Seditio Source
Root |
 * This is sent to ((Moderators)) to notify them that a comment has been voted as SPAM.
 * For more info about email skins, see:
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

// ---------------------------- EMAIL HEADER INCLUDED HERE ----------------------------
emailskin_include( '', $params );
// ------------------------------- END OF EMAIL HEADER --------------------------------

global $admin_url, $Session;

// Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
'notify_full' => false,
'Comment'     => NULL,
'Blog'        => NULL,
'Item'        => NULL,
'voter_ID'    => NULL,
$params );

$Comment = $params['Comment'];
$Collection = $Blog = $params['Blog'];
$Item = $params['Item'];
$recipient_User = & $params['recipient_User'];

$UserCache = & get_UserCache();
$voter_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $params['voter_ID'] );

$notify_message = sprintf( T_('%s reported comment as spam on %s in %s.'), $voter_User->get( 'login' ), '"'.$Item->get( 'title' ).'"', '"'.$Blog->get( 'shortname' ).'"' )."\n\n";

$params['notify_full'] )
// Long format notification:
$notify_message .= T_('Spam comment').': '
.$Comment->get_permanent_url( '&', '#comments' )."\n"
// TODO: fp> We MAY want to force a short URL and avoid it to wrap on a new line in the mail which may prevent people from clicking
.T_('Collection').': '.$Blog->get( 'shortname' )."\n"
// Mail bloat: .' ( '.str_replace('&amp;', '&', $Blog->gen_blogurl())." )\n"
./* TRANS: noun */ T_('Post').': '.$Item->get( 'title' )."\n";
// Mail bloat: .' ( '.str_replace('&amp;', '&', $Item->get_permanent_url( '', '', '&' ))." )\n";
        // TODO: fp> We MAY want to force short URL and avoid it to wrap on a new line in the mail which may prevent people from clicking

if( ! empty( $recipient_User ) && $recipient_User->check_perm( 'stats', 'view' ) )
$session_ID = $admin_url.'?ctrl=stats&amp;tab=hits&amp;blog=0&amp;sess_ID='.$Session->ID;
$session_ID = $Session->ID;

$Comment->get_author_User() )
// Comment from a registered user:
$notify_message .= T_('Author').': '.$Comment->author_User->get( 'preferredname' ).' ('.$Comment->author_User->get( 'login' ).")\n";
// Comment from visitor:
$notify_message .= T_('Author').": $Comment->author (".T_('Session ID').": $session_ID)\n";
$notify_message .= T_('Email').": $Comment->author_email\n";
$notify_message .= T_('Url').": $Comment->author_url\n";

    if( !empty(
$Comment->rating ) )
$notify_message .= T_('Rating').': '.$Comment->rating.'/5'."\n";

$notify_message .= T_('Status').': '.$Comment->get( 't_status' )."\n";

// Content:
$notify_message .= $Comment->get('content')."\n";

// Attachments:
$LinkCache = & get_LinkCache();
$comment_links = $LinkCache->get_by_comment_ID( $Comment->ID );
    if( !empty(
$comment_links ) )
$notify_message .= "\n".T_('Attachments').":\n";
$comment_links as $Link )
$File = $Link->get_File() )
$notify_message .= ' - '.$File->get_name().': '.$File->get_url()."\n";
$notify_message .= "\n";
// Shot format notification:
$notify_message .= T_('To read the full content of the comment click here:').' '
.$Comment->get_permanent_url( '&', '#comments' )."\n";
// TODO: fp> We MAY want to force a short URL and avoid it to wrap on a new line in the mail which may prevent people from clicking

$notify_message .= "\n"
.T_('Author').': '.( $Comment->get_author_User() ? $Comment->author_User->get( 'login' ) : $Comment->author )."\n"
.T_('Status').': '.$Comment->get( 't_status' )."\n"
.T_('This is a short form notification. To make these emails more useful, ask the administrator to send you long form notifications instead.' )

$notify_message .= "\n\n";

$notify_message .= T_('Edit comment').': '.$admin_url.'?ctrl=comments&action=edit&comment_ID='.$Comment->ID."\n\n";


// add unsubscribe and edit links:
$params['unsubscribe_text'] = T_( 'You are a moderator of this blog and you are receiving notifications when a comment may need moderation.' )."\n"
.T_( 'If you don\'t want to receive any more notifications about moderating spam comments, click here' ).': '

// ---------------------------- EMAIL FOOTER INCLUDED HERE ----------------------------
emailskin_include( '', $params );
// ------------------------------- END OF EMAIL FOOTER --------------------------------