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 * @brief User workspace for preferences handler
 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Core
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {

$con;     ///< <b>connection</b> Database connection object
protected $table;   ///< <b>string</b> Preferences table name
protected $user_id; ///< <b>string</b> User ID

protected $global_prefs = []; ///< <b>array</b> Global prefs array
protected $local_prefs  = []; ///< <b>array</b> Local prefs array
protected $prefs        = []; ///< <b>array</b> Associative prefs array
protected $ws;                ///< <b>string</b> Current workspace

protected const WS_NAME_SCHEMA = '/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$/';
    protected const
WS_ID_SCHEMA   = '/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/';

     * Object constructor. Retrieves user prefs and puts them in $prefs
     * array. Local (user) prefs have a highest priority than global prefs.
     * @param      dcCore     $core     The core
     * @param      string     $user_id  The user identifier
     * @param      string     $name     The name
     * @param      mixed      $rs       The recordset
     * @throws     Exception
public function __construct(&$core, $user_id, $name, $rs = null)
        if (
preg_match(self::WS_NAME_SCHEMA, $name)) {
$this->ws = $name;
        } else {
            throw new
Exception(sprintf(__('Invalid dcWorkspace: %s'), $name));

$this->con     = &$core->con;
$this->table   = $core->prefix . 'pref';
$this->user_id = &$user_id;

        try {
        } catch (
Exception $e) {
            if (
version_compare($core->getVersion('core'), '2.3', '>')) {
trigger_error(__('Unable to retrieve prefs:') . ' ' . $this->con->error(), E_USER_ERROR);

    private function
getPrefs($rs = null)
        if (
$rs == null) {
$strReq = 'SELECT user_id, pref_id, pref_value, ' .
'pref_type, pref_label, pref_ws ' .
'FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' .
"WHERE (user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->user_id) . "' " .
'OR user_id IS NULL) ' .
"AND pref_ws = '" . $this->con->escape($this->ws) . "' " .
'ORDER BY pref_id ASC ';

            try {
$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);
            } catch (
Exception $e) {
        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
            if (
$rs->f('pref_ws') != $this->ws) {
$id    = trim((string) $rs->f('pref_id'));
$value = $rs->f('pref_value');
$type  = $rs->f('pref_type');

            if (
$type == 'array') {
$value = @json_decode($value, true);
            } else {
                if (
$type == 'float' || $type == 'double') {
$type = 'float';
                } elseif (
$type != 'boolean' && $type != 'integer') {
$type = 'string';

settype($value, $type);

$array = $rs->user_id ? 'local' : 'global';

$this->{$array . '_prefs'}[$id] = [
'ws'     => $this->ws,
'value'  => $value,
'type'   => $type,
'label'  => (string) $rs->f('pref_label'),
'global' => $rs->user_id == '',

$this->prefs = $this->global_prefs;

        foreach (
$this->local_prefs as $id => $v) {
$this->prefs[$id] = $v;


     * Returns true if a pref exist, else false
     * @param      string   $id      The identifier
     * @param      boolean  $global  The global
     * @return     boolean
public function prefExists($id, $global = false)
$array = $global ? 'global' : 'local';

        return isset(
$this->{$array . '_prefs'}[$id]);

     * Returns pref value if exists.
     * @param      string  $n      Pref name
     * @return     mixed
public function get($n)
        if (isset(
$this->prefs[$n]) && isset($this->prefs[$n]['value'])) {

     * Returns global pref value if exists.
     * @param      string  $n      Pref name
     * @return     mixed
public function getGlobal($n)
        if (isset(
$this->global_prefs[$n]) && isset($this->global_prefs[$n]['value'])) {

     * Returns local pref value if exists.
     * @param      string  $n      Pref name
     * @return     mixed
public function getLocal($n)
        if (isset(
$this->local_prefs[$n]) && isset($this->local_prefs[$n]['value'])) {

     * Magic __get method.
     * @copydoc ::get
     * @param      string  $n      Pref name
     * @return     mixed
public function __get($n)

     * Sets a pref in $prefs property. This sets the pref for script
     * execution time only and if pref exists.
     * @param      string  $n      The pref name
     * @param      mixed   $v      The pref value
public function set($n, $v)
        if (isset(
$this->prefs[$n])) {
$this->prefs[$n]['value'] = $v;

     * Magic __set method.
     * @copydoc ::set
     * @param      string  $n      The pref name
     * @param      mixed   $v      The pref value
public function __set($n, $v)
$this->set($n, $v);

     * Creates or updates a pref.
     * $type could be 'string', 'integer', 'float', 'boolean' or null. If $type is
     * null and pref exists, it will keep current pref type.
     * $value_change allow you to not change pref. Useful if you need to change
     * a pref label or type and don't want to change its value.
     * @param      string     $id            The pref identifier
     * @param      mixed      $value         The pref value
     * @param      string     $type          The pref type
     * @param      string     $label         The pref label
     * @param      bool       $value_change  Change pref value or not
     * @param      bool       $global        Pref is global
     * @throws     Exception
public function put($id, $value, $type = null, $label = null, $value_change = true, $global = false)
        if (!
preg_match(self::WS_ID_SCHEMA, $id)) {
            throw new
Exception(sprintf(__('%s is not a valid pref id'), $id));

# We don't want to change pref value
if (!$value_change) {
            if (!
$global && $this->prefExists($id, false)) {
$value = $this->local_prefs[$id]['value'];
            } elseif (
$this->prefExists($id, true)) {
$value = $this->global_prefs[$id]['value'];

# Pref type
if ($type == 'double') {
$type = 'float';
        } elseif (
$type === null) {
            if (!
$global && $this->prefExists($id, false)) {
$type = $this->local_prefs[$id]['type'];
            } elseif (
$this->prefExists($id, true)) {
$type = $this->global_prefs[$id]['type'];
            } else {
                if (
is_array($value)) {
$type = 'array';
                } else {
$type = 'string';
        } elseif (
$type != 'boolean' && $type != 'integer' && $type != 'float' && $type != 'array') {
$type = 'string';

# We don't change label
if ($label == null) {
            if (!
$global && $this->prefExists($id, false)) {
$label = $this->local_prefs[$id]['label'];
            } elseif (
$this->prefExists($id, true)) {
$label = $this->global_prefs[$id]['label'];

        if (
$type != 'array') {
settype($value, $type);
        } else {
$value = json_encode($value);

$cur             = $this->con->openCursor($this->table);
$cur->pref_value = ($type == 'boolean') ? (string) (int) $value : (string) $value;
$cur->pref_type  = $type;
$cur->pref_label = $label;

#If we are local, compare to global value
if (!$global && $this->prefExists($id, true)) {
$g         = $this->global_prefs[$id];
$same_pref = ($g['ws'] == $this->ws && $g['value'] == $value && $g['type'] == $type && $g['label'] == $label);

# Drop pref if same value as global
if ($same_pref && $this->prefExists($id, false)) {
            } elseif (
$same_pref) {

        if (
$this->prefExists($id, $global) && $this->ws == $this->prefs[$id]['ws']) {
            if (
$global) {
$where = 'WHERE user_id IS NULL ';
            } else {
$where = "WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->user_id) . "' ";

$cur->update($where . "AND pref_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' AND pref_ws = '" . $this->con->escape($this->ws) . "' ");
        } else {
$cur->pref_id = $id;
$cur->user_id = $global ? null : $this->user_id;
$cur->pref_ws = $this->ws;


     * Rename an existing pref in a Workspace
     * @param      string     $oldId  The old identifier
     * @param      string     $newId  The new identifier
     * @throws     Exception
     * @return     bool       false is error, true if renamed
public function rename($oldId, $newId)
        if (!
$this->ws) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No workspace specified'));

        if (!
array_key_exists($oldId, $this->prefs) || array_key_exists($newId, $this->prefs)) {

        if (!
preg_match(self::WS_ID_SCHEMA, $newId)) {
            throw new
Exception(sprintf(__('%s is not a valid pref id'), $newId));

// Rename the pref in the prefs array
$this->prefs[$newId] = $this->prefs[$oldId];

// Rename the pref in the database
$strReq = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table .
" SET pref_id = '" . $this->con->escape($newId) . "' " .
" WHERE pref_ws = '" . $this->con->escape($this->ws) . "' " .
" AND pref_id = '" . $this->con->escape($oldId) . "' ";


     * Removes an existing pref. Workspace
     * @param      string     $id            The pref identifier
     * @param      bool       $force_global  Force global pref drop
     * @throws     Exception  (description)
public function drop($id, $force_global = false)
        if (!
$this->ws) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No workspace specified'));

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' ';

        if ((
$force_global) || ($this->user_id === null)) {
$strReq .= 'WHERE user_id IS NULL ';
$global = true;
        } else {
$strReq .= "WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->user_id) . "' ";
$global = false;

$strReq .= "AND pref_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";
$strReq .= "AND pref_ws = '" . $this->con->escape($this->ws) . "' ";


        if (
$this->prefExists($id, $global)) {
$array = $global ? 'global' : 'local';
$this->{$array . '_prefs'}[$id]);

$this->prefs = $this->global_prefs;
        foreach (
$this->local_prefs as $id => $v) {
$this->prefs[$id] = $v;

     * Removes every existing specific pref. in a workspace
     * @param      string     $id      Pref ID
     * @param      boolean    $global  Remove global pref too
public function dropEvery($id, $global = false)
        if (!
$this->ws) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No workspace specified'));

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ';
        if (!
$global) {
$strReq .= 'user_id IS NOT NULL AND ';
$strReq .= "pref_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' AND pref_ws = '" . $this->con->escape($this->ws) . "' ";


     * Removes all existing pref. in a Workspace
     * @param      bool       $force_global  Remove global prefs too
     * @throws     Exception
public function dropAll($force_global = false)
        if (!
$this->ws) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No workspace specified'));

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' ';

        if ((
$force_global) || ($this->user_id === null)) {
$strReq .= 'WHERE user_id IS NULL ';
$global = true;
        } else {
$strReq .= "WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->user_id) . "' ";
$global = false;

$strReq .= "AND pref_ws = '" . $this->con->escape($this->ws) . "' ";


$array = $global ? 'global' : 'local';
$this->{$array . '_prefs'});
$this->{$array . '_prefs'} = [];

$array       = $global ? 'local' : 'global';
$this->prefs = $this->{$array . '_prefs'};

     * Dumps a workspace.
     * @return     string
public function dumpWorkspace()

     * Dumps preferences.
     * @return     array
public function dumpPrefs()

     * Dumps local preferences.
     * @return     array
public function dumpLocalPrefs()

     * Dumps global preferences.
     * @return     array
public function dumpGlobalPrefs()