/* Initialize this application's array if necessary */
if( !isset( $response[ mb_strtolower( $namespace ) ] ) )
$response[ mb_strtolower( $namespace ) ] = array();
/* Now figure out what we can convert in a human-readable format */
$rawConvert = array_keys( $classname::canConvert() );
$canConvert = array();
/* Get extra_steps */
$extraSteps = array();
foreach( $classname::canConvert() as $convert )
if( isset( $convert['extra_steps'] ) )
$extraSteps = array_merge( $extraSteps, $convert['extra_steps'] );
/* Get lang strings for what we can convert */
foreach( $rawConvert as $convertType )
/* Skip extra steps */
if( in_array( $convertType, $extraSteps ) )
$canConvert[] = \IPS\Lang::load( \IPS\Lang::defaultLanguage() )->addToStack(
preg_replace_callback( "/([A-Z])/", function( $match ){
return "_" . mb_strtolower( $match[1] );
}, $convertType )
/* Reflect the class to figure out if redirects are enabled */
$reflect = new \ReflectionMethod( $classname, 'checkRedirects' );
/* Now store the data for this application that we need */
$response[ mb_strtolower( $namespace ) ][ mb_strtolower( $application ) ][] = array(
'name' => $classname::softwareName(),
'key' => $classname::softwareKey(),
'canConvert' => $canConvert,
'redirections' => ( str_replace( '\_', '\\', $reflect->getDeclaringClass()->getName() ) === mb_substr( $classname, 1 ) )
if( mb_strtolower( $application ) == 'core' )
$response[ mb_strtolower( $namespace ) ]['@name'] = $classname::softwareName();
/* Make sure a name is defined */
foreach( $response as $software => $data )
if( !isset( $data['@name'] ) )
$first = array_shift( $data );
$response[ $software ]['@name'] = $first[0]['name'];
/* Sort */
ksort( $response );
return new \IPS\Api\Response( 200, $response );