* @class pgsqlSchema
* @package Clearbricks
* @subpackage DBSchema
* @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
* @copyright GPL-2.0-only
/* @cond ONCE */
if (class_exists('dbSchema')) {
/** @endcond */
class pgsqlSchema extends dbSchema implements i_dbSchema
protected $ref_actions_map = [
'a' => 'no action',
'r' => 'restrict',
'c' => 'cascade',
'n' => 'set null',
'd' => 'set default',
public function dbt2udt(string $type, ?int &$len, &$default): string
$type = parent::dbt2udt($type, $len, $default);
return $type;
public function udt2dbt(string $type, ?int &$len, &$default): string
$type = parent::udt2dbt($type, $len, $default);
return $type;
public function db_get_tables(): array
$sql = 'SELECT table_name ' .
'FROM information_schema.tables ' .
'WHERE table_schema = current_schema() ';
$rs = $this->con->select($sql);
$res = [];
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$res[] = $rs->f(0);
return $res;
public function db_get_columns(string $table): array
$sql = 'SELECT column_name, udt_name, character_maximum_length, ' .
'is_nullable, column_default ' .
'FROM information_schema.columns ' .
"WHERE table_name = '" . $this->con->escape($table) . "' ";
$rs = $this->con->select($sql);
$res = [];
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$field = trim($rs->column_name);
$type = trim($rs->udt_name);
$null = strtolower($rs->is_nullable) == 'yes';
$default = $rs->column_default;
$len = $rs->character_maximum_length;
if ($len == '') {
$len = null;
$default = preg_replace('/::([\w\d\s]*)$/', '', $default);
$default = preg_replace('/^\((-?\d*)\)$/', '$1', $default);
// $default from db is a string and is NULL in schema so upgrade failed.
if (strtoupper((string) $default) == 'NULL') {
$default = null;
$res[$field] = [
'type' => $type,
'len' => $len,
'null' => $null,
'default' => $default,
return $res;
public function db_get_keys(string $table): array
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ON(cls.relname) cls.oid, cls.relname as idxname, indisunique::integer, indisprimary::integer, ' .
'indnatts, tab.relname as tabname, contype, amname ' .
'FROM pg_index idx ' .
'JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=indexrelid ' .
'JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=indrelid ' .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace ta on ta.oid=cls.reltablespace ' .
'JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=tab.relnamespace ' .
'JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam ' .
"LEFT JOIN pg_depend dep ON (dep.classid = cls.tableoid AND dep.objid = cls.oid AND dep.refobjsubid = '0') " .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_constraint con ON (con.tableoid = dep.refclassid AND con.oid = dep.refobjid) ' .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON des.objoid=con.oid ' .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description desp ON (desp.objoid=con.oid AND desp.objsubid = 0) ' .
"WHERE tab.relname = '" . $this->con->escape($table) . "' " .
"AND contype IN ('p','u') " .
'ORDER BY cls.relname ';
$rs = $this->con->select($sql);
$res = [];
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$k = [
'name' => $rs->idxname,
'primary' => (bool) $rs->indisprimary,
'unique' => (bool) $rs->indisunique,
'cols' => [],
for ($i = 1; $i <= $rs->indnatts; $i++) {
$cols = $this->con->select('SELECT pg_get_indexdef(' . $rs->oid . '::oid, ' . $i . ', true);');
$k['cols'][] = $cols->f(0);
$res[] = $k;
return $res;
public function db_get_indexes(string $table): array
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ON(cls.relname) cls.oid, cls.relname as idxname, n.nspname, ' .
'indnatts, tab.relname as tabname, contype, amname ' .
'FROM pg_index idx ' .
'JOIN pg_class cls ON cls.oid=indexrelid ' .
'JOIN pg_class tab ON tab.oid=indrelid ' .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace ta on ta.oid=cls.reltablespace ' .
'JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=tab.relnamespace ' .
'JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=cls.relam ' .
"LEFT JOIN pg_depend dep ON (dep.classid = cls.tableoid AND dep.objid = cls.oid AND dep.refobjsubid = '0') " .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_constraint con ON (con.tableoid = dep.refclassid AND con.oid = dep.refobjid) ' .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON des.objoid=con.oid ' .
'LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description desp ON (desp.objoid=con.oid AND desp.objsubid = 0) ' .
"WHERE tab.relname = '" . $this->con->escape($table) . "' " .
'AND conname IS NULL ' .
'ORDER BY cls.relname ';
$rs = $this->con->select($sql);
$res = [];
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$k = [
'name' => $rs->idxname,
'type' => $rs->amname,
'cols' => [],
for ($i = 1; $i <= $rs->indnatts; $i++) {
$cols = $this->con->select('SELECT pg_get_indexdef(' . $rs->oid . '::oid, ' . $i . ', true);');
$k['cols'][] = $cols->f(0);
$res[] = $k;
return $res;
public function db_get_references(string $table): array
$sql = 'SELECT ct.oid, conname, condeferrable, condeferred, confupdtype, ' .
'confdeltype, confmatchtype, conkey, confkey, conrelid, confrelid, cl.relname as fktab, ' .
'cr.relname as reftab ' .
'FROM pg_constraint ct ' .
'JOIN pg_class cl ON cl.oid=conrelid ' .
'JOIN pg_namespace nl ON nl.oid=cl.relnamespace ' .
'JOIN pg_class cr ON cr.oid=confrelid ' .
'JOIN pg_namespace nr ON nr.oid=cr.relnamespace ' .
"WHERE contype='f' " .
"AND cl.relname = '" . $this->con->escape($table) . "' " .
'ORDER BY conname ';
$rs = $this->con->select($sql);
$cols_sql = 'SELECT a1.attname as conattname, a2.attname as confattname ' .
'FROM pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2 ' .
'WHERE a1.attrelid=%1$s::oid AND a1.attnum=%2$s ' .
'AND a2.attrelid=%3$s::oid AND a2.attnum=%4$s ';
$res = [];
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$conkey = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $rs->conkey);
$confkey = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $rs->confkey);
$k = [
'name' => $rs->conname,
'c_cols' => [],
'p_table' => $rs->reftab,
'p_cols' => [],
'update' => $this->ref_actions_map[$rs->confupdtype],
'delete' => $this->ref_actions_map[$rs->confdeltype],
$cols = $this->con->select(sprintf($cols_sql, $rs->conrelid, $conkey, $rs->confrelid, $confkey));
while ($cols->fetch()) {
$k['c_cols'][] = $cols->conattname;
$k['p_cols'][] = $cols->confattname;
$res[] = $k;
return $res;
public function db_create_table(string $name, array $fields): void
$a = [];
foreach ($fields as $n => $f) {
$type = $f['type'];
$len = (int) $f['len'];
$default = $f['default'];
$null = $f['null'];
$type = $this->udt2dbt($type, $len, $default);
$len = $len > 0 ? '(' . $len . ')' : '';
$null = $null ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL';
if ($default === null) {
$default = 'DEFAULT NULL';
} elseif ($default !== false) {
$default = 'DEFAULT ' . $default . ' ';
} else {
$default = '';
$a[] = $n . ' ' .
$type . $len . ' ' . $null . ' ' . $default;
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $this->con->escapeSystem($name) . " (\n" .
implode(",\n", $a) .
public function db_create_field(string $table, string $name, string $type, ?int $len, bool $null, $default): void
$type = $this->udt2dbt($type, $len, $default);
if ($default === null) {
$default = 'DEFAULT NULL';
} elseif ($default !== false) {
$default = 'DEFAULT ' . $default . ' ';
} else {
$default = '';
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ADD COLUMN ' . $name . ' ' . $type . ($len > 0 ? '(' . $len . ')' : '') . ' ' . ($null ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL') . ' ' . $default;
public function db_create_primary(string $table, string $name, array $cols): void
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ' .
'ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $name . ' PRIMARY KEY (' . implode(',', $cols) . ') ';
public function db_create_unique(string $table, string $name, array $cols): void
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ' .
'ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $name . ' UNIQUE (' . implode(',', $cols) . ') ';
public function db_create_index(string $table, string $name, string $type, array $cols): void
$sql = 'CREATE INDEX ' . $name . ' ON ' . $table . ' USING ' . $type .
'(' . implode(',', $cols) . ') ';
public function db_create_reference(string $name, string $c_table, array $c_cols, string $p_table, array $p_cols, string $update, string $delete): void
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $c_table . ' ' .
'(' . implode(',', $c_cols) . ') ' .
'REFERENCES ' . $p_table . ' ' .
'(' . implode(',', $p_cols) . ') ';
if ($update) {
$sql .= 'ON UPDATE ' . $update . ' ';
if ($delete) {
$sql .= 'ON DELETE ' . $delete . ' ';
public function db_alter_field(string $table, string $name, string $type, ?int $len, bool $null, $default): void
$type = $this->udt2dbt($type, $len, $default);
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $name . ' TYPE ' . $type . ($len > 0 ? '(' . $len . ')' : '');
if ($default === null) {
$default = 'SET DEFAULT NULL';
} elseif ($default !== false) {
$default = 'SET DEFAULT ' . $default;
} else {
$default = 'DROP DEFAULT';
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $name . ' ' . $default;
$null = $null ? 'DROP NOT NULL' : 'SET NOT NULL';
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $name . ' ' . $null;
public function db_alter_primary(string $table, string $name, string $newname, array $cols): void
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $name;
$this->createPrimary($table, $newname, $cols);
public function db_alter_unique(string $table, string $name, string $newname, array $cols): void
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $name;
$this->createUnique($table, $newname, $cols);
public function db_alter_index(string $table, string $name, string $newname, string $type, array $cols): void
$sql = 'DROP INDEX ' . $name;
$this->createIndex($table, $newname, $type, $cols);
public function db_alter_reference(string $name, string $newname, string $c_table, array $c_cols, string $p_table, array $p_cols, string $update, string $delete): void
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $c_table . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $name;
$this->createReference($newname, $c_table, $c_cols, $p_table, $p_cols, $update, $delete);
public function db_drop_unique(string $table, string $name): void
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $name;
/* @cond ONCE */
/* @endcond */