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 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Backend
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {

 * dcActionsPage -- handler for action page on selected entries
abstract class dcActionsPage
/** @var string form submit uri */
protected $uri;
/** @var dcCore dotclear core instance */
protected $core;
/** @var array action combo box */
protected $combo;
/** @var ArrayObject list of defined actions (callbacks) */
protected $actions;
/** @var array selected entries (each key is the entry id, value contains the entry description) */
protected $entries;
/** @var record record that challenges ids against permissions */
protected $rs;
/** @var array redirection $_GET arguments, if any (does not contain ids by default, ids may be merged to it) */
protected $redir_args;
/** @var array list of $_POST fields used to build the redirection  */
protected $redirect_fields;
/** @var string redirection anchor if any  */
protected $redir_anchor;

/** @var string current action, if any */
protected $action;
/** @var ArrayObject list of url parameters (usually $_POST) */
protected $from;
/** @var string form field name for "entries" (usually "entries") */
protected $field_entries;

/** @var string title for checkboxes list, if displayed */
protected $cb_title;

/** @var string title for caller page title */
protected $caller_title;

/** @var boolean true if we are acting inside a plugin (different handling of begin/endpage) */
protected $in_plugin;

/** @var boolean true if we enable to keep selection when redirecting */
protected $enable_redir_selection;

     * Class constructor
     * @param mixed  $core   dotclear core
     * @param mixed  $uri   form uri
     * @access public
     * @return mixed Value.
public function __construct($core, $uri, $redirect_args = [])
$this->core            = $core;
$this->actions         = new ArrayObject();
$this->combo           = [];
$this->uri             = $uri;
$this->redir_args      = $redirect_args;
$this->redirect_fields = [];
$this->action          = '';
$this->cb_title        = __('Title');
$this->entries         = [];
$this->from            = new ArrayObject($_POST);
$this->field_entries   = 'entries';
$this->caller_title    = __('Entries');
        if (isset(
$this->redir_args['_ANCHOR'])) {
$this->redir_anchor = '#' . $this->redir_args['_ANCHOR'];
        } else {
$this->redir_anchor = '';
$u                            = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$this->in_plugin              = (strpos($u[0], 'plugin.php') !== false);
$this->enable_redir_selection = true;

     * setEnableRedirSelection - define whether to keep selection when redirecting
     *                            Can be usefull to be disabled to preserve some compatibility.
     * @param boolean $enable true to enable, false otherwise
     * @access public
public function setEnableRedirSelection($enable)
$this->enable_redir_selection = $enable;

     * addAction - adds an action
     * @param array    $actions  the actions names as if it was a standalone combo array.
     *                           It will be merged with other actions.
     *                           Can be bound to multiple values, if the same callback is to be called
     * @param callable $callback the callback for the action.
     * @access public
     * @return dcActionsPage the actions page itself, enabling to chain addAction().
public function addAction($actions, $callback)
        foreach (
$actions as $k => $a) {
// Check each case of combo definition
            // Store form values in $values
if (is_array($a)) {
$values = array_values($a);
                if (!isset(
$this->combo[$k])) {
$this->combo[$k] = [];
$this->combo[$k] = array_merge($this->combo[$k], $a);
            } elseif (
$a instanceof formSelectOption) {
$values          = [$a->value];
$this->combo[$k] = $a->value;
            } else {
$values          = [$a];
$this->combo[$k] = $a;
// Associate each potential value to the callback
foreach ($values as $v) {
$this->actions[$v] = $callback;


     * getCombo - returns the actions combo, useable through form::combo
     * @access public
     * @return array the actions combo
public function getCombo()

     * getIDS() - returns the list of selected entries
     * @access public
     * @return array the list
public function getIDs()

     * getIDS() - returns the list of selected entries as HTML hidden fields string
     * @access public
     * @return string the HTML code for hidden fields
public function getIDsHidden()
$ret = '';
        foreach (
$this->entries as $id => $v) {
$ret .= form::hidden($this->field_entries . '[]', $id);


     * getHiddenFields() - returns all redirection parameters as HTML hidden fields
     * @param boolean $with_ids if true, also include ids in HTML code
     * @access public
     * @return string the HTML code for hidden fields
public function getHiddenFields($with_ids = false)
$ret = '';
        foreach (
$this->redir_args as $k => $v) {
$ret .= form::hidden([$k], $v);
        if (
$with_ids) {
$ret .= $this->getIDsHidden();


     * getRS() - get record from DB Query containing requested IDs
     * @access public
     * @return record the HTML code for hidden fields
public function getRS()

     * setupRedir - setup redirection arguments
     *  by default, $_POST fields as defined in redirect_fields attributes
     *  are set into redirect_args.
     * @param array|ArrayObject     $from   input to parse fields from (usually $_POST)
     * @access protected
protected function setupRedir($from)
        foreach (
$this->redirect_fields as $p) {
            if (isset(
$from[$p])) {
$this->redir_args[$p] = $from[$p];

     * getRedirection - returns redirection URL
     * @param array $params extra parameters to append to redirection
     *                        must be an array : each key is the name,
     *                        each value is the wanted value
     * @param boolean $with_selected_entries if true, add selected entries in url
     * @access public
     * @return string the redirection url
public function getRedirection($with_selected_entries = false, $params = [])
$redir_args = array_merge($params, $this->redir_args);
        if (isset(
$redir_args['redir'])) {

        if (
$with_selected_entries && $this->enable_redir_selection) {
$redir_args[$this->field_entries] = array_keys($this->entries);

$this->uri . '?' . http_build_query($redir_args) . $this->redir_anchor;

     * redirect - redirects to redirection page
     * @see getRedirection for arguments details
     * @access public
public function redirect($with_selected_entries = false, $params = [])
http::redirect($this->getRedirection($with_selected_entries, $params));

     * getURI - returns current form URI, if any
     * @access public
     * @return string the form URI
public function getURI()

     * getCallerTitle - returns current form URI, if any
     * @access public
     * @return string the form URI
public function getCallerTitle()

     * getAction - returns current action, if any
     * @access public
     * @return string the action
public function getAction()

     * process - proceeds action handling, if any
     *             this method may issue an exit() if
     *            an action is being processed. If it
     *            returns, no action has been performed
     * @access public
public function process()
        if (isset(
$this->from['action'])) {
$this->action = $this->from['action'];

            try {
$performed = false;
                foreach (
$this->actions as $k => $v) {
                    if (
$this->from['action'] == $k) {
$performed = true;
call_user_func($v, $this->core, $this, $this->from);
                if (
$performed) {
            } catch (
Exception $e) {
// $this->error($e);
return true;

     * getcheckboxes -returns html code for selected entries
     *             as a table containing entries checkboxes
     * @access public
     * @return string the html code for checkboxes
public function getCheckboxes()
$ret = '<table class="posts-list"><tr>' .
'<th colspan="2">' . $this->cb_title . '</th>' .
        foreach (
$this->entries as $id => $title) {
$ret .= '<tr><td class="minimal">' .
form::checkbox([$this->field_entries . '[]'], $id, [
'checked' => true,
            ]) .
'</td>' .
'<td>' . $title . '</td></tr>';
$ret .= '</table>';


     * beginPage, endPage - displays the beginning/ending of a page, if action does not redirects dirtectly
     * These methods are called from the actions themselves.
     * @param string $breadcrumb breadcrumb to display
     * @param string $head    page header to include
     * @access public
abstract public function beginPage($breadcrumb = '', $head = '');
    abstract public function

     * fetchEntries - fills-in information by requesting into db
     *     this method may setup the following attributes
     *   * entries : list of entries (checked against permissions)
     *      entries ids are array keys, values contain entry description (if relevant)
     *   * rs : record given by db request
     * @access protected
abstract protected function fetchEntries($from);