* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Core
* @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
* @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
class dcXmlRpc extends xmlrpcIntrospectionServer
public $core;
private $blog_id;
private $blog_loaded = false;
private $debug = false;
private $debug_file = '/tmp/dotclear-xmlrpc.log';
private $trace_args = true;
private $trace_response = true;
public function __construct($core, $blog_id)
$this->core = &$core;
$this->blog_id = $blog_id;
# Blogger methods
[$this, 'blogger_newPost'],
['string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'New post'
[$this, 'blogger_editPost'],
['boolean', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Edit a post'
[$this, 'blogger_getPost'],
['struct', 'string', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Return a posts by ID'
[$this, 'blogger_deletePost'],
['string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Delete a post'
[$this, 'blogger_getRecentPosts'],
['array', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Return a list of recent posts'
[$this, 'blogger_getUserBlogs'],
['struct', 'string', 'string', 'string'],
"Return user's blog"
[$this, 'blogger_getUserInfo'],
['struct', 'string', 'string', 'string'],
'Return User Info'
# Metaweblog methods
[$this, 'mw_newPost'],
['string', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'struct', 'boolean'],
'Creates a new post, and optionnaly publishes it.'
[$this, 'mw_editPost'],
['boolean', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'struct', 'boolean'],
'Updates information about an existing entry'
[$this, 'mw_getPost'],
['struct', 'string', 'string', 'string'],
'Returns information about a specific post'
[$this, 'mw_getRecentPosts'],
['array', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'List of most recent posts in the system'
[$this, 'mw_getCategories'],
['array', 'string', 'string', 'string'],
'List of all categories defined in the weblog'
[$this, 'mw_newMediaObject'],
['struct', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'struct'],
'Upload a file on the web server'
# MovableType methods
[$this, 'mt_getRecentPostTitles'],
['array', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'List of most recent posts in the system'
[$this, 'mt_getCategoryList'],
['array', 'string', 'string', 'string'],
'List of all categories defined in the weblog'
[$this, 'mt_getPostCategories'],
['array', 'string', 'string', 'string'],
'List of all categories to which the post is assigned'
[$this, 'mt_setPostCategories'],
['boolean', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'array'],
'Sets the categories for a post'
[$this, 'mt_publishPost'],
['boolean', 'string', 'string', 'string'],
'Retrieve pings list for a post'
[$this, 'listMethods'],
'Retrieve information about the XML-RPC methods supported by the server.'
[$this, 'mt_supportedTextFilters'],
'Retrieve information about supported text filters.'
# WordPress methods
[$this, 'wp_getUsersBlogs'],
['array', 'string', 'string'],
'Retrieve the blogs of the user.'
[$this, 'wp_getPage'],
['struct', 'integer', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Get the page identified by the page ID.'
[$this, 'wp_getPages'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Get an array of all the pages on a blog.'
[$this, 'wp_newPage'],
['integer', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'struct', 'boolean'],
'Create a new page.'
[$this, 'wp_deletePage'],
['boolean', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Removes a page from the blog.'
[$this, 'wp_editPage'],
['boolean', 'integer', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'struct', 'boolean'],
'Make changes to a blog page.'
[$this, 'wp_getPageList'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Get an array of all the pages on a blog. Just the minimum details, lighter than wp.getPages.'
[$this, 'wp_getAuthors'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Get an array of users for the blog.'
[$this, 'wp_getCategories'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Get an array of available categories on a blog.'
[$this, 'wp_getTags'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Get list of all tags for the blog.'
[$this, 'wp_newCategory'],
['integer', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'struct'],
'Create a new category.'
[$this, 'wp_deleteCategory'],
['boolean', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Delete a category with a given ID.'
[$this, 'wp_suggestCategories'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Get an array of categories that start with a given string.'
[$this, 'wp_uploadFile'],
['struct', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'struct'],
'Upload a file'
[$this, 'wp_getPostStatusList'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Retrieve all of the post statuses.'
[$this, 'wp_getPageStatusList'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Retrieve all of the pages statuses.'
[$this, 'wp_getPageTemplates'],
['struct', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Retrieve page templates.'
[$this, 'wp_getOptions'],
['struct', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'array'],
'Retrieve blog options'
[$this, 'wp_setOptions'],
['struct', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'struct'],
'Update blog options'
[$this, 'wp_getComment'],
['struct', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
"Gets a comment, given it's comment ID."
[$this, 'wp_getCommentCount'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Retrieve comment count.'
[$this, 'wp_getComments'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'struct'],
'Gets a set of comments for a given post.'
[$this, 'wp_deleteComment'],
['boolean', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'integer'],
'Delete a comment with given ID.'
[$this, 'wp_editComment'],
['boolean', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'integer', 'struct'],
'Edit a comment with given ID.'
[$this, 'wp_newComment'],
['integer', 'integer', 'string', 'string', 'integer', 'struct'],
'Create a new comment for a given post ID.'
[$this, 'wp_getCommentStatusList'],
['array', 'integer', 'string', 'string'],
'Retrieve all of the comment statuses.'
# Pingback support
[$this, 'pingback_ping'],
['string', 'string', 'string'],
'Notify a link to a post.'
public function serve($data = false)
public function call($methodname, $args)
try {
$rsp = @parent::call($methodname, $args);
$this->debugTrace($methodname, $args, $rsp);
return $rsp;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->debugTrace($methodname, $args, [$e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()]);
throw $e;
private function debugTrace($methodname, $args, $rsp)
if (!$this->debug) {
if (($fp = @fopen($this->debug_file, 'a')) !== false) {
fwrite($fp, '[' . date('r') . ']' . ' ' . $methodname);
if ($this->trace_args) {
fwrite($fp, "\n- args ---\n" . var_export($args, true));
if ($this->trace_response) {
fwrite($fp, "\n- response ---\n" . var_export($rsp, true));
fwrite($fp, "\n");
/* Internal methods
--------------------------------------------------- */
private function setUser($user_id, $pwd)
if (empty($pwd) || $this->core->auth->checkUser($user_id, $pwd) !== true) {
throw new Exception('Login error');
return true;
private function setBlog($bypass = false)
if (!$this->blog_id) {
throw new Exception('No blog ID given.');
if ($this->blog_loaded) {
return true;
$this->blog_loaded = true;
if (!$this->core->blog->id) {
$this->core->blog = null;
throw new Exception('Blog does not exist.');
if (!$bypass && (!$this->core->blog->settings->system->enable_xmlrpc || !$this->core->auth->check('usage,contentadmin', $this->core->blog->id))) {
$this->core->blog = null;
throw new Exception('Not enough permissions on this blog.');
foreach ($this->core->plugins->getModules() as $id => $m) {
$this->core->plugins->loadNsFile($id, 'xmlrpc');
return true;
private function getPostRS($post_id, $user, $pwd, $post_type = 'post')
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$rs = $this->core->blog->getPosts([
'post_id' => (int) $post_id,
'post_type' => $post_type,
if ($rs->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('This entry does not exist');
return $rs;
private function getCatID($cat_url)
$rs = $this->core->blog->getCategories(['cat_url' => $cat_url]);
return $rs->isEmpty() ? null : $rs->cat_id;
/* Generic methods
--------------------------------------------------- */
private function newPost($blog_id, $user, $pwd, $content, $struct = [], $publish = true)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$title = !empty($struct['title']) ? $struct['title'] : '';
$excerpt = !empty($struct['mt_excerpt']) ? $struct['mt_excerpt'] : '';
$description = !empty($struct['description']) ? $struct['description'] : null;
$dateCreated = !empty($struct['dateCreated']) ? $struct['dateCreated'] : null;
$open_comment = $struct['mt_allow_comments'] ?? 1;
$open_tb = $struct['mt_allow_pings'] ?? 1;
if ($description !== null) {
$content = $description;
if (!$title) {
$title = text::cutString(html::clean($content), 25) . '...';
$excerpt_xhtml = $this->core->callFormater('xhtml', $excerpt);
$content_xhtml = $this->core->callFormater('xhtml', $content);
if (empty($content)) {
throw new Exception('Cannot create an empty entry');
$cur = $this->core->con->openCursor($this->core->prefix . 'post');
$cur->user_id = $this->core->auth->userID();
$cur->post_lang = $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_lang');
$cur->post_title = trim((string) $title);
$cur->post_content = $content;
$cur->post_excerpt = $excerpt;
$cur->post_content_xhtml = $content_xhtml;
$cur->post_excerpt_xhtml = $excerpt_xhtml;
$cur->post_open_comment = (int) ($open_comment == 1);
$cur->post_open_tb = (int) ($open_tb == 1);
$cur->post_status = (int) $publish;
$cur->post_format = 'xhtml';
if ($dateCreated) {
if ($dateCreated instanceof xmlrpcDate) {
$cur->post_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', $dateCreated->getTimestamp());
} elseif (is_string($dateCreated) && @strtotime($dateCreated)) {
$cur->post_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($dateCreated));
# Categories in an array
if (isset($struct['categories']) && is_array($struct['categories'])) {
$categories = $struct['categories'];
$cat_id = !empty($categories[0]) ? $categories[0] : null;
$cur->cat_id = $this->getCatID($cat_id);
if (isset($struct['wp_slug'])) {
$cur->post_url = $struct['wp_slug'];
if (isset($struct['wp_password'])) {
$cur->post_password = $struct['wp_password'];
$cur->post_type = 'post';
if (!empty($struct['post_type'])) {
$cur->post_type = $struct['post_type'];
if ($cur->post_type == 'post') {
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcBeforeNewPost
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcBeforeNewPost', $this, $cur, $content, $struct, $publish);
$post_id = $this->core->blog->addPost($cur);
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcAfterNewPost
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcAfterNewPost', $this, $post_id, $cur, $content, $struct, $publish);
} elseif ($cur->post_type == 'page') {
if (isset($struct['wp_page_order'])) {
$cur->post_position = (int) $struct['wp_page_order'];
$this->core->blog->settings->system->post_url_format = '{t}';
$post_id = $this->core->blog->addPost($cur);
} else {
throw new Exception('Invalid post type', 401);
return (string) $post_id;
private function editPost($post_id, $user, $pwd, $content, $struct = [], $publish = true)
$post_id = (int) $post_id;
$post_type = 'post';
if (!empty($struct['post_type'])) {
$post_type = $struct['post_type'];
$post = $this->getPostRS($post_id, $user, $pwd, $post_type);
$title = (!empty($struct['title'])) ? $struct['title'] : '';
$excerpt = (!empty($struct['mt_excerpt'])) ? $struct['mt_excerpt'] : '';
$description = (!empty($struct['description'])) ? $struct['description'] : null;
$dateCreated = !empty($struct['dateCreated']) ? $struct['dateCreated'] : null;
$open_comment = (isset($struct['mt_allow_comments'])) ? $struct['mt_allow_comments'] : 1;
$open_tb = (isset($struct['mt_allow_pings'])) ? $struct['mt_allow_pings'] : 1;
if ($description !== null) {
$content = $description;
if (!$title) {
$title = text::cutString(html::clean($content), 25) . '...';
$excerpt_xhtml = $this->core->callFormater('xhtml', $excerpt);
$content_xhtml = $this->core->callFormater('xhtml', $content);
if (empty($content)) {
throw new Exception('Cannot create an empty entry');
$cur = $this->core->con->openCursor($this->core->prefix . 'post');
$cur->post_type = $post_type;
$cur->post_title = trim((string) $title);
$cur->post_content = $content;
$cur->post_excerpt = $excerpt;
$cur->post_content_xhtml = $content_xhtml;
$cur->post_excerpt_xhtml = $excerpt_xhtml;
$cur->post_open_comment = (int) ($open_comment == 1);
$cur->post_open_tb = (int) ($open_tb == 1);
$cur->post_status = (int) $publish;
$cur->post_format = 'xhtml';
$cur->post_url = $post->post_url;
if ($dateCreated) {
if ($dateCreated instanceof xmlrpcDate) {
$cur->post_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', $dateCreated->getTimestamp());
} elseif (is_string($dateCreated) && @strtotime($dateCreated)) {
$cur->post_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($dateCreated));
} else {
$cur->post_dt = $post->post_dt;
# Categories in an array
if (isset($struct['categories']) && is_array($struct['categories'])) {
$categories = $struct['categories'];
$cat_id = !empty($categories[0]) ? $categories[0] : null;
$cur->cat_id = $this->getCatID($cat_id);
if (isset($struct['wp_slug'])) {
$cur->post_url = $struct['wp_slug'];
if (isset($struct['wp_password'])) {
$cur->post_password = $struct['wp_password'];
if ($cur->post_type == 'post') {
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcBeforeEditPost
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcBeforeEditPost', $this, $post_id, $cur, $content, $struct, $publish);
$this->core->blog->updPost($post_id, $cur);
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcAfterEditPost
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcAfterEditPost', $this, $post_id, $cur, $content, $struct, $publish);
} elseif ($cur->post_type == 'page') {
if (isset($struct['wp_page_order'])) {
$cur->post_position = (int) $struct['wp_page_order'];
$this->core->blog->settings->system->post_url_format = '{t}';
$this->core->blog->updPost($post_id, $cur);
} else {
throw new Exception('Invalid post type', 401);
return true;
private function getPost($post_id, $user, $pwd, $type = 'mw')
$post_id = (int) $post_id;
$post = $this->getPostRS($post_id, $user, $pwd);
$res = new ArrayObject();
$res['dateCreated'] = new xmlrpcDate($post->getTS());
$res['userid'] = $post->user_id;
$res['postid'] = $post->post_id;
if ($post->cat_id) {
$res['categories'] = [$post->cat_url];
if ($type == 'blogger') {
$res['content'] = $post->post_content_xhtml;
if ($type == 'mt' || $type == 'mw') {
$res['title'] = $post->post_title;
if ($type == 'mw') {
$res['description'] = $post->post_content_xhtml;
$res['link'] = $res['permaLink'] = $post->getURL();
$res['mt_excerpt'] = $post->post_excerpt_xhtml;
$res['mt_text_more'] = '';
$res['mt_allow_comments'] = (int) $post->post_open_comment;
$res['mt_allow_pings'] = (int) $post->post_open_tb;
$res['mt_convert_breaks'] = '';
$res['mt_keywords'] = '';
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcGetPostInfo
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcGetPostInfo', $this, $type, [&$res]);
return $res;
private function deletePost($post_id, $user, $pwd)
$post_id = (int) $post_id;
$this->getPostRS($post_id, $user, $pwd);
return true;
private function getRecentPosts($blog_id, $user, $pwd, $nb_post, $type = 'mw')
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$nb_post = (int) $nb_post;
if ($nb_post > 50) {
throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve more than 50 entries');
$params = [];
$params['limit'] = $nb_post;
$posts = $this->core->blog->getPosts($params);
$res = [];
while ($posts->fetch()) {
$tres = [];
$tres['dateCreated'] = new xmlrpcDate($posts->getTS());
$tres['userid'] = $posts->user_id;
$tres['postid'] = $posts->post_id;
if ($posts->cat_id) {
$tres['categories'] = [$posts->cat_url];
if ($type == 'blogger') {
$tres['content'] = $posts->post_content_xhtml;
if ($type == 'mt' || $type == 'mw') {
$tres['title'] = $posts->post_title;
if ($type == 'mw') {
$tres['description'] = $posts->post_content_xhtml;
$tres['link'] = $tres['permaLink'] = $posts->getURL();
$tres['mt_excerpt'] = $posts->post_excerpt_xhtml;
$tres['mt_text_more'] = '';
$tres['mt_allow_comments'] = (int) $posts->post_open_comment;
$tres['mt_allow_pings'] = (int) $posts->post_open_tb;
$tres['mt_convert_breaks'] = '';
$tres['mt_keywords'] = '';
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcGetPostInfo
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcGetPostInfo', $this, $type, [&$tres]);
$res[] = $tres;
return $res;
private function getUserBlogs($user, $pwd)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
return [[
'url' => $this->core->blog->url,
'blogid' => '1',
'blogName' => $this->core->blog->name,
private function getUserInfo($user, $pwd)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
return [
'userid' => $this->core->auth->userID(),
'firstname' => $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_firstname'),
'lastname' => $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_name'),
'nickname' => $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_displayname'),
'email' => $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_email'),
'url' => $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_url'),
private function getCategories($blog_id, $user, $pwd)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$rs = $this->core->blog->getCategories();
$res = [];
$l = $rs->level;
$stack = ['', $rs->cat_url];
$parent = '';
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$d = $rs->level - $l;
if ($d == 0) {
$parent = end($stack);
} elseif ($d > 0) {
$parent = end($stack);
} elseif ($d < 0) {
$D = abs($d);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $D; $i++) {
$parent = end($stack);
$res[] = [
'categoryId' => $rs->cat_url,
'parentId' => $parent,
'description' => $rs->cat_title,
'categoryName' => $rs->cat_url,
'htmlUrl' => $this->core->blog->url .
$this->core->url->getURLFor('category', $rs->cat_url),
'rssUrl' => $this->core->blog->url .
$this->core->url->getURLFor('feed', 'category/' . $rs->cat_url . '/rss2'),
$stack[] = $rs->cat_url;
$l = $rs->level;
return $res;
private function getPostCategories($post_id, $user, $pwd)
$post_id = (int) $post_id;
$post = $this->getPostRS($post_id, $user, $pwd);
return [
'categoryName' => $post->cat_url,
'categoryId' => (string) $post->cat_url,
'isPrimary' => true,
private function setPostCategories($post_id, $user, $pwd, $categories)
$post_id = (int) $post_id;
$post = $this->getPostRS($post_id, $user, $pwd);
$cat_id = (!empty($categories[0]['categoryId'])) ? $categories[0]['categoryId'] : null;
foreach ($categories as $v) {
if (isset($v['isPrimary']) && $v['isPrimary']) {
$cat_id = $v['categoryId'];
# w.bloggar sends -1 for no category.
if ($cat_id == -1) {
$cat_id = null;
if ($cat_id) {
$cat_id = $this->getCatID($cat_id);
$this->core->blog->updPostCategory($post_id, (int) $cat_id);
return true;
private function publishPost($post_id, $user, $pwd)
$post_id = (int) $post_id;
$this->getPostRS($post_id, $user, $pwd);
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcBeforePublishPost
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcBeforePublishPost', $this, $post_id);
$this->core->blog->updPostStatus($post_id, 1);
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcAfterPublishPost
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcAfterPublishPost', $this, $post_id);
return true;
private function newMediaObject($blog_id, $user, $pwd, $file)
if (empty($file['name'])) {
throw new Exception('No file name');
if (empty($file['bits'])) {
throw new Exception('No file content');
$file_name = $file['name'];
$file_bits = $file['bits'];
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$media = new dcMedia($this->core);
$dir_name = path::clean(dirname($file_name));
$file_name = basename($file_name);
$dir_name = preg_replace('!^/!', '', $dir_name);
if ($dir_name != '') {
$dir = explode('/', $dir_name);
$cwd = './';
foreach ($dir as $v) {
$v = files::tidyFileName($v);
$cwd .= $v . '/';
$media_id = $media->uploadBits($file_name, $file_bits);
$f = $media->getFile($media_id);
return [
'file' => $file_name,
'url' => $f->file_url,
'type' => files::getMimeType($file_name),
private function translateWpStatus($s)
$status = [
'draft' => -2,
'pending' => -2,
'private' => 0,
'publish' => 1,
'scheduled' => -1,
if (is_int($s)) {
$status = array_flip($status);
return $status[$s] ?? $status[-2];
return $status[$s] ?? $status['pending'];
private function translateWpCommentstatus($s)
$status = [
'hold' => -1,
'approve' => 0,
'spam' => -2,
if (is_int($s)) {
$status = array_flip($status);
return $status[$s] ?? $status[0];
return $status[$s] ?? $status['approve'];
private function translateWpOptions($options = [])
$timezone = 0;
if ($this->core->blog->settings->system->blog_timezone) {
$timezone = dt::getTimeOffset($this->core->blog->settings->system->blog_timezone) / 3600;
$res = [
'software_name' => [
'desc' => 'Software Name',
'readonly' => true,
'value' => 'Dotclear',
'software_version' => [
'desc' => 'Software Version',
'readonly' => true,
'value' => DC_VERSION,
'blog_url' => [
'desc' => 'Blog URL',
'readonly' => true,
'value' => $this->core->blog->url,
'time_zone' => [
'desc' => 'Time Zone',
'readonly' => true,
'value' => (string) $timezone,
'blog_title' => [
'desc' => 'Blog Title',
'readonly' => false,
'value' => $this->core->blog->name,
'blog_tagline' => [
'desc' => 'Blog Tagline',
'readonly' => false,
'value' => $this->core->blog->desc,
'date_format' => [
'desc' => 'Date Format',
'readonly' => false,
'value' => $this->core->blog->settings->system->date_format,
'time_format' => [
'desc' => 'Time Format',
'readonly' => false,
'value' => $this->core->blog->settings->system->time_format,
if (!empty($options)) {
$r = [];
foreach ($options as $v) {
if (isset($res[$v])) {
$r[$v] = $res[$v];
return $r;
return $res;
private function getPostStatusList($blog_id, $user, $pwd)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
return [
'draft' => 'Draft',
'pending' => 'Pending Review',
'private' => 'Private',
'publish' => 'Published',
'scheduled' => 'Scheduled',
private function getPageStatusList($blog_id, $user, $pwd)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
return [
'draft' => 'Draft',
'private' => 'Private',
'published' => 'Published',
'scheduled' => 'Scheduled',
private function checkPagesPermission()
if (!$this->core->plugins->moduleExists('pages')) {
throw new Exception('Pages management is not available on this blog.');
if (!$this->core->auth->check('pages,contentadmin', $this->core->blog->id)) {
throw new Exception('Not enough permissions to edit pages.', 401);
private function getPages($blog_id, $user, $pwd, $limit = null, $id = null)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$params = [
'post_type' => 'page',
'order' => 'post_position ASC, post_title ASC',
if ($id) {
$params['post_id'] = (int) $id;
if ($limit) {
$params['limit'] = $limit;
$posts = $this->core->blog->getPosts($params);
$res = [];
while ($posts->fetch()) {
$tres = [
'dateCreated' => new xmlrpcDate($posts->getTS()),
'userid' => $posts->user_id,
'page_id' => $posts->post_id,
'page_status' => $this->translateWpStatus((int) $posts->post_status),
'description' => $posts->post_content_xhtml,
'title' => $posts->post_title,
'link' => $posts->getURL(),
'permaLink' => $posts->getURL(),
'categories' => [],
'excerpt' => $posts->post_excerpt_xhtml,
'text_more' => '',
'mt_allow_comments' => (int) $posts->post_open_comment,
'mt_allow_pings' => (int) $posts->post_open_tb,
'wp_slug' => $posts->post_url,
'wp_password' => $posts->post_password,
'wp_author' => $posts->getAuthorCN(),
'wp_page_parent_id' => 0,
'wp_page_parent_title' => '',
'wp_page_order' => $posts->post_position,
'wp_author_id' => $posts->user_id,
'wp_author_display_name' => $posts->getAuthorCN(),
'date_created_gmt' => new xmlrpcDate(dt::iso8601($posts->getTS(), $posts->post_tz)),
'custom_fields' => [],
'wp_page_template' => 'default',
# --BEHAVIOR-- xmlrpcGetPageInfo
$this->core->callBehavior('xmlrpcGetPageInfo', $this, [&$tres]);
$res[] = $tres;
return $res;
private function newPage($blog_id, $user, $pwd, $struct, $publish)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$struct['post_type'] = 'page';
return $this->newPost($blog_id, $user, $pwd, null, $struct, $publish);
private function editPage($page_id, $user, $pwd, $struct, $publish)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$struct['post_type'] = 'page';
return $this->editPost($page_id, $user, $pwd, null, $struct, $publish);
private function deletePage($page_id, $user, $pwd)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$page_id = (int) $page_id;
$this->getPostRS($page_id, $user, $pwd, 'page');
return true;
private function getAuthors($user, $pwd)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$rs = $this->core->getBlogPermissions($this->core->blog->id);
$res = [];
foreach ($rs as $k => $v) {
$res[] = [
'user_id' => $k,
'user_login' => $k,
'display_name' => dcUtils::getUserCN($k, $v['name'], $v['firstname'], $v['displayname']),
return $res;
private function getTags($user, $pwd)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$tags = $this->core->meta->getMetadata(['meta_type' => 'tag']);
$tags = $this->core->meta->computeMetaStats($tags);
$tags->sort('meta_id_lower', 'asc');
$res = [];
$url = $this->core->blog->url .
$this->core->url->getURLFor('tag', '%s');
$f_url = $this->core->blog->url .
$this->core->url->getURLFor('tag_feed', '%s');
while ($tags->fetch()) {
$res[] = [
'tag_id' => $tags->meta_id,
'name' => $tags->meta_id,
'count' => $tags->count,
'slug' => $tags->meta_id,
'html_url' => sprintf($url, $tags->meta_id),
'rss_url' => sprintf($f_url, $tags->meta_id),
return $res;
private function newCategory($user, $pwd, $struct)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
if (empty($struct['name'])) {
throw new Exception('You mus give a category name.');
$cur = $this->core->con->openCursor($this->core->prefix . 'category');
$cur->cat_title = $struct['name'];
if (!empty($struct['slug'])) {
$cur->cat_url = $struct['slug'];
if (!empty($struct['category_description'])) {
$cur->cat_desc = $struct['category_description'];
if (html::clean($cur->cat_desc) == $cur->cat_desc) {
$cur->cat_desc = '<p>' . $cur->cat_desc . '</p>';
$parent = !empty($struct['category_parent']) ? (int) $struct['category_parent'] : 0;
$id = $this->core->blog->addCategory($cur, $parent);
$rs = $this->core->blog->getCategory($id);
return $rs->cat_url;
private function deleteCategory($user, $pwd, $cat_id)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$c = $this->core->blog->getCategories(['cat_url' => $cat_id]);
if ($c->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception(__('This category does not exist.'));
$cat_id = $c->cat_id;
$this->core->blog->delCategory((int) $cat_id);
return true;
private function searchCategories($user, $pwd, $category, $limit)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$strReq = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_title, cat_url ' .
'FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'category ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->core->con->escape($this->core->blog->id) . "' " .
"AND LOWER(cat_title) LIKE LOWER('%" . $this->core->con->escape($category) . "%') " .
($limit > 0 ? $this->core->con->limit($limit) : '');
$rs = $this->core->con->select($strReq);
$res = [];
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$res[] = [
'category_id' => $rs->cat_url,
'category_name' => $rs->cat_url,
return $res;
private function countComments($user, $pwd, $post_id)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$res = [
'approved' => 0,
'awaiting_moderation' => 0,
'spam' => 0,
'total' => 0,
$rs = $this->core->blog->getComments(['post_id' => $post_id]);
while ($rs->fetch()) {
if ($rs->comment_status == 1) {
} elseif ($rs->comment_status == -2) {
} else {
return $res;
private function getComments($user, $pwd, $struct, $id = null)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$params = [];
if (!empty($struct['status'])) {
$params['comment_status'] = $this->translateWpCommentstatus($struct['status']);
if (!empty($struct['post_id'])) {
$params['post_id'] = (int) $struct['post_id'];
if (isset($id)) {
$params['comment_id'] = $id;
$offset = !empty($struct['offset']) ? (int) $struct['offset'] : 0;
$limit = !empty($struct['number']) ? (int) $struct['number'] : 10;
$params['limit'] = [$offset, $limit];
$rs = $this->core->blog->getComments($params);
$res = [];
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$res[] = [
'date_created_gmt' => new xmlrpcDate($rs->getTS()),
'user_id' => $rs->user_id,
'comment_id' => $rs->comment_id,
'parent' => 0,
'status' => $this->translateWpCommentstatus((int) $rs->comment_status),
'content' => $rs->comment_content,
'link' => $rs->getPostURL() . '#c' . $rs->comment_id,
'post_id' => $rs->post_id,
'post_title' => $rs->post_title,
'author' => $rs->comment_author,
'author_url' => $rs->comment_site,
'author_email' => $rs->comment_email,
'author_ip' => $rs->comment_ip,
return $res;
private function addComment($user, $pwd, $post_id, $struct)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
if (empty($struct['content'])) {
throw new Exception('Sorry, you cannot post an empty comment', 401);
if (is_numeric($post_id)) {
$p['post_id'] = $post_id;
} else {
$p['post_url'] = $post_id;
$rs = $this->core->blog->getPosts($p);
if ($rs->isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception('Sorry, no such post.', 404);
$cur = $this->core->con->openCursor($this->core->prefix . 'comment');
$cur->comment_author = $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_cn');
$cur->comment_email = $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_email');
$cur->comment_site = $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_url');
$cur->comment_content = $struct['content'];
$cur->post_id = (int) $post_id;
$id = $this->core->blog->addComment($cur);
return $id;
private function updComment($user, $pwd, $comment_id, $struct)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
$cur = $this->core->con->openCursor($this->core->prefix . 'comment');
if (isset($struct['status'])) {
$cur->comment_status = $this->translateWpCommentstatus($struct['status']);
if (isset($struct['date_created_gmt'])) {
if ($struct['date_created_gmt'] instanceof xmlrpcDate) {
$cur->comment_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', $struct['date_created_gmt']->getTimestamp());
} elseif (is_string($struct['date_created_gmt']) && @strtotime($struct['date_created_gmt'])) {
$cur->comment_dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', strtotime($struct['date_created_gmt']));
$cur->comment_dt = $struct['date_created_gmt'];
if (isset($struct['content'])) {
$cur->comment_content = $struct['content'];
if (isset($struct['author'])) {
$cur->comment_author = $struct['author'];
if (isset($struct['author_url'])) {
$cur->comment_site = $struct['author_url'];
if (isset($struct['author_email'])) {
$cur->comment_email = $struct['author_email'];
$this->core->blog->updComment($comment_id, $cur);
return true;
private function delComment($user, $pwd, $comment_id)
$this->setUser($user, $pwd);
return true;
/* Blogger methods
--------------------------------------------------- */
public function blogger_newPost($appkey, $blogid, $username, $password, $content, $publish)
return $this->newPost($blogid, $username, $password, $content, [], $publish);
public function blogger_editPost($appkey, $postid, $username, $password, $content, $publish)
return $this->editPost($postid, $username, $password, $content, [], $publish);
public function blogger_getPost($appkey, $postid, $username, $password)
return $this->getPost($postid, $username, $password, 'blogger');
public function blogger_deletePost($appkey, $postid, $username, $password, $publish)
return $this->deletePost($postid, $username, $password);
public function blogger_getRecentPosts($appkey, $blogid, $username, $password, $numberOfPosts)
return $this->getRecentPosts($blogid, $username, $password, $numberOfPosts, 'blogger');
public function blogger_getUserBlogs($appkey, $username, $password)
return $this->getUserBlogs($username, $password);
public function blogger_getUserInfo($appkey, $username, $password)
return $this->getUserInfo($username, $password);
/* Metaweblog methods
------------------------------------------------------- */
public function mw_newPost($blogid, $username, $password, $content, $publish)
return $this->newPost($blogid, $username, $password, '', $content, $publish);
public function mw_editPost($postid, $username, $password, $content, $publish)
return $this->editPost($postid, $username, $password, '', $content, $publish);
public function mw_getPost($postid, $username, $password)
return $this->getPost($postid, $username, $password, 'mw');
public function mw_getRecentPosts($blogid, $username, $password, $numberOfPosts)
return $this->getRecentPosts($blogid, $username, $password, $numberOfPosts, 'mw');
public function mw_getCategories($blogid, $username, $password)
return $this->getCategories($blogid, $username, $password);
public function mw_newMediaObject($blogid, $username, $password, $file)
return $this->newMediaObject($blogid, $username, $password, $file);
/* MovableType methods
--------------------------------------------------- */
public function mt_getRecentPostTitles($blogid, $username, $password, $numberOfPosts)
return $this->getRecentPosts($blogid, $username, $password, $numberOfPosts, 'mt');
public function mt_getCategoryList($blogid, $username, $password)
return $this->getCategories($blogid, $username, $password);
public function mt_getPostCategories($postid, $username, $password)
return $this->getPostCategories($postid, $username, $password);
public function mt_setPostCategories($postid, $username, $password, $categories)
return $this->setPostCategories($postid, $username, $password, $categories);
public function mt_publishPost($postid, $username, $password)
return $this->publishPost($postid, $username, $password);
public function mt_supportedTextFilters()
return [];
/* WordPress methods
--------------------------------------------------- */
public function wp_getUsersBlogs($username, $password)
return $this->getUserBlogs($username, $password);
public function wp_getPage($blogid, $pageid, $username, $password)
$res = $this->getPages($blogid, $username, $password, null, $pageid);
if (empty($res)) {
throw new Exception('Sorry, no such page', 404);
return $res[0];
public function wp_getPages($blogid, $username, $password, $num = 10)
return $this->getPages($blogid, $username, $password, $num);
public function wp_newPage($blogid, $username, $password, $content, $publish)
return $this->newPage($blogid, $username, $password, $content, $publish);
public function wp_deletePage($blogid, $username, $password, $pageid)
return $this->deletePage($pageid, $username, $password);
public function wp_editPage($blogid, $pageid, $username, $password, $content, $publish)
return $this->editPage($pageid, $username, $password, $content, $publish);
public function wp_getPageList($blogid, $username, $password)
$A = $this->getPages($blogid, $username, $password);
$res = [];
foreach ($A as $v) {
$res[] = [
'page_id' => $v['page_id'],
'page_title' => $v['title'],
'page_parent_id' => $v['wp_page_parent_id'],
'dateCreated' => $v['dateCreated'],
'date_created_gmt' => $v['date_created_gmt'],
return $res;
public function wp_getAuthors($blogid, $username, $password)
return $this->getAuthors($username, $password);
public function wp_getCategories($blogid, $username, $password)
return $this->getCategories($blogid, $username, $password);
public function wp_getTags($blogid, $username, $password)
return $this->getTags($username, $password);
public function wp_newCategory($blogid, $username, $password, $content)
return $this->newCategory($username, $password, $content);
public function wp_deleteCategory($blogid, $username, $password, $categoryid)
return $this->deleteCategory($username, $password, $categoryid);
public function wp_suggestCategories($blogid, $username, $password, $category, $max_results = 0)
return $this->searchCategories($username, $password, $category, $max_results);
public function wp_uploadFile($blogid, $username, $password, $file)
return $this->newMediaObject($blogid, $username, $password, $file);
public function wp_getPostStatusList($blogid, $username, $password)
return $this->getPostStatusList($blogid, $username, $password);
public function wp_getPageStatusList($blogid, $username, $password)
return $this->getPostStatusList($blogid, $username, $password);
public function wp_getPageTemplates($blogid, $username, $password)
return ['Default' => 'default'];
public function wp_getOptions($blogid, $username, $password, $options = [])
$this->setUser($username, $password);
return $this->translateWpOptions($options);
public function wp_setOptions($blogid, $username, $password, $options)
$this->setUser($username, $password);
if (!$this->core->auth->check('admin', $this->core->blog->id)) {
throw new Exception('Not enough permissions to edit options.', 401);
$opt = $this->translateWpOptions();
$done = [];
$blog_changes = false;
$cur = $this->core->con->openCursor($this->core->prefix . 'blog');
foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
if (!isset($opt[$name]) || $opt[$name]['readonly']) {
switch ($name) {
case 'blog_title':
$blog_changes = true;
$cur->blog_name = $value;
$done[] = $name;
case 'blog_tagline':
$blog_changes = true;
$cur->blog_desc = $value;
$done[] = $name;
case 'date_format':
$this->core->blog->settings->system->put('date_format', $value);
$done[] = $name;
case 'time_format':
$this->core->blog->settings->system->put('time_format', $value);
$done[] = $name;
if ($blog_changes) {
$this->core->updBlog($this->core->blog->id, $cur);
return $this->translateWpOptions($done);
public function wp_getComment($blogid, $username, $password, $commentid)
$res = $this->getComments($username, $password, [], $commentid);
if (empty($res)) {
throw new Exception('Sorry, no such comment', 404);
return $res[0];
public function wp_getCommentCount($blogid, $username, $password, $postid)
return $this->countComments($username, $password, $postid);
public function wp_getComments($blogid, $username, $password, $struct)
return $this->getComments($username, $password, $struct);
public function wp_deleteComment($blogid, $username, $password, $commentid)
return $this->delComment($username, $password, $commentid);
public function wp_editComment($blogid, $username, $password, $commentid, $content)
return $this->updComment($username, $password, $commentid, $content);
public function wp_newComment($blogid, $username, $password, $postid, $content)
return $this->addComment($username, $password, $postid, $content);
public function wp_getCommentStatusList($blogid, $username, $password)
$this->setUser($username, $password);
return [
'hold' => 'Unapproved',
'approve' => 'Approved',
'spam' => 'Spam',
/* Pingback support
--------------------------------------------------- */
public function pingback_ping($from_url, $to_url)
dcTrackback::checkURLs($from_url, $to_url);
$args = ['type' => 'pingback', 'from_url' => $from_url, 'to_url' => $to_url];
# Time to get things done...
# --BEHAVIOR-- publicBeforeReceiveTrackback
$this->core->callBehavior('publicBeforeReceiveTrackback', $this->core, $args);
$tb = new dcTrackback($this->core);
return $tb->receivePingback($from_url, $to_url);