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 * @class netHttp
 * @brief HTTP Client
 * Features:
 * - Implements a useful subset of the HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 protocols.
 * - Includes cookie support.
 * - Ability to set the user agent and referal fields.
 * - Can automatically handle redirected pages.
 * - Can be used for multiple requests, with any cookies sent by the server resent
 *   for each additional request.
 * - Support for gzip encoded content, which can dramatically reduce the amount of
 *   bandwidth used in a transaction.
 * - Object oriented, with static methods providing a useful shortcut for simple
 *   requests.
 * - The ability to only read the page headers - useful for implementing tools such
 *   as link checkers.
 * - Support for file uploads.
 * This class is fully based on Simon Willison's HTTP Client in version 0.9 of
 * 6th April 2003 -
 * Changes since fork:
 * - PHP5 only with Exception support
 * - Charset support in POST requests
 * - Proxy support through HTTP_PROXY_HOST and HTTP_PROXY_PORT or setProxy()
 * - SSL support (if possible)
 * - Handles redirects on other hosts
 * - Configurable output
 * @package Clearbricks
 * @subpackage Network
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only

/* @cond ONCE */
if (class_exists('netSocket')) {
/** @endcond */
class netHttp extends netSocket
$host;          ///< string Server host
protected $port;          ///< integer Server port
protected $path;          ///< string Query path
protected $method;        ///< string HTTP method
protected $postdata = ''; ///< string POST query string
protected $post_charset;  ///< string POST charset
protected $cookies = [];  ///< array Cookies sent
protected $referer;       ///< string HTTP referer

protected $accept = 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html,text/plain,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/webp,*/*'; ///< string HTTP accept header

protected $accept_encoding  = 'gzip';                    ///< string HTTP accept encoding
protected $accept_language  = 'en-us';                   ///< string HTTP accept language
protected $user_agent       = 'Clearbricks HTTP Client'; ///< string HTTP User Agent
protected $more_headers     = [];                        ///< array More headers to be sent
protected $timeout          = 10;                        ///< integer Connection timeout
protected $use_ssl          = false;                     ///< boolean Use SSL connection
protected $use_gzip         = false;                     ///< boolean Use gzip transfert
protected $persist_cookies  = true;                      ///< boolean Allow persistant cookies
protected $persist_referers = true;                      ///< boolean Allow persistant referers
protected $debug            = false;                     ///< boolean Use debug mode
protected $handle_redirects = true;                      ///< boolean Follow redirects
protected $max_redirects    = 5;                         ///< integer Maximum redirects to follow
protected $headers_only     = false;                     ///< boolean Retrieve only headers
protected $username;                                     ///< string Authentication user name
protected $password;                                     ///< string Authentication password
protected $proxy_host;                                   ///< string Proxy server host
protected $proxy_port;                                   ///< integer Proxy server port

        # Response vars
protected $status;        ///< integer HTTP Status code
protected $status_string; ///< string HTTP Status string
protected $headers = [];  ///< array Response headers
protected $content = '';  ///< string Response body

        # Tracker variables
protected $redirect_count = 0;  ///< integer Internal redirects count
protected $cookie_host    = ''; ///< string Internal cookie host

        # Output module (null is this->content)
protected $output   = null; ///< string Output stream name
protected $output_h = null; ///< resource Output resource

         * Constructor.
         * Takes the web server host, an optional port and timeout.
         * @param string    $host            Server host
         * @param integer    $port            Server port
         * @param integer    $timeout            Connection timeout
public function __construct($host, $port = 80, $timeout = null)
$this->setHost($host, $port);

            if (
defined('HTTP_PROXY_HOST') && defined('HTTP_PROXY_PORT')) {

            if (
$timeout) {
$this->_timeout = &$this->timeout;

         * GET Request
         * Executes a GET request for the specified path. If <var>$data</var> is
         * specified, appends it to a query string as part of the get request.
         * <var>$data</var> can be an array of key value pairs, in which case a
         * matching query string will be constructed. Returns true on success.
         * @param string    $path            Request path
         * @param boolean|array        $data            Request parameters
         * @return boolean
public function get($path, $data = false)
$this->path   = $path;
$this->method = 'GET';

            if (
$data) {
$this->path .= '?' . $this->buildQueryString($data);


         * POST Request
         * Executes a POST request for the specified path. If <var>$data</var> is
         * specified, appends it to a query string as part of the get request.
         * <var>$data</var> can be an array of key value pairs, in which case a
         * matching query string will be constructed. Returns true on success.
         * @param string        $path            Request path
         * @param array|string  $data            Request parameters
         * @param string        $charset         Request charset
         * @return boolean
public function post($path, $data, $charset = null)
            if (
$charset) {
$this->post_charset = $charset;
$this->path     = $path;
$this->method   = 'POST';
$this->postdata = $this->buildQueryString($data);


         * Query String Builder
         * Prepares Query String for HTTP request. <var>$data</var> is an associative
         * array of arguments.
         * @param array|string        $data            Query data
         * @return string
protected function buildQueryString($data)
            if (
is_array($data)) {
$qs = [];
# Change data in to postable data
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
                    if (
is_array($val)) {
                        foreach (
$val as $val2) {
$qs[] = urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($val2);
                    } else {
$qs[] = urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($val);
$qs = implode('&', $qs);
            } else {
$qs = $data;


         * Do Request
         * Sends HTTP request and stores status, headers, content object properties.
         * @return boolean
protected function doRequest()
            if (
$this->proxy_host && $this->proxy_port) {
$this->_host      = $this->proxy_host;
$this->_port      = $this->proxy_port;
$this->_transport = '';
            } else {
$this->_host      = $this->host;
$this->_port      = $this->port;
$this->_transport = $this->use_ssl ? 'ssl://' : '';

#Reset all the variables that should not persist between requests
$this->headers = [];
$in_headers    = true;

$request = $this->buildRequest();
$this->debug('Request', implode("\r", $request));

$this->debug('Connecting to ' . $this->_transport . $this->_host . ':' . $this->_port);
            foreach (
$this->write($request) as $index => $line) {
# Deal with first line of returned data
if ($index == 0) {
$line = rtrim((string) $line, "\r\n");
                    if (!
preg_match('/HTTP\/(\\d\\.\\d)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
                        throw new
Exception('Status code line invalid: ' . $line);
$http_version        = $m[1]; # not used
$this->status        = $m[2];
$this->status_string = $m[3]; # not used


# Read headers
if ($in_headers) {
$line = rtrim((string) $line, "\r\n");
                    if (
$line == '') {
$in_headers = false;
$this->debug('Received Headers', $this->headers);
                        if (
$this->headers_only) {


                    if (!
preg_match('/([^:]+):\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
# Skip to the next header
$key = strtolower(trim((string) $m[1]));
$val = trim((string) $m[2]);
# Deal with the possibility of multiple headers of same name
if (isset($this->headers[$key])) {
                        if (
is_array($this->headers[$key])) {
$this->headers[$key][] = $val;
                        } else {
$this->headers[$key] = [$this->headers[$key], $val];
                    } else {
$this->headers[$key] = $val;


# We're not in the headers, so append the line to the contents

# If data is compressed, uncompress it
if ($this->getHeader('content-encoding') && $this->use_gzip) {
$this->debug('Content is gzip encoded, unzipping it');
# See
$this->content = gzinflate(substr($this->content, 10));

# If $persist_cookies, deal with any cookies
if ($this->persist_cookies && $this->getHeader('set-cookie') && $this->host == $this->cookie_host) {
$cookies = $this->headers['set-cookie'];
                if (!
is_array($cookies)) {
$cookies = [$cookies];

                foreach (
$cookies as $cookie) {
                    if (
preg_match('/([^=]+)=([^;]+);/', $cookie, $m)) {
$this->cookies[$m[1]] = $m[2];

# Record domain of cookies for security reasons
$this->cookie_host = $this->host;

# If $persist_referers, set the referer ready for the next request
if ($this->persist_referers) {
$this->debug('Persisting referer: ' . $this->getRequestURL());
$this->referer = $this->getRequestURL();

# Finally, if handle_redirects and a redirect is sent, do that
if ($this->handle_redirects) {
                if (++
$this->redirect_count >= $this->max_redirects) {
$this->redirect_count = 0;

                    throw new
Exception('Number of redirects exceeded maximum (' . $this->max_redirects . ')');

$location = $this->headers['location'] ?? '';
$uri      = $this->headers['uri']      ?? '';
                if (
$location || $uri) {
                    if (
self::readUrl($location . $uri, $r_ssl, $r_host, $r_port, $r_path, $r_user, $r_pass)) {
# If we try to move on another host, remove cookies, user and pass
if ($r_host != $this->host || $r_port != $this->port) {
$this->cookies = [];
$this->setAuthorization(null, null);
$this->setHost($r_host, $r_port);
$this->debug('Redirect to: ' . $location . $uri);

$this->redirect_count = 0;


         * Prepare Request
         * Prepares HTTP request and returns an array of HTTP headers.
         * @return array
protected function buildRequest()
$headers = [];

            if (
$this->proxy_host) {
$path = $this->getRequestURL();
            } else {
$path = $this->path;

# Using 1.1 leads to all manner of problems, such as "chunked" encoding
$headers[] = $this->method . ' ' . $path . ' HTTP/1.0';

$headers[] = 'Host: ' . $this->host;
$headers[] = 'User-Agent: ' . $this->user_agent;
$headers[] = 'Accept: ' . $this->accept;

            if (
$this->use_gzip) {
$headers[] = 'Accept-encoding: ' . $this->accept_encoding;
$headers[] = 'Accept-language: ' . $this->accept_language;

            if (
$this->referer) {
$headers[] = 'Referer: ' . $this->referer;

# Cookies
if ($this->cookies) {
$cookie = 'Cookie: ';
                foreach (
$this->cookies as $key => $value) {
$cookie .= $key . '=' . $value . ';';
$headers[] = $cookie;

# X-Forwarded-For
$xforward = [];
            if (isset(
$xforward[] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
            if (
$this->proxy_host && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
$xforward[] = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
            if (
count($xforward)) {
$headers[] = 'X-Forwarded-For: ' . implode(', ', $xforward);

# Basic authentication
if ($this->username && $this->password) {
$headers[] = 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->username . ':' . $this->password);

$headers = array_merge($headers, $this->more_headers);

# If this is a POST, set the content type and length
if ($this->postdata) {
$needed = true;
                foreach (
$headers as $value) {
                    if (
preg_match('/^Content-Type: /', $value)) {
// Content-Type already set in headers, ignore
$needed = false;

                if (
$needed) {
$content_type = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
                    if (
$this->post_charset) {
$content_type .= '; charset=' . $this->post_charset;
$headers[] = $content_type;
$headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($this->postdata);
$headers[] = '';
$headers[] = $this->postdata;


         * Open Output
         * Initializes output handler if {@link $output} property is not null and
         * is a valid resource stream.
protected function outputOpen()
            if (
$this->output) {
                if ((
$this->output_h = @fopen($this->output, 'wb')) === false) {
                    throw new
Exception('Unable to open output stream ' . $this->output);
            } else {
$this->content = '';

         * Close Output
         * Closes output module if exists.
protected function outputClose()
            if (
$this->output && is_resource($this->output_h)) {

         * Write Output
         * Writes data <var>$c</var> to output module.
         * @param string    $c                Data content
protected function outputWrite($c)
            if (
$this->output && is_resource($this->output_h)) {
fwrite($this->output_h, $c);
            } else {
$this->content .= $c;

         * Get Status
         * Returns the status code of the response - 200 means OK, 404 means file not
         * found, etc.
         * @return string
public function getStatus()

         * Get Contet
         * Returns the content of the HTTP response. This is usually an HTML document.
         * @return string
public function getContent()

         * Response Headers
         * Returns the HTTP headers returned by the server as an associative array.
         * @return array
public function getHeaders()

         * Response Header
         * Returns the specified response header, or false if it does not exist.
         * @param string    $header            Header name
         * @return string|false
public function getHeader($header)
$header = strtolower($header);
            if (isset(
$this->headers[$header])) {


         * Cookies
         * Returns an array of cookies set by the server.
         * @return array
public function getCookies()

         * Request URL
         * Returns the full URL that has been requested.
         * @return string
public function getRequestURL()
$url = 'http' . ($this->use_ssl ? 's' : '') . '://' . $this->host;
            if (!
$this->use_ssl && $this->port != 80 || $this->use_ssl && $this->port != 443) {
$url .= ':' . $this->port;
$url .= $this->path;


         * Sets server host and port.
         * @param string    $host            Server host
         * @param integer    $port            Server port
public function setHost($host, $port = 80)
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = abs((int) $port);

         * Sets proxy host and port.
         * @param string    $host                Proxy host
         * @param mixed     $port                Proxy port
public function setProxy($host, $port = '8080')
$this->proxy_host = $host;
$this->proxy_port = abs((int) $port);

         * Sets connection timeout.
         * @param integer    $t                Connection timeout
public function setTimeout($t)
$this->timeout = abs((int) $t);

         * User Agent String
         * Sets the user agent string to be used in the request. Default is
         * "Clearbricks HTTP Client".
         * @param string    $string            User agent string
public function setUserAgent($string)
$this->user_agent = $string;

         * HTTP Authentication
         * Sets the HTTP authorization username and password to be used in requests.
         * Don't forget to unset this in subsequent requests to different servers.
         * @param string    $username            User name
         * @param string    $password            Password
public function setAuthorization(?string $username, ?string $password)
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;

         * Add Header
         * Sets additionnal header to be sent with the request.
         * @param string    $header            Full header definition
public function setMoreHeader($header)
$this->more_headers[] = $header;

         * Empty additionnal headers
public function voidMoreHeaders()
$this->more_headers = [];

         * Set Cookies
         * Sets the cookies to be sent in the request. Takes an array of name value
         * pairs.
         * @param array        $array            Cookies array
public function setCookies($array)
$this->cookies = $array;

         * Enable / Disable SSL
         * Sets SSL connection usage.
         * @param boolean    $boolean            Enable/Disable SSL
public function useSSL($boolean)
            if (
$boolean) {
                if (!
in_array('ssl', stream_get_transports())) {
                    throw new
Exception('SSL support is not available');
$this->use_ssl = true;
            } else {
$this->use_ssl = false;

         * Use Gzip
         * Specifies if the client should request gzip encoded content from the server
         * (saves bandwidth but can increase processor time). Default behaviour is
         * false.
         * @param boolean    $boolean            Enable/Disable Gzip
public function useGzip($boolean)
$this->use_gzip = (bool) $boolean;

         * Persistant Cookies
         * Specify if the client should persist cookies between requests. Default
         * behaviour is true.
         * @param boolean    $boolean            Enable/Disable Persist Cookies
public function setPersistCookies($boolean)
$this->persist_cookies = (bool) $boolean;

         * Persistant Referrers
         * Specify if the client should use the URL of the previous request as the
         * referral of a subsequent request. Default behaviour is true.
         * @param boolean    $boolean            Enable/Disable Persistant Referrers
public function setPersistReferers($boolean)
$this->persist_referers = (bool) $boolean;

         * Enable / Disable Redirects
         * Specify if the client should automatically follow redirected requests.
         * Default behaviour is true.
         * @param boolean    $boolean            Enable/Disable Redirects
public function setHandleRedirects($boolean)
$this->handle_redirects = (bool) $boolean;

         * Maximum Redirects
         * Set the maximum number of redirects allowed before the client quits
         * (mainly to prevent infinite loops) Default is 5.
         * @param integer    $num                Maximum redirects value
public function setMaxRedirects($num)
$this->max_redirects = abs((int) $num);

         * Headers Only
         * If true, the client only retrieves the headers from a page. This could be
         * useful for implementing things like link checkers. Defaults to false.
         * @param boolean    $boolean            Enable/Disable Headers Only
public function setHeadersOnly($boolean)
$this->headers_only = (bool) $boolean;

         * Debug mode
         * Should the client run in debug mode? Default behaviour is false.
         * @param boolean    $boolean            Enable/Disable Debug Mode
public function setDebug($boolean)
$this->debug = (bool) $boolean;

         * Set Output
         * Output module init. If <var>$out</var> is null, then output will be
         * directed to STDOUT.
         * @param string|null    $out            Output stream
public function setOutput($out)
$this->output = $out;

         * Quick Get
         * Static method designed for running simple GET requests. Returns content or
         * false on failure.
         * @param string    $url                Request URL
         * @param string    $output            Optionnal output stream
         * @return string|false
public static function quickGet($url, $output = null)
            if ((
$client = self::initClient($url, $path)) === false) {

$client->getStatus() == 200 ? $client->getContent() : false;

         * Quick Post
         * Static method designed for running simple POST requests. Returns content or
         * false on failure.
         * @param string    $url               Request URL
         * @param array     $data              Array of parameters
         * @param string    $output            Optionnal output stream
         * @return string|false
public static function quickPost($url, $data, $output = null)
            if ((
$client = self::initClient($url, $path)) === false) {
$client->post($path, $data);

$client->getStatus() == 200 ? $client->getContent() : false;

         * Quick Init
         * Returns a new instance of the class. <var>$path</var> is an output variable.
         * @param string    $url                Request URL
         * @param string    $path               Resulting path
         * @return netHttp|false
public static function initClient($url, &$path)
            if (!
self::readUrl($url, $ssl, $host, $port, $path, $user, $pass)) {

$client = new self($host, $port);
$client->setAuthorization($user, $pass);


         * Read URL
         * Parses an URL and fills <var>$ssl</var>, <var>$host</var>, <var>$port</var>,
         * <var>$path</var>, <var>$user</var> and <var>$pass</var> variables. Returns
         * true on succes.
         * @param string    $url             Request URL
         * @param boolean   $ssl             true if HTTPS URL
         * @param string    $host            Host name
         * @param string    $port            Server Port
         * @param string    $path            Path
         * @param string    $user            Username
         * @param string    $pass            Password
         * @return boolean
public static function readURL($url, &$ssl, &$host, &$port, &$path, &$user, &$pass)
$bits = parse_url($url);

            if (empty(
$bits['host'])) {

            if (empty(
$bits['scheme']) || !preg_match('%^http[s]?$%', $bits['scheme'])) {

$scheme = $bits['scheme'] ?? 'http';    // @phpstan-ignore-line
$host   = $bits['host']   ?? null;      // @phpstan-ignore-line
$port   = $bits['port']   ?? null;
$path   = $bits['path']   ?? '/';
$user   = $bits['user']   ?? null;
$pass   = $bits['pass']   ?? null;

$ssl = $scheme == 'https';

            if (!
$port) {
$port = $ssl ? 443 : 80;

            if (isset(
$bits['query'])) {
$path .= '?' . $bits['query'];


         * Debug
         * This method is the method the class calls whenever there is debugging
         * information available. $msg is a debugging message and $object is an
         * optional object to be displayed (usually an array). Default behaviour is to
         * display the message and the object in a red bordered div. If you wish
         * debugging information to be handled in a different way you can do so by
         * creating a new class that extends HttpClient and over-riding the debug()
         * method in that class.
         * @param string    $msg                Debug message
         * @param mixed        $object            Variable to print_r
protected function debug($msg, $object = false)
            if (
$this->debug) {
'-- netHttp Debug: ' . $msg . "\n";
                if (
$object) {

/* @cond ONCE */
/* @endcond */

# Compatibility to Incutio HttpClient class
# This will be removed soon!

/* @cond ONCE */
if (class_exists('netHttp')) {
/** @endcond */
class HttpClient extends netHttp
        public function

/* @cond ONCE */
/* @endcond */