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Root |
 * @brief Themes specific handler
 * Provides an specialized object to handle themes. An instance of this
 * class should be created when needed.
 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Core
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {

dcThemes extends dcModules
    protected static
$type = 'theme';

     * This method registers a theme in modules list. You should use this to
     * register a new theme.
     * <var>$parent</var> is a optional value to indicate them inheritance.
     * If <var>$parent</var> is null / not set, we simply fall back to
     * the standard behavior, by using 'default'.
     * <var>$priority</var> is an integer. Modules are sorted by priority and name.
     * Lowest priority comes first. This property is currently ignored when dealing
     * with themes.
     * @param      string  $name        The name
     * @param      string  $desc        The description
     * @param      string  $author      The author
     * @param      string  $version     The version
     * @param      array   $properties  The properties
public function registerModule($name, $desc, $author, $version, $properties = [])
# Fallback to legacy registerModule parameters
if (!is_array($properties)) {
$args       = func_get_args();
$properties = [];
            if (isset(
$args[4])) {
$properties['parent'] = $args[4];
            if (isset(
$args[5])) {
$properties['priority'] = (int) $args[5];
# Themes specifics properties
$properties = array_merge(
'parent' => null, 'tplset' => DC_DEFAULT_TPLSET],
'permissions' => 'admin']// force themes perms

parent::registerModule($name, $desc, $author, $version, $properties);

    public function
$root = end($this->path); // Use last folder set in folders list (should be only one for theme)
if (!is_dir($root) || !is_readable($root)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('Themes folder unreachable'));
        if (
substr($root, -1) != '/') {
$root .= '/';
        if ((
$d = @dir($root)) === false) {
            throw new
Exception(__('Themes folder unreadable'));

$counter = 0;
$new_dir = sprintf('%s_copy', $this->modules[$id]['root']);
        while (
is_dir($new_dir)) {
$new_dir = sprintf('%s_copy_%s', $this->modules[$id]['root'], ++$counter);
$new_name = $this->modules[$id]['name'] . ($counter ? sprintf(__(' (copy #%s)'), $counter) : __(' (copy)'));

        if (!
is_dir($new_dir)) {
            try {
// Create destination folder named $new_dir in themes folder
files::makeDir($new_dir, false);
// Copy files
$content = files::getDirList($this->modules[$id]['root']);
                foreach (
$content['dirs'] as $dir) {
$rel = substr($dir, strlen($this->modules[$id]['root']));
                    if (
$rel !== '') {
files::makeDir($new_dir . $rel);
                foreach (
$content['files'] as $file) {
$rel = substr($file, strlen($this->modules[$id]['root']));
copy($file, $new_dir . $rel);
                    if (
$rel === '/_define.php') {
$buf = file_get_contents($new_dir . $rel);
// Find offset of registerModule function call
$pos = strpos($buf, '$this->registerModule');
// Change theme name to $new_name in _define.php
if (preg_match('/(\$this->registerModule\(\s*)((\s*|.*)+?)(\s*\);+)/m', $buf, $matches)) {
// Change only first occurence in registerModule parameters (should be the theme name)
$matches[2] = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($this->modules[$id]['name']) . '/', $new_name, $matches[2], 1);
$buf        = substr($buf, 0, $pos) . $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[4];
$buf .= sprintf("\n\n// Cloned on %s from %s theme.\n", date('c'), $this->modules[$id]['name']);
file_put_contents($new_dir . $rel, $buf);
                        } else {
                            throw new
Exception(__('Unable to modify _config.php'));
                    if (
substr($rel, -4) === '.php') {
// Change namespace in *.php
                        // ex: namespace themes\berlin; → namespace themes\berlinClone;
$buf = file_get_contents($new_dir . $rel);
                        if (
preg_match('/^namespace\s*themes\\\([^;].*);$/m', $buf, $matches)) {
$pos     = strpos($buf, $matches[0]);
$rel_dir = substr($new_dir, strlen($root));
$ns      = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', str_replace(['-', '.'], '', ucwords($rel_dir, '_-.')));
$buf     = substr($buf, 0, $pos) .
'namespace themes\\' . $ns . ';' .
substr($buf, $pos + strlen($matches[0]));
file_put_contents($new_dir . $rel, $buf);
            } catch (
Exception $e) {

                throw new
        } else {
            throw new
Exception(__('Destination folder already exist'));

     * Loads namespace <var>$ns</var> specific file for module with ID <var>$id</var>
     * Note: currently, only 'public' namespace is supported with themes.
     * @param      string  $id     Module ID
     * @param      string  $ns     Namespace name
public function loadNsFile($id, $ns = null)
        switch (
$ns) {
$parent = $this->modules[$id]['parent'];
                if (
$parent) {
// This is not a real cascade - since we don't call loadNsFile -,
                    // thus limiting inclusion process.
                    // TODO : See if we have to change this.
$this->loadModuleFile($this->modules[$parent]['root'] . '/_public.php');
$this->loadModuleFile($this->modules[$id]['root'] . '/_public.php');
