DataLife Engine - by SoftNews Media Group
Copyright (c) 2004-2021 SoftNews Media Group
This code is protected by copyright
File: comments.class.php
Use: comments class
if( !defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" );
header ( 'Location: ../../' );
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
class DLE_Comments {
var $db = false;
var $query = false;
var $cstart = 0;
var $total_comments = 0;
var $comments_per_pages = 0;
var $intern_count = 0;
var $extras_rules = array();
var $comments_group = 0;
var $xfields = array();
var $xfound = false;
var $indent = 0;
var $customshow = false;
function __construct( $db, $total_comments, $comments_per_pages ) {
$this->db = $db;
$this->total_comments = $total_comments;
if($comments_per_pages < 1) $comments_per_pages = 30;
$this->comments_per_pages = $comments_per_pages;
if ( isset( $_GET['cstart'] ) ) $this->cstart = intval( $_GET['cstart'] ); else $this->cstart = 0;
if( $this->cstart > 0) {
$this->cstart = $this->cstart - 1;
$this->cstart = $this->cstart * $comments_per_pages;
} else $this->cstart = 0;
function add_rules( $find, $replace, $type ) {
$this->extras_rules[] = array($type, $find, $replace);
function build_tree( $data ) {
$tree = array();
foreach ($data as $id=>&$node) {
if ($node['parent'] === false) {
$tree[$id] = &$node;
} else {
if (!isset($data[$node['parent']]['children'])) $data[$node['parent']]['children'] = array();
$data[$node['parent']]['children'][$id] = &$node;
return $tree;
function compile_tree($nodes, $area, $sublevelmarker = false, $indent = 0 ) {
global $config, $tpl;
if ($config['tree_comments'] AND $config['tree_comments_level'] AND $indent > $config['tree_comments_level'] ) $sublevelmarker = false;
$item = "";
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$item .= "<li id=\"comments-tree-item-{$node['id']}\" class=\"comments-tree-item\" >".$this->compile_comment($tpl, $node, $area, $indent);
if (isset($node['children'])) {
$item .= $this->compile_tree($node['children'], $area, true, $indent+1);
$item .= "</li>";
if( $sublevelmarker ) return "<ol class=\"comments-tree-list\">".$item."</ol>"; else return $item;
function compile_comments($tpl, $rows, $area) {
global $config;
$item = "";
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$item .= $this->compile_comment($tpl, $row, $area, 0);
return $item;
function compile_comment( $tpl, $row, $area, $indent ) {
global $config, $is_logged, $member_id, $user_group, $lang, $dle_login_hash, $_TIME, $allow_comments_ajax, $ajax_adds, $news_date, $news_author, $replace_links, $category_id, $banners, $_DOCUMENT_DATE;
$PHP_SELF = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php";
$this->intern_count ++;
$tpl->result['comments'] = "";
$row['date'] = strtotime( $row['date'] );
if($row['date'] > $_DOCUMENT_DATE) $_DOCUMENT_DATE = $row['date'];
$row['gast_name'] = stripslashes( $row['gast_name'] );
$row['gast_email'] = stripslashes( $row['gast_email'] );
$row['name'] = stripslashes( $row['name'] );
if( ! $row['is_register'] or $row['name'] == '' ) {
if( $row['gast_email'] != "" ) {
$tpl->set( '{author}', "<a href=\"mailto:".htmlspecialchars($row['gast_email'], ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset'])."\">" . $row['gast_name'] . "</a>" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{author}', $row['gast_name'] );
$tpl->set( '{login}', $row['gast_name'] );
$tpl->set( '[profile]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/profile]', "" );
} else {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) {
$go_page = $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "/";
$tpl->set( '[profile]', "<a href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "/\">" );
} else {
$go_page = "$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode( $row['name'] );
$tpl->set( '[profile]', "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "\">" );
$go_page = "onclick=\"ShowProfile('" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "', '" . htmlspecialchars( $go_page, ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset'] ) . "', '" . $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['admin_editusers'] . "'); return false;\"";
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) $tpl->set( '{author}', "<a {$go_page} href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "/\">" . $row['name'] . "</a>" );
else $tpl->set( '{author}', "<a {$go_page} href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "\">" . $row['name'] . "</a>" );
$tpl->set( '{login}', $row['name'] );
$tpl->set( '[/profile]', "</a>" );
if( $config['allow_banner'] AND is_array($banners) AND count( $banners ) ) {
foreach ( $banners as $name => $value ) {
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace( "{banner_" . $name . "}", $value, $tpl->copy_template );
if ( $value ) {
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace ( "[banner_" . $name . "]", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace ( "[/banner_" . $name . "]", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->set_block( "'{banner_(.*?)}'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block ( "'\\[banner_(.*?)\\](.*?)\\[/banner_(.*?)\\]'si", "" );
if( $is_logged and $member_id['user_group'] == '1' ) $tpl->set( '{ip}', "IP: <a onclick=\"return dropdownmenu(this, event, IPMenu('" . $row['ip'] . "', '" . $lang['ip_info'] . "', '" . $lang['ip_tools'] . "', '" . $lang['ip_ban'] . "'), '190px')\" href=\"https://www.nic.ru/whois/?searchWord={$row['ip']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$row['ip']}</a>" );
else $tpl->set( '{ip}', '' );
$edit_limit = false;
if (!$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['edit_limit']) $edit_limit = true;
elseif ( ($row['date'] + ($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['edit_limit'] * 60)) > $_TIME ) {
$edit_limit = true;
if( $is_logged AND $edit_limit AND !$this->customshow AND (($member_id['name'] == $row['name'] AND $row['is_register'] AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_editc']) OR $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['edit_allc']) ) {
$tpl->set( '[com-edit]', "<a onclick=\"ajax_comm_edit('" . $row['id'] . "', '" . $area . "'); return false;\" href=\"#\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/com-edit]', "</a>" );
$allow_comments_ajax = true;
} else $tpl->set_block( "'\\[com-edit\\](.*?)\\[/com-edit\\]'si", "" );
if( $is_logged AND $edit_limit AND !$this->customshow AND (($member_id['name'] == $row['name'] AND $row['is_register'] AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_delc']) OR $member_id['user_group'] == '1' OR $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['del_allc']) ) {
$tpl->set( '[com-del]', "<a href=\"javascript:DeleteComments('{$row['id']}', '{$dle_login_hash}')\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/com-del]', "</a>" );
} else $tpl->set_block( "'\\[com-del\\](.*?)\\[/com-del\\]'si", "" );
if( $is_logged AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_admin'] AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['del_allc'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[spam]', "<a href=\"javascript:MarkSpam('{$row['id']}', '{$dle_login_hash}');\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/spam]', "</a>" );
} else $tpl->set_block( "'\\[spam\\](.*?)\\[/spam\\]'si", "" );
if ( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['del_allc'] AND !$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['edit_limit'] AND !$this->customshow ) {
$tpl->set( '{mass-action}', "<input name=\"selected_comments[]\" value=\"{$row['id']}\" type=\"checkbox\" />" );
} else $tpl->set( '{mass-action}', "" );
if( !$row['is_register'] OR $row['name'] == '' ) $d_name = $row['gast_name'];
else $d_name = $row['name'];
if ($area == 'lastcomments') {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[fast\\](.*?)\\[/fast\\]'si", "" );
if($user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_addc'] AND $config['allow_comments'] AND $config['tree_comments'] ) {
$allow_comments_ajax = true;
$tpl->set( '[reply]', "<a onclick=\"dle_reply('{$row['id']}', '0', '{$config['simple_reply']}'); return false;\" href=\"#\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/reply]', "</a>" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[reply\\](.*?)\\[/reply\\]'si", "" );
} else {
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_addc'] AND $config['allow_comments'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[fast]', "<a onmouseover=\"dle_copy_quote('" . str_replace( array (" ", "'" ), array (" ", "&#039;" ), $d_name ) . "'); return false;\" onclick=\"dle_ins('{$row['id']}'); return false;\" href=\"#\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/fast]', "</a>" );
$tpl->set( '[/reply]', "</a>" );
if( $config['tree_comments'] ) {
if($this->indent) $indent = $this->indent;
$allow_comments_ajax = true;
$tpl->set( '[reply]', "<a onclick=\"dle_reply('{$row['id']}', '{$indent}', '{$config['simple_reply']}'); return false;\" href=\"#\">" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '[reply]', "<a onclick=\"dle_fastreply('" . str_replace( array (" ", "'" ), array (" ", "&#039;" ), $d_name ) . "'); return false;\" href=\"#\">" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[fast\\](.*?)\\[/fast\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[reply\\](.*?)\\[/reply\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '{mail}', $row['gast_email'] );
$tpl->set( '{id}', $row['id'] );
if( date( 'Ymd', $row['date'] ) == date( 'Ymd', $_TIME ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{date}', $lang['time_heute'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['date'] ) );
} elseif( date( 'Ymd', $row['date'] ) == date( 'Ymd', ($_TIME - 86400) ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{date}', $lang['time_gestern'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['date'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{date}', langdate( $config['timestamp_comment'], $row['date'] ) );
$news_date = $row['date'];
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\{date=(.+?)\}#i", "formdate", $tpl->copy_template );
if ($area == 'lastcomments') {
$category_id = $row['category'];
$row['category'] = intval( $row['category'] );
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] ) {
if( $config['seo_type'] == 1 OR $config['seo_type'] == 2 ) {
if( $row['category'] and $config['seo_type'] == 2 ) {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $row['category'] ) . "/" . $row['post_id'] . "-" . $row['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $row['post_id'] . "-" . $row['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . date( 'Y/m/d/', strtotime ($row['newsdate']) ) . $row['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?newsid=" . $row['post_id'];
$tpl->set( '{news_title}', "<a href=\"" . $full_link . "#comment\">" . stripslashes( $row['title'] ) . "</a>" );
$tpl->set( '{news-link}', $full_link."#comment" );
$tpl->set( '{news-title}', htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $row['title'] ), ENT_QUOTES, $config['charset'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{news_title}', "" );
$tpl->set( '{news-link}', "" );
$tpl->set( '{news-title}', "" );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[catlist=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(catlist)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/catlist\\]#is", "check_category", $tpl->copy_template );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[not-catlist=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-catlist)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-catlist\\]#is", "check_category", $tpl->copy_template );
$row['xfields_array'] = array();
if( $row['xfields'] ) {
$row['xfields_array'] = xfieldsdataload( $row['xfields'] );
if( $this->xfound ) {
$xfieldsdata = $row['xfields_array'];
foreach ( $this->xfields as $value ) {
$preg_safe_name = preg_quote( $value[0], "'" );
if($xfieldsdata[$value[0]] == "") $xfgiven = false; else $xfgiven = true;
if( $value[5] != 1 OR $member_id['user_group'] == 1 OR ($is_logged AND $row['is_register'] AND $member_id['name'] == $row['name']) ) {
if( !$xfgiven ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\\[xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\](.*?)\\[/xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'is", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace( "[xfnotgiven_{$value[0]}]", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace( "[/xfnotgiven_{$value[0]}]", "", $tpl->copy_template );
} else {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\\[xfnotgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\](.*?)\\[/xfnotgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'is", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace( "[xfgiven_{$value[0]}]", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace( "[/xfgiven_{$value[0]}]", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->set( "[xfvalue_{$value[0]}]", stripslashes( $xfieldsdata[$value[0]] ) );
} else {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\\[xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\](.*?)\\[/xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'is", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\\[xfvalue_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'i", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\\[xfnotgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\](.*?)\\[/xfnotgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'is", "", $tpl->copy_template );
if ($area == 'ajax' AND isset($ajax_adds) ) {
$tpl->set( '{comment-id}', "--" );
} elseif($area == 'lastcomments') {
$tpl->set( '{comment-id}', $this->total_comments - $this->cstart - $this->intern_count + 1 );
} else {
if( $config['comm_msort'] == "ASC" ) $tpl->set( '{comment-id}', $this->cstart + $this->intern_count );
else $tpl->set( '{comment-id}', $this->total_comments - $this->cstart - $this->intern_count + 1 );
if ( count(explode("@", $row['foto'])) == 2 ) {
$tpl->set( '{foto}', 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5(trim($row['foto'])) . '?s=' . intval($user_group[$row['user_group']]['max_foto']) );
} else {
if( $row['foto'] ) {
if (strpos($row['foto'], "//") === 0) $avatar = "http:".$row['foto']; else $avatar = $row['foto'];
$avatar = @parse_url ( $avatar );
if($avatar['host']) {
$tpl->set( '{foto}', $row['foto'] );
} else $tpl->set( '{foto}', $config['http_home_url'] . "uploads/fotos/" . $row['foto'] );
} else $tpl->set( '{foto}', "{THEME}/dleimages/noavatar.png" );
if( $row['is_register'] AND $row['fullname'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[fullname]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/fullname]', "" );
$tpl->set( '{fullname}', stripslashes( $row['fullname'] ) );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-fullname\\](.*?)\\[/not-fullname\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[fullname\\](.*?)\\[/fullname\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '{fullname}', "" );
$tpl->set( '[not-fullname]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-fullname]', "" );
if( $config['tree_comments'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[treecomments]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/treecomments]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-treecomments\\](.*?)\\[/not-treecomments\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '[not-treecomments]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-treecomments]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[treecomments\\](.*?)\\[/treecomments\\]'si", "" );
if( $indent OR $this->indent ) {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rootcomments\\](.*?)\\[/rootcomments\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '[childrencomments]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/childrencomments]', "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '[rootcomments]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/rootcomments]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[childrencomments\\](.*?)\\[/childrencomments\\]'si", "" );
if ( isset($row['children']) ) {
$tpl->set( '{replycount}', count( $row['children'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{replycount}', 0 );
if ( isset($member_id['user_id']) AND $row['user_id'] AND $row['user_id'] == $member_id['user_id'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[comments-author]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/comments-author]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-comments-author\\](.*?)\\[/not-comments-author\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[comments-author\\](.*?)\\[/comments-author\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '[not-comments-author]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-comments-author]', "" );
if ( $news_author AND $row['user_id'] AND $row['user_id'] == $news_author ) {
$tpl->set( '[news-author]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/news-author]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-news-author\\](.*?)\\[/not-news-author\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[news-author\\](.*?)\\[/news-author\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '[not-news-author]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-news-author]', "" );
if( $row['is_register'] AND $row['land'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[land]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/land]', "" );
$tpl->set( '{land}', stripslashes( $row['land'] ) );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-land\\](.*?)\\[/not-land\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[land\\](.*?)\\[/land\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '{land}', "" );
$tpl->set( '[not-land]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-land]', "" );
if( $row['comm_num'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[comm-num]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/comm-num]', "" );
$tpl->set( '{comm-num}', number_format($row['comm_num'], 0, ',', ' ') );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-comm-num\\](.*?)\\[/not-comm-num\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{comm-num}', 0 );
$tpl->set( '[not-comm-num]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-comm-num]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[comm-num\\](.*?)\\[/comm-num\\]'si", "" );
if( $row['news_num'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[news-num]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/news-num]', "" );
$tpl->set( '{news-num}', number_format($row['news_num'], 0, ',', ' ') );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-news-num\\](.*?)\\[/not-news-num\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{news-num}', 0 );
$tpl->set( '[not-news-num]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-news-num]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[news-num\\](.*?)\\[/news-num\\]'si", "" );
if( $row['is_register'] AND $row['reg_date'] ) $tpl->set( '{registration}', langdate( "j.m.Y", $row['reg_date'] ) );
else $tpl->set( '{registration}', '--' );
if( $row['is_register'] AND $row['lastdate'] ) {
$tpl->set( '{lastdate}', langdate( "j.m.Y", $row['lastdate'] ) );
if ( ($row['lastdate'] + 1200) > $_TIME OR ( isset($member_id['user_id']) AND isset($row['user_id']) AND $row['user_id'] AND $row['user_id'] == $member_id['user_id'])) {
$tpl->set( '[online]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/online]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[offline\\](.*?)\\[/offline\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '[offline]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/offline]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[online\\](.*?)\\[/online\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{lastdate}', '--' );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[offline\\](.*?)\\[/offline\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[online\\](.*?)\\[/online\\]'si", "" );
if( $row['is_register'] AND $row['signature'] and $user_group[$row['user_group']]['allow_signature'] ) {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[signature\\](.*?)\\[/signature\\]'si", "\\1" );
$tpl->set( '{signature}', stripslashes( $row['signature'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[signature\\](.*?)\\[/signature\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '[complaint]', "<a href=\"javascript:AddComplaint('" . $row['id'] . "', 'comments')\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/complaint]', "</a>" );
if ( $config['comments_rating_type'] == "1" ) {
$tpl->set( '[rating-type-2]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/rating-type-2]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-1\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-1\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-3\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-3\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-4\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-4\\]'si", "" );
} elseif ( $config['comments_rating_type'] == "2" ) {
$tpl->set( '[rating-type-3]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/rating-type-3]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-1\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-1\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-2\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-2\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-4\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-4\\]'si", "" );
} elseif ( $config['comments_rating_type'] == "3" ) {
$tpl->set( '[rating-type-4]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/rating-type-4]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-1\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-1\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-2\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-2\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-3\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-3\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '[rating-type-1]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/rating-type-1]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-4\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-4\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-3\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-3\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-type-2\\](.*?)\\[/rating-type-2\\]'si", "" );
if( $config['allow_comments_rating'] ) {
$dislikes = ($row['vote_num'] - $row['rating'])/2;
$likes = $row['vote_num'] - $dislikes;
if( $row['vote_num'] ) $ratingscore = str_replace( ',', '.', round( ($row['rating'] / $row['vote_num']), 1 ) );
else $ratingscore = 0;
$tpl->set( '{likes}', "<span id=\"comments-likes-id-".$row['id']."\">".$likes."</span>" );
$tpl->set( '{dislikes}', "<span id=\"comments-dislikes-id-".$row['id']."\">".$dislikes."</span>" );
$tpl->set( '{rating}', ShowCommentsRating( $row['id'], $row['rating'], $row['vote_num'], $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_comments_rating'] ) );
$tpl->set( '{vote-num}', "<span id=\"comments-vote-num-id-".$row['id']."\">".$row['vote_num']."</span>" );
$tpl->set( '{ratingscore}', $ratingscore );
$tpl->set( '[rating]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/rating]', "" );
if($row['rating'] > 0 ) {
$tpl->set( '[positive-comment]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/positive-comment]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[negative-comment\\](.*?)\\[/negative-comment\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[neutral-comment\\](.*?)\\[/neutral-comment\\]'si", "" );
} elseif($row['rating'] < 0){
$tpl->set( '[negative-comment]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/negative-comment]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[positive-comment\\](.*?)\\[/positive-comment\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[neutral-comment\\](.*?)\\[/neutral-comment\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '[neutral-comment]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/neutral-comment]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[positive-comment\\](.*?)\\[/positive-comment\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[negative-comment\\](.*?)\\[/negative-comment\\]'si", "" );
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_comments_rating'] ) {
if ( $config['comments_rating_type'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[rating-plus]', "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"doCommentsRate('plus', '{$row['id']}'); return false;\" >" );
$tpl->set( '[/rating-plus]', '</a>' );
if ( $config['comments_rating_type'] == "2" OR $config['comments_rating_type'] == "3") {
$tpl->set( '[rating-minus]', "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"doCommentsRate('minus', '{$row['id']}'); return false;\" >" );
$tpl->set( '[/rating-minus]', '</a>' );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-minus\\](.*?)\\[/rating-minus\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-plus\\](.*?)\\[/rating-plus\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-minus\\](.*?)\\[/rating-minus\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-plus\\](.*?)\\[/rating-plus\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-minus\\](.*?)\\[/rating-minus\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{rating}', "" );
$tpl->set( '{ratingscore}', 0 );
$tpl->set( '{vote-num}', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating\\](.*?)\\[/rating\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-plus\\](.*?)\\[/rating-plus\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[rating-minus\\](.*?)\\[/rating-minus\\]'si", "" );
if( ! $row['user_group'] ) $row['user_group'] = 5;
$this->comments_group = $row['user_group'];
if (strpos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[commentsgroup=" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(commentsgroup)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/commentsgroup\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_group'), $tpl->copy_template );
if (strpos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[not-commentsgroup=" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-commentsgroup)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-commentsgroup\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_group'), $tpl->copy_template );
if (strpos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[commentscount=" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(commentscount)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/commentscount\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_commentscount'), $tpl->copy_template );
if (strpos ( $tpl->copy_template, "[not-commentscount=" ) !== false) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace_callback ( "#\\[(not-commentscount)=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-commentscount\\]#is", array( &$this, 'check_commentscount'), $tpl->copy_template );
if( $user_group[$row['user_group']]['icon'] ) $tpl->set( '{group-icon}', "<img src=\"" . $user_group[$row['user_group']]['icon'] . "\" alt=\"\" />" );
else $tpl->set( '{group-icon}', "" );
$tpl->set( '{group-name}', $user_group[$row['user_group']]['group_prefix'].$user_group[$row['user_group']]['group_name'].$user_group[$row['user_group']]['group_suffix'] );
if ( count($this->extras_rules) ) {
foreach ($this->extras_rules as $rules) {
if ($rules[0] == 'set') {
$tpl->set( $rules[1], $rules[2] );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( $rules[1], $rules[2] );
if ($config['allow_links'] AND function_exists('replace_links') AND isset($replace_links['comments'])) $row['text'] = replace_links ( $row['text'], $replace_links['comments'] );
$row['text'] = stripslashes( $row['text'] );
if ($area != 'ajax' AND $config['image_lazy']) {
$row['text'] = preg_replace_callback ( "#<(img|iframe)(.+?)>#i", "enable_lazyload", $row['text'] );
if( $this->customshow ) {
$row['text'] = preg_replace ( "#\[hide(.*?)\](.+?)\[/hide\]#is", "", $row['text'] );
$tpl->set( '{comment}', $row['text'] );
} else {
if (stripos ( $row['text'], "[hide" ) !== false ) {
$row['text'] = preg_replace_callback ( "#\[hide(.*?)\](.+?)\[/hide\]#is",
function ($matches) use ($member_id, $user_group, $lang) {
$matches[1] = str_replace(array("=", " "), "", $matches[1]);
$matches[2] = $matches[2];
if( $matches[1] ) {
$groups = explode( ',', $matches[1] );
if( in_array( $member_id['user_group'], $groups ) OR $member_id['user_group'] == "1") {
return $matches[2];
} else return "<div class=\"quote dlehidden\">" . $lang['news_regus'] . "</div>";
} else {
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_hide'] ) return $matches[2]; else return "<div class=\"quote dlehidden\">" . $lang['news_regus'] . "</div>";
}, $row['text'] );
$tpl->set( '{comment}', "<div id='comm-id-" . $row['id'] . "'>" . $row['text'] . "</div>" );
if ( preg_match( "#\\{comment limit=['\"](.+?)['\"]\\}#i", $tpl->copy_template, $matches ) ) {
$count= intval($matches[1]);
$row['text'] = preg_replace( "#<!--QuoteBegin(.*)<!--QuoteEEnd-->#is", '', $row['text'] );
$row['text'] = preg_replace( "#<!--dle_spoiler-->(.+?)<!--spoiler_text-->#is", '', $row['text'] );
$row['text'] = preg_replace( "#<!--dle_spoiler (.+?) -->(.+?)<!--spoiler_text-->#is", '', $row['text'] );
$row['text'] = str_replace( "<!--spoiler_text_end--></div><!--/dle_spoiler-->", '', $row['text'] );
$row['text'] = str_replace( "</p><p>", " ", $row['text'] );
$row['text'] = strip_tags( $row['text'], "<br>" );
$row['text'] = trim(str_replace( "<br>", " ", str_replace( "<br />", " ", str_replace( "\n", " ", str_replace( "\r", "", $row['text'] ) ) ) ));
if( !$row['text'] ) $row['text'] = $lang['comments_empty'];
if( $count AND dle_strlen( $row['text'], $config['charset'] ) > $count ) {
$row['text'] = dle_substr( $row['text'], 0, $count, $config['charset'] );
if( ($temp_dmax = dle_strrpos( $row['text'], ' ', $config['charset'] )) ) $row['text'] = dle_substr( $row['text'], 0, $temp_dmax, $config['charset'] );
$tpl->set( $matches[0], $row['text'] );
$tpl->if_array = $row;
$tpl->compile( 'comments', true, false );
return $tpl->result['comments'];
function build_customcomments( $tpl, $template ) {
$this->customshow = true;
$tpl->load_template( $template );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[xfvalue_" ) !== false ) $this->xfound = true;
else $this->xfound = false;
if( $this->xfound ) $this->xfields = xfieldsload( true );
$rows = array();
$sql_result = $this->db->query( $this->query );
while ( $row = $this->db->get_row( $sql_result ) ) {
$rows[$row['id']] = array ();
foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) {
if ($key == "parent" AND $value == 0 ) $value = false;
$rows[$row['id']][$key] = $value;
$this->db->free( $sql_result );
if ( count( $rows ) ) {
return $this->compile_comments($tpl, $rows, 'lastcomments');
return "";
function build_comments( $template, $area, $allow_cache = false, $re_url = false ) {
global $config, $tpl, $is_logged, $member_id, $user_group, $lang, $ajax_adds, $dle_tree_comments, $dle_login_hash;
$tpl->load_template( $template );
if ( $area == "news" OR ( $area == 'ajax' AND !isset($ajax_adds) ) ) {
$build_full_news = true;
} else $build_full_news = false;
$tpl->copy_template = "<div id='comment-id-{id}'>" . $tpl->copy_template . "</div>";
$tpl->template = "<div id='comment-id-{id}'>" . $tpl->template . "</div>";
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[xfvalue_" ) !== false ) $this->xfound = true;
else $this->xfound = false;
if( $this->xfound ) $this->xfields = xfieldsload( true );
$rows = false;
if ( $allow_cache ) $rows = dle_cache ( "comm_".$allow_cache, $this->query );
if( $rows ) {
$rows = json_decode($rows, true);
if( is_array($rows) ) {
$full_cache = true;
} else {
$rows = array();
$sql_result = $this->db->query( $this->query );
while ( $row = $this->db->get_row( $sql_result ) ) {
$rows[$row['id']] = array ();
foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) {
if ($key == "parent" AND $value == 0 ) $value = false;
$rows[$row['id']][$key] = $value;
$this->db->free( $sql_result );
if ( $build_full_news AND $config['tree_comments'] ) {
$rows = $this->build_tree($rows);
if( $config['comm_msort'] == "DESC" ) $rows = array_reverse($rows, true);
if ( $allow_cache ) create_cache ( "comm_".$allow_cache, json_encode($rows, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ), $this->query );
if ( $build_full_news AND count($rows) ) {
$this->total_comments = count($rows);
if( $this->cstart < $this->total_comments ) $rows = array_slice($rows, $this->cstart, $this->comments_per_pages, true); else $rows = array();
if ( count( $rows ) ) {
if ( $build_full_news AND $config['tree_comments'] ) {
$dle_tree_comments = 1;
$tpl->result['comments'] = "<ol class=\"comments-tree-list\">".$this->compile_tree($rows, $area)."</ol>";
} else {
$tpl->result['comments'] = $this->compile_comments($tpl, $rows, $area);
} else {
if ($config['seo_control'] AND $_GET['cstart'] AND $re_url) {
$re_url = parse_url($re_url, PHP_URL_PATH);
header("HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: {$re_url}");
$tpl->result['comments'] = "";
if ($area != 'ajax')
$tpl->result['comments'] = "<div id=\"comment\"></div>" . $tpl->result['comments'];
if($config['comments_lazyload'] AND $area != 'ajax' AND $this->total_comments > $this->comments_per_pages) {
$tpl->result['comments'] .= "\n<div class=\"ajax_comments_area\"><div class=\"ajax_loaded_comments\"></div><div class=\"ajax_comments_next\"></div></div>\n";
if ($area == 'news' AND $config['comm_msort'] == "DESC" )
$tpl->result['comments'] = "\n<div id=\"dle-ajax-comments\"></div>\n" . $tpl->result['comments'];
if ($area == 'news' AND $config['comm_msort'] == "ASC" )
$tpl->result['comments'] .= "\n<div id=\"dle-ajax-comments\"></div>\n";
if ($area != 'ajax' AND $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['del_allc'] AND !$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['edit_limit'])
$tpl->result['comments'] .= "\n<div class=\"mass_comments_action\">{$lang['mass_comments']} <select name=\"mass_action\"><option value=\"\">{$lang['edit_selact']}</option><option value=\"mass_combine\">{$lang['edit_selcomb']}</option><option value=\"mass_delete\">{$lang['edit_seldel']}</option></select> <input type=\"submit\" class=\"bbcodes\" value=\"{$lang['b_start']}\" /></div>\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"comments\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dle_allow_hash\" value=\"{$dle_login_hash}\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"area\" value=\"{$area}\" />";
if ($area != 'ajax')
$tpl->result['comments'] = "<form method=\"post\" name=\"dlemasscomments\" id=\"dlemasscomments\"><div id=\"dle-comments-list\">\n" . $tpl->result['comments']. "</div></form>\n";
if ( strpos ( $tpl->result['content'], "<!--dlecomments-->" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->result['content'] = str_replace ( "<!--dlecomments-->", $tpl->result['comments'], $tpl->result['content'] );
} else {
$tpl->result['content'] .= $tpl->result['comments'];
function build_navigation( $template, $alternative_link, $link, $re_url = false ) {
global $tpl, $config, $lang, $news_id, $js_array, $onload_scripts, $canonical;
if( $this->total_comments <= $this->comments_per_pages ) return;
$PHP_SELF = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php";
if($config['comments_lazyload'] AND $news_id ) {
$js_array[] = "engine/classes/js/waypoints.js";
$enpages_count = @ceil( $this->total_comments / $this->comments_per_pages );
$onload_scripts[] = <<<HTML
var dle_news_id= '{$news_id}';
var total_comments_pages= '{$enpages_count}';
var current_comments_page= '1';
$('#dle-ajax-comments').waypoint(function() {
if (current_comments_page < total_comments_pages ) {
current_comments_page ++;
$.get(dle_root + "engine/ajax/controller.php?mod=comments", { cstart: current_comments_page, news_id: dle_news_id, skin: dle_skin, massact:'disable' }, function(data){
setTimeout(function() { Waypoint.enableAll(); }, 500);
}, "json");
} else {
}, {
offset: 'bottom-in-view'
if( isset( $_GET['cstart'] ) ) $this->cstart = intval( $_GET['cstart'] );
if( !$this->cstart OR $this->cstart < 0 ) $this->cstart = 1;
$news_id = intval($news_id) > 0 ? intval($news_id): 0;
$tpl->load_template( $template );
if( $this->cstart > 1 ) {
$prev = $this->cstart - 1;
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] AND $alternative_link) {
if ( $prev == 1 AND $re_url ) $url = $re_url."#comment";
else $url = str_replace ("{page}", $prev, $alternative_link );
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$prev}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$tpl->set_block( "'\[prev-link\](.*?)\[/prev-link\]'si", "<a href=\"" . $url . "\"{$go_page}>\\1</a>" );
} else {
if ( $prev == 1 AND $re_url ) $url = $re_url."#comment";
else $url = "$PHP_SELF?cstart={$prev}&{$link}#comment";
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$prev}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$tpl->set_block( "'\[prev-link\](.*?)\[/prev-link\]'si", "<a href=\"{$url}\"{$go_page}>\\1</a>" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\[prev-link\](.*?)\[/prev-link\]'si", "<span>\\1</span>" );
$no_prev = TRUE;
if( $this->comments_per_pages ) {
$enpages_count = @ceil( $this->total_comments / $this->comments_per_pages );
$pages = "";
if($this->cstart != 1 AND $canonical ) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] AND $alternative_link ) {
$canonical = str_replace ("{page}", $this->cstart, $alternative_link );
$canonical = str_replace ("#comment", "", $canonical );
} else {
$canonical = "{$PHP_SELF}?cstart={$this->cstart}&".str_replace('&', '&', $link);
if( $enpages_count <= 10 ) {
for($j = 1; $j <= $enpages_count; $j ++) {
if( $j != $this->cstart ) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] AND $alternative_link ) {
if ( $j == 1 AND $re_url ) $url = $re_url."#comment";
else $url = str_replace ("{page}", $j, $alternative_link );
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$j}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$pages .= "<a href=\"" . $url . "\"{$go_page}>$j</a> ";
} else {
if ( $j == 1 AND $re_url ) $url = $re_url."#comment";
else $url = "{$PHP_SELF}?cstart={$j}&{$link}#comment";
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$j}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$pages .= "<a href=\"{$url}\"{$go_page}>$j</a> ";
} else {
$pages .= "<span>$j</span> ";
} else {
$start = 1;
$end = 10;
$nav_prefix = "<span class=\"nav_ext\">{$lang['nav_trennen']}</span> ";
if( $this->cstart > 0 ) {
if( $this->cstart > 6 ) {
$start = $this->cstart - 4;
$end = $start + 8;
if( $end >= $enpages_count-1 ) {
$start = $enpages_count - 9;
$end = $enpages_count - 1;
if( $end >= $enpages_count-1 ) $nav_prefix = ""; else $nav_prefix = "<span class=\"nav_ext\">{$lang['nav_trennen']}</span> ";
if( $start >= 2 ) {
if( $re_url ) {
$url = $re_url."#comment";
} else $url = "{$PHP_SELF}?cstart=1&{$link}#comment";
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('1', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
if( $start >= 3 ) $before_prefix = "<span class=\"nav_ext\">{$lang['nav_trennen']}</span> "; else $before_prefix = "";
$pages .= "<a href=\"{$url}\"{$go_page}>1</a> ".$before_prefix;
for($j = $start; $j <= $end; $j ++) {
if( $j != $this->cstart ) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] AND $alternative_link) {
if ( $j == 1 AND $re_url ) $url = $re_url."#comment";
else $url = str_replace ("{page}", $j, $alternative_link );
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$j}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$pages .= "<a href=\"" . $url . "\"{$go_page}>$j</a> ";
} else {
if ( $j == 1 AND $re_url ) $url = $re_url."#comment";
else $url = "{$PHP_SELF}?cstart={$j}&{$link}#comment";
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$j}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$pages .= "<a href=\"{$url}\"{$go_page}>$j</a> ";
} else {
$pages .= "<span>$j</span> ";
if( $this->cstart != $enpages_count ) {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] AND $alternative_link) {
$url = str_replace ("{page}", $enpages_count, $alternative_link );
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$enpages_count}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$pages .= $nav_prefix . "<a href=\"" . $url . "\"{$go_page}>{$enpages_count}</a>";
} else {
$url = "{$PHP_SELF}?cstart={$enpages_count}&{$link}#comment";
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', "{$PHP_SELF}?cstart={$enpages_count}&{$link}#comment");
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$enpages_count}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$pages .= $nav_prefix . "<a href=\"{$url}\"{$go_page}>{$enpages_count}</a>";
} else
$pages .= "<span>{$enpages_count}</span> ";
$tpl->set( '{pages}', $pages );
if( $this->cstart < $enpages_count ) {
$next_page = $this->cstart + 1;
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] AND $alternative_link ) {
$url = str_replace ("{page}", $next_page, $alternative_link );
$tpl->set_block( "'\[next-link\](.*?)\[/next-link\]'si", "<a href=\"" . $url . "\"{$go_page}>\\1</a>" );
} else $url = "{$PHP_SELF}?cstart=$next_page&{$link}#comment";
if ( $config['comments_ajax'] AND $news_id ) {
$url = str_replace($config['http_home_url'], '/', $url);
$go_page = " onclick=\"CommentsPage('{$next_page}', '{$news_id}', '{$url}'); return false;\"";
} else $go_page = "";
$tpl->set_block( "'\[next-link\](.*?)\[/next-link\]'si", "<a href=\"" . $url . "\"{$go_page}>\\1</a>" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\[next-link\](.*?)\[/next-link\]'si", "<span>\\1</span>" );
$no_next = TRUE;
$tpl->compile( 'commentsnavigation' );
if ( strpos ( $tpl->result['content'], "<!--dlenavigationcomments-->" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->result['content'] = str_replace ( "<!--dlenavigationcomments-->", "<div class=\"dle-comments-navigation\">".$tpl->result['commentsnavigation']."</div>", $tpl->result['content'] );
} else {
$tpl->result['content'] .= "<div class=\"dle-comments-navigation\">".$tpl->result['commentsnavigation']."</div>";
function check_group( $matches=array() ) {
$groups = $matches[2];
$block = $matches[3];
if ($matches[1] == "commentsgroup") $action = true; else $action = false;
$groups = explode( ',', $groups );
if( $action ) {
if( !in_array( $this->comments_group, $groups ) ) return "";
} else {
if( in_array( $this->comments_group, $groups ) ) return "";
return $block;
function check_commentscount( $matches=array() ) {
$block = $matches[3];
$counts = explode( ',', $matches[2] );
if( $matches[1] == "commentscount" ) {
if( !in_array( $this->intern_count, $counts ) ) return "";
} else {
if( in_array( $this->intern_count, $counts ) ) return "";
return $block;