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 * @brief Dotclear core class
 * True to its name dcCore is the core of Dotclear. It handles everything related
 * to blogs, database connection, plugins...
 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Core
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
class dcCore
$con;        ///< <b>connection</b>          Database connection object
public $prefix;     ///< <b>string</b>              Database tables prefix
public $blog;       ///< <b>dcBlog</b>              dcBlog object
public $error;      ///< <b>dcError</b>             dcError object
public $auth;       ///< <b>dcAuth</b>              dcAuth object
public $session;    ///< <b>sessionDB</b>           sessionDB object
public $url;        ///< <b>urlHandler</b>          urlHandler object
public $wiki2xhtml; ///< <b>wiki2xhtml</b>          wiki2xhtml object
public $plugins;    ///< <b>dcModules</b>           dcModules object
public $themes;     ///< <b>dcThemes</b>            dcThemes object
public $media;      ///< <b>dcMedia</b>             dcMedia object
public $postmedia;  ///< <b>dcPostMedia</b>         dcPostMedia object
public $rest;       ///< <b>dcRestServer</b>        dcRestServer object
public $log;        ///< <b>dcLog</b>               dcLog object
public $stime;      ///< <b>float</b>               starting time
public $meta;       ///< <b>dcMeta</b>              dcMeta object

public $adminurl;   ///< <b>dcAdminURL</b>          dcAdminURL object
public $notices;    ///< <b>dcAdminNotices</b>      dcNotices object
public $favs;       ///< <b>dcFavorites</b>         dcFavorites object

private $versions   = null;
$formaters  = [];
$behaviors  = [];
$post_types = [];

     * dcCore constructor inits everything related to Dotclear. It takes arguments
     * to init database connection.
     * @param      string  $driver    The db driver
     * @param      string  $host      The db host
     * @param      string  $db        The db name
     * @param      string  $user      The db user
     * @param      string  $password  The db password
     * @param      string  $prefix    The tables prefix
     * @param      bool    $persist   Persistent database connection
public function __construct($driver, $host, $db, $user, $password, $prefix, $persist)
        if (
defined('DC_START_TIME')) {
$this->stime = DC_START_TIME;
        } else {
$this->stime = microtime(true);

$this->con = dbLayer::init($driver, $host, $db, $user, $password, $persist);

# define weak_locks for mysql
if ($this->con instanceof mysqliConnection) {
mysqliConnection::$weak_locks = true;
        } elseif (
$this->con instanceof mysqlimb4Connection) {
mysqlimb4Connection::$weak_locks = true;

# define searchpath for postgresql
if ($this->con instanceof pgsqlConnection) {
$searchpath = explode('.', $prefix, 2);
            if (
count($searchpath) > 1) {
$prefix = $searchpath[1];
$sql    = 'SET search_path TO ' . $searchpath[0] . ',public;';

$this->prefix = $prefix;

        if (!
is_null($ttl)) {   // @phpstan-ignore-line
if (substr(trim((string) $ttl), 0, 1) != '-') {
// Clearbricks requires negative session TTL
$ttl = '-' . trim((string) $ttl);

$this->error   = new dcError();
$this->auth    = $this->authInstance();
$this->session = new sessionDB($this->con, $this->prefix . 'session', DC_SESSION_NAME, '', null, DC_ADMIN_SSL, $ttl);
$this->url     = new dcUrlHandlers();

$this->plugins = new dcPlugins($this);

$this->rest = new dcRestServer($this);

$this->meta = new dcMeta($this);

$this->log = new dcLog($this);

    private function
# You can set DC_AUTH_CLASS to whatever you want.
        # Your new class *should* inherits dcAuth.
if (!defined('DC_AUTH_CLASS')) {
$c = 'dcAuth';
        } else {

        if (!
class_exists($c)) {
            throw new
Exception('Authentication class ' . $c . ' does not exist.');

        if (
$c != 'dcAuth' && !is_subclass_of($c, 'dcAuth')) {
            throw new
Exception('Authentication class ' . $c . ' does not inherit dcAuth.');

        return new

/// @name Blog init methods
     * Sets the blog to use.
     * @param      string  $id     The blog ID
public function setBlog($id)
$this->blog = new dcBlog($this, $id);

     * Unsets blog property
public function unsetBlog()
$this->blog = null;

    /// @name Blog status methods
     * Gets all blog status.
     * @return     array  An array of available blog status codes and names.
public function getAllBlogStatus()
        return [
1  => __('online'),
0  => __('offline'),
1 => __('removed'),

     * Returns a blog status name given to a code. This is intended to be
     * human-readable and will be translated, so never use it for tests.
     * If status code does not exist, returns <i>offline</i>.
     * @param      integer  $s      Status code
     * @return     string   The blog status name.
public function getBlogStatus($s)
$r = $this->getAllBlogStatus();
        if (isset(
$r[$s])) {


    /// @name Admin nonce secret methods

     * Gets the nonce.
     * @return     string  The nonce.
public function getNonce()

     * Check the nonce
     * @param      string  $secret  The nonce
     * @return     bool
public function checkNonce($secret)
// 40 alphanumeric characters min
if (!preg_match('/^([0-9a-f]{40,})$/i', $secret)) {

$secret == $this->auth->cryptLegacy(session_id());

     * Get the nonce HTML code
     * @return     mixed
public function formNonce()
        if (!
session_id()) {

form::hidden(['xd_check'], $this->getNonce());

    /// @name Text Formatters methods
     * Adds a new text formater which will call the function <var>$func</var> to
     * transform text. The function must be a valid callback and takes one
     * argument: the string to transform. It returns the transformed string.
     * @param      string    $editor_id  The editor identifier (dcLegacyEditor, dcCKEditor, ...)
     * @param      string    $name       The formater name
     * @param      callable  $func       The function to use, must be a valid and callable callback
public function addEditorFormater($editor_id, $name, $func)
        if (
is_callable($func)) {
$this->formaters[$editor_id][$name] = $func;

/// @name Text Formatters methods
    Adds a new text formater which will call the function <var>$func</var> to
    transform text. The function must be a valid callback and takes one
    argument: the string to transform. It returns the transformed string.

    @param    name        <b>string</b>        Formater name
    @param    func        <b>callback</b>    Function to use, must be a valid and callable callback

     * Adds a new dcLegacyEditor text formater which will call the function
     * <var>$func</var> to transform text. The function must be a valid callback
     * and takes one argument: the string to transform. It returns the transformed string.
     * @param      string    $name       The formater name
     * @param      callable  $func       The function to use, must be a valid and callable callback
public function addFormater($name, $func)
$this->addEditorFormater('dcLegacyEditor', $name, $func);

     * Gets the editors list.
     * @return     array  The editors.
public function getEditors()
$editors = [];

        foreach (
array_keys($this->formaters) as $editor_id) {
$editors[$editor_id] = $this->plugins->moduleInfo($editor_id, 'name');


    Returns formaters list by editor

    @param    editor_id    <b>string</b>    Editor id
    @return    <b>array</b> An array of formaters names in values.

     * Gets the formaters.
     * if @param editor_id is empty:
     * return all formaters sorted by actives editors
     * if @param editor_id is not empty
     * return formaters for an editor if editor is active
     * return empty() array if editor is not active.
     * It can happens when a user choose an editor and admin deactivate that editor later
     * @param      string  $editor_id  The editor identifier (dcLegacyEditor, dcCKEditor, ...)
     * @return     array   The formaters.
public function getFormaters($editor_id = '')
$formaters_list = [];

        if (!empty(
$editor_id)) {
            if (isset(
$this->formaters[$editor_id])) {
$formaters_list = array_keys($this->formaters[$editor_id]);
        } else {
            foreach (
$this->formaters as $editor => $formaters) {
$formaters_list[$editor] = array_keys($formaters);


     * If <var>$name</var> is a valid formater, it returns <var>$str</var>
     * transformed using that formater.
     * @param      string  $editor_id  The editor identifier (dcLegacyEditor, dcCKEditor, ...)
     * @param      string  $name       The formater name
     * @param      string  $str        The string to transform
     * @return     string
public function callEditorFormater($editor_id, $name, $str)
        if (isset(
$this->formaters[$editor_id]) && isset($this->formaters[$editor_id][$name])) {
call_user_func($this->formaters[$editor_id][$name], $str);
// Fallback with another editor if possible
foreach ($this->formaters as $editor => $formaters) {
            if (
array_key_exists($name, $formaters)) {
call_user_func($this->formaters[$editor][$name], $str);


     * If <var>$name</var> is a valid dcLegacyEditor formater, it returns
     * <var>$str</var> transformed using that formater.
     * @param      string  $name   The name
     * @param      string  $str    The string
     * @return     string
public function callFormater($name, $str)
$this->callEditorFormater('dcLegacyEditor', $name, $str);

    /// @name Behaviors methods
     * Adds a new behavior to behaviors stack. <var>$func</var> must be a valid
     * and callable callback.
     * @param      string    $behavior  The behavior
     * @param      callable  $func      The function
public function addBehavior($behavior, $func)
        if (
is_callable($func)) {
$this->behaviors[$behavior][] = $func;

     * Determines if behavior exists in behaviors stack.
     * @param      string  $behavior  The behavior
     * @return     bool    True if behavior exists, False otherwise.
public function hasBehavior($behavior)
        return isset(

     * Gets the behaviors stack (or part of).
     * @param      string  $behavior  The behavior
     * @return     mixed   The behaviors.
public function getBehaviors($behavior = '')
        if (empty(
$this->behaviors)) {

        if (
$behavior == '') {
        } elseif (isset(
$this->behaviors[$behavior])) {

        return [];

     * Calls every function in behaviors stack for a given behavior and returns
     * concatened result of each function.
     * Every parameters added after <var>$behavior</var> will be pass to
     * behavior calls.
     * @param      string  $behavior  The behavior
     * @param      mixed   ...$args   The arguments
     * @return     mixed   Behavior concatened result
public function callBehavior($behavior, ...$args)
        if (isset(
$this->behaviors[$behavior])) {
$res = '';

            foreach (
$this->behaviors[$behavior] as $f) {
$res .= call_user_func_array($f, $args);


    /// @name Post types URLs management

     * Gets the post admin url.
     * @param      string  $type     The type
     * @param      mixed   $post_id  The post identifier
     * @param      bool    $escaped  Escape the URL
     * @return     string    The post admin url.
public function getPostAdminURL($type, $post_id, $escaped = true)
        if (!isset(
$this->post_types[$type])) {
$type = 'post';

$url = sprintf($this->post_types[$type]['admin_url'], $post_id);

$escaped ? html::escapeURL($url) : $url;

     * Gets the post public url.
     * @param      string  $type      The type
     * @param      string  $post_url  The post url
     * @param      bool    $escaped   Escape the URL
     * @return     string    The post public url.
public function getPostPublicURL($type, $post_url, $escaped = true)
        if (!isset(
$this->post_types[$type])) {
$type = 'post';

$url = sprintf($this->post_types[$type]['public_url'], $post_url);

$escaped ? html::escapeURL($url) : $url;

     * Sets the post type.
     * @param      string  $type        The type
     * @param      string  $admin_url   The admin url
     * @param      string  $public_url  The public url
     * @param      string  $label       The label
public function setPostType($type, $admin_url, $public_url, $label = '')
$this->post_types[$type] = [
'admin_url'  => $admin_url,
'public_url' => $public_url,
'label'      => ($label != '' ? $label : $type),

     * Gets the post types.
     * @return     array  The post types.
public function getPostTypes()

    /// @name Versions management methods
     * Gets the version of a module.
     * @param      string  $module  The module
     * @return     mixed  The version.
public function getVersion($module = 'core')
# Fetch versions if needed
if (!is_array($this->versions)) {
$strReq = 'SELECT module, version FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'version';
$rs     = $this->con->select($strReq);

            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$this->versions[$rs->module] = $rs->version;

        if (isset(
$this->versions[$module])) {

     * Sets the version of a module.
     * @param      string  $module   The module
     * @param      string  $version  The version
public function setVersion($module, $version)
$cur_version = $this->getVersion($module);

$cur          = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'version');
$cur->module  = (string) $module;
$cur->version = (string) $version;

        if (
$cur_version === null) {
        } else {
$cur->update("WHERE module='" . $this->con->escape($module) . "'");

$this->versions[$module] = $version;

     * Remove a module version entry
     * @param      string  $module  The module
public function delVersion($module)
$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'version ' .
"WHERE module = '" . $this->con->escape($module) . "' ";


        if (
is_array($this->versions)) {


    /// @name Users management methods
     * Gets the user by its ID.
     * @param      string  $id     The identifier
     * @return     record  The user.
public function getUser($id)
$params['user_id'] = $id;


     * Returns a users list. <b>$params</b> is an array with the following
     * optionnal parameters:
     * - <var>q</var>: search string (on user_id, user_name, user_firstname)
     * - <var>user_id</var>: user ID
     * - <var>order</var>: ORDER BY clause (default: user_id ASC)
     * - <var>limit</var>: LIMIT clause (should be an array ![limit,offset])
     * @param      array|ArrayObject    $params      The parameters
     * @param      bool                 $count_only  Count only results
     * @return     record  The users.
public function getUsers($params = [], $count_only = false)
        if (
$count_only) {
$strReq = 'SELECT count(U.user_id) ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'user U ' .
        } else {
$strReq = 'SELECT U.user_id,user_super,user_status,user_pwd,user_change_pwd,' .
'user_name,user_firstname,user_displayname,user_email,user_url,' .
'user_desc, user_lang,user_tz, user_post_status,user_options, ' .
'count(P.post_id) AS nb_post ';
            if (!empty(
$params['columns'])) {
$strReq .= ',';
                if (
is_array($params['columns'])) {
$strReq .= implode(',', $params['columns']);
                } else {
$strReq .= $params['columns'];
$strReq .= ' ';
$strReq .= 'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'user U ' .
'LEFT JOIN ' . $this->prefix . 'post P ON U.user_id = P.user_id ' .

        if (!empty(
$params['q'])) {
$q = $this->con->escape(str_replace('*', '%', strtolower($params['q'])));
$strReq .= 'AND (' .
"LOWER(U.user_id) LIKE '" . $q . "' " .
"OR LOWER(user_name) LIKE '" . $q . "' " .
"OR LOWER(user_firstname) LIKE '" . $q . "' " .
') ';

        if (!empty(
$params['user_id'])) {
$strReq .= "AND U.user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($params['user_id']) . "' ";

        if (!
$count_only) {
$strReq .= 'GROUP BY U.user_id,user_super,user_status,user_pwd,user_change_pwd,' .
'user_name,user_firstname,user_displayname,user_email,user_url,' .
'user_desc, user_lang,user_tz,user_post_status,user_options ';

            if (!empty(
$params['order'])) {
                if (
preg_match('`^([^. ]+) (?:asc|desc)`i', $params['order'], $matches)) {
                    if (
in_array($matches[1], ['user_id', 'user_name', 'user_firstname', 'user_displayname'])) {
$table_prefix = 'U.';
                    } else {
$table_prefix = ''; // order = nb_post (asc|desc)
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY ' . $table_prefix . $this->con->escape($params['order']) . ' ';
                } else {
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY ' . $this->con->escape($params['order']) . ' ';
            } else {
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY U.user_id ASC ';

        if (!
$count_only && !empty($params['limit'])) {
$strReq .= $this->con->limit($params['limit']);
$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);


     * Adds a new user. Takes a cursor as input and returns the new user ID.
     * @param      cursor     $cur    The user cursor
     * @throws     Exception
     * @return     string
public function addUser($cur)
        if (!
$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not an administrator'));

        if (
$cur->user_id == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('No user ID given'));

        if (
$cur->user_pwd == '') {
            throw new
Exception(__('No password given'));


        if (
$cur->user_creadt === null) {
$cur->user_creadt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');




     * Updates an existing user. Returns the user ID.
     * @param      string     $id     The user identifier
     * @param      cursor     $cur    The cursor
     * @throws     Exception
     * @return     string
public function updUser($id, $cur)

        if ((
$cur->user_id !== null || $id != $this->auth->userID()) && !$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not an administrator'));

$cur->update("WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ");

$this->auth->afterUpdUser($id, $cur);

        if (
$cur->user_id !== null) {
$id = $cur->user_id;

# Updating all user's blogs
$rs = $this->con->select(
'SELECT DISTINCT(blog_id) FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
"WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' "

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$b = new dcBlog($this, $rs->blog_id);


     * Deletes a user.
     * @param      string     $id     The user identifier
     * @throws     Exception
public function delUser($id)
        if (!
$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not an administrator'));

        if (
$id == $this->auth->userID()) {

$rs = $this->getUser($id);

        if (
$rs->nb_post > 0) {

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'user ' .
"WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";



     * Determines if user exists.
     * @param      string  $id     The identifier
     * @return      bool  True if user exists, False otherwise.
public function userExists($id)
$strReq = 'SELECT user_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'user ' .
"WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

        return !

     * Returns all user permissions as an array which looks like:
     * - [blog_id]
     * - [name] => Blog name
     * - [url] => Blog URL
     * - [p]
     * - [permission] => true
     * - ...
     * @param      string  $id     The user identifier
     * @return     array   The user permissions.
public function getUserPermissions($id)
$strReq = 'SELECT B.blog_id, blog_name, blog_url, permissions ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'permissions P ' .
'INNER JOIN ' . $this->prefix . 'blog B ON P.blog_id = B.blog_id ' .
"WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

$res = [];

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$res[$rs->blog_id] = [
'name' => $rs->blog_name,
'url'  => $rs->blog_url,
'p'    => $this->auth->parsePermissions($rs->permissions),


     * Sets user permissions. The <var>$perms</var> array looks like:
     * - [blog_id] => '|perm1|perm2|'
     * - ...
     * @param      string     $id     The user identifier
     * @param      array      $perms  The permissions
     * @throws     Exception
public function setUserPermissions($id, $perms)
        if (!
$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not an administrator'));

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'permissions ' .
"WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";


        foreach (
$perms as $blog_id => $p) {
$this->setUserBlogPermissions($id, $blog_id, $p, false);

     * Sets the user blog permissions.
     * @param      string     $id            The user identifier
     * @param      string     $blog_id       The blog identifier
     * @param      array      $perms         The permissions
     * @param      bool       $delete_first  Delete permissions first
     * @throws     Exception  (description)
public function setUserBlogPermissions($id, $blog_id, $perms, $delete_first = true)
        if (!
$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not an administrator'));

$no_perm = empty($perms);

$perms = '|' . implode('|', array_keys($perms)) . '|';

$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'permissions');

$cur->user_id     = (string) $id;
$cur->blog_id     = (string) $blog_id;
$cur->permissions = $perms;

        if (
$delete_first || $no_perm) {
$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'permissions ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($blog_id) . "' " .
"AND user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";


        if (!
$no_perm) {

     * Sets the user default blog. This blog will be selected when user log in.
     * @param      string  $id       The user identifier
     * @param      string  $blog_id  The blog identifier
public function setUserDefaultBlog($id, $blog_id)
$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'user');

$cur->user_default_blog = (string) $blog_id;

$cur->update("WHERE user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "'");

     * Gets the user cursor.
     * @param      cursor     $cur    The user cursor
     * @throws     Exception
private function getUserCursor($cur)
        if (
            && !
preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9@._-]{2,}$/', $cur->user_id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('User ID must contain at least 2 characters using letters, numbers or symbols.'));

        if (
$cur->user_url !== null && $cur->user_url != '') {
            if (!
preg_match('|^http(s?)://|', $cur->user_url)) {
$cur->user_url = 'http://' . $cur->user_url;

        if (
$cur->isField('user_pwd')) {
            if (
strlen($cur->user_pwd) < 6) {
                throw new
Exception(__('Password must contain at least 6 characters.'));
$cur->user_pwd = $this->auth->crypt($cur->user_pwd);

        if (
$cur->user_lang !== null && !preg_match('/^[a-z]{2}(-[a-z]{2})?$/', $cur->user_lang)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('Invalid user language code'));

        if (
$cur->user_upddt === null) {
$cur->user_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

        if (
$cur->user_options !== null) {
$cur->user_options = serialize((array) $cur->user_options);

     * Returns user default settings in an associative array with setting names in keys.
     * @return     array
public function userDefaults()
        return [
'edit_size'      => 24,
'enable_wysiwyg' => true,
'toolbar_bottom' => false,
'editor'         => ['xhtml' => 'dcCKEditor', 'wiki' => 'dcLegacyEditor'],
'post_format'    => 'xhtml',

    /// @name Blog management methods
     * Returns all blog permissions (users) as an array which looks like:
     * - [user_id]
     * - [name] => User name
     * - [firstname] => User firstname
     * - [displayname] => User displayname
     * - [super] => (true|false) super admin
     * - [p]
     * - [permission] => true
     * - ...
     * @param      string  $id          The blog identifier
     * @param      bool    $with_super  Includes super admins in result
     * @return     array   The blog permissions.
public function getBlogPermissions($id, $with_super = true)
$strReq = 'SELECT U.user_id AS user_id, user_super, user_name, user_firstname, ' .
'user_displayname, user_email, permissions ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'user U ' .
'JOIN ' . $this->prefix . 'permissions P ON U.user_id = P.user_id ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";

        if (
$with_super) {
$strReq .= 'UNION ' .
'SELECT U.user_id AS user_id, user_super, user_name, user_firstname, ' .
'user_displayname, user_email, NULL AS permissions ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'user U ' .
'WHERE user_super = 1 ';

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

$res = [];

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$res[$rs->user_id] = [
'name'        => $rs->user_name,
'firstname'   => $rs->user_firstname,
'displayname' => $rs->user_displayname,
'email'       => $rs->user_email,
'super'       => (bool) $rs->user_super,
'p'           => $this->auth->parsePermissions($rs->permissions),


     * Gets the blog.
     * @param      string  $id     The blog identifier
     * @return     mixed    The blog.
public function getBlog($id)
$blog = $this->getBlogs(['blog_id' => $id]);

        if (
$blog->isEmpty()) {


     * Returns a record of blogs. <b>$params</b> is an array with the following
     * optionnal parameters:
     * - <var>blog_id</var>: Blog ID
     * - <var>q</var>: Search string on blog_id, blog_name and blog_url
     * - <var>limit</var>: limit results
     * @param      array|ArrayObject    $params      The parameters
     * @param      bool                 $count_only  Count only results
     * @return     record  The blogs.
public function getBlogs($params = [], $count_only = false)
$join  = ''; // %1$s
$where = ''; // %2$s

if ($count_only) {
$strReq = 'SELECT count(B.blog_id) ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'blog B ' .
'%1$s ' .
'%2$s ';
        } else {
$strReq = 'SELECT B.blog_id, blog_uid, blog_url, blog_name, blog_desc, blog_creadt, ' .
'blog_upddt, blog_status ';
            if (!empty(
$params['columns'])) {
$strReq .= ',';
                if (
is_array($params['columns'])) {
$strReq .= implode(',', $params['columns']);
                } else {
$strReq .= $params['columns'];
$strReq .= ' ';
$strReq .= 'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'blog B ' .
'%1$s ' .
'%2$s ';

            if (!empty(
$params['order'])) {
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY ' . $this->con->escape($params['order']) . ' ';
            } else {
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY B.blog_id ASC ';

            if (!empty(
$params['limit'])) {
$strReq .= $this->con->limit($params['limit']);

        if (
$this->auth->userID() && !$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
$join  = 'INNER JOIN ' . $this->prefix . 'permissions PE ON B.blog_id = PE.blog_id ';
$where = "AND PE.user_id = '" . $this->con->escape($this->auth->userID()) . "' " .
"AND (permissions LIKE '%|usage|%' OR permissions LIKE '%|admin|%' OR permissions LIKE '%|contentadmin|%') " .
'AND blog_status IN (1,0) ';
        } elseif (!
$this->auth->userID()) {
$where = 'AND blog_status IN (1,0) ';

        if (isset(
$params['blog_status']) && $params['blog_status'] !== '' && $this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
$where .= 'AND blog_status = ' . (int) $params['blog_status'] . ' ';

        if (isset(
$params['blog_id']) && $params['blog_id'] !== '') {
            if (!
is_array($params['blog_id'])) {
$params['blog_id'] = [$params['blog_id']];
$where .= 'AND B.blog_id ' . $this->con->in($params['blog_id']);

        if (!empty(
$params['q'])) {
$params['q'] = strtolower(str_replace('*', '%', $params['q']));
$where .= 'AND (' .
"LOWER(B.blog_id) LIKE '" . $this->con->escape($params['q']) . "' " .
"OR LOWER(B.blog_name) LIKE '" . $this->con->escape($params['q']) . "' " .
"OR LOWER(B.blog_url) LIKE '" . $this->con->escape($params['q']) . "' " .
') ';

$strReq = sprintf($strReq, $join, $where);


     * Adds a new blog.
     * @param      cursor     $cur    The blog cursor
     * @throws     Exception
public function addBlog($cur)
        if (!
$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not an administrator'));


$cur->blog_creadt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->blog_upddt  = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->blog_uid    = md5(uniqid());


     * Updates a given blog.
     * @param      string  $id     The blog identifier
     * @param      cursor  $cur    The cursor
public function updBlog($id, $cur)

$cur->blog_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

$cur->update("WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "'");

     * Gets the blog cursor.
     * @param      cursor  $cur    The cursor
     * @throws     Exception
private function getBlogCursor($cur)
        if ((
$cur->blog_id !== null
&& !preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9._-]{2,}$/', $cur->blog_id)) || (!$cur->blog_id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('Blog ID must contain at least 2 characters using letters, numbers or symbols.'));

        if ((
$cur->blog_name !== null && $cur->blog_name == '') || (!$cur->blog_name)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No blog name'));

        if ((
$cur->blog_url !== null && $cur->blog_url == '') || (!$cur->blog_url)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('No blog URL'));

        if (
$cur->blog_desc !== null) {
$cur->blog_desc = html::clean($cur->blog_desc);

     * Removes a given blog.
     * @warning This will remove everything related to the blog (posts,
     * categories, comments, links...)
     * @param      string     $id     The blog identifier
     * @throws     Exception
public function delBlog($id)
        if (!
$this->auth->isSuperAdmin()) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not an administrator'));

$strReq = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'blog ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";


     * Determines if blog exists.
     * @param      string  $id     The blog identifier
     * @return     bool  True if blog exists, False otherwise.
public function blogExists($id)
$strReq = 'SELECT blog_id ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'blog ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

        return !

     * Counts the number of blog posts.
     * @param      string  $id     The blog identifier
     * @param      mixed   $type   The post type
     * @return     integer  Number of blog posts.
public function countBlogPosts($id, $type = null)
$strReq = 'SELECT COUNT(post_id) ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $this->con->escape($id) . "' ";

        if (
$type) {
$strReq .= "AND post_type = '" . $this->con->escape($type) . "' ";


    /// @name HTML Filter methods
     * Calls HTML filter to drop bad tags and produce valid XHTML output (if
     * tidy extension is present). If <b>enable_html_filter</b> blog setting is
     * false, returns not filtered string.
     * @param      string  $str    The string
     * @return     string
public function HTMLfilter($str)
        if (
$this->blog instanceof dcBlog && !$this->blog->settings->system->enable_html_filter) {

$options = new ArrayObject([
'keep_aria' => false,
'keep_data' => false,
'keep_js'   => false,
$this->callBehavior('HTMLfilter', $options);

$filter = new htmlFilter($options['keep_aria'], $options['keep_data'], $options['keep_js']);
$str    = trim($filter->apply($str));


    /// @name wiki2xhtml methods

     * Initializes the wiki2xhtml methods.
private function initWiki()
$this->wiki2xhtml = new wiki2xhtml();

     * Returns a transformed string with wiki2xhtml.
     * @param      string  $str    The string
     * @return     string
public function wikiTransform($str)
        if (!(
$this->wiki2xhtml instanceof wiki2xhtml)) {


     * Inits <var>wiki2xhtml</var> property for blog post.
public function initWikiPost()

'active_title'        => 1,
'active_setext_title' => 0,
'active_hr'           => 1,
'active_lists'        => 1,
'active_defl'         => 1,
'active_quote'        => 1,
'active_pre'          => 1,
'active_empty'        => 1,
'active_auto_urls'    => 0,
'active_auto_br'      => 0,
'active_antispam'     => 1,
'active_urls'         => 1,
'active_auto_img'     => 0,
'active_img'          => 1,
'active_anchor'       => 1,
'active_em'           => 1,
'active_strong'       => 1,
'active_br'           => 1,
'active_q'            => 1,
'active_code'         => 1,
'active_acronym'      => 1,
'active_ins'          => 1,
'active_del'          => 1,
'active_footnotes'    => 1,
'active_wikiwords'    => 0,
'active_macros'       => 1,
'active_mark'         => 1,
'active_aside'        => 1,
'active_sup'          => 1,
'active_sub'          => 1,
'active_i'            => 1,
'active_span'         => 1,
'parse_pre'           => 1,
'active_fr_syntax'    => 0,
'first_title_level'   => 3,
'note_prefix'         => 'wiki-footnote',
'note_str'            => '<div class="footnotes"><h4>Notes</h4>%s</div>',
'img_style_center'    => 'display:table; margin:0 auto;',

$this->wiki2xhtml->registerFunction('url:post', [$this, 'wikiPostLink']);

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreWikiPostInit
$this->callBehavior('coreInitWikiPost', $this->wiki2xhtml);

     * Inits <var>wiki2xhtml</var> property for simple blog comment (basic syntax).
public function initWikiSimpleComment()

'active_title'        => 0,
'active_setext_title' => 0,
'active_hr'           => 0,
'active_lists'        => 0,
'active_defl'         => 0,
'active_quote'        => 0,
'active_pre'          => 0,
'active_empty'        => 0,
'active_auto_urls'    => 1,
'active_auto_br'      => 1,
'active_antispam'     => 1,
'active_urls'         => 0,
'active_auto_img'     => 0,
'active_img'          => 0,
'active_anchor'       => 0,
'active_em'           => 0,
'active_strong'       => 0,
'active_br'           => 0,
'active_q'            => 0,
'active_code'         => 0,
'active_acronym'      => 0,
'active_ins'          => 0,
'active_del'          => 0,
'active_inline_html'  => 0,
'active_footnotes'    => 0,
'active_wikiwords'    => 0,
'active_macros'       => 0,
'active_mark'         => 0,
'active_aside'        => 0,
'active_sup'          => 0,
'active_sub'          => 0,
'active_i'            => 0,
'active_span'         => 0,
'parse_pre'           => 0,
'active_fr_syntax'    => 0,

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreInitWikiSimpleComment
$this->callBehavior('coreInitWikiSimpleComment', $this->wiki2xhtml);

     * Inits <var>wiki2xhtml</var> property for blog comment.
public function initWikiComment()

'active_title'        => 0,
'active_setext_title' => 0,
'active_hr'           => 0,
'active_lists'        => 1,
'active_defl'         => 0,
'active_quote'        => 1,
'active_pre'          => 1,
'active_empty'        => 0,
'active_auto_br'      => 1,
'active_auto_urls'    => 1,
'active_urls'         => 1,
'active_auto_img'     => 0,
'active_img'          => 0,
'active_anchor'       => 0,
'active_em'           => 1,
'active_strong'       => 1,
'active_br'           => 1,
'active_q'            => 1,
'active_code'         => 1,
'active_acronym'      => 1,
'active_ins'          => 1,
'active_del'          => 1,
'active_footnotes'    => 0,
'active_inline_html'  => 0,
'active_wikiwords'    => 0,
'active_macros'       => 0,
'active_mark'         => 1,
'active_aside'        => 0,
'active_sup'          => 1,
'active_sub'          => 1,
'active_i'            => 1,
'active_span'         => 0,
'parse_pre'           => 0,
'active_fr_syntax'    => 0,

# --BEHAVIOR-- coreInitWikiComment
$this->callBehavior('coreInitWikiComment', $this->wiki2xhtml);

     * Get info about a post:id wiki macro
     * @param      string  $url      The post url
     * @param      string  $content  The content
     * @return     array
public function wikiPostLink($url, $content)
        if (!(
$this->blog instanceof dcBlog)) {
            return [];

$post_id = abs((int) substr($url, 5));
        if (!
$post_id) {
            return [];

$post = $this->blog->getPosts(['post_id' => $post_id]);
        if (
$post->isEmpty()) {
            return [];

$res        = ['url' => $post->getURL()];
$post_title = $post->post_title;

        if (
$content != $url) {
$res['title'] = html::escapeHTML($post->post_title);

        if (
$content == '' || $content == $url) {
$res['content'] = html::escapeHTML($post->post_title);

        if (
$post->post_lang) {
$res['lang'] = $post->post_lang;


    /// @name Maintenance methods
     * Creates default settings for active blog. Optionnal parameter
     * <var>defaults</var> replaces default params while needed.
     * @param      array  $defaults  The defaults settings
public function blogDefaults($defaults = null)
        if (!
is_array($defaults)) {
$defaults = [
'allow_comments', 'boolean', true,
'Allow comments on blog', ],
'allow_trackbacks', 'boolean', true,
'Allow trackbacks on blog', ],
'blog_timezone', 'string', 'Europe/London',
'Blog timezone', ],
'comments_nofollow', 'boolean', true,
'Add rel="nofollow" to comments URLs', ],
'comments_pub', 'boolean', true,
'Publish comments immediately', ],
'comments_ttl', 'integer', 0,
'Number of days to keep comments open (0 means no ttl)', ],
'copyright_notice', 'string', '', 'Copyright notice (simple text)'],
'date_format', 'string', '%A, %B %e %Y',
'Date format. See PHP strftime function for patterns', ],
'editor', 'string', '',
'Person responsible of the content', ],
'enable_html_filter', 'boolean', 0,
'Enable HTML filter', ],
'enable_xmlrpc', 'boolean', 0,
'Enable XML/RPC interface', ],
'lang', 'string', 'en',
'Default blog language', ],
'media_exclusion', 'string', '/\.(phps?|pht(ml)?|phl|.?html?|xml|js|htaccess)[0-9]*$/i',
'File name exclusion pattern in media manager. (PCRE value)', ],
'media_img_m_size', 'integer', 448,
'Image medium size in media manager', ],
'media_img_s_size', 'integer', 240,
'Image small size in media manager', ],
'media_img_t_size', 'integer', 100,
'Image thumbnail size in media manager', ],
'media_img_title_pattern', 'string', 'Title ;; Date(%b %Y) ;; separator(, )',
'Pattern to set image title when you insert it in a post', ],
'media_video_width', 'integer', 400,
'Video width in media manager', ],
'media_video_height', 'integer', 300,
'Video height in media manager', ],
'nb_post_for_home', 'integer', 20,
'Number of entries on first home page', ],
'nb_post_per_page', 'integer', 20,
'Number of entries on home pages and category pages', ],
'nb_post_per_feed', 'integer', 20,
'Number of entries on feeds', ],
'nb_comment_per_feed', 'integer', 20,
'Number of comments on feeds', ],
'post_url_format', 'string', '{y}/{m}/{d}/{t}',
'Post URL format. {y}: year, {m}: month, {d}: day, {id}: post id, {t}: entry title', ],
'public_path', 'string', 'public',
'Path to public directory, begins with a / for a full system path', ],
'public_url', 'string', '/public',
'URL to public directory', ],
'robots_policy', 'string', 'INDEX,FOLLOW',
'Search engines robots policy', ],
'short_feed_items', 'boolean', false,
'Display short feed items', ],
'theme', 'string', 'berlin',
'Blog theme', ],
'themes_path', 'string', 'themes',
'Themes root path', ],
'themes_url', 'string', '/themes',
'Themes root URL', ],
'time_format', 'string', '%H:%M',
'Time format. See PHP strftime function for patterns', ],
'tpl_allow_php', 'boolean', false,
'Allow PHP code in templates', ],
'tpl_use_cache', 'boolean', true,
'Use template caching', ],
'trackbacks_pub', 'boolean', true,
'Publish trackbacks immediately', ],
'trackbacks_ttl', 'integer', 0,
'Number of days to keep trackbacks open (0 means no ttl)', ],
'url_scan', 'string', 'query_string',
'URL handle mode (path_info or query_string)', ],
'use_smilies', 'boolean', false,
'Show smilies on entries and comments', ],
'no_search', 'boolean', false,
'Disable search', ],
'inc_subcats', 'boolean', false,
'Include sub-categories in category page and category posts feed', ],
'wiki_comments', 'boolean', false,
'Allow commenters to use a subset of wiki syntax', ],
'import_feed_url_control', 'boolean', true,
'Control feed URL before import', ],
'import_feed_no_private_ip', 'boolean', true,
'Prevent import feed from private IP', ],
'import_feed_ip_regexp', 'string', '',
'Authorize import feed only from this IP regexp', ],
'import_feed_port_regexp', 'string', '/^(80|443)$/',
'Authorize import feed only from this port regexp', ],
'jquery_needed', 'boolean', true,
'Load jQuery library', ],

$settings = new dcSettings($this, null);

        foreach (
$defaults as $v) {
$settings->system->put($v[0], $v[2], $v[1], $v[3], false, true);

     * Recreates entries search engine index.
     * @param      mixed   $start  The start entry index
     * @param      mixed   $limit  The limit of entry to index
     * @return     mixed   sum of <var>$start</var> and <var>$limit</var>
public function indexAllPosts($start = null, $limit = null)
$strReq = 'SELECT COUNT(post_id) ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post';
$rs    = $this->con->select($strReq);
$count = $rs->f(0);

$strReq = 'SELECT post_id, post_title, post_excerpt_xhtml, post_content_xhtml ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'post ';

        if (
$start !== null && $limit !== null) {
$strReq .= $this->con->limit($start, $limit);

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq, true);

$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'post');

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$words = $rs->post_title . ' ' . $rs->post_excerpt_xhtml . ' ' .

$cur->post_words = implode(' ', text::splitWords($words));
$cur->update('WHERE post_id = ' . (int) $rs->post_id);

        if (
$start + $limit > $count) {

$start + $limit;

     * Recreates comments search engine index.
     * @param      mixed   $start  The start comment index
     * @param      mixed   $limit  The limit of comment to index
     * @return     mixed   sum of <var>$start</var> and <var>$limit</var>
public function indexAllComments($start = null, $limit = null)
$strReq = 'SELECT COUNT(comment_id) ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment';
$rs    = $this->con->select($strReq);
$count = $rs->f(0);

$strReq = 'SELECT comment_id, comment_content ' .
'FROM ' . $this->prefix . 'comment ';

        if (
$start !== null && $limit !== null) {
$strReq .= $this->con->limit($start, $limit);

$rs = $this->con->select($strReq);

$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->prefix . 'comment');

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$cur->comment_words = implode(' ', text::splitWords($rs->comment_content));
$cur->update('WHERE comment_id = ' . (int) $rs->comment_id);

        if (
$start + $limit > $count) {

$start + $limit;

     * Reinits nb_comment and nb_trackback in post table.
public function countAllComments()
$updCommentReq = 'UPDATE ' . $this->prefix . 'post P ' .
'SET nb_comment = (' .
'SELECT COUNT(C.comment_id) from ' . $this->prefix . 'comment C ' .
'WHERE C.post_id = P.post_id AND C.comment_trackback <> 1 ' .
'AND C.comment_status = 1 ' .
$updTrackbackReq = 'UPDATE ' . $this->prefix . 'post P ' .
'SET nb_trackback = (' .
'SELECT COUNT(C.comment_id) from ' . $this->prefix . 'comment C ' .
'WHERE C.post_id = P.post_id AND C.comment_trackback = 1 ' .
'AND C.comment_status = 1 ' .

     * Empty templates cache directory
public function emptyTemplatesCache()
        if (
is_dir(DC_TPL_CACHE . '/cbtpl')) {
files::deltree(DC_TPL_CACHE . '/cbtpl');

     * Return elapsed time since script has been started
     * @param      mixed   $mtime  timestamp (microtime format) to evaluate
     * delta from current time is taken if null
     * @return     mixed   The elapsed time.
public function getElapsedTime($mtime = null)
        if (
$mtime !== null) {
$mtime - $this->stime;

microtime(true) - $this->stime;