* @brief importExport, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugins
* @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
* @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
class dcExportFlat extends dcIeModule
public function setInfo()
$this->type = 'export';
$this->name = __('Flat file export');
$this->description = __('Exports a blog or a full Dotclear installation to flat file.');
public function process($do)
# Export a blog
if ($do == 'export_blog' && $this->core->auth->check('admin', $this->core->blog->id)) {
$fullname = $this->core->blog->public_path . '/.backup_' . sha1(uniqid());
$blog_id = $this->core->con->escape($this->core->blog->id);
try {
$exp = new flatExport($this->core->con, $fullname, $this->core->prefix);
fwrite($exp->fp, '///DOTCLEAR|' . DC_VERSION . "|single\n");
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'category ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "'"
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'link ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "'"
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'setting ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "'"
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'post ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "'"
'SELECT meta_id, meta_type, M.post_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'meta M, ' . $this->core->prefix . 'post P ' .
'WHERE P.post_id = M.post_id ' .
"AND P.blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "'"
'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . "media WHERE media_path = '" .
$this->core->con->escape($this->core->blog->settings->system->public_path) . "'"
'SELECT media_id, M.post_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'post_media M, ' . $this->core->prefix . 'post P ' .
'WHERE P.post_id = M.post_id ' .
"AND P.blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "'"
'SELECT ping.post_id, ping_url, ping_dt ' .
'FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'ping ping, ' . $this->core->prefix . 'post P ' .
'WHERE P.post_id = ping.post_id ' .
"AND P.blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "'"
'SELECT C.* ' .
'FROM ' . $this->core->prefix . 'comment C, ' . $this->core->prefix . 'post P ' .
'WHERE P.post_id = C.post_id ' .
"AND P.blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "'"
# --BEHAVIOR-- exportSingle
$this->core->callBehavior('exportSingle', $this->core, $exp, $blog_id);
$_SESSION['export_file'] = $fullname;
$_SESSION['export_filename'] = $_POST['file_name'];
$_SESSION['export_filezip'] = !empty($_POST['file_zip']);
http::redirect($this->getURL() . '&do=ok');
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
# Export all content
if ($do == 'export_all' && $this->core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
$fullname = $this->core->blog->public_path . '/.backup_' . sha1(uniqid());
try {
$exp = new flatExport($this->core->con, $fullname, $this->core->prefix);
fwrite($exp->fp, '///DOTCLEAR|' . DC_VERSION . "|full\n");
# --BEHAVIOR-- exportFull
$this->core->callBehavior('exportFull', $this->core, $exp);
$_SESSION['export_file'] = $fullname;
$_SESSION['export_filename'] = $_POST['file_name'];
$_SESSION['export_filezip'] = !empty($_POST['file_zip']);
http::redirect($this->getURL() . '&do=ok');
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
# Send file content
if ($do == 'ok') {
if (!file_exists($_SESSION['export_file'])) {
throw new Exception(__('Export file not found.'));
if (substr($_SESSION['export_filename'], -4) == '.zip') {
$_SESSION['export_filename'] = substr($_SESSION['export_filename'], 0, -4); //.'.txt';
# Flat export
if (empty($_SESSION['export_filezip'])) {
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=' . $_SESSION['export_filename']);
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
unset($_SESSION['export_file'], $_SESSION['export_filename'], $_SESSION['export_filezip']);
# Zip export
try {
$file_zipname = $_SESSION['export_filename'] . '.zip';
$fp = fopen('php://output', 'wb');
$zip = new fileZip($fp);
$zip->addFile($_SESSION['export_file'], $_SESSION['export_filename']);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=' . $file_zipname);
header('Content-Type: application/x-zip');
unset($zip, $_SESSION['export_file'], $_SESSION['export_filename'], $file_zipname);
} catch (Exception $e) {
unset($zip, $_SESSION['export_file'], $_SESSION['export_filename'], $file_zipname);
throw new Exception(__('Failed to compress export file.'));
public function gui()
'<form action="' . $this->getURL(true) . '" method="post" class="fieldset">' .
'<h3>' . __('Single blog') . '</h3>' .
'<p>' . sprintf(__('This will create an export of your current blog: %s'), '<strong>' . html::escapeHTML($this->core->blog->name)) . '</strong>.</p>' .
'<p><label for="file_name">' . __('File name:') . '</label>' .
form::field('file_name', 50, 255, date('Y-m-d-H-i-') . html::escapeHTML($this->core->blog->id . '-backup.txt')) .
'</p>' .
'<p><label for="file_zip" class="classic">' .
form::checkbox(['file_zip', 'file_zip'], 1) . ' ' .
__('Compress file') . '</label>' .
'</p>' .
'<p class="zip-dl"><a href="' . $this->core->decode('admin.media', ['d' => '', 'zipdl' => '1']) . '">' .
__('You may also want to download your media directory as a zip file') . '</a></p>' .
'<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Export') . '" />' .
form::hidden(['do'], 'export_blog') .
$this->core->formNonce() . '</p>' .
if ($this->core->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
'<form action="' . $this->getURL(true) . '" method="post" class="fieldset">' .
'<h3>' . __('Multiple blogs') . '</h3>' .
'<p>' . __('This will create an export of all the content of your database.') . '</p>' .
'<p><label for="file_name2">' . __('File name:') . '</label>' .
form::field(['file_name', 'file_name2'], 50, 255, date('Y-m-d-H-i-') . 'dotclear-backup.txt') .
'</p>' .
'<p><label for="file_zip2" class="classic">' .
form::checkbox(['file_zip', 'file_zip2'], 1) . ' ' .
__('Compress file') . '</label>' .
'</p>' .
'<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Export') . '" />' .
form::hidden(['do'], 'export_all') .
$this->core->formNonce() . '</p>' .