Seditio Source
Root |
 * nestedTree class is based on excellent work of Kuzma Feskov
 * (
 * One day we'll move nestedTree to Clearbricks.
 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Core
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {

dcCategories extends nestedTree
$f_left  = 'cat_lft';
$f_right = 'cat_rgt';
$f_id    = 'cat_id';


     * Constructs a new instance.
     * @param      dcCore  $core   The core
public function __construct(dcCore $core)
$this->core          = &$core;
$this->con           = &$core->con;
$this->blog_id       = $core->blog->id;
$this->table         = $core->prefix . 'category';
$this->add_condition = ['blog_id' => "'" . $this->con->escape($this->blog_id) . "'"];

     * Gets the category children.
     * @param      int     $start   The start
     * @param      mixed   $id      The identifier
     * @param      string  $sort    The sort
     * @param      array   $fields  The fields
     * @return     record  The children.
public function getChildren($start = 0, $id = null, $sort = 'asc', $fields = [])
$fields = array_merge(['cat_title', 'cat_url', 'cat_desc'], $fields);

parent::getChildren($start, $id, $sort, $fields);

     * Gets the parents.
     * @param      int     $id      The category identifier
     * @param      array   $fields  The fields
     * @return     record  The parents.
public function getParents($id, $fields = [])
$fields = array_merge(['cat_title', 'cat_url', 'cat_desc'], $fields);

parent::getParents($id, $fields);

     * Gets the parent.
     * @param      integer  $id      The category identifier
     * @param      array    $fields  The fields
     * @return     record  The parent.
public function getParent($id, $fields = [])
$fields = array_merge(['cat_title', 'cat_url', 'cat_desc'], $fields);

parent::getParent($id, $fields);

abstract class


$add_condition = [];


     * Constructs a new instance.
     * @param      mixed  $con    The con
public function __construct($con)
$this->con = &$con;

     * Gets the children.
     * @param      mixed         $start   The start
     * @param      mixed         $id      The identifier
     * @param      string        $sort    The sort
     * @param      array         $fields  The fields
     * @return     record        The children.
public function getChildren($start = 0, $id = null, $sort = 'asc', $fields = [])
$fields = count($fields) > 0 ? ', C2.' . implode(', C2.', $fields) : '';

$sql = 'SELECT C2.' . $this->f_id . ', C2.' . $this->f_left . ', C2.' . $this->f_right . ', COUNT(C1.' . $this->f_id . ') AS level '
. $fields . ' '
. 'FROM ' . $this->table . ' AS C1, ' . $this->table . ' AS C2 %s '
. 'WHERE C2.' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN C1.' . $this->f_left . ' AND C1.' . $this->f_right . ' '
. ' %s '
. $this->getCondition('AND', 'C2.')
$this->getCondition('AND', 'C1.')
'GROUP BY C2.' . $this->f_id . ', C2.' . $this->f_left . ', C2.' . $this->f_right . ' ' . $fields . ' '
. ' %s '
. 'ORDER BY C2.' . $this->f_left . ' ' . ($sort == 'asc' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC') . ' ';

$from = $where = '';
        if (
$start > 0) {
$from  = ', ' . $this->table . ' AS C3';
$where = 'AND C3.' . $this->f_id . ' = ' . (int) $start . ' AND C1.' . $this->f_left . ' >= C3.' . $this->f_left . ' AND C1.' . $this->f_right . ' <= C3.' . $this->f_right;
$where .= $this->getCondition('AND', 'C3.');

$having = '';
        if (
$id !== null) {
$having = ' HAVING C2.' . $this->f_id . ' = ' . (int) $id;

$sql = sprintf($sql, $from, $where, $having);


     * Gets the parents.
     * @param      mixed         $id      The identifier
     * @param      array         $fields  The fields
     * @return     record        The parents.
public function getParents($id, $fields = [])
$fields = count($fields) > 0 ? ', C1.' . implode(', C1.', $fields) : '';

'SELECT C1.' . $this->f_id . ' ' . $fields . ' '
. 'FROM ' . $this->table . ' C1, ' . $this->table . ' C2 '
. 'WHERE C2.' . $this->f_id . ' = ' . (int) $id . ' '
. 'AND C1.' . $this->f_left . ' < C2.' . $this->f_left . ' '
. 'AND C1.' . $this->f_right . ' > C2.' . $this->f_right . ' '
. $this->getCondition('AND', 'C2.')
$this->getCondition('AND', 'C1.')
'ORDER BY C1.' . $this->f_left . ' ASC '

     * Gets the parent.
     * @param      mixed        $id      The identifier
     * @param      array        $fields  The fields
     * @return     record        The parent.
public function getParent($id, $fields = [])
$fields = count($fields) > 0 ? ', C1.' . implode(', C1.', $fields) : '';

'SELECT C1.' . $this->f_id . ' ' . $fields . ' '
. 'FROM ' . $this->table . ' C1, ' . $this->table . ' C2 '
. 'WHERE C2.' . $this->f_id . ' = ' . (int) $id . ' '
. 'AND C1.' . $this->f_left . ' < C2.' . $this->f_left . ' '
. 'AND C1.' . $this->f_right . ' > C2.' . $this->f_right . ' '
. $this->getCondition('AND', 'C2.')
$this->getCondition('AND', 'C1.')
'ORDER BY C1.' . $this->f_left . ' DESC '
. $this->con->limit(1)

/* ------------------------------------------------
     * Tree manipulations
     * ---------------------------------------------- */
     * Adds a node.
     * @param      mixed      $data    The data
     * @param      int        $target  The target
     * @throws     Exception
     * @return     mixed
public function addNode($data, $target = 0)
        if (!
is_array($data) && !($data instanceof cursor)) {
            throw new
Exception('Invalid data block');

        if (
is_array($data)) {
$D    = $data;
$data = $this->con->openCursor($this->table);
            foreach (
$D as $k => $v) {
$data->{$k} = $v;

# We want to put it at the end

        try {
$rs = $this->con->select('SELECT MAX(' . $this->f_id . ') as n_id FROM ' . $this->table);
$id = $rs->n_id;

$rs = $this->con->select(
'SELECT MAX(' . $this->f_right . ') as n_r ' .
'FROM ' . $this->table .
$last = $rs->n_r == 0 ? 1 : $rs->n_r;

$data->{$this->f_id}    = $id   + 1;
$data->{$this->f_left}  = $last + 1;
$data->{$this->f_right} = $last + 2;


            try {
$this->setNodeParent($id + 1, $target);

            } catch (
Exception $e) {
# We don't mind error in this case
} catch (Exception $e) {


     * Update position
     * @param      mixed  $id     The identifier
     * @param      mixed  $left   The left
     * @param      mixed  $right  The right
public function updatePosition($id, $left, $right)
$node_left  = (int) $left;
$node_right = (int) $right;
$node_id    = (int) $id;
$sql        = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_left . ' = ' . $node_left . ', '
. $this->f_right . ' = ' . $node_right
. ' WHERE ' . $this->f_id . ' = ' . $node_id
. $this->getCondition();


        try {
        } catch (
Exception $e) {


     * Delete a node
     * @param      mixed      $node           The node
     * @param      bool       $keep_children  keep children
     * @throws     Exception
public function deleteNode($node, $keep_children = true)
$node = (int) $node;

$rs = $this->getChildren(0, $node);
        if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
            throw new
Exception('Node does not exist.');
$node_left  = (int) $rs->{$this->f_left};
$node_right = (int) $rs->{$this->f_right};

        try {

            if (
$keep_children) {
$this->con->execute('DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ' . $this->f_id . ' = ' . $node);

$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_right . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' - 1 '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_right . ' > ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' - 2 '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_right . ' '
. 'END, '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' - 1 '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' > ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' - 2 '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' '
. 'END '
. 'WHERE ' . $this->f_right . ' > ' . $node_left
. $this->getCondition();

            } else {
$this->con->execute('DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right);

$node_delta = $node_right - $node_left + 1;
$sql        = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' > ' . $node_left . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' - (' . $node_delta . ') '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' '
. 'END, '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_right . ' > ' . $node_left . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' - (' . $node_delta . ') '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_right . ' '
. 'END '
. 'WHERE ' . $this->f_right . ' > ' . $node_right
. $this->getCondition();

        } catch (
Exception $e) {


     * Reset order
public function resetOrder()
$rs = $this->con->select(
'SELECT ' . $this->f_id . ' '
. 'FROM ' . $this->table . ' '
. $this->getCondition('WHERE')
'ORDER BY ' . $this->f_left . ' ASC '

$lft = 2;

        try {
            while (
$rs->fetch()) {
'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_left . ' = ' . ($lft++) . ', '
. $this->f_right . ' = ' . ($lft++) . ' '
. 'WHERE ' . $this->f_id . ' = ' . (int) $rs->{$this->f_id} . ' '
. $this->getCondition()
        } catch (
Exception $e) {


     * Sets the node parent.
     * @param      mixed        $node    The node
     * @param      mixed        $target  The target
     * @throws     Exception
public function setNodeParent($node, $target = 0)
        if (
$node == $target) {
$node   = (int) $node;
$target = (int) $target;

$rs = $this->getChildren(0, $node);
        if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
            throw new
Exception('Node does not exist.');
$node_left  = (int) $rs->{$this->f_left};
$node_right = (int) $rs->{$this->f_right};
$node_level = (int) $rs->level;

        if (
$target > 0) {
$rs = $this->getChildren(0, $target);
        } else {
$rs = $this->con->select(
'SELECT MIN(' . $this->f_left . ')-1 AS ' . $this->f_left . ', MAX(' . $this->f_right . ')+1 AS ' . $this->f_right . ', 0 AS level ' .
'FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' .
$target_left  = (int) $rs->{$this->f_left};
$target_right = (int) $rs->{$this->f_right};
$target_level = (int) $rs->level;

        if (
$node_left == $target_left
|| ($target_left >= $node_left && $target_left <= $node_right)
            || (
$node_level == $target_level + 1 && $node_left > $target_left && $node_right < $target_right)
        ) {
            throw new
Exception('Cannot move tree');

        if (
$target_left < $node_left && $target_right > $node_right && $target_level < $node_level - 1) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_right . ' BETWEEN ' . ($node_right + 1) . ' AND ' . ($target_right - 1) . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . '-(' . ($node_right - $node_left + 1) . ') '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . '+' . ((($target_right - $node_right - $node_level + $target_level) / 2) * 2 + $node_level - $target_level - 1) . ' '
. 'ELSE '
. $this->f_right . ' '
. 'END, '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($node_right + 1) . ' AND ' . ($target_right - 1) . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . '-(' . ($node_right - $node_left + 1) . ') '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . '+' . ((($target_right - $node_right - $node_level + $target_level) / 2) * 2 + $node_level - $target_level - 1) . ' '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' '
. 'END '
. 'WHERE ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($target_left + 1) . ' AND ' . ($target_right - 1) . '';
        } elseif (
$target_left < $node_left) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $target_right . ' AND ' . ($node_left - 1) . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . '+' . ($node_right - $node_left + 1) . ' '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . '-(' . ($node_left - $target_right) . ') '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' '
. 'END, '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_right . ' BETWEEN ' . $target_right . ' AND ' . $node_left . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . '+' . ($node_right - $node_left + 1) . ' '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_right . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . '-(' . ($node_left - $target_right) . ') '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_right . ' '
. 'END '
. 'WHERE (' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $target_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'OR ' . $this->f_right . ' BETWEEN ' . $target_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ')';
        } else {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_right . ' AND ' . $target_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . '-' . ($node_right - $node_left + 1) . ' '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_left . '+' . ($target_right - 1 - $node_right) . ' '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' '
. 'END, '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_right . ' BETWEEN ' . ($node_right + 1) . ' AND ' . ($target_right - 1) . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . '-' . ($node_right - $node_left + 1) . ' '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_right . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $node_right . ' '
. 'THEN ' . $this->f_right . '+' . ($target_right - 1 - $node_right) . ' '
. 'ELSE ' . $this->f_right . ' '
. 'END '
. 'WHERE (' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $target_right . ' '
. 'OR ' . $this->f_right . ' BETWEEN ' . $node_left . ' AND ' . $target_right . ')';

$sql .= ' ' . $this->getCondition();


     * Sets the node position.
     * @param      mixed     $nodeA     The node a
     * @param      mixed     $nodeB     The node b
     * @param      string    $position  The position
     * @throws     Exception
public function setNodePosition($nodeA, $nodeB, $position = 'after')
$nodeA = (int) $nodeA;
$nodeB = (int) $nodeB;

$rs = $this->getChildren(0, $nodeA);
        if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
            throw new
Exception('Node does not exist.');
$A_left  = $rs->{$this->f_left};
$A_right = $rs->{$this->f_right};
$A_level = $rs->level;

$rs = $this->getChildren(0, $nodeB);
        if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
            throw new
Exception('Node does not exist.');
$B_left  = $rs->{$this->f_left};
$B_right = $rs->{$this->f_right};
$B_level = $rs->level;

        if (
$A_level != $B_level) {
            throw new
Exception('Cannot change position');

$rs      = $this->getParents($nodeA);
$parentA = $rs->isEmpty() ? 0 : $rs->{$this->f_id};
$rs      = $this->getParents($nodeB);
$parentB = $rs->isEmpty() ? 0 : $rs->{$this->f_id};

        if (
$parentA != $parentB) {
            throw new
Exception('Cannot change position');

        if (
$position == 'before') {
            if (
$A_left > $B_left) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $A_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' - (' . ($A_left - $B_left) . ') '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $B_left . ' AND ' . ($A_left - 1) . ' THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' +  ' . ($A_right - $A_left + 1) . ' ELSE ' . $this->f_right . ' END, '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $A_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' - (' . ($A_left - $B_left) . ') '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $B_left . ' AND ' . ($A_left - 1) . ' THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' + ' . ($A_right - $A_left + 1) . ' ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' END '
. 'WHERE ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $B_left . ' AND ' . $A_right;
            } else {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $A_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' + ' . (($B_left - $A_left) - ($A_right - $A_left + 1)) . ' '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($A_right + 1) . ' AND ' . ($B_left - 1) . ' THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' - (' . (($A_right - $A_left + 1)) . ') ELSE ' . $this->f_right . ' END, '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $A_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' + ' . (($B_left - $A_left) - ($A_right - $A_left + 1)) . ' '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($A_right + 1) . ' AND ' . ($B_left - 1) . ' THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' - (' . ($A_right - $A_left + 1) . ') ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' END '
. 'WHERE ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . ($B_left - 1);
        } else {
            if (
$A_left > $B_left) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $A_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' - (' . ($A_left - $B_left - ($B_right - $B_left + 1)) . ') '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($B_right + 1) . ' AND ' . ($A_left - 1) . ' THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' +  ' . ($A_right - $A_left + 1) . ' ELSE ' . $this->f_right . ' END, '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $A_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' - (' . ($A_left - $B_left - ($B_right - $B_left + 1)) . ') '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($B_right + 1) . ' AND ' . ($A_left - 1) . ' THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' + ' . ($A_right - $A_left + 1) . ' ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' END '
. 'WHERE ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($B_right + 1) . ' AND ' . $A_right;
            } else {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table . ' SET '
. $this->f_right . ' = CASE WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $A_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' + ' . ($B_right - $A_right) . ' '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($A_right + 1) . ' AND ' . $B_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_right . ' - (' . (($A_right - $A_left + 1)) . ') ELSE ' . $this->f_right . ' END, '
. $this->f_left . ' = CASE WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $A_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' + ' . ($B_right - $A_right) . ' '
. 'WHEN ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . ($A_right + 1) . ' AND ' . $B_right . ' THEN ' . $this->f_left . ' - (' . ($A_right - $A_left + 1) . ') ELSE ' . $this->f_left . ' END '
. 'WHERE ' . $this->f_left . ' BETWEEN ' . $A_left . ' AND ' . $B_right;

$sql .= $this->getCondition();

     * Gets the condition.
     * @param      string  $start   The start
     * @param      string  $prefix  The prefix
     * @return     string  The condition.
protected function getCondition($start = 'AND', $prefix = '')
        if (empty(
$this->add_condition)) {

$w = [];
        foreach (
$this->add_condition as $c => $n) {
$w[] = $prefix . $c . ' = ' . $n;

' ' . $start . ' ' . implode(' AND ', $w) . ' ';